• s38b35M5 s38b35M5 14 hours ago 100%

    Filing taxes is how we get refunds for overpaying in the US.

    Paying taxes is done for us, through withholding out of our paychecks (don't need a SS#, as a TIN will do here), sales tax on purchases of goods, and in other ways, like connected to housing, etc.

  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 14 hours ago 100%


  • thepoliceproblem THE POLICE PROBLEM The NYPD Is Tossing Out Hundreds of Misconduct Cases — Including Stop-and-Frisks — Without Even Looking at Them
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 7 days ago 100%

    “It’s irresponsible for the Department, and a disservice to its officers and to the people of the city of New York for the NYPD to claim it needs more than 60 days to review every case it receives from CCRB,” said the Rev. Fred Davie, who chaired the oversight board until two years ago. “Simply ignoring substantiated incidents of misconduct is truly untenable and indefensible.”

    The CCRB did have a history of handling cases slowly, but that was due in large part to the NYPD withholding evidence from civilian investigators, a 2020 investigation by ProPublica found.

    After police shot and killed a Bronx man in his own apartment in 2019, the department refused to share the body-camera footage with the oversight board for more than a year and a half. The delay prevented the CCRB from filing charges against the officers within the statute of limitations. (The department has since pledged to hand over body-camera footage within 90 days of a request from the board.)

    This year, Caban announced that he would not impose any discipline in the killing. He approved an NYPD judge’s ruling that the oversight board had acted too late.

    “The CCRB is not perfect, but its goal is clearly accountability,” said Chris Dunn, legal director of the New York Civil Liberties Union. “The NYPD clearly does not have that goal. When a problem arises, the department’s default solution is to kill the case.”

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars The US finally takes aim at truck bloat
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 7 days ago 100%

    Having lived out of the US for two years, returning is a shock to the system with the size and exhaust volume of the vehicles on the road. I am skeptical that these changes can get through the gauntlet of lobbyists, however.

  • thepoliceproblem THE POLICE PROBLEM Fifth Circuit Rejects Dog-Killing Cop’s Pleas For Qualified Immunity
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 week ago 80%

    What sort of detail? It explains their neutral postures and wagging tails, but thankfully no description of their end beyond number of shots fired and the blood on the floor.

  • thepoliceproblem
    THE POLICE PROBLEM s38b35M5 1 week ago 99%
    Fifth Circuit Rejects Dog-Killing Cop’s Pleas For Qualified Immunity www.techdirt.com

    _The video makes it disturbingly clear that the kitchen floor, onto which Killian was ordering Ramirez and Gonzales to lie down, was covered by this point in their dogs’ blood._

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy Is there is any lemmy instance that does not require email and enable down votes?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 week ago 100%

    I took OP to Kean they wanted an instance that doesn't enable downvotes. Not sure...

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Is there is any lemmy instance that does not require email and enable down votes?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 weeks ago 100%
  • explainlikeimfive Explain Like I'm Five ELI5 how come Discord can give out military specs and warn the FBI about a shooter without being tried to shutdown like tictok and others??
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 weeks ago 75%


    TikTok does what every other social media app does (which is 100% legal in the US, thanks to corrupt leaders and law makers), but:China, so: Bad.

  • thepoliceproblem THE POLICE PROBLEM Former Aurora cop charged with raping daughter remains free as mom is sent to jail
    voyagerapp Voyager Unable to add pictures
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 4 weeks ago 100%

    Seems to work

  • aww aww Just Kidding!
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 4 weeks ago 100%

    Is something wrong at the well, girl?

  • map_enthusiasts Map Enthusiasts Map Shows States That Will Vote on Abortion Rights in November - Newsweek
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 4 weeks ago 83%

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 4 weeks ago 100%

    My suggestion doesn't make sense in the classic PATA sense either, since there were potentially several "slave" devices, but they weren't slaves so much as dependent on the "master."

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 4 weeks ago 95%


  • linux Linux Has anyone ever cloned a disk with the GPT partition scheme?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    Clonezilla runs lots of tasks after (and before) dd that are in the log file(s) on the live environment before you reboot. I haven't used it in a while, but I'm confident that one of the tasks is updating grub

  • thepoliceproblem THE POLICE PROBLEM Child rapist ex-cop’s 10-weekend US jail sentence called ‘epitome of injustice’
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    No! Don't worry! The judge "hopes" the skinner will be a good boy now.

    According to Rochester news outlet WROC, Karle approved Jordan’s plea deal after telling him: “I hope you feel shame, I hope you feel remorse, and I hope you never ever hurt another child.”

    If only judges could impose a sentence of some kind, perhaps as a way to punish them for their crimes, and as a deterrent to others. Alas... only if poor and dark.

  • privacy Privacy Very simple way to improve your privacy and security massively.
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    I agree that most websites don't load without JavaScript, but you don't need seven or more different domains with java allowed for the main site to work. Most sites have their own, plus six google domains, including tag manager, Facebook, etc. I whitelist the website and leave the analytics and tracking domains off.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions is there a trustworthy SMS MMS app for Android that's not Google?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    Agreed. Another change that got me was removing the ability to set a unique color for your contacts.

    "We've removed the ability to set color for your contacts. Our users are too sophisticated to need at-a-glance ID of chat by color, but we've added the useless ability to change the color of your own messages you send. That's useful, right?"

