

Linux cyborganism 2 days ago 100%
Lubuntu+LXQT thoughts?

Anyone tried Lubuntu with LXQT desktop lately? Especially for Linux gaming using Steam/Proton/Bottles, etc?

Linux cygnus 5 days ago 86%
Why does VirtualBox keep launching on boot?

Sorry if this kind of question isn't allowed here, but I'm at my wit's end. VB randomly started launching on startup about 2 weeks ago (on EndeavourOS) and I can't figure out why. There's no shortcut in ~/config/autostart, it isn't in the KDE startup apps list, and I can't find anything virtualbox-related with systemctl either. There's also no setting in the VB app itself. WTF?

Linux Apalacrypto 1 week ago 100%
Question about Screen Mirroring at different resolutions and refresh rates between Gnome and KDE

I am using (and loving) Fedora 40 as my daily driver. Currently using GNOME however, I do prefer the customization and aesthetics of KDE better. I primarily use my computer for gaming, and my wife sometimes likes to watch the games I play. (Baldurs Gate 3 for example. She loved watching the story, but wasn't interested in playing) Anyways, I play on a 32" 1440p monitor at 165hz via DisplayPort. We also have a projector which supports either 1080p or 4k, but not 1440p, and is also limited to 60hz via HDMI. In the past, when I was using KDE (Also on a different distro, GarudaKDE I think), it basically had non-existent support for screen mirroring with different resolutions and refresh rates. Gnome does not have this problem. So I am able to play on my monitor with an HDMI cable running to our projector running a mirrored display at a different resolution and refresh rate. Lately, Gnome is feeling a little too "clunky" for my tastes, and I have been considering switching to KDE. Does anyone know if my screen mirroring question above is possible in Fedora KDE, or if I will run into similar challenges? Thanks in advance!

Linux SurpriZe 1 week ago 92%
What's the easiest way to update bios on my Ubuntu laptop without a USB?

cross-posted from: > As a lifelong Windows user I've just for the first time switched to Ubuntu and I'm learning how to navigate the system but I haven't found an easy way to update my Carbon's X1 Gen 6 BIOS from its hard disk and would appreciate any advice. > > I'd be also happy to hear what I should do as a newcomer to Ubuntu to make my experience with it better and have an easier time overall.

Linux dabster291 2 weeks ago 100%
[SOLVED: BAD LOGIN] Can't connect to WPA2-EAP on Fedora Kinoite

EDIT: Turns out my login information was slightly wrong, and had nothing to do with security. My school uses EAP for its student WiFi, but there's no option for "EAP" security (PEAP, LEAP and every other option in KDE's WiFi security settings wouldn't connect). I'm pretty sure there was an option for EAP on Linux Lite (my previous OS before kinoite) which connected successfully. Is it possible to use EAP in Kinoite, and how do I enable/use it?

Linux Sunny 2 weeks ago 96%
Introducing SUSE Typeface: SUSE’s new open sourced font

SUSE just open-sourced a typeface :)

Linux sailingbythelee 2 weeks ago 92%
Any luck with Snapdragon Elite?

So, I went out with my daughter to look at laptops for back-to-school and the store was dominated by Windows machines with Snapdragon X Elite chips at very reasonable prices. The energy efficiency, battery life, and quietness of these laptops is amazing. Also, I notice they all have these new NPU chips for AI, which I'm ambivalent about. I'm a Linux-on-Thinkpad man, so I checked online and was happy to see that Lenovo is offering Snapdragon-based Thinkpads now. With these new developments, maybe it is finally time to upgrade my old T540p. Has anyone here had experience yet running Linux on a Snapdragon-based laptop?

