asklemmy Ask Lemmy What movies can you rewatch often and not get tired of?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 day ago 100%

    Everyone has about the same answers here, and I agree with many, but I've got a weird one:

    Super Size Me

    Something about it just compels me. And it always makes me want McDonald's afterwards... I truly struggle to explain why.

  • satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory YSK: Quick Search (N) can be used for calculations
  • notnotmike notnotmike 2 days ago 100%

    I have seen your profile picture before and it didn't dawn on me what character it was until this moment...

  • satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory YSK: Quick Search (N) can be used for calculations
  • notnotmike notnotmike 2 days ago 100%

    I'll add this to the hot tips I've learned way too late

    Also included

    • Zoop mode
    • Middle mouse button to "copy" something
    • Overclocking takes exponentially more power (not linear)
  • deadlock Deadlock Deadlock 09-12-2024 Update
  • notnotmike notnotmike 6 days ago 100%

    I think it was for color-blind friendliness

  • cat cats Don't buy any automatic litter box from ali express or similar - they can be DEADLY
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 week ago 93%

    As of late? It's been shit for years.

  • videos Videos Which Drywall Anchor is Best? Let's find out! - Project Farm (17:10)
  • notnotmike notnotmike 2 weeks ago 100%

    Love this channel, I've watched his videos for a couple years now. His scientific method can leave a lot to be desired at times, but it's still great information and I always keep them in mind.

    This is one of the more iconic ones, in my mind, but he's still going strong today

  • experienced_devs Experienced Devs Is GitHub Copilot worth it to you?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 2 weeks ago 100%

    It could also be the language choice, which one are you utilizing? I could see some languages having a worse experience than others.

    I've found it is exceptionally smart with bash. It often knows what to do better than I can, because I'm no master at bash. I'm proficient enough to know when it's right though, and it's usually pretty on point.

  • explainlikeimfive Explain Like I'm Five ELI5: Why is cheating in online games seemingly so prevelant?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 2 weeks ago 100%

    The first two reasons, to me, feel like excuses to hide the true reason(s) they cheat. I'd wager it varies per person but that many just want to be seen as cool or skilled by having everything or beating everyone. It seems equivalent to people who modify cars to be extremely loud; despite many saying the contrary, they've convinced themselves that people love to hear their loud cars go by.

    It could also be the anonymous effect of online games. They don't quite perceive themselves as cheating, really, because they don't know the players and will never know them. It likely feels like NPCs in a video game, for the most part. If there were actually social pressure, like would be in a schoolyard game of football, then far fewer would be willing to risk the social ostracization. But because they are anonymous online, they feel safe and empowered to cheat.

  • experienced_devs Experienced Devs Is GitHub Copilot worth it to you?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 2 weeks ago 100%

    Like most have already said, the auto complete is top tier while the chat is hallucination-riddled and not always useful. I find that if I'm asking Chat a question, my problem is already so complex that the AI struggles to answer it without the entire context of the application. It will give me unrelated answers, fake answers, or extremely basic ones that miss the broader context. It's really a coin flip on whether it will help.

    I have also had the autocorrect make a mistake once and that was extremely annoying. It was the type of mistake I would have made but took way longer to figure out because I trusted it too much

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%


  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    I've already made a Smeagol reference in this thread, but perhaps one more is in order...

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    Oh wow that's actually a really good point!

    Now prepare for it to be dismissed! People are too dug in at this point, there's no going back. The trenches have been dug.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    But what if I wants the whole bread, Precious

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    Dota players will pronounce "Abaddon" (a hero's name) like "ah-buh-don" and it's really bizarre. In their defense though, many aren't native English speakers

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    That's a sensitive topic

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    Oh this one really speaks to me. I feel the same way, probably to an unhealthy degree, honestly

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus or Self Contained Oonderwater Breathing Apparatus (

    That's the problem with this debate, for every argument, the counter argument is just the same thing but a different example! The only argument that remains is "the creator said so" vs "so what he's lame"

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    Get bent

    Now, Bob, let's keep it civil here

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 90%

    I have the opposite view, but I thought it would be too incendiary a topic to bring up...