    There's no shortage of loud feedback from the userbase in their forums, but they dismiss it all and force ahead indifferently.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Please help me stop my baby from crying because kodi keeps buffering
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    Kodi on my 2015 Nvidia Shield doesn't stutter for me playing back 30GB+ 4k files on a 1Gb network from an ancient (2012) AMD Athlon TrueNAS box. It could be network related, but you can test this from another machine (laptop, desktop, etc) or by using local playback on the pi. I have cheap network hardware, and have never needed better. All this is to say Kodi mounting NFS shouldn't need much bandwidth or high end gear. Perhaps the issue is on the playback side. Good luck!

    Edit: and an

  • vegan vegan Adam Britton: British croc expert jailed for sexual abuse of dogs
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    More reason to never give away pets on a website... yikes.

  • news News Darryl George: Judge dismisses racial discrimination claim in civil rights lawsuit and allows sex discrimination claim to proceed
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    I stand corrected. "Particularized," strikes again...

  • news News Darryl George: Judge dismisses racial discrimination claim in civil rights lawsuit and allows sex discrimination claim to proceed
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    TIL that it's apparently not racial discrimination if you do it sparingly.

  • linux Linux Timeshift just saved my Mint Install
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    I think the first time I hosed it, I may have canceled the backup mid-process because I realized it wasn't configured properly. Then I found and deleted snapshot files, IIRC, and things went south from there.

    I'll try again, but only on a fresh system with no value to me, not my daily driver. I know I can harness it, but for now I'm sceeeured.

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK Americans, check to see if you can vote. Its real quick.
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    In the USA many states work very hard to remove voters' registration and voting locations so the folks they don't want voting can't place their votes.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars Seems like a nice guy, hope he doesn't run me over :)
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 90%

    Same. Choices like these keep us sane and happier.

  • privacy Privacy RIP Session Messenger
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    Who would of guessed

    ...would have guessed. You may be thinking of the sound of the contraction, "would've," a joining of would and have that sounds similar to "would of."

  • linux Linux Timeshift just saved my Mint Install
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 1 month ago 100%

    I've been reluctant to use Timeshift (in rsync mode) because I've twice ended up hosed by it (quite possibly because of a fundamental misunderstanding).

    Doesn't Timeshift create snapshot files that your system ends up living in, much like VMware?

    Case in point, I misconfigured the Timeshift backup location and wanted to correct it. I deleted snapshot files and went about pointing to the new location. But on reboot, all failed because the snapshot files were apparently live, and could no longer be found. I was dead in the water and had to reinstall. A few weeks later I tried again and ended up in the same situation where a snapshot location was removed and the system failed.

    Now I'm afraid to use it.

    I frequently read posts and other info like this that lead me to believe I just did something wrong and can benefit from using Timeshift, but I also don't want to rely on running from snapshot files, and prefer my backup to live in snapshots, rather than my live system.

    I'm used to snapshots in TrueNAS and virtualization, so this should be an easy transition, but experience has taught me fear.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming ROMhacking.net Moves to News Only, Database and File Archive Released to Internet Archive
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 100%

    Holy shit, the backend was Wordpress

    Of RDHO, not RDHN

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Help me understand littering
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 100%

    tl;dr I really don't get it either.

    I really don't understand how people can do it. I moved to a developing nation in the Caribbean. Everyone's livelihood is connected to nature here. Reefs, especially. Yet every local I have met will casually toss their garbage. I went to a festival on the beach and most of the locals were burying their trash in the sand just enough to keep it from blowing away in the moment. Some don't even bother with that pretense. There were trash cans in easy strolling distance, every 50 feet.

    The roads and waterways are stuffed with garbage here. I live on a canal that connects to the sea, and have watched tour guides and fishing expeditions tossing plastic bottles, polystyrene food containers and plastic bags overboard daily for two years. These are the same people protesting dredging their flats and cayes near the reef, but inexplicably and deliberately ignorant of their own impact.

    Also interesting to observe is the speed at which the nation transitioned from class and aluminum drink containers to plastics. Mt first visit here was just three years ago, and most drinks were in bottles that were clearly recycled. Laser etch marks, rubbing from other bottles, etc. Now its all plastic. There's a national ban on single use plastics, but it isn't enforced, and it all ends up in the water and in the ground.

    When I first witnessed the ghastly indifference of everyone here regarding proper disposal of garbage, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was like watching a bunch of five year-old kids, the way they shamelessly toss their trash to the wind.

  • trees Trees 6 In 10 Americans Are 'Surprised' Marijuana Hasn't Been Legalized Across The U.S. Yet, Poll Finds
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 100%

    So, 3 in 5?

  • privacy Privacy Decided to start paying predominantly cash again
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 90%

    I'm nor a cash-only convert, but I have some anecdotal evidence for you.

    I've visited Boston five times in the past thirty years. Every single time I used my debit card at Thanuel Hall for food, my card was later used for fraud. Always caught and never a big inconvenience beyond replacing my card, but still not ideal. I only ever use cash there now.

    Online shopping, before the Amazon monopoly on e-commerce, my card would get compromised every few months.

    Now I use privacy.com for all transactions that allow it, and its amazing how often those cards are stolen. Thanks to the way the service works, the stolen cards are useless to scammers or thieves, but my declined transaction filter has a few charges declined each month.

