askchapo askchapo What's your "favorite" facepalm inducing take that libs regularly trot out?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 3 hours ago 100%

    Call me an optimist, but I do think that Europeans can and will be better — because before one can develop a thorough and principled opposition to imperialism, one will necessarily have a superficial and unprincipled opposition first, just from seeing things that don't make sense. Right now I think we are in that phase, increasingly, because the rhetoric about and widespread solidarity with Palestine that we see in the public today is unprecedented, right?

    I think belief is also often a very social thing: though people often pride themselves on "being rational", in reality people often will not accept an idea until it reaches a certain threshold of popularity that "proves" it should be taken seriously, or otherwise people will not accept an idea unless it comes from someone specific that they see as trustworthy. So the more people with a low threshold are convinced, the easier it becomes to convince those with a medium threshold, then finally the high threshold — so like basically all things, a society's Overton window is like a chemical reaction, right? People buy bourgeois narratives because everyone around them does and says that bourgeois media is trustworthy, and bourgeois media itself says that it is trustworthy, and so this has become a self-reinforcing cycle that regulates which ideas are open to discussion. But ultimately it is inevitable and in Europe's interests that Europe will align itself with Russia rather than with the USA, and it is equally inevitable and in Europeans' interests to realize this; so the question is more when people in Europe will start to realize this rather than if — what will it take to break this self-reinforcing cycle, and will the satisfaction of "Told you so!" outweigh the frustration of "You only got that now?!"

  • askchapo askchapo What's your "favorite" facepalm inducing take that libs regularly trot out?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 hours ago 100%

    Bizarre that it didn't show up for you. I googled it and got the correct result right away.

  • askchapo askchapo What's your "favorite" facepalm inducing take that libs regularly trot out?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 hours ago 100%

    Earlier today I showed my mom the Soviet animated short film Polygon. It is a stunning and dark anti-war film, and at the end of this film she said, "Someone should show this to Putin!" — and this bothered me a bit, though I didn't air my grievances out loud. There are certainly some implicit points I would agree with, that Putin is an untrustworthy bourgeois leader, that world leaders often wage wars without knowing their actual human cost, that objectively speaking Russia has invaded Ukraine; but I still felt like my mom's heart was coming from a place of really just buying into propaganda by the same Western capitalists who profiteer from making the war as long and destructive as possible, eager to further their interests in the region even if it leads to a nuclear third world war.

    My mom's remark reminded me of when I was visiting relatives across the pond in occupied Anishinaabewaki a number of years ago, and one of the things we did for one of our get-together traditions was to talk about a goal we had for the next time we'd see each other. And I had said that I'd just started learning Russian, so I wanted to become proficient in that language by the next time we saw each other. And one of my relatives said something along the lines of, "Hopefully you can get to the bottom of who's meddling in our elections!" — and even being a radlib at the time I just thought that that was a really inappropriate thing to say to someone taking an interest in another language and another culture... Indeed, I recall the whole room being kind of awkwardly silent after that, so it seems the other libs were in agreement.

    That relative who made the "election meddling" remark is of course still a settler who is reinforcing and benefiting from an illegal occupation of the country in which she resides, a country which isn't even given the dignity of dotted lines on a world map. And when she concerns herself so much with elections that are fundamentally illegitimate, I don't have much hope for her to suddenly "become based". My mother on the other hand, she grew up in that settler-colony but has now spent half her life outside of it, and she's been very supportive of me being a communist and she has accepted or unlearned many things about the world, and even said that she treats me as an authority on politics to some extent; however, there's still so many things that she hasn't unlearned — and given that we live in the imperial core, and given her own background, that she might never unlearn. And that disappoints me to think about, because I generally do have a lot of respect for her and wish her only the best.

    ...So yeah, I guess "dae ebil Putler" is going to be my "favorite" facepalm-inducing take that libs regularly trot out. Even left-wing groups in my country with large Marxist and/or anarchist factions will do this tailist bullshit about Ukraine, that leaves me wondering how much I have to actually put up with their nonsense to get anything done.

  • badposting badposting Oh man, this Bill Murray meme is just LMAO (Last one)
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 6 hours ago 100%

    Booo! Release them one at a time!

  • badposting badposting Oh man, this Bill Murray meme is just LMAO (Last one)
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 8 hours ago 100%

    This better not be the last one. Drive the people insane.

  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 9 hours ago 100%

    So this is a whole Twitter meme?

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank The rise of Britishcore: 100 experiences that define and unite modern Britons
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 12 hours ago 100%

    That term does makes me feel a bit weird about referring to "nonce words"

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank The rise of Britishcore: 100 experiences that define and unite modern Britons
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 15 hours ago 100%

    The good thing about British English is that there's never going to be any confusion about "paedo" as in "paedophile" and "pedo" as in "torpedo", at least in writing.

  • music
    music Erika3sis 15 hours ago 100%
    Ever wanted to hear a song encouraging you to vote PTR-MMM in the 2014 Mauritian general election? No? Well here it is anyways.

    I don't know who Rajesh Bhagwan, Franco Quirin, and Danisha Sornum are but they seem like nice enough people. Oh, and PTR = Labor Party and MMM = Mauritian Militant Movement. I should note that Mauritian party politics seem a bit strange to me because I go to Wikipedia and all the parties in the National Assembly are listed as "center-left" or "left-wing", except for the Mauritian Social Democratic Party, which is "center-right to right-wing". So what exactly is the difference between the different parties in Mauritius? How do they decide which coalitions to form? Even the parties that are outside of the National Assembly, multiple of them are again listed as "center-left" or "left-wing", and it's like, why are these parties not successful whereas parties with apparently largely identical politics are? The best political party in Mauritius seems to be Lalit, one of the parties outside of the National Assembly. It is explicitly Marxist and split from MMM in the 1980s, as MMM was becoming progressively less radical. Lalit's website inexplicably contains [a complete translation dictionary of Mauritian Creole to English]( if you've ever wanted to learn Mauritian Creole. Still, although Lalit is clearly the best party, for a small peripheral country like Mauritius, social democrats are certainly more deserving of support than social democrats in the imperial core, right?

    askchapo askchapo "dog" or "dawg"
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 16 hours ago 100%

    "Can ah pet that dawg? Can ah pet that DAWG?? Can ah pet that DAAWWG????! CAN AH PET THAT DAAaAWwWG?!!??!!?"

  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 16 hours ago 100%

    I once saw someone write

    ::: spoiler Sexual content Will Powers and Ray Blanchard are both naked and oiled up. Who's winning the twerk-off? :::

    And I've never been the same since then.

