
Pixel Dungeon

Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 2 days ago 100%
[DEV] ShatteredPD v2.5.1

Hey Dungeoneers! The first patch for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 should now be out on all platforms! v2.5.1 includes an assortment of small fixes, and some balance changes to three of the new trinkets. I expect to make more changes in future patches as well, before moving on to work on v3.0.0. Check out the changes screen ingame for a full list of changes.

Pixel Dungeon dotplot 2 days ago 100%
Is this a bug with Shard of Oblivion?

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0. Desktop platform- Linux Mint 22 The Shard of Oblivion does not seem to be able to be dropped or thrown. It can use its identify function, but it stays in my inventory no matter what. Is this intended behavior or unintended? I do not know how to send the save file to /u/ or anyone else to try and reproduce the issue. In fact, I do not know where the save data is stored. Thank you for your help.

Pixel Dungeon GlimmeringBlade 1 day ago 100%
The Wilderness Walker Rouge Build

Presenting the Wilderness Walker build, an Assassin build that features near unbeatable combat power on a non boss level. Requirements: Rouge with Assassin subclass and maxed Enhanced Lethality +2 Ring of Arcana Glyph of Camouflage on armor Blooming Enchantment on weapon Optional boosters: More upgrades for your Ring of Arcana Greaves of Nature Wand of Regrowth Bounty Hunter skill Assassin's Reach skill Lethal Momentum skill (from a Scroll of Metamorphose) Rejuvenating Steps skill (from a Scroll of Metamorphose) Potion of Divine Inspiration Rat Skull trinket The Wilderness Walker build doesn't care about enemy health or damage, because the character will only be visible for 2 turns at a time (one with Lethal Momentum) and all non boss enemies are executed. The Glyph of Camouflage and the Assassin's Preparation is the core of this build, allowing the player to step into grass and charge Preparation. The +2 Ring of Arcana boosts the length of the invisibility from the Glyph of Camouflage to the necessary 9 turns of invisibility to execute an enemy, where you become visible again. Then, the Blooming enchantment spawns grass on their corpse for you to reenter invisibility. This works with any weapon and any armor (making this a good build for a tier 1 challenge) due to the fact that you will be hit little to no times and your Preparation ability lets you one tap non bosses. Boss fights (excluding the King of Dwarves) can be challenging, depending on the rest of your choices, but on a normal level it is incredibly easy to clear. Further upgrades to the Ring of Arcana allows you to use the invisibility from the Glyph of Camouflage for longer, increasing range and tracking ability. The Greaves of Nature allow for massive amounts of dew drops to be harvested from the grass. The Wand of Regrowth can nearly replace the Cloak of Shadows, allowing you to spawn in a patch of grass where ever you wish. Using Scrolls of Metamorphose to obtain Lethal Momentum and Rejuvenating Steps is expensive, but it allows you to reduce to turns your visible after attacking to one single move and have near unlimited invisibility while maneuvering, respectively. the Potion of Divine Inspiration should be used on Tier 3 abilities, especially if you level Light Cloak up. Finally the Rat Skull is great to increase to number of Scrolls of Transmutation and Potions of Experience received while almost lacking a downside due to the ability to Execute the rare foes. The three downsides of this build is as follows: Flooded levels lack many areas to find/grow grass, boss fights, and in particular, the Earthen Fist, are tricky, as the extensive wait times of Preparation are hard to handle, and requirements for the Glyph and Enchantment make upgrading gear difficult. I used this build to effortlessly glide through the Dwarven Metropolis and the Demon Halls and if I hadn't accidentally clicked the "Lets call it a day" button it would have been my new top run. I wasn't able to use any scrolls of Metamorphose or obtain the greaves but the run was still incredibly easy. How does this compare to other optimized builds? What do you think of this build? Do you have any ideas for additional buffs?

