degoogle DeGoogle Yourself New phone, new OS? Is it worth switching from Lineage/microG to Iodé?
  • halm halm 1 day ago 100%

    That's the kind of reassurance I needed to go ahead. Thanks!

  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself New phone, new OS? Is it worth switching from Lineage/microG to Iodé?
  • halm halm 1 day ago 100%

    Cool, cool. Will give it a shot when I have a couple hours to install it 👍 Thanks for your help!

  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself New phone, new OS? Is it worth switching from Lineage/microG to Iodé?
  • halm halm 2 days ago 100%

    One followup question, might be out of your ballpark since you're happily using Iodé: in their FAQ, they answer the question "Can I uninstall iodéOS and go back to Google Android?" with

    Yes you can. Please follow this link [to their installation page 🤔] for iodéOS uninstallation.

    Caution : uninstalling iodéOS requires coding skills.

    I hope those "coding skills" aren't more involved than being able to run a couple of adb and fastboot commands. Have you seen anything to the contrary, in support forums and similar?

    to be clear, I'm not "going back to Google Android", but I might get adventurous with other custom ROMs.

  • doctorwho Doctor Who Controversy
  • halm halm 2 days ago 100%

    Yeah, it's definitely that. Love how the Timeless Child can be used to patch canon holes in retrospect (but probably not the ones it created) 😄

  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself New phone, new OS? Is it worth switching from Lineage/microG to Iodé?
  • halm halm 2 days ago 100%

    Uh, okay. Weird use of "uninstallable", but this is definitely good to hear! I was looking at Calyx that has a suite of apps that will just always be stored on your device whether you install them or not. Glad this isn't that sort of situation 🙂

  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself New phone, new OS? Is it worth switching from Lineage/microG to Iodé?
  • halm halm 2 days ago 100%

    Oh, good one! I love a good comparison table, and this one I didn't know of!

  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself New phone, new OS? Is it worth switching from Lineage/microG to Iodé?
  • halm halm 2 days ago 100%

    Yeah, I've been on LOS/mG for a few years. Sorry if I didn't make it clear. I'm just wondering if Iodé is a decent replacement or they have too opinionated a setup...

  • degoogle
    DeGoogle Yourself halm 2 days ago 100%
    New phone, new OS? Is it worth switching from Lineage/microG to Iodé?

    On my new phone I'm tempted to switch from LineageOS for microG to IodéOS, just for the ease of a dedicated installer. What are your experiences of pros and cons? Bonus question, while I prefer full control of my phone, Iodé lists "uninstallable apps" as a feature(?) — what in the world are those? **Edited title for clarity**

    linux Linux Which distro?
  • halm halm 3 days ago 100%

    I don't have anywhere near your experience, but the key points (customizable, no bloat, good wiki) all scream Arch, as you predicted 🙂

  • technology Technology Can AI talk us out of conspiracy theory rabbit holes?
  • halm halm 3 days ago 100%

    I think we agree on the limited capability of (what is currently passed off as) "artificial intelligence", yes.

  • fediverse Fediverse Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • halm halm 4 days ago 100%

    VC = venture capitalism.

  • fediverse Fediverse Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • halm halm 4 days ago 95%

    That's a feature, not a bug. Celebrity culture needs to get in the sea.

  • technology Technology Can AI talk us out of conspiracy theory rabbit holes?
  • halm halm 4 days ago 93%

    According to that research mentioned in the article, the answer is yes. The big caveats are

    • that you need to get conspiracy theorists to sit down and do the treatment. With their general level of paranoia around a) tech, b) science, and c) manipulation, that not likely to happen.
    • you need a level of "AI" that isn't going to start hallucinating and instead enforce the subjects' conspiracy beliefs. Despite techbros' hype of the technology, I'm not convinced we're anywhere close.
  • fediverse Fediverse How Lemmy could interop with Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky
  • halm halm 5 days ago 66%

    The Great Sellout to Meta.

    Is this Great Sellout in the room with us right now? Because Meta did implement an open protocol into Threads, but it has been widely blocked by other ActivityPub instances. That is not a "sellout".

    Sounds like your principles will only lead you off social media, perhaps the internet entirely?

  • piracy piracy Good places to find textbooks?
  • halm halm 6 days ago 66%
  • technology Technology The burning of the Library of Alexandria for fandoms
  • halm halm 6 days ago 100%

    Let's take that etymology one step further: "fan" comes from "fanatic", so a stan is a stalker fanatic. Which somehow has become a positive term in some circles.

  • fediverse Fediverse cohost to shut down at end of 2024
  • halm halm 6 days ago 66%

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Would you buy "self-hosted in a box" hardware?
  • halm halm 1 week ago 100%

    Was my first impulse too, but looking at their app selection now, it seems kind of ... inutile? Unsexy? Old?

  • startrek Star Trek In part because it reminds me of TOS:”The Cage”, I’m hooked on *The Prisoner*
  • halm halm 1 week ago 100%

    Very interesting comparison! I watched The prisoner a while back, and I was blown away by it, especially given the show's age. I never considered this angle, though. Thanks for giving me an excuse to rewatch it 😆

  • technology Technology Kagi is announcing an AI Assistant.
  • halm halm 1 week ago 100%

    I didn't want to pay for their search engine before, and this garbage sure as hell isn't going to change my mind.

  • startrek Star Trek Happy Star Trek Day! What was your first contact?
  • halm halm 1 week ago 100%

    I remember watching "Encounter at Farpoint" when it originally aired. I had only heard of Star Trek, maybe seen a photo of Spock or whatever — I must have been ten or so — but I was hooked on TNG from that episode on, and eventually caught up on the TOS episodes and films.

  • technology Technology How to Make History Come Alive With AI
  • halm halm 1 week ago 100%

    as we’ve seen, AI tools are trained on garbage

    I would like this to be the takeaway lesson that humans are better at history. However, loads of accepted history is also trained on garbage.

  • fediverse Fediverse Indie social sign-in could go mainstream
  • halm halm 1 week ago 100%

    I'm not going to pretend I grasp the technological details of either Weird or the Leaf protocol, but the basic concept of superpowering the personal website as identity provider is very attractive — and the passion of your writing is infectious 🙂 I hope to someday reach a lightbulb moment with your work and just implement it on my own site.

  • fediverse Fediverse Indie social sign-in could go mainstream
  • halm halm 1 week ago 66%

    i thought nostr was just where all the trolls are going because they can truly be anonymous shitheads.

    Also because blockchain, I believe? It's basically a cryptobro grapevine.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Haptic: A new local-first, privacy-focused and open-source home for your markdown notes
  • halm halm 1 week ago 100%

    Gotcha! Thanks for the ELI5 🙂

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Haptic: A new local-first, privacy-focused and open-source home for your markdown notes
  • halm halm 1 week ago 72%


    web app

    I'm confused, which is it?

  • fediverse Fediverse A Brief History of the Fediverse Symbol
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    The quality about the fediverse that I appreciate the most is the fact that nobody on any of its platforms raised an eyebrow at having a rainbow-coloured pentagram for a logo, until the first Twitter exodus when some newcomer primed for spotting the mildest of outrage-by-proxy gasped, "Have you seen this? Somebody might get upset!"

