memes Memes There can be only one winner
  • sxan sxan 54 minutes ago 100%

    Caffeine works. Melatonin has never done anything for me; maybe I'm immune, but I've put it in the same mental basket as homeopathy.

  • politics politics Major Critics Of Gaza War Say Trump Will ‘Accelerate The Killing’
  • sxan sxan 57 minutes ago 100%

    Well, duh. Anyone who didn't know this hasn't been paying attention. He's (Trump) said as much, himself.

  • memes memes I am a crab.
  • sxan sxan 58 minutes ago 100%

    We will all become crab.

    Contrasts on having a girlfriend who shares her awesome dreams with you in real-time.

  • fediverse Fediverse The dilema of charging the users and a solution by integrating blockchain to fediverse
  • sxan sxan 1 hour ago 66%

    Yeah, despite the strong anti-crypto sentiment on Lemmy, this is exactly the problem that projects like Nostr is trying to solve by integrating Lighting as a first-class payment system in the ecosystem.

    Services get paid for by one of four ways:

    • Harvesting and reselling of user data. Which is wildly unpopular, and why a lot of people are on Lemmy and not Reddit or Facebook.
    • Ads. Which is also unpopular and again why people come to services like Lemmy
    • Pay-for-service, which is what you're suggesting, only via crypto, which is easier than accepting credit card transactions, and safer for users.
    • The hosted paying for it out of the goodness of their hearts. So, charity. Sometimes there's corporate charity, and that's nice, except for the potential for money coming with strings attached, now or eventually.

    Someone always pays; its expensive to host a popular instance. People suggesting you should host for free are selfish freeloaders, so know that some people understand that hosting costs, and sympathize with with your desire to offset that cost.

    I like the volunteer micro-transaction model. Those who can afford to pay some amount for good service, and hopefully this provides welfare for those who can't afford to pay. But the cryptocurrency space is a mess at the moment, and an economical currency (probably proof-of-stake rather than proof-of-work) needs to gain some traction, and overcome a lot of ignorant bigotry.

  • politics politics Democrats block pro-fracking bill in the Senate
  • sxan sxan 1 hour ago 100%

    Someone else pointed out that they blocked the fracking bill.

    However, this is a tough topic for Dems, and it's one of the reasons the Teamsters haven't endorsed them; one of the reasons is because industries like fracking provides well-paying blue-collar jobs.

    Remember, back in 2016, when Hillary said at a rally that if she was elected they were going to shut down the coal industry? That was a "they said the quiet part out loud" moment for blue-collar industry, and while it's too much blame to lay on Hillary, it really did drive another nail in the coffin of blue-collar support for Democrats, which they're still struggling to recover.

    Democrats have two conflicting goals: support blue collar jobs, and stop environmental destruction. Actions like this benefit the environment, but cost them votes and the support of Unions.

    It's a catch-22. Biden did a fantastic thing showing up at that picket line, but there's a long way to go to recover those blue-collar votes.

  • writingprompts Writing Prompts [WP] An enormous hand appears from nowhere and stops the Earth's orbit.
  • sxan sxan 2 hours ago 100%

    Everybody dies.

    The End.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts When someone says "Sorry, not sorry" they are still sorry for something.
  • sxan sxan 3 hours ago 100%

    I like to internalize this as a victory, and the utter humiliation of the person who offended me. They said "Sorry." That's admitting defeat!

  • historyporn HistoryPorn High-class Yomut women, Turkmenistan, ~1883
  • sxan sxan 5 hours ago 100%
  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes Mozilla leadership.
  • sxan sxan 1 day ago 100%

    Another way to interpret it is, "leadership pay has absolutely no impact on the success of a product."

    Yet another way is, "if you're struggling, put your money into almost anything else than raises for upper management."

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts We only do things for 2 reasons; either we want to, or we have to
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 100%

    I agree. I do appreciate the spirit of OP's comment, that we are agents. I observe a lot of people who blame everything but themselves for their circumstances, and take responsibility for nothing.

    However, sometimes you get the meteorite, and sometimes the meteorite gets you; we're none of us 100% in control of our fates.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes I promise the Republican Party
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 100%

    Thank you! It came from my brain. I'm not aware that it's been said that way by anyone else, although I don't think it's a unique observation.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What's currently (2024) the best self-hosted alternative for a Facebook Wall type of user experence?
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 100%

    To be fair, it is a very long-winded post. I think it's not an uncommon use case, though, and so deserved a robust sketch of the desired solution; Farmville and chat are sideshows, and what the people left on Facebook are really there for are the Walls.

  • linux Linux AMD’s Linux graphics driver is getting too big for older machines
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 100%

    Compiling has never been the hard part. The challenge is making it through the entire configuration menu system before succumbing to the urge to gouge your own eyes out with blunt sticks.

