technology Technology Police arrest LockBit ransomware members, release decryptor in global crackdown
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 7 months ago 100%

    Having the hood up gives you a temporary +2 boost to hacking

  • comicstrips Comic Strips the day before tomorrow
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 7 months ago 66%

    I'm thinking it's that little pile in the lower left-hand corner of the frame

  • adhd ADHD memes "Not reaching my potential" Fuck that line
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 7 months ago 92%

    I lived through that fucking decade and I think it has a lot to do with how fucked up I am today. The way my school district dealt with a kid that couldn't sit still was to lock them in a cinder block room with nothing but a desk and a pencil. They would keep you in there until you finished whatever assignment the teacher gave you.

    Then I was prescribed ritalin. I was ridiculously allergic to it and it gave me seizures. When I wasn't having seizures I was almost catatonic which the school liked, because it meant I stayed in my chair. The school tried their best to keep me on it even though my parents were VERY unsure about the whole seizures thing and negative effects on my personality. One day I asked my mom "If I do something bad when I'm on my medicine, do I go to hell?" (I have a very religious family) and that was the push they needed to take me off it.

    I haven't sought treatment or therapy since, because of that whole debacle. Every once in awhile I think about it, but it sends me in an anxiety/ptsd spiral and I chicken out.

    Hell, when I graduated, they would give you your permanent record along with your diploma on the stage. Everyone else's was super thin, but mine was three folders about three inches thick each. I didn't even look at it, just burned it out of shame. I'm sure it was full of "prime mover has a lot of potential" bullshit. I wish so bad that I could be normal, but I don't think I even got a ticket for that boat before it sailed.

    Sorry for the rant. Still pissed off at my school system, but not sure who to share that rage with. Fuck em all

  • news News A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us.
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    11'8" bridge cares not for your "freedoms"

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes The virgin linux loser vs the CHAD Windows Winner
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    This is the second anti Linux community I've heard of this person running, and now they're spamming Linux communities? What did Linus do to hurt them so bad

  • linux Linux Critical vulnerability affecting most Linux distros allows for bootkits
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 75%

    The Model M IS the weapon

  • news News Viral videos of Tesla drivers using VR headsets prompt US government alarm
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 94%

    This guy definitely has a crypto wallet and a monkey jpeg

  • goblincore Goblincore Dig through boggy ditches!!
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    Oh man I love Rob Froggie

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions If a question is downvoted on !nostupidquestions, is the question too stupid or was it not stupid enough?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    Holy shit thank you. I'm always in the car or somewhere where you can't just casually look something like that up, and by the time I get home I forget. Also the whole feeling awkward about looking it up. It seems like one of those oddly specific things where you kinda have to already know what it is to ask about it (if that makes sense), so it seems suspicious to be asking questions about it

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions If a question is downvoted on !nostupidquestions, is the question too stupid or was it not stupid enough?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    Every so often, Robert Evans from Behind the Bastards mentions this. I want to know what it is so badly, but also don't want that shit in my search history

  • michigan Michigan Taylor Swift doesn’t belong to you
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    he’s “more popular” than the megastar

    [X] Doubt

  • gaming Gaming What are some games you wouldn't play without mods?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    SVE adds so much to the vanilla game that you could consider it an unofficial expansion rather than just a mod. I might say try vanilla first if canon is important to you and you want to experience the story without any non-official changes.

    If you don't care about any of that, definitely dive right into SVE. It has a personality all its own that blends nicely with the vanilla game. It adds tons of stuff (characters, new areas, events, etc) and takes a lot of creative liberties to flesh out the world and lore.

  • gaming Gaming What are some games you wouldn't play without mods?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    Stardew Valley. SVE adds so much that it's just not the same without it. There are a few other mods that I like to run too, like seasonal outfits or canon friendly dialog expansion. IDK what other mods I use because its been so long since I last played but those are a few of the big ones

  • memes Memes Life hack
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    When people mention watercooling is this what they mean

  • humor Humor The perfect vanity plate
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    Don't normally like vanity plates but this one definitely gets a pass

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Can't even buy chicken in peace
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    Yeah just get it from the gas station like a normal person

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Can't even buy chicken in peace
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    If I move too much the grease doesn't congeal the way I like it

  • risa Risa 100% Official detailed description of Type-II phaser functions lifted from the Starfleet Technical Utilities Manual for new cadets
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    Oof. So You're not actually vaporized like a regular phaser, just sent to O'Brien's shadow realm

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes what did fedora mean by this
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 96%

    who want their Fedussy broke

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes There are big things happening with gnomes
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    Well, the "Independent Fact Checkers" claim that South American gnomes don't exist... I think they're trying to cover something up. Anyone want to book tickets with me so that we can see for ourselves?

