
Unpopular Opinion

Unpopular Opinion Breezy 10 hours ago 67%
I think everyone should listen to Taylor Swift.

I dont mean her presidential recommendation, no i am talking of her latest album. Its easily her best and its neither super poppy nor country. So during covid she got into folk music, and she just became more somber and mature almost overnight. There is a reason more older people listen vs teens. Shes older now, 34, and makes music for her age group but everyone assume she stills aim at teenager girls. You could go to her newest albums and only listen to her explicit tracks to get the most change, but thats not all she is either. Im no pro on music, i check spotify on Fridays and listen what instrested me, mostly rap but whatever. But im a die hard swiftie

Unpopular Opinion Nuke_the_whales 2 days ago 82%
There are too many damn anime communities on Lemmy

I'm playing whack a mole constantly, blocking all these anime subs!

Unpopular Opinion 101 2 days ago 47%
We need to stop using /s unless there is a need.

I think most people who use it are just scared from the uneducated downvotes/ backlash and I think it just ruins the sarcasm. I started to avoid using it on other social media as it seems kind of dumb. My opinion for it on Lemmy is mostly the same but it might work better here if Lemmy had a sarcasm tag instead(the same way NSFW tag work)of /s to signal the sarcasm instead.

Unpopular Opinion MrJameGumb 5 days ago 82%
If you don't want EVERYONE to participate in your community, then you should really make it private.

I just got permanently banned from a community for making a single harmless remark on a single post that was right there in the main feed. It's not a community I'm super active in so it's not like devastating, but it is annoying If your precious little community is full of so many delicate sensitive people who can't even be reminded that another viewpoint *even exists*, then you should really protect them by defederating and having everyone join your private website The mod has literally removed like 75% of the comments and banned everyone lol I don't know about anyone else, but I don't have time to read every rule for every community that pops up when I'm in view all

The most annoying thing about younger people is they c*nsor themselves

Censorship is a real problem, but you don't have to embrace it. That's just making the problem worse.

Unpopular Opinion 101 7 days ago 85%
General population decline trends in the last years is actually a good news.

- If we really thought about it, there will be a raising amount of people who don't have a job and will not be able to get a job ever due to the decline in human labour needs, which lead to fewer jobs being offered globally which means that with fewer humans around there will be a higher chance for people to get a good job. - Humans consume resources, with less humans around there will be more resources for each humans and they will collectively consume less resources in total.

Unpopular Opinion MaXimus421 6 days ago 70%
Motorola 'Chop' for flashlight is trash

What in the name of F I gotta violently swing my effing phone like a lunitic (because it does NOT work as smoothly as folks say) just to turn my flashlight on?

Unpopular Opinion InSamsara 1 week ago 92%
The Floor Is Comfier Than Beds and Couches

When I say the floor is comfier I mean it, no mattress or anything, and at most I use the support of a pillow or two. I live in an area where it's consistently hot, where it really only drops below room temperature in the winter, so for a good majority of the year so falling asleep is difficult. The hot weather makes couches and blankets pick up heat too easily. Even if I lived in a cooler area I would still detest beds and couches since I tend to find soft surfaces to be rather unpleasant. On the other hand, the floor, which usually carpet, usually has a hard surface with a consistent temperature that makes it enjoyable to rest on. I like hard wood floors too since the cold feeling is nice I find to be pretty refreshing, but not in a thirsty kind of way if that makes sense.

Unpopular Opinion bizarroland 1 week ago 69%
AI isn't as bad as the doomsayers say it is

Don't get me wrong, there are problems with it, both in the process that modern AI uses as well as the sources that it draws from, however, as of right now ai is just a tool like auto-tune or photoshop. Even though it will change the media formats that it is attached to, it will not supplant them within the next 5 to 10 years, it will simply transform them.

Unpopular Opinion Duamerthrax 2 weeks ago 26%
Community college is a joke and shouldn't preclude entering a 4year as a Freshman.