  • videos
    videos Erika3sis 1 day ago 100%
    Through Deaf Eyes (1:57:11) | ASL + ENG documentary, bizarrely does not have CC despite being uploaded by Gallaudet University Press

    "Don't just look at my ear. Don't look at it as a physical handicap. We're normal, really. Yes, we do have some accommodations to be made, to survive in a society where it's dominated by hearing people. But at the same time, if you were to come into the room, and it would be full of Deaf people, then you would need the accommodation, too." — Rory Osbrink, teacher Carolyn McCaskill (Professor of ASL and Deaf studies) shortly thereafter mentioned left-handedness among other things, which I thought was interesting, because I feel like right-handed people don't often describe left-handedness as a disability, while hearing people do often think of Deafness as a disability — but what really is the difference between being Deaf and being left-handed, right?

    badposting badposting Cis Mer-men wouldn't have penises
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 2 days ago 100%

    Good for them honestly

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse This is just an elaborate way to kill yourself
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 2 days ago 100%

    You know, I think the last time someone did a long walk through Navajoland 3,500 people died and they wrote a national anthem about it.

  • badposting
    badposting Erika3sis 2 days ago 100%
    Well, Sakura, you are an odd girl, but I must say

    You capture a good card

    games games half life 1 barney voice lines but only the ones i think are hot
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 2 days ago 100%

    It's not wrong

  • askchapo askchapo Hey old people on Hexbear, remember those "Don't Worry, Be Happy" stickers, buttons, and so on?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 2 days ago 100%

    I'm not particularly old but I swear I've seen this in person when I was in Mni Sota Makoce.

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Greta Thunberg named ‘Antisemite of the Week’ by "StopAntisemitism" after latest arrest at anti-Israel protest
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 2 days ago 100%

    Also, and this should really go without saying, but Thunberg is a Swedish name. So I'd honestly say that not only is there this sort of "Spiderman point" effect you're describing, where different societies downplay or deny their own fascism or racism by pointing to others — but Anglo supremacy itself is still alive and well in Seppoland, and equating Swedish to German to Nazism is a part of this sentiment.

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Greta Thunberg named ‘Antisemite of the Week’ by "StopAntisemitism" after latest arrest at anti-Israel protest
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 2 days ago 100%

    See, Nazi is when the Germanic is not sufficiently Anglo

  • askchapo askchapo Unicorns, yes or no?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 3 days ago 100%

    Meanwhile, real-life unicorns:

    Artist's recreation of the extinct Siberian unicorn, Elasmotherium sibiricum, which is really a type of rhinoceros. The Siberian unicorn is large and bulky with a strikingly large horn and is here reconstructed with a thick brown coat.

  • badposting badposting He he he, ik- ik zing eigenlijk het liefst in het Nederlands, weet U. Kijk eens, tenslotte wonen we in Nederland, en waarom zou je de mensen dan Frans en Engels voorzetten, nietwaar?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 3 days ago 100%

    Me when I try to show off my conlang

  • videos videos [CW: Racism] Editor-in-chief of National Review's brain autocompletes the phrase "Haitian ______" in the least surprising way possible
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 3 days ago 100%

    Philomena Cunk crying, from the Cunk on Earth scene where she finds out that nuclear weapons still exist.

  • videos videos [CW: Racism] Editor-in-chief of National Review's brain autocompletes the phrase "Haitian ______" in the least surprising way possible
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 3 days ago 100%

    To be clear, I'm quoting the season 1 episode in which Riley, Ed Wuncler III and Gin Rummy try to kidnap Oprah but accidentally kidnap Maya Angelou instead.

  • videos videos [CW: Racism] Editor-in-chief of National Review's brain autocompletes the phrase "Haitian ______" in the least surprising way possible
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 3 days ago 100%

    Wait, are you meaning to say that "I just mean it as a general term for ignorant motherfucker" was ANOTHER thing from The Boondocks that I had just assumed was a joke satirizing race relations, but was in actuality a 1:1 recreation of something that real people actually do?

  • askchapo askchapo Why is TERFism so popular in Britain in particular?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 3 days ago 100%

    It's true, Maggie Thatcher, you can't match her, she's the cutest girl of all. She's the curse of the Irish nation, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil. She's destroyed me hire purchase and she's put me on the dole, if I could only get my hands on her I'd kick her up the...

  • badposting badposting He he he, ik- ik zing eigenlijk het liefst in het Nederlands, weet U. Kijk eens, tenslotte wonen we in Nederland, en waarom zou je de mensen dan Frans en Engels voorzetten, nietwaar?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 3 days ago 100%

    Hva skjer i det bildet? Han tygger på noe men jeg vet ikke hva det er.

  • badposting
    badposting Erika3sis 3 days ago 92%
    He he he, ik- ik zing eigenlijk het liefst in het Nederlands, weet U. Kijk eens, tenslotte wonen we in Nederland, en waarom zou je de mensen dan Frans en Engels voorzetten, nietwaar?

    Kijk eens, in een restaurant vind ik dat wat anders: een goed menu moet eigenlijk in het Frans zijn, want dan- dan smaakt het ook lekkerder. Als je nou leest op een menu in- in het Hollands gewoon "kalfsborst"...... Dan denk je bij jezelf, nouuu, "kalfsborst" — nietwaar? Maar staat er nou "buste de veau"... Tjaha! Dan neem je het, hè!

    fediverse fediverse TankieTube Official Launch
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 3 days ago 100%

    Curiously, the other time I've seen HexReplyBot freak out like this was in a different thread by TankieTanuki, so I think the bot's just racist against tanukis.

  • main
    main Erika3sis 3 days ago 100%
    When I was a little kid first learning to use computers, I was afraid of accidentally pushing the Fn key

    This is because in Norwegian, the United Nations is known as De forente nasjoner, abbreviated as FN. So because of this, I got it into my head that the Fn key was a dedicated key for contacting the United Nations — and I wouldn't want to accidentally interrupt these world leaders in the middle of an important meeting, now would I? Like in the middle of the General Assembly Hall, these politicians would suddenly hear a child's voice over the intercom saying "Sorry I made a accident, I didn't mean to push that, just get back to what you were doing" I suppose to me having a button for contacting the United Nations that's really easy to press by mistake, made as much sense as having an emergency number that's really easy to butt dial, or emergency pull cords in accessible restrooms that you might think were for flushing if you weren't quite paying attention. For that matter in *The Replacements* the Fleemco phones had a big button for contacting Fleemco, so I guess I thought it worked a bit like that.

    asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Thoughts on EcuRed (Cuban Wikipedia)
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 3 days ago 100%

    I've used it a little. It often loads slowly for me, it seems like it's inaccurate in some places or lacks detail in some places, but as a whole I like it. I think it's a good project with a good future.

