greentext Greentext Anon browses r/AmITheAsshole
  • Azzu Azzu 15 hours ago 100%

    It depends entirely on the maturity of the parties involved, it's not really an "older/younger" thing.

    But generally, the less mature you are, the more a relationship is selfish, i.e. you want to be in a relationship for your personal advantage, i.e. "i get sex when I have a girlfriend". The more mature you get, the more relationships go into the direction of "I want to make the other person happy". You still get your sex or whatever other advantage of course, but it's much more fulfilling if you can actually give the other person what they need, and temporarily losing your personal benefit of the relationship doesn't cause immediate breakups.

  • greentext Greentext Anon browses r/AmITheAsshole
  • Azzu Azzu 15 hours ago 100%

    They don't really. They are often learned the hard way, because no one attempts to explain them or just acts like they know but doesn't really.

  • science science Scientists Use AI to Prove People Can Be Talked Out of Conspiracy Theories
  • Azzu Azzu 20 hours ago 100%

    No one said at all that AI used "reason" to talk people out of a conspiracy theory. In fact I would assume it's incredibly unlikely since AI in general is not reasonable.

  • facepalm Facepalm Elon Musk Is Repulsive
  • Azzu Azzu 3 days ago 50%

    Almost all celebrities get to where they are specifically not because they are amazing people. It requires a special kind of mindset to pursue fame and status to such an extent.

  • memes Memes Calling in healthy
  • Azzu Azzu 3 days ago 100%

    It's relatively reasonable to expect a person to lie, it's a bit less reasonable to expect two people to lie, it's even less reasonable to expect someone to lie in a professional context where their livelihood depends on them not being discovered to be lying.

    It makes a certain sense when you look at it that way from an employer's perspective.

    Of course, like you probably understand, it doesn't make any sense after all, because in the end if you go to a doctor and lie about being sick (symptoms), the doctor is neither lying nor professionally liable and the whole thing is just an additional hurdle to go through.

    But that hurdle is also part of the point to reduce the convenience of lying. And I'm absolutely sure that this additional hurdle has prevented someone somewhere from calling in sick while they aren't.

    Again of course, that likely hasn't resulted in more work being done, because obviously the employee had a reason to lie about being sick. But whatever, I'll stop now.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • Azzu Azzu 3 days ago 66%

    What to do with it is to act understanding and empathetic with people like that instead of standoffish and hostile. You still insist on the better way of doing things, but there's no actual need to attack anyone that doesn't support the better way of doing things, even if their reasons aren't rational or even morally questionable/bad. It only serves to further entrench them in their positions, while the opposite might have a chance to happen in a more cooperative approach.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • Azzu Azzu 3 days ago 50%

    Funny how you made exactly the comment the article predicted within itself xD

  • memes Memes Calling in healthy
  • Azzu Azzu 3 days ago 50%

    Why would you ask questions when it's the same day? Like, don't all sicknesses start being noticed one specific day and thus you take sick leave starting that day? That's literally the only way it makes sense at all

    Seems like you're an asshole boss to me

  • memes Memes Calling in healthy
  • Azzu Azzu 3 days ago 100%

    I mean the only thing it does is if you're a minute late, you might as well go get a coffee and sit down in a park and be 59 minutes late.

  • memes Memes Calling in healthy
  • Azzu Azzu 3 days ago 100%

    When I call my doctor and tell them I have covid, I get a doctor's note sent to me/my employer automatically without having to expose anyone

  • minecraft Minecraft On this day 10 years ago, Microsoft acquired #Minecraft developer Mojang for US$2.5 billion.
  • Azzu Azzu 3 days ago 100%

    I'm just confused because they already must have had a lot of money. How much you need?

  • technology Technology Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • Azzu Azzu 7 days ago 75%

    Don't remember, sorry

    Am on e/os/

  • technology Technology Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • Azzu Azzu 7 days ago 100%

    Xposed is just an API which is provided by the LSPosed Magisk module.

  • technology Technology Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • Azzu Azzu 7 days ago 100%

    idk where I got it from, but it's called "Universal SafetyNet Fix" by kdrag0n

  • technology Technology Android apps are blocking sideloading and forcing Google Play versions instead
  • Azzu Azzu 7 days ago 100%

    Indeed, I already bypass SafetyNet and Play integrity with some kind of xposed module, I don't expect this to change.

