
DeGoogle Yourself

DeGoogle Yourself CrypticCoffee 1 year ago 98%
Looking for Moderators

Hi, all. We've grown considerably since rebuilding the sub (see Active monthly users 150 -> 380. 3.5k -> 5.42k subs. It seems to be growing organically now, and the higher we go, the more people will stumble across it. There is always a need to get away from Google, and hopefully our community can help people with this. If you'd like to join us to help moderate so we have folk in place as we need them, that would be awesome. If you are interested. Please send a message about why you think you'd be good for the role, and also an example post/comment in this community previously. Thanks, CrypticCoffee

DeGoogle Yourself CrypticCoffee 1 year ago 100%
Software Recommendations

Here I will pin a list of recommendations for software. Getting started can be daunting, and it'd be great to pull that information together here for newcomers so they can take practical steps to degoogle their lives. Disclaimer: These are recommendations by regulars here and on privacy forums. Use at own risk. We cannot due diligence on these, so if people do have issue with items in the list, please create a post and raise your concerns. ## Recommendations **Browser** - - Firefox (Strongly recommend in light of WEI and Google's plan that could potentially restrict access to websites) - Librewolf - Brave (Not recommended, due to Google's WEI changes. Using chromium is a bad idea. I left this in case you really must) **Search** - Duck Duck Go - Brave **Email** - Proton mail - Tutanota **Cloud storage** - Proton mail **Productivity Suite (Alternative to google docs)** - Libre office (Maybe not cloud based) - Only office (for MS doc compatibility) ### Degoogled Android phones **Phone OS** - - GrapheneOS - LineageOS (wihh or without MicroG) - /e/OS **Android app store** - - F-droid **Messaging** - Signal - Element (Matrix) **Maps** - - Organic Maps - OsmAnd+ **SMS** - #### Organisation **Task lists** - **Calendar** - - Fossify Calendar - ## Discussion These items are ones either recommended multiple times or seem to have some form of consensus on them being good and privacy focussed. I will link discussion topics so people can see the logic and reasoning behind recommendation. If you are not happy with anything here, please discuss here: If you would like another item in this, please create a post discussion and we can pull it in and link to it.

DeGoogle Yourself gytrash 1 day ago 100%
Google abusing ad tech dominance, UK competition watchdog finds

"Google uses anti-competitive practices to dominate the market for online advertising technology, a UK watchdog has provisionally found. The potentially unlawful behaviour could be harming thousands of UK publishers and advertisers, an investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has warned. It accuses Google of preventing rivals from "competing on a level playing field" with its own tech for the billions of pounds spent by UK businesses on online advertising. Google said the watchdog's findings were "flawed" and said it would respond. According to the CMA, the vast majority of businesses use Google’s services when placing digital ads on websites. Google maintains it has a strong business incentive to help UK firms thrive, and argues that advertisers choose to use Google because its products work well and help their businesses grow. The watchdog will now consider representations from Google before deciding what action to take..."

DeGoogle Yourself prousername 5 days ago 93%
Degoogle Chromium help

Greetings! I have recently ditched google and went with privacy focused alternatives. Such as SearXNG, Invidious, Lemmy etc. However, while i was using degoogled chromium, i cant install extensions. Is there any way i can install extensions on Degoogled Chromium? (ik this isnt the right place to ask but eh) Thanks a lot!

DeGoogle Yourself 31337 1 week ago 91%
Google Shopping "nearby" alternative?

I use Google Shopping (the “Shopping” tab on Google) to see if local stores carry certain products, what they cost, how far away each store is, etc. It seems to mostly search national or large regional chains, but it was still pretty useful. Is there any alternative to this (in the US)? The “nearby” function has unfortunately got shittier and shittier over the past year or so. It's gotten less “deterministic," just mixing results from local stores with e-commerce stores, further reducing usefulness.