Pixel Dungeon CrayonRosary 2 days ago 100%
I did the ascent with a +23 cursed staff with Wondrous Resin

After beating Yog, I curse infused my staff for the ascent. With Wonderous Resin, it was kind of fun. It would only zap random things. Kinda hard to do damage, but once in a while it would smack someone for 95 damage, or ooze everyone. Mostly, I used melee. I got lots and lots of challenge arenas. One time it zapped corrosion, toxic gas, and corrosion all in a row in the same room versus 6 ghouls. Super effective! ![]( Later on, I planted a sunseed to heal as soon as I ascended some stairs. It didn't take long for an enemy to poke their head into the room, so I zapped him. Randomly got the stasis effect! When it ended, I was fully healed and there were 4 enemies in the room with 3 more just outside. That was a fight for my life! Especially since enemy evasion is so damned high on the ascent. ![]( Oh, and I also got the stasis effect during the final phase of Dwarf King... ☹️ ![]( Thankfully, I was using Disintegration on my staff at the time and could hit the King from across the room.

Pixel Dungeon littletranspunk 4 days ago 100%
Quite the trek to get back up, but obfuscation made it much easier.

Badder bosses enabled, left the demon spawners alone, the armor was found early so it made the rest pretty easy. Almost died at Yog though had I not had my ankhs

Pixel Dungeon sirxdaemon 4 days ago 100%
Distant Well adventuring note

I'm curious as to why the distant well remains in your adventuring notes after you've opened the door to the connected room. Is there any use to the rooms after you've looted the treasure? The other wells are removed from your notes after they're used up.

Pixel Dungeon MrRedstoner 5 days ago 80%
Any seed finders still here?

I would love an early RoSS RoH (ideally both +2) for 2.5.0 to have a reliable setup for a pure tier 1 run. Bonus points for an early transmute scroll and other conveniences

Pixel Dungeon buo 5 days ago 100%
Tier-1 run complete (with a caveat)

I've completed a tier-3 run with one challenge ( and a tier-2 run with no challenges ( The idea is to play without ever using or equipping any items (armor, melee or thrown weapons) above the specified tier. Since then, I've been trying to complete a tier-1 run, without success. Since tier-1 armor is laughable, I think there are two feasible strategies: (1) avoid getting hit, and (2) be able to take a lot of damage. In my experience, strategy (2) is not really viable. Melee heroes (duellist and warrior) cannot really sustain the damage taken in the jail. A Monk or a Berserker might conceivably win the game with tier-1 items, but the problem is getting past Tengu. Also, they can normally rely on high-tier thrown weapons. Going back to strategy (1), I had more success with a Rogue, making it to the first level of the dwarven city without too much trouble. I never made it past level 16, though. The ghouls hit too hard! Also, when facing four ghouls, the Rogue is just not quick enough to kill them before they revive and hit again. This left me with one option: the Sniper. There is one problem, though: the sniper needs a thrown weapon (not her bow) to activate her lethal volleys. However, the only one tier-1 thrown weapon that the sniper can get is uncoated darts, and they cannot be upgraded nor transmuted! My conclusion is that it is impossible to win the game with only tier-1 equipment. So I relaxed the challenge to using only tier-1 armor and melee weapons, and allowing one tier-2 melee weapon. With this combination, I was able to win the game! I had a very lucky run with good wands, and found a couple of shurikens early on. These are ideal to avoid damage, since the sniper gets effectively four shots (one shuriken and three arrows) before the enemy can reply. Nothing except a boss can survive those four shots. I also got a projecting bow early on (just like in my tier-2 run). Projecting bows are so awesome! Still, the run was super difficult, since at times I couldn't avoid melee combat. A succubus could take me from full health to almost dead in three hits, and dying in the demon halls is all too easy even with high-tier items. Regarding my claim that a 100% tier-1 run is impossible, I'd love to be proven wrong. I'm pretty sure someone with more skill than I can probably do it.

