becomeme BecomeMe Birth month is a big factor in athletic performance • Daniel Kiikka
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 8 months ago 100%

    Yup, and this is not new information. i've seen studies about this effect for at least a decade, probably more like 2 but time flies now

  • firefox Firefox What is Firefox's Use Case for Normies/Tech Illiterate People?
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 8 months ago 100%

    I use Firefox with ad blockers to watch YouTube. Chrome seems to be allowing them to block my ad blocker

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Webmd parent company video
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 8 months ago 100%

    It's also top comment on the .social link

  • news News New Legislation Proposes to Take Wall Street Out of the Housing Market
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 8 months ago 50%

    Yeah I'm comparing 3rd party votes to voting for the less harmful duopoly + activism, you're comparing it to doing nothing.

    You're right voting 3rd party is better than doing absolutely nothing. What a high bar

  • games Games US FTC tries again to stop Microsoft's already-closed deal for Activision
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 83%

    in what way is buying a competitor not inherently anti-competitive?

    If someone has a history of anti-competitive behavior, preventing them from buying competitors is perfectly logical

  • news News New Study: Police Kill Over 10,000 Family Dogs Every Year; According to The U.S. Justice Department
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 83%

    What are you even talking about? I've seen videos of cops shooting at dogs wagging their tails. I've seen cops shoot at small dogs and accidentally hit the owners. Here's just one of many videos, see if you can watch it without being disgusted by these pigs

  • news News New Legislation Proposes to Take Wall Street Out of the Housing Market
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 75%

    That’s true until it isn’t.

    The way you change that is election reform. Not thoughts and prayers and spoiler votes when one of the 2 big parties is running a wannabe-dictator.

    Think, if fools in Florida didn't vote 3rd party in 2000 you'd never have bush or the war in iraq, and we might have given a shit about global warming.

  • news News New Legislation Proposes to Take Wall Street Out of the Housing Market
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 45%

    Please, tell me you're a child who knows nothing about the US electoral system without telling me. People like you got us Trump

    Too much of a baby to read and understand the spoiler effect that comes with FPTP? Too impatient and short-sighted to push for election reform (RCV or approval voting) and just want some low effort immediate option that requires nothing more than casting a vote? Child. Democracies require effort to survive.

  • news News New Legislation Proposes to Take Wall Street Out of the Housing Market
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    Did you just scoff at the idea of competition improving a market?

  • politics politics Mike Johnson: God Chose Me To Be America's "Moses" - Joe.My.God.
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    or they're simply pumped full of Fox brand fear of anything slightly different and prefer this guys brand of crazy

  • greentext Greentext Anon wonders about Peter Jackson
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 40%

    Yup, few people remember how few and far between big budget fantasy films used to be. Computer graphics have gotten cheap enough now that we see big fantasy sets all the time. Back when LOTR hit it was really rare for someone to cater to the fantasy crowd on the big screen, especially for a whole trilogy.

    Much like the original Tolkien novels are a hard read but still seen as classics because they laid groundwork for the genre, the movies are seen as classics because they came first. They are probably Peter Jackson's best movies but that's only because he got even worse at editing as he went on.

  • health Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related Wasabi, beloved on sushi, linked to "really substantial" boost in memory, Japanese study finds
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 96%

    Study was funded by a wasabi company of course

  • cat cats The cat is sleeping
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 88%

    As planned

  • politics politics Sen. Bernie Sanders opposes giving Israel $10 billion in aid
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    Okay but they have no incentive to do any of that and instead have monetary incentive to shift right

    Do participate in bringing ranked choice voting to your state if you want a shift left in the USA. Competition will force the shift you are looking for

  • games Games Quizzle – Can you guess the word in fewer than twenty questions?
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    Nope. Wasted questions on animal/plant/mineral when that paradigm isn't accurate enough for a machine I guess.

    Seemed to understand alive vs not.

  • greentext Greentext Anon gets laughed at
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 73%

    guys really do think about women laughing at them as much as we think about them trying to murder us

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why is it apparently cool and fine for insurance companies to spend countless billions, trillions of our money constantly buying ad time?
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    Except the casino can refuse to pay out for any reason at all

  • news News Elon Musk calls strikes ‘insane’ as Swedish workers take on Tesla
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    USA strikers should take notes

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Human Brains Aren't Wired to Fight Climate Change | Society knows it’s doing things that will do immense harm to the environment for many generations to come. So why can’t it change? We like donuts
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    The global elite buy the USA politicians. They are for sale internationally

    In Bush's case, the family is owned by the Saudis. And the Saudis couldn't have the USA president going after oil.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes Every dang day
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    Really? The right around here is burning books, claiming their religious beliefs should be enshrined in laws forced on others, and openly supporting a wannabe dictator while calling anyone in their party who doesn't agree a 'Rino' (Republica in name only). To say nothing of the connection to churches and their 'flocks'

    That is a lot of trying to force viewpoints on others and create a uniform viewpoint

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Human Brains Aren't Wired to Fight Climate Change | Society knows it’s doing things that will do immense harm to the environment for many generations to come. So why can’t it change? We like donuts
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    In the usa we did vote for AL gore, who campaigned pretty much solely on stopping climate change.