Community college ostensibly for people who don't have a good track record from High School, but is often advertised as the cheap, local option for people who don't want to feel bad about having to go. I did in fact try community college and it's really just high school material with smaller text. I even took it in parallel with an edX equivalent and the material wasn't even close to each other. The idea that CC is suppose to replace the first 2 years at a real college is terrifying and reinforces how much of the professional word is theater. If you do any number of years at a community college, you should be able to apply as a freshman to a real college if you want.

Unpopular Opinion coffee_with_cream 2 weeks ago 71%
rolling bags should not be allowed as carry-ons for flights

If your bag needs wheels, it is, by definition, not a carry-on. So tired of people bringing massive bags in the plane that they cannot lift into the overhead bin. Pack lighter Or Check your bags If you downvote...check which sub you are in

Hunting and fishing are for psychopaths

I'm not talking about the consumption of animals here, to be clear. What I'm talking about is spending days and a bunch of money planning to kill something, doing the killing, and skinning/eviscerating what was killed, and often displaying the stuffed corpse. Hunters and fishers refuse to admit they're obsessed with taking pleasure in killing something. Miss me with the "tradition" stuff, it's just peer pressure from the dead and a fallacious argument. Don't tell me it's to eat, like I said, I'm not talking about the consumption here, so please prove to me you are literate by not bringing up that point. And don't tell me you're respectful to the animals you kill; I don't believe the planning, stalking, and killing is a good way to show respect.

Unpopular Opinion BackOnMyBS 2 weeks ago 70%
Queen sucks

Queen the band sucks. I don't get why anyone likes them. Aside from Bohemian Rhapsody, their songs are bland and fall short. Their rock is dry. And the opera-style singing is cringe. Examples: **Another One Bites the Dust** * Catchy bass line, fun to direct at an opponent, CORNY AF. The song is about people being killed, but sounds like a funky Michael Jackson song with an Opera singer. **We Will Rock You** * Good solo, repetitive and annoying simple beat. Boom-boom-ch. So lame. **We Are the Champions** * Such a self-aggrandizing and braggy song. "No time for losers"? Okay, Donald Trump. **Bicycle Race** * I don't even have to say anything about this one. Everyone knows how corny this song sounds. **Somebody to Love** * Touching topic, cheesy lyrics and even cheesier choir-like singing. It's cringe. I am happy for the band and their success. I admire Freddie Mercury's unapologetic flamboyance. The dude kept it real. But, I just can't like the music. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. I understand we all have different taste and respect everyone's freedom to like and enjoy what they want. I'm not trying to insult anyone for their taste, but merely expressing my own in a somewhat humorous attempt.

Unpopular Opinion lriv724 3 weeks ago 70%
It's only "just a joke" when you get called out on it.

I would say atleast 80% of the time because there are people who are legitimately only saying things as a joke. But people (friends and family) will say the most absurd thing about you or play the worst prank on you, and say: “it was just a joke, it was just a prank.” Knowing good and well it wasn’t something to joke about. And here’s the other thing, jokes are supposed to be funny. Most people don’t get the concept of a joke. It’s not always that I don’t have a sense of humor. You just don’t have humor AT ALL.

Unpopular Opinion wesker 3 weeks ago 75%
Von Trier's Depression trilogy is boring garbage.

It tries so hard to be deep and shocking, but it completely falls flat. And Gainsbourg's acting is awful in all of them.

Unpopular Opinion Allero 3 weeks ago 89%
Music concerts should get quieter

It is no secret that prolonged exposure to loud sound is highly damaging to our hearing. Listening to loud music is one of the common factors leading to degraded hearing ability and tinnitus, and is deeply unhealthy. At the same time, such level of noise negatively impacts the quality of sound perception, which degrades the *musical* side of the *musical* performance. In what seems to be the echoes of the so-called "loudness war", bands still stick to the idea that "the louder you blast it - the better". But it's not true. There are many other ways to energize the crowd without causing them sound damage, and I'd love to see more of those, instead of them trying to be the loudest ever.

Unpopular Opinion lriv724 3 weeks ago 76%
Apologizing for something you already knew was wrong seems pointless.

