pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Is this a bug with Shard of Oblivion?
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 day ago 100%

    Yep, that's a change in v2.5.0.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] ShatteredPD v2.5.1
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 day ago 100%

    v2.5.2 is legitimate, it's just a small followup patch with a few bug fixes, and so I didn't think it was worth making posts about.

  • pixeldungeon
    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 3 days ago 100%
    [DEV] ShatteredPD v2.5.1

    Hey Dungeoneers! The first patch for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 should now be out on all platforms! v2.5.1 includes an assortment of small fixes, and some balance changes to three of the new trinkets. I expect to make more changes in future patches as well, before moving on to work on v3.0.0. Check out the changes screen ingame for a full list of changes.

    pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Is this a bug with Shard of Oblivion?
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 3 days ago 100%

    Thanks for the report, surprisingly this hasn't been mentioned to me yet. I'm just releasing v2.5.1, so it'll have to be fixed in the next patch.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Distant Well adventuring note
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 4 days ago 100%

    That's a good point, I'll consider this for a future patch, thanks!

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 week ago 100%

    Yeah unfortunately play store users largely skipped beta-5 and rc-1. Aside from lots of bugfixes and small tweaks, the two most significant gameplay changes were:

    • Salt Cube extra satiety increased to 25% per level, from 12.5%.
    • Salt Cube health regen reduction adjusted to 30/50/65/75%, from 25/50/75/100%.
    • Added a 4th trinket crafting option, which gives a random trinket
  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 week ago 100%

    Give me another 15 minutes or so and they will.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Shattered Discord server
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 week ago 100%

    You were banned for posting racial sluts, I'm afraid there's no coming back from that one.

    I've gone ahead and removed this post as you're request was answered, you should still be able to see this reply.

  • pixeldungeon
    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 1 week ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0! shatteredpixel.com

    Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v2.5.0 has been released! v2.5.0 includes a total overhaul to the journal, some new trinkets, and tonnes of smaller tweaks and balance changes. There are also new splash arts for each of the dungeons regions, viewable during loading screens! Be sure to check the changes screen for full details. [Read the Full Post Here](https://shatteredpixel.com/blog/shattered-pixel-dungeon-v250.html)

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 1 week ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered beta delayed on Google Play

    Hey folks, I've just sent the release candidate build for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 to beta! If all goes smoothly I plan to release the update in another couple of days, probably on Wednesday. Unfortunately, users on Google Play are still stuck on a beta from August 30th. Google Play usually takes ~1 hour to review any update I send, but Beta-5 has been stuck in review for days now. This may mean that the full release of v2.5 will be late on Google Play.

    pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Some errors related to Shattered Pixel Dungeon and Google Play Games
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 week ago 100%

    From looking at my automated crash reports, I do see where this is happening and I'm afraid it is being caused by having sync data from a future version of the game. I'll get this fixed in the next update, unfortunately there isn't a way for me to retroactively fix v2.4.2

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Some errors related to Shattered Pixel Dungeon and Google Play Games
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 weeks ago 100%

    Sorry to hear you've been having trouble with play games. The crashing in particular definitely shouldn't happen. Which verison of the game are you using out of curiosity? There have been a few cases of crashes caused by beta game data when attempting to revert back to a non-beta version.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Criticism - Journal 2.5.0
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 weeks ago 100%

    The main issue with the old format was how inefficient it was in terms of space. Previously the journal notes UI had room for about 10 notes on screen at once, which becomes very inadequate once the additional notes and custom notes are involved. The lack of icons also meant that it was difficult to see what notes were about at a glance, compared to now where notes are more clearly grouped by floor and have immediate visual indicators of what they're related to.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Zeki tablet running Android 4.4
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 3 weeks ago 100%

    Nope, it's difficult to know where things will be years in the future but atm it's only 4.4- that has any form of support deadline.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Zeki tablet running Android 4.4
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 3 weeks ago 100%

    That's great, I'm always happy to see Shattered still chugging along on these older devices.

