Beyond app brunofin 3 months ago 92%
Beyond is now open source

Hello guys, sorry for the lack of updates in the past few months. In between fighting long covid and having a lack of time for maintaining alone a side project of this scale, I have decided to make Beyond open source. I will later this week migrate the tickets from Notion to github issues. If anyone is interested in keeping this project alive, please let me know, I'd be happy to continue working on it in case there's interest, but with the amount of other Lemmy apps around at the moment, I feel like another one may not be needed. Feel free to use the code as a study case. I did some interesting things in a few places, some other very questionable in others. My goal was to have a working app up and running asap and fix the weird things later knowingly that the most permanent fixes are the temporary ones lol In any case, here's the source code, hope you enjoy it :)

technology Technology Night-vision lenses so thin and light that we can all see in the dark
  • brunofin brunofin 4 months ago 100%

    Can't wait to add this to my transitions blue light filter colour blind prescription smart glasses.

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor new preference war just dropped
  • brunofin brunofin 4 months ago 100%

    I agree. I say open door so the function should be named openDoor.

    Honestly nowadays none of that matter if you're using any remotely modern IDE with good indexing and a sensible search, you can start typing however you mind works and it will find it no matter how it's named.

  • linux Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • brunofin brunofin 4 months ago 100%

    Lol read and understand it.

  • jellyfin Jellyfin: The Free Software Media System not all my files showing in my JF library
  • brunofin brunofin 4 months ago 100%

    Lol ok your comment just made me realize my mistake, and I'd probably never see it and just go back to Plex instead.

    So what happened is that when I imported my Plex library to Jellyfin I created a library named "Concerts" and content type I probably intended to click "Shows" but clicked "Music" instead which I'm guessing at this point expects only audio files, thus, never listing my concerts files on Jellyfin :)

    That said, I think "Shows" is probably also not the correct content type here, I think they meant more like TV shows, like The Office or Friends etc. Probably the right content type is either Music Videos or just Movies.

    Anyway thanks for the help, I wouldn't have noticed my mistake if it weren't for your comment.

  • jellyfin Jellyfin: The Free Software Media System not all my files showing in my JF library
  • brunofin brunofin 4 months ago 100%

    So I realized, those files were in a "Concerts" type of library. I copied the files into my "Movies" type library, and alas there they are.

    Not sure why though, I can work with that, but I'd prefer they would be in their own library.

    Is there anything special with that kind of library I should know about? Or is this a bug?

  • jellyfin Jellyfin: The Free Software Media System not all my files showing in my JF library
  • brunofin brunofin 4 months ago 100%

    Interesting is that I see absolutely no errors in the logs. Some folders it explicitly mentions it ignored them for being empty while they actually contain files. Not sure why.

  • jellyfin Jellyfin: The Free Software Media System not all my files showing in my JF library
  • brunofin brunofin 4 months ago 100%

    Interesting. Thanks for that. I ran a chmod +x --recursive . in my library root but still those files won't show up in Jellyfin.

    Edit: I just found this link about file naming. Did I understand well that Jellyfin is expecting files to be named in a certain way?

    If that's true that's not really ideal, I expected I could just throw files or folders in the library root and Jellyfin would find them?

  • jellyfin
    not all my files showing in my JF library

    Hi all, I moved away from Flex just yesterday and installed Jellyfin. Liking it so far, it's clean and uncluttered, but unfortunately it seems not all my files are being recognized and aren't showing in the library. Mostly it looks like it's showing exclusively mkv files, but I have a bunch of Avi and vob files that used to be properly recognized in Plex. Any way to make those work? I am running Jellyfin on Podman from Fedora 40 managed by systemd, using the official docker image. The container walkthrough mentioned other 2 alternative images, not sure if I should try one of them? Thanks!

    asklemmy Asklemmy How are y'all today?
  • brunofin brunofin 6 months ago 100%


  • asklemmy Asklemmy How are y'all today?
  • brunofin brunofin 6 months ago 100%

    Actually getting better. I got COVID 11 weaks ago and just now I can really say I am finally starting to feel better. Most of the anxiety is gone, the only thing bothering me at this point is pain in my chest, which seems to not go away for some reason, but I'll get there eventually.