Linux tal 2 weeks ago 100%
Running per-session programs in sway

A common task people want to perform is running a set of given programs during every Wayland session. GNOME and KDE have their own approaches and graphical utilities for down this. For those of us who don't use a desktop environment, how about in Sway? A bit of experimentation appears to show that this syntax is a pretty reasonable way to do this: # Power notification support exec_always flock -n $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/$WAYLAND_DISPLAY-poweralertd poweralertd -s # Make clipboard persist after application termination exec_always flock -n $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/$WAYLAND_DISPLAY-wl-paste wl-paste --watch clipman store Thought I'd share for anyone else running into this. For some Sway users, that may be enough. But if anyone wants to read more history, here goes! Background and rationale: Once upon a time, it was conventional to have a shell script, `~/.xinitrc`, that was invoked whenever someone started up an X server with `startx` after logging in on an (initially) text terminal. Any per-session commands could be invoked here. Later, when display managers showed up, it became common for a Linux machine to go straight to a graphical display at boot and show a login prompt from there. `xdm` showed up; if it was started, it'd run another shell script, `~/.xsession`. A lot of people, including myself, just symlinked `~/.xsession` to `~/.xinitrc`. Still later, some desktop environments, like GNOME or KDE or some less-popular ones, introduced their own schemes for storing a list of programs to start when the graphical environment came up. Wayland+sway -- to my initial surprise and annoyance -- isn't really geared up for that. In theory, you can use whatever login manager you want. I use a non-standard login manager -- [greetd]( to launch `agreety` (and I'd use [emptty]( if it were in Debian bookworm) which lets me log in on a terminal. But these don't provide functionality to run a startup script. This *kind* of makes sense -- on X11, once the display manager starts things up, X11 can run programs, whereas Wayland really requires a functioning compositor to be going, which means that Sway really needs to be up and running. So maybe it makes sense for the compositor, Sway, to handle launching startup programs in the graphical environment, rather than the login manager. but Wayland compositors don't have even a semi-convention for a "login script" like `~/.xinitrc` or ~/.xsession` or `~/.xprofile` or an equivalent, which surprised me. That might be because Wayland compositors are heavier than their X11 window manager analogs, and perhaps its less-expected for people to be switching among them. What Sway does is to, in its config file, `~/.config/sway/config`, have two directives, `exec` and `exec_always`. One can make them invoke a script. These *can* be handy. But they don't quite what I'd ideally like them to do. You see, Sway -- like some X11 window managers -- has the ability to permit a "reload", where it re-reads its config files. That's handy! If an X11 window manager couldn't do that, when you changed its config file, you'd have to close all your graphical programs, log out, and log in again to confirm that it did what you wanted. You don't have that problem with Sway. You can just change its config file, ask Sway to do a reload, and it'll be "re-applied". And then `exec` and `exec_always` come into play -- the former will run a program only when Sway initially starts, but not when it does a "reload". The latter will run a command each time, both at Sway start and each time Sway reloads its config file. For *some* programs, `exec` and `exec_always` are sufficient. Maybe you just want to make sure that a program has been run and then terminated at *least* once in your current session. But that isn't normally what I want to do. By far my overwhelming need -- and I suspect this is true of others -- is that I want to have some kind of daemon running and persisting in the background of my session. Some daemons try to be clever. If you try to run multiple instances at once, the new instance will just bail out. `blueman-applet` is like this. And if your daemon works like this, then running `exec_always` is fine. If you run a new instance and there's an already-running instance, the new one will just bail out. But some daemons don't -- they just start up another instance. So every time you reload your Sway config, `exec_always` will start another instance of that daemon. I have a couple of daemons like that. `poweralertd` notifies me when my laptop battery is getting low, for example. If I just let `poweralertd` do its own thing and start it via `exec_always`, then when my battery gets low, if I've reloaded my Sway config 5 times, I'll have 5 instances running, and get 5 warnings when my battery gets low. But running `exec` isn't ideal either, because then you have to give up on Sway "reapplying" your config when you reload it. If I want to have a new daemon running in the background of my Wayland session, I don't want to have to log out to ensure that my config is working correctly. Now, at this point, I suspect that a number of people think "Aha! What about systemd?" So, not everyone is a huge fan of systemd. It is a very large software package that provides a lot of useful functionality to most present-day Linux systems. So you *might* not want to tie yourself to systemd. But more-problematic -- while systemd *does* have the ability to manage both "system" daemons that run one instance per system, typically come up when the system does, and "user" daemons, one instance per user...that isn't *quite* correct for Wayland. It's reasonable for a user to have multiple concurrent Wayland sessions on a Linux machine. Maybe it might make sense to selectively share some functionality among those, like one `mpd` instance to play music -- dunno about that. But you definitely don't want to have random Wayland programs run in each session running one-instance-per-user, because otherwise, any additional Wayland session will have the programs just not come up in that new session. It looks like some people out there have recognized that this is an issue. [uwsm]( looks to my quick glance at being a stab in the direction of "per-Wayland-session systemd-based management". But whether-or-not it could be used, it's not in Debian bookworm, and I want to use stock software for basic stuff like getting my desktop up on a new system. Hence, we get to the above flock-based approach. So, let's say that one wants to have a program like `wl-paste` running persistently, but only one per-session. How? We want to have only one instance running at once. Traditionally, the way to achieve that on a Unix system is to create a file, then establish a "file lock" on it via the `flock(2)` function; this is guaranteed by the OS to be an atomic operation, only one can occur. There's a command, `flock(1)`, which does all this at one go -- it creates a file if it doesn't exist, establishes a file lock on it, and then, while continuing to run, runs a specified command. When a process goes away, the OS releases the file lock, so when the invoked command (here, `wl-paste`) exits, the `flock` process exits, and the file lock goes away. By default, `flock` will block if there's a lockfile with a held lock, which is what you want if you just want to make sure that two commands wait to avoid interfering with each other but with `-n`, it'll just fail; this is the behavior you want if you want to make sure that you have one, but only one, daemon active. And we want to have one instance *per session*, not per user. The `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` environment variable provides a temporary directory per-user...but not per session. `$WAYLAND_DISPLAY` is guaranteed to be unique per session for a given user. So any path containing both `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` AND `$WAYLAND_DISPLAY` is going to be unique per-session; we just need an extra bit of text ("-poweralertd") to make it unique to a given daemon per session. Given how this wasn't an immediately-obvious approach to me, thought that I'd point it out to anyone else who might be using Sway and want per-session daemons running.