DeGoogle Yourself Cris16228 2 weeks ago 100%
Suggestions for google alternatives/foss apps

Hello everyone! Recently, I saw so many posts about this and I started to think about degoogling (degoogleing?) my life. I've started with fdroid and found some nice apps in there and I'm curious to know some alternatives I may or may not know - Youtube: Currently, I use ReVanced and even though is just the default app with something in it, I want an alternative with background listening, import my subscriptions w/ notifications and if possible with sponsorblock - Mail: Using a combo or Gmail + proton. I started to use proton recently and I want to move everything there when I have time. Suggestions here? - Cloud storage: Self hosted/proton? Alternatives - Gallery app: Stock - Video player: Stock - Music player: Stock - 2FA app: I have Authy and I tried to install aegis. I also have Ente but I've never used both - Mail app: Using K9 and the app is awesome compared to google or Samsung Mail - Password Manager: Bitwarden - Weather app: Currently, using Breezy weather If possible, apps with a nice looking UI, modern with/without Material You I'm using a Samsung S23 and I would like to know how bad it is to change ROM with something better and if it's really worth Pixel + GrapheneOS. Thanks Edit: I forgot the most important one with probably no alternatives (?) Thanks to (idk how to mention) - Samsung pay

Push notifications issue

So I finally came across a proprietary app that has broken notification support on my degoogled phone and there don't seem to be any alternative ways (like what Telegram FOSS or Signal do) to get it working. I tried a solution called ntfy but it didn't work. So is there a way to get it working now (preferably without utilizing Firebase because Google can read it all you know)?

DeGoogle Yourself gytrash 3 weeks ago 99%
Google has to face a class action lawsuit over Chrome’s data collection

"Google will have to face a class action lawsuit that accuses it of collecting users’ data through Chrome without their consent. In a decision on Tuesday, a federal appeals court reversed a December 2022 ruling that dismissed the case, saying the lower court should’ve reviewed Google’s disclosures and determined “whether a reasonable user reading them would think that he or she was consenting to the data collection.”...

DeGoogle Yourself dataprolet 3 weeks ago 100%
Youtube Front-End that supports >1440p?

I'm looking for an alternative Youtube front-end for Linux Desktop but FreeTube for example doesn't support resolutions higher than 1080p. Is there an easy to use client, that supports 1440p and higher out-of-the-box?

DeGoogle Yourself tilefan 1 month ago 87% community?

do they have like a Discord server, or a subreddit, or any presence on the fediverse?

DeGoogle Yourself hellfire103 1 month ago 97%
I only soft-bricked it five times!

EDIT: Added soft- to the title, since it was pissing people off. Maybe I'm still wrong. Idk, it's just a meme.

DeGoogle Yourself monovergent 1 month ago 100%
What still requires stock Android and has no alternative way to access?

I'm about to degoogle my stock Android phone. For the past few years, I've used it to handle the non-open source apps that I don't want running on my main phone. As I've finally weaned off GApps, I realize that I might as well go degoogle the rom as well. edit: to be clear, I'll be using sandboxed Play services on GOS But since that phone is my compatibility guinea pig, is it likely I'll still run into an app that demands unmodded Android with no alternatives? In your experience, has any bank or other service required the app on regular Android, with no alternative for the desktop, browser, etc?

DeGoogle Yourself pelletbucket 1 month ago 100%
where do I go to pay

I'm having issues and I think it's because I ran out of credit, but for the life of me I cannot figure out where to go to pay them. I'm using cheogram

DeGoogle Yourself Genghis 1 month ago 99%
Google Is Rolling Back Security To Pursue Their Own Interests

I have my respect for GrapheneOS for addressing the Play Integrity API issue.

DeGoogle Yourself solrize 1 month ago 91%
Google Fiber is the only decent home ISP around here. What do I do?

I get spammed by them all the time but have so far resisted and stayed with my crappy, slow, and expensive ADSL provider out of principle. But the ADSL provider just raised prices on me AGAIN and it's ridiculous. What do I do? Is Google Fiber as invasive as other Google stuff? What if I just use it to tunnel a VPN to a non-Google endpoint? This is sure annoying. It occurs to me that Comcrap might be available here as an alternative, but that must be as evil as Google. At least the ADSL company is reasonable about privacy, as such companies go. Thanks for any thoughts.

