memes memes Miss me with that low bitrate
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 3 days ago 100%

    Is she from the Maxx? It was an animated show on MTV a long time ago. Her name is Sarah and there's a whole part where she gets a gun to defend herself but she always comes across as a little bit deranged.

    I can't find a better image searching with my phone just now

  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 2 weeks ago 100%

    He asked for kidney beans on toast not kidney on toast!

  • 196 196 minecruleft movie
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 2 weeks ago 100%

    This is the cow from all those physics experiments.

  • 196 196 Autocorrect Rule
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 3 weeks ago 100%

    "Women are so good to me but I'm going on the road and the other day and I will get back in touch and get some sleep in a few days "

  • palestine palestine news and politics Video of Israeli forces burning the Quran and bombing Gaza mosque
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 4 weeks ago 100%

    This is pretty obviously a hate crime.

  • bugmenagerie The Bug Menagerie North American wheel bug,
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 4 weeks ago 100%

    The description of the sting makes it seem at first like it's not a big deal and then proceeds to describe something that would be a very big dealI probably wouldn't have gotten so close to it if I had read this first.

  • bugmenagerie
    The Bug Menagerie AFaithfulNihilist 4 weeks ago 100%
    North American wheel bug,

    ![Sorry for the blurry vernier]( ![side view]( ![top](

  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 4 weeks ago 100%

    Is this one of them pokey mans?

  • politics politics A DNC Trend Emerges: Republican Officials Backing Harris
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 4 weeks ago 60%

    It shows that there's a diverse party of people that are trying to lead America into the future and a party that only has a plan to rule America into the ground.

    Obviously Republicans that aren't willing to sell out their country for a chance to kiss the ring are looking for some way to distinguish themselves from their treasonous brethren.

  • news News Teen girl sues Detroit judge who detained her after she fell asleep in courtroom
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 4 weeks ago 85%

    If you don't like paying for the mistakes of law enforcement, legislate punishment on law enforcement that makes mistakes!

    When it's a judge you have to vote them out (usually), and since they were voted in you have to punish the taxpayer for making such a boneheaded mistake.

    It's a taxpayer votes in this chuckle fucker again and maybe we need to punish them that much harder.

    The government has the money to spare otherwise they would stop fucking up so goddamn always.

  • news News Sen. Bernie Sanders calls for a Gaza ceasefire during DNC speech
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 4 weeks ago 93%

    The problem with this kind of sarcasm is how many people mean it sincerely makes the sarcasm seem at least potentially not sarcastic.

  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 4 weeks ago 85%

    I didn't win the love of the mother of my child for anything I did yesterday. I did it because of what she expects tomorrow.

    The higher her expectations, the better I must be doing. I never want to give her an excuse to lower those expectations and none of them have to do with fancy gifts, expensive dates or anything like that.

    Love is grand but it is built from small devotions.

    Trying to be the man Fred Rogers said I could be was a good place to start. She found me there and we got here together. I couldn't be happier.

  • politics politics Harris proposes raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, rolling back a Trump law
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%


    Smaller businesses have better wages and hire more people. Smaller businesses are more nimble, flexible, and they're never too big to fail. Smaller businesses, mean more options, more ideas, and variety is good for the marketplace, consumer, and the country as a whole.

    Less consolidation is good! Competition is good!

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Also, could we encase the whole thing in plastic?
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    The lunchables seems like a dystopian food stuff created by a team of psychopaths.

    What if we made all of the food crappy, added extra preservatives and maybe a little bit of lead?

    The Romans added led to their drinks it must have been delicious or something! ~Kraft food scientists probably

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost And stupid me always taught that injecting yourself with radioactive donuts causes cancer
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    Careful, if you get bitten by a radioactive donut it turns you into a Simpson!

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Who Wants To Be A Lemming
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    ...and the NBA is supported by the taxpayer.

    The entire business model of professional sports requires socializing the cost of infrastructure through subsidizing the transportation, location, and logistics and exempting every one of these monopoly wealth getting schemes from labor laws, antitrust, and public review.

    The NBA, NFL, MLB, etc are a scam And they need to learn how to pay their own bills.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Who Wants To Be A Lemming
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 83%

    Do you know the difference between subsidized and self sufficient?

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Who Wants To Be A Lemming
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 85%

    And how much of The profitability of that industry is owed to state sponsorship, tax breaks, and Monopoly exceptions?

    Professional sports needs to learn how to pay its own bills before it can be used as an example of why women's sports aren't profitable.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Who Wants To Be A Lemming
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 80%

    Let's drop the state sponsorship of professional men's sports and sporting arenas down to the level that we give to the women's teams and see how those salaries look in a couple of years...