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 85%

    I hope it's a giraffe

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 94%

    Absolute nonsense

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    Technically, I wait until you're done speaking to strike

  • asklemmy
    Ask Lemmy notnotmike 4 weeks ago 98%
    What's the most petty/pointless/pedantic hill you're willing to die on?

    For me, it may be that the toilet paper roll needs to have the open end away from the wall. I don't want to reach **under** the roll to take a piece! That's ludicrous! That or my recent addiction to correcting people when they use "less" when they should use "fewer"

    videos Videos New Technology Connections: Door closers: ubiquitous, yet unloved and often maladjusted
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    I have one in my garage and you'd better believe I'm going to inspect it now

  • videos Videos 15 years ago today: Keeping your refrigerator stocked
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    The streamer Atrioc recently made a comment about old videos like this that really makes me think every time I see a throwback like this.

    He pointed out how our media consumption has completely changed, and that for many of the most viral videos 10 years ago, people wouldn't even make it halfway through them if they were posted today.

    "Charlie bit my finger" was so popular but if it had been released today would be absolutely ignored. The actual bite doesn't happen for 20 seconds which is longer than most short form content

  • cat cats The further adventures of Archie and Veronica
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    Good lord they look exceptionally soft. It's impossible to resist disturbing them

  • technology Technology Texas judge who bought Tesla stock won’t recuse himself from X v. Media Matters
  • notnotmike notnotmike 4 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah the news of this non-recusal came too soon after the other recusal. Very confusing timeline if you didn't know there were two cases

  • technology Technology Texas judge who bought Tesla stock won’t recuse himself from X v. Media Matters
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%

    The mathematical proof is that Elon owns several hundred million Tesla shares and his holding or selling of those shares will impact the share price of the judge's shares. Up or down, the price will be impacted, that's just how markets work. If he is forced to sell those shares to fund X, the judge will be impacted.

    Also, you shouldn't really need an exact proof for the judge's recusal. There is a chance he is impacted by the result of the case in a significant monetary way, so why not pass the case to a judge who doesn't have these connections. This isn't the last judge in Texas (just one of the most partisan) so there is far greater upsides to recusal than downsides.

    Why risk the optics of impropriety when you don't have to?

  • technology Technology Texas judge who bought Tesla stock won’t recuse himself from X v. Media Matters
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%

    For anyone confused by this headline, there are two trials this judge is considering for X

    [O'Conner] was overseeing two lawsuits filed by X and recused himself from only one of the cases.

    This isn't the new case about the "illegal boycott" O'Conner has recused himself from that trial (likely) because he also owns stock in Unilever, one of the defending companies

  • technology Technology Texas judge who bought Tesla stock won’t recuse himself from X v. Media Matters
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%

    In my opinion, it comes down to the wording of the U.S. judges' code of conduct

    A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned

    While the link between Musk's two companies might be debatable, it definitely raises "reasonable questions" about whether or not the judge can be impartial. It is much easier to recuse oneself then to try to deal with a mistrial, so the judge not recusing themselves is extremely suspicious.

    Also, as to evidence to whether Musk's involvement with X has impacted Tesla stock, that has been a matter of debate for a while. X is in a dire financial situation because of the loans taken out during the buyout. If they cannot get advertisers back on the platform, then either X goes bankrupt or Elon has to chip in his own money. Musk's money is mostly locked in to Tesla stock, and if he sells a large number, the stock will inevitably go down. Therefore, if Elon loses this case, it is very possible that the judge will lose money.

