

askchapo hypercracker 5 hours ago 100%
My birthday is coming up. Should I go paintballing or try airsoft?

I haven't gone paintballing in over a decade but did it a few times as a teenager at birthdays and it was really fun. Thought it might be a good time to go again for my upcoming birthday. However, airsoft has also become a big thing over the past few decades so maybe that would be more fun instead. Thoughts, experiences, opinions?

askchapo Coolkidbozzy 8 hours ago 100%
If every leftist in history fought to the death, who would win

Rules: - they are in their absolute prime - they can't form teams to gang up on anyone. This is a test of individual ability - no weapons

askchapo phpinjected 15 minutes ago 100%
Ways to break the law to get money quick? Should I start stealing bikes?

I’m 22, going into 23 in only 4 months time… and I’m flat broke. I need to turn my life around before I fuck up everything and end up beyond redemption. How do I turn my life around and actually escape this humiliating state of poverty. Im looking for a ticket out of brokeville. So far, here is what I’ve been doing - got a roommate - eat rice, beans, and boiled chicken - cold showers to save on heat - no AC or heat - use same clothes over and over even if ripped and raggedy - don’t ever eat out or do anything

askchapo EmoThugInMyPhase 5 hours ago 100%
Thinking of becoming a content creator. Need some tips

Do I 1. Do video essays where I hold a mic and ramble on about video games and quirky news stories and trends or 2. Host a left adjacent podcast where I riff on the quirky culture and online personalities that exist in the west

askchapo rootsbreadandmakka 1 day ago 98%
What is an important "butterfly moment" for you that helped push you towards leftism later on?

Like a moment that seemed insignificant and unimportant at the time, but looking back was in fact a pivotal moment in pushing you towards radicalization. For me probably being introduced to Guitar Hero at my friend's house in like summer 2007. At the time it was just another day, but looking back I ended up falling in love with those games, I ended up being introduced to The Ramones and even more importantly the Dead Kennedys through them, which caused me to get into punk music and resulted in me adopting very critical attitudes towards larger American society, attitudes which later grew into anarchism and then Marxism

askchapo sOlitude24k 12 hours ago 93%
Recommend Me Some Goodies

I stumbled onto LeftValues and took the quiz. Turns out that my political leanings aren't what I thought they were. Like, not even close. Just to preface, apparently I fall somewhere between Democratic Socialism and Centrist Marxism, with some leanings towards Social Democracy. 0% in common with Marxism-Leninism, which isn't going to be very popular in this community, but it's likely because of my feelings on centralization. So, with all that in mind, does anyone have any recommended reading? * * Democratic Socialism is a form of socialism that seeks to utilize liberal democracy as a means to achieve a socialist economy and society. Democratic Socialists reject revolution and a centrally planned economy, instead supporting moderate social ownership in the form of publicly owned utilities and democratic workplace self-management. * Centrist Marxism is a form of Marxism that adopts Marxist views on society and the economy while also refraining from taking a definitive position on revolution and reformism. Many Centrist Marxists may also be more nationalistic than other Marxists. * Social Democracy is a centre-left ideology that advocates for mixing left-leaning values such as social welfare and corporate regulation with capitalism and liberal democracy in the form of a mixed economy. Many modern Social Democrats favor Keynesian economics. * Marxism-Leninism is a form of Marxism that was forged in the 20th century in the Soviet Union. Marxist-Leninists heavily favor the use of a communist political party as the platform for both achieving revolution and establishing socialism. Many Marxist-Leninists are somewhat more nationalistic and patriotic than many other Marxists, and may favor industrial progress over environmental goals.

askchapo Dirt_Owl 12 hours ago 100%
Why isn't there a frog based kaiju?

Think about it, these motherfuckers would be unstoppable if they were 50 feet tall

askchapo Abracadaniel 10 hours ago 100%
how to get started with Matrix?

I created an account and am signed in on element, what's a good way to get the feel for things? Any room recommendations?

askchapo heggs_bayer 1 day ago 100%
What's the weirdest way a teacher tried to help the class understand a concept in school you encountered?

In 8^th^ grade my social studies teacher showed *The Notebook* to the class to help teach us about WWII. The movie had less than 5 minutes of content about the war; the rest was only tangentially related at best because it was set in that time period.

askchapo IHateCabbage420 2 days ago 100%
Does anybody know any resources for effective studying methods and strategies?

for more context: i have to take an exam in 6 months or so. this exam covers around 16 college courses (mostly math and computer science related), has around 120 4-choice questions and 4 hour time to answer, so a little over 2 minutes per question. the questions are around half split between problem solving and memorizing. for a few of the subjects i probably already know most of their content, and a couple i couldn't understand from the start but the majority of them were ones that i've studied at some point but have forgotten now. so my question is how the hell can i prepare myself as best as i can in the little time i got? what i need are some resources to help me plan my study sessions and how i would go about studying, and also how to take mock exams from myself. any other tip is also appreciated.

askchapo borschtisgarbo 2 days ago 100%
Caption this
askchapo Speaker 2 days ago 93%
Need your spiciest election signs

My neighborhood group chat is incredibly coconut-pilled and I need some agitprop to put on the street, but I am untalented. I have a printer for small stuff and will throw money at a local print shop for bigger things, I just need material to print. Anti-genocide, pro-PSL/Green (I think they're both on the ballot here), whatever you got. The more discomforting for your average lib the better. Lawn signs and shit to hang in the windows would be ideal for the inescapability, but pamphlets are also fine.

askchapo PointAndClique 2 days ago 100%
How do you use a digital print ereader?

