
No Stupid Questions

No Stupid Questions _MoveSwiftly 1 year ago 89%
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No Stupid Questions vestmoria 18 hours ago 97%
can you ELI5 the physics of bleeding radiators on an apartment building?

I live on the 14th floor of a 30 story apartment building and so far, I've been bleeding my radiators myself. This usually worked and after bleeding I had a fully functioning radiator, 100% filled with water. However, last time I tried bleeding, it would only fill up to 25% of its volume, it's like there's no pressure in the circuit. Am I doing something wrong?

No Stupid Questions andrewta 4 hours ago 100%
Is there a wig that doesn't heat your head?

My mom would not be able to wear a hat during the summer obviously heat would stay in and she would get too hot. She needs a wig, but that wig should, for lack of a better phrase, breathe. So it doesn’t hold the heat in near the scalp. Is there a wig that is like that? Or do all wigs effectively hold heat to the scalp?

Is Ryze Mushroom Coffee Just Another Craze?

There have been so many "breakthroughs" from eating beets to this new mushroom coffee for all kinds of miracle remedies. Is there any benefit at all and why can't you make it your self by pulverizing dried mushrooms of the same variety they use into powder and making the coffee yourself?

No Stupid Questions Lost_My_Mind 1 day ago 74%
Do you ever get frustrated at your own creation?

My dad tells this story of how he met my mom....and he thinks it's supposed to be endearing. It just comes off as cringeworthy to me. Essentially my dad went to a bar. Started talking to a drunk woman, and then he left. Got to his car, realized he didn't have his car keys, and realized they must have been on the tray when he threw out his garbage/food reminants. So he goes back into the bar, digs around in their garbage until he finds his keys, makes out with my mom, and they spend the night drinking together. Then he drives them to his house drunk, and that's how he met my mom. Now I don't know if that's the night I was concieved. They did stay together for another 6 years. They got married. But the implication seems to be that I was the result of a bar hookup because my dad is an idiot and threw away his car keys. Then my mom was somehow turned on by the sight of a man digging through the trash, that she starts making out with him. And based on my dads age, and my age, I can conclude he was 35 years old when I was born. Which means this story likely took place when he was 34. My mom has never told me her version of the story, and likes to pretend history never happened. She recently told me she never liked Phil Hartman, which I know for a fact isn't true because I can remember her enjoying him not only on NewsRadio, but also when I was a kid and watching Pee Wee's Playhouse. Then to hear her a few weeks ago say she never liked him makes me question anything she says about the past. So I wouldn't even trust her version of the events. Not that she's exactly willing to tell them anyways. I'm 41 now, and hate being alive every single day. Every once in a while I think about how I wouldn't exist if my dad were just not an idiot that one night. Just ONE NIGHT for him to be a well functioning human, and he doesn't throw away his keys. I never get born, and how much better that would be for everybody. It just frustrates me that something SO SIMPLE could have saved me 41 years of daily agony. And then people wonder why I don't want kids. *gestures to the entire world* THAT'S WHY. Does anyone else feel this way?

Is Trump Made of Teflon?

Nothing has ever stuck to this guy in decades. Anyone else would have been locked up for life with all these crimes added together. Why is this man allowed to run free? I am calling him Teflon Trump because nothing sticks to him! Donald Trump has faced numerous legal challenges throughout his life, both in business and politics. As of now, he's been accused of a variety of crimes, ranging from financial fraud to obstruction of justice. Here's a summary of the key areas: Criminal Charges: Trump has been criminally charged in four separate cases as of 2024, totaling 91 felony counts. These charges include: Efforts to overturn the 2020 election (federal and state cases) Mishandling classified documents Hush money payments related to Stormy Daniels Business fraud in New York Civil Cases: Trump has also faced civil lawsuits for fraud, defamation, and sexual misconduct, including a high-profile defamation case with writer E. Jean Carroll. Past Investigations: Prior to his presidency, Trump faced various allegations tied to business dealings, such as racial discrimination in housing practices and questionable tax practices. However, many of these did not lead to formal charges. In total, Trump's legal battles span multiple decades and encompass a wide range of accusations. So why does he continue to run the GOP with an iron fist, including making them not sign legislation to protect our borders so Teflon Trump could run on that platform? What about having Net Tan Yahoo(Netanyahu) over to his house during a war? Does this not break the Logan act? Logan act: United States federal law that criminalizes the negotiation of a dispute between the United States and a foreign government by an unauthorized American citizen. T Also 18 U.S.C. 953 criminalizes any U.S. citizen in any place on earth "who, without the authority, carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign officer with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign about any disputes or controversies with the United States." yet old teflon Trump goes where he wants on the Rape Express Jet.

