askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style sir, there is no milk in my _______
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 days ago 100%


  • asklemmy Asklemmy Politics aside, which countries would be best friends?
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 2 weeks ago 100%

    All of them.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare... I know its not fair
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 2 weeks ago 100%

    Hi 30, I'm dad

  • memes Memes I think the same
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 2 weeks ago 85%

    USA sux

  • memes Memes AI bros
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    "Gradient descent" ≈ on a "hilly" (mathematical) surface, try to find the lowest point by finding the lowest point near an initial guess. "Gradient" is basically the steepness, or rate that the thing you're trying to optimize changes as you move through "space". The gradient tells you mathematically which direction you need to go to reach the bottom. "Descent" means "try to find the minimum".

    I'm glossing over a lot of details, particularly what a "surface" actually means in the high dimensional spaces that AI uses, but a lot of problems in mathematical optimization are solved like this. And one of the steps in training an AI agent is to do an optimization, which often does use a gradient descent algorithm. That being said, not every process that uses gradient descent is necessarily AI or even machine learning. I'm actually taking a course this semester where a bunch of my professor's research is in optimization algorithms that don't use a gradient descent!

  • memes Memes Subscribing to YT premium is also an evil act
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 50%

    They created a good product so people used it and there were no alternatives when it got shit.

    They created an inherently centralizing implementation of a video sharing platform. Even if it was done with good intentions (which it wasn't, it was some capitalist's hustle, and its social importance is a side effect), we should basically always condemn centralizing implementations of a given technology because they reinforce existing power structures regardless of the intentions of their creators.

    It's their fault because they're a corporation that does what corporations do. Even when corporations try to do right by the world (which is an extremely generous appraisal of YouTube's existence), they still manage to create centralizing technologies that ultimately serve to reinforce their existing power, because that's all they can do. Otherwise, they would have set themselves up as a non-profit or some other type of organization. I refuse to accept the notion of a good corporation.

    There’s no lock in. They don’t force you off the platform if you post elsewhere (like twitch did).

    That's a good point, but while there isn't a de jure lock-in for creators, there is a de facto lock-in that prevents them from migrating elsewhere. Namely, that YouTube is a centralized, proprietary service, which can't be accessed from other services.

  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 98%

    I also respect your freedom to like what you want, but also also

    Out of context screenshot from a Wikihow article that shows someone pointing at a cat with the text "5. Be firm and consistent. No" at the bottom

    Upvoted because it's unpopular.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    Also: model trains. I was into model trains for a few years, but I realized that I didn't really have the life experience to make a fulfilling model trainset. Like I did the thing, I made a (really childish) layout with some crappy blocks and streets, and I got the trains to move and stuff, but it didn't...say much? It was "I'm a child and I like trains", which is great! Probably wouldn't have become interested in trains at all otherwise!

    But I want more...I always want more. I need to go more hardcore into the few things I can actually tolerate doing...

    And as a child, I saw some really cool trainsets built by adults that told stories, made me laugh, made my parents laugh, made me feel awe at the storytelling and creativity of the craft. Even my cousin, who built a trainset in his basement in his early twenties, had a much more inspired trainset than mine (when I was much younger, like 10 or 12). His trainset was cool. He studied how trains worked, how to make a realistic line with realistic scenery and infrastructure. His trainset reflected who he was, and ultimately forecasted what he became. He literally works for a rail company now designing the train tracks.

    So I'm kinda "saving" that hobby for when I'm in my 60's after I integrate enough life experience (and hopefully some capital) to build a trainset that really reflects the person I ultimately became.

    My trainset is gonna have a sick, functioning roller coaster, some overly complicated automated control circuits, some heavy metal references, some intentionally goofy shit, serious shit, an anarcho-communist bent, a layout that at least is informed by modern infrastructure design, etc., because that's at least partially the person I will have become.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    Roller coasters. I'm too heavy to go on them, too poor to afford to ride them, too busy to simulate them.

  • sdfpubnix sdfpubnix SDF outgoing federation seems to be stuck
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    Or you're just not posting trash enough content.

  • science_memes Science Memes Choose your fighters, chatters.
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    I'm intrigued but completely out of the loop. What's the difference between these two sets of books?

  • memes Memes Subscribing to YT premium is also an evil act
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 81%

    Literally every corporation does or attempts to do the same thing.

    Exactly. Every single corporation is evil and should be dismantled 🔥🔥🔥. This is just one of a thousand reasons to do so.

