cactus doctortofu 2 days ago 100%
Two tiny cacti that I ordered online and got today

The one on the left, with beautiful curved spines, is Gymnocalycium saglionis, and the other one, with white hair around spines is Pyrrhocactus floccosus, a pretty rare one (at least in Japan). Hope they like their new home! [![Sabozoom1.jpg](]( [![Sabozoom2.jpg](](

askbeehaw AskBeehaw What is your prefered youtube client/frontend?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 week ago 100%

    Same. Here's the l8nk to it:

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 week ago 100%

    A big reason I replaced my old S10+ with a battery that wouldn't even hold half a day with Xperia 1 VI is that it has both the headphone jack AND an SD card slot. Might be the only flagship left that has both...

  • succulents Succulents Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 week ago 100%

    That one is Mammillaria hathiana, also known as Old lady cactus :)

  • cactus cactus A pretty little Ortegocactus macdougallii that just got delivered, since they were way overpriced at the cactus event last week, so I got it online on the train back home :)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 week ago 100%

    It does, doesn't it? Too bad it's just going to look like two cacti next to each other after planting, but oh well...

  • playstation PlayStation [Playstation Lifestyle] PS5 Pro Rumors Swell as PlayStation Announces Technical Presentation
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 week ago 100%

    Wonder what the excuse for not hitting 60FPS in all or even most) games will be this time... I mean, I still play a lot and I do like my PS5, but it's way beyond ridiculous at this point.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Why is Lemmy not a place for thoughts and observations, rather than just links, questions, and memes? And could it be?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    They used to have invite threads on Reddit - that's how I got mine when the API changes were announced. I think it was in Reddit alternatives subreddit? Not sure, haven't been back since. If there's still a thread (and if the subreddit even exists still), asking there might work.

  • succulents Succulents Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Thanks! And yeah, we sure do - hope this one stays healthy, being different species and all - fingers crossed!

  • warframe Warframe Free Kuva Liches
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't need any, but just wanted to say it's an amazing idea - thank you for being so generous and helpful! The ephemeras can be an insane grind!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Why is Lemmy not a place for thoughts and observations, rather than just links, questions, and memes? And could it be?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't know (or, frankly, care much) about the "why", and I like Lemmy the way it is, but if your looking for deeper discussion and longer posts I do recommend Tildes, if you can get an invite: It's not open to the public, so the post volume is quite low, but most responses are well thought out, longer and often thought-provoking. I don't post much there, but enjoy reading it a lot.

  • succulents Succulents Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    That one is a Whitesloanea crassa - kinda similar to pseudolithos that I love very much, but completely suck at growing, so they get deformed or just straight die on me more often than I'd like to admit... :(

  • cactus cactus Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    It's a tephrocactus - most of them look pretty crazy and I love them for it :)

  • cactus cactus Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    It was sold as Aeonium dordantale, but it might be aureum too, as Plum mentions!

  • succulents Succulents Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    The "spiky" one on the left is Euphorbia susannae, next to it is Crassula argyrophylla, and the one that looks like a little rose is Aeonium dordantale if I remember correctly.

  • succulents
    Succulents doctortofu 2 weeks ago 94%
    Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)

    cross-posted from: > They were all so purdy that I couldn't help myself. Surprisingly affordable too, even the bigger ones, which is always nice.

    cactus doctortofu 2 weeks ago 96%
    Another cactus/succulent event, and I bought too many again :)

    They were all so purdy that I couldn't help myself. Surprisingly affordable too, even the bigger ones, which is always nice.

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy Twitter getting worse, weird political shit. What's the best Mastodon server and Android app?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Server doesn't really matter much (to me), but I'm on because I'm mentally a child and like the funny name :)

    App-wise, I really enjoy Moshidon, been using the nightly version for a while now:

  • politics politics Trump claims he’ll ‘save’ TikTok - despite trying to get it banned while in office
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Of course he does - his mental capacity does not allow him to conceptualize the future or plan for it, or to remember the past, so he just says whatever he considers to be most advantageous to him at that very moment...

  • cactus cactus Update on one of the grafted bois
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Not all of them, but I'd say most. How it works is your select a healthy strong cactus for the rootstock (the bottom part), cut off the tip, cut off the bottom part of the scion (the small cactus on top), place it on the rootstock so that the internal capillaries of both match at least partially, secure everything in place with some rubber bands or bandage and wait a few days. If everything goes well and it takes, that's it. Scions tend to grow way faster when grafted than directly planted in soil, and it can also help delicate cacti, since grafting means they'll always get an optional amount of nutrients as long as the rootstock is alive and well.

