Two Men, One Cup: Man uses controversial “poop in cup” method to win Nissan Sentra at Oklahoma State Fair

NSFL warning > > This year, in a bizarre effort to make the Oklahoma State Fair smell even worse than it already does, Dent Source sponsored and organized a competition called the Stinkin’ Sentra Giveaway. > > > > Similar to the B.O. GEO competition of years past, the premise is simple: four people are sent to live inside one Nissan Sentra in an outdoor fair exhibit. The contestants are only allowed to leave the car once every three hours for a 15-minute bathroom break, and anything they bring into the car—like discarded food, trash, or a carnie scalp—has to stay in the car. The last person to leave wins the car. > > > > According to local media reports, the competition concluded this past weekend. The winner was Brian Richmond, who outlasted the other three contestants and, according to witnesses, looks like he smells like a Walmart: > > > > ... > > > > Brian’s victory in the Stinkin’ Sentra competition didn’t come without some smelly and disgusting controversy. > > > >Meet Chris Deschner. He’s the guy who finished second in the competition, leaving the car after 80 hours of being trapped inside. > > > > In a Facebook video, Chris claims he exited the vehicle only after Brian went full Mr. Hankey and brought a cup of human excrement from the port-a-potty into the car following a bathroom break! > > > >Yep, you read that right. The winner brought a cup of human excrement from the port-a-potty into the car following a bathroom break. If you need to take a quick break to throw up in your mouth, feel free. > > > >Chris protested Brian’s septic stunt to contest organizers, but after holding a quick tribunal—hopefully while wearing hazmat suits—the Dent Source team determined that bringing human excrement into the Sentra was a violation of competition rules, but not enough to disqualify Brian. > > > >They removed the cup from the car and told Chris and Brian to resume play. > > > >Unfortunately, Chris couldn’t mentally recover from this clear violation of the laws of man. Claiming he had “more self-respect than that,” he dropped out of the competition like a loose turd, handing Brian the victory and a new, shitty car. > > > > ... > > > > If you ask me, Chris probably realized he had no chance of winning once he witnessed the sewage-level depths his opponent was willing to go for victory, so he quit under protest to try to sneak a win and save face. > > > >Honestly, I don’t blame Chris for this move. In fact, I consider him the winner! Not only does he still have his dignity, but even better—he won’t have to drive a Nissan Sentra.

weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Gatwick train cancelled after squirrels board and 'refuse to leave'
  • oleorun oleorun 1 day ago 100%

  • weirdnews
    Gatwick train cancelled after squirrels board and 'refuse to leave'

    cross-posted from: > >The squirrels jumped on the Great Western Railway (GWR) 8.54am train from Reading to Gatwick on Monday, forcing passengers to flee to other carriages. > > > >The passengers alerted staff, who tried to lure the squirrels off the train at Redhill with snacks, before trying to force them off with brooms - but to no avail. > > > >They subsequently called the journey off entirely.

    Grand prize winner of 2024 Florida Python Challenge announced


  • oleorun oleorun 3 days ago 100%

    "Hmm, new compound, eh? Let's taste it."

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Maryland, Virginia beaches closed to swimming after reports of washed up ‘medical waste’
  • oleorun oleorun 3 days ago 100%

    I'd give you Lemmy Gold if it existed!

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
  • oleorun oleorun 4 days ago 100%

    If this runs on Oracle we're all gonna be just fine. It's one of the slowest, clunkiest products ever made.

  • melbourne Melbourne Can anyone ID this succulent?
  • oleorun oleorun 4 days ago 100%

    Sempervivum tectorum, we call it Chicks and Hens.

  • weirdnews
    Arizona man discovers piece of Lego has been stuck in his nose for 26 years

    cross-posted from: > > Andi Norton, 32, who also goes by the name Ben Havoc, said in an Instagram post earlier this month that he blew his nose and, “low and behold,” a Lego dot piece came out. > > > >Havoc explained that, when he was six years old, he put the Lego dot up his nose. > > > >The toy was “too small for me to reach in my nose and grab it,” he said. So, he said he “had the brilliant idea” of shoving a Lego man up his nose to collect it. > > > >“At this point, I’ve panicked loudly and my mom came in and, in her panic, she’s looking at my nose and seeing there’s a Lego head stuck in my nostril,” he said. > > > >His mom pulled out that second toy with a tweezer – believing it to be the only piece. > > > >For the last 26 years, Havoc said he has suffered from multiple breathing issues including asthma and has recently been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. > > > > He said that his doctor had recommended he blow his nose in the shower during the summer months in order to take advantage of the steam and humidity. > > > > After following that advice for the past six months, one day he got a big surprise when the Lego piece fell out of his nose.

    weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Britain's crime minister has bag stolen at police conference
  • oleorun oleorun 1 week ago 100%

    I agree, the headline is unclear. It should be "gets her bag stolen" or as you suggested, "had her bag stolen".

