asklemmy Ask Lemmy With basically almost every company collecting all our data at all times, who exactly are they selling it too? Wouldn't all these companies by this point have all yhe same information?
  • rev rev 12 months ago 100%

    Facebook was the same. A company would hand them a token for a visitor that went to their site like say Amazon. They then tell Facebook if you see that visitor token show them an ad for this vacuum cleaner. No information ever traded hands except some anonymous id and money.

    But I have had places actually sell my information. Comcast Various Banks The State of California

    I had a weird last name attached to Comcast never used it anywhere elae. Started getting mail from various companies for Rev WeirdLastname

    I registered an LLC, all these compliance companies now send me mail. Thanks California

    Tech companies not so much they just target ads and I can block those

  • memes Memes The American garbage parties
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    oh no they don’t care about non citizens they are just some brown people somewhere else.

  • memes Memes The American garbage parties
  • rev rev 1 year ago 30%

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

  • risa Risa *guitar shreds*
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    Explaine who was fixing those things after fighting that red dude and the witch

  • risa Risa *guitar shreds*
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy Reddit / lemmy vs Old internet forums
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    Feel like lemmy is more like usenet than a forum

  • memes Memes Boys With a Time Machine VS Girls:
  • rev rev 1 year ago 80%

    Richard Nixon started the war on drugs.

  • news News 50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, economics study says - CBS News
  • rev rev 1 year ago 90%

    100 years of inflation has destroyed the purchasing power of the poor and middle class. If your mam and pop does not grow 2% a year its a shrinking business and eventually there is nothing left. Big corps seem to make it work by bending the rules. But the little guy gets screwed. The rich tax rate is like the murmur show to distract us from losing everything of value.

  • politics politics 'Rich Men North of Richmond' Singer Oliver Anthony Slams Use of Song at Republican Debate: 'I Wrote That Song About Those People'
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah I heard that argument from the “right” and “left” yeah people would gamble all their money away then what.

    Its basic income, if you want more go produce something. But we should treat people like adults and stop treating them like children.

  • politics politics 'Rich Men North of Richmond' Singer Oliver Anthony Slams Use of Song at Republican Debate: 'I Wrote That Song About Those People'
  • rev rev 1 year ago 75%

    i’m not buying it. Sure he could be a confederate apologist but if you are writing a song about some rich old dudes in DC screwing the rest of us over its some hard rhymes. When I heard the song he pronounced the word “rich men” and “richmond” nearly identically. I was like what does “rich men north of rich men” mean, then later I heard “richmond north of richmond”

    Looking at the lyrics he was complaining that we have people in the streets with no food to eat while there are obese people getting fat on welfare. Sounds like he thinks government is incompetent.

    I saw a stat years ago that if we took all the money we spent each year on welfare and just gave the people those programs were trying to help straight cash we would have 5x the amount needed to push them all over the poverty line.

  • memes Memes Dealbreaker or no?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    ugh hate all that stuff

  • memes Memes Dealbreaker or no?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    As someone with a twin with a completely different personality the idea of horoscopes has always been sily

  • technology Technology New research shows renewables are more profitable than nuclear power
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    I was talking about the starting of new projects

  • technology Technology New research shows renewables are more profitable than nuclear power
  • rev rev 1 year ago 70%

    But disposal/storage of waste is baked in to the cost of nuclear. The economics of solar and wind don’t include those which is why we have windmill trash heaps

  • anime Anime 'Urusei Yatsura (2022)' Season 2 Key Visual
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    holy crap

  • technology Technology New research shows renewables are more profitable than nuclear power
  • rev rev 1 year ago 82%

    If we required the recycling cost to be covered in the purchase of solar cells and wind mill blades would this still be true.

  • 196 196 ally rule
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    tell them large marge sent you!

  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    ugh Jira. At my first job in 2006 I was the Jira administrator. Every project wanted their own custom fields. We had a Jira project for “infra” problems it had 3 fields yall Title/Description/priority and it worked so well. Moved to a company with a simple ticket system with not much more but the concept of “tags” it was heavily

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Small children are well known to be afraid of voids (closets, under the bed) in their sleeping area. Knowing this, why don't we design children's rooms to eliminate them?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    I always told my kids the monsters were in the closet not under the bed. I also introduced them to hand puppets named chewy and Bytee. They were monster ostrich that lived in the closet, there favorite food is my kids which they nip at and the kids all have found it hilarious over the years. Also there was a monkey that slept in the closet when the zoo was closed. I told the kids I was renting out the closet space. Have three kids 13, 11, 4 none of them were ever afraid of the closet or under the bed. Any hint that they thought something was in the closet and I would go full conspiratorial and confirm there is “something” in the closet. That always seemed to work well apposed to denying their fears.

  • rev rev 1 year ago 71%

    I have the HP Color LaserJet Pro M255dw I love it. I got it new last year. Sure its been complaining about low toner for 90% of that time but it still prints and they look great. I don’t have hp software installed, I have the wifi turned off and just use the ethernet hookup. airprint from my phone works great also. Its never once refused to print because one of the toner colors are empty. Sure it complains but it still prints. I can’t say the same for any inkjet I have ever owned.

    Never buy consumer grade printers. If the ink is more expensive than the printer you are going to get hosed in the long run.

    I had a brother laser before but it pulled so much current at warm up that it caused a brown out that tripped all the ups’s in the house.


  • python Python Python Docs now have a dark theme
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    Didn’t know how much I needed this before now.