  • cactus
    cactus doctortofu 2 weeks ago 93%
    Update on one of the grafted bois

    I posted about my grafted bois before [here]( (I wish there was a way to share instance-agnostic links, maybe some day...), but I have an update - one of them decided recently that having another cactus forcibly implanted on top of it is not nearly enough, and he started sprouting all over the place! What a little overachiever, eh?

    technology Technology Microsoft's 'Recall' feature can't be uninstalled after all
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    To be honest, they probably are. My pet theory is that they're trying to do what do many politicians are doing - drive away everyone but the strongest base electorate that will stay with them no matter what they do. And then, the grift starts. I'm reasonably sure sooner rather than later they'll start charging a subscription fee to use Windows, and people and companies will bend over and pay it...

  • fediverse Fediverse What made everyone move to Bluesky or Threads instead of Mastodon?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    I solved this issue by following multiple tags that interest me. People tend to tag their posts on Mastodon it seems, so discovering posts about, say, wine and cacti is as easy as following #wine #cactus #cacti #redwine #oragewine and so on and so forth - it's working pretty good for me without an algorithm recommending stuff to me, maybe it's worth a try?

  • cactus cactus Haven't posted in a while, so here are a couple of random unedited and edited photos of my cacti, since I'm trying to teach myself how to properly use my new phone camera
  • doctortofu doctortofu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Great tip and good point, thank you very much! I'll definitely keep that in mind!

  • cactus cactus Haven't posted in a while, so here are a couple of random unedited and edited photos of my cacti, since I'm trying to teach myself how to properly use my new phone camera
  • doctortofu doctortofu 3 weeks ago 100%

    Thank you! These are the healthy ones, but I managed to somehow murder more than a few too :(

    Sometimes I'll have two of the same family cacti, using the same soil, standing literally next to each other, getting the same watering routine and all, and one will grow super strong and healthy, while the other will just die for no discernible reason :/

  • cactus cactus Haven't posted in a while, so here are a couple of random unedited and edited photos of my cacti, since I'm trying to teach myself how to properly use my new phone camera
  • doctortofu doctortofu 3 weeks ago 100%

    Yup, there's some color correction, de-hazing and slight sharpening going on, but that's about it. I didn't want to do too much, so they don't look artificial or AI- made, so this is just the first try. I might read up on plant photography a bit more to understand what to adjust instead of blindly stumbling around photo editing software like I'm doing now :)

  • cactus
    cactus doctortofu 3 weeks ago 97%
    Haven't posted in a while, so here are a couple of random unedited and edited photos of my cacti, since I'm trying to teach myself how to properly use my new phone camera

    The first pic is unedited, and here's the version I played with a bit, what do you think, is it too much? [![Cacti-Edited-1.jpg](]( Here's a few more, should be clear by looking at them, but unedited version first, edited one after: 1: [![Cacti-Unedited-2.jpg](]( [![Cacti-Edited-2.jpg](]( 2: [![Cacti-Unedited-3.jpg](]( [![Cacti-Edited-3.jpg](]( 3: [![Cacti-Unedited-4.jpg](]( [![Cacti-Edited-4.jpg](]( I think I might have gone overboard with the Aztekiums (first pic), but other ones look kinda nice to me. Still a lot to learn though, one day I might be able to show how pretty these are in real life!

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What would you do/how screwed would you be if you woke up in the last game you played?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 3 weeks ago 100%


  • playstation PlayStation [Playstation Lifestyle] PS5 Price Increase Announced in Japan
  • doctortofu doctortofu 3 weeks ago 100%

    This is absolutely insane. I'm in Japan, and with stagnating wages and significant cost of living increases, this will price out a large part of the population. Hell, right after the PS5 was released here shady resellers were pushing it for this price, and now Sony is matching it... I'd laugh, but it's just too damn sad.

  • wikipedia Wikipedia Wankel engine
  • doctortofu doctortofu 4 weeks ago 100%

    Too bad there are no Tossel or Buggel engines though...

  • linux Linux “Something has gone seriously wrong,” dual-boot systems warn after Microsoft update
  • doctortofu doctortofu 4 weeks ago 100%

    Oh cool! I'll need to look into that, thanks! Wonder if there's a way to convert an existing Windows parition into this somehow, installed software and all, because that would be perfect...

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Are there any video games in the Warhammer universe that are actually good?
  • doctortofu doctortofu 4 weeks ago 100%

    I still play it, even though the console version was basically abandoned ages ago and we didn't even get the offline mode and seasonal journey PC players got. It's still really fun regardless and is recommend it to anyone who likes that style of game.

