fuck_cars Fuck Cars The cost of maintaining roads is astronomical
  • skullgiver skullgiver 5 hours ago 100%

    Roads are expensive for sure, but they're also necessary for last mile transport of good, even in walkable cities. Even bike paths need road maintenance because of environmental factors.

    We don't need nearly as many lanes as many highways have, but the amount of car oriented roads isn't as much of a problem as the implicit government subdisies flowing into roads is. Road users don't pay enough to maintain the roads they're using.

    This can all be fixed, though. Tax vehicles based on weight (for road damage), torque, and pollution, possibly with exemptions for trucks to make transport viable, and roads can be used and maintained. This has the added benefit of making land yachts less economically viable and making the roads safer for everyone as a consequence.

    Good luck convincing car owners to pay twice the amount of tax being spent on roads, though.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming RPCS3 Warns Against PS3 Scam Emulators for Mobile Users
  • skullgiver skullgiver 8 hours ago 100%

    The PS3 has a really weird CPU/GPU design that makes it challenging to emulate with any reasonable performance. The same was true for the PS2, which is why a console that old still has to rely on hacks and workarounds to gain any decent performance even on desktop, but the PS3 is a good bit faster and a decent chunk weirder. It also has better copy protection, though I'm sure that has been cracked by now.

  • thenetherlands theNetherlands Toen Marieke Groen (58) door ziekte minder kon werken besefte ze hoe arm ze is: ‘Een ambtenaar vroeg me geschokt hoe ik in godsnaam van mijn inkomsten kon leven’
  • skullgiver skullgiver 16 hours ago 100%

    Zonder betaalmuur: https://archive.is/vTBeN

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Do my phone and watch have explosives embedded in them?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 day ago 100%

    If you bought a pager or walkie talkie that was part of a batch of pagers ordered specifically by Hezbollah through a Mossad front, then yes. Be careful if you bought a second device of that kind from Lebanon recently.

    Otherwise, probably not.

    As for phones, the whole reason the Mossad bugged pagers was because Hezbollah told their members to get rid of their phones because they believed Israel could track them (which, given the many espionage and offensive hacking companies in Israel, is probably true). Unless the terrorists also ordered phones through this Mossad front, I don't expect any phones to explode.

  • risa Risa A Casual Mathematical Analysis of the Creepiness of Various Male Character on *Voyager*
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 day ago 100%

    Needs some female representation. I don't know where on the scale "deleting the wife of the semi conscious holo character" is, but I'm sure it registers on the scale somewhere.

  • chat Chat Is it illegal to manufacture a classic 32 panel 70's world cup style white truncated icosahedron football with the black pentagons on it?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 4 days ago 100%

    In my opinion these are all kind of secondary to the massive commercialisation of sports. This leads to exclusivity deals for all kinds of classic cultural icons. I know this example demonstrates that it's been this way for at least fifty years (the Telstar design is from 1974) but I'd wish parties like FIFA would stop selling out this much and at least make the ball designs open enough.

    There's something to be argued for the jacuzzification of this particular football design, so perhaps you can get away with selling these, but I don't think any ball company is willing to take the cost of the lawsuit even if they win.

  • chat Chat Is it illegal to manufacture a classic 32 panel 70's world cup style white truncated icosahedron football with the black pentagons on it?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 4 days ago 100%

    I think that design is copyrighted by Adidas. I can find some fakes online but I can't be sure those aren't dropshippers from China.

    I don't think Adidas makes them anymore and I don't think any country that respects copyright can sell similar balls without getting sued. You can get old replicas off of ebay, though.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars If only there was a way to get all of those people there and back home without a car.
  • skullgiver skullgiver 4 days ago 100%

    Even with that many cars, these sprawling parking lots are a waste of space. You can cut down the parking area by a huge amount by building a few multi story parking garages.

    Last stadium I went to did it pretty simple: train station next to venue, parking cost somewhere between 15 and 25 euros. They still have 2400 parking spaces next to their stadium that seats 55000, but if you put parking at a premium and offer an alternative, many people will just choose not to come by car. There are more parking spaces, but they're basically spread around the city so they can also be used when you're not visiting the stadium and are build next to public transport (or have dedicated buses for large crowds).

    Probably for the best too when it comes to sports, half the sports fans I see enter stadiums like these seem to be drunk before they even reach the entrance. I wouldn't want to be on the road after a match with those people going home…

  • fediverse Fediverse Can users from my instance still downvote with the API on other federated instances if I turn off downvotes on my instance?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 4 days ago 100%

    Huh, last time I checked that didn't work. Guess they must've fixed it at some point! Good to know!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 4 days ago 100%

    That makes a lot of sense.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 4 days ago 100%

    I first started donating blood when I read about shortages, but it turns out that was mostly other blood types. After the entry testing, they recommended me to switch to plasma donations because my blood type was common enough that they'd probably never need my full blood.