  • fediverse fediverse TankieTube Official Launch
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 4 days ago 100%

    Hell yeah brother

  • anime anime I despise this series. Am I unreasonable?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 4 days ago 100%

    I don't even remember what happened in the first twelve minutes, I just vaguely remember that it was some blend of off-putting and tedious. Like, at least with the other anime I've quit mid-episode, I can recall what specific thing made me go "Nope, I'm out!" — not Nagatoro, though! Hell, did I even see 12 minutes of Nagatoro, or was that just a weird dream I've convinced myself was real?

  • anime anime I despise this series. Am I unreasonable?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 4 days ago 100%

    I think I saw like half of the first episode of the Nagatoro anime and just turned it off, I almost feel like that was the first time I ever quit an anime mid-episode, something I've only done like twice since then. Honestly I don't even remember why I wanted to try Nagatoro to begin with, cause I went into it already thinking it looked like it was gonna be bad. Columbam mortuam ne ederis.

  • anime anime I despise this series. Am I unreasonable?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 4 days ago 100%

    That's a very cold take, the real hot take is that many people misidentify the reason they dislike high school romance anime as being "because they [the dislikers] are adults" — i.e. that they're too old to relate to the characters — rather than because of any number of legitimate grievances with the genre as it stands, that they've just noticed more with time or age, probably mixed with some performative adulthood age-related brainworms or whatever.

    Like, if the problem is just the ability to relate to the characters, then it would follow that people would complain more about romance stories with characters considerably more alien than high schoolers to their own lives, yet it is only ever high school romance anime that people seem to complain about. And if the problem is the ability to relate to the characters, then even for the teenagers watching HS romance anime, if they aren't from Japan then they're still watching a romance show set in a radically different corner of the world, with a different culture valuing different things and with different norms for communication — sometimes the shows are even set in a different time period or have fantastical elements et cetera. Is all of that, everything about the setting and characters aside from the characters' ages, just supposed to be a complete non-factor for relatability?

  • anime anime I despise this series. Am I unreasonable?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    Love is war had a solid first season and fell off massively.

    Sometimes I wonder if everyone else just has way higher standards than me, because I didn't notice any real drop in quality in Love is War. I thought it lasted just long enough and came to a satisfying conclusion.

  • anime anime I despise this series. Am I unreasonable?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    Social awkwardness was one part, I also liked Najimi "the Nadge-meister", who is, as always, at it again with the white Vans.

    Now of course when I watched Komi the only other high school love comedy I'd seen was Kaguya-sama, so even in the ways that Komi was generic it probably wouldn't have seemed as generic to me.

  • anime anime I despise this series. Am I unreasonable?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    I didn't like the manga much but I did enjoy the anime.

  • videos videos What Does 'Gooning' Do to Your Brain?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    Well said.

  • videos videos killing in the name of performed by the north korean military choir
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    The video description says it's from an "alternate reality"

  • videos videos What Does 'Gooning' Do to Your Brain?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    Something that stood out to me about HealthyGamer's concerns was how he was talking about, like, if you get your sexual needs met by yourself you'll be disincentivized from getting your sexual needs met from other people — that bit struck me as kind of "allonormative" is maybe the word I'm looking for. Not that I think most gooners are a-spec or anything like that, but I still feel like the way HealthyGamer was talking, kind of implied or reinforced this idea that it is somehow necessary for people to be sexually and romantically attracted to others, and that being able to fulfill your sexual needs entirely by yourself is somehow unnatural or necessarily bad.

  • badposting badposting LMAO GOOD ONE
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    First time seeing HarryLime chjbposting: heheh, it's been a while since I last saw that joke...

    Second time seeing HarryLime chjbposting: wait, didn't xe already post that joke...?

    Third time seeing HarryLime chjbposting: [laughing maniacally while descending further into an abyss of layers upon layers of irony]

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Canada is to America as Austria is to 1930s Germany
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    Will there be an Anschluss?

  • music music Half-Life 2 OST — You're Not Supposed to Be Here (Extended)
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    Probably my favorite track from Half-Life 2!

  • videos videos What Does 'Gooning' Do to Your Brain?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    I think with anything sexual there's a tendency for many people to either overstate or understate the effects, and to some extent reverse cause and effect — that because of the taboo around sex that people can't think about sex with a cool head. Like I listen to HealthyGamer's concerns about gooning, and to me it doesn't really seem like there is much of anything fundamentally new or inherently bad about it, that the main problem with gooning is really just the context it exists within of this whole patriarchal masculinity in service of capitalism. Take that context away and all you're really left with in gooning is a specific way of getting yourself off, which might cause harm under certain conditions or when done in excess, but like, you can say the same about most things.

  • videos videos What Does 'Gooning' Do to Your Brain?
  • Erika3sis Erika3sis 5 days ago 100%

    Since when have we had this emoji

  • news
    news Erika3sis 6 days ago 100%
    NRK: Liberal and Green parties react strongly to the deportation of Juliana Mattson | Strong reactions after student deported from Norway: "Rigid, bureaucratic nonsense" | Translation in post body