  • linux Linux “Something has gone seriously wrong,” dual-boot systems warn after Microsoft update
  • doctortofu doctortofu 4 weeks ago 98%

    Right, but you have to boot into Windows first to even get the update in the first place...

  • linux Linux “Something has gone seriously wrong,” dual-boot systems warn after Microsoft update
  • doctortofu doctortofu 4 weeks ago 100%

    So, no booting into Windows until this is fixed then? Fine by me. Hell, might actually make me uninstall it completely and free some disk space...

  • politics politics Donald Trump says Kamala Harris' nomination "not fair"
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 91%

    I'm not from the US or in the US, but even as an impartial external observer with no horse in the game I do enjoy the recent republican panicked whining...

  • linux Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    Same here. I was fine with W10, but the recent W11 shenanigans were the last straw, and I decided to give Linux Mint a try. Couldn't be happier - everything is so much more snappy now. And since I game on consoles only and my crappy PC was never a gaming machine to begin with, I have zero issues - wish I switched sooner!

  • xbox Xbox Coming to Game Pass: Atlas Fallen, Core Keeper, and Star Trucker
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    I bought Atlas Fallen like a week ago, that's why it's coming to Game Pass, no need to thank me.

    Jokes aside though, after the recent major update it really is pretty fun!

  • wtf WTF Having a seizure? Let me taze you
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    He was seizing right at them and they were afraid for their lives, they really had no other choice! Also, he didn't stop when they told him to, which is an egregious crime in the US it seems - when a cop tells you to do something you do it, or risk getting tazed and/or shot, even if the order is to turn green, fly, crawl with your arms in the air or stop having a grand mal seizure...

  • movies Movies D&D honour among thieves
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    That's a great way to put it - the movie really is accessible, isn't it? A lot of Easter eggs for people familiar with D&D, but it's still quite enjoyable even when you know nothing about it.

  • movies Movies D&D honour among thieves
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    Same - watched it a month or so ago and actually enjoyed it more than I expected. My wife was watching with me, and even though she doesn't even know what D&D is, she quite liked it too!

    We would both definitely watch a sequel, if it's ever made.

  • houseplants Houseplants Not sure if anyone still here, but I just got two really beautiful Alocasias and I want to brag a bit ;)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    Straight from a store, and they were watering them with tap water, that's what I do too. Fortunately I live in Tokyo, so tap water is pretty high quality here :)

  • houseplants Houseplants Not sure if anyone still here, but I just got two really beautiful Alocasias and I want to brag a bit ;)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    I'll need to check if something similar is available where I live - thanks a lot for the info!

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Etsy forcing arbitration starting Sep 15
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    It's baffling, isn't it? How can a company just unilaterally decide to not be subject to this or that law, and the courts just... go with it? It's the same level of idiocy exhibited by sovereign citizens, but somehow, when you're a corporation they actually let you do it...

  • news News Elon Musk draws fire for playing down impact of America’s atomic bombing of Japan: ‘Not as scary as people think’
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    I have an idea Elon - how about we bomb your house with you in it? I'm sure after a while some other people will build another house there and move in, so it's all good, right?

  • houseplants Houseplants Not sure if anyone still here, but I just got two really beautiful Alocasias and I want to brag a bit ;)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    They do, don't they? Here's hoping I manage to keep them both alive and happy!

  • houseplants Houseplants Not sure if anyone still here, but I just got two really beautiful Alocasias and I want to brag a bit ;)
  • doctortofu doctortofu 1 month ago 100%

    They were both surprisingly cheap too - just saw them in a home center I went to buy some other stuff and couldn't resist :)

  • houseplants
    Houseplants doctortofu 1 month ago 99%
    Not sure if anyone still here, but I just got two really beautiful Alocasias and I want to brag a bit ;)

    The one with dark, shiny leaves is Alocasia Cuprea, and the one with pretty stems is Alocasia Zebrina. I do hope they like their new home - had a bit of mixed luck with Alocasias in the past... [![Alocasia-Cuprea.jpg](]( [![Alocasia-Zebrina.jpg](](

    cactus doctortofu 2 months ago 97%
    More of my cacti started blooming!