  • memes Memes high energy expenditure
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 92%

    I just wish people were less aggressive when arguing on the internet. It just gets so vitriolic and about winning rather than finding the truth

    I also hate when people think "downvote = disagree" when that's really not what we should be using it for. I never down vote in a debate (unless they get rude or offensive) and I always feel bad when someone comes along and down votes the person I'm arguing with! Now they're going to think it's me doing it and get angry!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are your favorite privacy-focused alternatives to standard apps?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%

    There's a PR open for the feature, but doesn't look like it's actually been implemented yet.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are your favorite privacy-focused alternatives to standard apps?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%

    It has 6.4k stars on GitHub and a very active repository (also it's "Obtainium" without the "un")

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are your favorite privacy-focused alternatives to standard apps?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%

    Here's a JSON export of my current Obtainium library

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion I prefer alcohol based aftershave.
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%

    This thread is making me want to try some aftershave

  • technology Technology Microsoft confirms its Paint 3D app is being discontinued in November
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%

    A shame because I actually use Paimt3D quite a bit for editing images quick and dirty. Hopefully some of the features make it to Paint before long

    Microsoft has now put most of its focus on the existing Paint app within Windows 11 instead, adding some of Photoshop’s best features to the app and even updating it with AI-powered features.

    Oh. AI features. Grand.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions is there a trustworthy SMS MMS app for Android that's not Google?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%
  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions is there a trustworthy SMS MMS app for Android that's not Google?
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%
  • technology Technology ‘Sinkclose’ Flaw in Hundreds of Millions of AMD Chips Allows Deep, Virtually Unfixable Infections
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 99%

    I mean, I'm not much of a tinfoil hat, but this article feels extremely conveniently timed for Intel, who is currently going through a massive ordeal with their chips. Especially considering that the vulnerability is so extremely difficult to exploit that there's borderline no story here for 99% of people but the headline will still drive clicks and drama.

  • askbeehaw
    AskBeehaw notnotmike 1 month ago 100%
    Are there any good alternatives to Etsy that Beehaw likes?

    I love the idea of supporting small business and quality, handcrafted items. But Etsy seems to be more focused on drop shipping and it becomes a hassle to investigate every item I purchase to determine whether it ships from China or not. Does anyone know of any alternatives with a good reputation?

  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%

    For standard herb patches that are in a state where they need attention, such as harvesting or curing, the click-zone now covers the full 2x2 patch to enable easier clicking.

    Oh my lord that's good

  • firefox Firefox Mozilla wants users to take part in a survey about browser features
  • notnotmike notnotmike 1 month ago 100%

    Pocket is decent but I haven't used it in years and definitely don't want it to be a Dev priority

  • homevideo
    Any recommendations for digitizing DV tapes?

    I've recently started digitizing my mother-in-law's collection of home movies. **What I would love is some recommendations or tweaks I can do to improve the quality and remove any combing or minimize static.** I am not particularly concerned with audio quality, but I'll list it below as well. And so far I'm enjoying the processes. It's really fun to see old videos and to learn a bit about video formats and encoding. I'm an amateur when it comes to these kinds of things so I'm learning as I go along. Each tape I make the picture clearer and the file size smaller! ### Recording - Sony Handycam (DCR-TRV27) - Various DV 60/90 cassette tapes - Seemingly ran in standard recording mode (tapes are 60 minutes) ### VCR - [Elgato USB Analog Video Capture Device]( - Handycam's VCR mode connected via S-Video Cable and 3.5mm audio jack\* _\* I have ordered a A/V to RCA cable which is the manufacturer's recommended connection, but unsure about the effects on quality_ ### Software - OBS for recording the VCR feed - Downscale Filter: Bicubic (Sharpened scaling, 16 samples) - Deinterlace - Linear 2x - 720x540 @ 29.97 FPS (NTSC) (upscaled from 720x480) - "Indistinguishable Quality, Large File Size" - .mkv format with H.264 encoder - Audio Encoder AAC - Audio 48khz steroe - Handbrake for re-encoding - 720x480 @ 29.97 FPS - H.264 (x264) MKV format - No additional deinterlacing - "Constant Quality" set to 20 - Audio Encoder AAC

    Taylor Swift notnotmike 3 months ago 85%
    Swifties (x-post from ScienceMemes)

    cross-posted from:

    While garage sale-ing recently, I found some old VHS tapes - I've now decided I want to start a personal archive and digitize these types of obscure tapes

    I got an Elgato capture card and a VCR off of EBay and have already digitized three tapes I've found at garage sales. Any advice for cleaning up the image and audio? I recall there were VCR cleaners but never was confident of their efficacy.

