news News UK train cancelled after squirrel refuses to get off
  • pixeltree pixeltree 7 hours ago 100%

    Ah yes, tourists, well known for all the squirrels they bring on every trip

  • memes memes It's been stuck in my head all day!
  • pixeltree pixeltree 9 hours ago 100%

    Honestly I love all those Peter and quagmire Simon and Garfunkel songs. Don't like family guy anymore but "I can't poop in strange places" still echoes through my head sometimes

  • 196 196 efficient game design rule
  • pixeltree pixeltree 9 hours ago 100%

    Sure! Best practices vary to your application. I'm a dev, so I'm used to configuring stuff for local env use. In prod, archiving is definitely nice so you can track back even through heavy logging. Though, tbh, if you're applications getting used by that many people a db logging system is probably just straight better

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts You can name a dildo company Tupperware without infringing trademark
  • pixeltree pixeltree 13 hours ago 100%

    I can't really speak from a position of knowledge on manufacturing TPU/TPE/PVC toys, but making silicone requires mixing two parts together and then casting your toys before they start to cure. I'd imagine Tupperware is an injection molding process instead. I have no idea how much machinery you could repurpose, though I'm curious to find out now

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts You can name a dildo company Tupperware without infringing trademark
  • pixeltree pixeltree 13 hours ago 100%

    Tbh for anal you can get enjoyment out of any size. I can take toys up to 8.5" in circumference, but still enjoy using my regular small human dick toy.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts You can name a dildo company Tupperware without infringing trademark
  • pixeltree pixeltree 13 hours ago 100%

    You should only make toys meant for butt use out of platinum cure/medical cure silicone, glass, or stainless steel. Other commonly used polymers such as TPU and PVC will give you ass cancer.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts You can name a dildo company Tupperware without infringing trademark
  • pixeltree pixeltree 13 hours ago 100%

    For warming them before use I know a few people who recommend a towel heater. Personally I think it's pretty hot when I pull something out and feel it's warmth and know it's my warmth

  • 196 196 efficient game design rule
  • pixeltree pixeltree 14 hours ago 98%

    You should have rolling log files of limited size and limited quantity. The issue isn't that it's a text file, it's that they're not following pretty standard logging procedures to prevent this kind of thing and make logs more useful.

    Essentially, when your log file reaches a configured size, it should create a new one and start writing into that, deleting the oldest if there are more log files than your configured limit.

    This prevents runaway logging like this, and also lets you store more logging info than you can easily open and go through in one document. If you want to store 20 gb of logs, having all of that in one file will make it difficult to go through. 10 2 gb log files is much easier. That's not so much a consumer issue, but that's the jist of it.

  • adhd ADHD memes Highly enjoyable things require concentration too
  • pixeltree pixeltree 2 days ago 100%

    Just... Ugh.

  • trans Trans How's your week been?
  • pixeltree pixeltree 3 days ago 100%

    Just came out to my cousin! Only extended family member to know. I told my sister a month after I knew, I knew she'd be supportive. Talked about it with my dad, he doesn't really get it but loves me and is happy for me. He's relatively old, and struggles with other people's name and pronoun changes, so I doubt he'll do well with mine if/when that happens, but that doesn't matter to me much. Haven't told my mother yet.

  • truecomics Everett True Comics Everett doesn't like to eat the same food twice (December 28, 1905)
  • pixeltree pixeltree 3 days ago 100%

    Maybe he just doesn't like hash

  • cat cats Lap-boy
  • pixeltree pixeltree 3 days ago 100%

    Awww, what a sweetie

  • politicalmemes Political Memes It's been a few days since I told people Sticker Mule is a shitty company
  • pixeltree pixeltree 3 days ago 100%

    Third: expecting a search engine to be helpful nowadays

  • reddit Reddit "It’s becoming impossible to differentiate between a regular user and a scammer"
  • pixeltree pixeltree 3 days ago 100%

    Not quite the same thing but I always worry people think I'm shilling when I talk positively about a product.