I’m pretty sure I’m in the small minority here but I personally feel like apologies are a better fit for accidents and miscommunications. If you steal from someone, cheat on someone, intentionally harm someone, etc. saying sorry doesn’t do much for me because if you were sorry, you wouldn’t have done it in the first place. I appreciate the apology, but that doesn’t move me. Trust is always regained through actions, not words. Perhaps you could argue that a person has a “change of heart.” Maybe that might make the apology more valid. But idk

dictatorship(in good hands) > democracy > dictatorship(in bad hands)

Of course we can't be sure dictatorship will always be in good hands, hence next best thing is democracy.

Unpopular Opinion lriv724 3 weeks ago 77%
Any major outside of STEM, Law, or Med is not worth going to a university for.

Take it from a criminal justice major who ended up going into student loan debt because I felt like I just downright “needed” to get it from a university. NOTE, I’m not saying don’t go to college, I’m saying unless you are majoring in one of the fields I named, you’d be better off enrolling at a JUCO or Community College. Now if you have a scholarship then that’s a different story. I was originally in a community college but ended up transferring because that school only offered associate degrees (my other excuse for leaving lol). College as a whole is way too fucking expensive to begin with but I feel as though it would be more worth it if you were in the majors I mentioned. I do realize that there are many graduates who have majored in other fields and feel content and that’s great.

Unpopular Opinion lriv724 3 weeks ago 67%
Saying "it's a yes or no question" is not always fair.

In some ways it seems manipulative. Sometimes it is indeed a yes or no question, but most people know that certain answers require further explanation. It gives off the impression that you don’t wanna hear someone’s side of the story/debate. Sometimes “yes, but” or “no, but” is warranted.

Unpopular Opinion lriv724 3 weeks ago 71%
Taking a shower every day is excessive.

UNLESS you work a blue collar job, or any other job that requires you to be outside the whole time, I don’t see the point in showering every day. Especially if you work from home or in a building with AC. It seems excessive and is also a waste of water. But do what you want lmao.

Unpopular Opinion lriv724 3 weeks ago 67%
Addressing your significant other by their actual name should be more normalized.

Personally, I have never gotten the hype by the names “baby,” “babe,” “bae,” “honey,” it feels forced to me. I’ve seen those TikTok videos where as a joke people will address their spouses by their real names and the spouses get mad and say something like “my family and friends can call me that, but you can’t.” I’ve never gotten the seriousness of it. If we already know we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, or husband and wife, why should I have to address you by those names? Again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with saying them, but using real names should become more common as well.

Unpopular Opinion True 3 weeks ago 32%
Online Multiplayer games does not make sense, unless you use it for chatting and not gaming.

I think that online multiplayer games does not need to exist as most games could be played offline with AI and with higher enjoyment also. I think the reason a lot of people don't enjoy AI offline instead of multiplayer games is because as a capitalist society we associate multiplayer games with higher joy, due to the huge amount of ads and streamers targeting teenagers to show them how much fun they are missing by not playing in online multiplayer games. I had met a variety of people with different ages and a lot of the older generations prefer offline games and consider it the norm.

Unpopular Opinion avieshek 3 weeks ago 92%
Lemmy wouldn't really takeoff to replace Reddit until it's content is search indexable

Let’s be honest, the real reason Lemmy build most of its traffic is because of Reddit users. But the thing is, outside of the mass exodus in the west that too from the PC era.. people discover and join Reddit not because it’s another social media like Facebook or Twitter that people need to reserve their usernames on like a brand or celebrity but because Google Search is kinda… actually absolute trash by SEO and machine learning crawlers. Most of the world (I am from India btw, hello~) join or even discover reddit because they’re trying to search for actual solutions, recommendations, advice or even reviews by actual experienced people without having to go through another YouTuber which can stem from troubleshooting a router, finding an actual FOSS option or seeking immediate solutions to the recent CrowdStrike fiasco for example. After having to visit reddit every time whenever using a search engine including for education to career advice, I ended up directly signing up with reddit a decade ago. Recently, Reddit even restricted its search results to Google only in a business partnership meaning those using Bing, DuckDuckGo to Ecosia or even SearchGPT wouldn’t be able to access Reddit answers anymore. Say, if someone searches for how to block ads on chrome as example - Solutions like **uBlock Origin** come into existence and continue to exist because of the combined community in Reddit that Lemmy is trying to preserve. Unlike others, am not saying Lemmy would be dead but it would be pretty much like Discord-Telegram or Tumblr instead of wiping Reddit or correcting Facebook. Reddit is not something you discover from word-of-mouth or join from peer pressure unlike other social media which is even truer for Lemmy but because it actually helps and is useful to people. Lemmy can’t be taking the path of 𝕏 (Alone Mask’s Twitter) but any of the good platforms were before the Enshittification with Facebook’s way~