  • linux Linux Linux 6.8 released
  • brunofin brunofin 6 months ago 100%

    I can't use 6.7 because of Microsoft of all reasons.

  • opensource Open Source Lively Wallpaper - Open Source alternative to Wallpaper Engine for animated wallpapers.
  • brunofin brunofin 6 months ago 100%

    On GNOME you can try Hanabi it's still in its infancy but it's pretty good

  • linux Linux Install user-level flatpaks with GNOME Software?
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 100%

    I've been doing some flatpak packaging last month following the Flathub tutorial, and somehow in my gnome software now I have the option to install flatpaks as user in the drop-down. Something about the remotes that I needed to change to test the flatpak files I generated.

  • science science Leaky Blood Vessels: Underlying Cause of Long COVID “Brain Fog” Discovered
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 92%

    This is terrifying. I am 8 weeks in after testing positive. A blood exam reveal no more viral or bacterial infection but I still experience some anxiety and brain fog, today was one of those days (yesterday was an awesome day on the other hand).

    I get cold hands all the time when I am starting to feel unwell.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion You're not a "coffee person", you're most likely an addict
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 100%

    Before COVID I used to drink 3 coffees throughout the day. When I got sick coffee (and alcohol) would make all symptoms worse. It took me about 10 weeks to recover and during this time I really took a break from coffee and alcohol.

    Now I can go about my day with one cup of coffee which I spelt sip throughout the day, sometimes I don't even finish it.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor good luck little buddy, see you in 5 years
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 83%

    Idk man. I'm still waiting for Fleet.

  • linux Linux Former distrohoppers, where did you settle down?
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 100%

    Windows, then Ubuntu when I started Computer Science, then Linux Mint, and I've been hopping back and forth between both but mostly Mint, then for a while also KDE Neon, then I decided to leave my comfort zone and tried Fedora, and never looked back.

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor I had to design a simple general purpose language for university, so I tried creating "ZoomerScript" with Jetbrains MPS
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 100%

    I'm curious to know how your language throws and catches errors :)

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor I had to design a simple general purpose language for university, so I tried creating "ZoomerScript" with Jetbrains MPS
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 100%

    Is flex X on the haters a way of logging to console?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How are you?
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 100%

    Thanks me too. It's very weird how long it's taking for me to recover but I honestly think it's my fault. I didn't rest at all during the time I was already sick to the point I even moved some freaking furniture around. Now I am paying for it. I also talked with the person who I supposedly got it from and he had it much worse to the point he had pneumonia from it and he's also not 100% yet. It might just be this new strain. That said, another doctor prescribed me a strong vitamin thing which is making me much better. This week I will also have another set of exams and etc, so I am crossing my fingers there will be progress and this will end.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How did you lose weight?
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 100%

    COVID. Lost 10kg.

  • linux Linux How to run macOS on Linux (without too much hassle supposedly)
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 50%

    Yeah quickemu is great. I am using it to run a Windows 11 machine to run a .NET 4 backend with all routing and proxying setup perfectly so it all seamlessly points to localhost from Fedora. I also have a Mac OS VM to test all the Safari bs, but as mentioned the lack of GPU acceleration on osx is annoying.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How are you?
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 100%

    I had COVID the day after Christmas and still feeling crappy. Idk don't know if this is nornal. Doctors can't find anything wrong with me.

    At this very moment I need to take a break from work to lie down and take a nap, I am completely out of energy. I had strong headaches yesterday the whole day.

    I just need this to end, I want to have my life back.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Do you all have any tips on activities to do yourself, instead of consuming content all the time?
  • brunofin brunofin 7 months ago 100%

    +1 for longboarding, it's such a nice feeling to just go and see the world passing by.

    I'm waiting for summer to try stand up paddling this year.