    It's not going to hit for a little while yet, but unfortunately it does look like support for Android 4.3- and then 4.4 may need to go in a future update, perhaps in 2025. The TL;DR is that Google is dropping support for the Dalvik runtime (which was replaced by ART in android 5) in most of their build tools, which means that a lot of code libraries are dropping support in their latest versions.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: New Trinkets and Splash Art!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 3 weeks ago 100%

    That is intended unfortunately. Showing/hiding the guide resets the scene, which includes cleaning out the items you have prepared. Is there much of a reason to swap between having the guide out and hidden?

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: New Trinkets and Splash Art!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 3 weeks ago 100%

    The salt cube does unfortunately reduce chalice healing.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: New Trinkets and Splash Art!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 3 weeks ago 100%

    Sorry about that! Links should be fixed now.

  • pixeldungeon
    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 3 weeks ago 100%
    [DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: New Trinkets and Splash Art! shatteredpixel.com

    Hey everyone, after a bit longer of a wait that I initially planned, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 is now ready for beta! In this post I’m going to share some more of the new things coming in this update! [Read the Full Post Here](https://shatteredpixel.com/blog/coming-soon-to-shattered-new-trinkets-and-splash-art.html)

    pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Runic blade- what is the game design decision behind this weapon?
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 4 weeks ago 100%

    Mainly runic is meant to be an option to access T5 scaling earlier in the game, at the cost of less base damage. While it doesn't outpace a T5 weapon, it does outpace other T4 weapons.

    It's also worth noting that runic used to have stronger scaling, but I had to scale it back as its winrate was quite strong. In its current state it's fairly well balanced, even if the effect is a bit plain.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] New Shattered Cursed Wand Effects!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 4 weeks ago 100%

    Yes, existing effects are effectively half as common now.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] New Shattered Cursed Wand Effects!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 4 weeks ago 100%

    It is an explosion effect at each tile. Having it attract enemies would make it a little too clearly positive I think, as you'd be basically getting a guaranteed kill on everything within 20 or so tiles of the explosion center.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] New Shattered Cursed Wand Effects!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 4 weeks ago 100%

    I do expect this to be a soft nerf to wondrous resin, as you'll be less likely to get certain very beneficial effects.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] New Shattered Cursed Wand Effects!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 4 weeks ago 100%

    yes, yes, and only if you activate it in a locked room

  • pixeldungeon
    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 4 weeks ago 100%
    [DEV] New Shattered Cursed Wand Effects! https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/7d673815-b89d-4a88-8ed4-715f8184cbf8.gif

    Shattered Pixel Dungeon's next major update will be going to beta early this coming week. Here's one more new thing coming in v2.5: new cursed wand effects! I'm adding 16 new effects, ranging from simple bubbles to a rare but extreme supernova explosion! The bubbles are harmless but you really, really want to avoid the explosion. (Image description: A GIF showing the new supernova explosion effect. A yellow glowing orb keeps growing in size while danger indicators litter the floor. After 10 turns the orb explodes, killing the player)

    pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon How do I back up my save games / rankings / badges?
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 4 weeks ago 100%

    A few folks here have mentioned possible solutions, and I hope they work. Unfortunately Google has killed ADB backup as a solution, presumable to force more people into their proprietary backup systems. I don't have any specific plans for it yet but at some point I'll probably provide a way to export/import save data from within the game itself. I worry that such a system will make cheating very easy though, even if I don't allow exporting runs in progress.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Ten Years of Shattered Pixel Dungeon
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 4 weeks ago 100%

    Glad to hear you like the new art! There isn't a specific plan when it comes to mimics visuals, but yes I would like to preserve the current tells in roughly the same form.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Region Splash Arts Coming Soon!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 month ago 100%

    As I mentioned, there are 2 variations, for portrait users. The game picks one of these each run and sticks to it, this is mainly because loading screens (except for the 1st one for each region) only last for a second, and so changing up the image would be very jarring.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Region Splash Arts Coming Soon!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 month ago 100%

    Actually yes, there are variations! You see the whole splash on landscape, but for portrait mobile users the game picks between 2 different vertical slices of the image.