  • product_reviews product reviews bone conduction headphones
  • pixeltree pixeltree 3 days ago 100%

    Tbh I'd love for that connector to get turned into a charging standard. As for it sitting flat, that just doesn't bother me. Not to invalidate your opinion! I can see how that's irritating!

  • politics politics 'I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT': Trump Is Big Mad That the Star Endorsed Harris
  • pixeltree pixeltree 3 days ago 100%

    Time for the forcefem?

  • product_reviews product reviews bone conduction headphones
  • pixeltree pixeltree 3 days ago 100%

    Personally I like the charger, it lets it be waterproof without needing to worry about plugging the charging port

  • warframe Warframe I need a bit of Wisp propaganda.
  • pixeltree pixeltree 3 days ago 100%

    Haste mote does wonders for melee. Vitality mote is just convenient. In super endgame stuff you can't rely on it alone for survivability but it is a very serious ehp boost, and life recovery can be pretty hard to come by. She DOES fall off towards the late game, but she's still damn useful if only as a big quality of life boost.

  • unixsocks r/unixsocks on fediverse Latex programming socks
  • pixeltree pixeltree 4 days ago 100%

    Where'd you get yours? Anything a total newbie to latex should know?

  • 196 196 a modest pruleposal
  • pixeltree pixeltree 4 days ago 100%

    Yeah. Have had that twice. Kind of wish I hadn't, cause it's not likely to happen again and now I know what I'm missing

  • minecraft Minecraft On this day 10 years ago, Microsoft acquired #Minecraft developer Mojang for US$2.5 billion.
  • pixeltree pixeltree 4 days ago 91%

    Deep rock galactic is fantastic, highly recommend

  • greentext Greentext Anon goes to school with a menace
  • pixeltree pixeltree 4 days ago 100%

    100%, discovering butt stuffing was a life changing moment for me. Though be very aware sex toy materials in the US aren't regulated, it's perfectly legal to sell you a toy that will give you ass cancer. If it says for novelty use only or something similar, listen to it. Look for platinum cure or medical grade silicone, glass, or stainless steel. Avoid TPE and PVC at all costs. Lube wise, get xLube/kLube powder and make it yourself, WAY more cost effective than buying it already in liquid form and it won't have any irritants, like glycol, which many water based lubes include that actually acts as a laxative when in your ass, making for a much less pleasant experience. If you're looking for something longer lasting or for shower use, coconut oil is also good. Still pretty easy to clean up but is a lot more water resistant and doesn't really dry out. It does stain a bit though, so keep that in mind.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Where to put a smartphone if you move fast and need it always at hand?
  • pixeltree pixeltree 4 days ago 100%

    Waistband is the place to put it. Some running shorts come with a waistband pocket, in front is ok but in back is what I prefer. You can also get... A waistband with a pouch is the best way to describe it, just big enough for a phone and keys pretty much and you can put it under your clothes easily

  • pcgaming PC Gaming All employees of Annapurna Interactive (Stray, Outer Wilds) resign en masse
  • pixeltree pixeltree 5 days ago 100%

    When he bought that Hawaiian island he sent out an email to literally all employees bragging about it. From then on I had an email rule sending anything from him to trash

  • meta Meta Do You Still Use Git in the Terminal?
  • pixeltree pixeltree 5 days ago 93%

    I dunno, terminal just seems simpler. Why have another thing open when it's simple from terminal?

  • warframe Warframe Thought experiment: if you had to Iron Man the star chart with a single frame, who would it be?
  • pixeltree pixeltree 5 days ago 100%

    Qorvex. Can be insanely tanky but can also be built for insane clear, can also have good CC, and can have great single target damage with damage amp and armor strip. He can literally do it all.

