main Erika3sis 4 weeks ago 100%

[Rant] Just feeling kinda pissed off hearing about Seppos coming to Norway to work ghoul jobs and getting treated like royalty upon arrival

In my future fiction project I talk about the "Usonian-American split", where people basically collectively start treating those we now call "Americans" as two separate nationalities: one nationality mainly found in Europe, and another mainly found in the USA, and these nationalities are mutually antagonistic to one another.

This aspect of the future timeline was not pulled out of my butt, believe it or not. It is not an attempt at "hopium" or "good drama", it comes from me imagining if every American in Europe came to feel the way I already feel right now, since my own sense of nationality is born out of specific conditions which will possibly or even likely become progressively more common as the colonial project falters.

And yes, how I feel right now is that I see these Usonian NATO ghouls and all I can say about them is, they are not me! What, why am I supposed to act like these people are "Americans in Norway, just like me"‽ What, are we supposed to be the same nationality on the basis of a shared first language, or what‽ Well, I will not pretend that we are the same! I refuse to pretend! They are not me! They do not have the same formative experiences, the same relationships to land, culture, and labor, nothing in common with me beyond the most absolutely superficial. So I want to boo and hiss at the Seppo ghouls and tell them to fuck off, and if someone threw rocks at them, I would not feel sorry for them. I am an immigrant's child, not some asshole getting a full VIP treatment for fixing up some machines of death "made in USA".

There is no honor or dignity in the Seppos' work. I want to live in peace, unity and solidarity with all the nations of the world, but God forbid these Seppos would let me! They could never allow that! All they know is occupation and death, and if I am confused for them, even subconsciously, then this is only to the benefit of the colonial project.

Down with the Great Satan and up with brotherhood and unity, freedom for the Oceti Sakowin and Anishinaabe and Sámi, Seppos fuck outta Norway and fuck outta Ryukyu, and free Palestine.

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