    My point being that if you want to avoid fraud, and you can do it, cash is king.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars But how will people know what size the pp is?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 100%

    The tonneau cover is usually there because A) they do mostly highway mikes and want the improved mileage resulting from reduced drag, and B) they rarely use the bed, as those covers are a PITA unless you only remove it once in a great while.

    I live in Central America where its mostly little trucks owned by workers, and they often drive on mud roads and hard terrain. The only people with trucks like the black one in the picture are US expats with ...particular political leanings.

  • linux Linux I Love Linux (because it isn't Windows)
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 88%

    I've never, in multiple decades of using Windows, and thousands of updates, ever had an update installed and not had my computer work again. I suspect this is most people's experience, or they wouldn't use it.

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't trolling and instead congratulate you on being a lucky Windows user. That's unicorn-level awesome to me. As a former tech for public universities for 14 years, I can attest to the validity of OP's description.

    Faculty and staff begged for methods to postpone updates that randomly introduced breaking changes, and its easy to recall the many times I was in a lecture hall rolling back audio drivers that broke the A/V setup after updates. Professors would be mid-lecture or mid-exam and have a video card driver update without warning and set their screen to mirror instead of extend, putting their notes or answer key up for the class to see and breaking their lesson plan. Disabled hardware would be updated and reenabled, breaking input or output devices.

    I've certainly had updates (especially when they began including BIOS updates without asking) break system function irreversibly as well, like when whole campuses had a new TPM version (1.x > 2.x) pushed without warning, which caused them to fail to boot with the static image they were running. The state was slow to fully-implement WSUS, but got on the ball by 2018. That changed everything.

    Suffice to say that while you my have gotten lucky and never experienced any downtime resulting from an unscheduled Windows update, others definitely have.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What's the bang for the buck go to setup for AI image generation and LLM models?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 100%

    Thx. I'm dabbling rn with a 2015 Intel i5 SFF and a low profile 6400 GPU, but it looks like I'll be getting back to all my gear soon, and was curious to see what others are having success running with.

    I think I'm looking at upgrading to a 7600 or greater GPU in a ryzen 7, but still on the sidelines watching the ryzen 9k rollout.

    I still haven't tried any image generation, have only used llamafile and LM studio, but would like to did a little deeper, while accounting for my dreaded ADHD that makes it miserable to learn new skills...

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Why do so many people use NGINX?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 100%

    I'm reminded of this blog/article on Ars about ripping out OLS and reverting to NGINX. There's some good info there, and also links to other of his posts on the subject and references. Good read.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What's the bang for the buck go to setup for AI image generation and LLM models?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 100%

    Details on your setup?

  • privacy Privacy Anyone having issues with Freetube today
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 100%

    Same with Newpipe if anyone is wondering.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Immich relies on a third-party service that seems shady to me
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 100%

    This is a great post! I don't use immich; I use ente.io and I don't host it, but I do know they use OSM, as confirmed in #14 of their privacy policy:

    Open Street Maps

    I don't self host presently, but if I get my server hardware back (moved out of the country a while) I want to dabble with a self hosted photo solution, so I'm glad to have found your post that keeps this fresh in my mind.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore?
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 98%

    Back in the 1980's they told me it'd trickle down.


  • privacy Privacy For those who want to use Firefox with added security and privacy there is Arkenfox
  • s38b35M5 s38b35M5 2 months ago 100%

    Librewolf supports Mozilla sync

  • thepoliceproblem
    THE POLICE PROBLEM s38b35M5 2 months ago 95%
    Phoenix PD, Union Already Complaining About DOJ Consent Decree That Hasn’t Even Been Served Yet www.techdirt.com

    > If a dearth of officers results in higher crime rates, Phoenix residents need to remember cops walked away from the job because they didn’t want to do if it required respecting constitutional rights. And if the city has trouble attracting replacements, that says far more about the people attracted to law enforcement careers than the specifics of the job itself.

    Voyager s38b35M5 3 months ago 100%
    Does this post cause anybody else's android app to hang?

    cross-posted from: https://reddthat.com/post/21412303 > Water shed map of the Great Lakes Edit: to be clear, I mean the original post. Thx for anyone checking

    No Stupid Questions s38b35M5 3 months ago 91%
    Disable windows updates

    I haven't run windows since 2019. However I need to boot my old drive to grab some data. I really need to make sure this system doesn't update any windows components, but I'll need it to have internet access for a portion of the time. On a different system, I used to have two reg keys that I would run to disable or enable updates when I found that disabling the services only worked until the watchdog would re enable them. Those resulted in updates saying something was wrong, which is perfect by me. Now that web searches for stuff like this are all AI-gen'd SEO BS, can anyone tell me or point me to a reliable resource for truly disabling updates on Win 10? PS - Bonus points if Anyone can link me to the page I used a few years back that had all sorts of privacy enhancing and telemetry disabling option on the left side and would create a reg file for applying those changes on the right. It might have been a purple theme, I forget. Edit: it may also have been a "services" command that fully disabled services from CLI where the GUI says access denied. I forget. Edit 2: I got the updates services disabled via registry. Thanks to those who refreshed my old Windows admin memory. I dumped Windows on my personal systems years ago, and haven't had to think about this for a while. It's a shame when the operating system changes to this model of SaaS where they call all the shots. I want security updates, but not bleeding edge drivers, candy crush, "feature enhancements", random unexpected reboots, etc. I miss when the update feature didn't assume nobody in the world could handle manual updates. You know, like `sudo apt-get update`.