  • memes Memes Subscribing to YT premium is also an evil act
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 65%

    "Absolute evil" is a bit of a stretch, but it's YouTube/Google's fault (by closing off and centralizing their video platform) that it is impossible to go elsewhere for videos.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Students kick off fall semester with protests that adhere to UC/CSU zero-tolerance bans
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    “We are a free speech university. But to intentionally break the rules ... now you’re in the world of civil disobedience and we’re going to think about consequences.”

    "Decorum is more important than the human lives you're protesting on behalf of."

    What a bunch of clowns openly railing against civil disobedience.

  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    1 ÷ periodically

  • politics politics Skip Hall, Mayor of Surprise, AZ is a prick
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    Okay so I honestly had trouble parsing this because of all the names. Also here's a link to XCancel which lets you view without going on Twitter

    Here's what I learned:

    • "Surprise" is the name of a small city, which is in Arizona.
    • "Skip Hall" is the city's mayor.
    • Mr. Hall had Rebekah Massie physically removed from the council meeting in front of her 10-year-old daughter on the pretense that she violated the rules. More accurately, quoting the link:

    Violating the rules of professional conduct that should govern city council meetings, Mayor Hall interrupted Ms. Massie, told her that she must stop speaking, and threatened to have her escorted out if she wouldn’t yield the floor. He then accused her of “lodg[ing] charges or complaints against [an] employee of the city or members of the body,” displaying his incorrect understanding of that statute and inaccurate assessment of what Ms. Massie was actually doing.

    Ms. Massie was not lodging charges or complaints against Mr. Wingo. She was offering her opinion that his salary should not be increased, based on facts that she cited regarding salary comparison data and outstanding Freedom of Information Act requests. She used publicly available facts to support her argument that his salary should not be increased, but she was neither offering her opinion on those facts nor lodging charges or complaints. To state such facts and to urge the council to not increase an employee’s salary is fully within her rights as a citizen.

    In conclusion: fuck Skip Hall, fuck the government of Surprise.

    Image of Bugs Bunny in a tuxedo that says "I wish the city of Surprise, AZ a very unpleasant lawsuit."

  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style I ________ to fight my sexual temptation
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%


  • casualconversation Casual Conversation If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people?
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    Constant unprompted calculus lessons

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost When shitposting becomes constiposting
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    Is like saying oh you don't like your local librarians? you're free to make your own library!

    I'm probably being pedantic here but you kinda can, e.g. Little Free Libraries, although the reason isn't "my local librarians suck", it's closer to "more libraries please".

    Okay well being free to do something doesn't magically make it a real option.

    Agreed, but I fail to see how, with enough consent from the user base, how moving to another existing server is not an option.

    Are there even any exceptions to that that aren't entire communities agreeing to move together off instances?

    I'm not aware of any off the top of my head, but it absolutely does not seem implausible that we could move this community if the need arises. Entire communities moved off of Reddit during the boycott; I don't see why we can't do that again within the platform if the need arises. For the most part people are okay with the moderation here, as am I, but the minute that changes people will flee somewhere else.

    For literally the entire time I have been on lemmy I have heard laments about the centralization of comms on and seen attempts to mitigate it but every pie chart just shows with more of the pie because growing a comm on small servers isn't simple!

    Hard agree there. I'm not sure how to fix it.

  • news News FBI probes insect attack on Democratic breakfast in Chicago
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 3 weeks ago 100%

    I didn't ask for your answer, I asked for your opinion. I already knew that you didn't have the answer. Nether do I.


    I do, however, have a great love for game theory, and game theory tells me that there's only one correct decision to make where voting in the USA in 2024 is concerned.

    Any recommendations for game theory resources? I've been putting it off for a while.

    I hope this doesn't come across as condescending. I don't mean it that way but people often tell me I'm being condescending.

    Don't you just hate it when that happens? I've been there so many times. I feel you.

    I wish you all the best in life. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help you in any way, and don't hesitate to reach out if you want a conversational partner or a sympathetic ear. I'm always open to discussing the world with intelligent people.

    Will do. This honestly means the world because I don't have a lot of players in my court.

    If you're interested in communal living or alternative lifestyles (at it pertains to anarchist communities), I'm happy to help there, as well. I think I still have some friends that know folx at Emma Goldman Finishing School in Seattle. Admittedly, I don't know if they're looking for any new members right now, but I'd be happy to put a word in for you.