    *[TL note: This article was originally written in [Nynorsk]( My own dialect is generally written in [Bokmål](ål).]* ___ Juliana Mattson was deported from Norway while she was participating in a cultural exchange program. Her case has now become a topic of debate in the Storting, Norway's parliament. ::: spoiler Summary of the issue * Juliana Mattson, a student from the USA, was deported from Norway while she was participating in a cultural exchange program on a small farm in Innlandet county. * The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (*Utlendingsdirektoratet*; UDI) believed that Mattson had taken up work on the farm, which led to the deportation. * Storting Representative Alfred Bjørlo from the Liberal Party has reacted strongly to the case and is questioning Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl. * Bjørlo doubts that the legal framework actually puts a stop for the activity that WWOOF offers, and believes that the incident could have been the result of a misinterpretation of the law by UDI. * Storting Representative Rasmus Hansson from the Green Party also criticizes UDI's actions in this case. * The case is now being reviewed by the Ministry of Justice. This summary was written by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is checked for quality by NRK's journalists before publication. ::: ___ Last week, NRK wrote about 22-year-old Juliana Mattson from the USA, who was taken by Norwegian police from a small farm in Innlandet county and then deported from Norway. The cause of the deportation was that the Directorate of Immigration (*Utlendingsdirektoratet*; UDI) believed that Mattson had taken up work on the farm. This, despite the fact that Mattson was on the farm because she was participating in a cultural exchange program led by the organization Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF). ::: spoiler Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) * Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) is a globe-spanning movement aiming to build bridges between organic farmers and those who want to visit them. * The organization mediates the exchange of culture and knowledge and is a global community working for organic farming around the world. * It is not possible to offer nor receive a wage as a participant in a WWOOF-exchange. * WWOOF was founded in 1971 and is one of the first educational and cultural exchange programs in the world. * WWOOF today operates in more than 132 countries around the world (and is growing constantly) * There are 145 farms in Norway today offering stays through the WWOOF-network. They generally take 2-4 "wwoofers" at a time, most of them arriving in the summer. * In Norway, non-Schengen citizens must have a work permit to come to the country through WWOOF. No other country in Europe has this requirement. Source: WWOOF NORWAY ::: ___ Alfred Bjørlo of the Liberal Party reacts strongly to this affair. – "This is hopeless. We can't let Norway deport people taking part in a serious international exchange program to learn about agriculture," Bjørlo said to NRK. ___ # Questions for the Minister of Justice – "Does the Council of State believe that participation in this type of exchange program in Norway, as the only country in Europe, should be equated to immigration for work, such that people risk arrest and deportation from the Schengen Area?" This quote is from a letter that Bjørlo wrote to Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Centre Party) dated to the 9th of September. *[TL note: "Centre Party" refers to "Senterpartiet", as opposed to "Center Party" which refers to the much newer and much less successful "Partiet Sentrum".]* Bjørlo's question is now being reviewed by the Ministry of Justice. Alfred Bjørlo strongly doubts that the legal framework actually puts a stop to the activity that WWOOF offers. – "The first thing we will ask the government about is if this was because of a block in the legal framework, or if this is about how the law is handled by UDI. If this incident happened because of a misinterpretation of the law by UDI, then I expect the government to take this up with UDI," he said. For the stay was not intended as work, neither by Mattson, nor by the hosts from the organic hobby-farm in Eidskog. They have accepted wwoofers to that farm for over ten years. The plan was for Mattson to stay on the farm for two weeks. – "I was just helping out a little with the board and lodging," Mattson said to NRK just after her deportation in August. – "That was a part of a practical education in sustainable agriculture. It wasn't work, I was there to learn," she continued. For according to WWOOF's guidelines, there should not be any form of wage in connection to these types of stays. Nevertheless, the stay on the farm was defined as employment by UDI. In the official decision to deport Mattson, UDI pointed to among others section 55 in the Immigration Act where it says that a foreign national who is to work in Norway must have a work permit that gives one the right to employment. >"The seriousness of the situation is exacerbated by that the illegal work can be connected to workplace criminality. Following from this, general preventative considerations and considerations for the legal consensus point to that you should be deported." — UDI Bjørlo believes that if the law bans this type of practice, that the law should be changed. – "It must be possible to find a way to open our borders for this type of activity as an exception, without allowing for illegal migrant labor," he said. *[TL note: the original said "the Storting representative" rather than "he", but to me this was a bit clumsy to translate literally.]* ::: spoiler Poll: What do you think of the deportation of Juliana Mattson? Results as of 5:24 PM 9/12/2024: * 6% — It's completely just, one must follow the law no matter what. * 10% — It's very unfortunate, 😥 but UDI needs to follow the law. * 80% — This is just sad! UDI surely has bigger things to worry about! 😡 * 4% — I have no opinion. 🤷 ::: ___ *Read also: [Mother of three deported from Norway, very difficult for the children](* ___ # "Unreasonable consequences" Storting Representative Rasmus Hansson of the Green Party is also not particularly impressed with how UDI has interpreted the law in connection with this case. – "Where on Earth is UDI's understanding of people? This is rigid, bureaucratic nonsense with completely unreasonable consequences," he wrote to NRK. Hansson is clear about why he believes this. – "What Juliana Mattson was to do in Norway is 100% positive. She was nothing but a good contributor to Norwegian agriculture bothering neither the state nor the people of Norway. It is pretty hopeless that UDI would pour out buckets of public resources to chase her out of the country," the Green politician said. NRK has been in contact with the Ministry of Justice to ask Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl about the case. The minister says via the communication department that she cannot answer before she has answered Alfred Bjørlo's question in the Storting. >**Immigration Act section 55** > >A foreign national who intends to take up employment with or without remuneration or who wishes to engage in business activity in the realm must hold a residence permit giving him or her the right to take up employment or engage in business activity, unless otherwise provided in or in accordance with this Act. > >A foreign national who intends to take up residence in the realm for more than three months without taking employment must hold a residence permit. Residence in another country participating in cooperation under the Schengen Agreement is equivalent to residence in Norway. The King may issue regulations containing further provisions on calculation of the period of residence. *[TL note: Translation courtesy of Lovdata]* ___ # **Appendix: Image captions from the article** DISAPPOINTED: Juliana Mattson is very dissatisfied with the treatment she received in Norway. ___ Alfred Bjørlo (Liberal) hopes that the government takes measures to ensure that a similar incident will not happen again. ___ Rasmus Hansson (Green) believes that the deportation is a result of outdated bureaucracy. ___ BACK IN THE USA: Juliana Mattson is now back home with her mother and cat in Rhode Island in the USA. She is still disappointed about what happened in Norway. She says that she will probably go on another WWOOF exchange a different time, but not to Norway. ___ Åklangenga is an organic hobby farm that cultivates vegetables and holds sheep for their own use. About ten youths visit the farm each year to learn about organic farming. ___ Toni Poleo is associate professor in ecology, agriculture and biotechnology at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. At the farm he and his wife show circular agriculture in practice to youths from around the world. ___ The Old Norwegian Short Tail Landrace is descended from the Old Norwegian Sheep, the progenitors of the Norwegian Short Tail Landrace breeds of today. Sheep are an important part of the Åklangenga farm. ___ André Lemee from Normandy is also at Åklangenga farm through WWOOF. But since he's from the EU country of France, he can stay on the farm as long as he wants. ___ Julia Hurter grew up in the USA, but is also a Norwegian citizen. She went to Åklangenga for two weeks in May through WWOOF, and is now back on her own initiative.

    badposting Erika3sis 1 week ago 100%
    Dr. Foreman after triggering a resonance cascade: "This vexes me"

    Dr. Freeman after breaking into a patient's apartment: "..........." Dr. Froeman after triggering into a resonance apartment: "- ···· ·· ··· ···- · -··- · ··· -- ·"

    chapotraphouse Erika3sis 1 week ago 100%
    [anti-piracy PSA music]


    badposting Erika3sis 1 week ago 80%
    Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo 感じないわ

    Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo Seppo 痛くないわ Kraut Kraut Kraut Kraut Kraut Kraut Kraut Kraut Limey Limey Limey Limey Limey Limey Limey Limey Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Houston Houston Houston Houston Austin Bristol Berlin Frisco London Munich New Orleans 嫌いキライ Loving 誰がダレガ Can't Be Alive Without You どうしてなぜかしら Why Why Why Why Why Don't I Miss You A Lot, Forever?

    badposting Erika3sis 2 weeks ago 100%
    Will Ferrell... Pharrell Williams...