    Gardening notnotmike 4 months ago 100%
    Any accurate gardening games?

    I want to become a more knowledgeable gardener, and besides research and studying, I think a fun way to enhance my knowledge would be a fun gardening game. Are there any that are particularly accurate or relaxing? [Garden Life]( looks pretty chill but maybe not challenging or accurate to reality. And to clarify, by accurate I mean you need to plant in correct lighting, water an appropriate amount, and fertilize to optimize for stems, flowers, fruits, etc.. Bonus points for having the option to pick your planting zone!

    Nature and Gardening notnotmike 4 months ago 100%
    Advice Needed: Viable grass for a catio

    Hey all, I've created a catio (cat patio) for my two cats in a window well next to my desk. They absolutely love it, but I would like to make it even better for them by using _real_ grass. Currently, I have a pretty good artificial grass in there that they love to lay in and stays green year 'round, which is fine enough. But I would really love to give them some real grass (or moss) to lay on and maybe even munch on. So, with that backstory, I would love to find a grass that has the following traits. 1. Comfortable and safe for cats (both internally and externally) 2. Stays relatively short since I can't exactly get a lawn mower 3. Doesn't require a lot of sun It would also be a bonus if it were okay with more arid climates, because I would prefer to minimize watering as much as possible. My mind goes to something like Spanish Moss since it stays relatively short and is pretty comfy, but I'm not sure if that's the best option, so I wanted to ask people more experience than me. Picture of the window well in its current state and one of its occupants for reference below. And for anyone concerned, the well is closed in with a grate and some chicken wire so they can't slip out. They are not outdoor cats, but we do take them out on harnesses for walks. They are treated for pests like tics and mites as a precaution. ![]( Thanks anyone who answers!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    All things bodyweight notnotmike 4 months ago 95%
    Getting older so I've decided I need to get into a routine of working out.

    Reached 30 and the wheels started falling off. Gained 20 pounds and back pain out of nowhere, it's like a damn sitcom. I feel uncomfortable in clothes I've worn for a decade so its time to put in effort. Better late than never I guess. **I want advice on good beginner resources**. I'm talking really beginner, like how many reps to do, how long between reps, what machines to hit, etc. I've been to gyms before but just kinda rode the reclined bike them made shit up when I got to the weight machines. I also am terrible at not doing too much with my back, which is almost certainly where my back pain originates from, so extra instruction on how to properly engage my core is a bonus. The one advantage I have is that I'm very good at tracking calories. I've just gotten lazy since Covid. So I've downloaded MacroFactor to try out some new technology. I've used Waistline recently but it's just too cumbersome to add food, and I lose motivation. Appreciate the help in advance! P.S. the one upside to turning 30 is that I can grow a beard now. So at least I've got that going for me

    Rider notnotmike 4 months ago 100%
    Pros and Cons of using Rider over Visual Studio

    Around two years ago I was on a really small team, just two or three developers, and the other developer decided they wanted us to use Rider. Because I didn't have a preference, I used Rider and rather enjoyed it. However, that developer has since moved teams and now it is just me (for the time being). So I was considering moving back to Visual Studio or even switching to Visual Studio Code, but I wanted to see some arguments against this. Here is my list so far, but it's probably out of date since I haven't used Visual Studio in a long time. Pros of Rider: - Much faster than using ReSharper - Less sharp interface with a better font - I'm used to it at this point - I have a Nyan cat loading bar which is kind of fun Cons of Rider: - Enterprise license is expensive (probably) - New versions of C# aren't immediately supported - Refactorings are becoming less necessary with the rise of AI assistants - Don't really like their source control manager Wanted to hear what other users think. What keeps you using Rider?

    memes notnotmike 4 months ago 83%
    I'm just here to laugh at Spongebob memes

    Oh and banned for rule 1 if you disagree

    cats notnotmike 5 months ago 99%
    I can't sit on the couch anymore without one (or both) of these goobers requesting a blanket fort. If they're desperate enough for a fix they'll even share