Do they use pdf format, or do you have to convert/download a special file type? Can you browse webpages on them and it renders in digital ink? I want to read more of the great, freely available content online but I struggle to read on phone or PC (bad screen). Do e-readers help address this?

askchapo borschtisgarbo 3 days ago 100%
How did Elon Musk manage to get 12 children??

There's no way his horse strategy works that well

askchapo corgiwithalaptop 3 days ago 100%
Any leads on online gig work? Need money for rent

AI stuff has dried up for me, anyone know a way I could make a little over a grand online by month end? I've got plenty of time to throw at whatever is out there.

askchapo Vampire 3 days ago 100%
Anybody else finding invidious is really struggling these days?

The bourgeoisie are trying to block instances. What instances are working for you?

askchapo UlyssesT 3 days ago 100%
Workshop: Can you think of the most chud-friendly, least "political" possible Triple AYYY bideo bame setting and story that would offend the least chuds possible while making the most money possible?

Hard mode: the monetization has to be from sales of copies of the game, not from loot boxes, "battle passes," or gacha trash. Chuds will put money into gacha trash no matter what anyway.

askchapo GaveUp 3 days ago 96%
Do y'all notice "office occupation" accents?

I feel I can def pretty accurately tell whether somebody works a tech or some business/finance/marketing/HR job just by the way they speak. Like I talk to them outside of a work context, I make the guess, and then they later reveal what they do and I'm usually right if it's one of those 2 categories

askchapo borschtisgarbo 4 days ago 100%
Ebook or Physical?

I literally cannot focus when I'm reading online for some reason + I love looking at my books on my bookshelf, it makes me feel smart

askchapo TheBroodian 4 days ago 100%
Does anybody know of any resources that discuss the life and treatment of disabled people in the Soviet Union?

Alternatively, anybody know what the situation is like for disabled people in China? Resources for that would be good to read, too.

askchapo InevitableSwing 5 days ago 100%
Caption this.
askchapo P1d40n3 4 days ago 100%
Is it ok to vote for Kamala, just make my chud family members miserable?

I get along well with my family, but I'm honestly considering voting Kamala just to fuck with them.

askchapo FearsomeJoeandmac 5 days ago 100%
My short Comrades do you feel dating is as hard for you as some incel types make it out to be?

Some of these guys make it seem like they have no prospects because they're like 5'7 or whatever . Do you actually feel this way? Honestly myself im 6'1 and my 5'8 pal gets way more attention from women than me. Of course thats anecdotal, but.

askchapo borschtisgarbo 4 days ago 96%
Did Marx wear a cock cage?

Was Marx a sigma

askchapo GalaxyBrain 4 days ago 100%
Top 3 Cure Albums! Go!

1. Seventeen Seconds 2. Faith/ Boys Don't Cry (I know the real first album is 3 Imaginary Boys but the american release swaps out only bad songs for good songs for once) 3. Pornography

askchapo mars 4 days ago 100%
Discussing Br*tish transphobia with a friend (CW: transphobia)

Just wanted to see if you all had some thoughts/resources to help explain to a friend that the British medical system's restrictions on youth transitioning are based on a culture of transphobia, not some scientific consensus. The friend in question is, I think, a well-meaning "we should be more like Europe" liberal, and was reading about the UKs treatment of trans youth (namely their restrictions on transitioning) and seemed to think it was based on some level-headed analysis instead of it being TERF Island. I'm trying to educate myself on the whole situation since I've only got a general understanding, so let me know if you have any reading/thoughts and I'll take a look.

askchapo Wakmrow 6 days ago 99%
Can I have the dankest 9/11 memes

Need to post to my group chat and I need to show how cool I am

askchapo clark 5 days ago 100%
What are your thoughts on Wu Zetian?

Asking because I'm writing a paper on her and I think a lot of you like Chinese history/politics. Please don't shoot me for being non-Hexbearian. Do you like the way she ruled? Was she a positive influence? Do you agree with the critics or people who praise her?

askchapo Luna 5 days ago 100%
What character would you like to see in a story/game?

I'm starting to work on creating my own Fire Emblem game as of recently, and I thought it would be a great idea to ask you all what kind of character you would like to see. For those who don't know already, Fire Emblem is a fantasy setting. I should definetly be able to add humans and dragons (manaketes) to the game, though anything beyond that isn't guarenteed. If you have any ideas, please put them in the comments. A submission (sounds way too formal but idk what other word to use) should have a name, species (human or dragon/manakete), a gender (or specify agender), race, and a class. If you want to, get creative with the classes, as long as I understand what you mean, I should be able to get them to work within established FE classes. If you want to get really creative, come up with a physical description, and/or even a personality! I'll turn on upvotes temporarily once post traction slows down, and whichever character has the most upvotes will be added. This means that, even if you don't want to design a character, you can support your fellow hexbears who created characters that you like. If there's a lot of submissions, I can pick the top few and do a recount, and then add the winner of the recount. If I have the space in the ROM, I could possibly even add multiple characters. If you end up submitting, thank you, and I look forward to seeing what you all come up with. ![aubrey-happy]( "emoji aubrey-happy") I forgot to add, if you are interested in any established details about the game/story, feel free to ask. I would honestly love to talk about it!