    Orson Welles... George Orwell...

    chat Erika3sis 3 weeks ago 100%
    Last night I dreamed I had a prosthetic right arm and it felt so real that when I woke up I patted my arm to see if it was made of flesh and bone

    I had lost the arm as a child due to some sort of animal attack, but the fact that I didn't escape the animal before it severely chewed my arm such that it required amputation at the shoulder, was because in the dream I also had some sort of disorder that made me experience occasional "attacks" wherein I lost motor control and sensation in my limbs. In any case, I was really into guns in this dream, I was in a shooting club and everything, and more specifically I was fascinated by the history of how firearms have been adapted for those with upper limb amputations and prostheses, especially the type of prosthesis that I had. I had in general made the arm a part of my identity, like I wasn't ashamed of it, I'd make jokes about it, I'd wish that the arm would work "more like in the movies" but I still managed to navigate my daily life just fine. I guess if anything, I woke up feeling kind of freaked out by how my brain had managed to come up with such a radically different path for my life, and made me accept this path so unquestioningly, as if I had really been on it the whole time. It was kinda like Zhuangzi's famous butterfly dream in a sense, and made me wonder how much people should really stake on something so fragile and malleable as identity.

    Constructed Languages Erika3sis 3 weeks ago 100%
    What are some fun or interesting word origins in your conlangs?

    This can be both in-universe (like word origins that say something interesting about the society in which the conlang is canonically spoken), out-of-universe (like little hidden references you wouldn't expect people to notice), or even both. I could mention a million things in my own conlang, but the example that inspired this post was the slang term "3-zo" or "poeezo" /pøːzo/ which basically means "a recurring expense; a person, form, or notice sent for the purpose of extracting this money; or the money so extracted". And this word "3-zo" comes from a clipping of *yaPoeezolloeyya* /japøːzoʎ.ʎøj.ja/ literally meaning basically "the three animals" — and referring to a set of three institutions that work together to help the rich and hurt the masses. And this idea of "three animals" taking money from the poor was inspired by the Occitan folk song "Ai vist lo lop", where the description of a wolf, fox, and hare dancing around a tree is commonly taken as a metaphor for the monarchy, nobility, and clergy engaging in various merriment, while the peasants get screwed over. That folk song also describes how the peasants toil year-round to earn "a few coins", only to find that all their money is squandered within a month. So yeah, my conlang's word for like "rent" and "taxman" and "utility bill" and "Netflix subscription" is ultimately in reference to an Occitan folk song about dancing woodland creatures.

    main Erika3sis 3 weeks ago 100%
    Bruh I just realized that the guy from the Norwegian Last Week Tonight knockoff about how great the Nordic model is, was also in the show with the kamelåså syglekogle bit Apparently he was even in fucking Body Troopers??? Wow. So yeah, when I was in secondary school I was made to watch *Sånn Er Norge*, which is basically like *Last Week Tonight* except instead of talking about societal issues it's about how everything in society "works perfectly". It's such a profoundly masturbatory work of liberal slop that even being a liberal at the time, I was left wondering what the fuck the point of the show was, and how other people seemed to like it so much — "Are they just jerking off to the unspoken message of Norwegians' 'superior intellect' allowing this country to supposedly 'tame the beast of capitalism'? Do they just like the escapist fantasy that ours is a perfect country with no need for foreign ideas? How do my countrymen not see the hypocrisy of censuring other countries for propagandizing their youth, when this local TV show being played in this classroom is very plainly *that exact thing?*" But I suppose my own circumstances pushed me to be more critical of the show than my teachers... In any case, the name "Harald Eia" was in one ear and out the other at that time. I didn't follow along on local media much in those days, and I certainly didn't care about local celebrities. So it was only much later when I decided to go out of my way to watch more local TV shows, that the name "Harald Eia" actually started to mean something to me — indeed, Harald Eia played the owner of the isenkram store in the "Danish language" bit in *Uti Vår Hage*, as well as a myriad other roles in that show: *Uti Vår Hage* is a sketch comedy show from the 2000s, where Harald Eia, Atle Antonsen (who now hosts the Norwegian version of *Taskmaster*), and Bård Tufte Johansen play various characters satirizing contemporary Norwegian (or broadly Nordic) society. And yeah, *Uti Vår Hage* certainly has its moments, but it also has a lot of very problematic ""comedy"". You can't exactly color me surprised that a guy who worked on a show that repeatedly makes fun of minorities ended up presenting the most masturbatory work of liberal slop that local TV can produce. And it's like, just kind of a shame, right? 'Cause it's like if I watch or read or listen to Seppo content, I'll feel alienated from the society around me, like I'm seeing the commodification and homogenization of culture; but then I watch or read or listen to local-made Norwegian content, and I just end up thinking, "Holy hell, do I even *WANT* to feel like I belong with these people‽" — So I still end up feeling kind of alienated no matter what, just in a different way. Media imported from the USA and media created locally are of course under capitalism both going to take bourgeois forms — just representing different segments of the bourgeoisie. And so my predicament is really just which segment of the bourgeoisie pisses me off the least, I guess. I suppose the true solution to my predicament would be to turn to proletarian culture in Norway. But good frickin' luck with that! I found Vømmøl Spellmannslag not too long ago, and I liked and still like their music a lot, but naturally one of the musicians in that band would go on to be an openly insufferable islamophobic reactionary dipshit. So you can't even listen to music that gladly praises Mao and Lenin, without fully escaping the seething racist bullshit in this country. I mean, *is* there even a living proletarian culture in Norway‽ It feels like even my leftist friends embrace the Seppo shit far too readily. And I suppose this is why I like translation so much: rather than needing to choose between Seppoism or home-grown reactionism, or trying to find a nonexistent local proletarian culture, I can rather enjoy localized foreign content.

    askchapo Erika3sis 4 weeks ago 100%
    Anyone know of any Deaf or Coda communist content creators, esp. Marxists?

    I'm mostly thinking about video, but things like blogs as well, anything is good. It just feels like kind of a gap, that of all the Deaf content creators I know, their talk of audism and intersectionality never seems to progress into a more holistic critique of capitalism. But I guess this is the same algorithms and self-selection and other factors they're subject to that make the big trans creators a bunch of liberals, too; most of the less-viewed Deaf content I've found is content from universities, or content funded by this or that charity named after this or that capitalist... And otherwise the small Deaf creators seem rather like myself as a teenager, who saw anti-autistic sentiment as a "problem of NTs" rather than a problem of capitalism, that they might see audism as a "problem of hearies". But I'm sure there *are* Deaf and Coda creators who make the exact sort of content I'm interested in. I mean, there just has to be! It's just that search engines are absolutely useless at finding that type of content. Like my attempts at Internet searches only really told me that there was a textile artist in the Bauhaus called Otti Berger who was a deaf communist Jew who was killed in the Holocaust; and that there's a book called *Deaf in the USSR: Marginality, Community, and Soviet Identity* and an article called *Building an Organization According to Our Own Wishes: Deaf Agency in East Germany, 1945 to 1960*, which might be interesting with the right expectations set. Otherwise I can confirm that Deaf communists, like, *exist* in the present day, which yeah, *obviously,* and there was a mention of "another deaf communist manifesto" on some odd Japanese and Korean language website about Deaf culture, which I don't know what that's about. But in any case, you'd think that for such a large, clear form of marginalization with a strong cultural identity, that there would be more than three pages of search results, right? So what's causing there to be no results?

