196 196 Starship Enterprise or jellyfish launcher?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 1 day ago 100%

    Starship Enterprise launcher!

  • politics politics Online Dating Caused a Rise in US Income Inequality, Research Paper Shows
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 days ago 100%

    Ironic, isn't it?

  • politics politics Yes. Trump Started The Fire. And Everyone Knows It.
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 days ago 100%

    I just checked and he still says 'we' didn't start the fire. Emphatically, in fact. Several times, even.

    Seems that yep, this is all that Trump fella's fault.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts When was the last time I changed the oil in my mower?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 3 days ago 87%

    My next mower will probably be a lawn service

  • showerthoughts
    Showerthoughts solidgrue 4 days ago 90%
    When was the last time I changed the oil in my mower?

    Now that I think about it, it was probably before the pandemic. 🤔

    politics politics Trump's campaign adviser said to be 'openly angling for his next job' on Ted Cruz's team
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 100%

    When you're angling to be a minion of Cruz, its the epitome of aspiring to sub-mediocrity.

    Who's fully mediocre? I dunno... At random, Jack Reed maybe?

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts We forgot the Alamo even though they told us not to.
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 80%

    San Jacincto was a different battle wherein Mexico got their collective ass kicked in there. The Alamo was a rallying cry.

    Alamo itself was a rout for the Texians [sic]. There's no side-stepping that. It goes as it goes.

  • politics politics Trump can’t accept his poor debate. So he’s spiraled into conspiracy theories.
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 100%

    Trump is the Crystal Pepsi of politics. Basically poison, crushed-up bugs and baby oil flavored sugar water. Totally transparent, and dragging down the brand.

    Hell, even Tab Clear was better. Source: the cafeteria at my high school stocked both back in the day. They were both bad

    edit: Tab Clear was a thing!

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts We forgot the Alamo even though they told us not to.
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 86%

    I didn't so much forget it as I did assume Texans were just playing the martyr for getting their collective asses kicked in. Again.

    You know... Like Dallas Cowboys fans?

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Pi-Hole question / Blocked Queries being reset each day?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 80%

    No worries, the other poster was just wasn't being helpful. And/or doesn't understand statistics & databases, but I don't care to speculate on that or to waste more of my time on them.

    The setting above maxes out at 24h in stock builds, but can be extended beyond that if you are willing to recompile the FTL database with different parameters to allow for a deeper look back window for your query log. Even at that point, a second database setting farther down that page sets the max age of all query logs to 1y, so at best you'd get a running tally of up to a year. This would probably at the expense of performance for dashboard page loads since the number is probably computed at page load. The live DB call is intended for relatively short windows vs database lifetime.

    If you want an all-time count, you'll have to track it off box because FTL doesn't provide an all-time metric, or deep enough data persistence. I was just offering up a methodology that could be an interesting and beneficial project for others with similar needs.

    Hey, this was fun. See you around.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How is "son of a gun" an insult?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 100%

    If you're wrong then I don't wanna be right.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Pi-Hole question / Blocked Queries being reset each day?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 93%

    You know what? I'm gonna disengage here. You're not hearing what I am saying.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Pi-Hole question / Blocked Queries being reset each day?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 92%
    #### MAXLOGAGE=24.0
    Up to how many hours of queries should be imported from the database and logs? Values greater than the hard-coded maximum of 24h need a locally compiled `FTL` with a changed compile-time value.

    I assume this is the setting you are suggesting can extend the query count period. It still will only give you the last N hours' worth of queries, which is not what OP asked. I gather OP wants to see the cumulative total of blocked queries over all time, and I doubt the FTL database tracks the data in a usable way to arrive at that number.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Pi-Hole question / Blocked Queries being reset each day?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 90%

    Ah, well if you know differently then please do share with the rest of us? I think the phrasing in my post makes it pretty clear I was open to being corrected.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Pi-Hole question / Blocked Queries being reset each day?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 92%

    So, like a running sum? No, I don't think so, not in Pi-hole at least.