    Unfortunately, I'm kinda stuck on the "poor grad student" path. Got oodles of loans to pay off, but I also got tons of new tools and solutions to technical problems that I'll likely never be allowed to work on. IMO I'd be more useful paying their bail funds as a successful engineer than living there and being a nuisance...because I am a nuisance to live with lol. I dormed for a few semesters and I can count on two hands the number of times I ever talked to my suitemates or neighbors, and one of them was a really nice dude.

  • news News FBI probes insect attack on Democratic breakfast in Chicago
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    The Answer.

    From the song's lyrics:

    I don't believe you have the answer

    I've got ideas too

    but if you've got enough naivete

    and you've got conviction

    then the answer is perfect for you

    That's kind of an obnoxious response when you yourself said:

    I fear that you’re mistaking your own pessimism for absolute truth, but I’m willing to be convinced otherwise.

    (emphasis mine) followed by:

    What, in your view, needs to be done?

    Like you basically asked for my answer after saying you'd be willing to be convinced. You asked "what needs to be done?", and I replied with things that I think need to be done. If you didn't ask, I would have kept my mouth shut because frankly I'm pathologically disinterested in telling people what to do, probably to a fault. If you weren't convinced then that's fine, but it's just kind of obnoxious to ask for an answer and then chide me for giving you my answer.

    When fascists take power it's not unheard of for them to line up commies and anarchists against a wall and shoot them.

    Yes, and that's why we need to prepare ourselves for when they do, which they WILL do regardless of who gets elected as the figurehead.

    I'm all for ideological utopianism

    I'm not [2]! I have explained over and over again all throughout my responses in this post's comment section that I have very practical motivations for why voting is a waste of time. I encourage you to go through my comment history and see what I have said to others in this thread.

    but preserving your moral superiority...

    Yo literally the first thing I posted in this comment section was a meme dunking on the delegates and their misery, which is bar none the most engagement I have received on any comment and almost all of it negative. No one here thinks I'm morally superior. And in case you were wondering, I don't like me either.

    So let's explicitly do away with the moral superiority pretense [1].

    ... is little comfort when you and your family are staring down the barrel of a fascist's gun.

    Yes, exactly, that's why we need to build our community defenses against these fascist pricks before they kill us, keeping in mind that we're in a liberal dominated community on a "civility-at-all-costs" instance where we're not allowed to talk seriously about revolution!

    But as I have said to other users, particularly the comment you initially replied to:

    I got no beef with people voting for Democrats in the general election, even though I disagree with their choice, because it doesn’t affect the outcome of anything. My beef is with these delegates, these people in a position of influence and power.

    So go vote Democrat if that makes you feel safe, I'm not going to bring it up again because it doesn't matter, but I'm not gonna pretend that it's helpful.

    But also keep in mind that these are the assholes who platformed a cop over a Palestinian in the middle of their genocide...

    Again, I invite you to reread what I've commented to you so far, and to go through my comment history and see what I've said to others.

    [1] Really, my position is, boiled down, that supposedly "practical" solutions that violate common morality (for example, letting people die to save money in *insert industry here*) are not really practical at all. This inextricably couples practicality to morality.

    Frankly, as a human actor who fails to always act practically, I acknowledge that for similar reasons, sometimes I also fail to act morally, i.e. in laughing at the pain of other humans because they happen to collude with an evil institution. Hence why I reject the idea that I am morally superior, and that I have asserted as such anywhere in this comment section.

    And in the sense that the means should reflect the ends, I admit that I haven't lived up to my own ideals, out of anger and irritation at the constant stream of bullshit being foisted on me and everyone I know by these very Democrat ghouls.

    But I don't believe that I need to be a perfect moral actor to speak out about Palestine and the fascists at the DNC!

    [2] For similar reasons as those in [1], ideology should be coupled to practicality, which itself should be coupled to morality. Hence why I'm not interested in anarchism as a utopian ideology where anything is prescribed, but as a practical solution for humanity to overcome capitalism.

  • news News Nicholas Rossi: fugitive abandons mistaken identity claims
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    Unpaywalled link:

  • til Today I Learned TIL don_dickle posts multiple TIL posts every hour and its verry annoying
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    It's called Today I Learned not Today We Learned. /s

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost When shitposting becomes constiposting
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    We're failures as shitposters when a shitpost generates that much drama

    Hard disagree lol, I love when a shitpost actually gets people to debate about important things. So many people would just never think about that stuff otherwise.