    Once that's done, kick off make take a long break; it'll be compiled by the time you get back to it.

    I hear build times are getting longer with the Rust parts, though, so do it soon before you need mainframe access to get a compile within your lifetime.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What's currently (2024) the best self-hosted alternative for a Facebook Wall type of user experence?
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 100%

    There are some excellent apps out there, and by and large they look and work better than commercial apps, IME. So I disagree with the assertion that I have to stay with commercial software.

    What I was asking for, in my post, was not which apps have better UX than Facebook, but rather which of the very many OSS, federated (although, not necessary for my use case), self-hosted platforms fit the specific use, and ideally with a straightforward iOS mobile app. Doesn't have to be pretty; just has to be able to quickly take and post photos to a private channel/community/wall.

    Circles really is quite nice in all respects. I think they're hindered by their choice of backend. I've been using Matrix for years, and key management has always been a hot mess. I wouldn't be surprised if the issues we encountered were related to Matrix's god-awful and buggy PK negotiation & management process.

  • selfhosted
    Selfhosted sxan 2 days ago 97%
    What's currently (2024) the best self-hosted alternative for a Facebook Wall type of user experence?

    I'm a little surprised I can't find any posts asking this question, and that there doesn't seem to be a FAQ about it. Maybe "Facebook" covers too many use cases for one clean answer. Up front, I think the answer for my case is going to be "Friendica," but I'm interested in hearing if there are any other, better options. I'm sure Mastodon and Lemmy aren't it, but there's Pixelfed and a dozen other options with which I'm less familiar with. This mostly centers around my 3-y/o niece and a geographically distributed family, and the desire for Facebook-like image sharing with a timeline feed, comments, likes (positive feedback), that sort of thing. Critical, in our case, is a good iOS experience for capturing and sharing short videos and pictures; a process where the parents have to take pictures, log into a web site, create a post, attach an image from the gallery is simply too fussy, especially for the non-technical and mostly overwhelmed parents. Less important is the extended family experience, although alerts would be nice. Privacy is critical; the parents are very concerned about limiting access to the media of their daughter that is shared, so the ability to restrict viewing to logged-in members of the family is important. [FUTO Circles]( was almost perfect. There was some initial confusion about the difference between circles and groups, but in the end the app experience was great and it accomplished all of the goals -- until it didn't. At some point, half of the already shared media disappeared from the feeds of all of the iOS family members (although the Android user could still see all of the posts). It was a thoroughly discouraging experience, and resulted in a complete lack of faith in the ecosystem. While I believe it might be possible to self-host, by the time we decided that everyone liked it and I was about to look into self-hosting our own family server (and remove the storage restrictions, which hadn't yet been reached when it all fell apart), the iOS app bugs had cropped up and we abandoned the platform. So there's the requirements we're looking for: - The ability to create private, invite-only groups/communities - A convenient mobile capture+share experience, which means an app - Reactions (emojis) & comment threads - Both iOS and Android support, in addition to whatever web interface is available for desktop use and, given this community, obviously self-hostable. I have never personally used Facebook, but my understanding is that it's a little different in that communities are really more like individual blogs with some post-level feedback mechanisms; in this way, it's more like Mastodon, where you follow individuals and can respond to their posts, albeit with a loosely-enforced character limit. And as opposed to Lemmy, which while moderated, doesn't really have a main "owner" model. I can imagine setting up a Lemmy instance and creating a community per person, but I feel as if that'd be trying to wedge a square peg into a round hole. Pixelfed might be the answer, but from my brief encounter with it, it feels more like a photo-oriented Mastodon, then a Facebook wall-style experience (it's Facebook that has "walls", right?). So back to where I started: in my personal experience, it seems like Friendica might be the best fit, except that I don't use an iPhone and don't know if there are any decent Friendica apps that would satisfy the user experience we're looking for; honestly, I haven't particularly liked any of the Android apps, so I don't hold out much hope for iOS. Most of the options speak ActivityPub, so maybe I should just focus on finding the right AP-based mobile client? Although, so far the best experience (until it broke) has been Circles, which is based on Matrix. It's challenging to install and evaluate all of the options, especially when -- in my case -- to properly evaluate the software requires getting several people on each platform to try and see how they like it. I value the community's experience and opinions.

    linux Linux AMD’s Linux graphics driver is getting too big for older machines
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 100%

    The AMD graphics driver is reputedly the biggest that mainstream Linux users will encounter, approaching six million lines of code.

    That does seem a bit ... excessive.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes I promise the Republican Party
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 83%

    This is so true.

    The only thing the righteous hate more than a heathen is a heretic.