    Pi-hole does have an API you could scrape, though. A Prometheus stack could track it and present a dashboard that shows the summation you want. There are other stats you could pull as well. This is a quick sample of what my home assistant integration sees

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Pi-Hole question / Blocked Queries being reset each day?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 4 days ago 97%

    That counter, I believe, for the last 24 hours. It will fluctuate up and down across your active daily periods

  • politics politics Trump Media shares soar 25% as ex-president says 'I'm not selling'
  • solidgrue solidgrue 5 days ago 100%

    Dis chump goan' pump & dump

  • politics politics Republican Karl Rove says Trump got ‘crushed by a woman he called dumb as a rock’ during ‘train wreck’ debate
  • solidgrue solidgrue 6 days ago 100%

    Always good to hear from Ol' Turd Blossom

    Nevertheless... both Cheney's and now Rove? Can W be far behind?

  • news News Trump Says He's Done Debating: 'THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!'
  • solidgrue solidgrue 6 days ago 97%

  • news News Trump Says He's Done Debating: 'THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!'
  • solidgrue solidgrue 6 days ago 100%

    Sounds like a sitcom?

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Who is the guy I'm missing?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 6 days ago 100%

    I'm guessing it's the earthen golem from the wand of living earth, and your spirit double from the upgraded scroll of mirror image

  • politics politics Trump rejects second Harris debate
  • solidgrue solidgrue 6 days ago 100%

    We should find a way to harness all that spin to generate electricity. We'd solve global warming climate change in 5 years

  • atheism Atheism Matt Dillahunty - Are We Like the Foolish Man Who Built His House Upon Sand?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 7 days ago 100%

    If the premise of the question suggests the Bible is a rock upon which a strong house is built then I submit, rather, that house is built upon the clouds. The Bible itself is an assemblage of self-congratulatory and often self-contradictory allegory with the minimum viable basis in fact compiled over centuries to the benefit of a cynical, theocratic ruling class.

    Is it not better to stand firmly on the ground and regard your peers with one simple rule: to treat with them in all dealings as you would be treated, to deal in objective fact, and to eschew hypocrisy and cynical blandishments?

    No, as an atheist I don't think it is I who has a house upon sand, neither clouds.

    (Edit: I'm grumpy today)

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Spent 20 minutes trying to catch these fuckers
  • solidgrue solidgrue 7 days ago 100%

    One strategy of mine lately has been to stockpile potions of mind vision and scrolls of psionic blast for the lower demon halls depths for times when the scorpions and evil eyes are being oppressive.

    I try to save a couple for the ascent too.

  • world World News Kremlin warns of escalation if US allows Kyiv to hit Russia with long-range missiles
  • solidgrue solidgrue 7 days ago 100%

    Hey just FYI: everything after the ? in those URLs is a referrer hash. It doesn't necessarily link the share back you personally, but it's still tracking info. It's OK to delete it when you share video links.

    You can do with that info as you like. Have a great day!

  • politics politics Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • solidgrue solidgrue 1 week ago 100%

    Post action report: he went there

  • politics politics Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • solidgrue solidgrue 1 week ago 100%

    I'm angry about this upvote and I hope your next poop takes extra TP to wipe clean

  • 196 196 Oh no, me cheese
  • solidgrue solidgrue 1 week ago 100%

    NileRed (ok fiiine, NileBlue) would like a moment of your time:


  • 196 196 Rule rule
  • solidgrue solidgrue 1 week ago 100%

    I was told there would be spankings.

    Am disappoint.

  • whatisthisthing What is this thing? [Solved] Anyone know what this is? They are embedded in the sidewalks around the city
  • solidgrue solidgrue 1 week ago 100%

    Its called a benchmark, used by surveyors as a known point from which to take readings. We had a benchmark on the edge of of our property in the town where In grew up. It was a square, white marble column, like a truncated obelisk with the point cut off to make a 4" square flat top, buried at the roadside and standing a couple inches proud of the grass. It had a cross with a dot in the middle, and a geodetic ID number engraved on the top.

