linux Linux Looking to get away from Sublime; Sell me on your favorite non-modal text editor!
  • NathanUp NathanUp 1 hour ago 100%

    I vote Kate

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What's the easiest way to host a music colletion (FLAC)?
  • NathanUp NathanUp 5 days ago 100%

    Seconding Navidrome. I stream from my Navidrome server to my phone, and then via DLNA from my phone to my HiFiBerry / stereo system. It's very nice.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Still a better spaceship than anything boeing can make
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 days ago 100%

    Maybe not - I've heard those things can get really hot inside like a greenhouse

  • opensourcegames OpenSourceGames Beyond-All-Reason: Open source RTS game built on top of the Recoil RTS Engine
  • NathanUp NathanUp 3 weeks ago 100%

    Can confirm

  • firefox Firefox What are your favourite extensions?
  • NathanUp NathanUp 1 month ago 100%

    I thought you could only select from a pre-defined list of addons in Firefox mobile?

  • android Android Good FLOSS casual games
  • NathanUp NathanUp 1 month ago 100%

    I quite like Lexica.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • NathanUp NathanUp 2 months ago 100%

    I find the yunohost mailserver pretty good ootb

  • linux Linux [Weekly thread] GNU+Linux help: ask anything!
  • NathanUp NathanUp 2 months ago 80%

    Tried updating your bios?

  • memes Memes Learning english
  • NathanUp NathanUp 3 months ago 100%

    Before the last word.

  • linux Linux Linux really has come a long way
  • NathanUp NathanUp 3 months ago 100%

    What’s a beginner to do

    Well that's just it; Endeavour is not a beginner distro. It's not designed to be. Endeavour is Arch with a graphical installer and some modest quality of life improvements for users who are otherwise willing to trawl through the Arch wiki for answers. The welcome app really just seems to be there so that you don't have to memorize all the commands or set up aliases, etc, if you don't want to.

    So when you ask "am I supposed to X," the answer is that there really isn't a set-in-stone workflow to accomplish anything on EOS or Arch; what you're supposed to do is read the manual, so to speak, and decide for yourself how you want to go about things.

    Unlike some other Arch based distros like BlendOS and Manjaro, Endeavour is still very much a DIY distro.

  • linux Linux Linux really has come a long way
  • NathanUp NathanUp 3 months ago 100%

    Don’t use GUI package managers, but here, have some GUI package managers.

    What GUI package managers are you referring to? EOS doesn't supply any.

    AFAICT they made something more confusing than Arch, not less.

    If I'm not mistaken, this is all stuff you should also be doing on Arch. The single difference is that EOS provides a button in their "Welcome" app that will helpfully run a command for you in a terminal for some of these tasks.

  • linux Linux How happy are you with your current distro?
  • NathanUp NathanUp 3 months ago 97%

    I'm very content. Stopped distro-hopping a few years ago and settled on EndeavourOS.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Sure, but how many books can you kill at one time?
  • NathanUp NathanUp 3 months ago 100%

    What is a vehicle like that even for?

  • vgartwork Video Game Artwork [Official Art] Lara and Conrad - Tomb Raider
  • NathanUp NathanUp 4 months ago 100%

    How on earth is that bare arrow on fire?

  • memes memes i look like this and say this
  • NathanUp NathanUp 4 months ago 100%

    I got a "page doesn't exist" error

  • memes memes i look like this and say this
  • NathanUp NathanUp 4 months ago 100%

    Where'd you get this? I'm curious and would like to watch it.

  • comicstrips Comic Strips Campus In Crisis - Eli Valley
  • NathanUp NathanUp 4 months ago 95%

    One of the protesters is also jewish and is drawn normally.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Economic damage from climate change six times worse than thought | A 1C increase in global temperature leads to a 12% decline in world gross domestic product, researchers have found
  • NathanUp NathanUp 4 months ago 100%

    Libertarian Socialists have been saying this for a century now.

  • incense Incense A journey to the source of happiness: Meena Perfumery, Bangalore, India
  • NathanUp NathanUp 4 months ago 100%

    That's really cool! I wonder if they allow tours?

  • incense Incense I made a simple red cedar and frankincense incense.
  • NathanUp NathanUp 4 months ago 100%
  • anime anime They turned Lenin into an animu
  • NathanUp NathanUp 5 months ago 100%

    I'm just gonna leave this here.

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides List of Printers Which Do or Do Not Display Tracking Dots
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    I used to run a digital press that did this. It also made the print quality worse.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy To everyone who hates the concepts of landlords and rent, what counts as being a landlord?
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 94%

    I have never had a single landlord where this isn't the case, except in instances where they are too cheap to even hire professionals to do things that they don't have the skill to do, and they get their dipshit son to "fix" the sink that fell clean out of the kitchen counter with a lumpy bead of clear silicone and a 1' piece of 2x4 wedged underneath.