    New flowers keep opening almost every hour - glad at least these bois seem to be loving the scorching Tokyo weather, because I sure as hell am not :) Aaaaaanyway, here's more: [![Cactus-Bloom1.jpg](]( [![Cactus-Bloom2.jpg](]( [![Cactus-Bloom4.jpg](](

    Succulents doctortofu 3 months ago 93%
    Some of my Gymnocalycium cacti started blooming

    cross-posted from: > This pic is of a big boy that looks a bit like a lophophora underneath the flower, and here's one of an amazing grafted ball of fun I got last year (rootstock is slightly sun bleached, but quite healthy otherwise): > > [![Gymno-Bloom2.jpg](]( > > Looking forward to more and bigger flowers soon! Edit: one of my gymno triplets also started to bloom some time between 3 hours ago and now! I was hoping all flowers would open up together, but it's still pretty :) [![Gymno-Bloom3.jpg](](

    cactus doctortofu 3 months ago 98%
    Some of my Gymnocalycium cacti started blooming

    This pic is of a big boy that looks a bit like a lophophora underneath the flower, and here's one of an amazing grafted ball of fun I got last year (rootstock is slightly sun bleached, but quite healthy otherwise): [![Gymno-Bloom2.jpg](]( Looking forward to more and bigger flowers soon! Edit: one of my gymno triplets also started to bloom some time between 3 hours ago and now! I was hoping all flowers would open up together, but it's still pretty :) [![Gymno-Bloom3.jpg](](

    Succulents doctortofu 3 months ago 100%
    Progress report: grafted bois growing big and strong!

    cross-posted from: > These were the first cacti my wife and I grafted ourselves at a workshop last year in August. Both took, and are growing FAST - love how healthy they are! > > For reference, here's a pic from last year (doggo for scale). Unbelievable how much bigger they are in less than a year! > [![Grafted-Smol-Bois.jpg](](

    cactus doctortofu 3 months ago 100%
    Progress report: grafted bois growing big and strong!

    These were the first cacti my wife and I grafted ourselves at a workshop last year in August. Both took, and are growing FAST - love how healthy they are! For reference, here's a pic from last year (doggo for scale). Unbelievable how much bigger they are in less than a year! [![Grafted-Smol-Bois.jpg](](

    Succulents doctortofu 3 months ago 97%
    I've been asked to share my messy and disorganized collection, so here it is - feel free to point and laugh ;)

    When the weather allows it, I keep most of my plants outside, so the main picture is a view that shows my balcony from the far end, just to better display the extent of my wife's and mine craziness. Here are some closeups of different racks and sections - I will properly organize it one day, I'm almost certain of it ;) You can click the embeds for full-res photos. [![Hot-Mess-2.jpg](]( [![Hot-Mess-3.jpg](]( [![Hot-Mess-4.jpg](]( [![Hot-Mess-5.jpg](]( [![Hot-Mess-6.jpg](]( [![Hot-Mess-7.jpg](]( [![Hot-Mess-8.jpg](]( [![Hot-Mess-9.jpg](]( I also have a rack in the living room, next to the TV, with some lamps: [![Hot-Mess-10.jpg](]( That's about it for now, at least until the weekend - might notice some more cute succ-ers when I go grocery shopping or whatever, and as you can clearly see impulse control is not my forte :P

    cactus doctortofu 3 months ago 97%
    Went to Tokyo Cactus and Succulent Grand Bazaar today and didn't come home empty handed ;)

    It was very hot, very crowded and yet still worth it - finally got not just one, but both known species of Aztekium without going bankrupt - I wanted one for a long while, but they tend to be stupid expensive in Japan. Love the two cute jellybeans too - Conophytum burgeri. Hell, love all of them, that's why I bought too many yet again :) Here are a few closeup shots: [![Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar2.jpg](]( [![Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar3.jpg](]( [![Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar4.jpg](](

    Succulents doctortofu 3 months ago 100%
    Went to Tokyo Cactus and Succulent Grand Bazaar today and didn't come home empty handed ;)

    It was very hot, very crowded and yet still worth it - finally got not just one, but both known species of Aztekium without going bankrupt - I wanted one for a long while, but they tend to be stupid expensive in Japan. Love the two cute jellybeans too - Conophytum burgeri. Hell, love all of them, that's why I bought too many yet again :) Here are a few closeup shots: [![Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar2.jpg](]( [![Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar3.jpg](]( [![Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar4.jpg](](

    Succulents doctortofu 4 months ago 100%
    Today's haul from one of the biggest cactus farms in Japan

    cross-posted from: > First bigger shopping trip this season, and I bought way too many again. > > I'm kinda tired now, so just a quick brag before I properly id them :) > > Here's some more shots: > [![New-Cacti-May2024-2.jpg](]( > > [![New-Cacti-May2024-3.jpg](](

    cactus doctortofu 4 months ago 100%
    Today's haul from one of the biggest cactus farms in Japan

    First bigger shopping trip this season, and I bought way too many again. I'm kinda tired now, so just a quick brag before I properly id them :) Here's some more shots: [![New-Cacti-May2024-2.jpg](]( [![New-Cacti-May2024-3.jpg](](

    Did darkly-pureblack theme suddenly become way less black, or am I going crazy?