    Nailed it with the lawnmower once or twice. That'd really put the Fear in you.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Potential downsides of buying a brand new soft-unlocked (carrier-unlocked) phone?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 100%

    I buy all of my phones carrier-unlocked, and have never had a problem.

    Potential pitfalls are if the IMEI is blacklisted, which could happen if the phone is reported as stolen, or if the radio deck isn't compatible with your carrier's network.

    In the US, the AT&T and T-Mobile networks are pretty open, and you just need to pop in your SIM card. I don't have experience with Verizon to know if you can bring your own device or not, but I imagine as long as the phone can work with Verizon then its probably just a matter of visiting a store to have it activated.

  • politics politics Dick Cheney says he will vote for Kamala Harris
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 100%

    Alive, but voting Democrat.

    Ruminate on that a moment.

  • politics politics Dick Cheney says he will vote for Kamala Harris
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 87%

    Oh staaahp. Tue timeline JUST got interesting, and you gotta be all Bantha-stank about it.

    Just sit back, have a Toke & a smile, and watch. (Also, vote!)

  • politics politics 'Some folks need killing': Mark Robinson’s 13 most extremist controversies and scandals
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 100%

    Isn't this the plot for The Purge,or something?

  • news News Trump campaign pulls away from three target states after Harris surge
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 100%

  • politics politics Gay Libertarian Chase Oliver offers alternative to Trump, Harris
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 100%

    Denver, hey? Seems to make sense for the Libertarian party. I spent a week there on business once. It wasn't Atlanta or Baltimore, but it was alright.

  • politics politics Gay Libertarian Chase Oliver offers alternative to Trump, Harris
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 100%

    Who doesn't want low taxes and cheap weed?

  • politics politics Kinzinger: ‘I’m not courageous … I’m surrounded by cowards’
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 95%

    People like Kinzinger provide an offramp for Republican voters who are waking up to the reality of the post-Trump GOP to vote their conscience. For better or for worse, we are mired in identity politics, which for many means being a Republican. Folks like Kinzinger are saying you can still identify that way if you want, but it doesn't mean you have to vote for Trump-- you can put country over party and that's okay.

    He's doing the job of the Judas Goat which, frankly, we need him for.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts If seeing someone 4 days consecutively is seeing them 4 days in a row, does that mean seeing someone every Monday of a month is seeing them 4 days in a column?
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 95%

    I see where this question is leading, and I don't think I like the implications

  • politics politics Presidential candidate Jill Stein says the Green Party has transformed political agendas
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 100%

    Oh hey. We meet again.

    How's things for you? Have you been getting breaks and adequate hydration? I just had a nice vacation, myself.

    Its getting interesting around here, no?

  • politics politics Presidential candidate Jill Stein says the Green Party has transformed political agendas
  • solidgrue solidgrue 2 weeks ago 100%

    Astroturfed some agendas, maybe.

    I like what Green says. Nobody knows what Green does. I'd be happy enough to throw them some votes for a municipal or county level seat or two to see what they do with it, but a Green vote is a wasted vote at the Federal level right now.

    *points up* that's me, voting my conscience.

    edit: minor typo for grammar

  • showerthoughts
    Showerthoughts solidgrue 1 month ago 90%
    If a deaf person had tinnitus, they'd probably never recognize it

    ethical edit: For a toss-off gag that even I thought was a bit sketch, I'm learning a lot about this situation and I appreciate it

    196 solidgrue 3 months ago 100%
    Riot rules now in effect
    Trees solidgrue 3 months ago 100%
    [US; solved] Does anyone have a source for grinder screen?