Linux realitista 2 weeks ago 84%
I legitimately want to run Linux as my desktop OS, please tell me how to meet my requirements.

Okay, all you who post on every post "you should just switch to Linux". Here's your chance. I'm someone who really does want to run Linux on the desktop. I run Linux servers at home, was a Unix sysadmin for years running Linux on the desktop in the '90s. But now I'm in sales and run Windows at work (actually very happily with some help from StartAllBack and Rufus). I want to replace my Macs at home. Since they removed upgradable RAM and disk, I am no longer willing to pay the high tax for the few little things they do better. But there is some functionality I just cannot seem to find replacements for. This is where you folks who say "I should just switch to Linux" come in. Tell me how please: Requirement 1) I have heavily invested in my local music library on iTunes. 1200 albums. I have little to no interest in streaming services. I want to organize my music with * ratings from 1-5 and from that have smart playlists that autopopulate and sort themselves by * ratings and genre. I have more than 40 of these types of playlists and it's completely unworkable to populate them manually. Requirement 2) I must be able to sync my music library in full to my phone. I use an iOS phone now, but I could even be convinced to switch to Android if there was a good solution. I am not willing to go in and select 100 different playlists manually to sync. It must completely replicate what's on my desktop on my phone, 100% locally, including all the afformentioned smart playlists. I travel a lot for work and want my music always available even when there's no network. Requirement 3) My job really doesn't require much more than Office and a browser, but it requires very heavy use of those things. Firefox is fine for the browser, so no trouble there, but I need full fledged Outlook, OneNote and most of the features of Excel at a minimum. Word I can take a bit of a hit on as long as I can save something that others can open. Ideally I would want to run the Windows version of these tools. I will not be able to live with only the browser versions, that I'm 100% sure of. Requirement 4) I'd really like some sort of decent photo management tool. I can probably manage just by keeping them organized in folders and having google photos suck that in, but I don't much trust Google, so would like to have a second tool that can also do a good job at replacing MacOS' Photos app. AI image recognition and search a-la Google Photos would be the cherry on top. Requirement 5) I need to be able to scan in batches from my Fujitsu ScanSnap scanner into Evernote. I use this on mobile, other OS', etc. and have a lot of organization built into it now that I really don't want to try to migrate from. That's it. 5 high level requirements that must be met. Is it possible?

