politics politics Trump says he will visit Springfield, Ohio, 'in the next two weeks'
  • Waldowal Waldowal 3 hours ago 100%

    What, to rub it in? He's turned that town into a warzone of insanity. Might as well piss in the town square and head out.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 6 days ago 50%

    Yea, I read it. I'm not buying it.

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha Funniest title wins...
  • Waldowal Waldowal 6 days ago 100%

    Brian understood the kitchy pot and burner decor. But, he didn't understand why it also involved sitting 8 hours a day in cold gazpacho that only came up to his balls.

  • andfinally And Finally... Man gets food poisoning in his penis after intimate moment with wife
  • Waldowal Waldowal 6 days ago 100%

    Can you imagine being in the throws of violently vomiting and shitting, and your wife is like "That's hot. Let's do it.", and you're like "I'm down". What kind of lives are these people living?

  • andfinally And Finally... Man gets food poisoning in his penis after intimate moment with wife
  • Waldowal Waldowal 7 days ago 94%

    If I'm reading it correctly, this has absolutely nothing to do with having sex with his wife. The final sentences explain he ate presumed bad rice the day before, got sick, and probably got vomit or shit on his dick - which caused a secondary skin infection. Same story whether he had sex with his wife or not.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 7 days ago 77%

    I feel like this is just gift wrapping being a dumb racist hick in prettier paper. They are scared of cities because their full of black people, gays, and Mexicans. They like assholes who show the same level of hate as they do - who will keep the black people, gays, and Mexicans away. And they like someone who justifies hiding behind religion so they can tell themselves that God made them this dumb and rascist. So they can delude themselves into thinking they are really the good guy.

  • coffee Coffee How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 week ago 100%

    Where do you buy from?

  • historyruins History Ruins Remains of a house in central Georgia, USA, built in 1894
  • Waldowal Waldowal 2 weeks ago 100%

    Which is also in Georgia.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is the most quintessential 90s movie?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 2 weeks ago 100%

    Just rewatched that as well. Some of my favorite parts:

    • It's set in 2021
    • His brain implanted hard drive holds a whopping 80GB. He uses a "doubler" to increase his capacity to 160GB. The whole plot of the movie is that he loads 320GB in, which leaks into his brain, and he has to get it back out before it kills him.
    • The encryption key to the data is photos of a tube television screen that have to be faxed to the recipient.
    • One futuristic aspect to his hotel room is that the TV wakes him up with a personal message on screen and then he uses it for a video call.
    • The local rebels are a group called the Low-Teks - led by Ice-T. They end up having the highest end tech.
    • The best doctor around is Henry Rollins.
  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's your favorite and best Content to fall asleep to?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 3 weeks ago 100%

    The fetish stuff is all created by people who can't experience ASMR and just assume it's what being horny feels like. Sad really.

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation What is the best concert you have ever been?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 3 weeks ago 100%

    Muse for the Simulation Theory tour. Marching bands, lasers, smoke cannons, Murph... it had everything.

  • political_weirdos Political Weirdos Couch-loving Weirdo is the King of Memes. 2007 Memes.
  • Waldowal Waldowal 3 weeks ago 100%

    When libs want to dunk on conservatives, we just play the actual unedited videos.

  • wikipedia Wikipedia Glossary of dance moves
  • Waldowal Waldowal 3 weeks ago 100%

    No "Roger Rabbit"? Pshhh...

  • technik Technik Software erosion is happening all around us
  • Waldowal Waldowal 3 weeks ago 100%

    I don't like developers getting blamed for what is often due to being rushed to arbitrary deadlines from management. But, I will say I agree with the article in that a large portion of the development toolbox is completely fucked. The last 15 years of most business development has basically been this:

    • Let's implement cool JS frameworks that don't really work with the browser natively!
    • Let's execute browser code on the server and server code on the browser!
    • Let's transpile code to artificially improve upon native languages and make our JS frameworks easier to code. We need a transpilation tool!
    • Let's take "DRY" way too far! Everything we need should already be in existing code packages we can combine together. We need a package manager tool!
    • Uh oh, it's too hard to start projects. We need a scaffolding tool!
    • Uh oh, we now have too many packages. We need a bundling tool!
    • Uh oh, our development environments are now too complicated to setup. We need a virtualization container tool!
    • Uh oh, we have too many virtual machines. We need a container management tool!
    • Uh oh, deployments are super complicated now. We need deployment automation tools!
    • Ok, NOW we're setup to code 20% faster, but we need 3 new DevOps employees to support all this.
    • Oh yea, we're "agile" now too. I think that means we fire our QA testers. I'm not sure. We can't agree on what being "agile" even means.

    Not saying it's all bad. Mostly good ideas that have gone off the rails.

  • Waldowal Waldowal 3 weeks ago 100%

    When the chest hair grows back, it's going to a whole new level.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are some fun ways to prank an asshole neighbor I'm moving away from?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 3 weeks ago 100%

    What, you think I don't have any friends? Sigh. You are mostly correct. But I have this one.

    He's been renting for years. He's definitely moving. All clear.