  • linux
    Linux brunofin 8 months ago 96%
    [SOLVED] How do I install firmware updates? Fedora 39

    Hi, no matter how many times I click `Restart & Updates...`, the integrated firmware update never get's installed. Everything else does as usual, but not this one. Is there a command line I can use to force install this? Fedora 39. EDIT: Solved. My ESP `/boot/efi` partition originally created by Windows 11 had no space for the firmware upgrade files, so the upgrade never ran. I fixed it by resizing it from 100MB to 200MB, now it works well. Just in case anyone runs into this in the future, the process is unfortunately not as simple as resizing it on GParted because of a bug in libparted but there is a workaround in the comments.

    technology Technology Mark Zuckerberg says Apple and Google should manage parental consent for apps, not Meta
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 100%

    Unfortunately yes. From my 3rd grade daughter's class she the only one with parental controls turned on on her phone. The amount of time and the things those kids see and do on the internet with unrestricted access at this age is mentally unhealthy and they are just not ready for that. Unfortunately because of that it also means I can't fully prevent her from being exposed to that in the classroom.

  • linux Linux Is Linux pretty much unusable with an Nvidia GPU?
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 100%

    I've been having the best experience with a laptop with an Nvidia GPU on my fedora 39.

  • linux Linux Top comment gets to choose my hostname
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 83%


  • programming Programming Do any of you program on non-US keyboard layouts?
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 100%

    I used to use the Brazilian ABNT-2 layout, it's pretty much just a US layout with accent keys that activate like a second layer for some specific keys to display specific Portuguese language characters such as ç á à â ã é è etc. It's surprisingly ok for programming as it doesn't get in the way because you have special keys to activate the 2nd layer and most of them you need to spread shift + something in order to activate them. I'd say it's a good layout.

  • linux Linux [Fixed] Fedora 39 keeps rebooting when left idle for a long time
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 100%

    oh, sorry about that, I didn't realize this could be bad for mobile users. All I needed was a command that could display all system info like distro name and version, kernel version, DE version, etc, I didn't necessarily need the distro logo and some other useless info in there.

  • linux Linux [Fixed] Fedora 39 keeps rebooting when left idle for a long time
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 100%

    Seems to have fixed the issue, it didn't reboot overnight. Thanks!

  • linux Linux [Fixed] Fedora 39 keeps rebooting when left idle for a long time
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 75%

    I just thought it was the easiest way to show relevant system information :p

  • linux Linux [Fixed] Fedora 39 keeps rebooting when left idle for a long time
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 100%

    Thanks, I had screen sleep set to 10 minutes. Hibernation has been off since a long time. I will let you know by tomorrow if this fixed it.

  • linux Linux [Fixed] Fedora 39 keeps rebooting when left idle for a long time
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 100%

    not rude. yeah it's a login screen as when I input my password all apps that I was using are closed, blank new session.

  • linux
    Linux brunofin 8 months ago 92%
    [Fixed] Fedora 39 keeps rebooting when left idle for a long time

    Edit: Fixed by this comment: Thanks! ----------- Hi all, please help me figure out this weird issue I've been having. Any time I leave my laptop idle for a long time, when I come back to it, it's back to the log in screen as in the laptop rebooted. I am not sure which logs I should be looking for to figure out the source of the problem. Here's my system info: ``` .',;::::;,'. verde@verde-xps .';:cccccccccccc:;,. --------------- .;cccccccccccccccccccccc;. OS: Fedora release 39 (Thirty Nine) x86_64 .:cccccccccccccccccccccccccc:. Host: XPS 15 9520 .;ccccccccccccc;.:dddl:.;ccccccc;. Kernel: 6.6.11-200.fc39.x86_64 .:ccccccccccccc;OWMKOOXMWd;ccccccc:. Uptime: 22 mins .:ccccccccccccc;KMMc;cc;xMMc:ccccccc:. Packages: 2754 (rpm), 56 (flatpak) ,cccccccccccccc;MMM.;cc;;WW::cccccccc, Shell: bash 5.2.21 :cccccccccccccc;MMM.;cccccccccccccccc: Resolution: 2560x1440 :ccccccc;oxOOOo;MMM0OOk.;cccccccccccc: DE: GNOME 45.3 cccccc:0MMKxdd:;MMMkddc.;cccccccccccc; WM: Mutter ccccc:XM0';cccc;MMM.;cccccccccccccccc' WM Theme: Yaru-purple-dark ccccc;MMo;ccccc;MMW.;ccccccccccccccc; Theme: Yaru-purple-dark [GTK2/3] ccccc;0MNc.ccc.xMMd:ccccccccccccccc; Icons: Yaru-purple-dark [GTK2/3] cccccc;dNMWXXXWM0::cccccccccccccc:, Terminal: gnome-terminal cccccccc;.:odl:.;cccccccccccccc:,. CPU: 12th Gen Intel i9-12900HK (20) @ 4.900GHz :cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc:'. GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Mobile .:cccccccccccccccccccccc:;,.. GPU: Intel Alder Lake-P GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics] '::cccccccccccccc::;,. Memory: 7683MiB / 63971MiB ```

    mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating My country/city has a new COVID wave. I got infected for the third time.
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 93%

    I wish you a well recovery.