    THE POLICE PROBLEM s38b35M5 3 months ago 99%
    Sixth Circuit Tells Ohio AG To Stop Blocking Ballot Initiative Calling For End Of Qualified Immunity www.techdirt.com

    > "Pursuant to Ohio law, Plaintiffs drafted their amendment and summary, collected their one thousand qualified supporting signatures, and filed it with the Ohio Attorney General, David Yost. **On at least six occasions, Yost declined to certify Plaintiffs’ summary.**" > Tellingly, the AG’s office invoked sovereign immunity as another option to escape this lawsuit and the proposed injunction. Sovereign immunity is one of several immunities the ballot measure hopes to eradicate. If the AG detected any irony when raising this immunity, it certainly didn’t stop him from invoking it.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearAN
    Anti-Corporate Movement s38b35M5 3 months ago 95%
    Apple punishes women for same behaviors that get men promoted, lawsuit says arstechnica.com

    > Jong, currently a customer/technical training instructor on Apple's global developer relations/app review team, said that she only became aware of a stark pay disparity by chance. > "One day, I saw a W-2 left on the office printer," Jong said. "It belonged to my male colleague, who has the same job position. I noticed that he was being paid almost $10,000 more than me, even though we performed substantially similar work. This revelation made me feel terrible." [...] > According to the complaint, several of Apple's policies favoring men have further entrenched the alleged pay gap. That includes Apple's performance evaluation system, which women suing alleged rewarded men in categories such as teamwork and leadership but "penalized" women for excelling in those areas. > Apple also seemingly has "a policy or practice of selecting individuals who have 'talent' and compensating those persons more highly than other employees." But neither Jong nor Salgado—although both have held various leadership roles—were ever designated as "talent" deserving of a pay increase, the lawsuit said. They've alleged that this Apple policy is biased against women, more often rewarding male "talent" while female talent goes unacknowledged. > "More men are identified as having talent," the complaint said. > Separately, Jong has also alleged that Apple subjected her to a hostile work environment after a senior member of her team, Blaine Weilert, sexually harassed her. After she complained, Apple investigated and Weilert reportedly admitted to touching her "in a sexually suggestive manner without her consent," the complaint said. Apple then disciplined Weilert but ultimately would not allow Jong to escape the hostile work environment, requiring that she work with Weilert on different projects. Apple later promoted Weilert. > As a result of Weilert's promotion, the complaint said that Apple placed Weilert in a desk "sitting adjacent" to Jong's in Apple’s offices. Following a request to move her desk, a manager allegedly "questioned" Jong's "willingness to perform her job and collaborate" with Weilert, advising that she be “professional, respectful, and collaborative,” rather than honoring her request for a non-hostile workplace. > As a result of Weilert's promotion, the complaint said that Apple placed Weilert in a desk "sitting adjacent" to Jong's in Apple’s offices. Following a request to move her desk, a manager allegedly "questioned" Jong's "willingness to perform her job and collaborate" with Weilert, advising that she be “professional, respectful, and collaborative,” rather than honoring her request for a non-hostile workplace.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearAN
    Anti-Corporate Movement s38b35M5 4 months ago 100%
    The Raiding of Red Lobster prospect.org

    > The bankrupt casual restaurant chain didn’t fail because of Endless Shrimp. Its problems date back to monopolist seafood conglomerates and a private equity play. > The company abruptly [shuttered](https://www.businessinsider.com/red-lobster-staff-vent-online-furious-about-layoffs-restaurant-closures-2024-5) roughly 50 of its locations across the country last week without informing employees, who showed up to work only to find signs announcing the closures, which may be a potential labor law violation. According to staff complaints, they only later received notice that they’d be laid off or transferred to the remaining stores, in some cases many miles away. A good read for anyone who wants the truth about the fail upward brunch lords who play with the lives of their workers for high fives and walk away with billions while the companies they put on their resumes get stacked with debt and crumble under the weight.

    THE POLICE PROBLEM s38b35M5 4 months ago 98%
    Fontana pays nearly $900,000 for ‘psychological torture’ inflicted by police to get false confession www.sbsun.com

    > According to court records, detectives told Perez that his father was dead, that they had recovered his body and it now “wore a toe tag at the morgue.” They said they had evidence that Perez killed his father and that he should just admit it, records show. > Perez insisted he didn’t remember killing anyone, but detectives allegedly told him that the human mind often tries to suppress troubling memories. > At one point during the interrogation, the investigators even threatened to have his pet Labrador Retriever, Margosha, euthanized as a stray, and brought the dog into the room so he could say goodbye. “OK? Your dog’s now gone, forget about it,” said an investigator. [Court Decision](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.756754/gov.uscourts.cacd.756754.94.0.pdf) (PDF)

    No Stupid Questions s38b35M5 4 months ago 100%
    Opus > Vorbis conversion w/ffmpeg Q's