Unpopular Opinion lriv724 3 weeks ago 87%
Ice cream will always be better in a cup/bowl.

Does ice cream look better in a cone? Sure. But that’s it. If you order it from a restaurant or shop, eating it in a cone feels rushed. With a cup, you can take it home with you and put it in the freezer and save it for later if you want. I would even argue that you will get more ice cream from a cup than there is in a cone. Also, in a cup, you can add toppings more effectively in the ice cream and mix them up in a better way than in a cone. Another thing, cups are less messy. Ice cream always runs the risk of melting in general, but atleast with a cup you have a smaller chance of it dripping on your hands and clothes.

Unpopular Opinion lriv724 4 weeks ago 76%
Thanksgiving food is overrated

Just about every common food option for thanksgiving is mediocre. Turkey is dry and flavorless unless you drench it in salt. Cranberry sauce is awful. Not only does dressing (stuffing) look unappealing it also tastes just as bad. And pumpkin pie could be better. Casserole and mash potatoes are alright but nothing to just fond over. The only good meal is mac and cheese and that ONLY depends on who’s cooking it. The 4th of July is the superior holiday in terms of food.

Unpopular Opinion ArbitraryValue 4 weeks ago 79%
Not wearing a respirator in crowded places is dumb.

Before covid, I would be sick with a cold or flu for a total of about two weeks every year. That means I spent 4% of my time sick; one out of every 25 days. Since covid appeared, I've been wearing an N95 in crowded indoor areas whenever I reasonably can. (Obviously I can't if I'm eating something.) My main goal initially was to protect my elderly relatives, but during the last four years I have not gotten sick even once, except from my elderly relatives who didn't wear masks, got sick, and then infected me when I was caring for them. Why isn't everyone wearing N95s? Sure, it's uncomfortable, but being sick is much more uncomfortable. And then there's the fact that wearing an N95 protects *other people* and not just the wearer...

Unpopular Opinion Binzy_Boi 4 weeks ago 89%
Fried Chicken Tastes Better Cold

I haven't had fried chicken in a while now mind you, but both when I was a kid and my family would have leftover KFC, and as an adult in the rare occasion I do get fried chicken, I have always loved it more after it's been sitting overnight in the fridge. Won't heat that shit in the microwave or nuthin, just eat it straight cold and love it like that.

Unpopular Opinion SkaraBrae 4 weeks ago 78%
Boromir got what he deserved

Boromir was the only member of the Fellowship who tried to take the ring. He was vain and entitled, believing that he alone, of the Fellowship, was worthy of the ring. He was a thief and a traitor. Boromir was a Lord of Gondor, and he wanted everyone to know it. "His garments were rich, his cloak was lined with fur, and he had a collar of silver in which a single white stone was set." Boromir did not redeem himself. He failed to protect Merry and Pippin from the orcs, who wouldn’t have found the hobbits wandering alone if it weren’t for Boromir’s actions in the first place. Boromir would not have felt remorse or apologised if he had succeeded in taking the ring; he only did because he was caught. His image was so important to him that his “heroic” death was staged to create sympathy and goodwill so that he would not be remembered through the ages as a thief and a traitor. Boromir got what he deserved.