    Meanwhile, the pentagram has been warding off hyperbolic fundamentalists since 2018. The fediverse is much chiller without them. 🤘

  • fediverse Fediverse Matrix's ineffective moderation is making me consider ditching it.
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    I guess you have to take it for what it is. I see Matrix primarily as an IM network, and for that it works fine. I only use it for private communications with trusted friends, no random pedos can drop into our conversations.

    In the past I've subscribed to a couple of interest-based rooms (music and movie genres), but other than that I don't find Matrix' forum or social features very compelling. Too much potential for anonymous randos lulz bombing any public room for my taste.

  • fediverse Fediverse Matrix's ineffective moderation is making me consider ditching it.
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    Well, Mastodon and Lemmy both use ActivityPub, and they're not entirely compatible. On the other hand, the diaspora*, Ostatus and Zot protocols are more or less compatible with ActivityPub, and are considered parts of the Fediverse.

    Edit: My bad, according to this diagram it's much more fragmented than I understood it!


  • doctorwho Doctor Who Doctor Who season 3 probably won't be greenlit until after season 2 has aired, says show runner Russell T Davies
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    Agreed about the mid-season highlights!

    Not to harp on about the shorter seasons, but I do think it stunted the capacity for a satisfying arc or throughline. There is a threat being introduced in "Devil's chord", and some cameos throughout the episodes, but... it doesn't quite have the effect it would if it had had just another couple of episodes to mature.

  • fediverse Fediverse What made everyone move to Bluesky or Threads instead of Mastodon?
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    Marketing, sure, but the onboarding from Instagram was a massive factor for Threads growth.

  • fediverse Fediverse Using messaging protocols (XMPP, Matrix, etc) for federated social media vs. ActivityPub?
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    another for matrix I forget

    If you or anybody else reading should remember the project, I'd be interested in hearing more.

    Edit: If it's this one you're forgiven for not committing the name to memory...

  • doctorwho
    Doctor Who halm 2 weeks ago 91%
    Doctor Who season 3 probably won't be greenlit until after season 2 has aired, says show runner Russell T Davies

    Since returning as show runner of *Doctor Who*, RTD has stated fairly confidently that he was going to make sure the show delivered one season per year going forward. That made the reduced episode count a bit easier to swallow... a tiny bit... In the meantime, though, streaming companies have become more cautious splurging money on show commissions, and it seems that includes distributing deals like the Disney+ one that boosted *Doctor Who* budgets for the most recent season, as well the forthcoming, already filmed season. Quoted from an interview with SFX magazine, RTD now says that we won't have a definitive answer about a third Ncuti Gatwa outing until season 2 has finished airing: > It’s an industry decision, it's like any business – these things take time. I think the decision will come after the transmission of season two. That's what we're expecting, that's what we've always been heading towards. Given the time it seems to take only producing 8 episodes and a special these days, that will likely mean at least an extra one year gap between seasons 2 and 3 airing, *if* the show is even renewed by all current production and distribution parties. Maybe, just maybe the spin-off *The war between the land and the sea* can fill in such a gap, but only time will tell.

    doctorwho Doctor Who A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    Oh yes, that makes sense. I hope I went the opposite way with my post here 🙂

  • doctorwho Doctor Who A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    LOL, thanks for the business advice 🙂

    I know you're not keen on this kind of content, but I thought it was worth spreading a bit of fan nerdery across the Who Lemmy communities that I'm aware of. It might at least spread the word about this one to the rest of the fans viewers on here, maybe generate enough traffic that you'll have to revive the episode retrospectives 😄

  • doctorwho Doctor Who A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    Some day, some day I'm going to try and get started on the eighth Doctor books. If for nothing else then to get more background for Faction Paradox which is honestly one of the crazier hard left turns I've heard of... If that ever makes it into the main (or its own) TV show I'll be very curious to follow!

    But even though I'm only aware of some of the eighth Doctor's adventures, ie. audios, the show owes the character as well as Paul McGann (and a slew of writers) for tiding the fans over through the wilderness years.

    As for Moffat, I don't disagree with you about the quality of his writing, at least during the time when he was running two of the BBC's most prominent shows. I do think Capaldi's last season was solid, and a bit of a fresh breath after much too much Clara Oswald, but to each his own.

    I'm one of the few who will defend the Jodie Whittaker years, though I don't hold any hope to convert you on them. They're not bad on average but there are real stinkers as well as a handful of very good episodes — and quite a few "well, that was certainly ...a Doctor Who episode?" ones. But it didn't have the flair that RTD and Moffat brought to their runs.

  • doctorwho Doctor Who A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    In all honesty, I think "the Doctor lies" is used too often as a catch-all for ambiguity in the show. It's River's line throughout her story, but who tells her first, in "Let's kill Hitler"? The Doctor 😆 So is that the ultimate lie, or can we as viewers pick and choose when we want his statements to be lies?

    I don't think there is a word of a lie about his dadhood here. He isn't a father* yet, but he has raised children (and probably Susan too?) 🙂

    * Edit: "biological father"

  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    "The" RARbg, as opposed to the RARbg that closed last year? I'd be glad to hear that somebody picked up where the original site left off.

  • doctorwho Doctor Who A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    That Eighth Doctor book reference is a nice, deep cut from the extended universe! I tend to take the books, comics and audios as well-produced fan fiction, or I wouldn't be able to post such confident continuity fixes as the above 😆 I do think Moffat had to acknowledge Big Finish's massive effort of establishing 8 while the TV show was off the air. That is too wild to just shrug off!

    I won't argue against your head canon about the eighth and Shalka Doctors, after all we're both (all!) making subjective rationalisations from a frankly bonkers continuity. Plus we don't seem so far apart on Shalka.

    Jenny, though? She is explicitly said to be a partial clone of the Doctor, probably with some local parts thrown in, so might actually be part human on her "mother's" side... IMO she's his daughter in episode title only, like the TARDIS/Idris was "the Doctor's wife" 🙂

    Side note: You haven't followed the show since the end of series 10!? I know Capaldi's early characterisation was a bit bumpy, but you're missing out on some terrific Missy episodes. Plus, 12 mellows out after Clara, and his last series has one of my favourite companion pairings.