    I would recommend everyone try this. Just sit down, bend your knees, throw a blanket over, and show them the entrance. Just be warned they will not leave unless you make them

    C Sharp notnotmike 6 months ago 100%
    Opinions needed: Best way to develop NuGet packages

    My favorite way to develop applications is microservices, or at least smaller services that can separate concerns a little bit. In our current application, there is an API we've created with an OAS document and an auto-generated .NET SDK based on the document. We then have a web console that makes calls to the backend API using the SDK and, ideally, customers would also use the SDK. So my question to everyone is: what is the best "flow" to develop a NuGet package? Currently, we have pipelines which publish the NuGet package of the SDK to our internal NuGet repository on every commit within a merge request. We have a manually incrementing semver with an additional build number tacked on (for example `1.2.3+abc123`). Now this works pretty well, but we often run into problems where a tester's NuGet doesn't pull down the latest version based on the build number if it detects it has the proper semver number. For example, if we create `1.2.3+abc456` NuGet won't pull down this version as long as it has the original `1.2.3+abc123` in its `.nuget/packages` directory. Testers and developers have to manually delete the version from the packages directory and do a fresh restore. So, is there a better way to do build numbers? Or should I be deleting the NuGet package from the private repository every time (doesn't sound ideal...)? The other part of this question is what is the best way to develop and test NuGet packages locally? My current flow is a PowerShell script which will create the new `.nupkg` file, publish it to a local/filesystem NuGet directory with some random semver number (i.e., `9.9.9`), update the `.csproj` with the version (temporarily), and then do a fresh `dotnet restore` on the target project. However, this can be cumbersome and feels like something that should be built into the `dotnet` command. Am I missing something, or is this really the best way to develop locally?

    Ecosia notnotmike 7 months ago 92%
    Adding Ecosia to Firefox Android without the App

    You can add Ecosia as a search engine to Firefox Android by going to `Settings - Default Search Engine - Add` then entering the following: * Name - Ecosia * Search URL - * Complete URL - This will also allow you to use the Firefox Search widget on your home screen to search Ecosia. I tried using the Addon to no avail, so I had to manually add the search myself. Thanks for creating the community! I had forgotten to use Ecosia on Android for a while now. So much missed opportunity

    Programming Books notnotmike 10 months ago 75%
    Dive into Deep Learning - Free, online, and open source book about deep learning The book was written originally by a group of Amazon engineers and strives to be a resource on getting started with deep learning. Even if you have no interest in developing models, you should be aware of how they work under the hood. For the AI enthusiasts, it makes them more interesting. For the AI doomists, it makes them less scary. The book being online and an easy to remember URI makes this a great reference book that you can access from any device with an internet connection. You could read the whole thing with cURL if you were feeling wacky. You can also clone the repo and host it locally if you want to "own" a copy. They are releasing a physical book in English this week, so for you collectors out there can have something for your shelves.

    Memes notnotmike 10 months ago 98%
    This needs to be a well-defined psychological principle. I do stuff like this all the time

    Get good loot from a toolbox in Fallout? Gotta check them all now

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    'Tis the season for fireplaces
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    This cat bed is heated, so it's naturally the best seat in the house
    Memes notnotmike 12 months ago 98%
    This the big leagues kid
    Comics notnotmike 12 months ago 95%
    I'm not... strong enough.
    cats notnotmike 12 months ago 99%
    Become one with the blanket
    Memes notnotmike 12 months ago 98%
    I actually prefer mine with ranch to inject the most Calories possible

    - "Would you like 20 corn tortillas?" - "No way that's too many" - "What if we cut them up, deep fry them, and add some guacamole?" - "We ran out bring more"

    Steam Deck notnotmike 12 months ago 95%
    Day 1 of having a Deck and this is a noticeable issue

    Original meme is for Switch. Have been playing Cyberpunk so far and luckily this doesn't happen often
