theonion The Onion 'Trans People's Issues Alienate the Working Class,' Says Democrat Who's Never Met Either
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 2 weeks ago 100%

    It's not the alt-right! It's just...*proceeds to regurgitate bog-standard alt-right talking points*


  • theonion The Onion 'Trans People's Issues Alienate the Working Class,' Says Democrat Who's Never Met Either
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 2 weeks ago 96%

    They went mask off so fast that I'm surprised we didn't hear a sonic boom.

  • science_memes Science Memes i will never understand scientific fraud
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 2 weeks ago 100%

    Tl;dr: imagine the success and continuity of not only your career but the careers of your employees had a significant element of random chance involved. Welcome to research.

    Now former scientist here. I see the typical "people would do this anyways" comments but I'd wager they don't understand what it's like to work in science and academia. It's publish or perish. In the United States, it's an absolute capitalist meat grinder and it can be brutal.

    As a lead researcher, you are dependent on securing grant money not only to keep your job, but to keep the jobs of your co-workers and the very lab itself afloat.

    How do you secure grants? By showing you have the experience and ability to complete the research.

    How do you show you have the required experience and ability? By your lab's record of publishing the results of successful research.

    What is successful research? In an ideal world, it would be what was found at the end of an investigation, regardless of if it disproves the null hypothesis or not. In reality, it's the results of research that have further application, either in industry or that disprove the null hypothesis and act as a step to get you further related grants.

    What happens when an investigation flounders? So you didn't disprove the null hypothesis. In an ideal world, you publish a paper explaining what happened and everyone knows what not to do in the future. In reality, it's basically unpublishable as journals want what will make them money. Your lab now has the research equivalent of a gap in your resume. You continue with other research and hope it is publishable. If your lab has a streak of bad luck and multiple projects crap out, now it's harder to secure grants. The downward spiral begins.

    Is what this researcher did wrong? Absolutely, but I get it. I 100% get it.

    We need serious reform that removes the profit motive. A functional research system would better catch fabricated results before they're published. It would alleviate the pressures that drive good people to do bad things in the pursuit of doing further good. It would actually enhance scientific discovery as ALL results would be published and without parasitic publishers as unnecessary middlemen.

  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 2 months ago 66%
  • selfhosted Selfhosted Help for getting started with hardware
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 3 months ago 100%

    Seconded, I use a Define 7 and it's fantastic. Best big black box I've ever owned.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Advice Needed: How to get immunotherapy treatment in a rural area where the clinics do not administer the shots?
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 3 months ago 100%

    Have you checked out United Allergy Services? They claim to have self-administered allergy shots.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Chemical Makers Sue Over Rule to Rid Water of ‘Forever Chemicals’
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 3 months ago 100%

    It's 100% worth it. Not only does it get rid of the pollution, it tastes a lot better too.

  • workreform Work Reform American Airlines flight attendants say their pay is so low, they fight for airplane meals to save money and sleep in their cars—and they're ready to strike
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 3 months ago 100%

    Thank you. I was just wondering why the hell anyone would work for AA to begin with. This helps explain some of the draw.

  • youshouldknow You Should Know YSK: Supercook is an amazing app for those with diet restrictions (or anyone)
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 4 months ago 100%

    So Google Search, even back in 2000, was an AI?

  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 4 months ago 100%

    I'm of Sicilian heritage and Cash's first wife, Vivian Liberto, would look perfectly at home at a family reunion.

  • opossums Opossums My friend and I rescued these babies today
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 5 months ago 90%

    Baby rats are very intelligent, empathetic creatures and want love too.

  • opossums Opossums My friend and I rescued these babies today
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 5 months ago 100%

    Such cute little babies.

  • politics politics Tensions rise as protests on college campuses continue nationwide
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 5 months ago 100%


  • politics politics Tensions rise as protests on college campuses continue nationwide
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 5 months ago 100%

    Yeah, he's the classic boomer model of "my point is whatever makes me correct at this immediate moment". Check his comment history for a laugh, he gives people grief for doing the same things he's doing here. No self awareness or integrity whatsoever.