  • archlinux Arch Linux Yay orphaned packages
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    Unfortunately, you're going to have to go through the list and decide whether you need each one

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Linux Note-taking app that supports CalDAV
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    Forgive me.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Linux Note-taking app that supports CalDAV
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    KDE's KOrganizer supports journal entries

  • opensource Open Source Looking for a good photoshop alternate
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    Generally, I'll do RAW editing in something like Darktable, and then do actual retouching work in Krita.

  • opensource Open Source Looking for a good photoshop alternate
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    Yea, it really is very good. I'm not sure what you mean by gamut tools, but there are out of gamut warnings, gamut masks, histograms, etc.

  • kde KDE How do I reset plasma 6 to defaults?
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    I would try this thread on the EndeavourOS forum. I imagine that resetting your plasma config is mostly going through ~/.config and cleaning out anything you don't need.

    Is there any particular reason you're sticking with X11? I get the impression that there are less issues with wayland on Plasma 6.

  • opensource Open Source Looking for a good photoshop alternate
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    Krita has CMYK, and very good non-destructive editing these days. It's my preferred photo editor, including for the occasional magazine ad work I do. It also has great support for PS files, including smart layers, etc, plus it has layer effects, masking, filter layers, GPU accelerated canvas, and G'MIC support covers a lot of the fancier pbotoshop stuff like content-aware fill. IMO, for the workflow and interface alone, it's leagues ahead of G***.

  • opensource Open Source Open source in books at school in India
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    I use Krita as an image editor and I prefer it.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy FOSS enthusiasts, what SaaS do you currently pay for?
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    With Yunohost being a thing, I'm down to nothing.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software I've been playing xonotic and DAMN is it fun
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    Instagib is the only way to play!

  • foss Free and Open Source Software I've been playing xonotic and DAMN is it fun
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    I'm pretty sure I'd get obliterated now if I went back and tried to play

    You night be surprised! I definitely have to shake the rust off, but I find it's like riding a bike; the movement just becomes instinct.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software I've been playing xonotic and DAMN is it fun
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    I've been playing for years; I even used to rank in the top 100 DM players. It's an outstanding game that doesn't get near the attention / credit it deserves. The graphics still look good, it'll run on a potato, fast, satisfying gameplay... it's the best.

    Back when I lived in the UK, I'd play instagib on german servers that were so full and the matches so intense that you couldn't take a step after spawning before exploding if you hadn't learned how to move quickly yet. It became an ambition to be able to get off of the spawn point, and I began to use those intense matches to wake me up after work every day.

    Eventually, when logging on during the wee hours, I'd get to chatting with one or two other players on an empty server and they'd give me tips, or show me the secret rooms and easter eggs in some of the weirder community-made maps.

    I don't play much lately, but I do run a server to give a little back for all the fun. Anyway, yea, Xonotic is great.

  • health Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related Court upholds town bylaw banning anyone born in 21st century from buying tobacco products
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    "free" is a relative term. Driven by addiction might be more accurate for many.

    You can become addicted to anything; that doesn't mean the government should step in and prevent you from doing something that you enjoy and only harms yourself. People have the right to bodily autonomy, and that includes allowing consenting adults to take actions that are harmful or unhealthy to themselves. Plus, what happens when you ban tobacco or tax it to oblivion? A massive unregulated black market appears and people wind up smoking lead from China. This literally happened in the UK, right around the time when I was buying loose tobacco from less than legitimate sources because it was so expensive in the shops. This is is the kind of thing that happens every single time any kind of prohibition is enacted; you'd think we'd have learned by now!

    I don't personally believe companies should be allowed to encourage addiction to make money.

    Agreed. Ban tobacco marketing of any kind, ban tobacco product logos, branding, etc, sell them in brown paper bags, ban smoking in publicly funded media, I'm all for it. These companies are evil, for sure, but preventing the sale of tobacco isn't the answer. Prohibition literally never works.

    The warnings do absolutely nothing as well.

    but they do though...

  • health Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related Court upholds town bylaw banning anyone born in 21st century from buying tobacco products
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    This is a bit much; I'd rather see UK-style warnings on tobacco products, and a ban on smoking in public places, including outdoors. That way those who choose to consume tobacco are free to do so (as they should be) but they are thoroughly and completely warned of the consequences, and they can't pollute the air around them for others. There are few things worse than being stuck downwind of a smoker on a public sidewalk (especially as an ex-smoker — you never stop missing tobacco in my experience).

  • cybersecurity Cybersecurity [Question] Is this a secure way to generate passwords
  • NathanUp NathanUp 6 months ago 100%

    My understanding is that it's debated whether password algorithms are a good idea, but personally, I wouldn't use them because if someone figures out one password, they can figure out the rest. Why not just use a new KeePass database on your work computer? If you don't want to memorize a string of random characters for the master password, why not use a passphrase of random space-separated words?