DeGoogle Yourself Dariusmiles2123 1 month ago 94%
I think I found a way to slowly get rid of WhatsApp

Hi everyone, First of all, I know WhatsApp doesn’t belong to Google so I’m technically in the wrong community. Still I think getting rid of Facebook is part of the same movement. I’ve been using Threema (and Signal/SMS a little bit) for years with all my close contacts, but I can’t fully get rid of WhatsApp as I’m part of some groups where I can’t convince/force everyone to move to Threema. Because I was still on WhatsApp, a lot of people outside of the necessary groups thought it was okay to contact me on WhatsApp. I had looked into ways of blocking everyone except these essential groups, but I couldn’t find anything on the web. Now I think I’ve found the solution to prevent people outside of these necessary WhatsApp groups to write to me on WhatsApp. I had never heard of it before yesterday, but you can download a WhatsApp Business app which lets you send automated answers when people are writing to you. So I basically just created an automated answer telling people that I’m using Threema/Signal/Sms and that I won’t answer on WhatsApp. Now I don’t have to write long messages telling people to please write to me on another app (and then these people keep writing on WhatsApp of course). So now it’s make the effort or leave me alone 😅 I still plan in ditching WhatsApp for good at one point, but it seems like a good temporary solution and, since I hadn’t found anyone suggesting this idea, I thought I would share it here to help people who have the same problem.

DeGoogle Yourself pelletbucket 1 month ago 100% to replace Google Voice

*edit 2 - **READ THIS BEFORE DECIDING:*** *edit - which client do you all prefer? I'm just using cheogram atm* I asked you all what to use to replace Google Voice, and this was the most highly recommended, and you guys were absolutely right. it's $5 a month for unlimited text and media messaging plus 120 minutes of calls to US&CA. the main reason I was finally jumping ship is because of how atrocious Google Voice support is. I'm a little tech naïve when it comes to things that I've never encountered before, and the support guys were immediately responsive, polite, and actually helpful. there was a bug where I couldn't import my contacts, and the update had been pushed to the Play Store within 4 hours.

DeGoogle Yourself pcouy 2 months ago 96%
Prevent the map in Immich from sending request to a somewhat shady third-party

Cross-posted from : **Context :** [Immich default map tile provider (which gets sent a bunch of PII every time you use the map feature) is a company that I see no reason to trust]( This is a follow-up to this post, with the ~~permanent~~ temporary fix I came up with. I will also summarize the general opinion from the comments, as well as some interesting piece of knowledge that commenters shared. ## Hacky fix This will use [Nginx proxy module]( to build a caching proxy in front of Open Street Map's tileserver and to serve a custom `style.json` for the maps. This works well for me, since I already proxy all my services behind a single Nginx instance. It is probably possible to achieve similar results with other reverse proxies, but this would obviously need to be adapted. #### Caching proxy Inside Nginx's `http` config block (usually in `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`), create a cache zone (a directory that will hold cached responses from OSM) : ```nginx http { # You should not need to edit existing lines in the http block, only add the line below proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx/osm levels=1:2 keys_zone=osm:100m max_size=5g inactive=180d; } ``` You may need to manually create the `/var/cache/nginx/osm` directory and set its owner to Nginx's user (typically `www-data` on Debian based distros). Customize the `max_size` parameter to change the maximum amount of cached data you want to store on your server. The `inactive` parameter will cause Nginx to discard cached data that's not been accessed in this duration (180d ~ 6months). Then, inside the `server` block that serves your Immich instance, create a new `location` block : ```nginx server { listen 443 ssl; server_name immich.your-domain.tld; # You should not need to change your existing config, only add the location block below location /map_proxy/ { proxy_pass; proxy_cache osm; proxy_cache_valid 180d; proxy_ignore_headers Cache-Control Expires; proxy_ssl_server_name on; proxy_ssl_name; proxy_set_header Host; proxy_set_header User-Agent "Nginx Caching Tile Proxy for self-hosters"; proxy_set_header Cookie ""; proxy_set_header Referer ""; } } ``` Reload Nginx (`sudo systemctl reload nginx`). Confirm this works by visiting `https://immich.your-domain.tld/map_proxy/0/0/0.png`, which should now return a world map PNG (the one from ) This config ignores cache control headers from OSM and sets its own cache validity duration (`proxy_cache_valid` parameter). After the specified duration, the proxy will re-fetch the tiles. 6 months seem reasonable to me for the use case, and it can probably be set to a few years without it causing issues. Besides being lighter on OSM's servers, the caching proxy will improve privacy by only requesting tiles from upstream when loaded for the first time. This config also strips cookies and referrer before forwarding the queries to OSM, as well as set a user agent for the proxy following [OSM foundation's guidelines]( (according to these guidelines, you should add a contact information to this user agent) This can probably be made to work on a different domain than the one serving your Immich instance, but this probably requires to add the appropriate headers for CORS. #### Custom `style.json` I came up with the following mapstyle : ```json { "version": 8, "name": "Immich Map", "sources": { "immich-map": { "type": "raster", "tileSize": 256, "tiles": [ "https://immich.your-domain.tld/map_proxy/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" ] } }, "sprite": "", "glyphs": "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf", "layers": [ { "id": "raster-tiles", "type": "raster", "source": "immich-map", "minzoom": 0, "maxzoom": 22 } ], "id": "immich-map-dark" } ``` Replace `immich.your-domain.tld` with your actual Immich domain, and remember the absolute path you save this at. #### One last update to nginx's config Since Immich currently does not provide a way to manually edit `style.json`, we need to serve it from http(s). Add one more `location` block below the previous one : ```nginx location /map_style.json { alias /srv/immich/mapstyle.json; } ``` Replace the `alias` parameter with the location where you saved the json mapstyle. After reloading nginx, your json style will be available at `https://immich.your-domain.tld/map_style.json` #### Configure Immich to use this For this last part, follow [steps 8, 9, 10 from this guide]( (use the link to `map_style.json` for both light and dark themes). After clearing the browser or app's cache, the map should now be loaded from your caching proxy. You can confirm this by tailing Nginx's logs while you zoom and move around the map in Immich ## Summary of comments from previous post #### Self-hosting a tile server is not realistic in most cases People who have previously worked with maps seem to confirm that there are no tile server solution lightweight enough to be self hosted by hobbyists. There is maybe some hope with generating tiles on demand, but someone with deep knowledge of the file formats involved in the process should confirm this. Some interesting links were shared, which seem to confirm this is not realistically self-hostable with the available software : - [OSM Foundation's policy on using their tile server]( - [Switch2OSM]( - #### General sentiment about this issue In all this part, I want to emphasize that while there seems to be a consensus, this is only based on the few comments from the previous post and may be biased by the fact that we're discussing it on a non-mainstream platform. **If you disagree with anything below, please comment this post and explain your point of view.** - Nobody declared that they had noticed the requests to a third-party server before - A non-negligible fraction of Immich users are interested in the privacy benefits over other solutions such as Google photos. These users do not like their self-hosted services to send requests to third-party servers without warning them first - The fix should consist of the following : - Clearly document the implications of enabling the map, and any feature that sends requests to third parties - Disable by default features that send requests to third parties (especially if it contains any form of geolocated data) - Provide a way to easily change the tile provider. A `select` menu with a few pre-configured `style.json` would be nice, along with a way to manually edit `style.json` (or at least some of its fields) directly from the Immich config page