    I was feeling pretty bad a few days before Christmas. Couldn't breathe, anxiety level off the roof. I did a COVID test from the pharmacy which was negative, which in turn made me feel even more anxious about my health. A day after Christmas I was so bad I went to the hospital. They tested me there and in less than a minute it was a positive.

    It was a pretty bad COVID, I got vaccinated about 2 years ago but this was the first time I actually got it. It went pretty pretty bad.

    I am still suffering from long COVID symptoms, mostly issues with short breath etc. Currently lying down on the couch trying to get better. I really hope this ends soon, I need my life back.

    I hope you don't have to go through the same thing. I really wish you a swift recovery.

  • linux Linux Where, and when, did you start using Linux? Where are you now?
  • brunofin brunofin 8 months ago 100%

    Started with Ubuntu back in 2016 when it still had the reddish brown mud theme. I still have some.of the installation discs you could order back then.

    I started using because I started Computer Science university and I thought I should finally learn Linux. Fell in love with it and have been using ever since. I now use Fedora.

  • softwareoptions
    Software recommendations brunofin 9 months ago 100%
    Looking for a reliable app that can turn my android phone into an IP camera.

    I don't mind cloud solutions that I need to pay as long as it's fair and the software is worth it. Having that said, I also don't mind one that simply exposes the stream and I need to setup my router to access it remotely.

    technology Technology Suspects can refuse to provide phone passcodes to police, court rules
  • brunofin brunofin 9 months ago 100%

    It depends, you can pick it. It can range from a simple 4 digit numeric PIN to a full blown alphanumeric with symbols password text field. But I guess the most common is that grid gesture thing, which in some phones you can also customise the size of the grid itself. All these options work as the default fallback to biometrics.

    As far as I know as well, you are required to input your pin/password/gesture after a long period of inactivity, after X days, and after a reboot, before being able to use biometrics again.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are your favorite fonts for technical reports?
  • brunofin brunofin 9 months ago 100%

    This one is going to be an unconventional one but I do love the Ubuntu font and I try to sneak it into some documents I write.

  • aquariums Aquariums and Fish Keeping I have a snail infestation. How do I manage them in a human way, and what are the risks for my fish?
  • brunofin brunofin 10 months ago 100%

    I got a snail trap but I didn't have the heart to use it. I definitely was overfeeding so I adjusted the amount of food I'm giving to keep them under control instead.

    One thing that I noticed though is that before them, I also had quite a bad algae problem on the glass and plants, now the aquarium is crystal clear, I believe they are keeping the algae in check too.

    Having that said, I guess as long as don't overfeed, they are beneficial to the aquarium.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming [Solved] Can not for the life of me get WoW working with Lutris
  • brunofin brunofin 10 months ago 100%

    Right, I guess if you already the wow client, you could skip it all and just add wow.exe as a non-steam game to your library and try that, it should work.

    Otherwise if you're dealing with the old school wow installer wizards, I guess you can follow the steps in a similar way except use the wow installer where it mentions the installer.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming [Solved] Can not for the life of me get WoW working with Lutris
  • brunofin brunofin 10 months ago 100%

    Yeah you can Google how to install wow on Steam deck and follow the guide, with a caveat that on the steps between installing and creating a launcher for it on Steam after it's installed, I suggest moving the contents of the proton bottle to a shared space so you keep you credentials. Let me get on my pc in a few minutes and I'll get you some instructions.


    this is what I did:

    • Download installer from

    • Add it to Steam from the Games > Add a non-steam game to my library...

    • Right click on it from Steam library, Properties..., Compatibility, check "Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool" and select Proton Experimental. Close the window.

    • Run the installer by double-clicking it in your library. Go through it as usual, make sure you uncheck to start it with Windows, and to mark Keep me logged in.