  • doctorwho
    Doctor Who halm 2 weeks ago 85%
    A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)

    I do appreciate that the Lemmy *Doctor Who* communities are less prone to wild fan speculation and continuity semantics rabbit holes, I really do. Sometimes, though, I dip back onto the main subreddits, and boy, do they get into massive circle jerks over little things that only jar others slightly. Having exposed myself to the fandom mind virus, but refusing to join the fray on Reddit, I'll just infodump my own head canon explanations to (apparently controversial) occurrences in the latest season of the show here: ## Is the Shalka Doctor now unredacted from continuity? In the episode "Rogue", holograms of the Doctor's past selves loop around 15 like an old iTunes cover gallery. One of them is clearly Richard E Grant, who played ~~the~~ *a* ninth Doctor in "Scream of the Shalka". The animated series was short-lived and written out of the show's canon when the 2005 revival show introduced Eccleston as the "authoritative" ninth Doctor. **IRL explanation**: Russell T Davies thought it would be fun to throw in Grant's face in the line-up. There's probably not more to it. **My in-universe explanation**: The eighth Doctor actually regenerated into the Shalka Doctor, but because the Time War happened and rewrote timelines several times over, 8's eventually solidified upon the events of "Night of the Doctor", where he instead regenerates into the War Doctor. However, time being relative, the Shalka Doctor is still extant if only as a wisp of an individual timeline, because a) he is a time traveler and therefore a complex temporal event not easily erased, and b) the Time War left the time stream in such a disarray that he may exist in a state of flux (no, not that one), and either continues adventuring as an offshoot of the Doctor's timeline, or is suspended in some kind of quantum field just slightly removed from it. Pretty handwavy, yes, but all of *Who* continuity sort of requires you to gesture wildly like the eleventh Doctor having a thought, just for it to make some sort of sense. ## The Doctor "was a dad", but 15 "hasn't had children yet"?! In "The legend of Ruby Sunday", the fifteenth Doctor talks about his granddaughter Susan, who traveled with the first Doctor in the early years of the show. He then pivots to saying that he hasn't had children yet. This is despite several if not all NuWho Doctors having referred in some form to having been a dad — including 15, just a few episodes earlier, in "Boom"! So which is it? **IRL explanation**: As above, Russell T Davies likes to throw in non sequitur comments and details that mess with people's understanding of the show's lore. On a positivist note, it keeps that lore dynamic and throws some mysteries out for himself or subsequent writers to glom onto, like the Morbius Doctors or "half human on my mother's side" of the past. If it doesn't stick, ignore it. **My in-universe explanation**: Ignoring the extended universe here, we don't know a lot about the Doctor's life previous to "An unearthly child", and nearly none about their family relations. What we do know is that they are a very prolific time traveler, and as witnessed from 11 and 12's relationship with River Song, things tend to get complicated, and invariably nonlinear. With that in mind, it's perfectly feasible that 15 or a future incarnation has a child (the birds and bees part, or possibly looms?) that, for whatever reason, they leave for their previous, Hartnell self to raise (be a father to). Heck, given the above Shalka Doctor explanation, *he* could be the father, and 15 would be off the hook. Exactly what can we assume about a Time Lord's sense of self when alternative timelines come into play? Along with the Doctor's realization that they are an "adopted" Timeless Child, as well as Ruby's search for her bio-mum in the past season, this explanation plays nicely into the twin notions of parenthood as *giving life* to a child versus *raising* it. Add to this that the Doctor's relationship to his companions (post-Susan) have always been stories of found and/or extended family. It all makes sense when you (don't) think (too hard) about it! So there you have it, the *Doctor Who* Reddit post to end all *Doctor Who* Reddit posts, deliberately not posted to Reddit. The important TL;DR is, time is in flux, several things can be true at the same time, and don't break your mind thinking about a TV show. Anything else that needs explaining? [Edited to get rid of the quotation formatting]

    Doctor Who halm 2 weeks ago 100%
    A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)

    cross-posted from: I do appreciate that the Lemmy *Doctor Who* communities are less prone to wild fan speculation and continuity semantics rabbit holes, I really do. Sometimes, though, I dip back onto the main subreddits, and boy, do they get into massive circle jerks over little things that only jar others slightly. Having exposed myself to the fandom mind virus, but refusing to join the fray on Reddit, I'll just infodump my own head canon explanations to (apparently controversial) occurrences in the latest season of the show here: ## Is the Shalka Doctor now unredacted from continuity? In the episode "Rogue", holograms of the Doctor's past selves loop around 15 like an old iTunes cover gallery. One of them is clearly Richard E Grant, who played ~~the~~ *a* ninth Doctor in "Scream of the Shalka". The animated series was short-lived and written out of the show's canon when the 2005 revival show introduced Eccleston as the "authoritative" ninth Doctor. **IRL explanation**: Russell T Davies thought it would be fun to throw in Grant's face in the line-up. There's probably not more to it. **My in-universe explanation**: The eighth Doctor actually regenerated into the Shalka Doctor, but because the Time War happened and rewrote timelines several times over, 8's eventually solidified upon the events of "Night of the Doctor", where he instead regenerates into the War Doctor. However, time being relative, the Shalka Doctor is still extant if only as a wisp of an individual timeline, because a) he is a time traveler and therefore a complex temporal event not easily erased, and b) the Time War left the time stream in such a disarray that he may exist in a state of flux (no, not that one), and either continues adventuring as an offshoot of the Doctor's timeline, or is suspended in some kind of quantum field just slightly removed from it. Pretty handwavy, yes, but all of *Who* continuity sort of requires you to gesture wildly like the eleventh Doctor having a thought, just for it to make some sort of sense. ## The Doctor "was a dad", but 15 "hasn't had children yet"?! In "The legend of Ruby Sunday", the fifteenth Doctor talks about his granddaughter Susan, who traveled with the first Doctor in the early years of the show. He then pivots to saying that he hasn't had children yet. This is despite several if not all NuWho Doctors having referred in some form to having been a dad — including 15, just a few episodes earlier, in "Boom"! So which is it? **IRL explanation**: As above, Russell T Davies likes to throw in non sequitur comments and details that mess with people's understanding of the show's lore. On a positivist note, it keeps that lore dynamic and throws some mysteries out for himself or subsequent writers to glom onto, like the Morbius Doctors or "half human on my mother's side" of the past. If it doesn't stick, ignore it. **My in-universe explanation**: Ignoring the extended universe here, we don't know a lot about the Doctor's life previous to "An unearthly child", and nearly none about their family relations. What we do know is that they are a very prolific time traveler, and as witnessed from 11 and 12's relationship with River Song, things tend to get complicated, and invariably nonlinear. With that in mind, it's perfectly feasible that 15 or a future incarnation has a child (the birds and bees part, or possibly looms?) that, for whatever reason, they leave for their previous, Hartnell self to raise (be a father to). Heck, given the above Shalka Doctor explanation, *he* could be the father, and 15 would be off the hook. Exactly what can we assume about a Time Lord's sense of self when alternative timelines come into play? Along with the Doctor's realization that they are an "adopted" Timeless Child, as well as Ruby's search for her bio-mum in the past season, this explanation plays nicely into the twin notions of parenthood as *giving life* to a child versus *raising* it. Add to this that the Doctor's relationship to his companions (post-Susan) have always been stories of found and/or extended family. It all makes sense when you (don't) think (too hard) about it! So there you have it, the *Doctor Who* Reddit post to end all *Doctor Who* Reddit posts, deliberately not posted to Reddit. The important TL;DR is, time is in flux, several things can be true at the same time, and don't break your mind thinking about a TV show. Anything else that needs explaining? [Edited to get rid of the quotation formatting]

    doctorwho Doctor Who A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    If I could CW this it would be for "Wall of text". Sorry about the long read!