  • memes Memes Ik ik but control yourselfs
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    Straight to the top of the thread for you.

  • bugmenagerie
    The Bug Menagerie AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 94%
    This grass spider found the dryer vent and is enjoying the humid breeze

    ![alternative picture](

    politics politics Unearthed photo: Teen JD Vance poses with 3 girls at urinals
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 93%

    See that's just it I don't think this picture shows that he was stupid as a kid I think it shows that he's unwilling to grant the freedom of self-expression and self-discovery that he went through to kids today.

    It's not his participation in this picture that is damning in any way, It's who he is now that damns him.

    The kid in this picture was doing normal kid shit, I can't even figure out why someone might be offended by it but I know a Republican WOULD immediately reach for their pearlsif they saw this picture thinking it was taken recently. They would call it wokeness, and attribute it to the deep state.

    It seems like JD Vance hasn't always been a creeper weirdo, and maybe at one point in his life people found him funny.

  • news News Trump Warns That if Kamala Harris Wins, ‘Everybody Gets Health Care’
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    It's even worse than that

    If you were chatting with them and you used the proper name "Affordable Care Act" or ACA to describe Obamacare they would immediately think it is a dog whistle for communism and that it was just a way for liberals to rebrand Obamacare. Their entire universe is backwards, inside out, and upside down.

  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    I've worked in 2 different schools in the IT department and 4 others as a volunteer lecturer (I got a name tag that said Technology Evangelist) I found that putting an analog clock on the screen saver of computers in the classroom was more likely to result in the clock actually being on time.

    Too many clocks in classrooms are very old or even battery powered but neglected.

    I don't think kids are dumb just they aren't getting a world that is properly maintained by competent people that care about their work and are adequately resourced to do the whole job.

  • politics politics Bernie Sanders Warns Donald Trump Is Gearing Up To Deny 2024 Election Results
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    ...and he only got that job because of how hard up for cash he was after somehow managing to lose money on a casino.

    In the world of business Donald Trump is boldly pioneering the frontier of incompetence.

    Lots of people are saying it. Everyday someone comes to me to say Donald Trump is an amazing loser of money. Big strong men come to me in tears saying No one can lose money quite as confidently as Trump, (with the possible exceptions of Cathie Woods and Elon Musk).

  • politics politics Bernie Sanders Warns Donald Trump Is Gearing Up To Deny 2024 Election Results
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    You don't give him enough credit.

    He didn't just lose it all, until the presidential graft, he had lost a couple orders of magnitude more money than the substantial fortune he inherited.

  • politics politics Trump keeps watching shooting clip: ‘May legit have PTSD’
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    They don't see it that way. This is another "black helicopter" thing where they just assume it's part of the CommieLib-MkUltra-Deepstate and that every piece of evidence that runs contrary to that narrative is so obviously manufactured by Nancy Pelosi using a 3D printed, Jewish-space-neuralizer organized by AOC to delete her feet pictures off the internet.

    It's clearly just aconspiracy to ruin the lives of the UberMerican loud minority of manly lifted truck driving estranged fathers wearing Izod Sport jackets with iron-on bald eagles and American flags.

    If he were a real Republican® Christian© American™, he wouldn't have done a violence, but if he had, his aim would have been true, and and he would have gotten away.

  • politics politics Bernie Sanders Warns Donald Trump Is Gearing Up To Deny 2024 Election Results
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 98%

    Stupid is a stupid does, and smart is just the ability to efficiently accomplish your objectives with the resources available to you.

    I would argue that Trump is smart in that he has managed to, with limited intellectual, strategic, or character resources pull off one of the largest con jobs in American history.

    He doesn't want to do good for America, he wants to do good for himself and has achieved heretofore not possible levels of graft and extortion and all of this without facing any real consequences himself.

    He's not a good man, He's not an intelligent man, but he is a smart monster. He not an imbecile, he's not witless, but he is a stupid business man.

    Trump proves that you can be stupid and smart at the same time because they can apply to different qualities of a person.

    He is undeniably a bad American.

  • politics politics Markey, Warren Sound Alarm Over Private Equity Firm's Deal to Buy Doctors Group
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    Good riddance

  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    The last time I saw a DBZ episode there was only one set of dragon balls and the animation was 8-12 frames a second. Now it seems like everyone is immortal, there is a multiverse, and Goku can clown on actual gods for the lols.

  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    You are awesome.

    Lemmy is better for you being here. Thanks for the reading material!

  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    I'm just going to assume those 4 dollar words are real and you aren't just misspelling normal words to fuck with us.

    Non surjective free magma? What about the doblastic amortized basalt?