DeGoogle Yourself dipak 2 months ago 100%
Using OsmAnd~ navigation from Google Maps Web search

Hi folks, I recently migrated to GrapheneOS and am happy with all the open-source, privacy centric apps except for navigation. In my region, OSM has limited mapping data for places, businesses, and landmarks. I contribute whenever I can, but often I can't find the place I need and have to rely on someone else using Google Maps for navigation. I tried using Google Maps in the browser, but live navigation isn't available. I used to pre-plan routes on Google Maps on my PC, get the coordinates, and input them into OSM. However, that process was very tedious. Today, I learned that I can use the "Share Place" feature of Google Maps Web. Among the share options - I can use OsmAnd~ to directly open that place in the OsmAnd~ navigation app. I was about to give in and install the Google Maps app, but then I stumbled upon this feature. Many of you might already know of this feature, but I didn't, and I'm really happy that such feature exists. Nevertheless, I'd still request OSM users to keep contributing places. So that we would not even have to rely on the browser based Google Maps. Not exactly a DeGoogle guide, but I believe it might help transitioning.

DeGoogle Yourself davel 2 months ago 90%
Apple Maps launches on the web to challenge Google Maps It doesn’t seem to support Firefox or mobile browsers, at least not. [Maps on the web is compatible with these web browsers]( >**On your Mac or iPad** >- Safari >- Edge >- Chrome > >**On your Windows PC** >- Edge >- Chrome

DeGoogle Yourself pelletbucket 2 months ago 92%
Google Voice replacement?

fuck these guys

DeGoogle Yourself Anonymouse 2 months ago 100%
Unpersoned (22 Jul 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

As if you need any more reason to degoogle, consider what would happen if Google removed you from their platform tomorrow. This article some of the problems with putting all your eggs in one basket.