  • doctorwho
    Doctor Who halm 2 weeks ago 100%
    A couple of season 1/14/40 timey-wimes sorted out (head canon only)

    I do appreciate that the Lemmy *Doctor Who* communities are less prone to wild fan speculation and continuity semantics rabbit holes, I really do. Sometimes, though, I dip back onto the main subreddits, and boy, do they get into massive circle jerks over little things that only jar others slightly. Having exposed myself to the fandom mind virus, but refusing to join the fray on Reddit, I'll just infodump my own head canon explanations to (apparently controversial) occurrences in the latest season of the show here: ## Is the Shalka Doctor now unredacted from continuity? In the episode "Rogue", holograms of the Doctor's past selves loop around 15 like an old iTunes cover gallery. One of them is clearly Richard E Grant, who played ~~the~~ *a* ninth Doctor in "Scream of the Shalka". The animated series was short-lived and written out of the show's canon when the 2005 revival show introduced Eccleston as the "authoritative" ninth Doctor. **IRL explanation**: Russell T Davies thought it would be fun to throw in Grant's face in the line-up. There's probably not more to it. **My in-universe explanation**: The eighth Doctor actually regenerated into the Shalka Doctor, but because the Time War happened and rewrote timelines several times over, 8's eventually solidified upon the events of "Night of the Doctor", where he instead regenerates into the War Doctor. However, time being relative, the Shalka Doctor is still extant if only as a wisp of an individual timeline, because a) he is a time traveler and therefore a complex temporal event not easily erased, and b) the Time War left the time stream in such a disarray that he may exist in a state of flux (no, not that one), and either continues adventuring as an offshoot of the Doctor's timeline, or is suspended in some kind of quantum field just slightly removed from it. Pretty handwavy, yes, but all of *Who* continuity sort of requires you to gesture wildly like the eleventh Doctor having a thought, just for it to make some sort of sense. ## The Doctor "was a dad", but 15 "hasn't had children yet"?! In "The legend of Ruby Sunday", the fifteenth Doctor talks about his granddaughter Susan, who traveled with the first Doctor in the early years of the show. He then pivots to saying that he hasn't had children yet. This is despite several if not all NuWho Doctors having referred in some form to having been a dad — including 15, just a few episodes earlier, in "Boom"! So which is it? **IRL explanation**: As above, Russell T Davies likes to throw in non sequitur comments and details that mess with people's understanding of the show's lore. On a positivist note, it keeps that lore dynamic and throws some mysteries out for himself or subsequent writers to glom onto, like the Morbius Doctors or "half human on my mother's side" of the past. If it doesn't stick, ignore it. **My in-universe explanation**: Ignoring the extended universe here, we don't know a lot about the Doctor's life previous to "An unearthly child", and nearly none about their family relations. What we do know is that they are a very prolific time traveler, and as witnessed from 11 and 12's relationship with River Song, things tend to get complicated, and invariably nonlinear. With that in mind, it's perfectly feasible that 15 or a future incarnation has a child (the birds and bees part, or possibly looms?) that, for whatever reason, they leave for their previous, Hartnell self to raise (be a father to). Heck, given the above Shalka Doctor explanation, *he* could be the father, and 15 would be off the hook. Exactly what can we assume about a Time Lord's sense of self when alternative timelines come into play? Along with the Doctor's realization that they are an "adopted" Timeless Child, as well as Ruby's search for her bio-mum in the past season, this explanation plays nicely into the twin notions of parenthood as *giving life* to a child versus *raising* it. Add to this that the Doctor's relationship to his companions (post-Susan) have always been stories of found and/or extended family. It all makes sense when you (don't) think (too hard) about it! So there you have it, the *Doctor Who* Reddit post to end all *Doctor Who* Reddit posts, deliberately not posted to Reddit. The important TL;DR is, time is in flux, several things can be true at the same time, and don't break your mind thinking about a TV show. Anything else that needs explaining?

  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 100%

    No idea what the John Tucker thing is about 😆

    Fingers crossed it's just temporary maintenance!

  • piracy
    TGx down? I don't want to jump the gun here, they had outages for maintenance recently that were misconstrued as a possible takedown. After Fmovies went down I guess I'm just a little antsy. Joke's on me if the site is up again minutes after I press "send" 😬 Update: [TorrentFreak picked up on the outage as well](

    linux Linux Remember Cutefish? Pretty sure it's dead
  • halm halm 2 weeks ago 96%

    <Sees fish symbol>

    <Notices the word "reborn" in the project name>

    Give it three days, it'll rise again.

  • doctorwho
    Doctor Who halm 3 weeks ago 100%
    Latest cast additions to "War between the land and the sea": Ruth Madeley and ... a "Torchwood" deep cut.

    > Ruth Madeley is now confirmed to be reprising her role as UNIT's scientific advisor Shirley Anne Bingham in the spin-off. > Though fans might have anticipated Shirley's appearance in *The War Between The Land And The Sea*, the second new cast member is rather more surprising... > > Colin McFarlane will also appear in the series as General Austin Pierce, a role he last played in the 2009 miniseries *Torchwood: Children of Earth* – 15 years ago. Good to see Madeley back on screen! Her replacement in the recent season by Lenny Rush did give us another memorable UNIT character, but I'm looking forward to see more of Shirley. Now, my memory of "Children of Earth" is a bit rusty, but iirc General Pierce will probably be wary of invaders from another world after that experience... We can hope that is the reasoning for his inclusion in this storyline?

    Doctor Who halm 1 month ago 90%
    Unnamed "Doctor Who" star appearance was cut from "3 body problem"

    > co-creator Alexander Woo told The Hollywood Reporter: "There was another sequence that was really fun and played really well and would have been a fantastic cameo appearance for an actor that I don’t want to name —because I don’t want to make someone feel bad for being cut out of the show. > >"However, it is a former Doctor Who, I’ll say that much. Fans of that would probably would have found it delightful. But for the sake of the rest of the episode, we had to set it aside." > > DB Weiss joked: "Jon Pertwee – 124 years old and still showed up." Leave it to the former GoT showrunners to casually axe a high profile cameo. Apparently even their cutting room floor is like a Red Wedding. So we'll never know which surviving Doctor didn't make the final edit, but speculation is fun, and free. Go nuts in the comments 🙂

    Lemmy halm 1 month ago 96%
    This place needs filters

    Probably a hot take for everybody who just wants a drop-in replacement for Reddit, but I think a new platform needs to take the opportunity to improve over what's gone before. So what I'm proposing is a more granular approach to curating one's feed on an individual user level, much like both Mastodon and apps for that platform offer (I'm going to use [Tusky]( as an example because I've used that for a while and know its features fairly well). Imagine a filter list where you could block specific terms, source URLs or other. No more irrelevant mentions of whatever annoys the hell out of you when you open /all. Along with your individual block list, limited as that is, it would help you as a user to home in on what matters to you. Might this create filter bubbles? Yes, but if it's implemented on a per user level it won't affect other users' feeds. The "bubble" is a one-person act. In my experience /all on both Reddit and Lemmy suffers from people trying to curate it to their personal liking with downvotes, which just creates a monoculture. Personally, I think free text filters would help solve that problem, and might aid users in engaging with their preferred communities. Suggestions, ideas?