    main Erika3sis 4 weeks ago 100%
    [Rant] Just feeling kinda pissed off hearing about Seppos coming to Norway to work ghoul jobs and getting treated like royalty upon arrival

    In my future fiction project I talk about the "Usonian-American split", where people basically collectively start treating those we now call "Americans" as two separate nationalities: one nationality mainly found in Europe, and another mainly found in the USA, and these nationalities are mutually antagonistic to one another. This aspect of the future timeline was not pulled out of my butt, believe it or not. It is not an attempt at "hopium" or "good drama", it comes from me imagining if every American in Europe came to feel the way I already feel right now, since my own sense of nationality is born out of specific conditions which will possibly or even likely become progressively more common as the colonial project falters. And yes, how I feel right now is that I see these Usonian NATO ghouls and all I can say about them is, *they are not me!* What, why am I supposed to act like these people are "Americans in Norway, just like me"‽ What, are we supposed to be the same nationality on the basis of a shared first language, or what‽ Well, I will not pretend that we are the same! I refuse to pretend! They are not me! They do not have the same formative experiences, the same relationships to land, culture, and labor, nothing in common with me beyond the most absolutely superficial. So I want to boo and hiss at the Seppo ghouls and tell them to fuck off, and if someone threw rocks at them, I would not feel sorry for them. I am an immigrant's child, not some asshole getting a full VIP treatment for fixing up some machines of death "made in USA". There is no honor or dignity in the Seppos' work. I want to live in peace, unity and solidarity with all the nations of the world, but God forbid these Seppos would let me! They could never allow that! All they know is occupation and death, and if I am confused for them, even subconsciously, then this is only to the benefit of the colonial project. Down with the Great Satan and up with brotherhood and unity, freedom for the Oceti Sakowin and Anishinaabe and Sámi, Seppos fuck outta Norway and fuck outta Ryukyu, and free Palestine.

    news Erika3sis 4 weeks ago 97%
    Japan’s broadcaster NHK slammed after its reporter says Diaoyu Islands belong to China

    Unfathomably based holy shit Edit: So a TL;DR is that this was NHK's Chinese-language broadcast, and this Chinese "outsourced employee" who'd been working for NHK radio for literally half his life since the early 2000s, he'd just finished reading a report on how somebody had spray-painted the word "toilet" at the entrance to a shrine honoring a bunch of war criminals and fascist goons — and he just decides right then and there to go off-script for about 20 seconds to state among other things that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China. Like I guess that was just the last straw for him or something. I do not have a particularly strong opinion on the Diaoyu Islands dispute, I just think that any day is a good day to undermine the "territorial integrity" of Japan. Like the entire prefecture that Japan claims the Diaoyu Islands belong to shouldn't even be part of Japan to begin with. ![japan-cool]( "emoji japan-cool")

    worldbuilding Erika3sis 1 month ago 100%
    Deluge of Elephants

    *Not to be confused with [Deluge (Poland-Lithuania)]().* The **Deluge of Elephants**, also known as simply the **Deluge**, was the largest [refugee crisis]() in human history. It resulted in a major [economic crisis]() and [health crisis]() in much of [Europe]() as an estimated 72 million [Usonians]() fleeing the [Second US Civil War]() migrated to the region in the five-year period between 2037 and 2042, triggering multiple [disease outbreaks]() that together killed approximately 4 million people. The name of the Deluge of Elephants is in reference to the ["White Elephant Brigade"](), a derogatory term for the Usonian migrants, associated with European [tabloids']() assertion that the [United States of America]() in the midst of its second civil war was also waging an [economic war]() against Europe by sending refugees to the region as [white elephants]() — "possessions which are difficult to dispose of, and whose cost of upkeep greatly outweighs their value". Europeans' attitudes towards the Usonian refugees was at the beginning of the crisis known to be largely highly positive, even with the resulting material strain. However, attitudes towards the refugees soured as the crisis deepened, famously resulting in the trend of ["Laser Troopers"]() who would assemble in large numbers to shine illicit [laser pointers]() into the [cockpits]() of airplanes carrying Usonian refugees. On the other hand, though the term ["oh-ro"]() today has more positive connotations, it was originally used to [mock]() Europeans seen as overly sympathetic to the Usonian refugees. The term "oh-ro", or "to sing oh-ro", was specifically originally in reference to the [Dublin "Deaf Ears" incident]() of 2038, where a [flash mob]() performed the Irish folk song ["Óró! 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile"]() to welcome a group of Usonian refugees at [Dublin Airport]() who had, unbeknownst to the mob, been [deafened]() by an [uncontrolled decompression]() incident mid-flight. The first [amclub]() was founded at [Saint-Louis Middle School]() in [Liège]() in 2041 in response to widespread [bullying]() of Usonian/American students; this is considered to be the recognized beginning of the [Usonian-American split](). Even today, [Americans]() are still commonly distinguished by their relationship to the Deluge of Elephants: Americans whose families have continuously lived in Europe since prior to the Deluge are today known as [Old Dogs](), and the descendants of the Deluge-era refugees are known as the [New Litter](). The Deluge of Elephants, its origins, and its impact are of much interest to scholars. Consensus holds that the [bourgeois]() factions of the Second US Civil War intended for the relocation of [settlers]() to Europe among other regions to be a temporary measure, such that they could return to settler life postbellum. The ultimate failure of this plan is attributed to the state of [class conflict]() in Europe and the USA at the time, and to contradictory interests and changing dynamics within the bourgeoisie of either region. The exact details of this analysis remain hotly debated, however. Scholars take particular interest in how the crisis was presented by [liberal]() political parties and [media]() in Europe, who were criticized for [xenophobic]() statements, [scapegoating](), and opportunistically [co-opting]() and distorting the language and rhetoric of [leftists]() during the crisis. Scholars also take particular interest in how the crisis was exacerbated by [capitalism](), including government policies criticized as irresponsible or as [wealth transfers]() to the bourgeoisie; and scholars continue to debate what the exact [motives]() of the European and Usonian bourgeoisie were during the crisis, including the degree to which the crisis was engineered versus accidental. The Deluge of Elephants and the resulting Usonian-American split resulted in a high level of [class consciousness]() among Americans. This is widely considered to be a major part of the prelude to both the [Locotian Revolution]() and the [Socialist Revolution in Europe]().

    askchapo Erika3sis 1 month ago 100%
    Non-English-language left-wing journalism in your countries?