DeGoogle Yourself azerial 2 months ago 82%
What service do you use [USA]

I, switched from Google FI because of lack of customer support and services that were getting less and less, but more costly and costly. I went to T-Mobile. Good service, much the same as Google fi is a first party mvno. Anyway I use a private dns. NextDns. T-Mobile had no clue what a dns was and the super had to Google it. They SEVERELY THROTTLE if you use next dns. I HATE THAT. What do you use as privacy conscious individuals? edit: not that! What

DeGoogle Yourself Blu 2 months ago 96%
Using your own domain for email?

I'm pretty far into the degoogling process, and I'm thinking about purchasing a domain and using it for email. I realized I don't want to be stuck with any one email service, so this is pretty much a necessity for me. I wouldn't self host though, because I understand that's very hard to do. For people who have already done this: are there any pitfalls or things I should take into consideration before I purchase a domain? Also, does the tld matter? Are my emails more likely to be sent to spam with a custom domain vs an email provider's?

DeGoogle Yourself Framasoft 2 months ago 95%
PeerTube 6.2 is out! | JoinPeerTube

publication croisée depuis : > PeerTube is a decentralized and federated alternative to YouTube. The goal of PeerTube is not to replace YouTube but to offer a viable alternative using the strength of ActivityPub and P2P protocols. > > Being built on ActivityPub means PeerTube is able to be part of a bigger social network, the [Fediverse]( (the Federated Universe). On the other hand, P2P technologies help PeerTube to solve the issue of money, inbound with all streaming platform : With PeerTube, you don't need to have a lot of bandwidth available on your server to host a PeerTube platform because all users (which didn't disable the feature) watching a video on PeerTube will be able to share this same video to other viewers. > > If you are curious about PeerTube, I can't recommend you enough to check [the official website]( to learn more about the project. If after that you want to try to use PeerTube as a content creator, you can try to find a platform available there to register or host yourself your own PeerTube platform on your own server. > > The development of PeerTube is actually sponsored by [Framasoft](, a french non-for-profit popular educational organization, a group of friends convinced that an emancipating digital world is possible, convinced that it will arise through actual actions on real world and online with and for you! > > Framasoft is also involved in the development of [Mobilizon](, a decentralized and federated alternative to Facebook Events and Meetup. > > If you want to contribute to PeerTube, feel free to: > > * report bugs and give your feedback on [Github]( or on [our forums]( > * submit your brillant ideas on our [Feedback platform]( > * Help to translate the software, following [the contributing guide]( > * [Make a donation]( to help to pay bills inbound in the development of PeerTube.

DeGoogle Yourself halm 2 months ago 92%
Help with Lineage/microG update? [OP6]

cross-posted from: > I've used [LineageOS with microG]( on my Oneplus 6 for years — so happily, in fact, that I haven't bothered with major updates since version 17 (Android 10). Oops! > > Now I've been flashing updates to an older phone, and I might as well continue getting my daily driver up to date. I'm going to dirty flash my way up to the current version (21). But I'm rusty as all heck, and the [upgrade instructions]( seem to have changed since last: > > 1. Back in '21 I recall being recommended to disable screenlock (fingerprint/PIN/pattern, etc) before upgrading. Is that still a thing? > 2. With a/b slot devices it used to be necessary to flash ROMs twice or use a `copy-partitions` or simiilar zip file. The instructions make no mention of it, is that rolled into the upgrade package now? > 3. Finally, is it safe to just upgrade directly from LOS/mG v18 to v21? Because neither LOS main or the mG branch seem to archive older versions but I'd hate to miss some system update or other. > > All help is appreciated! > > **Edited for clarity:** > Please don't offer suggestions on "better" phones or OSes — my question regards the above only. Thanks in advance 👍

DeGoogle Yourself VinesNFluff 2 months ago 92%
GBoard replacement?

Title. I'm not sure I'm ready to go all "lineageOS full degoogle" on my phone because some rather necessary day-to-day apps for me will freak out if I have root, let alone a modified OS. Buuuut GBoard has gotten right in my tit, and now they're offering nightmarish AI generated emoji and I'm like "NO". So. I don't really care about predictive text or swipe-typing or any of that stuff, I mostly just type normally. The only nice-to-haves that might entice me would be support for one-handed mode and a configurable keyboard layout.

