nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How will I find financial stability if I live in a third world country with a toxic sociopathic/narcissistic mother, I have no skills (at least I think so), no time and therefore no money?
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 8 months ago 100%

    I'm a trauma therapist, The Body Keeps the Score is very good for C-PTSD. You should also read Gabor Mate's books and watch his interview with Tim Ferris on YouTube. It's called Dr Gabor Mate on trauma, addiction, Ayahuasca and more. Read Richard Schwartz work around Internal Family Systems Therapy. He did an amazing interview with Rich Roll called Multiplicity of the Mind.

    There's a lot of really good content online if you can't access a therapist. You want to start with making sure you can self regulate and self soothe and build from there. Somatic exercises will help you.

  • 196 196 22 cis woman. trying to find AFAB's who understand me rule
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 12 months ago 100%

    Sending you love and soothing. I'm a non binary AFAB who was diagnosed with endometriosis over 10 years ago via laparoscopic surgery. Endo sucks. I'm coming to the end of my reproductive years, thank fark, it's been a painful ride.

  • menopause Menopause Testosterone 3 month update
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 12 months ago 100%

    No literally the only change is with my libido. I feel like I've got a bit more energy, but that may also be because I'm now medicated for ADHD. It's been a wild ride!

    It's worth noting that I do have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and I'm really bad at exercising 🫠

  • menopause
    Menopause unexplaineditem 12 months ago 100%
    Testosterone 3 month update

    Original post I have been on testosterone 1% for 3 months now. I feel like it took 6 weeks or so for me to feel the effects. I'm happy to say that my libido has increased, not to the same levels that it was before, but I'm hopeful that it may continue to change. My doctor says that it takes about 6 months for things to level out in your system. I was completely averse to sex for the last 2 years and now I can actually initiate sex which is huge for me. I haven't noticed any other changes that you get warned about. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. And I would urge anyone who's having libido issues to inquire about going on testosterone because estrogen did nothing for me in that regard.

    alternativenation Alternative Nation: The Fediverse's Alternative and Indie Music Community [30 Day Song Challenge: Alternative Edition] Day 2! An Alternative Song You Like With A Number In The Title
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    46 & 2 - Tool

  • menopause Menopause My HRT appointment
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    So glad to hear it all went well. I had minimal side effects when I started HRT. I think boob tenderness was about the only thing I experienced and it lasted maybe 2 weeks at most. I hope you get benefit from it.

  • alternativenation Alternative Nation: The Fediverse's Alternative and Indie Music Community Album of the day 💿: Second Toughest in the Infants - Underworld
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    ooh amazing album, there was a point where I would listen to this almost daily. Pearl's Girl is a standout track for me, but the entire album is gold.

  • menopause Menopause Talk to me about HRT and mental health
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    HRT helped my mental health immensely. I was in a really really dark place and going on HRT (with no other life changes) improved things within a week.

  • cat cats Begging to be taken on a walk
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 83%

    Yep, he lives for it. I adopted him when he was 5 years old and trained him as soon as he got used to me. He he gets very excited when I get his harness out and loves to go for walks. He's 15 now and still keen everyday unless it's really cold.

  • cat cats Begging to be taken on a walk
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 85%

    He's real! He's on Instagram - alexthebengal And he's ridiculously photogenic

  • cat
    cats unexplaineditem 1 year ago 99%
    Begging to be taken on a walk

    This is Alex, he's been having daily or twice daily walks for 10 years now. He still thinks he needs to act extra cute, and I'm not going to tell him otherwise!

  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    You're a deviant!

  • cat
    cats unexplaineditem 1 year ago 99%
    my little old man

    This is Alex and he's 15. Still very active but not quite as stubborn as he used to be!

    melbourne Melbourne Daily Thread: Friyay 30th of June 2023
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    nice one. I did 2 days of exercise then broke my little toe!

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily Thread: Friyay 30th of June 2023
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    thanks! Is your pic of your cat?

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily Thread: Friyay 30th of June 2023
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    aaw, he's very handsome and he knows it, and it means he can get away with almost anything!!

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily Thread: Friyay 30th of June 2023
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 0%

    I don't know who Melty is. It's actually my cat, Alex who is a bengal.

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily Thread: Friyay 30th of June 2023
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    Had such a broken nights sleep, I blame the earthquake. No work for me today, which is lucky, coz I am finding the braincells are not firing at all this morning.