No Stupid Questions 58008 1 day ago 98%
Would it be legal to crowdfund a licensed private detective to investigate a public figure and publish their results publicly?

This started in my head as a plot device in a story, but I was wondering if it'd actually fly in the real world. There are many public figures who almost certainly have closets which are positively creaking to bursting point with skeletons. Politicians, especially. Can you hire a private detective to investigate someone without having a clear goal in mind? Like, just "investigate until the money runs out" kinda thing, in the hopes that eventually something incriminating or reputationally hazardous is found? Is this legal? If so, who should we send the P.I.s after first? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) It would be interesting to see how certain people would behave if they simply heard we were *planning* this. Like, would JD Vance suddenly start burning shit in a barrel in his backyard if he heard about the army of P.I.s we've paid to look into him? We could make that the scheme: go through the motions of crowdfunding an investigation, but the real P.I. will be watching the named individuals and seeing what they do in response to the threat 👀

No Stupid Questions Kit 3 days ago 87%
When and why did democrats begin supporting fracking?

I was shocked in the presidential debate that Harris gave staunch support for fracking. I was under the impression that democrats are against fracking, and remember people being critical of Fetterman for supporting it. I also grew up in an area that was heavily impacted by the pollution from fracking. People who worked in the field were seen as failures of moral character who chose profits over the health of their children. How is it that both major parties are now in support of it? I feel like I must be missing a piece of the puzzle.

No Stupid Questions FlashMobOfOne 3 days ago 98%
Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference?

Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference?

No Stupid Questions dysprosium 4 days ago 94%
What to do with glassware that is impossible to clean

General waste bin or glass recycle bin or neither? I have some decade old, gruesome tall thin glasses infested with mold and food residue, cloaked in a grotesque and sticky film of decaying **death** that... are in no easy way to clean. What to do with them? I think it might be dangerous to workers when put in the general waste.

No Stupid Questions BadmanDan 4 days ago 94%
Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?

Kamala Harris running a damn near flawless campaign, with just a month 1/2 of campaigning. She’s been holding rallies nonstop with Tim Walz & not making her talking points about her race or gender like Hillary. She’s offering expanded healthcare, reinvestments back into public housing, wants to take on corporate greed, protect reproductive rights and chose a pro labor, pro education running mate. Yet, she’s either barely leading or ties in most polls with a guy that: --- Is a convicted felon. Liable Sexual Predator. Gets sentenced in November. Has several more pending cases. Increased Drone Strikes by 300%. (Joe Biden dosent use drones anymore). Illegally killed an Iranian General unprovoked with a missle strike. Increased tensions in Israel/Palestine with the Abraham Accords. Wants war with Mexico (his words). Tried to coup Venezuela. Will bend the knee for Netanyahu’s potential war with Iran. Lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% (lowest in history). Obvious tax cuts for the rich. Told people to drink bleach during the pandemic. Is the main driving force for America’s current division. Constantly attacks marginalized groups. Tried to steal the 2020 election (Find Me 11,000 votes in GA). Did Fake Elector Slates to pressure Mike Pence to not certify the 2020 election. Caused a riot on the capitol that lead to his OWN supporters dying. Just got washed by Harris in the last debate, was completely unprepared on anything but immigration (“I have concepts of a plan”). And so much more. So seriously what is it? Is it just the attraction to bigotry/racism? Is it to end “wokeness”. Is it because Kamala is a woman of color? You can’t use the both sides argument like Hilary or Biden, Kamala is the obvious better choice. Could you imagine if Kamala had as much baggage as Trump? The media would lose their minds. Seriously, how the f*** is this guy still in the race?

