main Erika3sis 4 days ago 100%

When I was a little kid first learning to use computers, I was afraid of accidentally pushing the Fn key

This is because in Norwegian, the United Nations is known as De forente nasjoner, abbreviated as FN. So because of this, I got it into my head that the Fn key was a dedicated key for contacting the United Nations — and I wouldn't want to accidentally interrupt these world leaders in the middle of an important meeting, now would I? Like in the middle of the General Assembly Hall, these politicians would suddenly hear a child's voice over the intercom saying "Sorry I made a accident, I didn't mean to push that, just get back to what you were doing"

I suppose to me having a button for contacting the United Nations that's really easy to press by mistake, made as much sense as having an emergency number that's really easy to butt dial, or emergency pull cords in accessible restrooms that you might think were for flushing if you weren't quite paying attention. For that matter in The Replacements the Fleemco phones had a big button for contacting Fleemco, so I guess I thought it worked a bit like that.

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