    If you have a relatively rare blood type, you may be able to help people even if they have enough blood to help most people.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 4 days ago 88%

    I think paying for blood or other bodily fluids is bad. It provides incentive for desperate people (addicts etc.) to lie on the safety forms to keep getting paid.

    I know a few people who donate blood despite not getting anything in return. I personally stopped donating plasma after a few times for health reasons (nothing dangerous in the plasma itself, luckily). To me, being able to help a hospital or a person by simply sitting back and watching shows on my tablet is probably the easiest, laziest charity you can support. The snacks are nice, too.

    Not everyone can donate blood, but everyone who is able to, you should consider it, even if you won't get paid for it. You can doom scroll and browse Lemmy like normal, except you're sitting in a weird chair and get free food.

    I suppose in the shittier countries, where all blood donation stuff is run for-profit, you should let them pay you if they're making a profit off of you, but I still think it brings a bad incentive.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 4 days ago 100%

    You guys get a day off? All we get is time off to donate (also as many cookies and drinks as you want within reason, of course.

  • fediverse Fediverse Threads makes it easier to evangelize the open social web with a new direct link feature | TechCrunch
  • skullgiver skullgiver 4 days ago 100%

    Something most accounts will never touch.

  • fediverse Fediverse Can users from my instance still downvote with the API on other federated instances if I turn off downvotes on my instance?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 4 days ago 100%

    Yes. If you want to block this, you either have to edit the source code or, at the load balancer/reverse proxy, block /api/v3/comment/like if the POST body's JSON content contains like with value -1.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Suggestions for best course of action to convince parents that cutting the cord is going to save them quite a bit of money and they can still watch all their programs?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 5 days ago 100%

    I totally agree, but unless there's something wrong with their mental faculties, they can choose back pain over TV savings. The downside of freedom of choice is that people make the wrong choices all the time.

    Even if you cut 120 dollars a month, a good mattress will still be half a year or longer in the future. And that's with a normal one, not a medical mattress.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Drinking expired water flavor powder?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 5 days ago 100%

    "Best by" often means "will lose taste over time and taste worse by" when it comes to chemical products like these.

    If this stuff contains lots of sugar or no natural compounds at all, give it a try, I guess. Especially if they're sealed in a box. Trust your senses, don't try too much at once if you don't know if it's still good, and don't swallow until you've verified there's no taste of rot or other grossness. If you want more safety, have a bottle of vodka ready to rinse your mouth with in case you do notice a bad taste.

    If these powders are completely dry and stored airtight (and the packaging isn't damaged), you could probably store them for literal decades without a problem. If there's stored in uncoated cardboard (no sealing lining), maybe treat them as mold infested, even before their expiration date. The way they're stored makes all the difference.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Suggestions for best course of action to convince parents that cutting the cord is going to save them quite a bit of money and they can still watch all their programs?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 5 days ago 100%

    I fucking hate apps. Maybe I don't hate them enough to warrant 120 a month, but I can see why people pay extra not to have to bother with figuring out what show is on what app and how to search and cast and browse the damn things

    If they use the TV box all the time, why do they have those apps?

    You showed them the price difference. They clearly value the current setup over the savings. Unless they're using your money to pay for all this, just drop it.

  • mastodon Mastodon Is Bluesky (going to be) as community-run as Mastodon?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 5 days ago 100%

    Bluesky people don't care about federation and the main server is the only relevant one anyway. In theory other platforms like Twitter and Facebook could start speaking ATProto, but I doubt it to be honest.

    The web is controlled by the IETF+WHATWG+some other acronyms but that doesn't stop Google from inventing stuff like WebBluetooth and putting it in their browsers. Just because a standard is run by the community doesn't mean it won't be extended with proprietary options, just that those proprietary options won't break everyone else's experience.

  • android Android `chown` on a sdcard directory impossible...
  • skullgiver skullgiver 5 days ago 100%

    Android users all kinds of overlays over the sdcard directory. This is part of how it enforces storage access for apps. There's probably a way to override these settings, but they sure as hell aren't easy.

    There's also another layer of permissions somewhere seeing as I can't access certain files on /sdcard that were created by the recovery. I assume it's an selinux context issue (it always is).