  • pixeldungeon
    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 1 month ago 100%
    [DEV] Region Splash Arts Coming Soon! https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/03429265-5177-47e4-80d6-3df71454a6ea.gif

    Hey rat punchers, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5.0 is getting very, very close to being ready for beta. Sorry for the delay, but there's a few additions over what I was originally planning for this update that have made it take a while. One of those additions is region splash arts during the game's loading screens! After teasing these all the way back in 2023 they're now ready, and will release with v2.5.0!

    pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Pixel Dungeon VR
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 month ago 100%

    It's worth noting that this game has nothing to do with Pixel Dungeon, and seems to just be trying to piggyback on its popularity by stealing its name.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Does the duelist talent weapon recharging work with ring of energy?
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 month ago 100%

    Unfortunately no it doesn't. Currently the talent only works with the wand recharging and artifact recharging buffs specifically. Ring of energy is only for wands, artifacts, and hero armor abilities currently.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Some guy’s thoughts on the upcoming visual overhaul
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm going through a lot of it so it's difficult to respond to each person individually, but I am taking it all in and discussing with the artists. Overall the reaction to the new art has been really positive, which is great, but there are definitely detail adjustments to be made in lots of cases.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Ten Years of Shattered Pixel Dungeon
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks for the kind words! I'll answer your questions in order:

    • It's interesting that you mention this because you're already playing with 'improved degradation'! The changes I made in v0.4.0 with strength scaling, and subsequent adjustments in updates like v0.4.1 and v0.8.0 are sort of my version of the degradation system. I think the goal of the system was good, nerfing the 'dump every upgrade into the first high-tier weapon and win' strategy, but there was too much collateral damage. I solved the problem by making it harder to access high-tier gear early, and generally making raw offense with no planning or strategy much less effective.
    • I have checked then out! I don't really have a use for procgen tools myself, but I do keep tabs on what Watabou is doing. Amusingly, a D&D campaign I was in a couple years ago did actually make fairly regular use of Watabou's medival fantasy city generator.
    • I do have some plans, obviously I can't keep working on Shattered forever, but for the foreseeable future I still have ideas for Shattered and the game is doing way too well for me to consider stopping development.
  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Hi, Theme Request
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks for giving Lemmy a try!

    Lemmy.World has a few different web UIs that you can try out, otherwise if you're on mobile various Lemmy apps support themeing:

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Ten Years of Shattered Pixel Dungeon
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 month ago 100%

    Not at all, thanks for the feedback! I appreciate that the new visuals are a change no matter what. and it'll feel a bit weird to imagine only some new visuals in the game mixed in with the old ones. In the future I might be able to show an example of a game screen with 100% new graphics.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Ten Years of Shattered Pixel Dungeon
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 1 month ago 100%

    Afraid I'm not ever going to add toggles to turn off new content added in updates, although I do want the new visuals to satisfy as many people as possible.

  • pixeldungeon
    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 2 months ago 98%
    [DEV] Ten Years of Shattered Pixel Dungeon shatteredpixel.com

    On this day, 10 years ago, I released Shattered Pixel Dungeon v0.1.0. This tiny initial release was my first serious attempt at gamedev and was distributed to maybe 50 people on the Pixel Dungeon subreddit. Fast forward 10 years and Shattered is my full-time job, with roughly 5 million combined downloads and roughly 150 thousand combined sales over several platforms. Even after all these years, more new people are discovering Shattered now than ever before, and the updates I make are getting bigger and better. Join me for a quick walk down memory lane, and for a preview of something very exciting that's yet to come... [Read the Full Post Here](https://shatteredpixel.com/blog/ten-years-of-shattered-pixel-dungeon.html)

    pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Details of Hero's stats
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%