    If you're from a majority Anglophone region, you can still reply to this, provided that the things you're mentioning are not in the English language, or are at the very least bilingual. Anyways for Norway I'm familiar with - (bilingual) - (regional for Trøndelag) - - - I read Tjen Folket the most often, personally.

    music Erika3sis 1 month ago 95%
    Was nobody gonna tell me that Elton John actually slaps

    I'm feeling like a little kid right now I tell you hwat

    main Erika3sis 1 month ago 96%
    It's finally time for the third installment of "guess the popular song I've translated into my conlang" woot woot

    It's been three months since [the last one](, and both that one and [the first one]( people managed to guess correctly right away without me needing to reveal the meanings of any words. Perhaps this will be the third time that happens, but if it isn't, then I should restate that the rule is that I can reveal the meanings of one word at a time, unless revealing a word would give away the meaning of the whole line. At the bottom of this post you will find some other hints. Please spoiler your answers so that others can make their own guesses. Now, without further ado... ___ Miis, sjo e : tavfa, hay; Nay rejjeske, sj' yecjoey : briiskiv kay— Ya nga nnetavfatte cjay... Feyvya nga soykey Yontteyde dengskey u myeeskey— Fe nga yeyde so yaradcey; Ho, no e : siravya! No e : siravya! Nay yaskottey, sj'ya : tuska la, Kya nga sjahka, sj'ya : peska... *O-ge!* *Yeroeve nga hay eyere!* *Yesoevfe nga buhspinske su'e:* *E nay yoyejjeske,* *Denge su' eyere!* *E nga o-ge!* *Vure, sju'e na rrumruya;* *Yekrungevfe nga mozjavya:* *E nay yoyejjeske,* *Denge su' eyere!* Xi yeyriguze he, Hozjavya, sju' ebusjpette yukeyni; Byanette, sju'eya : bzesovaruyeyni... Si zjariv gva, fe he, Yasjtra so yabluuma u yerunge Nga s' yeklammoe, ekrungette— Yefe he, e : kyertavsja! E : yakyertavsja! No kyerte dum yurmgolleyya, U mozjeve, sj'ya, va e, peska... *(refrain)* No kyerte dum yurmgolleyya, U mozjeve, sj'ya, va e, peska... *(refrain)* ___ ::: spoiler About the song Country: United Kingdom Genre: Synth-pop, sophisti-pop, new romantics Time period: Early 1980s Popularity: <50M views on YouTube ::: ___ ::: spoiler Words appearing multiple times by frequency *e* appears ten times. *:* and *nga* appear nine times each. *sj'ya*, *nay*, *no*, and *u* appear four times each. *eyere*, *peska*, and *he* appear three times each. These words appear twice each: yurmgolleyya ・ yoyejjeske ・ mozjeve ・ siravya ・ kyerte ・ denge ・ ~~o-ge~~ ・ dum ・ hay ・ su' ・ fe ・ so ・ va ::: ___ ::: spoiler Words appearing once by length bzesovaruyeyni nnetavfatte ・ yakyertavsja ・ yekrungevfe buhspinske ・ ebusjpette ・ ekrungette ・ kyertavsja yaskottey ・ yeklammoe ・ yeyriguze ・ yontteyde briiskiv ・ byanette ・ dengskey ・ hozjavya ・ mozjavya ・ myeeskey ・ rejjeske ・ rrumruya ・ yabluuma ・ yaradcey ・ yesoevfe yasjtra ・ yecjoey ・ yeroeve ・ yerunge ・ yukeyni sju'eya feyvya ・ sjahka ・ soykey ・ zjariv tavfa ・ tuska ・ yeyde sju'e cjay ・ miis ・ vure ・ yefe sju' ・ su'e gva ・ kay ・ kya ・ sjo sj' ho ・ la ・ na ・ si ・ xi ・ ya s' :::

    anime Erika3sis 1 month ago 100%
    Recommendations for cute/light-hearted/relaxing slice of life?

    This has traditionally been my favorite type of anime basically ever since I first got into anime, but lately I've just felt like I need it more. Chances are that most things that people would mention in this thread are things I've already seen or tried, or things I already plan on watching — but honestly, just mention them anyways, because they could be useful for someone else, and I'm not opposed to rewatching or prioritizing things. Still, I might particularly like some more "hidden gem" type recommendations.

    main Erika3sis 1 month ago 100%
    There is an alternate timeline in which I was radicalized by seeing off-brand root beer in the penultimate episode of the cute slice of life anime "Asteroid in Love"

    ::: spoiler Screencap ![Screencap from Asteroid in Love episode 11. A character sets down a tray with a pack of french fries, a hamburger box, a napkin, and a mug of root beer. The mug has a logo reading "A&M", clearly evocative of the A&W logo.]( ::: ___ **Stage 1:** "What, the characters are drinking A&W Root Beer at an A&W restaurant? Honestly, I have seen hundreds of hours of anime and not once before have I seen any type of root beer anywhere, nor any other indication that A&W is *a thing* in Japan. Root beer is near-impossible to get in Norway, so how come A&W is apparently enough of a thing in Japan for the animators to displace the logo and expect it to be recognized? And if root beer is a thing in Japan, why have I never seen it in anime until now?" **Stage 2:** "So the only A&W restaurants in Japan are in Okinawa Prefecture? Why only Okinawa of all places? Not too many people live there, you'd think if anywhere that the A&W restaurants would be in the bigger cities like Tokyo or whatever." **Stage 3:** "The A&W restaurants in Okinawa initially targeted US service personnel, but gradually became popular among the locals? Honestly, how many American soldiers had to be on that island for how long for A&W to become established there? There's American soldiers in Norway too, but we don't have A&W." **Stage 4:** "OK, so, *very many* American soldiers for a *very long time.* Like, literally a quarter of Okinawa is just American military bases still today, and Okinawa accounts for some 70% of all the US military presence in Japan. What do the locals of Okinawa think of that arrangement? Like, surely they must think that a quarter of the island being military bases is a bit excessive, right? Like there's so much you can do with that land that isn't so, you know, bellicose, right? It's just strange, isn't it?" **Stage 5:** [was going to make a root beer float but just can't help but blankly stare at the A&W can and think about the American military bases in Okinawa] **Stage 6:** "YANKS GET THE FUCK OUTTA UCHINAA!!! FREE RYUKYU FROM THE FOREIGN YOKE!!!"

    badposting Erika3sis 1 month ago 100%
    Kamelåså Harris
    worldbuilding Erika3sis 1 month ago 100%