    Further elaborated:

    His base armor is the highest in the game, by far. If you want to be extra tanky, toss all 3 umbral mods on, use adaptation, quick thinking, and the arcane that gives you energy based off of armor. Bonus points for rage and health regen. The only thing that can kill you is a rad proceed player or the last tick of a jade eximus beam, because that doesn't seem to do damage, it just kills you outright.

    Clear wise, his 4 is absolutely nutty. Every target hit by the beam does an explosion of radiation damage, and that radius scales with ability range, and his 4 has crazy punch through. So, if you fire it into a crowd, every enemy will get hit with the damage a number of times equal to the number of enemies close by. "But that requires enemies being grouped!" I hear you say. Luckily, his 2 does that quite nicely. Additionally, his 1 honestly does pretty high damage, scales great with range, and doesnt require building duration.

    Cc wise, his 1 is great, slowing enemies and rad proccing does well for CC, and his 2 is great as well.

    Damage wise, he has an augment that lets his 2 armor strip, and makes enemies take more damage.

    He's an absolutely terrific frame, 10/10 highly recommend

  • 196 196 brainrot rule
  • pixeltree pixeltree 5 days ago 100%

    It's Ohio's vibe. Boring, dull, uninteresting, a bit creepy. If you've got Ohio rizz, you have terriblely boring charisma

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How come Israel don't use Mossad to take out all of the Hamas leadership similar to what they did after Munich? Would this not be better than bombing stuff into oblivion?
  • pixeltree pixeltree 6 days ago 88%

    Because the genocide is the goal.

  • 196 196 Local Rules in your Area!
  • pixeltree pixeltree 6 days ago 100%

    I kind of dread the day I stop being appealing to gay men and start being appealing to straight men. Well, less the latter, I doubt I'll ever pass so well as to be appealing to straight men... During the brief unfortunate time I was stupid enough to look for connections, I had 0 interest from women, the only interest I had was from a few strictly gay not bi men. I seriously doubt transitioning is making me more appealing to women, so I feel like I'm slowly removing my dating pool as I become someone I like more. Well, it's for the best anyways, dating/hooking up was a disaster and I should have known better then to try. (It's not a problem that women aren't interested in me, it's not something I'm upset about, it's also for the best given some brain bugs I have)

    Sorry for trauma dumping in random places across Lemmy, it's just nice to get the thoughts out of my head and into text sometimes

  • 196 196 French rule
  • pixeltree pixeltree 6 days ago 100%

    I'm just mystified how you know yourself that well, sitting here in my puddle of self doubt

  • artporn artporn Saturn Devouring His Son - Francisco Goya (1820 - 1823)
  • pixeltree pixeltree 6 days ago 100%

    My first thought was "wow, the painter only lived 3 years?" Hahaha

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Today I write about Tim Boucher, desperate Ai-enthusiast crying into his fists, "I'm an author! I'm an author!"
  • pixeltree pixeltree 6 days ago 100%

    He's not a writer, he's an editor. And there's nothing wrong with that, crafting ai output into a coherent and competent output is a task, I'm sure. However, I think calling the role a writer is a step too far.

  • programming Programming Why Copilot is Making Programmers Worse at Programming
  • pixeltree pixeltree 6 days ago 100%

    I don't think it's making devs worse, however I do think it's significantly lowering the bar to entry to the point where people who don't have enough knowledge to actually do the job well are becoming proceedingly common. Theoretically they should get weeded out by a good interview process but corporate be corporate

    Not that my opinion is worth anything, it's not like I have anything to back it up.