    Better yet, the main object of this sentence, her bag, should be at the front of the headline. "Bag stolen from Britain's Crime Minister" is funnier (in my opinion), more concise, and eliminates the "where", which can be put in a byline/sub-headline, or just left in the article as a gem for the reader to find.

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Jon Bon Jovi helped persuade a woman to come off the ledge of a Nashville bridge, police say
  • oleorun oleorun 1 week ago 100%

    Agreed. The best part of Dave Matthews went into the Chicago River.

  • gaming Gaming STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor gets Denuvo DRM removed, plus performance improvements
  • oleorun oleorun 1 week ago 100%

    Assistant TO the Regional Manager.

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Jon Bon Jovi helped persuade a woman to come off the ledge of a Nashville bridge, police say
  • oleorun oleorun 1 week ago 100%

    And in case you think 'hero' is too good a label for JBJ, check out his foundation, what he's done and continues to do, for folks in impoverished communities.

    I've not met the guy but I can only imagine he's a class act.

  • weirdnews
    Bihar teen dies after fake doctor relies on YouTube videos for surgery

    cross-posted from: > > Family members of Krishna Kumar said they took him to Ganpati Hospital in Saran after he vomited several times. "We admitted him and the vomiting stopped soon after. But the doctor Ajit Kumar Puri said he needs to be operated upon. He conducted the operation by watching videos on YouTube. My son died later," Chandan Shaw. > > > > The family members said they do not know if the 'doctor' had proper qualifications. "We think he was self-styled and fake," they said. > > > >The teenager's grandfather said the boy was feeling better after the vomiting stopped. "But the doctor sent the father away on an errand and started operating on the boy without the family's consent. The boy was in pain. When we asked the doctor why he was in pain, he snapped at us and asked if we were doctors. Later in the evening, the boy stopped breathing. He was revived (with CPR) and then rushed to Patna. He died on the way. They left the boy's body on the stairs of the hospital and fled," said Krishna Kumar's grandfather Prahlad Prasad Shaw.

    news News Legendary actor James Earl Jones dies at 93
  • oleorun oleorun 2 weeks ago 100%

    Fine life. Unforgettable voice. Rest in peace sir.

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Australian Air Traffic Controller Found Sleeping On Duty After 10 Night Shifts In 12 Days
  • oleorun oleorun 2 weeks ago 100%

    This guy did the research

  • weirdnews
    Viral ‘Chase Bank Glitch’ Isn’t The Hack People Thought It Was

    Same people who tried to charge their iPhones in the microwave?

    Police looking for serial ‘porch pooper’ after man seen pooping on same porch multiple times

    cross-posted from: > > Police in Kentucky are looking for a man who has defecated on the same porch multiple times over the past week for no apparent reason. > > > >Louisville Metro Police say they have received three police reports about the alleged “porch pooper,” who’s since gained lots of attention online after doorbell videos of him have been posted on Reddit and Instagram. > > > >The homeowner, who did not want to be identified, being targeted by the so-called porch pooper said he first noticed something was up on Tuesday. > > > >“I went out to my front porch that morning and noticed what I thought was cat poop,” he said. > > > >The homeowner said he cleaned it up and checked his Nest doorbell camera from the night before and that’s when he realized it certainly wasn’t a cat. > > > >“Not only did he defecate, but he also urinated on our welcome mat,” he said.

    Don't Dead - Open Inside oleorun 3 weeks ago 99%
    I shan't
    weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Wells Fargo worker found dead at her desk four days after clocking in
  • oleorun oleorun 3 weeks ago 100%

    Those ghost accounts aren't going to open themselves. That cube is already staffed.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Music concerts should get quieter
  • oleorun oleorun 3 weeks ago 100%


  • map_enthusiasts Map Enthusiasts France's longest border is with Brazil
  • oleorun oleorun 4 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, agreed. Span = bridge. It's gotta be contiguous across all timezones. Otherwise it's a fact that France exists in many timezones, but not all.

    Still an impressive graphic.