  • news News Newsom threatens to take money from counties that don't reduce homelessness
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 98%

    We are lucky we got Tim Walz instead of Newsom. Tim really cares about outcomes but Gavin is all about appearances.

  • internetofshit Internet of Shit Ecovacs home robots can be hacked to spy on their owners, researchers say
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    Why on earth does a vacuum have a microphone?!

  • politics politics ‘Manipulated’ Trump blows up billionaire megadonor’s phone with angry texts
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    The whole family of grifters should be locked in a box and sunk into the ocean, but short of that, I am perfectly ok with the lot of them being run hard and put away wet.

  • memesy memesy Gandalf przemówił
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    Don't you mean northeast Ukraine?

  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 88%

    What is the reason for these two things to get grouped up and shoved down my feed? I'm a life long and very public activist for medical financial aid programs, public housing, sexual wellness, free kindergarten, hot meals, direct aid, take back the night, ada accomodations, needle exchanges, loan forgiveness, and just about every humane cause I know of. My viewing history is about as antithetical to Tate's small dick energy as I can imagine and the anime I watch is more likely to be weird surreal stuff like Tengoku Daimakyou than some 50th year of dragon Ball

    How does my feed switch from normal shorts to the incel only feed?!

  • gaming Gaming I hope you've got a spare 190GB kicking about for God Of War Ragnarok on PC
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    The library of Alexandria supposedly contained some 13 to 15 GB of data.

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha So he also gives a blowjob to keep himself fresh breaths?
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 1 month ago 100%

    such a succulent smell... of success!

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost 'Murica 🇺🇲🍕🦅
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 2 months ago 100%

    I heard about them for years but this is the first time I have actually seen douche nozzle while it is flaming.

  • news News 'Dirty Move': Pentagon Chief Ditches Plea Deals With Tortured 9/11 Defendants.
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 2 months ago 50%

    Juries determine guilt. Judges conduct trials.

    Plea bargains are a way for the state to save itself the expense of a trial but the way it works out is to compel people to accept a lighter punishment via plea deal than they might get at trial even if they are innocent because there is little that pisses of the incarceration industrial complex more than being innocent.

    Judges (generally) can't just summarily pronounce you guilty, but they can let the prosecution get away with anything it wants, prohibit you from presenting evidence on your own behalf, and editorialize on the facts of the case to the jury.

    The whole system is engineered to lock up as many people as possible and it makes a mind boggling amount of money doing it while also using various methods to discourage targeted civilians from participating in society.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • AFaithfulNihilist AFaithfulNihilist 2 months ago 100%


    When I was in high school and I replied to the appearance of an army recruiter in my social studies class I objected to his presence there with the phrase, "surely you don't think it's appropriate for you to be here recruiting impressionable youth to bomb brown people in the name of fascism?" My teacher made me stand in the hallway and gave me a "0" on the days quiz. There was no fucking quiz.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Turtles! AFaithfulNihilist 5 months ago 100%
    a comfy place to bask

    I couldn't let Donnie stay in the wild because sliders aren't supposed to be here, but he looks really comfortable underneath his jungle of raspberries, basil, and potatoes while he basks on a bed of moss.

    What is this thing? AFaithfulNihilist 6 months ago 96%
    I found a bunch of these crawling around inside my garage. What is this Bug?

    They seem to spin some kind of silk everywhere they go. They seem to be no longer than about 4 mm. I noticed them crawling up things and then dropping down on a line of silk. I've started catching them by putting little sticks up in the air attached everywhere that I find them. They tend to gather at the top of the stick for easy rapture by vacuum.

    What is this thing? AFaithfulNihilist 8 months ago 95%
    I took apart a giant projection TV and there were a bunch of these lining the screen mount.

    I feel like they probably have something to do with light level detection or infrared signal receiving but I genuinely have no idea. They could just as likely be part of the sound system for all I know.

    195 AFaithfulNihilist 8 months ago 93%
    Peterson rule
    195 AFaithfulNihilist 9 months ago 92%
    When a friend expresses an interest in poetry, there are rules.

    I will try not to over explain the life out of it

    Trees AFaithfulNihilist 10 months ago 100%
    Mega's Cola

    ![Close Up](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    homelab AFaithfulNihilist 1 year ago 100%
    Recently updated my Network Diagram, Its still a work in progress

    I added some more unifi APs, a Raspberry Pi4 for a low power unifi controller, and I replaced the MOCA bridges with multiple Cat6 runs letting me power most of the wifi from the generator in the basement across the house. I should probably do a full write up of what it all is and why, and I plan to get optimum and Verizon working together so I can leverage both internet connections in the whole house.