    When it became clear gore would win, the Supreme Court stopped counting ballots and gave the win to Bush, an oil tycoon who went to war for oil. Later Kavanaugh, who worked the case for Bush, was given a lifetime appointment to the same court for their effective cronyism

    So yes, the global elite are the reason here.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes Every dang day
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    Young people of all generations do not have full brains developed yet, they are basic and self righteous until 27ish

  • twoxchromosomes TwoXChromosomes Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like.
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    This may be unpopular but the marraige model was never good for women in the west, and Im glad we are free of it.

    We were expected to be live-in bang-maid-mothers. Women were lobotomized during the 'golden 1950s' that some (often conservative men) worship.

    I think I am starting to prefer a model where I live together in groups with friends/ family for protection and support.

  • games Games Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Falls Out of the U.S. Top 20 Games for the First Time in Six Years
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    Now its just the kids aging into mario kart abilities, like my niece who just asked for this for her bday

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes Every dang day
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 92%


    freedom of thought, but you have to learn to work with people you disagree with slightly or find annoying: left

    uniformity of thought, but you are surrounded by bleating sheep and must bleat along: right

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Human Brains Aren't Wired to Fight Climate Change | Society knows it’s doing things that will do immense harm to the environment for many generations to come. So why can’t it change? We like donuts
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 94%

    'We' can't address climate change because the global elite are dependent on the profits from harming the environment to fill their money banks, and it turns out they have all the power.

    I do not need to rewire my brain, I need to build power structure so that I can eat the rich w/ that donut

  • memes Memes Please, not again.
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    Britain did brexit and a bunch of other countries elected right wing nut jobs in response to globalization, not just the us

  • technology Technology TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 48%

    Ah yes, the nuanced thinking of a 5 year old - everything is black and white and everyone who doesn't agree w me 100% is evil

  • games Games Outer Wilds finally launches on Switch next month
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    I'm just here to enjoy all the new content and memes they hopefully make. I bet a bunch of my switch-only youtubers make some awesome videos about it

  • patientgamers Patient Gamers What's the best game you played this year (that didn't come out this year)?
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    🙀 😸

  • patientgamers Patient Gamers What's the best game you played this year (that didn't come out this year)?
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    Probably 'Talos Principle'. I still haven't finished it though. A tier puzzle game for me. Maybe S tier by the time I finish!

  • usa United States | News & Politics Ohio Republicans Refuse To Accept Election Results, Claim Abortion Bans Will Remain
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 95%

    Can the legislature be forced to follow the people's mandate by law enforcement? We seriously need to pass laws that jail legislators who fail to act in a timely manner on the peoples will

  • becomeme BecomeMe In countries where manhood must be proven, men have shorter lives
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%

    I think people should think of gender as a spectrum, but what would 'getting rid of gender' look like? Are we seperating that from biological sex somehow? Although I am all for men getting asked if they are pregnant as often as I am when trying to access basic health services.

    edit: also just read the firefighter analogy more. Okay but why are you reducing firefighting to physical strength? I've heard of cases where fitting through tight spaces were key to a rescue in firefighting. Does that mean I should now reduce firefighting to 'fits through tight spaces' requirement and prefer only small people? Be less reductive in your reasoning.

  • tumblr tumblr Just a reminder. Needed lately, it seems.
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 10 months ago 100%
  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 11 months ago 100%

    You're wrong about the state of the usa, but right about how Americans are coping - by pretending its not happening. It's pretty similar to how we all cope with climate change

  • hackernews Hacker News Cops Are Suing a Teen for Invasion of Privacy After False Arrest Vid Goes Viral
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 11 months ago 100%

    I thought we had already established the public has the right to film on duty police, no exceptions.

  • politics politics Growing Number Of Anti-Jim Jordan Republicans Are Reporting 'Credible Death Threats’
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 11 months ago 94%

    GOP has very obviously fallen to fascists.

  • antiwork Antiwork California will teach teens about workers’ rights because employers keep violating them
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 11 months ago 97%

    stop, I'm not used to good news!