  • humor Humor The Earliest Known Dick Joke Is Thousands of Years Old
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    Obama's comedic timing there was spot on.

  • asklemmy
    Ask Lemmy Waldowal 4 weeks ago 88%
    What are some fun ways to prank an asshole neighbor I'm moving away from?

    Not really me. A friend of mine is moving out of state. His neighbor has been a total dick the entire time he's lived there. Constantly commenting on how my friend's yard isn't as good as his. Mean to my friend's wife and kids for no reason. Just an asshole of a person. What are some ideas for fun pranks my friend can leave behind?

    asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are some double standards in society for men ?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 98%

    This is going to be my new way to antagonize conservatives I know:

    ME: Did you know Harris has had 5 kids with 3 different partners?!

    MORON: I don't doubt it. She's a removed!

    ME: Oh sorry, I meant Trump.

  • politics politics Big Pharma claims lower prices will mean giving up miracle medications. Ignore them.
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    They can't decide if they need the money upfront to fund the research and trials, or if they have to price gouge people for the result to get paid back for the research and trials.

  • movies Movies The Day of The Fight Trailer 2024
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    I figured Joe Pesci was done after The Irishman.

  • politics politics Kamala Harris takes 7-point lead over Donald Trump in new national poll
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    As we know from Gore and Clinton, national numbers mean jack shit. Vote!

  • lemmyconnect Connect for Lemmy App Anyone else having trouble with videos?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    Fyi, I just updated to the latest. I see this error and button now trying to load catbox.moe images (before, I was just seeing the image flash up for a split second and then a box icon with a zig zag through it would replace the image).

  • news News Former Alaska Airlines pilot who tried to shut down engines in-flight shares his story
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    That must be something else because he was charged with 83 counts of attempted murder. 1 for each passenger.

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha If you're not careful, you're going to lose me
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    Stacy has since gotten a sad amount of plastic surgery. ☹️

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What was "the incident" at your work place?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    Guy on the team rage quits one day. Few days pass and HR goes to clean out his desk. Finds a paper bag full of syringes and a very graphic instruction manually on how to inject something into your dick.

    Whatever it was, I guess it can't wait until you're at home to inject into your dong. It has to be at work.

    Cherry on top was that HR policy was to box up all personal belongings left behind and have the ex-employee come pick them up. So, if he had forgotten these things were in his desk, he certainly remembered after he came back and they handed him the bag.

  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    Love them. "Alone on a Hill" on that same album is also great. There's at least 3 songs I love on every album.

    I can't stop comparing them to Smashing Pumpkins. Same initials in the band name. Similar sound (to me). Lead singer guy is high pitched and nasally- in a good way. Similar demographics in the band members. I hope they have healthy interpersonal relationships and stay together - unlike Smashing Pumpkins.

  • movies Movies Megalopolis | Official Trailer
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    Hate to see Jon Voight get work.

  • politics politics Donald Trump accused of committing "massive crime" with reported phone call
  • Waldowal Waldowal 4 weeks ago 100%

    You could just as easily hear him say:

    Netanyahu, or should I say, Netanboohoo. Used to be a great guy. Loved his country. Talked to him alot. Great guy. Not anymore. Total loser. "Criminal guy Netanyahu" they call him now. Everybody calls him that. Criminal...guy...Netanyahu. Nut N' Honey. Great cereal from the 80s. Best commercials. Lot of commercials. Very funny commercials. Not anymore. You don't see Nut N' Honey anymore. Wonder why? Is Netanbabu involved? I don't know. He's ruining suburbia though.

    No idea why anyone would pledge loyalty to him.

  • lemmyconnect Connect for Lemmy App Anyone else having trouble with videos?
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 100%

    Here's a few. It seems intermittent on imgur.com links. Always happens on catbox.moe links. Hard to nail down an exact pattern:

  • insanepeoplefacebook InsanePeopleFacebook Technically, this is InsanePeopleSendingMail.
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 100%

    I'm going to write a LETTER with different COLORED words because I don't REALLY understand emphasis.

  • political_weirdos Political Weirdos Someone check if Sticker Mule made this
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 95%

    Especially combined with Trump saying "Off to the train station". The "train station" is from the tv show Yellowstone. It's code for where they take people to murder them.

  • lemmyconnect
    Connect for Lemmy App Waldowal 1 month ago 100%
    Anyone else having trouble with videos?

    Most don't load for me. Just get a black screen. The ones I've checked were mp4s from imgur. Not sure if that accounts for all of them though. Edit: I think it started after the most recent update. Edit 2: mp4s from catbox.moe also doesn't work. It shows a spinner at the bottom but never loads.

    til Today I Learned TIL that Trump was once a supporter for universal healthcare
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 100%

    I'm somewhat ashamed to admit it, but back before he did "The Apprentice", I'll admit I was somewhat fascinated by Trump as a business "mogul". I read at least 5 of his books starting with "Art of the Deal". Here are some highlights I remember:

    • He constantly bragged about deals in which he completely fucked someone over. Not once did he acknowledge it - at all. It's like it never entered his mind. Or, that the more he fucked someone over, the more proud he was.