    When I use `yt-dlp -x` to grab audio only, the resulting opus files are often troublesome to play back in strawberry, stopping unexpectedly. They also sometimes don't index at all, and metadata including embedded cover art don't seem to stick. So, since most of my library is already vorbis in OGG files, I have been converting the files, but my inexperience with audio codecs and YouTube audio formats in general is shining through. I use 320kbps, but the resulting files are typically about twice the size afterward. I'm thinking I'm probably wasting space for no reason. What is a comparable bitrate for the OGG files for a given bitrate opus source file? EDIT: Here is my conversion script `find ./ -iname "*.opus" | parallel --load 0.9 ffmpeg -i {} -c:a libvorbis -b:a 320k "{.}.ogg"` EDIT2: Here is the updated version with a suggestion from @Supermariofan67@programming.dev `find ./ -iname "*.opus" | parallel --load 0.9 ffmpeg -i {} -c:a libvorbis -q:a 6 "{.}.ogg"` which results in only slightly larger files (5.4MB > 7.2MB).

    Privacy s38b35M5 4 months ago 94%
    Thoughts on Google turning every device into a scanner for Find My Device?

    Received notice of a change to the service in my inbox today. Seems icky to me. > Devices in the network use Bluetooth to scan for nearby items. If other devices detect your items, they’ll securely send the locations where the items were detected to Find My Device. Your Android devices will do the same to help others find their offline items when detected nearby > Your devices’ locations will be encrypted using the PIN, pattern, or password for your Android devices. They can only be seen by you and those you share your devices with in Find My Device. They will not be visible to Google or used for other purposes. ETA: here's the link to opt out: [opt out of the network](https://www.google.com/android/find/settings/fmdn)

    cats s38b35M5 5 months ago 99%
    Meet Charlie. This is his lovey morning face

    Stats Age - ~10yrs Weight - 10lbs Claws - present and trimmed twice monthly Disposition - Alpha male, but gets scared of his 7lbs sister when predator mode is activated Favorite food - spicy chip crumbs Intelligence on 1 to 10 - 6 (kind of derpy but knows about twenty words and does tricks for food) History Charlie was a wild feral trapped in 2017 by a shelter in Maine as part of a spay/neuter program (hence the missing ear tip). When they prepared to release him to the wild again, he had come down with a respiratory infection, and had to be treated for over a month. During that time, he became docile toward some people, so they decided to try to adopt him. They named him Banana. Prospective parents didn't like him because he was indifferent at best or hissing and growling at worst. He also didn't get along with other cats. We're suckers for cats with hard stories, so we scooped him up and brought him home as our only cat (for a time), where he quickly became my buddy. He was 13 pounds when we brought him home, but he's a much more lithe weight now. He lives with a 7 year old female tabby who is tiny and forever kitten. She and Charlie play a lot, and no matter how much he bullies her, she always gets right back in his face and doesn't back down. When he can't find her, he cries; not from loneliness, but fear of where her tiny sharp teeth will come out of hiding from. I'll be sharing fun pictures of Charlie and his sister from time to time. Enjoy your weekend, Lemmy!

    General Discussion s38b35M5 5 months ago 100%
    qBT total size vs downloaded mismatch

    When using qBitTorrent to download Linux ISOs, I am seeing that the total size of the download is one thing, then the total downloaded when complete exceeds (sometimes by almost double) that size. For example: ``` Size Downloaded 900MB 1.56GB 1.6GB 1.91GB ``` Why is that thing?

    Linux s38b35M5 6 months ago 100%
    Booting from M.2 on HP EB 840 G2

    Anyone have experience getting an HP EliteBook 840 G2 to boot from M.2? There's only one setting in BIOS to enable it, and it's enabled by default. Latest BIOS update. It's in the boot order. It's even seen when pressing F9 for boot options. I see `MX23` but no grub (under legacy) or EFI files found in the ESP partition (under UEFI). I've tried cloning my functional SSD install with `dd` and clonezilla with no errors, but both result in no boot disk found. Same with a fresh install to the drive from live USB. I've moved through full legacy, to hybrid, full UEFI, but none see the device as bootable after install. Loading GRUB or Syslinux and attempting to boot from HD also fails to boot from the M.2. TIA Edit: added clarification what was being cloned

    No Stupid Questions s38b35M5 7 months ago 100%
    [SOLVED-sort of] GPU only works in x4 slot on HP ED 800 G3 SFF

    ::: spoiler spoiler I very limited as to what computer hardware I have access to in where I live (not the USA), but I managed to get my hands on a used [HP Elitedesk 800 G3 SFF](https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/hp-elitedesk-800-g3-small-form-factor-pc/model/15257622) and waited months for an [AMD FX 6400 Low Profile](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09YTB3KH6?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) to arrive. Now I am having trouble with this card. I know the reviews state that the card can't take advantage of my x16 slot bandwidth, but I expected to be able to use it in that slot, as the x4 slot is right against the power supply, and the card doesn't breathe well at all there, and thermal throttles. However, when I slot the GPU in the x16 slot, the PC won't POST. I find no settings in the fairly limited [BIOS options](https://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c06696065.pdf) that would prevent this, and a test Nvidia GT 720 works in the x16 slot just fine. I'm out of ideas to get this to work. Legacy/UEFI Option ROM settings make none. The port is enabled in the section that toggles availability. I thought this would be related to my M.2, but the 720 is a x16 lane card, and it works fine in the x16 slot, so now I'm just left scratching my head. **Anyone have experience with this issue?** Most results I find on my search terms are for custom builds with more BIOS settings than a business-class HP Elitedesk. That said, my search-fu is not what it once was before my mental illness advanced, and now I can't as easily assimilate information, so it's possible I am missing something right in front of my face. ::: EDIT: After days of fiddling, I made this post and went back to troubleshooting. It just booted with no problems. Scratching my head, but something I did in passing was the trick. Now to make sure I save these exact settings! EDIT2: It turns out it was always working, and it is just BIOS/UEFI screens that will not display. This kept me from installing my base OS at all until I moved the GPU to the x4 slot. Since I installed the OS with the GPU in the x4 slot, now it boots to the point where I enter my luks encryption key and I'm good, but it still won't show the BIOS screens. Perhaps I need to enable the legacy Option ROM for video?