    Changing ownership should work on real SD cards with normal storage, but it won't for the emulated internal /sdcard.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Yoda might be running on multi-threading
  • skullgiver skullgiver 5 days ago 100%

    Lifetime issues? Just clone() all your problems away. Everything is Clonable if you try hard enough. Who needs performance anyway?

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why would someone desire a pension instead of a 401k?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 6 days ago 50%

    Bonuses always come with a catch. Stocks are just tricks to make you cover for the company, because if you turn whistleblower you're going to want to protect your wallet, and selling your stock right before going whistleblower can be seen as market manipulation. That stuff is a nice bonus, but there's no guarantee you'll ever receive any value out of them.

    As for 401ks, most people are financially illiterate. They either lack the knowledge or lack the time or energy to figure all that shit out.

    To anyone with stock market experience, the American 401k system is probably much better than normal pensions because you get to be in control. However, most people are complete idiots when it comes to money, and are easily tricked into dumping their retirement funds into worthless schemes pumped by scammers.

    With normal pensions, everything is taken care of and you can't even touch your money without going through a maze of rules and protections. With 401ks, you're on your own.

    There's also a responsibility component. Many pension plans have preset rates that the company pays into, while many 401k setups involve voluntary contributions. When you're earning minimum wage, you can't afford to put any money into a 401k, or maybe you could but you really want to eat out once a month, so you're taking the extra money for your retirement and spending it right now.

    If bonuses or stock payouts are even an option, a 401k may be the best solution for you. That's a pretty privileged position to be in, though.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Some rows of videos have different padding
  • skullgiver skullgiver 6 days ago 88%

    I believe this is because not all videos are 16:9 (or 16:10). Something about different video sizes seems to break youtube thumbnails for some reason.

  • technology Technology Building a browser using Servo as a web engine! - Servo, the embeddable, independent, memory-safe, modular, parallel web rendering engine
  • skullgiver skullgiver 6 days ago 78%

    I don't really see what that has to do with the feasibility of writing a new browser engine or the development status of either browser engine, but yeah, it was pretty silly of him to get dragged into an argument over that.

  • android Android Google is now rolling out Gemini Live to free users on Android
  • skullgiver skullgiver 6 days ago 100%

    For me, there's a 50/50 chance of it being able to tell me the weather rather than talking about how it's an LLM.

    I don't have the subscription, though, so maybe that'll fix it.

  • android Android Android 15 QPR1 redesigns the Settings app
  • skullgiver skullgiver 6 days ago 100%

    It's bringing back the categorisation from Android 4. Looks like they're not adding the headers to the groups, though. I guess that doesn't vibe with Material You.

    I do like this much better, but I find it a bit weird how often Google redesigns this screen.

  • android Android Google is preparing to integrate Extra Dim into Android's brightness slider
  • skullgiver skullgiver 6 days ago 100%

    That's because of the way HDR works. It can work accurately, or it can work with user dimming controls.

    Netflix decided my phone can only do SDR 480p because of my ROM, so I don't have that problem with Netflix. I can't find good HDR torrents, though.

  • technology Technology Building a browser using Servo as a web engine! - Servo, the embeddable, independent, memory-safe, modular, parallel web rendering engine
  • skullgiver skullgiver 6 days ago 61%

    Andreas Kling wrote a lot of Ladybird himself. It's not finished yet, and it's turned into a big community project with full time employees now, but with some experience building browsers, the modern spec evidently makes it quite a reasonable task to build a web engine. There are a lot of IDL files and whatnot to parse and process documents and the rendering algorithms are almost all laid out in the spec these days.

    I tried Servo last month and I must say that after what I've seen Ladybird do, I was kind of disappointed. I don't think release is very close based on the problems I've encountered.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck Steam Families is here
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 100%
  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Replace cars with velomobiles
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 100%
  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion The most annoying thing about younger people is they c*nsor themselves
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 100%
  • android Android Apps can now block sideloading more easily and force downloads through Google Play
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 100%
  • android Android Use eSIM plans on any Android phone with this handy adapter - Android Authority
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 100%
  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 100%
  • android Android iPhone 16 is here, but I’m hyped for just one reason: RCS on iOS 18
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 100%
  • android Android iPhone 16 is here, but I’m hyped for just one reason: RCS on iOS 18
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 100%
  • android Android iPhone 16 is here, but I’m hyped for just one reason: RCS on iOS 18
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 100%
  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why can't we "manufacture" food using the same raw materials that plants use?
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 100%
  • android Android iPhone 16 is here, but I’m hyped for just one reason: RCS on iOS 18
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 50%
  • android Android iPhone 16 is here, but I’m hyped for just one reason: RCS on iOS 18
  • skullgiver skullgiver 1 week ago 66%