    • Install WoW (don't need 100% installation, just start it), and click on the cog icon and Create a desktop shortcut (no shortcut will be created in your desktop)

    • Open settings and in App, On Game Launch, set to Exit completely.

    • You can also mark When clicking X, Exit completely.

    • When done, close it fully (from tray and etc).

    • Navigate to ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata and find the folder with the installation (it's going to be the one with a longer name, and most recently modified).

    • (Optional, see footnote) Move the contents of the pfx folder somewhere else like ~/.local/games/proton_prefix/pfx and create a symlink from ~/.local/games/proton_prefix/pfx to ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/XXXXXXXX/pfx:

    ln -s ~/.local/games/proton_prefix/pfx ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/XXXXXXXX/pfx
    • In your steam library, find the installer, right click > Properties...

    • Change the shortcut target to

    "~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/XXXXXXXX/pfx/drive_c/users/Public/Desktop/World of Warcraft.lnk"

    And Start in to:


    You can also find an icon in

    • In WoW, make sure to disable vertical sync.

    Footnote: The reason for moving the proton prefix folder away is that this way you can have a shared proton prefix for all your non-steam proton games with the advantage of keeping a shared login state and etc between the apps since the registry is stored inside the pfx folder, but have a separate shortcut for each in your steam library by always creating this symlink back to the shared folder, and the ability to tune proton settings to each different application separately as those settings they are kept in the parent folder.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming [Solved] Can not for the life of me get WoW working with Lutris
  • brunofin brunofin 10 months ago 100%

    I installed it just yesterday through Proton on Steam, worked absolutely perfectly out of the box, Fedora 39, better performance than on Windows 11.

  • aquariums
    Aquariums and Fish Keeping brunofin 10 months ago 100%
    I have a snail infestation. How do I manage them in a human way, and what are the risks for my fish?

    They came as eggs with plants I bought months ago. I honestly don't have a problem with them but over the week their population EXPLODED. They are everywhere and covering almost the entire floor. I understand I may need to get rid of them but they are still are live beings and I dont want to be inhuman. How do I get rid of them?

    Linux brunofin 11 months ago 96%
    What is your partitioning strategy to achieve a stable, backup-able and recoverable system?

    Hello, I've been a long time Linux user but I had a 5 years break and I am coming back to it now. I've been trying several Linux distributions in the past week, installing the packages and configuring them as I need with several different orders of success. My last case was an Ubuntu installation that I was very happy with and pretty close to call it setup and done, until I installed virtualbox and restarted the system only to find it bricked. Obviously I could try to drop into one of the terminals on ctrl + alt + Fx and fix it, but I wonder if I could be smarter about it and be more prepared for this kind of situation. One of the starting points I think would be having a separate home partition from the rest of the system. I used to have it in the past and it was great. But then what's next? What are the best FS I could pick for each type of partition? A performant one to keep the code and package manager cache, a journaling/snapshop based one for system, another type for game data, etc etc. What if I would like to have a snapshot of working version of my system backed up somewhere ready to restore as simple as simple as possible? How do you configure your systems in order to quickly recover from an unexpected bricking without growing some more white hairs, and squeezing as much performance vs feature for each of your use case?

    Linux brunofin 11 months ago 92%
    Can´t add Google account to Online Accounts on Fedora 38?

    As title says. Fresh installation of Fedora Workstation 38. All packages are up to date. I am simply not able to add my Google acount. It stays on this screen forever, with the top spinning indicator loading all the time. Any help appreciated.

    Beyond app brunofin 1 year ago 100%
    Beyond for Lemmy v.1.0.8-alpha

    Hello everyone, I am very pleased to announce this new alpha version of Beyond. With this version, I am including a few new things: * The insta-crashing app (sorry it took so long to Google to publish the update!); * An improved login form experience with better feedback of errors and of when it's busy (this login form with still further be improved post alpha or beta stage); * 2FA support; * NSFW filter (it will be enabled by default meaning if you want to see NSFW content you need to enable that -- that's also the start of the bigger Filters feature); * Error reports -- the app is now able to submit anonymous error reports with code stack traces so I can fix them faster and provide a better experience as quick as possible for you. The reports are completely anonymous and do not contain any sort of identifiable or traceable information besides what error happened and where in the code. If you are concerned about that please let me know and I can make that an opt-out feature in the next releases; * Patreon link -- the app now has a [Patreon page](! If you like what you're seeing and would like to buy me a coffee or a car (the choice is yours! 😂) your support will be very much appreciated! You can get the app here:

    Beyond app brunofin 1 year ago 100%
    Apologies for the insta-crashing

    I pushed an update fixing that 2 days ago but unfortunately Google is taking really long reviewing and approving the newer version, something that usually takes about 1h is taking days. Unfortunately I can't do anything while the new version is in review, so my apologies for publishing a version that causes insta crash, and I am sorry Google is taking so long to publish the updated version fixing that.

    Beyond app brunofin 1 year ago 100%
    Beyond for Lemmy v1.0.7-alpha

    Hello all, today I am releasing yet another small update to Beyond: - Refresh posts and comments with pull to refresh; - Add app version to the sidebar; - Fixed a bug where posts and comments would stop loading and show an infinite loading spinner; - Improved performance when loading lots of posts; - Home screen background image uses the full height; - Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when loading comments from a post; - Scroll position will reset to top on a new post; You can get it here (please allow some time for Google Play to publish the release everywhere if you don't see the new version yet): If you're interested in follow development status you can checkout the Notion page where I keep track of the roadmap: Thank you for all your support, and again if you find any bugs or have any suggestions, or anything at all, feel free to leave a comment!

    Beyond app brunofin 1 year ago 100%
    Beyond for Lemmy v1.0.6-alpha

    Hello all, today I am releasing yet another small update to Beyond: - Fix dark mode; - Better handle expired sessions. You can get it here: If you're interested in follow development status you can checkout the Notion page where I keep track of the roadmap: Thank you for all your support, and again if you find any bugs or have any suggestions, or anything at all, feel free to leave a comment!

    Beyond app brunofin 1 year ago 100%
    Beyond for Lemmy v1.0.5-alpha

    I released today a new version of Beyond addressing a few issues. A small release but a big increase in functionality. Hope you enjoy it! **Release notes:** - Fix: Subscribed posts tab; - Fix: Stability at switching between post type tabs; - Feat: Logout; - Fix: Anonymous card on sidebar; - Feat: hide downvotes button based on instance rules.

    Beyond app brunofin 1 year ago 100%
    Announcing Beyond for Android Alpha open testing!

    Hello everyone, I am happy to announce **Beyond** has been approved into Google Play and is now available for open testing! []( For those who may or may not have heard of Beyond, it was originally announced on Beehaw at and I am now creating the official community here on so you can also subscribe and follow the development and be a part of the community. As of my Beehaw account, I am not entirely sure what I will do with that due to the defederation anything posted from there won't reach the largers communities at and their users, so most probably I will keep this account at as my main one. I will also announce it from there so you guys know this is me and not someone else impersonating me here :) Please keep in mind the app is in alpha mode and is not yet stable. It's designed with the community in mind, aiming to provide a smooth and inclusive experience for all users. We invite you to join us in refining and enhancing Beyond, by trying it out and providing your valuable feedback. **Current Features:** 🔵 Multiple account support 🔵 Anonymous instance browsing 🔵 Solid posts and comments browsing by subscribed local and all modes 🔵 Sorting modes 🔵 Capability to add comments and replies **Please bear in mind that we still have a number of known issues to resolve:** ⚠️ The dark mode is incomplete ⚠️ Occasionally, the app fails to load more posts ⚠️ A more streamlined login form is needed ⚠️ Avatar for anonymous users is currently not available **Future Roadmap:** I have big plans for Beyond and am excited to implement more features in the near future. I want to make Beyond the best way to enjoy Lemmy out there! 🔜 Remove account feature 🔜 Search functionality 🔜 Content filters (including NSFW) 🔜 Refresh posts and comments 🔜 Hide downvotes/upvotes button based on instance rules 🔜 Video player 🔜 Create account from the app 🔜 More nice stuff I don't want to reveal yet :) I'm also planning to introduce alternative post layouts, enhance user profiles and improve the community view. Your feedback and support are the cornerstone of Beyond's development, so don't hesitate to reach out. Happy Testing!