    I do think there are cases where the game could include a bit more numbers clarity, but I'm afraid I don't want to just effectively put the wiki into the main game. Are there any particular 'hidden' mechanics which you think are most egregious? I don't think any of the things you list are crucial to winning the game, and in fact the game does mention solution potions to special rooms in the guidebook.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Details of Hero's stats
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%

    So an evasion augmented armor grants 4 + 2*lvl evasion. I could include this stat, but it's not actually going to help decision-making at all, as you have no idea how that compares to the amount of blocking you've lost. Furthermore extra points of evasion/accuracy aren't necessarily more useful, generally the more of it you've got the less useful each point is, which is often the opposite of blocking's value. So I just don't include the numbers at all as that ends up being a similar amount of information with less complexity.

    Accuracy figures are the exact same in this regard, I'd rather have no numbers at all than show numbers which aren't actually useful.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Details of Hero's stats
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%

    The next update isn't actually revealing any more information than the game already displays, it's just giving it to you in a nice compact form that's much easier to access, and in the case of SoU it's showing it to you before spending the scroll instead of after.

    Unfortunately I don't intend to show off accuracy and evasion stats because the numbers aren't particularly meaningful. The hero has 10 accuracy and 5 evasion to start, and gains +1 of each per level. This tells you nothing about the actual hit/dodge chance on a per-enemy basis. the only real way for me to show this information would be to show the exact hit/dodge chance for each enemy, which feels like way too much information.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: A Journal Overhaul!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%

    The level boost isn't changed for the bow vs. other thrown weapons, so there's no need to put in another line on the update window. The item's description is probably a better place for clarity on that front.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Changing Armor
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%

    Equippong/unequipping armor takes 2 turns, so completely swapping from one set to another takes 4 in total. However, this is currently affected by hero speed, so wearing excessively heavy armor would result in this taking longer than 4 turns. I agree this is a bit of a trap that isn't explained anywhere currently.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: A Journal Overhaul!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%

    The cleric is going to the the focus of v3.0.0, which is almost certainly going to be the next major update after v2.5.0. I can't give an ETA yet but late this year seems most likely.

  • pixeldungeon
    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: A Journal Overhaul! shatteredpixel.com

    Hey Adventurers, July is coming to an end and I owe you guys an update! Unfortunately, I'm going to miss my earlier estimate of a beta during July. This is mainly due to v2.5.0 becoming a much bigger update than I originally planned. I'm now anticipating v2.5.0 will be ready for beta around the second full week of August. In the meantime though, let's go over some of the new stuff that's coming soon! [Read the Full Post Here](https://shatteredpixel.com/blog/coming-soon-to-shattered-a-journal-overhaul.html)

    pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] A Few More Shattered UI Improvements
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%

    I do want to look into ways to encourage more supporter purchases, especially on the Google Play verison, but it's never going to be locking a major content update behind a paywall.

  • pixeldungeon
    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%
    [DEV] A Few More Shattered UI Improvements

    Hey folks, one more small update about UI improvements before a bigger blog post next week. I'm afraid Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.5 isn't going to be ready for beta in July, but it's very close! v2.5 includes a few other UI improvements in addition to all the ones I've shown off: a display for badges in the in-game journal window, a better alchemy UI layout for larger screens, and a full journal UI from the main menu (pictured here)! (Image Description: An image showing new Journal UI from the main menu. Badges are currently being shown (which is unchanged), but there are new tabs for catalogs, the dungeon guide, and alchemy.)

    pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] A New UI for Scrolls of Upgrade
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%

    If the item is unidentified then it'll always show stats as if it going from +0 to +1, and will let you know that.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon [DEV] Custom Notes in ShatteredPD!
  • 00_Evan 00_Evan 2 months ago 100%

    No specific date yet, but we are getting close. I said 'sometime in July' and I think that's still accurate, though it'll be later obviously.

    It's worth noting that v2.5 ended up growing quite a bit bigger than I initially planned for it to be.