  • politicalmemes Political Memes ‘The Onion’ Stands With Israel Because It Seems Like You Get In Less Trouble For That
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 11 months ago 91%

    yeah its been 'fun' talking about this on Lemmy and Reddit at the same time.

    On reddit, I'm an anti-semite. On lemmy, I'm a racist zionist.

    In reality I understand the paradox of tolerance extends to fundamentalist abrahamic religions, which are all intolerant themselves, and therefore should not be tolerated.

  • world World News Rescuers recover more than 260 bodies at music festival attacked by Hamas
  • WheeGeetheCat WheeGeetheCat 11 months ago 50%

    Are you still going? I thought you had tired yourself out. Sure you're not projecting with all that?

  • programming
    Programming WheeGeetheCat 11 months ago 94%
    Anyone sold source code?

    I'm curious if anyone has any experience selling source code. Not so much freelancing, but just selling code you've already written. I'm living in medium to high cost of living area in the USA. I'm sick of the full-time employment - layoff - job hunt - full-time employment cycle. I don't see the employer / employee relationship getting any better. Looking for other ideas.

    Programming WheeGeetheCat 1 year ago 100%
    Anyone using Storybook + React? How do you like it? Is it as bad as it seems at first?

    I was pretty excited to add storybook to my project, but after setting up my basic components like buttons and moving on to higher level components that render slices of state using selectors .... I have regrets. Is it me or is it really hard to 'storybook-i-fy' react components using selectors? [I found this tutorial]( on the Storybook site and it looks like the preferred pattern is to ***duplicate your store in your storybook file?*** That can't be right, can it? Someone talk me out of taking Storybook out back and uninstalling it from my repo.

    Unpopular Opinion WheeGeetheCat 1 year ago 66%
    People should be taught in school that humans are not that smart, and that there are many comparable species in intelligence.

    This opinion is based on reading people's thoughts on the internet and remembering what I was taught in my own time in school (where they essentially stumbled into teaching that humans were some kind of 'peak' of the evolutionary process) I think people have waaaaayyyy too much faith in human intelligence and it's leading to the destruction of the world. 1- People keep thinking a scientist or a 'rich entrepreneur' is going to come up with some magic bullet to save the world, if we taught more about how other animals have tools, language, larger and older and more complex brain structures than us - People might realize it's similar to believing that dolphin will arise from the sea with some idea to stop climate change 2- we keep participating in these systems that have been created under the assumption that we are 'making progress'. I would argue that the minority of human invention represents real progress. 3- It leads to undervaluing the earth and taking it for granted. We worship ourselves as gods (literally). Almost everything you have wasn't invented by humans. It was the result of billions of years of selective design. Yet we teach as if things we harvest from nature were 'invented' by humans. In reality, we often have no way to produce or even of conceive of these things without a natural example. Thanks for reading

    Anyone else notice something slightly off with history since downtime a few days ago? Specifically when viewing profile pages?

    Anyone else noticing their profile always shows their most recent posts/comments etc as if it's right before the server downtime? Reloading the page seems to show my new content, but I have to do that each time. Apologies if its just me. I think it might be but thought I'd ask the community before going off on a troubleshooting spree

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Gardening WheeGeetheCat 1 year ago 100%
    Grocery store garlic tips? (specifically for hot zones)

    Hey all, I’d like to grow some garlic at home in containers. Problem is I live near Phoenix, Arizona USA so it’s quite hot outside most of the year. Anyone have experience want to share some tips? I noticed some garlic bulbs starting to sprout in my fridge and thought I might be able to start some indoors from that. ____ I dont know how to crosspost, but I made the same post [here]( if others come looking for advice and find this post, might be answers there too

    The Barkley Marathons - a race no one finished for years

    I have no idea what you want on this sub so I hope this fits! I randomly stumbled onto this documentary on youtube and ended up watching the whole thing. The guy who created this race is an absolute character, he goes by 'Lazarus Lake', and he's gone on to create more races since this one if you want to continue down the rabbit hole, you can check out his wiki Now I just randomly throw this documentary on when I need background noise, I love it so much. ps. just noticed the sidebar says 'read' so if videos are not the best then feel free to remove! good luck with this community, looking forward to it

    The Agora WheeGeetheCat 1 year ago 100%
    [Discussion] What is our stance on federation with Threads?

    I've seen a lot of discussion about Threads around the fediverse and I believe our main instance community has had a few large discussions about it ([here's a recent one]( I didn't see an Agora discussion post, so I'm making one. Can we all discuss our opinions on whether we want this instance to remain federated with Threads or not and share our reasons? I'd appreciate it!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    The man named in the Supreme Court’s gay rights ruling says he didn’t request a wedding website