nfl NFL NFL has first legal 12-men-on-field play in league history
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 weeks ago 100%

    Save you a click: they were a human ball tee, holding it during a kickoff, then leaving the field. Big deal.

  • nonpolitical_memes Non-Political Memes Who ever thought it sounded good this way? I think it's because headphones weren't widely used back then.
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, some were pretty crazy.

    Is mostly because stereo sound being widely available was novel and new. I have several albums that are literally just made to let people show off the stereo aspect of their new hi-fi.

    And there are some old mixes that are fairly extreme by today's standards but sound like a very real soundstage - the drums are over there, the vocals over here, etc.

    But then some took it too far with the control hard pans and then relying on the hard pan to fix bad levels (like that the drums are too loud)

    But even today, it's not unusual to have some instruments entirely (or very nearly) in one side of the other. Just not the primary instruments carrying the harmony and melody.

  • homevideo Home Video (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, 4k) The NeverEnding Story 40th Anniversary 4K Blu-ray
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 3 weeks ago 100%
    1. I'm sorry your parents never took you to art museums

    It'll probably more like plaster. 4k isn't always better. There are some low-budget effects things that aren't improved.

    I bet even comparing your old VHS that awoke your youth compared to the 2k Blu-ray, the new copy would be a lot less 'interesting' to look at.

    I just hope the 4k is transferred well but also doesn't let us see every seam in the costume and flake in the makeup

  • homevideo Home Video (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, 4k) The NeverEnding Story 40th Anniversary 4K Blu-ray
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 3 weeks ago 100%

    Nudity? You mean the fiberglass/plaster statues?

  • android Android YouTube Music can transfer playlists to Apple Music too
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 3 weeks ago 100%

    Rhapsody back in the day beat that. You could use All Music Guide info to build amazing custom playlists. Custom options like "Music featuring electric guitar with no vocals made between 1950-1957 with a tempo between 90-120" and it would shoot out a whole playlist

  • technology Technology FAA grounds SpaceX after rocket falls over in flames at landing
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 3 weeks ago 100%

    Pretty much just kerosene. So not the best, but not horrible. It just uses LOX and RP-1 (highly refined kerosene) for fuel.

  • adhd ADHD Do y'all have any music or playlists you find particularly helpful when trying get work tasks done? (The computer kind of work)
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 4 weeks ago 100%

    Baroque classical

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars Man walks over porsche blocking intersection
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 1 month ago 97%

    So stupid and fake. Guy in an unbuttoned shirt being the stereotypical trust fund bro. Handheld camera conveniently already running and pointed right at the action. r/whyweretheyfilming

  • politics politics GOP megadonor Miriam Adelson plans to do whatever it takes to help Trump win with $100 million PAC
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 1 month ago 100%

    So given the median savings in the USA is about $8000, it would feel like $25 does to most of us.

  • politics politics GOP megadonor Miriam Adelson plans to do whatever it takes to help Trump win with $100 million PAC
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 1 month ago 100%

    She's worth $28 billion. Unfortunately she will miss $100 million like the rest of us would miss $50.

  • stargate StarGate Stargate SG-1: Antarctica Battle - remastered in 4k/60fps
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 1 month ago 100%

    It's the 60fps that makes it feel that way more than the 4k.

  • minecraft Minecraft I just mapped my surroundings.
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 1 month ago 100%

    Nice. Looks cozy

  • videos Videos I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 1 month ago 97%

    Destin at Smarter Every Day and Steven Mould seem like solid guys, and content similar to Tom Scott if you haven't seen them.

  • android Android Are you excited about the upcoming Pixel 9, or have you given up on Google hardware?
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    It's pretty easy to strip most of it off. It's definitely an adjustment, but I got used to it (the remaining things I couldn't change) pretty quickly

  • android Android Are you excited about the upcoming Pixel 9, or have you given up on Google hardware?
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    I held on to mine for so long, but after they stopped getting updates, I bailed since the S22 wasn't massively larger.

  • android Android Are you excited about the upcoming Pixel 9, or have you given up on Google hardware?
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    It's 5.75" tall, so no. It's as big as I want to go. I'd love something a bit smaller to be sure

  • android Android Are you excited about the upcoming Pixel 9, or have you given up on Google hardware?
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 0%

    You can still lock down privacy stuff to a fair degree. I'm keeping an eye on it

  • android Android Are you excited about the upcoming Pixel 9, or have you given up on Google hardware?
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    Galaxy S22 with Nova launcher getting rid of the Samsung UI and making it note pixel-like.