  • pixeldungeon
    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 2 months ago 96%
    [DEV] Custom Notes in ShatteredPD!

    After getting requests for years, I am finally adding support for custom notes in Shattered Pixel Dungeon! You can make plain text notes, or attach them to a dungeon floor or item. These are a great way of keeping track of information between play sessions, or deduced properties of unidentified items. Custom note titles will even appear in the descriptions of their items! (Image Description: An image showing the various UIs for adding custon notes. A selection window for adding them is shown on the left. A cropped window is on the top-right, showing five custom notes in the adventuring notes UI. Another cropped window is in the bottom right, showing a custom note appearing in an item's description.)

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 3 months ago 100%
    [DEV] New Adventuring Notes in Shattered

    I'm also using the new Grid UI to overhaul Shattered Pixel Dungeon's journal notes page! The automatic adventuring notes, which record keys and landmarks, are now presented in a much more compact form! I've also added a few new landmarks, such as special floor types. You might notice that there are a couple of other new things in this UI as well, more on that next week... (Image description: An image showing the new 'adventuring notes' UI in the journal on the left. Notes are organized by dungeon floor with icons the player can tap for more info. On the right two example note descriptions are shown)

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 3 months ago 100%
    [DEV] A New UI for Scrolls of Upgrade

    Continuing the trend of interface improvements coming to Shattered Pixel Dungeon in the next update, I'm adding a new window when you try to upgrade items! Currently the only way to know how the stats of an item change with upgrading is to actually spend an upgrade scroll, but with this new interface you'll get a helpful little summary first! The window includes almost every stat in the game that scales with item level.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 3 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered's New Catalog UI pt.2

    As mentioned last week, Shattered Pixel Dungeon's catalog is being expanded, but it's getting more than just new items. The catalog now also includes all of the game's enemies (plus plants and traps), and lore documents! In total this means the new catalog has gone from 101 things to just shy of 500! It'll also keep track of stats such as how many times you've defeated an enemy, and comes with 9 new badges.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 3 months ago 96%
    [DEV] Shattered's New Catalog UI pt.1

    Hey folks, since last week I've finished the new catalog UI, so here's a more fulsome screenshot! For reference, the existing catalog contains 101 items, and this new one now contains a massive 315 of them! Almost every item (and enchant/glyph) in the game is now viewable here, assuming you've found it first. It looks like there are still 2 more categories though, I wonder what's in them...

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 3 months ago 98%
    [DEV] A peek at a better Catalog UI

    With Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.2 out, I'm properly starting work on the next update, which is going to include a bunch of changes to the journal interface. Here's one of them, a new UI for the game's item catalog, that uses a grid instead of a long list. This makes the catalogs easier to navigate and gives me loads of room to add new things to them too...

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 4 months ago 96%
    [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.2! steamcommunity.com

    Hey Dungeoneers, sorry for being a little quiet here lately! I've just released Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.2, which is mostly focused on followup balance tweaks, but also fixes a few bugs. Here's a link to the changelog on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1769170/announcements/detail/4185612701676471088

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 4 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0! shatteredpixel.com

    Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v2.4.0 has been released! v2.4.0 features a new category of item: trinkets! They are more about tweaking gameplay variables than giving direct power or utility. There are also a bunch of smaller additions and tweaks, most notably to the Duelist and to Alchemy. Be sure to check the changes screen for full details.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 4 months ago 97%
    [DEV] Shattered v2.4 Releasing Soon!

    Hey rat punchers, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 is going to be releasing to everyone around the middle of this coming week! The v2.4.0 beta now contains 11 trinkets total, with 3 recent additions: the mimic tooth, wondrous resin, and eye of newt. I think 11 is a good place to start, but there's lots of room to add more in the future as well!

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 5 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: Trinkets! shatteredpixel.com

    Hey Dungeoneers! After some disruptions back in February and March, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 is finally ready for beta! Read on for more details about what’s coming in this update.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 5 months ago 98%
    [DEV] Shattered levelgen changes and beta soon!