    Doctor Who halm 1 month ago 100%
    Doctor Who showrunner addresses Mrs Flood fan theory - and promises answers soon

    > Davies addressed the fan theory that Mrs Flood is former companion Romana as she was wearing a similar costume - and he didn't quite rule it out. > > […] "Probably because she’s wearing white fur, people are going to think she’s [Time Lord companion] Romana, aren’t they?" > > Davies added: "I promise you answers to that. […]"

    Doctor Who halm 2 months ago 100%
    Sutekh comeback 'proves Doctor Who hasn't severed its roots', says Russell T Davies

    > ...being on Disney Plus now, this is a very deliberate choice to bring back an old BBC enemy – we've even cast the same actor [Gabriel Woolf] – to prove that the show hasn't severed its roots. To delve into your backstory is a very fine thing. That's thrilling for new viewers, and for old viewers it's a great reward. > > Also, you're guaranteed that the internet will do your work for you. In the old days, you could feasibly have said, 'Will people know who Sutekh is?' Now, it's on our official site. It's on our Instagram posts. Type in the word 'Sutekh' and there's an entire Wikipedia article, full of the history.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    deGoogle halm 2 months ago 83%
    Help with Lineage/microG update? [OP6]

    cross-posted from: > I've used [LineageOS with microG]( on my Oneplus 6 for years — so happily, in fact, that I haven't bothered with major updates since version 17 (Android 10). Oops! > > Now I've been flashing updates to an older phone, and I might as well continue getting my daily driver up to date. I'm going to dirty flash my way up to the current version (21). But I'm rusty as all heck, and the [upgrade instructions]( seem to have changed since last: > > 1. Back in '21 I recall being recommended to disable screenlock (fingerprint/PIN/pattern, etc) before upgrading. Is that still a thing? > 2. With a/b slot devices it used to be necessary to flash ROMs twice or use a `copy-partitions` or simiilar zip file. The instructions make no mention of it, is that rolled into the upgrade package now? > 3. Finally, is it safe to just upgrade directly from LOS/mG v18 to v21? Because neither LOS main or the mG branch seem to archive older versions but I'd hate to miss some system update or other. > > All help is appreciated! > > **Edited for clarity:** > Please don't offer suggestions on "better" phones or OSes — my question regards the above only. Thanks in advance 👍

    DeGoogle Yourself halm 2 months ago 92%
    Help with Lineage/microG update? [OP6]

    cross-posted from: > I've used [LineageOS with microG]( on my Oneplus 6 for years — so happily, in fact, that I haven't bothered with major updates since version 17 (Android 10). Oops! > > Now I've been flashing updates to an older phone, and I might as well continue getting my daily driver up to date. I'm going to dirty flash my way up to the current version (21). But I'm rusty as all heck, and the [upgrade instructions]( seem to have changed since last: > > 1. Back in '21 I recall being recommended to disable screenlock (fingerprint/PIN/pattern, etc) before upgrading. Is that still a thing? > 2. With a/b slot devices it used to be necessary to flash ROMs twice or use a `copy-partitions` or simiilar zip file. The instructions make no mention of it, is that rolled into the upgrade package now? > 3. Finally, is it safe to just upgrade directly from LOS/mG v18 to v21? Because neither LOS main or the mG branch seem to archive older versions but I'd hate to miss some system update or other. > > All help is appreciated! > > **Edited for clarity:** > Please don't offer suggestions on "better" phones or OSes — my question regards the above only. Thanks in advance 👍

    Ask Android halm 2 months ago 91%
    Help with Lineage/microG update? [OP6]

    I've used [LineageOS with microG]( on my Oneplus 6 for years — so happily, in fact, that I haven't bothered with major updates since version 17 (Android 10). Oops! Now I've been flashing updates to an older phone, and I might as well continue getting my daily driver up to date. I'm going to dirty flash my way up to the current version (21). But I'm rusty as all heck, and the [upgrade instructions]( seem to have changed since last: 1. Back in '21 I recall being recommended to disable screenlock (fingerprint/PIN/pattern, etc) before upgrading. Is that still a thing? 2. With a/b slot devices it used to be necessary to flash ROMs twice or use a `copy-partitions` or simiilar zip file. The instructions make no mention of it, is that rolled into the upgrade package now? 3. Finally, is it safe to just upgrade directly from LOS/mG v18 to v21? Because neither LOS main or the mG branch seem to archive older versions but I'd hate to miss some system update or other. All help is appreciated! **Edited for clarity:** Please don't offer suggestions on "better" phones or OSes — my question regards the above only. Thanks in advance 👍

    Fediverse halm 3 months ago 88%
    Bandwagon — a federated Bandcamp alternative

    No conflict of interest, I only saw the poject via Mastodon. From the website: > Fediverse, Mastodon, and beyond > Gorgeous album pages > Audio streaming > Tour dates and tickets > Music discovery? Online sales? Analytics? There's a lot more in store as the community grows.

    Doctor Who halm 3 months ago 71%
    Doctor Who fans name best episode of season 14 | Radio Times

    >From the tense landmine of Boom to uncovering the events of the night that Ruby was born in Empire of Death, this season of Doctor Who certainly had it all – but which episode was the best? > >Well, we posed that exact question to readers, who have responded in their droves. > >With the likes of Space Babies, The Devil's Chord, Dot and Bubble and all the other season 14 episodes to choose from, there was one clear winner. > >After more than 4,000+ votes in total, [redacted] was the winner of the best episode in our exclusive poll. ::: spoiler Results 1. **73 Yards** - 1,290 votes 2. Boom - 1,040 votes 3. Rogue - 595 votes 4. Dot and Bubble - 487 votes 5. The Legend of Ruby Sunday - 374 votes 6. The Devil's Chord - 217 votes 7. Empire of Death - 127 votes 8. Space Babies - 37 votes :::

    Doctor Who halm 3 months ago 92%
    How might Susan return?

    The Doctor's granddaughter has been teased on screen throughout this recent season, fan theories abound and original actor Carole Ann Ford has stated she'd be happy to reappear on the show. Let's assume that there *is* a reunion with Susan coming up; that would be exciting in itself, but narratively, how do you think it will be set up? Does the Doctor seek her out or will Susan find her grandfather first? More to the point, "the Doctor finally sees Susan again" is just a story *beat* — how do you imagine the larger science fantasy story context surrounding it? Feel free to fanfic an entire episode plot or season arc if you want 🙂

    Linux halm 3 months ago 88%
    Rofi as primary menu — recommendations?

    I've used Openbox as a minimal DE replacement for years, with Tint2 as panel and pseudo launcher. When I switched to EndeavourOS a couple of years ago Rofi came pre-installed along with those as window switcher, search and app launcher. At the time it seemed superfluous and I just flat out uninstalled it, but now I'm coming around to maybe ditching Tint2 (and the stodgy old JGmenu that EndeavourOS uses) in favour of using Rofi as a search based launcher and menu. I can imagine it'll be an abrupt transition but my question for the more seasoned Rofi users out there is, **what should I look out for** and what are your **immediate caveats**?