No Stupid Questions andyortlieb 3 days ago 90%
Why would someone desire a pension instead of a 401k?

It seems to me that the employer will fund it either way. Maybe I'm misremembering stories of pensions being mismanaged and lost. I think the most important thing is that the employer actually does *something* to fund a retirement, in my way of thinking the 401k approach puts me in control of the money so I don't rely on someone else to not fail. Whether it's promised bonuses, stocks, or retirement funds, my motto is always "show me the money", and I'll believe it when it's in my hands.

No Stupid Questions sentientity 2 days ago 96%
How do I Graphene OS?

**Wanted to update this post with a website I found that has info about this topic for regular people, in case anybody finds this later. ** [Privacy Focused OS For Everyone ]( It has info about the different os options as well as apps for phones using regular android. Pretend I am five and please be nice. Say I want to free my phone and tablet from samsung/google/skynet but I neeeeeed to be able to use my printer and external cd drives and their silly proprietary apps, as well as flash drives, cds, and normal apps without alternatives like bandcamp and libby and and all that. I also need to be able to use government websites and use my wifi and pay bills and just generally do everything that I do now on samsung's/motorola's software. (Most of these things were issues for me when I tried to use linux years ago which is why I'm listing them. I do not possess the technical ability to solve these problems on my own when they come up. I also do not possess any other devices to use if my main ones can't do these things anymore.) Is this realistic in 2024 for Graphene or any other free open source os? And if it is, how do I install it safely and properly? Are there any known issues with it like slowness or not being able to use the camera, etc? Most of the places with information about this stuff are not written in a langauge I speak. Edit: does anyone want to work on creating or collecting some simplified tutorials with me? I'm thinking of installing one of these on my phone and it it goes well I will probably write the details down. It might be good to have a place for other people who have done so, or want to, to do the same for their respective devices.

No Stupid Questions Tylerdurdon 2 days ago 90%
Can a COVID test show your level of infectiousness?

I've seen many tests (we're talking the average retail 4-drop kits) come up with varying degrees of positivity as a person goes through a bout with COVID. Once they test positive, it's usually coming up with that T indicator long before the C shows to. However, I've noticed that even that length of time for the T to show can vary. Sometimes it starts faded and fills in but sometimes the line can go full color as soon as the liquid hits it. Other times it may take a while and come up after the C (once closer to getting over it). My thought here is the virus particles per million in a person's mucus are fluctuating during the course of their sickness and the more virus particles, the faster that bar is going to pop on the COVID test. So then, is it stupid to think the faster the T shows up, the more infectious a person is with their coughing/sneezing?

No Stupid Questions dennis5wheel 4 days ago 95%
how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?

I'm finding the hard way that finding another job is a grind: you invest time reading what they want to hire, you write a CV and an application. Most of the time you don't get an answer, meaning you are that irrelevant to them. Most of these times it is YOU the one who has to ask if they decided for or against. On the limited times they write you back, it's a computed generated BS polite rejection letter. I asked one of them how many candidates they considered and why they rejected me, but that only made them send me another computer generated letter. I'd like to know how close I was and in what ways I can become a more interesting candidate, but nobody is going to give me a realistic answer. It sucks having to need them more than they need you. And I should consider me lucky, because I have a job, but jesus christ, I feel for those who have to do this without stable income or a family that offers them a place to stay...

No Stupid Questions NatakuNox 3 days ago 62%
Are currency/monetary base economic systems coming to their logical end?

I get the history as to why we got to our current economic situations, but no one is arguing for a system that casts off current economic issues that are pushing humanity towards destruction. I'm not saying this can happen over night or even within our current life time, but it's obvious that capitalism and even socialism has reached the end of their usefulness.