  • startrek Star Trek I just finish to see all TNG movies.
  • Azzu Azzu 1 week ago 100%

    Semi-unrelated question: I've watched Star Trek Voyager with my gf, she doesn't know any other Trek. I don't think we want to watch TOS, but will probably continue with TNG and DS9 next.

    Do you need to know the TOS characters like Kirk, Spock etc before watching their movies, or are they adequately introduced in the movies so you can watch them as someone completely ignorant?

  • dota2 Dota 2 The International 2024 - Group Stage Discussion Thread
  • Azzu Azzu 1 week ago 100%

    Have mostly watched Liquid, GG and Talon so far. Still rooting for Liquid a lot. And yeah, it's looking good so far :D but we'll see

  • Azzu Azzu 1 week ago 100%

    Can somebody please explain this? I don't get it :(

  • neurodiverse neurodiverse Bad feel: when you realise (only because someone notified you) that a thing people were doing seemingly randomly, was actually a big important social cue
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yep, rejection sucks. Until you understand that they're the problem, not you, then "rejection" is just a good filter for yourself. They're filtering themselves out so you don't have to deal with their shittiness.

    All the more when they cause a scene. I usually just walk away. Idk about you, how old you are, which social situation you're in, but it's interesting how much you can just walk away from that you never thought you could. Most of the time they either respect you more or don't try their shit anymore because they know it doesn't work on you.

    Anyway, I wish you lots of happiness and good interactions instead :)

  • relationship_advice Relationship Advice How to deal with a partner's chronic pain
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 86%

    First thing in any relationship: your own happiness. You're young, so you probably still have indoctrinated love ideas a la Disney, eternal love, total self sacrifice and all that bullshit. It's feel-good nonsense.

    I repeat: the absolute first priority in any relationship is your own happiness. Does it help anybody that she has chronic pain and is unhappy, and now you're unhappy too? Obviously not, it would be, from a total utilitarian perspective, a much better situation if she was unhappy and you were happy. Total happiness would have increased.

    What this means is: you can only support her as much as you are comfortable with it. Like seriously, what is the alternative? Like you say right now, that you're so emotionally drained that the relationship ends? Then the situation would be even worse: she wouldn't get any support at all anymore. What's better, the little support you can give without sacrificing your own happiness, or no support? Obviously the little support.

    Now if that is "enough" for her, that is for her to decide. She might decide that she wants a partner that can support her more. Obviously it's a huge gamble, there aren't many people who can deal with a lot of negativity all the time.

    Of course, the initial rant about Disney love comes from somewhere. Your thought of being so self-sacrificingly supporting was instilled in you from somewhere. Likely you and people around you think that it's the "good" thing to do. They would be wrong, but that won't stop them from giving you shit probably in the way of "oh how could you be so evil and stop supporting your poor poor girlfriend". This is, in my opinion, abuse. Yes, she has it harder. Is thus your happiness unimportant? Obviously not. But it may be laid out as if it were.

    In summary: listen to yourself. Focus on your own happiness. Do only as much as you can. Explain to her why. Tell her everything you think, everything you feel. If she loves you, she won't want to pull you down with her. And the funny, ironic, unintuitive thing will be, once you focus on yourself and are more happy you will also again be able to support her much better. Take your rest, take a break, don't support her when it pulls you down. Be assertive about your own needs, even if she has it worse.

  • neurodiverse neurodiverse Bad feel: when you realise (only because someone notified you) that a thing people were doing seemingly randomly, was actually a big important social cue
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Just interpreted the "screeching rn" as you being actually upset. If that's not the case, that's good :)

    Idk, I experience A+B too, but I just don't really make them my problem. If someone misunderstands something, I just ignore it unless it's something really important, and there are rarely really important things.

  • neurodiverse neurodiverse Bad feel: when you realise (only because someone notified you) that a thing people were doing seemingly randomly, was actually a big important social cue
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yo, I can just say, chill. Other people, including NTs, are not important enough to get upset about. Also, sure, interactions are not understandable for you, but they are to them. Who really is "right" then? It doesn't matter. You just gotta accept the reality of it and do the best with it.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Uyghur "genocide" denial? Instaban. Gaza genocide denial? No probs buddy
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 0%

    I understand that there are people in Ukraine who are more aligned with Russia than EU. However, in democracies, which is a terrible form of government but still the best one we have, the majority wins. In 2013, the parliament of Ukraine overwhelmingly supported the European-Ukrainian association agreement, which is the democratically elected part of the government, and then the Yanukovich government suddenly decided, no, they're not going to honor this decision. That is clear corruption in Russian direction. I can't deny there might still be corruption in the government formed after Euromaidan, but it is very clear that in total, the majority of Ukraine supported this.