  • weirdnews
    Never take health tips from world’s oldest people, say scientists

    Scientists: Outliers aren't reliable data points. Us: FUCK YOU WE'RE GOING TO DRINK AND SMOKE LIKE THAT ONE LADY WHO LIVED TO BE 114.

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was "the incident" at your work place?
  • oleorun oleorun 4 weeks ago 99%

    Worked at a place where our CIO was completely unqualified to be a leader, much less a leader in IT. She was a micromanager who took the position of "telling stakeholders" instead of "working with stakeholders" so any project she was on was really her pushing through whatever agenda she had at the time. Meanwhile her deputy CIO was stealing computer equipment from the server room but I digress....

    April fools one year and I decide to prank it up. I moved the hinges (not the door handles) of the freezer/fridge in the breakroom so that the handle and hinges were on the same side. It's a fifteen minute job to move everything so I did it the night before the 1st.

    The next morning our hungover CIO stumbles into the breakroom and cannot get the fridge to open. After a few seconds of futile tugging on the handle, she gave up and took her lunch to her office.

    Others in the office figured it out pretty quickly and had a good chuckle.

    Later on that day CIO sends out a nastygram about pranks being unprofessional, property damage, someone was going to be in huge trouble, yadda yadda....

    But she's not the director. The director tells her to basically fuck off, it was a funny prank, and perhaps she needed to lighten up.

    She never found out it was me.

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' John Wayne Bobbitt's Toes Amputated Decades After Penis-Severing Incident
  • oleorun oleorun 4 weeks ago 100%

    Your opinion is duly noted! And you're banned for violation of the Be Nice rule. Bye!

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' John Wayne Bobbitt's Toes Amputated Decades After Penis-Severing Incident
  • oleorun oleorun 4 weeks ago 83%

    Weird news: our sole purpose is to share the weird headlines.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Chick-fil-A is reportedly launching a streaming service for some reason
  • oleorun oleorun 4 weeks ago 100%

    It'll be unavailable on Sundays.

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Man who faked own death by hacking into death registry to avoid paying child support sentenced to over 6 years in prison
  • oleorun oleorun 4 weeks ago 100%

    I couldn't come up with anything wittier....

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Man who pulled gun after worker at Colorado Burger King wouldn't take drugs for payment gets 143 years in prison
  • oleorun oleorun 1 month ago 100%

    You're talking about Brock Turner, the coward rapist?

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Don't mess with Dolly.
  • oleorun oleorun 1 month ago 100% is her free books for kids project.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes It's mocking you
  • oleorun oleorun 1 month ago 100%

    When the shrooms the homeless guy on the strip sold to you hit....

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it?
  • oleorun oleorun 1 month ago 100%

    I'm in the same situation - started with the same printer, put money and parts into it to get it to be reliable, and now I can just login to Octoprint and send something with 99% of prints just working. I wipe the build plate down, blast it with a few squeezes of canned air, and it just works.

    But now these kids and their Bambus and multi-color print abilities...get off my lawn. Seriously, kids, you're in my light and I'm trying to get this hotend adjusted....

  • news World News A man is seen climbing the Eiffel Tower, prompting an evacuation hours before closing ceremony
  • oleorun oleorun 1 month ago 100%

    When it's someone else's dumb thing it's better for sure

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Found a dentist
  • oleorun oleorun 1 month ago 100%

    I hope he or she is better at straightening teeth than straightening vehicles.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are some good ways to alleviate hiccups?
  • oleorun oleorun 1 month ago 100%

    Here's a method that's always worked for me and others.

    Get a glass of water, cool is preferred but any reasonable temperature is ok.

    Take small, tiny, repeated sips from the rim of the glass, like an infant on a nipple, drinking and swallowing the water.

    Do this for ten-twenty seconds and you'll be rid of them.

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Local man arrested while still eating sandwich
  • oleorun oleorun 1 month ago 100%

    The people demand closure!

  • science science Is there a scientific calendar which uses a different reference than Jesus?
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%

    Stardate 4

  • 196 196 Moving truck Bet win rule
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%

    You're forgetting wear and tear. When the Yaris is moving, the gas is not the only being used, but so are the tires. And the brake pads and rotors. You're putting mileage on the odometer, spinning those wheel bearings, blasting the A/C, and maybe loosening up that CV joint more and more every time you turn left. Was that an exhaust leak I'm starting to hear?