    General Discussion s38b35M5 7 months ago 97%
    Remember when Google Music hadn't been killed yet...?

    I'm cleaning out my gmail folders this weekend, and went deep into the archive to 2011, when I got my invite to Google Music. It's funny, because I just (November) moved all of my music out of cloud and back to local-only. Amazon was the last straw, when I tried to play purchased music, and was forced to listen to it on shuffle with other songs not of my choosing. Anyway... there was a time when Google (ahem, Youtube) Music was set to be a game-changer. Imagine if enshittification wasn't a thing.

    No Stupid Questions s38b35M5 7 months ago 96%
    Tips for falljng back to sleep

    I wake up at 3am to 4am daily as a neighbor makes noise walking their dog. This cannot be helped. Once I am awake, my mind won't stop going over details about everything from the mundane to the critical. Often, I am able to fall asleep again after three or more hours of wakefulness, but only minutes before I have to wake for the day. Does anyone have success with quieting the mind without substances so that they can fall back to sleep? Edit: I want to thank you all for the helpful comments. I'm reading through them now and wioo be internalizing some of the suggestions. To provide more context for those who asked: I do have ADHD and OCD and Anxiety. I sleep with a fan and a white noise track (10hrs of non-repeating noise I d/l'd with newpipe). My apartment building has a fire escape that the neighbor uses as their front door. This path means using a heavy steel door on a power hinge. (Slam!) The door is against the wall that my headboard is on. They have every right to use whichever door they like, and I don't know them well enough yet to ask them to change for me. They are trying to be as quiet as they can, other than using the loudest path possible. They seem very nice, and their dog is quiet and well trained. I'm in the middle of a long period of unemployment and I am beginning to worry about finances, as my savings are about half gone in a year. Thanks again for all the suggestions! I'll report back with my results in a few days.

    ente.io Community s38b35M5 7 months ago 100%
    Disable obtrusive update notice/check - Android · Issue #1706 · ente-io/photos-app github.com

    An empty community?! Not anymore! Here is a feature request I opened this morning. Does anyone else dislike the current notification? Edit: May be fixed by [#1707](https://github.com/ente-io/photos-app/pull/1707)

    Voyager s38b35M5 8 months ago 100%
    [Solved] Is the 'trending' section of 'search' an app or lemmy suggestion?

    I decided to check a few of the trending communities suggested on the search tab, but they're all new communities with one or none subscribers and little to no content. How is that trending? Is Lemmy or voyager suggesting these to me? ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/720be131-c690-4ba8-b67a-e806086602d2.png)

    You Should Know s38b35M5 8 months ago 98%
    YSK: Indeed and other job sites are saturated with scams

    For the past two years, legitimate job postings on Indeed and Glassdoor have been replaced by [scams](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/30/job-scams-employment-fake-offers?utm_source=microsoft). If you're tricked, the scammers aren't satisfied with your contact info in your CV, they reach out via email to request that you connect on an encrypted messenger app where they can privately scam you out of thousands in pre-hire "fees." Applicants now have to add vetting job postings to their repertoire, which adds time and effort to an already stressful process. Things like researching the supposed company in need of labor, and digging into reports against them. Protect yourself and assume any job posting is fake until proven otherwise. In the US, you should [report](https://www.ic3.gov/Home/FileComplaint) any scams you became aware of. Edit: add the following: [@LinkOpensChest_wav@lemmy.dbzer0.com](https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/u/LinkOpensChest_wav) recommends reaching out via phone or email to your nearest job service office, if you're seeking employment. These places are federally funded by our taxes, so they should be able to answer questions and help guide you to whatever your best options are, even if that includes helping you find remote work with out-of-state employers.

    General Discussion s38b35M5 8 months ago 100%
    Can I infer a breach of Epic Games payment systems?