Linux 0WN3D 2 weeks ago 85%
nmcli unable to connect to password protected home WiFi

Hey, I am trying to connect to my home WiFi using nmcli but can't seem to connect. The error is ``` Error: Connection activation failed: (7) Secrets were required, but not provided. ``` The journal logs are at the bottom. Some context: * I am using arch linux ARM on a raspberry pi 4 * I am able to connect to non-password protected networks (I created one by using a hotspot on my phone). Once I set a password for the hotspot, I am unable to connect to the same network * I've tried the solutions in, but no success * Previously, I was using `netctl/netctl-auto` and it worked for my use case for a while. But one day, it cannot connect so I can't ssh into my pi for a few days. I got frustrated and uninstalled it and installed `nmcli` which I am more familiar with. But now I can't seem to connect to a password protected network, so looking back, maybe it wasn't netctl that was the root cause of the issue. ::: spoiler logs ``` Aug 19 06:03:03 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:03:03 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:03:03 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:03:03 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:03:03 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:03:03 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:03:02 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:03:01 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:03:01 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:03:01 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:03:01 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:20 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:20 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:20 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:20 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:20 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:20 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:19 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:18 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:18 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:18 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:02:18 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:51 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:51 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:51 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:51 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:51 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:51 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:50 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:50 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:49 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:49 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:49 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:31 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:31 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:31 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:31 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:31 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:31 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:30 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:29 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:29 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:29 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:29 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:17 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:17 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:17 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:17 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:17 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:17 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:16 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:15 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:15 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:15 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:15 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:08 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:08 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:08 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:08 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:08 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:08 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:06 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:06 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:06 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:06 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:06 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:02 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:02 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:02 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:02 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:02 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:02 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:00 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:00 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:01:00 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:59 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:59 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:53 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:53 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:53 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:53 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:53 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:49 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:49 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:49 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:49 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:49 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:49 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:47 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:47 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:47 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:47 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:47 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:44 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: Reject scan trigger since one is already pending Aug 19 06:00:44 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018444.4181] device (p2p-dev-wlan0): supplicant management interface state: scanning -> inactive Aug 19 06:00:44 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018444.4179] device (wlan0): supplicant interface state: scanning -> inactive Aug 19 06:00:44 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: Removed BSSID 18:82:8c:07:ef:44 from ignore list (clear) Aug 19 06:00:43 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018443.7438] device (wlan0): state change: failed -> disconnected (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Aug 19 06:00:43 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <warn> [1724018443.7420] device (wlan0): Activation: failed for connection 'MyWIFI99' Aug 19 06:00:43 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018443.7405] manager: NetworkManager state is now DISCONNECTED Aug 19 06:00:43 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018443.7390] device (wlan0): state change: need-auth -> failed (reason 'no-secrets', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Aug 19 06:00:43 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <warn> [1724018443.7389] device (wlan0): no secrets: No agents were available for this request. Aug 19 06:00:43 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <warn> [1724018443.7373] device (wlan0): Activation: (wifi) asking for new secrets Aug 19 06:00:43 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018443.7357] device (wlan0): state change: config -> need-auth (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Aug 19 06:00:43 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <warn> [1724018443.7355] device (wlan0): Activation: (wifi) association took too long Aug 19 06:00:40 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:40 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:40 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:40 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:40 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:40 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:38 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:38 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:38 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:38 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:38 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018434.3423] device (p2p-dev-wlan0): supplicant management interface state: disconnected -> scanning Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018434.3422] device (wlan0): supplicant interface state: disconnected -> scanning Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018434.2461] device (p2p-dev-wlan0): supplicant management interface state: associated -> disconnected Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018434.2459] device (wlan0): supplicant interface state: associated -> disconnected Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=CORE type=WORLD Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=CORE type=WORLD Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DSCP-POLICY clear_all Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SSID-TEMP-DISABLED id=0 ssid="MyWIFI99" auth_failures=1 duration=10 reason=CONN_FAILED Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: BSSID 18:82:8c:07:ef:44 ignore list count incremented to 2, ignoring for 10 seconds Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=18:82:8c:07:ef:44 reason=3 locally_generated=1 Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: nl80211: send_event_marker failed: Source based routing not supported Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: Added BSSID 18:82:8c:07:ef:44 into ignore list, ignoring for 10 seconds Aug 19 06:00:34 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: Authentication with 18:82:8c:07:ef:44 timed out. Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018424.2355] device (p2p-dev-wlan0): supplicant management interface state: associating -> associated Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018424.2354] device (wlan0): supplicant interface state: associating -> associated Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0 Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: Associated with 18:82:8c:07:ef:44 Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi systemd-networkd[306]: wlan0: Connected WiFi access point: MyWIFI99 (18:82:8c:07:ef:44) Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018424.1339] device (p2p-dev-wlan0): supplicant management interface state: scanning -> associating Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018424.1339] device (wlan0): supplicant interface state: scanning -> associating Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:24 alarmpi wpa_supplicant[643]: wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'MyWIFI99' Aug 19 06:00:22 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:22 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:22 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:22 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:22 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0909] device (p2p-dev-wlan0): supplicant management interface state: inactive -> scanning Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0908] device (wlan0): supplicant interface state: inactive -> scanning Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0557] Config: added 'psk' value '<hidden>' Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0556] Config: added 'auth_alg' value 'OPEN' Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0556] Config: added 'key_mgmt' value 'WPA-PSK WPA-PSK-SHA256 FT-PSK' Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0556] Config: added 'bgscan' value 'simple:30:-70:86400' Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0555] Config: added 'scan_ssid' value '1' Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0555] Config: added 'ssid' value 'MyWIFI99' Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0554] device (wlan0): Activation: (wifi) connection 'MyWIFI99' has security, and secrets exist. No new secrets needed. Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0547] device (wlan0): state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0539] device (wlan0): state change: need-auth -> prepare (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0504] device (wlan0): state change: config -> need-auth (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0503] device (wlan0): Activation: (wifi) access point 'MyWIFI99' has security, but secrets are required. Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0496] device (wlan0): state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0487] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTING Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0472] device (wlan0): state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0462] audit: op="connection-add-activate" uuid="68b7ad1d-29b3-402d-b925-5cbdc0bb07cc" name="MyWIFI99" pid=799 uid=1001 result="success" Aug 19 06:00:18 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018418.0453] device (wlan0): Activation: starting connection 'MyWIFI99' (68b7ad1d-29b3-402d-b925-5cbdc0bb07cc) Aug 19 06:00:01 alarmpi NetworkManager[435]: <info> [1724018401.4961] audit: op="connection-delete" uuid="eed97363-aa98-4d50-abab-4826666ca0fc" name="MyWIFI99" pid=784 uid=1001 result="success" Aug 19 05:59:43 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:43 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:43 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:43 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:43 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:43 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:42 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:41 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:41 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:41 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:41 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:14 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:14 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:14 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:14 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:14 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:14 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd090 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:13 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:12 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd02a fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:12 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd026 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:12 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd022 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:59:12 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100e fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:58:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a5 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:58:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd0a1 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:58:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd09d fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:58:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd099 fail, reason -52 Aug 19 05:58:55 alarmpi kernel: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0xd095 fail, reason -52 ``` :::