    Hey folks, the beta for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 should be ready to start this coming week! The beta will have everything I've shown off so far, including a new item category, changes to alchemy, and changes to the Duelist. There are also some levelgen additions! Entrance and exit rooms in particular are going to become more visually varied.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 5 months ago 94%
    [DEV] Upcoming Shattered Duelist Changes

    Hey folks, we're getting fairly close to Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 being ready for beta! Here's another thing to look forward to in that update, I'm making some big changes to Duelist weapon abilities! While I am reducing recharge speed, abilities are getting buffed across the board to compensate. This includes more damage, charge cost reductions, and every ability getting a component that scales with upgrades.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 5 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered Trinkets: 13-Leaf Clover

    Here's an upcoming trinket in Shattered Pixel Dungeon that I expect to be pretty polarizing. Normally when dealing or blocking damage in Shattered, the average result is the most likely one, and the min or max are pretty unlikely. The thirteen leaf clover inverts this, making extreme results more likely than the average. This makes combat much less consistent, for better or worse!

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 6 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered Trinkets: Exotic Crystals

    Here's a fourth trinket coming in the next update to Shattered Pixel Dungeon! The exotic crystals give (almost) any potion or scroll you find a chance to be exotic. Exotic potions and scrolls are normally created though alchemy. They're generally stronger, but also have different effects, so this can change up consumable gameplay quite a bit. Don't worry, this doesn't affect strength potions or upgrade scrolls.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 6 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered Trinkets: Mossy Clump

    Here's another trinket coming in Shattered Pixel Dungeon's next update! The mossy clump interacts with level generation, making level types that are filled with vegetation or water much more common. At max level you can expect to see these two level types about 4x as often each. This provides lots more opportunities for players to use grassy or watery terrain to their advantage, or even just more seeds and dew to harvest.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 6 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered Trinkets: Parchment Scrap

    Hey Folks, here's another trinket coming in the next update to Shattered Pixel Dungeon. The parchment scrap increases the chance of finding both enchantments/glyphs and curses on weapons and armor! This makes it much easier to get enchanted gear, but you'll have to be wary of the increased risk as well. This is slanted toward positive effects though, especially after being upgraded.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 6 months ago 98%
    [DEV] The Rat Skull Returns in Shattered v2.4.0!

    After almost 10 years, the rat skull will finally return in Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 as one of the game's new trinkets! It was formerly a quest item that I removed way back in v0.2.1. Now the skull will passively boost the chance for you to encounter rare exotic enemies like albino rats or crystal mimics. This means a bit more challenge, but also more rare loot!

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 7 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Status Update: v2.4.0 shatteredpixel.com

    Hey Rat Punchers, You may remember that when v2.3.0 released I gave a rough ETA of 'early to mid March' when it came to hearing back from me on v2.4.0. Well, early March is here, so where are we at? Unfortunately, I've got some bad news when it comes to progress on Shattered: v2.4.0 has been substantially delayed. For pretty much the whole month of February I've been dealing with helping my family with a surgery recovery and recovering from getting sick myself. [Read the Full Post Here.](https://shatteredpixel.com/blog/status-update-v240.html)

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 7 months ago 97%
    [DEV] Getting back to work on Shattered https://i.imgur.com/MgaVKNg.gif

    Hey Folks, thank for all the well-wishes last week! I'm back home now and slowly starting up work on Shattered Pixel Dungeon again. Here's an early look at one streamlining change I'm making to the alchemy system, meant to simplify a bunch of the higher end recipes: replacing catalysts with a simple energy cost.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 7 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Some Slight Delays to Shattered v2.4.0

    Hey Folks, I'm afraid work on Shattered Pixel Dungeon has been on pause this last two weeks, as I've been helping my father recover from knee surgery. Everything I've announced previously related to 2.4.0 is still happening, but the first blog post for it will probably be later than early-mid March. I'll hopefully have some more things to share here in another week or two.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 8 months ago 98%
    [DEV] Upcoming Lunar New Year item!