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost How much for cuddles?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    Good catch, that's really weird. They must be trying to enhance the battered spouse look because that guys looks like he had his soul sucked out through his nose after enduring a 10 round prize fight

  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    I remember back when I was a kid, a friend in my group always made the BEST mac n cheese (the kraft boxed stuff). Nobody else's could compare. Someone finally asked him what his secret was, and it turns out he was simply adding an entire stick of butter instead of what the box called for

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Do your colleagues celebrate System Administrator Appreciation Day ?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    The salutation for System Administrator day is "Happy System Administrator Day! Hey, since I've got you here do you think you can <insert task here>"

    The customary reply is "Thanks! I'll add it to my list"

  • autism Autism What’s your favorite interesting fact?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    The contact patch of a railroad wheel on the rail is only about the size of a dime

  • softwaregore Software Gore Just received this shipping update. Thanks I guess?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    I can imagine that parcel services see so much weird shit that it might be good to have a generic catch-all message when something unexpected happens.

    That or you're gonna have to have a status message for "someone tried to ship 500 ziplock baggies full of astroglide and it took us all afternoon to clean up the sorting machine"

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Is it just me, or have the comments on Lemmy become extra aggressive over the past 3 months?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    So there's going to be a fediverse and a mirror fediverse?

  • nottheonion Not The Onion YouTube’s Skibidi Toilet series under investigation by Russian police - Dexerto
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    Having watched videos like Charlie the Unicorn or Badger Badger Badger, I say let the kids have their fun

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What does dragon breath smell like?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    If dragons aren't real, how come you see them in popular media so much? where do the film makers get them? Oh, they used a computer to make them?

    Sounds like dragon denier talk

  • steamdeck Steam Deck It Fits Perfectly!
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    The perfect mint to pop after having just brushed your teeth

  • privacy Privacy roku remote app showing ads now
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    My router, (a TP-Link, can't remember the exact model) will still list itself in the list of nameservers even if I just specify the pihole. Since I can't seem to find anywhere in the router's interface to turn that behavior off, I've resorted to using the pihole as DHCP as well.

    But yeah, usually you can just use whatever DHCP server you have already

  • technology Technology This tool for finding bad USB-C cables
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    I have a USB-C cable that will only work in a specific orientation. So I'll plug in a device, laptop won't recognize it, (sigh) unplug and flip the cable, and then everything works.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy I love-hated Chinatown because the ending is so damn nihilistic. What are some other entertaining movies that have similar endings?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    I still can't listen to "time is on my side" without thinking of this movie. 10/10 gave me nightmares as a kid

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's with the sudden boom with memes about America?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    When I first noticed the memes, I looked at the account making them and it was less than a day old. I just figured they had an axe to grind or it was an election season bot and blocked the account, lol.

  • privacy Privacy roku remote app showing ads now
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 100%

    It requires your pihole to act as DHCP server as well. From what I can tell, Roku is hard-coded to use whatever address is handed out. It's easily responsible for 60% of the blocked domains on my pihole.

    If you don't have admin access to the ISP router, your only recourse is to put a consumer router behind it (You'd just hook up the consumer router's internet port to one of the LAN ports on the ISP router) and connect all of your devices to that. That way you can disable the DHCP server on the router and enable it on the pihole.

  • technology Technology This startup is bringing a 'voice frequency absorber' to CES 2024 | TechCrunch
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 8 months ago 80%

    They sync (via wire or wirelessly) to a smartphone app that offers a pass-through toggle to pipe speech through the phone’s speaker — minimizing the need to remove the mask

    I want to pipe this through a voice changer so I can sound like Darth Vader to anyone I talk to.

  • games Games Walmart and Unity To Bring Immersive Commerce to Games, Virtual Worlds and Apps
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 9 months ago 100%

    Oh boy! I can't wait to head home from my job at Walmart to spend my money at Digital Walmart

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Where Did the Snow Go? “A visceral feeling of what climate change looks and feels like.”
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 9 months ago 100%

    Similar thing is happening where I live too. Living on the Great Lakes, we're usually being dumped on with -20 to -40 degree temps. Right now, we're barely below freezing and there's no snow on the ground. The Lake is struggling to freeze and we're at that time of year where it should be close to 100 percent ice cover by now.

    We have a lot of events this time of year that are dependent on ice (Ice fishing tournaments, ice races, marathons where you hike across the frozen bay), and I think all of them have been canceled. It's crazy, I've never seen anything like it

  • memes Memes One does not simply
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 9 months ago 100%


  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming Linux use on Steam ends 2023 with a multi-year high (thanks Steam Deck)
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 9 months ago 100%

    I just switched my aging gaming rig to Linux over the Xmas break. One more grain of sand to add to the pile!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy If you don't have coding skills, why don't you help foss software by making it more user friendly instead?
  • 567PrimeMover 567PrimeMover 9 months ago 100%
  • Trains

    I found this photo digging through my old photography stuff and thought I'd share! Here we see NSSR's 193 in DMIR livery as it returns from its excursion from Two Harbors(?) This photo was shot on a canon elan 7ne loaded with kodak portra 400

    Burlington Northern “Northern Star” reefers sit in a siding in Two Harbors, MN

    Just caught two of these weird, supposedly experimental “composite” reefer cars while on a trip with mrs. PrimeMover. I haven’t been able to dig up much info on them yet, heck I didn’t know of their existence before today. But they’re too cool to not share!