    It used to look, well, black, but now I'm seeing this, which is a bit hard to read... Did the theme change recently? I'd love to goback to my white-on-black look if possible...

    cactus doctortofu 5 months ago 100%
    New succulents - May 2024

    cross-posted from: > Today's haul from a small succulent show in Tokyo. From the left, *Adromischus marianiae var. herrei*, a hybrid *Orthonna* (*cremnophila X herrei*), *Myrtillocactus geometrizans* also known as "Boobie cactus" (no, really!) and a pwetty wittle *Pseudolithos cubiformis*. > > Love every single of'em already! > > Here's another angle: >

    Succulents doctortofu 5 months ago 96%
    New succulents - May 2024

    Today's haul from a small succulent show in Tokyo. From the left, *Adromischus marianiae var. herrei*, a hybrid *Orthonna* (*cremnophila X herrei*), *Myrtillocactus geometrizans* also known as "Boobie cactus" (no, really!) and a pwetty wittle *Pseudolithos cubiformis*. Love every single of'em already! Here's another angle:

    Succulents doctortofu 6 months ago 100%
    Three Musketeers

    Went to a succulent/cactus store today to get some repotting soil, came back with that, and these three little stowaways :) From the left, *Pseudolithos migiurtinus*, a beautiful *Pleiospilos nerii* in bloom, and cute *Gymnocalycium quehlianum var. calochlorum* triplets.

    Succulents doctortofu 6 months ago 100%
    First new succulents this year

    Went to a gardening store to pick up some rosemary and thyme (since I still have more than enough of sage and parsley;)) and found these beauties: a white(ish) Echeveria sold under a moniker "Queen", and a beautiful plump Pleiospilos nelii. First new succulets this season - looking forward to seeing them grow!

    cactus doctortofu 8 months ago 91%
    New year, new succulents, old me

    cross-posted from: > I still can't stop myself from getting succulents. These two just arrived today - a fuzzy-wuzzy Mammillaria plumosa on the left, and a cute spiky potato (Pachypodium densiflorum) on the right. > > Not the best time for potting, but I saw them online and couldn't help it :)

    Succulents doctortofu 8 months ago 89%
    New year, new succulents, old me

    I still can't stop myself from getting succulents. These two just arrived today - a fuzzy-wuzzy Mammillaria plumosa on the left, and a cute spiky potato (Pachypodium densiflorum) on the right. Not the best time for potting, but I saw them online and couldn't help it :)

    Potential workaround for federation issues?

    Just posting a link in case our awesome admin team missed it - Happy New Year guys, you're great!

    Succulents doctortofu 9 months ago 98%
    I'm dumb, and Ceropegias are succulents that look really cool, so here's one together with a cute little opuntia

    Went shopping for something else, and just randomly saw them at a flower shop - couldn't pass them up, and here they are! :)

    Succulents doctortofu 11 months ago 99%
    An absolutely stunning grafted Gymnocalycium specimen that I got just now

    cross-posted from: > Ordered online, and it looks even better than in the photos! Just extraordinary - instantly became my favorite one in my collection!

    cactus doctortofu 11 months ago 96%
    An absolutely stunning grafted Gymnocalycium specimen that I got just now

    Ordered online, and it looks even better than in the photos! Just extraordinary - instantly became my favorite one in my collection!

    Succulents doctortofu 12 months ago 96%
    As promised, my haul from today's cactus/succulent show in Kyoto

    cross-posted from: > Got these before my wife physically dragged me out of the venue to prevent me from buying any more ;) > > Group pic above, and here are indiividual shots, filenames are the name of each plant: > > [![Tephrocactus-articulatus.jpg](]( > [![Tephrocactus-articulatus-var-papyracanthus.jpg](]( > [![Cephalocereus-senilis.jpg](]( > [![Neoporteria-senilis.jpg](]( > [![Mammilaria-hahniana-f-lanata.jpg](]( > [![Mammilaria-bocasana-Fred.jpg](]( > > The last two photos are both mammilarias - kinda neat how varied they can get within the same genus :)

    cactus doctortofu 12 months ago 90%
    As promised, my haul from today's cactus/succulent show in Kyoto