    With the moving truck, you don't care about that stuff, as it's baked into the rental cost. Even when the cost of the trailer is factored in you've saved money from wear. You still win.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What has been the worst church service you have ever attended?
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%

    maybe The Youths would sit up and pay attention.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What has been the worst church service you have ever attended?
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%

    Wow. A tornado needs to find its way there.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What has been the worst church service you have ever attended?
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%

    Nowadays? Depends on a whole set of indeterminate variables.

    But odds point to tazing. arrest, something on that end of the spectrum.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What has been the worst church service you have ever attended?
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%

    A Catholic Christmas Eve Vigil (not Midnight - different kind of Mass).

    The scene was thus: A strange-to-me Catholic church off of something and Capital in Milwaukee, near where my mom, not a religious person but a nice person, took me and my sis when Christmas happened to fall on our regular visitation weekend one particular year.

    The priest spoke on and on, as fathers and Father tend to do. The readings familiar, unre(M)arkable, (L)ukewarm, Psalm verse, same as the first.

    The Homily was delivered in the patented priestly monotonic nasally drone, the incense and insensitivity flowing too freely. The easily-employed white, gray-haired, "middle class rich", Kohl's-suited, stoic husbands stood, sat, knelt, genuflected, stood, knelt, stood, sat, stood, knelt, genuflected, prayed, sang-chanted, with their wives, who were fully guilt-jeweled for common marital slights, whether real or imagined, or who benefited from rich parents who left their ill-gotten legacies to their ill-raised, now boomer kids who have become reluctantly over-sexed wives. The department store credit cards tucked safely in their expensive clutch purses, these women were fully-prepared to wage full-out Karen-esque, post-Christmas sale consumerist war in the following post-holiday sales season.

    Retail workers never stood a chance.

    In short: The church was overheated, like hell hot, probably good prep for some of these people, and my not-Catholic mother was next to me trying to morally fix or better herself, or maybe she was trying to impress my sister and I, or, more than likely on reflection, trying to placate my very-Catholic dad and stepmom, but mostly I had been standing for what seemed like FOREVER, and my knees alternately locked and unlocked, and my youth-fitting suit that was too small but too expensive to replace at Kohls just yet sweltered me under imagined and real guilt, and the incense, and the droning, and the HEAT...

    I was about 4 seconds from passing out when some stranger approached me and said "Hey, you don't look OK. Let's go outside now before you faint." and I swear it's the best religious experience I've ever had: A human being a human and taking pity on a young kid dealing with physical and emotional distress. I went outside and cooled off in the Midwestern December air. Soon after, my mom and sis came outside and we left in the beater car that smelt like gas if the heater was fully turned on, so we had to leave the freash air selector on and the slider control at no more than 3/4 quarters, but that's OK because the A/C, which hadn't functioned in many presidential election cycles, was fully-replaced by the December air, the religious experiment over.

    I'm not at all religious but I hope that guy knows just what he did for us that night. We were faking faith, just trying to be good people, and the droning, heat, guilt, and THAT FUCKING CHRISTMAS INCENSE just did us in.

    Lesson learned.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What has been the worst church service you have ever attended?
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%

    Pew or pew not - there is no die.

  • privacy Privacy Installed GrapheneOS for the first time
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%

    Same issues here. I love GOS but I need basic things like SMS/MMS/RCS to work, and right now they just don't.

  • woodworking Woodworking So it begins
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%

    I’m going to give it to a friend of mine, but I’ve been upfront that it will not be perfect.

    Craftsmanship is never completely flawless - looking good!

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' The gods must be angry: Mexico 'cancels' statue of Greek god Poseidon after dispute with local deity
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 66%

    Locking this post. Comments are getting off-topic.

  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 66%

    Still true though. I'm distro-agnostic, running the best whatever for the job at hand.

    When I give a presentation at a conference about something technical, the question always comes up: "Why are you running that on so-and-so? $Distro is so much better..." and their whole train of thought deviates from the subject at hand.

    Point is, the tool is the tool. If Fedora is the best option given our licenses and use scenario, I don't need to hear about how much better xyz is and how we're wasting money.

    I just want xyz to work. I don't need the distro wars to be a thing when I've got 6 other more important things to attend to.

  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Hip-hop band Cypress Hill makes 1996 Simpsons joke come true
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%
  • weirdnews Weird News - Things that make you go 'hmmm' Woman swallowed whole by a python in Indonesia, second such killing in a month
  • oleorun oleorun 2 months ago 100%

    Cue pissed-off flaming snek coming at you fast...