DeGoogle Yourself el_abuelo 2 months ago 100%
Solutions for backups

I am currently attempting to degoogle and at the same time move to an entirely self hosted ecosystem. I've set up a NAS and have syncthing to deal with the dropbox/gdrive type things and have backup on a raid disk. What I am looking for now is a backup solution that can backup to my nas and in the future a remote device - probably to another nas at a family member's hous Can anyone recommend a backup solution for this? Technically I am not looking to degoogle as I don't gave a Google solution for this- but I guess I'm looking for a self hosted alternative to GCP backup.

DeGoogle Yourself MadBob 2 months ago 94%
Youtube and Android 5.1.1.

I've almost completely removed Google products from my life now, having recently decided to change the OS on my phone, delete Gmail, etc. etc. but only two things remain: I've looked at Invidious and at Piped and I just can't seem to get the same experience as on Youtube. It's fine if Google knows nothing about me except what I watch on Youtube and what dates I'd put the bins out in 2013, no? (Can't seem to delete that from the calendar) Or if anyone's managed to emulate the same kind of experience Youtube gives on one of the two, please share. I quite like the recommendations but I think it's only possible on the abovementioned by watching a video then looking at the side of the page? I've got a tablet (Samsung SM-T335) from ten years ago running on Android 5.1.1. I've decided to root it to delete all the bollocks that came installed with it (I've recently factory reset it and only use it for ebooks and Firefox Focus), including the Google stuff. I have to wait a week or something apparently before it'll let me check the OEM-unlocking box but I was wondering if anyone's had any success with this (I've seen people saying you can change the date, you can fiddle with it in xyz manner, but I'm looking to hear people's experiences). The plan then is to root it, delete the shovelware, and sideload the two apps I want to use. Also curious to hear people's experiences with sideloading, because most of the articles I find on the internet were written by a robot or in the year dot. I've also read that it's impossible to install a custom OS on such an old tablet but I'd like to hear whether it's worth trying at the risk of bricking the thing. Edit: After waiting a week, the OEM-unlocking never became available, so after searching and searching and having no joy, I decided to just log out of Google on the tablet and it just let me without deleting the apps I'd downloaded. It turns out, too, that this particular version of Android 5 lets you just hide the apps in the list, so I've just hidden all the shovelware and that's good enough for me. I've ended up subscribing to those I was subscribed to on Youtube on Invidious and in doing so I've discovered that a load of videos just have never been recommended to me by Youtube, so I'll see how I go and if the subscriptions thing works, I just have to delete my Youtube account then I'm free of Google!

DeGoogle Yourself dafunkkk 2 months ago 94%
Which search engine for direct answer?

I'm trying searx, but like duckduckgo, qwant and ecosia doesn't give me direct answer (Firefox both PC/android). Just google and bing works, any idea (maybe some site that use ai directly without agree or choose the model every time like in DDG) My user scenario will be to use it with kiss launcher on android (will be great if someone know a way to use some ai search with it too) Thanks

DeGoogle Yourself Psyhackological 3 months ago 91%
What Are the Best Ideas for Using LineageOS with Root and microG?

I have [OnePlus 7 Pro]( that I successfully flashed with [LineageOS 21]( with [MicroG]( Do you have some interesting apps or ideas to take advantage of it? I thought of some Magisk modules. Maybe someone is more experience than me! This is the spare smartphone, the main one is [GrapheneOS](, so I don't mind breaking stuff.

DeGoogle Yourself jeffreyosborne 3 months ago 100%
Experience with GrapheneOS

I'm considering buying a pixel 7(a/pro) or pixel 8(a/pro). I was wondering if the longer updates for the pixel 8 impacts grapheneOS, and if that means I should go for the pixel 8. And have any GrapheneOS users here had any issues that they wouldn't have had on Android. Thanks alot in advance!

DeGoogle Yourself Persen 3 months ago 93%
How the hell should I even switch mail providers?

I have completely stopped using google services and software on my personal devices (even have lineageos + microg on my phone. The problem is that I can't just explain to the technically uneducated people that I changed mail providers. How should I go about doing this?

DeGoogle Yourself SchrodingersPat 3 months ago 96%
Newbie Question

This might be a dumb question so apologies in advance. I'm looking into degoogled phones but haven't taken the plunge yet. If I logged in and used the aurora store to get apps I paid for in the past, will that ''regoogle" my device and allow google to track me again through signing in and using those apps?

DeGoogle Yourself n0pe 3 months ago 98%
Alternatives to gboard with gesture/swype style typing?

I'm looking to replace gboard and I have spent about a decade using gesture based typing. Is there any alternative that is private that gesture based typing actually work on?