    Got these before my wife physically dragged me out of the venue to prevent me from buying any more ;) Group pic above, and here are indiividual shots, filenames are the name of each plant: [![Tephrocactus-articulatus.jpg](]( [![Tephrocactus-articulatus-var-papyracanthus.jpg](]( [![Cephalocereus-senilis.jpg](]( [![Neoporteria-senilis.jpg](]( [![Mammilaria-hahniana-f-lanata.jpg](]( [![Mammilaria-bocasana-Fred.jpg](]( The last two photos are both mammilarias - kinda neat how varied they can get within the same genus :)

    Succulents doctortofu 12 months ago 96%
    Some photos from a cactus/succulent show in Kyoto that I just went to

    cross-posted from: These were the exhibition pieces, not for sale. Some impressive specimens there, in some cases I didn't even realize some of these can get so big... The link is to an image gallery - embedding that many photos directly in the post is probably not the best idea. I'll post my haul from the show later, I'm still on the train home :)

    cactus doctortofu 12 months ago 80%
    Some photos from a cactus/succulent show in Kyoto that I just went to

    These were the exhibition pieces, not for sale. Some impressive specimens there, in some cases I didn't even realize some of these can get so big... The link is to an image gallery - embedding that many photos directly in the post is probably not the best idea. I'll post my haul from the show later, I'm still on the train home :)

    Succulents doctortofu 12 months ago 96%
    New friends

    cross-posted from: A lovely Mammillaria parkinsonii on the left, and a super cute Echinofossulocactus on the right, but I'm unsure of the species - maybe some experts here can help? Anyway, love the way they look - lucky finds, both of them!

    cactus doctortofu 12 months ago 80%
    New friends

    A lovely Mammillaria parkinsonii on the left, and a super cute Echinofossulocactus on the right, but I'm unsure of the species - maybe some experts here can help? Anyway, love the way they look - lucky finds, both of them!

    Succulents doctortofu 1 year ago 100%
    Went to a big succulent bazaar in Tokyo and brought home some new friends :)

    I love the pseudolithos and the cute little conophytum in particular, but they are all great! Here's another shot from a different perspective: [![New-Friends.jpg](](

    Succulents doctortofu 1 year ago 96%
    Three new specimens I was hunting for

    Trying this fancy cross-post function for the first time: cross-posted from: > Found them online, and I'm super happy that they're now mine. > > Group pic on top, and the bottom row from left to right are a really cute Mammillaria perezdelarosae, a Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus I decided to grow in water after my previous one suddenly and unexpectedly died on me for no discernible reason, and a Pseudolithos migiurtinus that looks like it came from space and I love it :)

    cactus doctortofu 1 year ago 50%
    Three new specimens I was hunting for

    Found them online, and I'm super happy that they're now mine. Group pic on top, and the bottom row from left to right are a really cute Mammillaria perezdelarosae, a Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus I decided to grow in water after my previous one suddenly and unexpectedly died on me for no discernible reason, and a Pseudolithos migiurtinus that looks like it came from space and I love it :)

    Succulents doctortofu 1 year ago 100%
    I was hunting for a white Euphorbia Lactea Cristata for my wife's collection for a while...

    ...and I finally found one, so here it is! Love the coloration of this one - such a beauty! Here's a group pic of the whole team: [![lotsa lacteas](]( Next target is a yellow one - saw a nice one online, but it was already bought by someone else, hope it can find another!

    Succulents doctortofu 1 year ago 100%
    Some new purchases

    Went to a couple of succulent shops and farms today to get some rootstock for my grafting experiments (cue evil scientist laugh), but they didn't have any for sale, so I got these instead :) Time to properly ID them and repot them into something prettier and more comfortable. Edit: as far as I can tell, the purple one in the bottom left is a Sulcorebutia Rauschii Violacidermis, the other two (including the grafted one) are species of Frailea, the one in the bottom right is a Pelecyphora, and the succulent with beautiful red outlines is a Cotyledon. Do correct me if I'm wrong - in sure there are some expert cactus growers here.

    Succulents doctortofu 1 year ago 97%
    Went to a cactus grafting workshop with my wife - both our grafts took!

    First time we tried it., but it seems to have gone well - looking forward to them growing quickly (the teacher said most people are really surprised at how fast grafted cacti grow). Bonus: my dog going *"can I eat these?"*: [![dog tax](](