Can youtube-dlp download youtube videos with the chapter descriptions like

[@nostupidquestions]( Can youtube-dlp download youtube videos with the chapter descriptions like [@kemotep]( Tartube doesn't seem to

No Stupid Questions Blaze 5 days ago 100%
[Answer to yesterday's question] The number of active users on is now back to normal For mods: I hope it's okay, if not feel free to remove it, but as a lot of people were commenting on the other thread while the reason of the change had been given in the top comment, I thought it was worth it to make a dedicated post.

No Stupid Questions meowington1 6 days ago 96%
How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ?

I keep miss my alarm clock. I set 2 of my android phone. They do ring. I also set my clock with the bell. But I miss them all. Is there any sure shot not to miss alarm.

No Stupid Questions mecfs 6 days ago 86%
Why are people on the internet (and Lemmy) so quick to say someone "deserves to die"

On so many different news items, threads, etc. People are the first to claim pretty much anyone who has made a mistake, or does something they disagree with deserves to die. Like, do some people not have the capability to empathise and realise they might have been in a similar place if they were born in a different environment… I genuinely understand, you think a politician who has lead to countless deaths, a war criminal, or a mass rapists deserves to die. But here people say it for stuff that falls way below the bar. A contracted logger of a rainforest (who knows if they have the money / opportunity to support their family another way). Deserves to die. A civilian of Nazi germany of whom we know nothing about their collaboration/agreement with the regime. Deserves to die. Some person who was a drug dealer and then served their time. Deserves to die. Like I don’t get it? Are people not able to imagine the kind of situations that create these people, and that it’s not impossible to imagine the large majority of people in these positions if born in a different environment?

No Stupid Questions Oxymoron 5 days ago 95%
Think my radiator temperature thing is broken.. any ideas?

You know the temperature thing you turn round from like 0 to 5 depending on how hot you want it to be? Well I think, in trying to turn it off I may have turned it too far. As the it just keeps turning but in a jerky movement and the number doesn’t change if that makes sense? Like there’s a little plastic arrow that points up at the setting it’s on, so that you know what setting it’s on. But now it’s like the whole thing is turning rather than just the plastic cover with the numbers on. So I think (well I’m hoping cos the opposite would be worse) that it’s now turned completely off and there is no way to turn it on. But because the whole thing is turning and the numbers don’t change up or down regardless of which way you turn it, it’s possible it could be on any one of the 0-5 settings but only stuck as showing on 0. Any ideas? Cheers!

What jobs in the US (Kentucky) Allow employees to wear whatever you want?

I'm scouting for jobs I'd actually enjoy working at as opposed to just "getting a job cus I should get a job". I'm 20 btw, not independent yet, but I'd still like to have a job ya know? The only Job I know of that is mega lax with their dress codes are (i think) Hot Topic and Spencer's. Do you guys have any other places that are similar? I'd like to be able to express my Alt-fashion choices :D (Please dont be rude or mean in the comments, thank you!)

No Stupid Questions 101 6 days ago 97%
What happened with active users on Lemmy?

I just noticed that active users on Lemmy got slashed, what happened? References: [Right Now;]( ![]( [On 29 Aug 2024]( ![](

No Stupid Questions strawberry 5 days ago 100%
How can ceramic be both a non stick material and really good friction material?

Ceramic coating a car makes water bead right off, but the best brake pads and clutches are also ceramic (aside from carbon ceramic and carbon carbon) Answered: basically ceramic is a wide range of materials with vastly different properties

No Stupid Questions vestmoria 6 days ago 73%
how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?

I'm a nurse and oversaw a doctor checking his bank statements: his salary is a bit more than twice what I earn. This is not a particularly productive doctor, if you listen to several doctors and nurses where I work at. Just today I overheard a group of 3 female doctors ranting about him and how all he does is sitting and playing with his phone, always redirecting us nurses to talk to the other doctors. I was surprised, because I never expected to find so much drama between doctors, them being much more educated than nurses and I never expected doctors, specially female doctors, to use that kind of language. This lazy doctor earns more than double my salary. It's depressing. But I also feel like a loser, because even those ranting doctors earn more than twice what I do... and they get to sit for longer than I do. Regretting my life choices. Maybe the sane choice here would be to study or to get a certification that means a higher salary?