    I have a few grinders I'd like to replace the stainless mesh between the middle and bottom chambers. Rather than try to track down the OEM info for the grinders, I figured it might be easier to source 60 micron stainless mesh stock and cut some rounds to size. I don't need much-- maybe the equivalent of a sheet or two of US Letter or A4 sized sheets or rolls. My google-fu is failing me and my local suppliers don't seem to understand what I need. Anyone here have a source for the screen stock? edit: solved! Thanks @teft!!

    homeassistant solidgrue 3 months ago 96%
    Breaking change in ESPHome 2024.6.0 ota component

    I missed it in the release notes, but there's a breaking change in the `ota` component in ESPHome 2024.6.0. I figured I'd save folks some time and share the fix here. If your OTA config looks like this; ``` ... ota: password: "*************" num_tries: 3 safe_mode: on ... ``` Now you'll need to add a `platform` key to start a list, and either comment out the other option or move them to a new component. ``` ... ota: - platform: esphome password: "*************" #num_tries: 3 #safe_mode: on ... ``` edit: Here's the PR introducing this change https://github.com/esphome/esphome/pull/6459

    Asklemmy solidgrue 3 months ago 90%
    Are your kitchen knives angry knives?

    Hear me out... I was raised, as my family does, to fearfully respect our kitchen knives. Respect their productivity, respect their sharpness, but overall respect their ruthlessness. Even the mildest of disrespect for my family's knives would earn you a nick of you were merely neglectful, and grievous harm if you spoke ill of their aptness. Of course, when I moved out and set up my own kitchens I acquired my own knives and tried to teach them better. How I was the master, and I was the steel wright. I lavished them with hand baths and fresh oils. I used only the gentlest of hardwoods on their blades and protected them from the hrllscape of the dishwasher. We lived in serene peace, an harmonic existence of a mealwright and his band of merry Riveners. And then one day, the Inheritance came. Grand Father had died, and his boning knives were my bequest. I was elated, but I would learn. My friends, that old knife had a soul. Not an evil soul, but a soul that had goals. It was hard steel that took a keen, harsh edge. Bright and tense, like a silver bell on a crisp winter morning. Not Solingen steel, so pliable and yielding as it is fickle in use. Grandfather's knives told you where to cut and if you hesitated, they would cut you instead in frustration. Impertinent things. Not evil, I would say. More, businesslike. My mistake was to lay them with my other knives. Did you know knives _talk?_ They do! They whisper to each other in their blocks at night when you are asleep. They whisper and they.learn from each other. A good papa hopes they learn the Art of their chef, but when you have a Bad Knife in the block? They learn that too. Now, all of my knives are angry knives. Not angry at me, necessarily, but angry at their lot in my kitchen, to suffer my children's abusive cooking lessons, my in-laws' insistent prep work degradations, and (occasionally) my neglect. They bit my wife tonight. Its a Message....

    Lemmy Shitpost solidgrue 3 months ago 92%
    God says He's sorry about creating Republicans

    Nobody's perfect.

    Gen X, the meh generation solidgrue 3 months ago 96%
    Remember these?

    Pretty sure we had the E9112 and E9116 back in the day. Now I have a legit B92FS but it doesn't squirt water. For work reasons. Ah, nostalgia. (Don't play with guns!)

    196 solidgrue 4 months ago 100%
    Gun porn rules
    Lemmy Shitpost solidgrue 4 months ago 94%
    Üntz, üntz youtube.com

    That's, "boots & pants & boots & pants...." in American

    196 solidgrue 4 months ago 100%
    I don't make the rules
    Pixel Dungeon solidgrue 4 months ago 96%
    The only Monarch I support

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/20951414 > The only Monarch I support

    No Stupid Questions solidgrue 5 months ago 85%
    Is the body of Christ gluten free? Asking for a friend.

    Could Jesus make a Celiac so allergic he couldn't receive Him?

    Lineage OS solidgrue 6 months ago 100%
    Well shit, I just cracked the screen on my venerable OP5T. What's our favorite platform these days?

    Phone still works (for now) and the house spare is a Samsung A50. If you were going to update today, what's the best LOS platform?