    In a few days, Shattered Pixel Dungeon will have its first ever festive food replacement for the Lunar New Year! As usual, these holiday treats have a little bonus vs. the regular cornish pasty that they replace. Steamed fish is eaten in two bites instead of one, letting you trigger any on-eat effects you have twice!

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 8 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.3.1

    Hey Folks! I'm currently releasing the first patch for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.3 across all platforms! It's mostly internal code changes, but there are a few small fixes, technical additions, and QOL adjustments too. I expect there will be one more very tiny patch for v2.3 in another few days, as a couple more small issues have popped up since putting out this patch.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 8 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.3.0! shatteredpixel.com

    Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.3.0 has been released! v2.3.0 includes a second gnoll-themed variant for the new caves quest! There are also some smaller item additions, visual improvements to floating text, and the usual slew of small tweaks and bugfixes. [Read the full post here](https://shatteredpixel.com/blog/shattered-pixel-dungeon-v230.html?utm_source=lemmy&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=lemmy_link)

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 8 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2024

    Happy New Year rat punchers! After a busy holiday, and getting sick =S, I'm back with some news about v2.3.0 and my plans for the year ahead! This post starts with a year in review, and then lists the major changes and additions that I have planned for Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2024 and beyond. [Read the full post here](https://shatteredpixel.com/blog/shattered-pixel-dungeon-in-2024.html?utm_source=lemmy&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=lemmy_link)

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 9 months ago 96%
    [DEV] Happy New Year! ShatteredPD updates coming soon

    Hey Folks, I hope you're all having a happy new year! Sorry for my silence over the holidays. I've been busier than expected with a mix of holiday celebrations, a stressful family visit, and catching a cold! I'll hopefully be sharing a blog post later this coming week with my plans for Shattered Pixel Dungeons's v2.3.0 release and for 2024 in general.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 9 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Coming Soon to Shattered: The Gnoll Caves Quest! shatteredpixel.com

    Hey Dungeoneers! The second variant of the new caves quest is now ready for beta! In this post I'm going to go over what this new quest area entails, and also share some other content coming in v2.3.0. [Read the full post here](https://shatteredpixel.com/blog/coming-soon-to-shattered-the-gnoll-caves-quest.html?utm_source=lemmy&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=lemmy_link)

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 10 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Gnoll Geomancer Attacks https://i.imgur.com/URlrrmg.gif

    As I said last week, the boss for the upcoming gnoll variant of Shattered Pixel Dungeon's caves quest is the gnoll geomancer! Once the geomancer is awake expect to do a lot of chasing and a lot of rock dodging. The geomancer's attacks are similar to those of gnoll sappers, but turned up to 11. That blog post I mentioned last week is still coming by the way! I just need a few more days.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 10 months ago 97%
    [MOD] ❄️📌c/PixelDungeon News, December 2023! 📌❄️