  • til Today I Learned TIL don_dickle posts multiple TIL posts every hour and its verry annoying
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    I personally find Don's posts pretty informative. It's usually stuff I didn't previously know, and there's a good link to the source.

    So yes actually, multiple good posts every hour is good IMO.

    Block them if you aren't into it.

  • til Today I Learned TIL don_dickle posts multiple TIL posts every hour and its verry annoying
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 91%

    What kind of monster posts TIL posts in a TIL community?

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation Starting computer engineering tomorrow
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    Congratulations and good luck!

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation Starting computer engineering tomorrow
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    reinforcement learning

    HuggingFace has a good free course with certificate on their site. I took it a couple months ago.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Any major outside of STEM, Law, or Med is not worth going to a university for.
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 75%

    I'm saying this as a STEM major who can't find work, and most of my colleagues in my major (electrical engineering) can't find work either. I guess it was a good idea whenever you went to school, but that ship has sailed.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Any major outside of STEM, Law, or Med is not worth going to a university for.
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 70%

    Don't go to school for STEM either. Same reasons.

  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style Soup without _____ is just water
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%


  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most irresponsible purchase you made that you don't regret?
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    Haha, that and the two running box fans I have on full blast pointing at my head and pillow are my greatest sources of comfort.

    Yes I like being really really cold.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most irresponsible purchase you made that you don't regret?
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    Not really? Although I'm probably way more tolerant to (wideband!) noise than others because I sleep literally inches from two box fans.

    But you don't need to run it while you're sleeping. It goes from room temperature to ice in under 10 minutes (20 minutes for the "good" ice after the insides have had a bit of time to cool down).

    To be clear, what I have is a Frigidaire portable ice maker. Here's its Walmart product page, although I can't vouch for Walmart's website respecting your privacy.

    I actually bought a knockoff of this a couple years ago off Amazon, and it worked for about a year, but:

    1. The infrared sensor was crap from day 1, so I always had to manually override the machine's decision that the ice was full, even when it was completely empty.
    2. The water where I was living (dorm room in city) was much...harder I think? It was safe to drink, I even tested it myself, but whatever minerals were in it very quickly fucked up my machine's internals. I'm living at my parents house with better water.

    So far, the Frigidaire is a much better unit, and I use it tremendously more often because I don't have to babysit the thing and constantly override the infrared sensor.

    The water supply is just an ordinary tank. Basically just open the lid, dump a Super Big Gulp of water into the tank every few hours and you're set. Everything is self contained.

    It doesn't keep the ice cool for you, i.e. it's not a freezer. Once the ice gets dumped in the bucket, you're on your own.

    So if you go down this route, I recommend getting a decent version of it. Mine cost about $87 in store from Walmart but I really bought this unit as an impulse buy, so I imagine you can get it cheaper if you do some shopping.

  • news News FBI probes insect attack on Democratic breakfast in Chicago
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 66%

    Reaction Memes-21262241

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost When shitposting becomes constiposting
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    That happened on reddit all the time, minus the instance part. Remember /r/freefolk?

    The "instance part" is absolutely huge. If I wanted to, I could go start a /c/lemmyshitpost on SDF Lemmy [1] with a completely new set of rules [2], particularly a set of rules that possibly would violate's TOS or possibly even the law in's jurisdiction, but not SDF's or their jurisdiction's laws.

    It's not a big deal for the average user until the day you run afoul of the server admins.

    [1] As of writing this, SDF does not have a /c/lemmyshitpost.

    [2] I'm not interested in doing that lol, this is just a hypothetical. I'm annoyed at this most recent decision but nowhere near ready to leave over it.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the most irresponsible purchase you made that you don't regret?
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    Very nearly! I have desk that I scrounged from the garbage literally right up against the bed and a nightstand right next to it. It's on the desk since the nightstand holds my TV.

    So it's not literally on a nightstand, but it is literally bedside, i.e. I can use it without getting out of bed.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost When shitposting becomes constiposting
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    I think moderating comments needs to be banished.

    Nah because then someone could just post (for example) medical gore in a "safe space" and it'll just get downvoted but not removed.

    It wasn't gore, but do you remember the ThuleanPerspective (I think?) trolls from a little while back, spamming that racist photoshopped Simpsons comic by commenting it on literally everything? That effort was neutralized in the short term by deleting those comments on the spot, and then the users who posted them.