    I use Privacy cards for the majority of online commerce. If you aren't familiar with them, they generate one-off card numbers that obfuscate your financial details and become locked to the merchant of first use. They also can create single-use cards that deactivate after the first charge. The card I have tied to my Epic account generated two fraudulent charges on Dec 10 at Spanish-named locations. The charges were blocked, as they didn't originate from Epic. On top of blocking the charges, Privacy deactivated the card number as they suspected fraud. ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/75c88570-ca6d-40ed-bf5e-21711123b0b7.png) I've reached out to Epic for details, but they're just sending scripted meaningless fluff, and its been almost forty days. Am I right to assume this means Epic was themselves the victim of some breach? I don't see any press releases or coverage of anything.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebear90
    90's Music s38b35M5 8 months ago 100%
    Digable Planets - Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat) (1992) www.youtube.com
    Voyager s38b35M5 8 months ago 75%
    Comment voting buttons too small

    I'm enjoying my first month of Voyager app compared to Jerboa, but I have a few issues. I prefer a small phone (Pixel 3), but that means the separate up/down vote buttons on posts are a small target to hit. I often end up collapsing the comments instead of voting. I see the tendency for the community to respond with, "just swipe," but I prefer to tap, and the layout of the comment doesn't make this easy. I haven't searched through the project issues page for evidence of discussion on this topic, but is it unheard of to request a more serviceable layout for users who prefer not to embrace gestures? Those buttons are just so small!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebear90
    90's Music s38b35M5 8 months ago 100%
    Primus - Southbound Pachyderm (1995) www.youtube.com
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebear90
    90's Music s38b35M5 8 months ago 90%
    Faith No More -Kindergarten- (1992) www.youtube.com
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebear80
    80's Music s38b35M5 8 months ago 100%
    Faith No More - Underwater Love - Studio Version (1989) www.youtube.com
    General Discussion s38b35M5 9 months ago 94%
    A gripe about digital ownership and data portability options

    In an effort to keep this short, I'll keep details light. Years back, when Google opened up Google Music to invite-only, I got an invite and joined up, copying about 600 audio CD's into their care. When they shut down Play Music (as it had become known), and transitioned to YouTube Music, I bailed and said fuck it. I didn't want to deal with whatever YT had in store for me. Fast forward to last week, and I realized that my uploads were still visibly in YT Music. I thought they would have been disappeared, but as they weren't, I jumped over to Google Takeout and configured a 40GB download of my music. This prompted two discoveries: 1) I hadn't realized just how much music I was missing that I used to play often. I have been rediscovering so much incredible music! 2) Despite my music being completely ID3 tagged when uploaded, and remaining that way when in the cloud, and still showing all that metadata in YTM, Google Takout gave me my music files in one big flat folder. So because of point #2, I have spent the better part of a week working with Muscibrainz Picard to properly re-identify my music. On one hand, I am very pleased to have my music back. The CD's are still in my possession, but in storage about 2,000 miles away from me. I don't even own a CD player anymore... On the other hand, If Google had simply kept the music in album-specific folders, I would have had no trouble, but instead, here I am. Why does that matter, you may ask? Well, my media player (Strawberry v.1.0.21) does a wonderful job of scanning already-applied metadata, but didn't know what to do with close to 3k of files. For example, I have one artist's entire discography from 1991 up to 2012, which includes 27 albums, four of them live performances. So in the flat folder, I have "Good Song.mp3," "Good Song(1).mp3," "Good Song(2).mp3," "Good Song(3).mp3," "Good Song(4).mp3" etc. For some reason, Google stripped out some metadata, and even Picard can't really help automate this, so I've been manually identifying (listening) to tracks and rebuilding the library. This has been most tedious in cases like above, where a studio album inexplicably has a live track replacing the "normal" track. It's not really a bad thing for me to have to listen to my music in it's entirety, but it definitely didn't have to be this way. Lastly, in keeping with my title, I want to point out that not one of my purchased albums was available for download. I checked all boxes with YT except videos, but only received an "uploaded" folder with all my physically-owned albums. It's pretty frustrating, even with this pleasant surprise that my uploaded albums are available, the loss of purchased titles is a suck I didn't expect (but in hindsight, should have). A Final Note: I only have about 200 songs left to ID and organize, so any helpful suggestions to help me are moot at this point. I'll close by saying that I had hoped Picard's AcoustID would have helped more, but it often split one album into three or more different releases that I then had to reorganize manually.

    YouTube Ad-Blocker policy - Can it be explained by ad revenue numbers?