    Hey Rat Punchers, and welcome to the first c/PixelDungeon community newspost and spotlight! These posts summarize community events over the last few months, and provide a good starting point for new readers. If you're new here, welcome! c/PixelDungeon is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions. To sign up, just make an account on Lemmy.world: https://lemmy.world/signup. You can also use an account from any other Lemmy instance that lemmy.world federates with. ## Recent News Although this is c/Pixeldungeon's first newspost, it's the 11th one in total. The prior 10 posts were on our previous community on Reddit. That really does set the tone doesn't it? c/Pixeldungeon has come into existance as a new place for the pixel dungeon subreddit community, hosted by a platform that will hopefully be less abusive to its users. After some initial turbulence relating to uptime and new registrations on lemmy.world, c/pixeldungeon now seems to have settled into a steady cadence of about 2-3 new posts a day. While I'd certainly like for us to one day get as big as r/pixeldungeon was, I think this is a great start. We've off the ground, and hopefully can continue maintaining and growing from here. One thing I've been very happy to see is a strong presence from Pixel Dungeon developers! While I've been trying to make weekly posts of my own, there have also been dev announcements from both new and long-standing developers. Even if you ignore my posts, we're already doing quite well on that front I think. As for general activity, this newspost is a start, but I'll be seeing about making some megathreads soon to encourage more participation. In the meantime though, here are some of the best posts made in the last few months: ## Top Posts Here are our picks for top posts made in the last few months! There is a max of one post per person per category, and posts from moderators aren't eligible. Top Recent [DEVeloper] Posts: 1. [More Info Shattered Pixel Dungeon](https://lemmy.world/post/8377035) by [ @inverse_snake](https://lemmy.world/u/inverse_snake) 2. [My mod of shattered pixel dungeon](https://lemmy.world/post/2376619) by [@elektrochecker](https://lemmy.world/u/elektrochecker) 3. [Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.15.3 has been released!](https://lemmy.world/post/4128903) by [@Trashbox_Bobylev](https://lemmy.world/u/TrashboxBobylev) 4. [New Map Editor Mod of Shattered Pixel Dungeon](https://lemmy.world/post/3351143) by [@AlphaDraxonis](https://lemmy.world/u/AlphaDraxonis) Top Recent [Original Content] Posts: 1. Traditional Art: [Pixel Dungeon Meshi](https://lemmy.world/post/6334368) by [@onlineworms](https://lemmy.world/u/onlineworms) 2. Traditional Art: [I drew something for Inktober](https://lemmy.world/post/6439326) by [@cats_hurricane](https://lemmy.world/u/cats_hurricane) Top Recent Regular Posts: 1. [Let's discuss: Ring of Arcana](https://lemmy.world/post/8890031) by [@GWLexx](https://lemmy.world/u/GWLexx) 2. [So..... I tried I ring of wealth run for the first time](https://lemmy.world/post/5873865) by [@disce_pati](https://lemmy.world/u/disce_pati) 3. [I just started learning how to mod ShatteredPD to make my own PD game and found something I never knew about in the files!](https://lemmy.world/post/5674141) by [@DonnieBirb](https://lemmy.world/u/DonnieBirb) 4. [New highest level throwing stone with updated blacksmith rewards](https://lemmy.world/post/7114587) by [@depresbian](https://lemmy.world/u/depresbian) 5. [Happy Halloween indeed! Make the Imp wear Christmas hat later, please!](https://lemmy.world/post/6470273) by [@riomist](https://lemmy.world/u/riomist)

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 10 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Introducing the Gnoll Geomancer! https://i.imgur.com/GwaTq1b.gif

    The gnoll geomancer is the source of all the earth-moving magic in the upcoming gnoll variant of Shattered Pixel Dungeon's caves quest. You'll find the geomancer taking a literal dirt nap initially, but expect to deal with a lot of moving earth once you've gotten its attention! We're still a ways out from a beta for the next update, but there should hopefully be a blog post in about a week.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 10 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Gnoll Sapper Attacks https://i.imgur.com/lw6ltSS.gif

    As I mentioned last time, Gnoll Sappers have access to earth moving magic, but really aren't experts at it. Here's one of their attacks: a boulder toss after a short delay. They'll aim for you of course, but the boulder will hit anything that ends up in its path. Good positioning on your part can easily turn this attack against the sapper.

    Pixel Dungeon 00_Evan 10 months ago 100%
    [DEV] Introducing Gnoll Sappers! https://i.imgur.com/VOrg0ZA.gif

    Here's the less common enemy for Shattered Pixel Dungeon's upcoming gnoll variant of the caves quest: Gnoll Sappers! Sappers don't have any magic of their own but do have access to various earth-moving gadgets. They spawn with some nearby barricades, traps, and a guard. They specialize in disruptive AOE attacks and heavily buffing the defense of their guard. You'll want to try and use the sapper's abilities to your advantage to get the upper hand. Expect to run into three of them each time you do the quest, just like with crystal guardians for the crystal variant.