    It is absolutely a useful tool, but like most useful tools it can be abused.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost When shitposting becomes constiposting
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    I'm happy and having lots of sex /s

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost When shitposting becomes constiposting
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 100%

    In Internet culture, shitposting or trashposting is the act of using an online forum or social media page to post content that is of "aggressively, ironically, and trollishly poor quality".

    Imagine not being allowed to do any trolling in a shitposting community.

    ::: spoiler Tap for subtlety There are obviously types of trolling that intentionally disrupt the entire community, but this was nowhere near that. :::

  • asklemmy Asklemmy I am the only woman in a group text with 8 guy friends in a professional program - I would really appreciate your thoughts on this and why: is this acceptable/not a big deal? Weird? Scandalous?
  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 4 weeks ago 83%

    With just the information provided, not weird at all. Good luck with your program 🙂.

  • askchapo
    askchapo PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 1 month ago 96%
    Lemmy devs are looking to make votes public. Thoughts?

    I really wanted to post this on [!]( but I'm not trans myself and I didn't want to take up their space. Basically, the devs of Lemmy are looking to make upvotes public to everyone. Right now, I believe voter identities are known to server admins and mods. I don't have a strong opinion on this myself, either for or against, as I write this comment, but I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing, frankly as a cishet dude. But also... I've kinda lost trust in Nutomic making decisions about the software that won't make things worse for trans people since [his comments on the Olympics were made public]( Dessalines has (so far) at least tolerated Nutomic's transphobia despite whatever prior rhetoric. Frankly, I am suspicious that trans people don't matter to the Lemmy dev be I'd really like to hear your thoughts.

    Anarchism PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 2 months ago 100%
    An Anarchist FAQ

    A reminder for the liberals who seem to be finding this space and spamming us with "gotchas" like anarchist spaces having rules or anarchists talking about banning stuff. These questions have already been answered hundreds of times and debating each and every one of you individually is simply too much work and just not very fun. Note that anarchists are not a monolith and nothing here is set in stone, but IMO it's a pretty well-researched guide for contemporary anarchist thought.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 2 months ago 93%
    Biden? More like Bye-then

    In all seriousness, Joe Biden has ended his campaign for reelection. He has not stepped down as President 🤞.

    Ask Lemmy PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 6 months ago 85%
    How do I deal with people not reading things?

    I'm autistic. This problem shows up for me all over the place, to the point that I typically don't recommend reading anymore except when strictly necessary. However, it is showing up now because I'm working with people on a project (and generally everyone I have worked with at school so far) who *will not read*, particularly documentation for tools and programs, data sheets, and application notes. How do I get people "up to speed" if they refuse to read the things I send them? Some concepts are simply too complex or too lengthy for me to explain correctly in a real conversation. It's really the fact that *nobody* seems to want to read in any field of endeavor suggests that it's something wrong with me and how I perceive things.

    Metal PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 8 months ago 89%
    Fit for an Autopsy - The Man That I Was Not

    It's one of those "self-loathing days" so this track is particularly fitting.

    Asklemmy PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 8 months ago 95%
    Are there any FOSS Mahjong apps for an elderly person?

    My grandmother wants to install Mahjong onto her phone. I couldn't find any results on the Play Store with no ads or in-app purchases. She doesn't understand technology and could get tricked into purchasing stuff or compromising her data.

    Memes PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 10 months ago 82%
    No subversion of expectations here

    Transcription: Four-panel Gru's Plan meme. 1st panel: "Decide to make a Gru's Plan meme." 2nd panel: "Come up with a sick punchline." 3rd panel: "Make the last two panels different." 4th panel: "Get lots of downvotes for some reason."