    Please disregard any takes I may have

  • cat cats Heated Floor
  • pixeltree pixeltree 7 days ago 100%





  • 196 196 Got over my prulesting anxiety
  • pixeltree pixeltree 1 week ago 100%

    No it's actually laying your head in someone's lap and having them gently run their fingers through your hair while reassuring you everything's ok

  • 196 196 Sick rule
  • pixeltree pixeltree 1 week ago 100%

    Cans of condensed chicken noodle soup is my mental and physical illness food. I keep a bunch of it in the cabinet. Having difficulty with solid foods? Soups got your back. Can't bear to scrape together the function to cook or order food? Worst case scenario, slap a can in a bowl and run the sink as hot as it goes to add the water if heating it's just too much to do

  • femcelmemes Femcel Memes Nowhere Girl Characteristics(checklist)
    microblogmemes Microblog Memes Mozilla be like:
  • pixeltree pixeltree 1 week ago 93%

    Try using tree style tabs, it's really great. Most websites are laid out such that there's tons of wasted horizontal space and vertical space is limited, so you increase usable screen space by moving tabs to the side. Additionally, with tabs at the top, the more tabs you have, the harder they are to read and keep organized. With tree style tabs, no matter how many you have, they're always maximally readable, and the ability to nest them and collapse groups gives you a ton of power organization wise. You can also easily hide the sidebar when you DO need the extra horizontal space. The ability to bookmark groups of tabs at once makes it much easier to keep close tabs you aren't actively using.

    We spend so much time using web browsers, why not optimize them for human use?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy About to turn 30 and dreading my party (kinda). Anyone else over their birthdays but get FOMO for parties?
  • pixeltree pixeltree 1 week ago 100%

    For my birthday I want my friends to throw me a surprise party where I get euthanized

  • news News She ate a poppy seed salad just before giving birth. Then they took her baby away.
  • pixeltree pixeltree 1 week ago 100%

    I remember myth busters testing this

  • mtf
    Transfem pixeltree 3 weeks ago 100%
    Timeline Questions

    Hey all, as I've been thinking about who I want to be and how I want to transition, I've gotten to wondering about people's transition timelines in general. If it's something you're comfortable talking about, how long did it take you from realizing your trans to taking steps to transition? When did you start using different pronouns, when did you come out to people, how long did it take you to know you wanted HRT and then to start it? I realized I wasn't cis a few months ago, and have been growing my hair out and experimenting with clothing. I know I want to get permanent facial hair removal, and am interested in HRT but have reservations, and would value hearing others experiences about how long it took them to know what they wanted. I'm a very hesitant and self-doubtful person in general, and I guess just feel a bit lost in how to go about self discovery here. Editing to say thank you very much all for sharing, seeing how different everyone's experiences can be is honestly really comforting.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    depression_now! pixeltree 1 month ago 90%
    It's either kill myself or quit my job, so I'm quittingnmy job

    When I can't find another and run out of savings in a few months, *that's* when Ill kill myself. Honestly did a bit of a trial run last night, fastened a bag over my head and snuggled my stuffed animals on the couch to see what it would be like. It's definitely something I can go through with if/when it comes to it. Taking other steps to make life less unbearable first, hence the title. I don't really see my life ending any other way though tbh, just more of a question of when. If I'm lucky, it'll be when the climate change induced famine prices me out of being able to eat and I chose not to starve. Anyways, sorry for making you read this. Fuck.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Tom Swifty Jokes pixeltree 2 months ago 93%
    "Why can't you ever be on time?" Tom said belatedly.
    196 pixeltree 5 months ago 100%
    "What's your gender?" "Well..."
    Femcel Memes pixeltree 6 months ago 100%
    Butt full, head empty
    Sync for Lemmy pixeltree 7 months ago 100%
    Any chance direct messages will be supported any time soon?

    It's the major thing holding me back from buying ad free. Trying to view dms instantly crashes the app and it's very frustrating.

    Transfem pixeltree 7 months ago 99%
    Stopped being able to be in denial on friday...

    and this popped into my head. As a friend said, it's confusing and scary but ignoring just makes you feel more confused and scared, and that's so accurate.

    196 pixeltree 7 months ago 100%
    *cute aggression intensifies*
    Femcel Memes pixeltree 8 months ago 100%
    You can't stop me