No Stupid Questions ramble81 5 days ago 94%
What causes a CFL to suddenly start working again?

I have a CFL in the bathroom that went out on me. I’ve been too lazy to change it because there are other bulbs that are working. Well after a couple weeks, it magically decided to turn back on. It’s nowhere that it would be jostled or anything, so I found that weird.

No Stupid Questions vestmoria 1 week ago 92%
American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it?

is it poorer? richer? better? worse? Is European internet cheaper? are EU food prices outrageous? Is European healthcare better? Is Europe safer?

No Stupid Questions ryathal 1 week ago 93%
Have police finally overstepped enough that reform could happen?

With Tyrek Hill being detained less than 4 months after the arrest of Scottie Scheffler, have the police actually angered enough people with money and power that there could be actual consequences?

No Stupid Questions BackOnMyBS 1 week ago 100%
As a non-techie, where/how can I find out if software is safe?

I'm a fan of FOSS and reasonable privacy with data. I also often look for and install software on my computers for random tasks as they come up. Today, when I was looking to install an extension to Firefox called [Wikipedia-EN]( that helps me search Wikipedia by highlighting a word, the Mozilla page for the extension states: > This add-on is not actively monitored for security by Mozilla. Make sure you trust it before installing. As someone that is not educated in programming or perpetually current on tech news, what can I do to assess the safety of this and other software? Is there a site that transparently evaluates software and publishes its findings?

No Stupid Questions comma_egomaniac 1 week ago 100%
What's the difference between a proxy and a VPN

I'm going to need an ELI5 because I have read several explanations online, and I still don't fully understand what makes them different. Why would you want to use one over the other? Don't they both just forward your internet traffic? How do they work, in general?

No Stupid Questions Knuk 1 week ago 99%
Could I patent harmful technology to prevent it from being put on the market?

I just saw a headline about Ford patenting a system to eavesdrop on passengers conversations to serve them related ads. If I had patented that before, could I stop it from being used?

No Stupid Questions fididosooe 7 days ago 98%
Why can't we "manufacture" food using the same raw materials that plants use?

Can we make any food without relying on plants?

No Stupid Questions Mandy 1 week ago 87%
Is linux actually gaming ready or is it just not for me?

Ill keep it as short as possible, apologies if i keep rambling(ill put my specs at the bottom) Over the last yew years, i have used quite a lot of distros, from mint (currently my main again), to manjaro to solus to endeavouros and more i cant remember, one thing they all (minus solus) had in commong (for me) was the fact that pc gaming...was horrible on them. Many hours where spend getting different games to work, or rather trying to get them to work at all, most of them had failed, steam, lutris, default wine, no matter what has been used) As an example: Anno 1404 history edition (best anno, fite me), i bought it on steam, tried launching it, didnt work, tried several proton versions, didnt work, lutris, didnt work, i downloaded a crack to see, didnt work either, using a different file format, nothing. Sometimes i was able to make it work, once and than never again, solus was the only one where anno 1404 worked out of the box, i managed to make it work in endeavouros once by installing two packages i could never find again. (most recently, i bought space marine 2, didnt work and keeps crashing no matter what i do9 But this was the best case scenario, games really work. Is it just my hardware? Am i using linux just wrongly for years? Is it my fault? Am i missing something? My specs: prebuilt desktop: Acer Nitro N50-620 memory 64KiB BIOS memory 32GiB System Memory memory 16GiB DIMM DDR4 Synchronous 26 memory 8GiB DIMM DDR4 Synchronous 320 memory 8GiB DIMM DDR4 Synchronous 320 processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5- bridge Intel Corporation display TU116 [GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER] storage Micron_2210_MTFDHBA1T0QFD bus Tiger Lake-H USB 3.2 Gen 2x1 x network Tiger Lake PCH CNVi WiFi bus Tiger Lake-H Serial IO I2C Con