    Mental Health PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 11 months ago 89%
    RANT: out of gas

    I'm fucking tired of explaining to business ghouls that I AM FUCKING DESPERATE. I'M INTERVIEWING WITH YOU BECAUSE I WANT TO SURVIVE. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT MY DREAMS OR WHETHER THIS JOB OR YOUR COMPANY LINES UP WITH MY CAREER GOALS. WE ARE HOLY-SHIT PAST THE POINT WHERE I'M ABLE TO BE CHOOSY. ALL YOU FUCKING NEED TO DO IS ***READ THE FUCKING RESUMÉ THAT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR GOD-DAMNED EYES***, ASK ABOUT MY QUALIFICATIONS, AND TELL ME WHETHER OR NOT I'M A GOOD FIT. NO, your company isn't special to me, and it isn't special to ANYONE but you and your business-ghoul friends. Your company is merely the LABEL that will decorate my paycheck and LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE, AND I'M SICK OF PRETENDING OTHERWISE. And WHY the ***FUCK*** are you calling me to literally REPEAT SHIT YOU'RE TOO FUCKING IGNORANT TO READ ON THE GOD-DAMNED FUCKING RESUMÉ? I've applied for at least 200 engineering jobs (I recounted the ones on job sites; but even that's nowhere near all of them) this year and gotten zero offers. This job search is LITERALLY DRIVING ME INSANE, because I can no longer fucking afford antidepressants and I'm on the verge of blowing up in people's faces all the goddamn fucking time. I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE. > Try [insert nearby industry here] Funny story: *turns out, there are people who studied for* ***degrees*** *in those nearby industries.* No I can't land a software developer, data scientist, IT, etc., job, because (1) I've applied for all those several times and not even gotten an interview and (2) my school produces students who *actually studied those topics as a major!* So thank you genuinely to the dozens of people who have recommended that, I really do appreciate the help ... but that only works if you're an appealing candidate in general. > Why are you unhirable? Bad GPA (~2.8; many firms have hard cutoff > 3 or 3.1), no experience/internships, no support/professional network, recent downward trajectory on transcript, autistic, mentally ill getting more unstable by the day, terrible attitude that's impossible to fully hide, no charisma to accommodate for my deficiencies, no access to a time machine. I KNOW how I got here, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. At least when I worked in food delivery I managed to make non-trivial money. AT LEAST I WAS HAPPY while being exploited. Now I'm thousands of dollars in debt, literally a hundred pounds heavier, psychologically and emotionally BROKEN, and no closer to getting a real job than I was before.

    Autism PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 12 months ago 91%
    [RANT] Still miserable and unemployed

    I was actually going to write a fresh post, but then I realized that *a lot hasn't changed* since the last time I posted here. [Here's the old post]( if you're interested. Short version: I cannot find employment at all in my field (electrical engineering). It's not "we're not hiring", it's "we're not hiring *you*." I need to pay bills. I am physically and emotionally exhausted from being so close to poverty for so long. What has changed: - I have been through about 10 interviews. Furthest I've gotten in one company's hiring process is to 2nd interview. Rather than 30 applications, I have filled out over 150 applications, but I've honestly lost track. No offers. I have exhausted all the entry-level engineering opportunities my college's job board has to offer. I literally have to wait for new jobs to be posted because I applied for everything. The problem is that I don't have experience. My resumé is fine (probably) as it gets me interviews, but I simply do not have engineering experience. I am fully convinced that no engineering firm will hire me in my current state. - I ran out of meds about a month ago, so I feel a lot more irritable. My parents have offered to pay for a psych appointment and meds, but like...once. I will take it, but I'm waiting until I know for sure I can get more meds by the time I run out. - To my absolute shock, I was accepted to pursue a master's degree at my alma mater, and the Financial Aid department has assured me that I qualify for financial aid. So at least I'm allowed to...go into further debt for further education. Yay. Now if capitalism [1] were not an issue, I would **immediately** pounce at the opportunity to do a masters degree. I enjoy learning and if I thought I could choose, I would go into research. However, I gotta pay the rent (even and especially if I live with my parents), I gotta eat, and I gotta pay back the loans. Even if I go with the degree, I have to make money to pay the rent while I'm in school. My degree is/would be in electrical engineering. I always told myself I'd be able to get a job after all this, I always told myself I picked a "safe" major. But I can't do this anymore. I can't be constantly living on the edge of poverty like this. And *the fucking interviewers are starting to ask about the gap in my work history since I fucking graduated.* HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GET EXPERIENCE IF YOU STUPID FUCKS WON'T LET ME GET EXPERIENCE?!?!? I wish I never went back to fucking school and I fucking hate my life. [1] Not looking to proselytize or debate politics, but I'm not sure how else to explain to people what economic impulses force me and most other humans to act against our interests. If it bothers you, replace "capitalism" with whatever you think is responsible for making ordinary people act against their economic interests.

    math PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 1 year ago 87%
    Matrix Theory: From Generalized Inverses to Jordan Form

    I've been reading this book lately, although I'm not finished yet. It's basically a "second course" of matrix algebra that uses the full-rank factorization and the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse to construct other generalized inverses and prove cool stuff about matrices. I initially borrowed a copy from the library for its extensive coverage of the Jordan decomposition (whose existence was really important for my control systems coursework), but I actually bought a copy as a reference because I found myself thumbing through it all the time. Although it is mostly theoretical, all the algorithms are covered sufficiently to do everything on paper if you wanted to. If this isn't in the spirit of the community please let me know.