Pixel Dungeon Drawtolife 5 days ago 92%
Rogue 9 Challenge 1,9m Score Ascension v2.5.0

Projecting war hammer with ring of haste was insane! Scroll of Metamorphosis gave me mages shield battery skill that let me get free shielding trough the run. ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

Pixel Dungeon Track_Shovel 1 week ago 100%
Spent 20 minutes trying to catch these fuckers

There were 2-3 more off screen for, plus 2-3 evil eyes. Swarm challenge goes brrr. I had level 7 plate armour with a stone enchantment, a level 8 vampiric great shield, and a runic blade. While I could smash them if I caught them, I didn't have much to charge up runic blade on so the process was slow. Couldn't bait them to the doors because the room beyond was huge and they would run off.

Pixel Dungeon The_Snail 1 week ago 88%
First ascent with 2.5.0

Huntress made it on the first run. I really like the new Upgrade system. One creepy thing... killed a Monk rushing at me just as he was passing a chest. His remains ended up inside. So wrong. I had to open that chest once I found the key. You don't want to know how bad it smelled inside. ![]( ![](

Pixel Dungeon sirxdaemon 1 week ago 100%
Opinions on the Chaotic Censer?

I'm curious on people's thoughts on the censer. Personally, it's too random for me to warrant picking. It can set off in narrow corridors, making that the highest priority and danger. It can fire off in a shop, so now I'm thinking of dropping it off before the door. It can activate while you're eating and you could be caught in a paralyzing cloud for any mob to clobber down on. Any potions or scrolls on the ground, along with other destructibles, are vulnerable to firestorms or icestorms that come willy nilly. The durational activation means it doesn't jive with speed builds. It can be fun to try out at least once but not my cup of tea. Maybe if there was a warning before it's set off, or you could inspect it to get an idea if it'll fire off soon, I might give it another whirl.

Pixel Dungeon Vencedor 6 days ago 100%
Who is the guy I'm missing?

Don't remember right now who the last ally I am missing was. I am sure I'll go: "oooohhh, yeah I'm dumb" the second someone reminds me who this was.

Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 1 week ago 100%
[DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0!

Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v2.5.0 has been released! v2.5.0 includes a total overhaul to the journal, some new trinkets, and tonnes of smaller tweaks and balance changes. There are also new splash arts for each of the dungeons regions, viewable during loading screens! Be sure to check the changes screen for full details. [Read the Full Post Here](

Pixel Dungeon The_Snail 1 week ago 100%
First run using 2.5.0rc1

Gladiator ascended. No obvious bugs. I like the remade menu. Balance is decent. ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 1 week ago 100%
[DEV] Shattered beta delayed on Google Play

Hey folks, I've just sent the release candidate build for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 to beta! If all goes smoothly I plan to release the update in another couple of days, probably on Wednesday. Unfortunately, users on Google Play are still stuck on a beta from August 30th. Google Play usually takes ~1 hour to review any update I send, but Beta-5 has been stuck in review for days now. This may mean that the full release of v2.5 will be late on Google Play.

Pixel Dungeon dotplot 1 week ago 62%
The sentry room

There is a room with a sentry and a chest. I think I am supposed to clear the room by using a potion of haste to outrun the sentry. The sentry seems immune to absolutely everything. But I want to kill the sentry. How do I kill the sentry? Thank you for your help.

Pixel Dungeon dotplot 1 week ago 50%
The choice rooms

There are two rooms and only one key. One key leads to 3-4 things for the player. The other leads to a single item contained in a chest? The room with 3-4 things always seems like a pretty good deal, as opposed to choosing a chest. After all, how do I know that what is in the chest is worth as much or more than those 3-4 things? Under what circumstances is it better to choose the mystery chest over the 3-4 rewards? Why would anyone choose the chest instead?

Pixel Dungeon dotplot 1 week ago 75%
How good is wand of warding really?

So I am running around with a wand of warding +3 and a wand of warding +2 on a gladiator file. It is a useful wand, but is it really the top-tier wand that some people on the internet seem to say it is? The Greater Sentries can be killed, and they even lose health by firing. I could see them being OP if they did not cost health to attack. But the way they are now, if you want them to survive, at least at deeper floors, you have to feed them charges to try and maintain their health. You could have spent those turns directly attacking the enemy instead. Is there something that I am missing on how best to use the wand of warding? What are the best strategies to take advantage of it?