    It's kind of telling to me how you ignored the part about an invasion being a fine way to solve this problem. Shouldn't the people within a country solve their internal problems themselves? There was no military invasion by EU/US/NATO into Ukraine to bring it under their control. NATO militarization or membership looked very unlikely... Until the 2014 invasion of Crimea and now the 2022 invasion of the whole of Ukraine.

    There is a whole different level between trying to gain influence through trade agreements compared to trying to gain influence by military invasion. Sure, I completely concede that Western governments are trying to get influence over Ukraine. But why do these influence battles have to escalate into a war, don't you agree that no matter who influences/controls a country, normal people's lives are only going to get worse with a war than with peace? The invasions of the US to "help" all kinds of people (obviously not the real motivation) are rightfully condemned, why is this invasion any different? The thought of course is, after the war things should be better, but when had this ever been the case? During WW2, yes, but the problems in Ukraine were nowhere close to ethnic cleansing like was seen in the Nazi regime, in fact it is heavily disputed that there were any coordinated aggression against ethnic Russians at all. Only 3 months passed between Euromaidan and the Russian invasion of Crimea. There wasn't even enough time to properly form a government, nevermind starting a controlled persecution of ethnic Russians (if that even was a plan/possibility, which is highly disputed).

    Another thing, why didn't Russia stop with Donbas if it was only about "saving the Russians" in eastern Ukraine? Why did they go for Kiev immediately in 2022? It is quite clear that this current war was never (at least only) about saving "prosecuted Russians".

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 70%

    I agree. But is a statement like "everyone in hexbear is insane" helpful in any way at all in this situation? The only thing it serves is to further any divide and cause more hostility.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 80%

    The times I went there with differing opinions I never got insulted. They think their views are right and (sometimes) mine wrong. They also shared their reasons and tried in their way to educate me. They have their own culture over there that is more rude/direct than normal, but it's certainly possible to speak normally to them.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 60%

    I think all people deserve respect by default. Only through someone's actions may the respect for them be rescinded. Calling a whole bunch of people something is just almost never correct and only furthers any already existing divide.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Uyghur "genocide" denial? Instaban. Gaza genocide denial? No probs buddy
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 0%

    Genuine question, just because there are some nazis in Ukraine, that justifies a military invasion? Should all countries with neo-nazis in them be invaded by others? Should Russia invade itself, as there are neo-nazis also within Russia? Do you think invasion, killing others, is a valid form of affecting change?

    If you say yes to any of these, why are some invasions good (Russia->Ukraine) but other invasions are bad (US->wherever)?

    What do you say about the 2013 Ukrainian revolution (Euromaidan), which goal was to topple a Russian-controlled corrupt government and give democratic power to the people? Why do you think the toppling of a Russian-controlled corrupt government wouldn't be a much more likely reason for the invasion of Ukraine? Doesn't it make much more sense that if Russia loses autocratic control over Ukraine through a people's revolution, and can't pay a corrupt government anymore to do what they want, they would try to regain that control through violence/annexation?

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 73%

    You can do these things while talking face-to-face with somebody.

    Calling a whole bunch of different people with different opinions than you, that you don't all know, "insane", seems to me like you feel you are smarter/better than them.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 45%

    They're not insane, they're just victims of tribal thinking like the rest of us. Very narrow worldview reinforced by the others around them, bashing outsiders, thinking "they" are smarter than everyone else. Mostly, they see themselves as good and everyone else as bad, which isn't very unique among humans either. I don't think hexbear is worse than anywhere else.

    You're doing the same right now probably.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do I stop a 'planned future' from blindly determining my life's path?
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Wow, why is it so hard for you to say what the problem is? It's going to be a bit hard to get any advice.

    I assume you wanted children but are sterile? You can still adopt. Even if that's not what you mean, there are always alternatives in some way that let you achieve what you want, maybe not exactly like you imagined it, but a similar thing.

    Everyone else already has said the "general" stuff that can be said without getting any more information from you. If you really want help, you should be ready to share some more information and answer questions people have, as well as answer people's comments with sharing your true thoughts, not holding back like you did in your main post.

    In the end, how do you get over this? You understand rationally that you can never plan the future 100%. You understand that once people achieve a goal/plan, they don't become happy, they just try to achieve a new goal/plan. To become happy, you have to be happy with what you currently have, no matter what that is.