  • politics politics Tensions rise as protests on college campuses continue nationwide
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 5 months ago 100%

    What's funny is how you call someone a coward elsewhere for doing the same. I guess it takes one to know one.

  • politics politics Tensions rise as protests on college campuses continue nationwide
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 5 months ago 100%

    That's a lot of deflection when you could have just said "I am unable to address anything you wrote" and saved so much time.

  • politics politics Tensions rise as protests on college campuses continue nationwide
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 5 months ago 100%

    I don't think you understand what anecdotal evidence means. One person seeing something repeatedly is still anecdotal and of similarly little value when making statements about broader trends.

    You didn't link or even reference this media coverage that specifically supports your assertion so yes, for your comment and even this one, the observation is still solely yours. We're not mind readers, we don't know what you're not telling us and, in case you ask, no, we're not going to look it up for you. If you don't provide evidence, people online generally assume you're making it up, and rightfully so.

  • politics politics Tensions rise as protests on college campuses continue nationwide
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 5 months ago 92%

    A boomer thinks their anecdotal experience is indicative of anything beyond their own experience? Shocking.


  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 HOTFIX #24 NOW LIVE!
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    I can't help but wonder if they'll ever fix the action menu glitch for controller users.

  • politics politics Ruling makes Florida new epicentre in US abortion battle
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    Grandpa, I think you got lost on your way to Facebook.

  • politics politics Chaya Raichik left sputtering when asked what “wokeness” is as the audience bursts out laughing
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    Props to the guy who asks if Al Qaeda is woke. These two have to be some of the dumbest people alive.

  • politics politics Chaya Raichik left sputtering when asked what “wokeness” is as the audience bursts out laughing
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    Watch out, language like that will have idiots ripping out their network adapters next.

  • memes memes This is a real photo
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    Better yet, do both. You can do both!

    I'm sure you already know this, but reading through some of these comments makes me suspect others might need the prompting.

  • memes memes This is a real photo
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 81%

    "Vote for the lesser of two evils? Bah! I won't vote at all!*"

    *and help the fascist who is super pro-genocide get into office. This will definitely help the Palestinians and as a Trump presidency helps the Israelis rain firey death upon them, they will die proud that I stood resolute in my convictions. Their deaths will be worth it!

  • music Music How are musicians supposed to survive on $0.00173 per stream?
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    You piqued my interest and holy shit, Spotify money laundering is wild.

  • forgottenweapons Forgotten Weapons French Mace Gun (~1550)
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    Did anyone else get goatse vibes from the first picture?

  • politics politics Biden reacts to pro-Palestinian protesters: 'They have a point'
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 66%

    It's really refreshing. We do have our share of crazies, as my block list can attest, but for the most part people are willing to accept that sometimes situations can be really complicated.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name.
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    Sold by Nrnrnrg, a small "Ukrainian"* family owned company trusted for generations, established last week!

    *designed in the Ukraine but assembled and shipped by our "trusted Chinese partners"**.

    ** partnership also first formed last week, sight unseen.

  • canada Canada Calgary judge rules 27-year-old can go ahead with MAID death despite father's concerns
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 62%

    Looks like Reddit is leaking again.

  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    Linkin Park... 2000... Middle school?!

    Fuck, I got old.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars Why is the right at war with cyclists? We’re not ‘wokerati’ – we’re just trying to get around | Zoe Williams
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    I drive a Prius and can confirm. Large trucks act threatened by my existence on a regular basis.

  • politics politics Court agrees to block collection of Trump's $454 million civil fraud judgment if he puts up $175M
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 66%

    You've got to be kidding.

  • comicstrips Comic Strips It's nothing
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    TIL agriculture = capitalism. I bet they think the free market is exclusive to capitalism too.

    This whole exchange is hilarious as the DK is strong in your counterpart. The best part is how smug and condescending they are (winter child lolol) despite clearly having no idea what they're talking about. My money is on him being a libertarian.

    Edit: hoooooly shit, I was right!

  • politics politics Court agrees to block collection of Trump's $454 million civil fraud judgment if he puts up $175M
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 95%

    You sound just like the articles early in Trump's presidency, furiously hand waving away his fascist tendencies with similarly meaningless platitudes.