Pixel Dungeon dotplot 1 week ago 66%
Why do people not like the Ring of Tenacity?

Is there some aspect of this or the math behind it that I do not understand? If it reduces the damage that you take, that is good, right? Or does it only reduce damage to me if I would otherwise get a mortal attack against me?

Pixel Dungeon dotplot 1 week ago 50%
Post version 2.5.0, is Duelist just a more OP Warrior?

I am watching RunningFromCake try out the beta 2.5.0 (see and others). He is playing as duelist/monk. So he is able to try out all the duelist/monk buffs that are coming in version 2.5.0. It looks to me that Duelist is now simply a better warrior. The duelist has weapon abilities, most of which are guaranteed to hit. That is much better than some pitiful shielding from the warrior's seal, particularly in early-game, when the extra accuracy can be quite useful (and the warrior's seal is at its weakest). That in itself makes duelist seemingly better than warrior. But the subclasses also seem better for the duelist. The berserker's abilities seem to be quite difficult to make use of, since rage does not build fast enough. The gladiator is a more viable class. But the monk's abilities seem to be better than the gladiator's abilities, considering that RunningFromCake can hit a 70 with a dragon kick. And the champion is obviously better than the berserker. So why would warrior ever be preferred over duelist? RunningFromCake also criticizes the buff to the stone of intution at 2:04 at It gives more of an endorphin rush when guessing wrong the first time loses the stone. I agree with his reasoning here. Stone of intuition is very weak, but it does help with the addictive quality of the game. Also, the transition from v2.4.2 to 2.5.0 resulted in his trinket showing as unidentified in his menu. You can see this at, for example, 20:43 in the video. Idk if this bug has been reported to the developer or not. Anyways, do you agree with these observations? Why is duelist getting such a buff if it is just an OP warrior?

Pixel Dungeon Afetaworsethandeath 1 week ago 95%
My partner is a nail tech and gave me The Amulet of Yendor on my nails!

I love it so much. Thanks to this community for introducing me to (and teaching me how to play) my favorite game! Y'all rock 😁❤️

Pixel Dungeon Vencedor 2 weeks ago 100%

Discovered that there was a Wand of BlastWave lying in the floor of floor 14 right as I was ascending with the amulet... Not that I needed it (got a good armor early on and just upgraded it and... Well, if you've ever played SPD with a +13 plate armor you know that hard doesn't enter on its synonyms list) but still, the best wand in the game just laying around? A gnoll probably dropped it after I killed it without even noticing...

Pixel Dungeon UNY0N 2 weeks ago 88%
Which Ring Should I Use?

I've got a really fun run going here, with a blooming staff of Blast Wave and platemail of camouflage. Normally those enchantments are not the best, but the combination of knockback, creating grass, and Invisibility when trampling is both tactically amazing and enormous fun. But which ring should I use? I can't seem to decide. I have some SoU's, so whatever ring I use, I'll probably upgrade it to +3.

Pixel Dungeon polyduekes 2 weeks ago 66%
Is it normal for this room to have trap beneath a chest?

i honestly have never saw this happening before ![]( ![]( ![](

Pixel Dungeon Riversedgeknight1 2 weeks ago 50%
Floor generation

This is in the beta. I can't tell if this floor generation is intended game design or not. Yes I already searched for any hidden doors and there are none.

Pixel Dungeon Osho 2 weeks ago 66%
Criticism - Journal 2.5.0

This is refarding the slot in the journal where the game keeps a track of all the floors and important landmark and presents in a list format. 2.5.0 update has made certain changes that I find it disappointing than the previous one. The prev format was simple and even highlighted the floor the player is currently on. NOT the case now. It neither highlights nor the presentation is simple but comes with an unnecessary icons attached to every landmark which is quite unnecessary and not appealing. Also the format of the list has changed with floor details now shown side by side order rather than the straight chronology which was better. I think there's no need to tinker with the format. It was perfect in its presentation until now. What's the logic behind adding grass and other icons to the floor details? It's quite distracting. Please restore the journal to its original format.