    • He bragged about never preparing for speeches. He likes to completely wing it every time - which I guess is obvious.

    • He claimed to never eat lunch. Too busy "making deals" he said.

    • He used to be very good friends with the Clintons. Went to their parties often. Spoke very highly of them.

    • Didn't mention Jeffrey Epstein at all. You know, like all those pictures of them together might have been a secret?

    • Talked about times when he was flat broke or in the hole and how he needed to fake that he was rich to keep up appearances so people would want to do deals with him. I remember one paragraph where he was walking into a building in NY with Ivanka and pointed out a homeless person and told her "See that man. He has more money than me."

    Long before he entered politics, based on those books, I knew Donald Trump was a despicable piece of shit.

  • news News Cisco slashes thousands of staff, 7% of entire workforce, pivots into AI
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 100%

    With AI based routing, the switches will use AI to read the destination IP, look it up in the routing table, and send the traffic there. It's the same as it was before, but AI. Also, it will occasionally hallucinate and send your traffic to someone else.

  • news News Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 100%

    His supporters certainly don't mind an awful lot of racism though.

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha The Simpsons - 1950's Super Panavision 70
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 100%

    Millhouse is dead on Paul from The Wonder Years

  • news News Trump campaign confirms security breach, blames Iran
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 100%

    I think they leaked this themselves:

    • Makes it look like they knew how much Vance sucks going into it, so their decision looks less stupid
    • Tries to re-create a boogeyman in Iran for everyone to be scared of
    • Doesn't actually leak anything that damning (i.e.: "See, no more pussy grabbing!")
  • politics
    politics Waldowal 1 month ago 95%
    Dunkin' Donuts boycott launched by MAGA influencers www.yahoo.com

    Time to get some coffee and doughnuts

    technology Technology ATM Software Flaws Left Piles of Cash for Anyone Who Knew to Look
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 100%

    "The Projects" is a term used to describe government provided (or subsidized) housing for poor people. The term is generally used to indicate "a place in a city where income is low and crime is usually high".

  • til Today I Learned TIL that the longest javelin throw was 99.52 meters using a now illegal technique that was considered "out of control". No one has broken this record with modern javelin rules.
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 94%

    The javelin was officially redesigned in 1986 to limit its distance to keep it in the field, and to ensure it doesn't land flat. They are likely only counting post-redesign throws.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Popular Programming Book "Clean Code" is being rewritten
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 100%

    The consultancy I used to work for in the late 90s would have crucified any developer that didn't write "a data abstraction layer that allows you to pop off the original db and substitute a different one later".

    How many times in my 25 year career have I swapped out the database (and been thankful for such an abstraction layer)? 0 times.

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense What actually happened.
  • Waldowal Waldowal 1 month ago 100%

    That the "demon core"? If so, don't remove the keychain.

  • sudoku
    Sudoku Waldowal 2 months ago 100%
    Beginner Sudoku question

    My understanding is a valid sudoku should have 1 unique solution. But in this one I just finished, the circled numbers seem to be interchangeable. Am I missing something?

    Movies Waldowal 4 months ago 82%
    Madame Web toilet flush

    Since it recently hit Netflix, I decided to see just how bad Madame Web really is. 45 second in, while showing the ever-present Marvel logo with the flipping comic book pages, I notice the sound effect is different. It vaguely sound like pages flipping, but it's definitely a toilet flushing. Did they buy into the bad reviews and literally decide to say: "check out this turd of a movie" with the intro sound?

    AI Generated Images Waldowal 9 months ago 89%
    DALL-E meme
    Mildly Infuriating Waldowal 9 months ago 96%
    Reviews for "Leave The World Behind" being brigaded with copy/paste negative reviews - presumably because it was produced by the Obamas. https://g.co/kgs/8HGSHG

    Filter to 1-star and note how many reviews are direct copies of each other - many referencing that the Obamas are executive producers.

    News Waldowal 10 months ago 98%
    Pfizer is sued by Texas over COVID vaccine claims www.reuters.com

    This all revolves around conservatives focusing on ARR instead of RRR numbers on vaccine efficacy. Here's a description I found of the difference from another article: > Let’s say a study enrolled 20,000 patients into the control group and 20,000 in the vaccine group. In that study, 200 people in the control group got sick and 0 people in the vaccine group got sick. Even though the vaccine efficacy would be a whopping 100%, the ARR would show that vaccines reduce the absolute risk by just 1% (200/20,000= 1%). For the ARR to increase to 20% in our example study with a vaccine with 100% efficacy, 4,000 of the 20,000 people in the control group would have to get sick (4,000/20,000= 20%).

    News Waldowal 10 months ago 94%
    North Korea says its new spy satellite photographed White House, Pentagon www.reuters.com

    In unrelated news, Google Maps site traffic from North Korea sees odd spike.

    Mildly Infuriating Waldowal 1 year ago 66%
    What UPS does to cookies

    Double boxed, surrounded by air pouches and held firm with layers of wax paper. How bad do you have to treat a package to get this level of destruction?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearIN
    interestingasfuck Waldowal 1 year ago 79%
    First Class amenities on Emirates Airlines www.nerdwallet.com