Linux Thumper 3 weeks ago 90%
How to install the game CLAW from Internet Archive

Hey guys, Recently I wanted to play `Claw` but I lost my old cds. So I decided to get the game from [Internet Archieve]( When downloaded I got these files from it - CLAW_2018_meta.sqlite - CLAW_2018_meta.xml - CLAW.BIN - CLAW.CUE - __ia_thumb.jpg - Claw_1997_Game_Cover.jpg I have no clue how to use theses files. If it is possible to convert to an exe, then I might be able to run through bottles. Thanks for all the help

Linux Zachariah 3 weeks ago 93%
Advice on release upgrade from Xubuntu 18.04.6 to 20.04.6 through 24.04.x

I have a computer running what I think at the time was called Ubuntu Server (no GUI) that I installed Xfce on, making it essentially Xubuntu. I did this because it allowed me to use `mdadm` to set up RAID (4 drives; RAID 5) _during_ the OS install. My OS lives on an NVME drive, and I have my raid mounted at /Files. I have lots of data in my RAID, and much (but not all!) is backed up to the cloud. There would be both emotional issues and lots of time required to fix things if I lose the RAID or the data on it. (I am realizing as I write this that I put off upgrading so long, I can probably copy all the data to one 20TB drive (oof! That’s expensive) since they’ve gotten about as big as my 21.83TB volume.) How safe is it to take the OS up on this offer? ``` New release '20.04.6 LTS' available. Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it. ``` How hard is it to reestablish the RAID if it forgets it exists? Is there anything else I can do to make this more likely to “just work”? (Like: don’t do it over ssh) Are there other factors I am not thinking of?

Linux mesamunefire 3 weeks ago 73%
KDE & GNOME have BIG plans, OpenAI investigated for GDPR breach: Linux & Open Source News

cross-posted from: > Check out KasmWorkspaces: > Community Edition: > OpenStack Autoscaling on OpenMetal Video Tutorial: > > Grab a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux: > > > > 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: > Get access to: > - a Daily Linux News show > - a weekly patroncast for more personal thoughts > - polls on the next topics I cover, > - your name in the credits > > YouTube: > Patreon: > > Or, you can donate whatever you want: > > Liberapay: > > 👕 GET TLE MERCH > Support the channel AND get cool new gear: > > 🎙️ LINUX AND OPEN SOURCE NEWS PODCAST: > Listen to the latest Linux and open source news, with more in depth coverage, and ad-free! > > 🏆 FOLLOW ME ELSEWHERE: > Website: > Mastodon: > Pixelfed: > PeerTube: > Discord: > > Timecodes: > 00:00 Intro > 00:41 Sponsor: Kasm > 01:34 KDE wants better apps > 03:26 GNOME expands > 05:31 EU looks into AI tools GDPR potential violations > 08:15 AWS is strangling some Fedora mirrors > 09:30 WSL is improving a lot > 11:23 Gaming: 15K games on Deck, Wine 9.10 > 13:32 Sponsor: Tuxedo Computers > 14:28 Support the channel > > #linux #opensource #technews #linuxnews

Linux kalkulat 4 weeks ago 100%
Dual booting with Windows? Beware recent Win update!

Already got you? this article tells you how you can fix it.

Linux fmstrat 4 weeks ago 97%
Webbian - Linux VMs in Docker on the Web

cross-posted from: > A web accessible Virtual Machine powered by Docker, Debian, and noVNC. Webbian allows you to execute a single docker run command to get an entire linux system with a web interface.

Linux jonathanvmv8f 4 weeks ago 91%
How do you realistically build your own OS with Arch Linux?

cross-posted from: > As a Linux newbie, all I know about Arch Linux is that it is a DIY distro where you assemble the entirely of the OS by scratch. Somehow it feels like it is too easy than it needs to be, even if it is primarily meant for experienced users. I imagine it to be less like building your PC from parts bought from the market and more like building _each and every component_ of the PC by scratch along with building the PC, which I assume to be much harder for the average consumer. > It seems absurd how it is possible for a single person to incorporate the innumerable components required for functionality in a personal system that does not crash 100% of the time due to countless incompatibility errors that come with doing something like this. > > I would like someone to elaborate on how it feels to 'build' a system software by yourself with Arch and how it is reasonable to actually do so in a simple language. I do have some experience in programming, mainly in webdev, so it's not like I need a baby-like explanation in how this works but it would be nice to get to know about this from someone who could understand where this confusion/curiosity is coming from.

Linux knexcar 4 weeks ago 96%
Best program to open .RW2 images?