  • technology Technology Many Americans think NASA returning to the moon is a waste of time and it should prioritize asteroid hunting instead, a poll shows
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    Lagrange point station would be neat.

  • python Python PEP 703 is going to be accepted, are you ready for noGIL?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    Like cython?

    Its a whole lot of magic. I many times have to look at the generated c code because its doing something weird especially when generating c++

  • python Python Intent to approve PEP 703: making the GIL optional
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    imho its a cost we should pay. CPU’s are getting more cores not faster ones.

  • python Python When to use `typing.TYPE_CHECKING`
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    Any time you need different behavior between static type checking and runtime.

    in 3.10 I’m using it to work around issue with NamedTuple generics. typing_extensions.NamedTuple allows Generics at runtime but typing.NamedTuple doesn’t. But the type checker we are using doesn’t support typing_extensions.NamedTuple like it does for the typing version so we lie at type checking time to get the typing to make sense but have different runtime type because otherwise its a TypeError

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Python rev 1 year ago 100%
    PEP 703 is going to be accepted, are you ready for noGIL?

    Meta is dedicating 3 engineers to get the nogil patches into cpython. There are some other companies stepping up as well. This is huge this is the closest we have ever been to solving the issue of the GIL.

    python Python Resources for someone looking into moving from other languages to Python?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    IMHO programs don’t belong on pypi only libraries. Its a waste of namespace.

    Explicit is better than implicit, read the zen of python(its short). Don’t be too magical. Don’t reach for a class if you have no state. Watch some jackdied talks from old pycons. You don’t need custom exceptions the stdlib has plenty. Also if its not documented don’t use it. Don’t use star imports.

    Black just use it don’t fight it, don’t waste brain space with formatting rules. “You can have any formatter you want as long as its black”. Use default black settings. People who don’t are heretics :P

    sys.path or PYTHONPATH is how imports are resolved. Much like shells looking for binaries. IMHO you should never adjust either. The current directory is always added to sys.path. but beyond that directories are packages. Use when you want to provide a module for what happens when you import a package.

    python3.11 -m venv .venv

    This is how you should create your venv. After that activate it and use pip. You should setup a requirements.txt for your project, then you can use pip -r to configure your env. Global install of third-party libraries is always a bad idea in practice. Version constraints make that almost impossible these days.

  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    python is like this also. I don’t remember a language that returned ints

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How can taylor swift re record songs?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    I guess it may depend on the rights of scooter. He may only have rights to the recordings themselves and not the lyrics.

  • politics politics The Nowhere Election
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    The “mainstream” media has not been mainstream for years. News Paper replaced the town criers. Radio Replaced News Papers. TV replaced Radio. Internet replaces legacy media. Its just how this works. The future is not centralized. There will never be a time again where 3 broadcast networks are allowed to control the news. This is good

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Exemployees of a company, what was your "fuck this shit I'm out moment"?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    I got a promotion. There was no raise in salary just expectations of more responsibilities. I got a $100 visa gift card. I saw that as a big fuck you. I was out as soon as I could manage.

  • technology Technology Why is it so annoyingly hard to set up a Fediverse node?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    I didn’t use docker. I went from scratch. You need to be able to compile rust and run nginx or similar

  • news World News Ohio Prison System Bans Java Computer Manual, But Allows Hitler’s Mein Kampf
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    so they are c# fans

  • linux Linux The Cloud Native Linux Desktop Model (e.g. Silverblue)
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    saw cloud based and thought plan9

  • programming Programming Yearly reminder that github still does not have an IPv6 address (2023)
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    This is just sad.

  • newcommunities New Communities Baking: a community focused on bread, pastries, and other things that come out of your oven.
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%


  • technology Technology Windows won't dominate enterprise in a decade, says outgoing Jamf CEO
  • rev rev 1 year ago 92%

    I’m on a mac for work. I use outlook for email and calendars and also have office installed

  • experienced_devs Experienced Devs Do your routine backend code releases require downtime?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah zero downtime. You ship out the new features but gate them using some system you can control. When all the new features are shipped you turn up the new features until it gets to 100%. This lets you observe the real world behavior of the new features if they don’t cache well or cause 500s or what have you you can turn it off without having to ship new code.

    Also if you keep all these feature flags, if you have a situation where you have capacity problems you can turn down features for the survival of the service as a whole.

  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    At university I asked a physics professor if it would be physically possible to build a mega structure like an orbital ring or space elevator. The professor told me it wasn’t a physics problem it was an engineering problem.

    I can tell an engineer that they are not a scientist when they tell me they don’t yet know how to solve the engineering problems of building a space elevator. While true the engineering problem is still unsolved.

    There are some editorials in the article that are unprovable like statements about morality. But some of these problems are really hard, and until some major breakthrough happens they will stay that way.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What would you do if you won the lottery?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    I already live where I want to live. I would probably buy up all the open land in my county. Get my friends to move out and live on one of my properties. Fix up this 120 year old farm house. Install a pond and more water features to hold onto rain water. Probably run some electric fencing get solar power go off grid. Pretend to be a cattle rancher. Try to turn this homestead into my very own paradise. But i’ll probably employ a-lot of people create some jobs do more charity work.

  • homeimprovement Home Improvement What should I do about cracks in the foundation/crawl space?
  • rev rev 1 year ago 100%

    If its line mortar replace it with lime mortar otherwise you will have a foundation failure down the line. The lime mortar is a sacrificial material. If you use normal cement, moisture will instead pass through the rocks and eventually those will fail. Old houses are all about sacrificing materials to maintain the bones of the house.