    Autism PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S 1 year ago 95%
    [Rant] Completely burned out

    I hope this is welcome here, as it's about autistic burnout. Mild CW for swearing and general negativity. I *finally* got my diploma, literally just a couple hours ago. No I'm not bragging because I'm not fucking proud. It wasn't a fucking accomplishment. I graduated with a 2.8 by the skin of my teeth. My transcript shows a recent downward trend. It took almost double the time; I did two years in four, and I took out loans to live in poverty away from home, just to limp back home to screw up the last semester. And I fried my brain in the process. I'm not just afraid of getting a new job, but I would be nervous to even *go back to the way things used to be*. My parents are like "oh you can go back to pizza delivery" but what they don't seem to grasp is that I can't even do *that* anymore. I've been having trouble planning to do projects and activities, even things I *want* to do. My body feels like it permanently changed for the worse. I literally gained a hundred pounds. Taking care of hygiene feels is too tiring to finish. My ability to remember things is absolutely devastated. It's not healthy to be on the brink of disaster for so many years. So far, I have gotten exactly *zero* interviews after contacting about thirty employers. (Even the simple task of applying for work feels incomprehensibly complex. I'm good with computers, but it's just so much typing and reading the job descriptions and stuff.) What good is a degree without a job? Congratulations, I know things, but what good is that for me if I starve to death? What good is it if I can't be at peace or even comfortable? How am I supposed to pay off my loans? None of my professors liked me, I made no friends at school, joined no clubs, did no extracurriculars other than some research that I can't explain to a recruiter. I have no experience in the field, not even an internship. I don't have anything to offer an employer [1]. I have already gotten employers bring up the GPA unprompted to reject me for the position. *Most* engineering firms aren't interested in students with a GPA < 3. I've applied for all sorts of other jobs, but I'm competing with people who actually *studied* in that field. I have no projects in a state suitable to present on a resumé, and every recent attempt to start a project has gone almost nowhere. And frankly, I'm not particularly friendly or sociable. I am ice cold, even when I'm trying to be warm. Even when I'm fully prepared for a social situation, I am still autistic, and people will inevitably find me awkward in a bad way. I'm not open about my political views IRL [2], but it's very difficult to hide my disdain for capitalism and imperialism from people who think they benefit from them [3]. I would be literally thrilled to do a master's degree in my field, as I read graduate-level material in my spare time, the rare times I have any energy. However, how could I pay for it? How could I convince an employer to pay for it with my transcript and recent downward trajectory? And if I get accepted, how do I even begin to manage that time? I could *barely* handle the workload of a bachelor's degree, and I can barely even handle the workload of looking for a job or even cleaning my body. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I just want to be able to *do things* like I used to be able to do. I just want to go back to a time when it actually felt good to achieve my goals. If y'all have any similar experiences, advice, or just want to dunk on my situation, I'd really like to hear it. [1] I'm not seriously shedding a tear over these "poor employers" and how I can't provide value to them. I don't give a fuck about them, fractally so. However, the "value I offer to the company" is the lens through which they view my employability, which in turn determines the level of comfort my paycheck yields me or if I get that comfort at all. [2] I'm not a great rhetorician. If I argue for my views, I will probably make my case look worse. It takes a lot of energy to talk, so my arguments are usually really sloppy when talking in person. For this reason, I'm very careful to look like a "normie." E.g., you would not peg me for an anarchist if you met me on the street. [3] I don't apply for defense contractors, police contractors, or prisons for ethical reasons, mostly ACAB-related. Engineers usually have no conscience of the world outside their field; e.g., a job is a job regardless of how your product gets used. This alone kills *so many* otherwise excellent job opportunities, and it alienated me from my peers. Turns out that the fash pays well for your integrity. I want to go into research, like the biomedical research I did at school, but I don't think I have the grades for that. I became an engineer to do good things with math and science. I'm not giving up on that, but I'm tempering my expectations for sure.