    *Not to be confused with [Legacy Americans](). For other uses, see [American (disambiguation)]().* **Americans** (singular: American, IPA: /əˈmɛɹ.ɪ.kən/) are a heterogeneous [ethnic group]() most heavily concentrated in [Europe](). They descend from the historical [Usonian diaspora](). Americans first started to be commonly distinguished from [Usonians]() during the [Deluge of Elephants]() in the time of the [Second US Civil War](); this distinction, often called the [Usonian-American split](), was solidified by the formation of the American representative organization [Amicon]() and the publication of its manifesto *[Amdec]()* in the year 2049. Americans commonly speak [English](), [Spanish](), and [French](), or derived languages, often freely blending these with each other and with the local languages of areas where they live; many Americans are [denaskuloj]() as well. [Deaf Americans]() most often have [European American Sign Language]() (EASL, IPA: /ˈi.zəl/) as their first language, a divergent and variable form of [American Sign Language]() with partial intelligibility with [Locotian American Sign Language]() (LASL, IPA: /ˈleɪ.zəl/). EASL is designated as one of the three federal working languages of the [European Federation]() alongside [Esperanto]() and [Interslavic](). Prior to the Usonian-American split, "American" was a historical name of Usonians. The word comes from "America", the colonial name of [Abya Yala](), which had come to be used *totum pro parte* to refer to the [United States of America](). Modern Americans chose to use the name "American" for themselves in part as an attempt to [skunk the term]() in reference to Abya Yala and the USA. Following [the decolonization of Abya Yala](), however, a [name debate]() has ignited among Americans on the appropriateness of continuing to use a colonial name referencing [Amerigo Vespucci](). No replacement name has caught on, however. The [American flag]() is based on the [Usonian flag](). It depicts nine horizontal stripes of red and white, with a sky blue [canton]() bearing a large [red star](). The nine stripes reference the nine [regional amicons of Europe]() whose representatives drafted and signed *Amdec*; while the red star represents the "new lodestar" of [socialism](). In its original context, as the Usonian flag's white stars represented a "new constellation" of the [constituent states of the United States of America](), the American flag's replacement of these white stars with a single red star was intended to symbolize *Amdec*'s assertion that Americans "[did] not belong to any state of the USA", and that the USA was an illegitimate and illegal [occupation regime](). A common practice among Americans known as ["scrifting" the flag]() symbolizes that American identity is based in interpersonal connections rather than claims to land. In the modern day, the red star is often said to symbolize the role that Americans played in the [Locotian Revolution]() and in the [Socialist Revolution in Europe](). Americans are generally divided into the ["Old Dogs"]() and the ["New Litter"]() according to their relationship to the Deluge of Elephants. Other terms or phrases often used by Americans include ["retour"](), ["oh-ro"](), ["ami"](), ["see single"]() and ["em and en?"]().

    anime Erika3sis 1 month ago 100%
    Shikanoko but it's a Markov chain

    You could make a conlang out of this.

    badposting Erika3sis 1 month ago 100%
    I've got two strong arms

    Blessings of Babylarm Time to carry arm Try for arms and false alarms So to Armerica the brarm Wise arms sarm Near an arm by a rivarm There's an arm in the grarm Where an old arm of Ararm Goes ararm and ararm

    technology Erika3sis 2 months ago 100%
    So today I found out about an app called Hand Talk that's supposed to be a translation tool from English into ASL, and Portuguese into Libras, using animated characters, but...

    1. "Hand Talk" is already a commonly-used name for Plains Indian Sign Language, and so search results for the Hand Talk app end up burying or displacing search results for this endangered indigenous sign language. 2. Hand Talk's translations are according to multiple reviews absolutely fucking dogshit, so dogshit that it would in fact seem like no proficient signers were actually involved in its development. When the app boasts about being powered by "artificial intelligence", and its website has a whole page titled "for your company", I can't exactly say that I'm surprised. It really seems like this is just some tech startup trying to make big promises about accessibility and AI in order to win investors, reminding me of much of the technology shown in [this video]( — while Hand Talk's main purpose *in practice* is probably just to allow corpos to cut costs on accessibility by "letting the AI do it". It becomes quite striking, then, that on the "for you" page of their official website, that all five reviews that they choose to highlight from regular everyday people come from hearing people with no prior knowledge of Deaf culture or SL, rather than actual Deaf people talking about how the app has helped them; that none of the awards they highlight on the "about us" page come from Deaf organizations, and only one of the awards is actually related to accessibility; and that none of the three founders of the startup have any apparent background in Deaf culture whatsoever... Yes, I am sure that "advertising graduate and strategic communication specialist elected by Forbes as one of the most promising young people in Brazil" decided to found a sign language translation app Out Of The Goodness Of His Heart. But hey, it's not like I'm proficient in any sign languages myself, and it's not like I've actually given the app a try, so maybe I'm just being presumptive from just a few bad reviews and a general "gross tech startup" vibe that this app is shittier than it really is. If any Deaf people have any positive experiences with this app, or with any apps like it, then I'd quite like to know your thoughts. What stood out to me about the Hand Talk app was how it uses animated characters, because this reminded me of my own idea for [SLiki](, a sign language wiki made up of collaborative character animations. The difference is that Hand Talk presents itself as a translation tool, whereas SLiki would assume its users to already be proficient in the sign language in question; and while Hand Talk has a closed set of signs that it knows, and fingerspells everything else, SLiki would allow users to freely modify and crowdsource signs. And also SLiki would probably use Reimu and Marisa or some shit as its default models instead of these generic corporate art style characters that Hand Talk uses, and SLiki would be FOSS that would actually, y'know, *try* to incorporate its target demographic into the development process. Once again, *If Only I Knew How To Code.*

    askchapo Erika3sis 2 months ago 100%
    What is the position of Iceland and the Faroe Islands in imperialism and colonialism?

    My impression is that there is broad consensus that the Faroe Islands constitute a colony subjected to Danish imperialism. During the big strike in the archipelago earlier this year, in which a whole tenth of the Faroese population participated, store shelves went empty and cars and buses stopped running due to the cessation of imports. This was reported by Tjen Folket in Norway and Røde Fane in Denmark. Iceland is also comparatively reliant on imports, and historically had a similar relationship to metropolitan Denmark as the Faroe Islands still have now, but there seems to be far less consensus on Iceland's historical and present relationship to colonialism and imperialism. But what are your thoughts? What is the present, historical, and even future relationship of the Faroe Islands and Iceland to colonialism and imperialism? How are these things impacted by things like whiteness, population size, natural resources, climate and geographic isolation, and even overtourism? One of the foremost members of Norway's Red Party at the moment is Mímir Kristjánsson, a Storting member representing Rogaland who is known for his good speeches and for broadly being really cool, and he is half-Icelandic and has a very strikingly Icelandic name. Iceland is not a country I have too many personal connections to, but the few connections I do have to Iceland make me curious about the country.