    Doctor Who halm 5 months ago 100%
    When *Doctor Who* grew its ~~beard~~ moustache

    In amongst the exciting teasers and promo tidbits ahead of the new season, for some reason I find this deep cut of production lore one of the most entertaining: Ncuti Gatwa was adamant that he grow his moustache back for the part of the Doctor, having shaved for years to play a teenager in *Sex education*. But there was a short overlap where he was filming both shows simultaneously — so he would have to be cleanshaven for the first shoots of *Doctor Who*, too. Barring the weird Henry Cavill CGI upper lip retouch, how would the crew solve this? > "Bella [Arghiros], my make-up artist, would present me with a little bag of pubes every morning," he explains. He doesn’t mean this literally, but he and Gibson are now laughing so much they can barely get the words out. "I went through the process of sticking them on for two months," he says. > > "Trimming them," whoops Gibson. "Between every take," adds Gatwa. "As they flap off in the wind. I’m chasing a monster and the director says, 'We’ll have to go again because his moustache is half off.' So when it grew back, I felt very liberated." The actors' giddiness goes a long way selling this anecdote... If the new season is half as fun as they seem to have had making it, it'll be [Eccleston impersonation] **fantastic**!

    Doctor Who halm 5 months ago 95%
    There really won't be any Beatles music in the Beatles episode

    “I knew instantly you can never play Beatles songs on screen because the copyright is too expensive. So I’m thinking, ‘How would you do a Beatles episode without Beatles music?’ And that becomes the entire plot,” Davies explains. “That’s where the idea came from – copyright law!”

    Doctor Who halm 6 months ago 90%
    Season 1, trailer #2. This isn't going to slow down at. all. until May, is it?

    This one has a little less of the timey wimey temporal paradoxes than the Disney trailer a week ago, but it still manages to span a wide section of time and (relative dimensions in) space. We get a bit more of Jinkx Monsoon here, another *Bridgerton* name check — and I think we can confirm the Doctor taking the mic for another song and dance sequence in the 1960s... All fun and games on a background of some apocalyptic, spacey wacey goings on. Honestly, the Doctor's promise to Ruby's mum that he can keep her safe is starting to sound a little strained. The season episode titles have also been released: 1. *Space Babies* 2. *The Devil's Chord* 3. *Boom* 4. *73 Yards* 5. *Dot and Bubble* 6. *Rogue* 7. *The Legend of Ruby Sunday* 8. *Empire of Death* Other notes: * Episodes 1 and 2 will air on the same day, 11 May. * Episode 2 seems to be the one featuring Monsoon as a musically themed baddie. * Episode 3 is penned by Steven Moffat, and RTD has given the cryptic teaser "Antelope. Moment. Drums." The director of the episode adds "Hitchcockian" as the writer's cue to her. * Episode 6 is our Regency period story, written by Kate Herron and Briony Redman (both coming off *Loki*, so anybody want to bet they have their time travel right?)

    Doctor Who halm 6 months ago 93%
    New season 1 trailer released!

    This new trailer from Disney+ gives us *a lot* more to look forward to — and speculate about! Looks like the RTD/Bad Wolf team aims to blow viewers' minds. I'm not going to spoil anything here, but go nuts in the comments 🥳 [Edited the subject to correct the season number. This is season 1 of a new show (same continuity as the old show), not season 14 of the previously-new show which is now the less-old-but-not-entirely-new-Who.]

    Doctor Who halm 6 months ago 91%
    HERE WE GO! Season premiere date trailer

    Just released to the Doctor Who youtube channel, with the announcement (excerpted): >Are you ready for this? 😉 Watch Doctor Who from the 11th May on BBC iPlayer in the UK and stream on Disney+ where available. Find out more here: I guess this is what RTD was teasing [the other day on Instagram](

    Doctor Who halm 7 months ago 96%
    "I will never surrender!" The third 60th anniversary special script has a lovely, unfilmed coda for Wilfred Mott

    A short while back the BBC added a batch of new/never before seen scripts to their *Doctor Who* database, including the 60th specials. Tucked away at the tail end of "The giggle" is an alternate ending scene featuring Wilfred Mott that the late Bernard Cribbins didn't shoot before his demise: >THE DOCTOR > And Grandad, where is he? > > SYLVIA >He’s off, shooting moles. > >From offstage, a BANG! > >SYLVIA (CONT’D) >There he goes. > >And all TURN to look. > >There’s WILF, in his WHEELCHAIR, buzzing across the lawn, with a SHOTGUN. > >WILF >I’ll get ‘em! Don’t you worry, Doctor! You stay there! I’ll get the little..! > >ALL laughing, except Rose. > >ROSE >Leave them alone! > >WILF >I will never surrender! > >And Wilf glides away. All turn back to each other. > >THE DOCTOR >Don’t worry, I gave the moles a forcefield. Love the moles. Here's to things left undone, Mr Cribbins. You live on in our hearts.

    Doctor Who halm 7 months ago 98%
    Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor is headed for Victorian London in an upcoming Paternoster Gang box set from Big Finish

    >[Tom] Baker, who famously played the Time Lord from 1974 to 1981, will be reprising the role this April. His Doctor joins the Paternoster Gang as they fight intergalactic crime in the latest entry to the Trespassers series. > >He joins the cast made up of Neve McIntosh as great detective Madame Vastra, Catrin Stewart as her spouse Jenny Flint and Dan Starkey as their loyal valet Strax. >McIntosh added: "Acting with Tom Baker has been something I've wanted to do for so long. He was my Doctor growing up, from when I was hiding behind the sofa." I'm thrilled TBH, I thought the chemistry between McIntosh, Stewart and Starkey made the previous Paternoster Gang sets some of the most campily enjoyable BF work I've heard. Add Tom Baker, even in his old age... Woof, this'll be good!

    Doctor Who halm 7 months ago 98%
    Big Finish to make classic Doctor Who releases available for free as podcast

    > The podcast, which will start releasing weekly on Saturdays from March 2024, will showcase fan-favourite stories from Big Finish’s back catalogue, presented in episodic, 30-minute instalments. > > Each episode will feature a brand-new introduction read by Sixth Doctor star Colin Baker, and will also include behind-the-scenes interviews, with the podcast being available via all podcast platforms, with listeners able to stream it for free with ads.

    Ask Android halm 7 months ago 100%
    The minimal-hassle way of upgrading my OP6?