Pixel Dungeon KazuchijouNo 2 weeks ago 100%
Inching closer and closer (New Player)

This is my latest attempt at reaching whatever's at the bottom. I've learned from my previous mistakes and I believe I've got a better character this time. I even brought two akhs, a blessed one and a regular one (both lost in this same level). I'm still running out of food and health potions very quickly in the last levels. The bosses are really taxing in terms of health potions, and exploring takes a lot of time, which means I'm using many food items. Here are my items and skills: ![Screenshot_20240903-161141]( ![Screenshot_20240903-161228](

Pixel Dungeon GunnerSmith585 3 weeks ago 100%
SPD Shower Though: I wish bees could be my bro.

I kinda feel bad killing bees for their honey and wish we could be friends without enchanting or corrupting them. We normally take care of bees to share their honey IRL. :( - While I'm on the subject, I actually wish there was a version of PD or some gameplay in SPD where you can save creatures instead of slaughtering them as the only solution to everything you encounter. Otherwise, it can feel like you're just in a power struggle with the Dwarve King and Yog is really a protector to stop anyone from wielding the amulet's power to grant wishes. - I'm not even sure the amulet wants to be freed from the dungeon as it resists granting your wish to ascend by making it harder to leave... unless you keep killing everyone! After that, there's no lore on if it's a good or bad thing for anyone to have it back in the world, but based on that, it appears to create an undesired balancing effect that counters the wish granted which makes it more like dealing with a Jinn or blood craving demon. - Not that I hate that idea as it makes for good storytelling but the game does have a pretty loose definition of the title "Hero" when you're really just breaking into someone else's house to loot and kill a bunch of homies who were unwillingly caught in the middle of the whole thing... lol. It might actually make more sense if the player characters were demonic creatures trying to rule the dungeon based on their actions in the story-line. - I do like playing chaotic characters but sometimes it's more satisfying to be clever and helpful like Link... and while sometimes funny... not always absurdly murderous like Deadpool. Anyway, just thinking out loud!

Pixel Dungeon CarbonatedPastaSauce 3 weeks ago 95%
New player guide?

I hate that I have to ask this but the internet is awash in garbage these days and I hate sorting through it. Does anyone have a link to a good new player guide for this game? I installed it on Tumbleweed and tried it for a few minutes but had absolutely no clue what was going on. The love everyone has for this game makes me want to give a decent shot though!

Pixel Dungeon Googolmybing 3 weeks ago 90%
Petition to add rats to allies tab

Would be a fun secret... or add a new armor to that tab

Pixel Dungeon Drawtolife 3 weeks ago 95%
Finally made it! 9 Challenge Rogue

Got the war hammer from caves as a +1 with a blazing enchantment. Had it as a corrupting war hammer in dwarf king and later got lucky with the vampiric enchantment! Last SoU used on arcana ring for them juicy vampire heals. Ring of arcana was originally a ring of haste+2 that i transmutated. Video for the last fight:

Pixel Dungeon Drakokam665 3 weeks ago 93%
Now this is a floor one loot I can get behind...

I am still trying 7 challenges with mage at the moment, and the start of this run was quite blessed with RNG... - WoD +2 - SoU - Well of identify All those things combined make for a not so pleasant experience for the early dungeon inhabitants.

Pixel Dungeon SeemSurprised 3 weeks ago 100%
Projecting spirit bow + RoA

Does the ring of arcana have any effect when boosting the projecting enchantment on the spirit bow? Can it go through more walls? Does it slightly boost damage? What happens?

Pixel Dungeon Vencedor 3 weeks ago 100%
I GOT YA (part 2)

With a +0 Mimic tooth too, right as I was making a run to kill the ebony mimic to add it to my bestiary. Also, it is over a strength potion and I think I don't have enough gear to kill it 🥲