    If this is verifiably false, I'd love any verification you might provide.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Teacher who resigned after her OnlyFans page was discovered says new employer fired her for violating social media policy
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 66%

    ... different strokes for different folks.

    According to her videos, she has mastered several different strokes.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Teacher who resigned after her OnlyFans page was discovered says new employer fired her for violating social media policy
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 90%

    No, you don't get it. Every single person needs to grab their bootstraps and pull so hard that everyone is promoted to management! Then we'll all make management salaries. Having no employees left to manage, we'll resort to managing each other.

    #upwardmobility #ownboss #yourboss #allboss


  • solarpunk Solarpunk you don't need consumerism or mass media to be happy
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    Treat yourself to a two-hour nap without our latest Life DLC™! Only $29.99*!

    *Per nap. We cannot guarantee you will fall asleep or stay asleep. All DLC is non-refundable.

  • toiletpaperusa Toilet Paper USA Ben Shapiro fact check!
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    He also sounds 11 years old. I had known about him for years before hearing a recording of him and he sounds exactly like you'd expect.

    Here's a clip. With obvious bass boost.

  • woodworking Woodworking Table Saw recommendation?
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    Bingo. My first table saw was a heavily used Ryobi direct drive. It was noisy at hell and hard to use with precision, but it only cost $25 and helped me figure out if I wanted to get into woodworking or not.

    Seriously, if you're just getting into this, you don't need to drop $1000+ on a SawStop. If you have the money, fuck yeah, get one. If not, just use proper technique, tools, and PPE. Be extremely careful as even the cheapest, most underpowered saw will take multiple fingers off in less than a second. If you're not scared, get scared. I've been doing this for over a decade and my table saw still makes me wary. That's a good thing.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming What if GBA games had voice acting (Proof Of Concept)
  • SoleInvictus SoleInvictus 6 months ago 100%

    Don't forget for some of the spells and skills. How can I forget late nights full of "Indiguneishon! Indiguneishon!"?

  • youshouldknow
    You Should Know SoleInvictus 8 months ago 90%
    YSK: Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuit mix makes fantastic waffles.

    I promise I'm not shilling for any of these companies. I use the gluten free mix because of Celiac. We doubled the water and cheese and used it as batter in our stuffed waffle maker, filled with soft set scrambled eggs and more cheddar cheese. We used a heaping 1/2 cup of batter each for the top and bottom filling. The batter rises pretty quickly once it hits the cooking surface, so we'd press it back down as we were adding the fillings. It takes about 10 minutes to cook. The mix comes with a herbed butter mix. After the waffle is cooked, we opened the maker, slathered each side of the waffle in the herbed butter, and closed it up again for about thirty seconds to let it cook in. It's a perfect 5/7, highly recommended.

    Toilet Paper USA SoleInvictus 8 months ago 100%
    TP 4 pack
    Mildly Infuriating SoleInvictus 8 months ago 96%
    People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood.

    I have a disability and want to smack these jerks with my cane.

    Bats SoleInvictus 10 months ago 97%
    (Bat PSA) The wrinkle-faced bat grows its own ski mask

    The [wrinkle-faced bat]( is a frugivore (fruit eater) and is actually classified as a member of the [leaf-nosed bats](, despite not having a leaf nose. Molecular phylogeny is wild. They have the strongest bite force in relation to body size of all known bats and their short, broad heads are thought to allow them to eat a wider range of fruits. Males grow a skin flap that partially covers their faces. When not in use for adorable convenience store robberies, males lower their masks to show females they're interested in getting it on. [Seriously.](

    Unpopular Opinion SoleInvictus 1 year ago 70%
    The influx of Redditors has had a detrimental effect on Lemmy.

    I'm a long time Lemmy lurker and occasional Redditor. Since the Reddit influx, I've watched the frequency of shitty Reddit-type behavior, e.g., combative comments, trolling, and unnecessary rudeness, just sky rocket. I'm happy to have more content on Lemmy, but I wish the bad actors and assholes would have stayed on Reddit. Yes, I realize the irony of posting this on a new community that's basically a Reddit transplant.