Unpopular Opinion EndlessApollo 4 weeks ago 50%
Vegans are worse people and more harmful than "carnists'

They don't give a fuck about minimizing suffering, they gladly eat food grown by slaves, or overconsume things some communities rely on, or replace things made of leather with things made of plastic that'll break down into microplastics. They force their shit into pets like cats who can't thrive on a vegan diet. And that's assuming they don't just call you a nazi for even having a pet, or steal your pet from you so they can kill it. And ofc they're just the most holier than thou pieces of shit anywhere, who think everyone who isn't vegan is literally as bad as a fascist. Yall are weird. Really weird. And you don't have to be this harmful. Quit getting even more plastic shit, stop abusing pets, quit taking food from indigenous people who need it. You can minimize animal products without replacing them with even worse things, and failing to do so makes you just as much of an irredeemable fascist as the rest of us. Human suffering is not preferable to animal suffering. If you disagree, you are *literally* a sociopath

Unpopular Opinion EABOD25 4 weeks ago 85%
People who complain about video games not being realistic enough are the problem with video games

Videos games aren't supposed to be realistic. I'm not supposed to put myself in the position of a real socom or seal or delta or recons or X18 for that matter. I don't want a video game that represents reality. That's not what video games are about. Video games are supposed to be void of reality. Destiny, baldurs gate, elder scrolls, Mario, metal gear, etc... That's what video gaming is supposed to be. Not real situations that could/would occur like call of duty. CoD is a garbage game and it's offensive for them to remaster the bullshit and then expect people to pay for the bullshit that they couldn't justify having paid for when the game(s] was first released. Do not fall for the Microsoft trap

Unpopular Opinion Not_mikey 4 weeks ago 79%
Occasional weed use sucks

First of all this isn't an anti-weed post, I use weed regularly and enjoy it. What I'm arguing against is occasional use, once a month or less, at that level your tolerance usually resets between uses. The thing they don't tell you in health class is tolerance goes both ways, you become tolerant to both the positives and negatives of use. For weed the negative im referring to is anxiety, though short term memory loss also goes down with more regular use. Whenever I take a break and then start doing weed again I get way too in my head and anxious which usually goes away after a couple sessions. This has also become worse with modern legal strains that have become way too concentrated. Dispensary edibles are a bit better since you can dose them easier but even then the longer the time in between uses the more likely you'll forget what's a good dosage. I see this a lot with friends who don't regularly do weed and they smoke with me, get way too high, have a bad time and then won't do it again for a while and repeat the cycle. So for those type of people I'd recommend not doing weed at all or doing it more regularly so you can keep your tolerance up. No shame in picking either but the middle ground kinda sucks. EDIT: a lot of people are saying get lower percentage strains or higher CBD ones, to that I'd say I wish I could. I always try and get the lowest percentage stuff I can find at the dispensary and that stuffs still usually in the high teens percent THC with less then a percent CBD here in SF. So I guess part of this is just a rant on how stupidly concentrated modern weed is and how it leaves little margin for error.

Unpopular Opinion HobbitFoot 1 month ago 60%
Forums are social media

People here like to say "I don't use social media; I use forums" like there is a difference between the two. There isn't. Forums are places where people post and comment on user generated content, other comments themselves.

Unpopular Opinion Thorny_Insight 1 month ago 50%
Claiming AI art isn’t ‘real’ art is just gatekeeping

The question about the legal and moral aspects of training on works of other artists is related, but a different discussion.

Unpopular Opinion trk 1 month ago 69%
Events that rely on interpretation should be removed from the Olympics

Driving, gymnastics, break dancing (ESPECIALLY break dancing)... Anything that can't be timed or measured or otherwise objectively decided should be removed from competition. How do you quantify "style"? How do you ensure there is not biase from judges based on their knowledge of the competitor, be it country they are representing, or personal connections, or racial / religious opinion? How do you fairly compensate for what your personal opinion considers "worth" more when it comes to a trick or routine compared to another? Swimming, running, jumping, throwing things a distance are all things that can be measured and ruled against a standard that every competitor uses. It's fair and it's removed from any bias. The Olympics are supposed to be about competition between athletes and shouldn't be affected by popularity or politics, which anything with an interpretive aspect to the result will suffer from. So yeah, remove the feels sports and limit the Olympics to reals sports.

Unpopular Opinion Fosheze 1 month ago 91%
I prefer alcohol based aftershave.

I like the bit of minty burn and it doesn't feel greasy afterwords like the non-alcohol based ones I've tried.