    You don't have to have an identity to live. Identity is irrelevant. It's a thought-up human concept that in the grand scheme of things has no meaning. What does it matter what your identity was 100 years from now? 1000 years from now? A million years from now?

    And once you rationally understand these things, you have to convince your subconscious of them as well, which is much harder and requires lots of practice.

  • fediverse Fediverse Annoyed by Lemmy links not going to your home instance? I just updated LULs, the script that changes all Lemmy links everywhere to your home instance!
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 100%

    I will update the instance list. I have a script that parses data and updates the list within the script, but I need to run it manually.

    Generally all issues/requests can be added in There is no Lemmy community for it. How did you find this? I had like 3 people suddenly write on this year old thread.

  • adhd ADHD Never finished degree and I feel stuck/suicidal over it
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Don't know where you're from. I'm from Germany and we have a large vocational training culture. I just looked at some and found one that specialized in people that couldn't finish university.

    But to be honest, it wouldn't have been hard to find any entry level job either. You just need to explain that you're not made for the educational institutions. And then provide proof of how you are good with computers/Linux and programming, most easily done through some contributions to open source projects. Of course you actually need to know about what clean code is, software engineering paradigms etc

    Very important to apply to very small companies, never large ones. The large ones do automatic filtering for people without degree or some shit, but the small ones actually look at resumes. In you resume, you can just make a compelling case (even if it's totally bullshit) that you would be a good worker with your current skillset even though you don't have formal education, and it's likely you'll be able to find some kind of job eventually.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions If you have sex with a clone of yourself, is it incest?
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 83%

    It is mainly about morals in the age of contraception. Of course the definition of what incest is is not, which is what you probably meant... Ignore me

  • lotrmemes Lord of the memes I don't remember these versions
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 100%

    Chapter 2: Mordor launched automatic retaliatory nukes at the rest of middle earth, all life in middle earth goes extinct.

    Except dwarves, they have good bunkers.

  • adhd ADHD Never finished degree and I feel stuck/suicidal over it
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 100%

    If you're like me, the literal only people that will tell you that you need a degree are your parents.

    I also studied for 4 years and was still in the first semester at the end of it. I just stopped trying. Now I'm a self-taught programmer.

    I can tell you with my whole heart: "success" is completely and utterly irrelevant. If you have enough to live, you have already "won". Most other people would disagree with this. But there's so much free or almost free stuff to do that you can literally fill your whole life with it and never run out. Everything else is, even though it's very clichéd, a mindset issue. It is possible to be happy with very very little.

    I don't know anything about your life, but if I have one advice it is this: figure out which of your beliefs come from within you or come from other people. Do you actually believe a degree is necessary? Or have other people instilled in you the sense that a degree is necessary? Is earning lots of money actually important? Or is that just what other people think is important and you copied?

    Also get therapy help if you can.

  • android Android My iPhone Runs Android - I'm Serious! - Installing Native Android on iPhone
  • Azzu Azzu 2 weeks ago 94%

    That's what "keep scrolling" is for, no need to announce it.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Are you self aware of different types of hungry?
  • Azzu Azzu 3 weeks ago 100%

    Seems like it's happening to me, too. Don't know how accurate it is, but I do seem to be craving certain types of food.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do?
  • Azzu Azzu 3 weeks ago 100%

    If you're autistic: social settings have a plethora of unwritten rules that you have to follow to not seem weird to non-autistic people. Without knowing exactly why anyone would be badmouthing you, it's likely that you already violated dozens of them without knowing it.

    It's possible to learn it though, I did it through reading about it and carefully observing soap operas scene-by-scene, watching every movement they make, every way they express themselves, guessing the purpose and seeing the effects.

    The quickest way to learn is by having someone with the necessary skills observe you and giving you pointers, but this is hard to do apparently since you have no one you can trust?

    I could help, but to help you, one really needs much more and much more specific information about your situation.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Are there any differences between hosting a .onion site and a “normal” site?
  • Azzu Azzu 3 weeks ago 100%

    I.e. you either need your own server or a provider that supports Tor. Don't think GitHub supports it.

  • games Games Dev of slept-on tactical RPG says it "sold badly" despite glowing reviews: "My next project will be more focused on 'Does this sell'"
  • Azzu Azzu 3 weeks ago 97%

    Looking at the Steam store page of this game doesn't make me want to play this at all. This is just a gut reaction and I don't know why I feel like this, and I don't want to spend the time to try and figure it out. But there must be something wrong with the game or the presentation of it.