    * Device: Oneplus 6 (enchilada) * Android version: 10 * ROM: [LineageOS for MicroG]( v17.1 * Rooted with Magisk --- Apparently the latest Magisk update [somehow crippled my WiFi]( AFAICT this [mainly affects Android 10](, and since I probably need to go into ADB anyway to fix the WiFi issue, I might as well perform a long overdue OS upgrade. So clearly I don't routinely do maintenance on my phone via CLI. LineageOS used to have fairly involved instructions on how to upgrade between major versions, some including unpacking Oxygen OS updates and selectively installing firmware modules through a terminal... That's not a trivial series of operations for a dappler like myself. Let me just run another idea by you all, please let me know if it'll work: Suppose I flash an Android 10 OOS to my phone. Dirty flash preferred, I want to preserve my apps and settings. Could I feasibly let the official ROM perform as many kernel and firmware updates as possible via OTA to get to the latest (presumably last/end of life) supported Android version? After that I would flash the latest LOS/mG back on the device, probably rooting with KernelSU this time. I appreciate any comments and advice! Thanks in advance 🙏

    Android halm 7 months ago 100%
    Did the latest Magisk update mess up my WiFi?

    cross-posted from: > I've only made one system change to my phone today, allowing the Magisk app to update to v27.0 — and now my WiFi returns "IP configuration failure" to all networks. > > Maybe I'm seeing a correlation where there isn't one, but I'm curious if others have similar experiences and — more to the point — have any suggestions for fixes.

    Ask Android halm 7 months ago 100%
    Did the latest Magisk update mess up my WiFi?

    I've only made one system change to my phone today, allowing the Magisk app to update to v27.0 — and now my WiFi returns "IP configuration failure" to all networks. Maybe I'm seeing a correlation where there isn't one, but I'm curious if others have similar experiences and — more to the point — have any suggestions for fixes.

    Doctor Who halm 8 months ago 100%
    Nicholas Briggs' first Dalek voice acting?

    Actors come and go in the part of the Doctor, it's a revolving door by nature. But it struck me just now how long Nicholas Briggs has been doing the role as his nemeses, the Daleks. Or rather, I'm wondering exactly how long he has been turning the knobs on the old ring modulator? IMDb gives his earliest Dalek credit as 2000's [*Doctor who: The apocalypse element*](, but surely they aren't listing all of his audio plays? Big finish got the rights to produce *Doctor who* audios in 1999, were there any Dalek bits by him there — giving him an early silver jubilee this year — or perhaps earlier in unlicensed fan works? I hope somebody better versed in the extended universe can help answer this. Either way, the fact that Briggs has played the same part in *Who* productions **longer than the entirety of the revived series has been on the air** is... monumental.

    Doctor Who halm 8 months ago 91%
    Sometimes fan speculation is a saga all its own

    The link is just one recent example of the wild entertainment it it to follow fan conjecture going off the rails from the most spurious of information. So it went like this: 1. Ahead of "Wild blue yonder" one of the announced bit parts was played by Susan Twist. Fans be like "Holy shit, there'll be a TWIST involving SUSAN!" 2. Turns out there was no such storyline in the episode, and Susan Twist is an actual actress who just happens to have the name. Fans quiet down until 3. Susan Twist emerges again in "The church on Ruby Road" as a contemporary concert goer. Fans: "She requested an odd song from the same era that her previous (possibly unrelated) part was from. TIME TRAVELER!" 4. In background footage from the "Imagine..." portrait of Russell T Davies, a framed, fake magazine cover captioned "Susan Triad" seems to feature Susan Twist again. Needless to say, this sparks even more speculation. I'm not condescending to the people who engage with *Who* like this, after all RTD *is* actively teasing fans with snippets of advance information. I just want to let you know that I'm enjoying your fan labour from the sideline. With no new *Doctor Who* on screen for 4-5 months, I'm lapping it up 🙂 In fact, my own theory is that "Susan Triad" means Susan returns in a coming season as *three* distinct regenerations — and that we've seen two of them already this December: * Susan Twist in several centuries-spanning cameos; * Anita Dobson as "Mrs Flood"; * and finally, obviously, Carol Anne Ford returning for a (last?) appearance as the Doctor's long lost granddaughter. Oh no, I've been Stockholm syndrome'd. I'm part of the game now!

    Doctor Who halm 9 months ago 95%
    What scratches your *Who* itch in between seasons?

    In my household we've rewatched the latest four specials several times already, and May still feels like a long time away 🙂 So what do you all watch to tide you over until there are new *Doctor who* episodes airing again? For a baseline, here are some of the things we've sought out to fill the very specific *DW* flavour of soft science fiction entertainment: * Old episodes of *Doctor who*, obviously. Plus the noughties spinoffs. * It's almost lazy to mention *Star trek*, and although we easily and often fall into that comfort rabbit hole I think there are other shows that are more in the *Who* vein: * *Fringe* was an US show that borrows fairly heavily from both *Who*, *X-files*, and loads more. I don't think it'll be spoilers to say that specifically the image of Zeppelins to signify parallel worlds is an obvious callback to "Rise of the Cybermen"/"The Age of Steel". And there are a group of characters that seem to be a cross between Time Lords and the Watchers from Marvel comics. * *The ministry of time* was a Spanish show about a covert time traveling agency. It has a lot of *Who* feeling, and time travel of course, but with its own premise that centres it on the rich history of Spain and good humouredly makes fun of Spanish national and regional stereotypes. * *The Lazarus project* is along the general outline of *The ministry of time* — secret time travel authority that keeps history on the straight and narrow — but with its own, convoluted tangle of changing timelines. Only on its second season, this show' time travel shenanigans nearly did my head in, sort of like *Dark* when that was still good, but at a breakneck, *Mission impossible* pace. Those are off the top of my head. What are your timey wimey or otherwise *Who*-alike go-to shows?

    Doctor Who halm 9 months ago 83%
    I guess Doctor Who twitter is now primarily made up of people who hate the show?

    Some media outlets still use Twitter/X as a source for news and opinion, otherwise I wouldn't go near the site. Seeing some of the replies to a trailer for the upcoming *Doctor who* xmas special, I wonder why somebody feels the need to actively shit on a show they so clearly dislike: > Like most #DrWho fans, I won’t be watching. #DrWho is dead. The doctor is now black and gay, Sir Isaac Newton is now Indian, and the character of Rose is being played by a man wearing women’s clothing. #RIPDoctorWho #DefundTheBBC #DiversityHire That quote alone has too many levels of wrong to pick over, but it will never not surprise me how little of the show's humanist messages these people have taken to heart. **Edit:** Thanks for the "duh, Twitter" responses. I do think it's low hanging fruit to just blame the platform (which is, inarguably, a dumpster fire). Let's talk about reactionary fans instead, yeah?

    Doctor Who halm 9 months ago 97%
    Teenage Peter Capaldi was such a rabid *Who* superfan that Barry Letts' secretary "wished Daleks would exterminate him" 🤣

    TL;DR — at age 14, Peter Capaldi was so miffed that another teenager had been appointed by the BBC to run Official *Doctor Who* Fan Club, he ran a one man letter writing campaign to take over the post and club himself. An analog era keyboard warrior, Capaldi sounds like he was a bit of a pest in his teens. The appointed Fan Club coordinator, Keith Miller, recalls that Capaldi "haunted my time running the fan club, as he was quite indignant he wasn’t considered for the post." The linked 2013 article has some letters from show producer Barry Letts' secretary, Sarah Newman to Miller that reflects this portrayal of the *Who* star as a young pup. Miller ends by quoting a phone call with Sarah Newman following the "exterminated by Daleks" letter: > I asked how things were going with Peter Capaldi. ’Oh god, I wish someone would sort him out.’ Then she paused. ‘Actually, he lives in Scotland too – could you pop over to Glasgow and sort him out for me?’ By all accounts Capaldi was fairly terrible back then, but fortunately he channelled that deep fandom and knowledge of the show rather more constructively into one of the most layered and complex renditions of the Doctor that has graced the screen.