  • menopause Menopause Testosterone
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    ha ha I would be more than happy for my clitoris to enlarge, it has vanished almost completely and I miss it. Hopefully I can get out today to pick up my gels and creams. I will report back in the future and see how I am doing.

    Imagine if men needed MHT, it would be free in a heartbeat!!

  • menopause
    Menopause unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    I went to my GP last week and she prescribed me a testosterone cream that has only been available here in Australia for a few months (according to her). I had a blood test and it showed that my levels were very low. I haven't been to pick it up yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing what it can do for me. I have had zero libido for a long time now, but that's not what I got it for BUT it is one of the main reasons they prescribe it. I wanted to see if it helped my muscle weakness and overall mehness. I have CFS/ME and hormones play a huge role in how well I feel. Has anyone else used testosterone and how did you find it? PS - HRT is so freaking expensive, it makes me really angry that our pharmaceutical benefits scheme doesn't cover it and I am out of pocket hundreds of dollars a month.

    shittylifeprotips Shitty Life Pro Tip [META] reddits r/shittylifeprotips is now without rules and posting porn is being encouraged to make reddit less desirable to advertisers.
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    where's my popcorn!

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily random thread: Gotta get down on Friday edition (June 16, 2023)
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    I have donuts! Happy Friday.

  • menopause Menopause I am beyond words
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    It's just so disgusting that these medical "professionals" can treat you this way. I am so sorry that you had to experience this. If you have the energy, I would put in a complaint. You do not deserve to be spoken to and treated like that at all.

  • menopause Menopause Dr. Jen Gunter's Menopause Minute for today... Progesterone!
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    I looove my progesterone nights, I sleep like the dead. However I need to go talk to my GP coz at the regular dose I get ridiculous dizziness if I have to get up and pee. And it's not like room spinning dizziness, it's more like I walk in a crooked line and take out the wall. Hard to explain and not so good.

  • menopause Menopause What's new?
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    I don't get hot flashes. I get a whole hot morning, every morning. It's Winter here and I generally walk my cat around 10am. I rarely wear a jumper/jacket. We go for our second walk in the afternoon (bengal life) and I'm rugged up appropriately. It's wild.

  • aww cute dogs, cats, and other animals New rescue from a month ago. Lemmy, meet Melty.
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    oh wobbly cats are super special. Give him a squish from me.

  • aww cute dogs, cats, and other animals New rescue from a month ago. Lemmy, meet Melty.
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    Ohhh you Melty my heart.

  • menopause Menopause How skin changes during Menopause
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    ohhhh, I had to look up melasma and ding ding ding, I have this too! Not sure when they popped up - in the last year or so. Blimey, it just goes on and on.

  • aww cute dogs, cats, and other animals Alex the Bengal - Intrepid Explorer
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    Yep. I trained him when I got him, age 5. It wasn't that hard. When I get his walking jacket and leash out now he gets excited and waits for me to put it on and then goes to the front door and waits impatiently for me to walk him.

  • aww cute dogs, cats, and other animals Alex the Bengal - Intrepid Explorer
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    aaw. He's only started to slow down in the last year. Unfortunately we were attacked by a dog in our front yard a month or so ago and it's put a little dent in his confidence. Mind you, his confidence was ridiculous to begin with. He does have his little old man modes though and he's gone completely deaf.

  • aww cute dogs, cats, and other animals Alex the Bengal - Intrepid Explorer
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    thank you! He really is, and it means he can get away with almost anything.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Alex the Bengal - Intrepid Explorer

    Adding my one of my cats to into the mix. This is him from a few months ago, wanting to get up onto someone's roof! We walk twice a day and have been doing so for 10 years! He's 15 years old and I've had him since he was 5.

    health Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related (Xpost) DAE dislike the term "neurodivergent" as applied to ADHD?
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    Neurodivergent is an umbrella term that covers a whole bunch of diagnoses, not limited to just ADHD and Autism. This infographic sums it up pretty well in my opinion. Neurodivergent refers to anyone whose mind or functioning diverges from dominant societal norms, standards and expectations (neurotypical).

  • melbourne Melbourne Little survey c/Melbourne: Do you guys use iOS or Android?
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    android, though currently on PC

  • menopause Menopause Am I in the right place?
  • unexplaineditem unexplaineditem 1 year ago 100%

    thanks Lefty! I know it's a lot to wrap our heads around new things at times, but what's happening at Reddit is sad. So thanks for creating this space, may it flourish.