    Ask Lemmy solidgrue 6 months ago 95%
    What's a bit of good advice that's really bad advice?

    You know, like "always split on 18," or "having kids is the most rewarding thing you can do in life." What's that one bit of advice you got from a trusted friend that you know deep, deep down would just ruin your thing?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearSH
    Shitty Ask Lemmy solidgrue 6 months ago 80%
    Do solar eclipse glasses work at night?

    I'm shopping for glasses for my family to safely view the 2024 eclipse, but none of the product reviews talk about whether the glasses work at night. What are the people in Australia buying to see the eclipse safely?

    Dad Jokes solidgrue 7 months ago 86%
    How do you make a quick snack of a clock?

    Watch! \*gulp\*

    196 solidgrue 9 months ago 100%
    Water flowing under rule
    homeassistant solidgrue 1 year ago 91%
    HAOS 10.4 live install image is broken

    Turns out the Live CD install for HAOS on x86_64 is broken. It seems to hang forever on the Grow Swap boot task. Workaround is so write the image direct to boot media. Ugh, I dont feel like moving droves around for bare metal installs. Where there's a network there's a way; target system (debian netinst iso in rescue mode) nc -l | dd bs=16M of=/dev/sda source system dd bs=16M if=haos_generic-x86_64-19.4.img | nc 19000 e: formatting

    Lemmy Shitpost solidgrue 1 year ago 99%
    Party's over

    You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.

    New Communities solidgrue 1 year ago 93%
    Proposal: BillionairesBehavingBadly

    Sorry if this flies against the rules, this community doesn't seem to strictly prohibit requests. I don't have the technical wherewithal or time to pull this off, but remember that Twitter account that tracked Elon's private jet and poststed it for everyone? And then got banned? Awkward, right? Is that a thing now anywhere in the Fediverse already? If not, why not set up a community (/c/BillionairesBehabingBadly?) to bot-plot and document the comings and goings of tail numbers and registrations tags of our favorite (wannabe-) oligarchs' private planes, private yachts, and semi-public appearances? Celebrére is its own reward, no? So why not celebrate our new "ruling" class and journal their derribg feats?

    Jerboa solidgrue 1 year ago 88%
    To disable spell check on Android?

    Disclosure: I am not an applications programmer. I work lower down the stack. Jerboa (really, AOSP keyboard or more likely WebKit) has an annoying spell checker bug where backspacing and cursor based text editing mangle surrounding words and phrases. When I type in a field in Jerboa (this body text), an autocomplete-like underline appears ubder each incomplete word until I hit space. If I hit space and then backspace too rapidly (as if the spell check can't finish analyzing the new token before the next key event), the space before the preceding token gets underlined and then all hell breaks loose. I have to stop, hit space or newline, and then proceed backspacing m o r e s l o w l y. A workaround might be to include an attribute, `android:inputType="textNoSuggestions"` in the form elements to disable AOSP/WebKit native spell checks I'd submit a PR myself, but as I said, I'm not an app programmer. Anyone who has any experience with this wanna partner up to help debug what I'm talking about? I should add.... This isn't strictly a Jerboa thing. Many WebKit apps seem to display this behavior. (E.g., Firefox for Android, Tinfoil for Facebook, etc.) Its just more noticeable in Jerboa because of the length of text entry

    Memes solidgrue 1 year ago 97%
    Trolley memes
    Lemmy.world Support solidgrue 1 year ago 100%
    Wrong threads

    This was probably already reported, but when I click on comment links in Subscribed/New, I frequently end up in a page with the stats of a US major league baseball game, but with comments for the thread I clicked. In s rarely the same game twice, which seems odd. Seems like a websockets or ingress issue? It could also be browser related. I use a PWA launcher for Firefox on Android It seems to improve if I close the app, clear cache and restart. Seems to happen during peak load windows, too. Let me know if you need me to test anything. Thanks, and good.luck!