    Leminal Space Meta halm 9 months ago 100%
    So, what is Leminal Space's policy on de-/federating from/with Meta instances?

    Threads are making gestures toward federating with ActivityPub. That opens for a ton of new fedi users, but also gives Meta leverage over the policies and access to user information on independent servers. See the linked post for arguments in favour of defederating from altogether. My question is in the title, where does Leminal Space stand on this?

    Doctor Who halm 9 months ago 97%
    Christopher Eccleston: "Sack RTD, Tranter, Collinson and Gardner, and I’ll come back to Doctor Who"

    I guess he got tired of the same question asked over and over again? 🤣 Since it's unlikely the BBC will be sacking the show runner and exec producer, nor severing ties with Bad Wolf, Eccleston's ninth Doctor is indefinitely benched... **Update:** []( supplied a link to [a recording of the panel](, and Eccleston provides a few more details, transcribed below. Just a few minutes in, Eccleston reminisces about looking out for Piper, this being her first big acting gig: > CE: This was pre MeToo, it was pre BlackLivesMatter, it was pre all this mental awareness stuff, wasn't it? > > BP: Yeah. […] It was more lawless. > > CE: It was *lawless*, as we found out subsequently. On the shooting experience of one episode: > CE: We were filming an episode, and because the director was atrocious we ran three hours late. You know, the crew were not happy, we weren't happy. He says he and Piper were late for the read-through of *Dalek* because of this, so if anyone is privy to the production schedule they can probably figure out if this is the same guy who was to blame for the exploding sofa... On the circumstances of Eccleston's departure: > BP: I don't know if you remember this, but when you said you were going, I wanted to go as well. > > CE: I didn't know that […] The whole thing was politically manipulated by others. It interfered with our relationship, but that's another story. On what would be required for him returning to the character of the Doctor: > CE: (without hesitating) **Sack Russell T Davies, sack Jane Tranter, sack Phil Collinson, sack Julie Gardner, and I'll come back. So can you arrange that?** > > Q: Did you find it hard to be associated with the character, given —? > > CE: (breaks in) Not at all. I love being associated with the character, just don't like being associated with those people and the politics that went on in the first series. The first series was *a mess*, and it wasn't to do with me or Billie. It was to do with the people who were supposed to make it, and it was *a mess*. > And the first series of any show […] First series, nobody wants to know. The BBC were like, "We're gonna keep a big distance from this". And then as soon as it was a success, they were all up close going, "I was responsible for that!" but they were all like... at a distance, like "This is a folly" — "Eccleston's folly", "Piper's folly", "Russell T Davies' folly" […] They wouldn't come anywhere near us, and then they'd jump on the bandwagon. > Those kind of politics I'm not very good at handling. I can't swallow that shit. When an audience member expresses hia sympathy at what Eccleston went through on the set: > CE: Listen, it wasn't like being down the pit. It's just politics! Everybody's got a job, you all work with people you don't like. Whether you're an actor, [in] a plastic moulding factory or... You know, a boozer. Listen — I was getting paid a lot of money. It's fine. (Laughs) Please don't feel sorry for *me*! Whatever problems existed with some directors on the first series, it was definitely not the case with Joe Ahearne, whose work and aesthetic both Eccleston and Piper wax poetic about; Eccleston has continued working with him and they still have projects in development. **edit** — removed the link to the second hand source which was, admittedly, a trash site.

    Star Trek halm 9 months ago 92%
    On the end of Discovery

    I have mixed feelings about *Disco* ending. I really dug the first season's look at a Federation at war, and following the person who arguably set that war in motion dealing with her culpability. Add to that a ship that is part weird science lab, part haunted house. And yeah, I could live with the Klingon redesign. It was inventive, it took risks and broke some moulds — and not always successfully, mind you. But I stuck with it from the hopeful "First three seasons are for growing pains" *Trek* paradigm. Then the show took some odd turns. Rather than focusing on the crew's adventures in space and science, season two constructed a cosmic conundrum around Burnham and her family. I was still on board for the characters, even bearded Spock no matter how shoehorned in he felt. The show's unapologetic optimism was still a big selling point, too. With season three came the time jump into a future that absolutely does not feel like it's a thousand years ahead of the previous season. The jump in technology should be proportional to a Viking longboat rocking up to the ISS, but it felt like a step back. And at this point, the extended crew of the Discovery was thoroughly sidelined: Burnham's personal relationships took priority over everything else. For one example: As great as Michelle Yeoh is, the show basically redeemed a murderous space despot because... she reminded Burnham of her Starfleet counterpart?! I'm going to stop you right there, Captain "This is Starfleet" — this is a person who kept rubbing in Saru's face how familiar she was with the taste of his species' flesh. I'll keep watching *Disco* through to its end because I'm invested in the remaining characters, but this isn't the show I apprehensively fell in love with anymore. Its strengths are all but gone, its faults enhanced, and its commercial(?) failure seems to have convinced the Powers That Be that future *Star Trek* needs to be grounded in nostalgia for previous eras. I will miss the first season's promise of new, daring *Trek* shows writ large, and as much as I liked Pike and his crew in season two, *SNW* leans too heavily and knowingly on the franchise's campier canon for my taste (I know I'm in a minority with that opinion, and I'm not here to argue for or against). With peak TV fading, I'm afraid we won't see anything as bold as *TNG*, *DS9* — or early *Discovery* — again.

    Doctor Who halm 10 months ago 95%
    I think you'll find the actual term is "wibbly wobbly"

    Good to see there are physicists working to align their field of research with *Doctor Who* jargon.

    Doctor Who halm 10 months ago 94%
    Doctor Who, new series order in home media server?

    Yes, I keep a local copy of more or less all Doctor Who on a hard drive. No, I will not get into the particulars or ethics surrounding that. My question is only about keeping the series ordered in my Kodi home theatre setup now that apparently the show has started a new season numbering starting with the upcoming 2024 outing and, [according to TMDb](, also the current specials. At the moment, the new specials (Children in need/Star beast at the time of writing) aren't included in my library, and I suspect it's due to incorrect naming. TMDb doesn't provide a year of first airing for the "Nu Nu Who" show, so I can't name the files "Doctor Who (yyyy)" as I have with the 1963 and 2005 shows. **Edit:** I am specifically asking how to correctly scrape information from TMDb because the TV Database has currently not clocked that Doctor Who season numbering apparently is reset with the Disney+ streaming deal, and for that reason registers as a new show. **/Edit** Any suggestions?