Hello! My sister sent me some images on the .RW2 format, does anyone know any programs I should use to easily open/covert them to jpeg? Using Linux Mint if that helps. I know this could easily be googled, but someday I'd like to imagine people tacking to their google searches instead of

Linux Dark_Arc 4 weeks ago 87%
Has anyone ever cloned a disk with the GPT partition scheme?

So, I'm trying to clone an SSD to an NVME drive and I'm bumping into this "dev-disk-by" error when I boot from the NVME (the SSD is unplugged). I can't find anyone talking about this in this context. It seems like what I've done here should be fine and should work, but there's clearly something I and the arch wiki are missing.

Linux Azzu 1 month ago 91%
Where should I go to get help from experienced people on very specific issues that I can't find a solution for?

Right now I'm stuck in a boot issue on Elementary OS and I have no access to any installation medium :(

Linux 299792458ms 1 month ago 83%
Gtk4 Apps Abnormal Cursor Size

Hi guys, Currently the cursor gets larger on gtk4 apps such as nautilus, celluloid and blanket on wayland compositors like Gnome, Plasma, Niri, Hyprland, Sway and River. The cursor behaves normally on any other window, even on gtk3 and gtk2. This only started to happen about two days ago after a system update (I assume). I used gradience(before any of the trouble started) to set gtk themes and it's optional dependency adw-gtk3 and it worked fine. Adw-gtk3 is now adw-gtk-theme which is weird since gradience is still asking for adw-gtk3 to set themes even though adw-gtk-themes & adw-gtk-theme-git are listed as optional dependencies now. I have searched many forums and this is the only thing I could come up with that may have been the cause(on my end), I can't wrap my head around it really, tried several thing but with no luck... Anyway, would appreciate any help and if you are experiencing the same feel free to comment. Thanks in advance --- Possibly related links: - [askubuntu: Big Nautilus cursor]( - [archforums: Inconsistent cursor themes]( - [gentoo forums: GTK4 apps don't respect cursor size]( ``` #pacman -Q | rg gtk adw-gtk-theme 5.3-2 gtk-layer-shell 0.8.2-1 gtk-update-icon-cache 1:4.14.4-2 gtk2 2.24.33-4 gtk3 1:3.24.43-1 gtk4 1:4.14.4-2 gtkmm-4.0 4.14.0-1 gtkmm3 3.24.9-1 gtksourceview4 4.8.4-1 gtksourceview5 5.12.1-1 iwgtk 0.9-1 libappindicator-gtk3 12.10.0.r298-4 libdbusmenu-gtk3 16.04.0.r498-2 libportal-gtk4 0.7.1-3 nautilus-admin-gtk4 1.2.0.r0.g3cad8df-1 webkit2gtk-4.1 2.44.3-2 xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 1.15.1-2 ```

Linux devilish666 1 month ago 100%
[QUESTION] Toolbox for newbie

After several years distro hopping from Manjaro, Garuda, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, EndeavourOS, Fedora Workstation & OpenSUSE, I got tired & want to settle into something like immutable OS then i interested to try Fedora Kinoite with KDE as DE. Now i have some questions about toolbox (sorry if i asked silly question, but I'm still newbie) : - Now i already setup my container & install some packages in it but the shortcut is missing from application launcher (a.k.a start menu), _how i can link the shortcut from package inside toolbox to host application launcher ?_ - _If i made a file (ex text file) from inside container will it show in Home directory ?_ - _If something crashed inside container will it also crashed my host system ?_ - _Why some packages doesn't work inside container like Wine, Lutris, or Bottles ? Does it's need special dependencies to make it work ?_ - _Can packages that modifying system (ex **green tunnel, vmware, or QEMU, & hblock** ) work fine ?_

Linux flashgnash 1 month ago 95%
What do people think of the supernote nomad?

Saw an advert for [this]( thing, in theory it looks pretty good (repairable e-ink tablet) but I'm a little confused by their statement that it will at some point in the future run a linux based operatint system "A Linux-based system will be open in the future for community modifications and customizations. *Not built-in with the device" I guess this probably means it's not actually as open as they claim if you can't just put mainline Linux/android on it but thought I'd ask here cause in theory it seems like a neat tablet