  • linux
    Linux Azzu 1 month ago 91%
    Where should I go to get help from experienced people on very specific issues that I can't find a solution for?

    Right now I'm stuck in a boot issue on Elementary OS and I have no access to any installation medium :(

    Dota 2 Azzu 3 months ago 100%
    Gameplay Update 7.36b

    Just because no one posted it here yet :P

    Dota 2 Azzu 4 months ago 91%
    So what are your underrated stars of the patch so far?

    Which hero with which facet is stronger than people think? What item build is deceptively strong? Which strategy wins you games?

    Dota 2 Azzu 4 months ago 94%
    New gameplay update coming tomorrow (2024-05-23) - Help put together the preview :)

    **Everyone has their own part of the patch notes! Post a screenshot** of the encounter unlocked by the candlemakers' shop! This is what you can see when you put a few together (need more still) ![](

    Asklemmy Azzu 5 months ago 95%
    Anyone have good ways to search through lemmy posts?

    Neither DuckDuckGo nor Google are particularly good at it, since you can't do something like ``. How do you guye search or is this just an unsolved problem?

    Dota 2 Azzu 6 months ago 96%
    Crosspost, but very relevant to dota

    It's just a joke, I don't actually think league players are any better or worse than dota ones.

    Dota 2 Azzu 6 months ago 90%
    Basic Dreamleague S22 Recap

    Dreamleague S22 was the last T1 tournament: It was played with a format of 2 large group stages and a small finals bracket with the top 4 teams. Team Falcons continued their domination from the previous tournament (BB Dacha). It seems like the pro scene is a bit shaken up after the last TI and its season, with teams like Gaimin Gladiators and Team Liquid not really at the top anymore. Apart from Team Falcons, the whole scene looks a bit more even right now. The Eastern European teams, namely BB Team and Team Spirit, also look strong right now, together with some of the Chinese teams, mainly Xtreme Gaming. As for meta, a selection of the top heroes right now: For the support role(s), Chen, Batrider, Lion, Mirana, Shadow Demon, Tiny, Enigma, Techies Popular offlaners include, Mars, Timbersaw, Centaur, Magnus, Dragon Knight. Mids are Puck, Pango, Dragon Knight, Storm Spirit, Timber, Templar Assassin. Carries include Naga, Sven, Morphling, Terrorblade, Faceless Void. Playstyle-wise, there was a lot of focus on individual outplays, particularly from the offlane role. Successful teams had lots of the "meta" heroes in their repertoire and were able to use them to snowball from the laning stage into the midgame, simply securing more farm by pushing the enemy off the map and into defensive positions through outplays in how the map was played, which heroes could be where and how fights went. As such there was a higher focus on teamfight heroes with big ultimates, like Mars, Enigma, Faceless Void, Pheonix, Undying, but also saves against that, like Shadow Demon, also Undying, Vengeful Spirit.

    Dota 2 Azzu 8 months ago 95%
    I really love Crystal Maidens shard... did you know:

    Basic patch change, but your clone now gets destroyed by your ult and level 2 Crystal Nova. So you can trigger it whenever you want, clearing waves and jungle camps faster and more easily. Which also means you can put more early points into the Arcane Aura! It can be cast during your ultimate. Your Aghanim's Scepter Frostbites everyone standing in your Ult for 2.5 secs... but how about instantly Frostbiting everyone? It disjoints projectiles. Enemy only has projectile interrupts for your ultimate? Ooops... It blocks Pudge hook LOL take that Your normal Frostbite has 6 sec CD and disables for 3 seconds... So with Shard you have your very own 9 sec chain disable! (almost, if it weren't for the 0.3 sec cast time of Frostbite) And I mean of course, you can go over cliffs, but everyone knows that, I just had the video lying around

    Dota 2 Azzu 8 months ago 93%
    9/10 Banner Placement

    \+ Banner Between Two Other Banners \+ Supports Push \+ Relatively Safe \- Not Centered

    Deep Rock Galactic Azzu 9 months ago 100%
    4min 30sec of leaving no dwarf behind

    I really don't think it could have been any closer :D I'm really proud of this save

    Dota 2 Azzu 9 months ago 96%
    Christmas present for Mason by the official dota 2 team

    ![]( Select players receive a "Highly Toxic Lump of Coal" in their Frostivus chest, banning them from the game permanently.