    **First, a disclaimer: I'm no expert, and I only know what is on these documents I linked. I haven't read in-depth reporting by real investigative journalists, nor any reporting sourced or quoted from YT insiders** (When I see articles about the ad-blocking, I knock wood that SmartTube is still working and keep scrolling, keen to avoid getting angry at another trillion-dollar company). I've been doing some light research into Alphabet's YT ad revenue numbers today on my lunch hour. [Here](https://abc.xyz/investor/) is where you find that info. My curiousity was piqued by a few posts here and elsewhere regarding YouTube's new push to eliminate ad-blockers that indicate the push is because they've been losing money. Per my plebian understanding of these documents: Rather than a substantial decrease, YT had finally seen a 'leveling off' of ad revenue that had previously been enjoying explosive growth for the available history I can view. The historical (according to the data I have available to me) 32-43% increase in revenue leveling in 2022 to almost -2% is likely responsible for this push to more vigorously monetize users. It's not easy to relate to earnings when they have to be counted in "thousands of millions" of dollars, but if we reduce it all to simple percentages, I suppose we can agree at least that the data they are working from *does* show a drop in revenue. I suspect (as many do) that the loss in revenue growth in Q3 2022 could at least motivate them to look for ways to make more growth. Where we may find debate is on the concept that growth must continue into infinity. #Notes The links below are for Q3, so we're comparing apples>apples. Earnings are provided in millions ($1,000 = $1B) My percentages after the link include ONLY YouTube Ad revenues, not the rest of YT revenues, which are liumped into "Google Other." Revenue!=Profit, and YT expenses are hard (read:impossible) to discern from this simplified report. [Q3 2020](https://web.archive.org/web/20231127210329/https://abc.xyz/assets/c9/43/e5378ab141d4a9d819df4e5a81cf/2020q3-alphabet-earnings-release.pdf), YT ad revenue up 32.42% from same period in 2019 ($3.80B to $5.03B). [Q3 2021](https://web.archive.org/web/20220617092830/https://abc.xyz/investor/static/pdf/2021Q3_alphabet_earnings_release.pdf?cache=f1ba3f6), YT ad revenue up 43.04% from same period in 2020 ($5.03B to $7.20B). [Q3 2022](https://web.archive.org/web/20231127205154/https://abc.xyz/assets/b1/d0/c66d744443e698fd63a3ae81e12a/2022q3-alphabet-earnings-release.pdf), YT ad revenue down 1.86% from same period in 2021 ($7.20B to $7.07B). [Q3 2023](https://web.archive.org/web/20231127023748/https://abc.xyz/assets/4a/3e/3e08902c4a45b5cf530e267cf818/2023q3-alphabet-earnings-release.pdf), YT ad revenue up 12.45% from same period in 2022 ($7.07B to $7.95B). I've enjoyed the discussion on this topic, with good points being made all over, like how we can't lose sight of the value a non-ad-viewing user brings to YT simply by watching and increasing viewer counts, subscribing, donating super chat or otherwise, and linking/sharing videos elsewhere. Lastly: My lunch break is over; I can't respond to any comments for a while, so this is a post-and-run. #YouTube #Google #EarningsReport #AdBlocker EDIT: [@db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com](https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/u/db0) if this doesn't fit the sub please let me know or remove.

    Creepy Wikipedia s38b35M5 10 months ago 100%
    Cara Knott - murdered by a CHP officer of 13 years who had been targeting women on an isolated stretch of highway en.wikipedia.org

    ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/76e95ca0-1a4f-47e7-b2e1-ff6746c0e4c3.png) Her killer, Craig Alan Peyer (born March 16, 1950 to Harold and Eileen Peyer), was a police officer and 13-year veteran of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). At Peyer's trial, it was revealed that he had been targeting women along the interstate and had made predatory sexual advances on multiple female drivers. He was convicted of Knott's murder in 1988.

    Free eBook about how broken the copyright system is and how we got here https://walledculture.org/the-book/

    ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/d1911590-ef64-46e7-bfc3-7fb5e642daff.png) [PDF](https://walledculture.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Walled-Culture-the-Book.pdf) [ePub](https://walledculture.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Walled-Culture-the-Book.epub) [mobi](https://walledculture.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Walled-Culture-the-Book.mobi) #copyright

    DOS Gaming s38b35M5 10 months ago 91%
    Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty playclassic.games

    Not sure if this sort of link is allowed, but I was just thinking of the first ever RTS for me: Dune II, and I realized I could play it in a browser! I don't have any backups of this game with me, so this was a treat.

    Is qB trolling me?

    Was working to check some filter exclusions in qB (not possible yet) and noticed this...

    Linux s38b35M5 11 months ago 80%
    [Discussion] Git - How is it classified?

    I could research this on my own, but was interested in hearing from the community. Software tends to fall in categories based on who has control, how it is accessed, and who owns the data. For instance, a FOSS project hosts encrypted user data for free, and the user easily controls who accesses it, but if the server/service goes down, users lose access to everything. Or, a user has their own offline files they control 100%, but sharing is more cumbersome. Where does git fall in this spectrum? It seems that it's a mix, where authoritative copies may be offline at times before merging, when it returns to the hosted version. Its hosted, but can be self-hosted, and multiple copies of code canbee offline as well. Does it rely on a central source hosting, and a company willing to support the software? I've never contributed to a project with version control before, though I've worked in a few places that used JIRA or git. It interests me how it works, and I'm just curious to read a Lemmy discussion while it's raining where I am. (As I prepare to press SUBMIT it occurs to me this is a FOSS question more than a Linux one. If this is a stupid post for this /r/, please report/remove or ask me to and I will.)

    Linux s38b35M5 11 months ago 98%
    [Old 1997 story] The Greatest OS That (N)ever Was https://www.wired.com/1997/08/linux-5/

    How does this coverage hold up? It was a fun read from back in my highschool days, when I was still five years from trying Linux on my own AMD Thunderbird 1Ghz. It wasn't until 2008 that I tried again and it stuck.

    GeForceNow s38b35M5 11 months ago 90%
    GFN working well on my Linux machine flathub.org

    I didn't realize this was even an option. Works great for me on MX Linux. Hope it keeps working!

    No Stupid Questions s38b35M5 12 months ago 97%
    What's with ~employers~ scammers using secure messengers for hiring these days?

    My GF has two nibbles on her resume, and both want her to communicate through either Signal or Telegram. Edit: they requested banking info right off the bat. Said they use it to "confirm you have a checking account" to verify eligibility. Blocked them on Signal, reported to Indeed, for whatever that's worth.