  • android Android Are you excited about the upcoming Pixel 9, or have you given up on Google hardware?
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 93%

    Pixel phones have been too big for me for a while. They won't fit in my pockets comfortably and I don't want to have to stretch to reach the top of the screen. Come out with something 5.75" tall or less and I'll re-engage.

  • star_wars Star Wars The new Star Wars comic line is going to, finally, begin filling in stories post-Return of the Jedi!
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    You mean re-filling. It was filled quite nicely with the original Thrawn Trilogy. Still glad some of that was salvaged and brought into canon.

  • news News Sure, 2024 has had lots of news – but compared with 1940, 1968 or 1973, it’s nothing exceptional
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    Or what has been called one of the most historic and tumultuous years of a century (1968)... Yeah.

    Now I gotta look up 1973. Never heard it mentioned in this context...


    • Roe vs Wade
    • Vietnam War officially ended, US pulls out of Cambodia
    • OPEC oil embargo started
    • Wounded Knee occupation
    • Major flooding of the Mississippi River
    • New tallest building in the world (Sears Tower)
    • Nixon goes to China and US opens official office in Beijing
    • Battle of the Sexes tennis match
    • Secretariat wins first triple crown in 25 years, smashing records
    • "The Miller Test" for obscenity is established by the US Supreme Court
    • Two notable commercial airline crashes with fatalities (both in Boston, interestingly)
    • Egypt and Israel sign peace accord
    • Much of the Watergate scandal played out in 73, though Nixon didn't resign until August of '74
  • news News Warren Bill Would Overturn Supreme Court Decision Gutting Federal Agency Power.
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    That's what the saying means. It doesn't mean perfect isn't good. It means perfect is great, but don't let it stop good.

  • world World News Boeing faces fresh safety questions after engine fire on flight from Scotland
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    They technical don't make airframes or doors either (and still don't until their buyout of their supplier goes through).

  • pics pics A NYTimes photographer took a picture of Trump a moment before he was struck by a bullet
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    If that's real, that would be after he was struck, right? The bullet is to his left, and he was shot from his right

  • wikipedia Wikipedia Straw Hat Riot
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    Crazy. This is a good article to point to when people say everyone used to be better. Aside from all the, you know, racism, sexism, etc.

  • news News Boeing accepts a plea deal to avoid a criminal trial over 737 Max crashes, Justice Department says
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 2 months ago 100%

    They did it once, then did it again and not only is it still just a fine, the fine didn't even go up. Given inflation since then, the fine actually went down in real terms.

    That'll teach them for sure! /s

  • askphysics AskPhysics If I got big enough that Earth could fit in the palm on my hand, could I destroy it by squeezing it very hard?
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 3 months ago 93%

    No, I don't think so.

    The Earth's density is 5.51 g/cm³.

    For comparison, a baseball has a density of 1.3 g/cm³.

    Even just the Earth's surface crust has an average density of 2.7 g/cm³ (it's more dense under the ocean)

    Unless you can compress a baseball with your hands, you're not making a dent in the Earth.

    The only way it would work would be if your strength increased proportionally with your size, which isn't the case normally for humans (someone 20% taller than another person isn't necessarily 20% stronger than them).

  • minecraft Minecraft Minecraft is down
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 3 months ago 100%

    Yeah, saw something after I left the comment. It was Minecraft per se that was down. It was the x box authorization/login system. Even bigger!

  • nostalgia Nostalgia Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw. Which one was on at your grandparent’s house at 630pm (530pm CT) every weeknight?
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 3 months ago 100%

    Peter Jennings was on my parents' TV

  • minecraft Minecraft Minecraft is down
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 3 months ago 100%

    How does Minecraft even go down? Was it the MS-run Realms that were down? The entire x-box account authorization system?

  • workreform Work Reform Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 3 months ago 100%

    He was always a grifter. When I was in college in the late 90s he had a financial responsibility program for college students to help them learn how to get out from college debt they were in the process of racking up. It was something like $40-50 a session for a 6-8 week course. That would be roughly $75-90 today.

    I watched way too many of my friends give away money to that guy.

  • homevideo Home Video (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, 4k) Mike Flanagan Says Netflix Was "Actively Hostile" Towards the Idea of Releasing Physical Media: "It Became Clear Very Fast That Their Only Priority Was Subs"
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 4 months ago 100%

    Interesting because they've published things on home media in Europe fairly quickly and consistently. You just have to import them. At least most of the shows I've been interested in (Marvel Defenders, etc)

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Home insurance was once a ‘must.’ Now more homeowners are going without | Slammed by pricier policies and climate-driven natural disasters, more and more Americans are exposing themselves to risk
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 4 months ago 100%

    Interesting. I didn't know there would be minimums like that.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Home insurance was once a ‘must.’ Now more homeowners are going without | Slammed by pricier policies and climate-driven natural disasters, more and more Americans are exposing themselves to risk
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 4 months ago 50%

    The only people doing this are loaded with enough cash or assets to not have to take out a mortgage. They'll be fine.