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes That's LTT in the bottom
  • NathanUp NathanUp 7 months ago 87%

    This. How an advanced use case is accomplished is not a point against a system's usability.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes My plan is to crumble with it.
  • NathanUp NathanUp 7 months ago 75%

    (Addressing the US because I live there) Even people with "middle class" incomes are living paycheck to paycheck these days. How can you contribute to a 401k when you can't even maintain a balance in your savings account? Let alone other investments, etc, even if you do know what you're doing with the various financial instruments.

    The cost of living is beyond the pale right now anywhere in the US where you actually stand a chance at making decent money, so your choices are to A: suffer now under severe self-imposed austerity, saving a pittance for retirement knowing that you'll still almost certainly wind up destitute in old age, or B: enjoy your youth to the extremely limited degree that you're able to, have the odd nice coffee or dinner with friends, and then also still become destitute in old age.

    Frankly, a huge percentage of the US population are simply fucked, and given the political landscape where you are given a choice between the "do nothing" party on the center right and the "eat the poor: serfdom now" party on the far right, you can't blame people for having absolutely zero hope. As for me, I'm extremely privileged to be a dual citizen of the UK/US so I'm going to be running back to Scotland as soon as humanly possible. Come what may, at least Scotland's position on poor people isn't to let them die on the streets like it is here.

    I've long maintained that if every US citizen got to experience the basic social safety nets that even the UK provides, politicians would find themselves strung up by their intestines in short order. I think people here just really lack context as to how truly distopian this country is.

  • incense
    Incense NathanUp 8 months ago 100%
    Incense clocks: Measuring time with fire and smoke

    A fantastic article on keeping time with incense.

    Mildly Interesting NathanUp 8 months ago 98%
    I got the #1 kumquat in my bag

    A kumquat with the text "#1" stamped on it: found this way in the bag.

    Linux Gaming NathanUp 9 months ago 94%
    Playstation controller surprisingly good on GNU/Linux

    I wound up with one of those newfangled playstation controllers, and I'm surprised at how good it is. It paired nicely on Endeavour KDE, and there's a big touchpad in the center that works to control the mouse pointer out of the box. I'm quite happy with it!

    Incense NathanUp 11 months ago 100%
    Incense in the Wind writes great incense reviews on cheaper sticks

    This blog is a mainstay of my feed reader; I really appreciate that they write on common, budget, bamboo-stick brands, saving you from the absolute crap-shoot of that scene if you're into those sorts of sticks.

    Linux NathanUp 12 months ago 98%
    EndeavourOS Moving to KDE Plasma by Default

    EndeavourOS is moving to KDE Plasma for its live environment and offline installer from Xfce. You'll hear no complaints from me!

    Libre Art & Design NathanUp 1 year ago 100%
    Any FLOSS tools like Adobe's Fantastic Fold project?

    As someone who is terrible at 3D CAD tools, but who also designs packaging from time to time, it would be amazing to have a FLOSS alternative to something like Adobe's fantastic fold project. Has anyone seen anything out there that comes close?

    linuxmemes NathanUp 1 year ago 95%
    Not technically linux...

    Editing to add alt text here, as [Lemmy still does not support alt text in image posts]( A fake screenshot of the FreeBSD Foundation donation page showing Apple, Inc. under the $5-$24 donation category. The screenshot is next to a poorly drawn four-panel comic. Panel One: Title: "Apple HQ." Two people sit at a large wooden table. Person one: "We used BSD code, now it's time to contribute back." Person two: "Hold on, it's BSD licensed, right? I have an idea. Panel Two: Title: "FreeBSD donation pipeline" A zoomed in view of a map with a large green line connecting the USA to Europe. Panel Three: Three people, surrounded in a cloud of filth, scramble beneath the end of a large green pipe, reaching towards it with their wiggly stick-figure arms. One person is leaping in from out of frame. The people have bags under their eyes, many missing teeth, and are wearing sack-like clothing crudely mended with patches of random fabrics. Panel Four: The pale face of one of the three people beneath the end of the large green pipe, mouth open revealing their jagged yellow teeth as they attempt to catch a trickle of liquid seeping from the end of the pipe. The liquid is captioned: "$24."

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Community Requests. NathanUp 1 year ago 100%
    Requesting c/incense

    c/incense has been abandoned, and I'd like to make something of it / add a banner, etc.

    Commercial Printing NathanUp 1 year ago 100%
    Glad to see Commercial Printing on Lemmy!

    Happy to see commercial printing on this new platform.

    Linux NathanUp 1 year ago 100%
    What *is* a good boot time? (What's yours?)

    I've been working on my boot time lately, but I realize I really don't have a good handle on what it should be. I am hoping some of you will share yours so we can all get a feel for it. I'm including some HW specs here also because I've heard it can be relevant: 64GB RAM, 2 x 2 TB NVME: Startup finished in 9.922s (firmware) + 1.151s (loader) + 3.506s (kernel) + 4.006s (userspace) = 18.586s reached after 4.003s in userspace. *Edited to add boot time detail*

    Incense NathanUp 1 year ago 100%
    Minorien Jinko (Aloeswood) Fu-In

    I love putting this stick on in the evening. It's so lush for the price.