    You can't get a new mortgage without insurance

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Home insurance was once a ‘must.’ Now more homeowners are going without | Slammed by pricier policies and climate-driven natural disasters, more and more Americans are exposing themselves to risk
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 4 months ago 100%

    Anyone going without home insurance is paying cash for their house. No bank would give someone a mortgage on a property that could turn to ashes with no insurance.

  • atheism Atheism This Christian movie was made near me and comes out soon. I almost want to see it because it sounds so funny.
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 4 months ago 100%

    Exactly my thought re: King James. Hilarious.

    But what do you mean by the "original text" which is challenging to even determine given the relatively recent age and conditions of most manuscripts of both new and old testaments.

  • movies movies What is your favorite PG rated horror movie?
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 4 months ago 100%

    The MPAA rating system didn't start widespread use until the early 1970s, and even then (as you'd expect since since it is the MPA"A") only in the USA. Other rating systems in other countries followed later (for the most part).

    So any movie prior to that would have been unrated when it came out. Especially if it was a non-USA production.

    Any rating you see on a movie older than that has been applied after the fact.

  • movies movies What is your favorite PG rated horror movie?
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 4 months ago 100%

    Does "Jaws" count? It wouldn't be PG these days but I'd say it counts as horror.

    "The Birds" was technically unrated when it came out. I've seen it rated as PG-13 now, but not sure what that's based on since it is from way before PG-13.

  • coolguides Cool Guides A cool guide to total tax burden by state
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 4 months ago 100%

    Horrible way to display this.

    In states with no income taxes and mostly regressive taxes like sales taxes and other consumption tax, the rich with large income (who always disproportionately account for all income in any state) pay a very low share of their income in taxes. Some people will be paying 10% of their income in taxes because their entire income is spent every month and taxed as consumption (sales taxes). While others pay only 2% of their income in taxes because a good portion of their income goes into savings and tax-free retirement accounts and not on consumption.

    Meanwhile states with a progressive income tax ensure that (closer to) everyone pays a more fair share of their income. So the rich end up paying more of their income. While lower income families pay a lower sales tax rate (and/or are able to see the benefits of better social programs funded by the taxes on the wealthy)

  • homevideo Home Video (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, 4k) Another hit to physical media as Target lays out plans to ditch in-store DVD and Blu-ray sales
  • pwnicholson pwnicholson 5 months ago 100%

    Someone has to sell them new in order to get them thrift.

  • news
    News pwnicholson 8 months ago 92%
    The U.S. just expanded its territory by one million square kilometers

    The expansion is based on internationally established definitions of the continental shelf, and comes from research and surveys conducted by various groups going back to 2003, confirming where the continental shelf actually is. Interestingly, this doesn't include the water column above this territory, so it doesn't mean control of fishing or shipping lanes. Only seabed/underground mineral/drilling/pipelines control. Depending on policy and which political party is in control at the time, this could mean preventing others from drilling these areas, or (more likely?) making a profit off allowing drilling here. Most of the addition is in the Arctic, but includes territory around the whole country.

    Nashville Predators pwnicholson 12 months ago 88%
    View from my seats for tonight. Glad hockey is back!

    Scored some free tickets from a friend. First time back in the building in more than a year. Even if it is 'just' preseason. Good to be back.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    San Antonio Spurs pwnicholson 1 year ago 100%
    [Chauncey Billups] Ginóbili deserved to get Finals MVP in 2005. I lost a lot of sleep because of him. He was just dominant.

    cross-posted from: > Watch this video on Streamable.

    Nashville Predators pwnicholson 1 year ago 100%
    What's the word on Preds TV packages? did Bally die yet? can't find any updates since the bankruptcy filing in the spring

    What's the word on Preds TV packages? did Bally die yet? can't find any updates since the bankruptcy filing in the spring I'd love a better option than the $20+ /mo direct subscription, and I don't want to sail the seven seas.

    No Stupid Questions pwnicholson 1 year ago 100%
    Is there a way to filter specific keywords for Lemmy?

    Either in a client (I've been using Jeroba) or in my Lemmy profile. I'd love to be able to block words I don't want to see stuff about... Like trying to avoid spoilers for movies, or just wanting to avoid mentions of certain people, but without blocking entire communities.