    Sectarianism is a fractal war where the only indivisible faction is the individual.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts We only do things for 2 reasons; either we want to, or we have to
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 100%

    I stub my toe. Is that a "have to?"

  • pics pics Orchids [OC]
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 100%

    That's a lot of phaelenopsis.

  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style I’m your drill sergeant, and you must reply me with "YES SIR", do you understand?
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 100%


  • homeassistant homeassistant Why is Home Assistant an operating system and not an application installable through distro packages?
  • sxan sxan 2 days ago 50%

    It's true some things are harder to do in the container configuration; it's easier installed as an OS, especially integrations like Z-Wave, ZigBee, RTSP, Eufy, ESP, and so on. All of these require running other software, and in containers it's a fair bit of fussing with port and host OS device connections.

    I've always run it in a container, without issue. It works fine, but I'm comfortable with the command line and LXC. That said, flashing an ESP hardware device and getting it connected to HA running in a container has so far defeated me, because I have to give access to the device in the configuration of the container before I run it, but the device flashing process itself is time limited and expects a process to be waiting on it when it is connected. It's a chicken/egg problem I haven't yet figured out which wouldn't be a problem if I were running the HA OS.

    HA isn't the only software that just works better when it controls the while OS. Kodi is another that encourages users heavily to running it as an OS.

    Regardless, it runs fine via

    podman pull latest

    and there's a package in AUR that wraps the container up with a systemd service - it's as close to a bare package install as you're likely to get.

    What's a little funny to me is that, despite that I've been running HA in a container for the past 4 years, I'm working towards getting a dedicated device and running HA OS on it. If we ever move out of this house, I'm not going to spend weeks going around replacing all of the hardware - smart sockets, lights, garage door opener, security, etc etc - with dumb devices; and for any of that to be worth anything, it's going to need a controller configured for it, which means, I'm planning on selling the HA server device with the house. For that case, I don't want anything but HA running on that device, and for that, it'd just be easier and smoother to run HAOS.

    My advice is to run HA in a container until you are sure that's the direction you want to go, but not for so long that it's going to be a PITA to migrate to a dedicated server. But - hey, just IMHO - plan on running HAOS. If I knew then what I know now, that's what I would have done.

  • sxan sxan 3 days ago 100%

    It looks utterly repulsive, but I kind of love the idea... the sheer convenience.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes I bet the Irish could though.
  • sxan sxan 3 days ago 100%

    It was a typo. There are only 6.6 people in Ireland.

  • typography Typography & fonts Request for font identification
  • sxan sxan 3 days ago 100%

    The what app‽

    It never occurred to me to check for an app. I see a couple in the Play store, but not this one - is it an iOS app?

    Holy cow, though... this is a game changer! Thank you!

  • history History The many battle wounds of French Marshall Oudinot
  • sxan sxan 3 days ago 100%

    Right? Late 18th / early 19th century surgery was almost more dangerous than the wounds.

  • typography
    Typography & fonts sxan 3 days ago 91%
    Request for font identification

    Can anyone identify this font? The title page in the ebook is an image, and there's no credit listed, and my web searches have all been dead ends. I'm not certain there aren't three similar fonts; there are at least two distinct fonts here, and maybe three, although they could all be in the same family -- Bold, Normal, and Light. I'm most interested in the middle font, but all three are interesting. It's a striking title page, and I'd really like to ID these. My fall back will be to write the publisher and ask, but I'm hoping someone here will be able to toss the family off the top of their head.

    microblogmemes Microblog Memes Men losing their mind
  • sxan sxan 3 days ago 71%


    I'd phrase it differently. Unrealistic expectations of the opposite sex [^1] exist by both sexes, but that there outcomes for women when the stereotypes of men hold true are often more dangerous. One is saying it isn't sexist; the other is saying that there's a vast difference in risk. This becomes one of those tautological arguments where women can't be sexist because sexism is redefined to mean "it can only be sexist if it's men doing it."

    The "Would you rather a bear or..." question could be reused in a very uncomfortable way. You could swap men with a group of yoing, black, inner city men and rural white men for women. But instead of demonstrating that men are the issue and women the victims, suddenly it'd be black men who are the victims and rural white men the problem. And, yet, the fear and the risk of confirmation of stereotypes is the same - only in this case, believing those stereotypes makes people racist.

    These sorts of tautologies - only whites can be racist, only men can be sexist - is sloppy, lazy, and dangerous, because it prevents introspection and always externalizes blame. I'm not saying that you are arguing a tautology, but that's the essence of this thread: minimizing sexism against men in the basis that it can't be sexism if rape isn't involved. Which is exactly how this thread went, isn't it?

    I want to reiterate that I agree that there's a false equivalency; consequences for women can be higher. My argument is that it doesn't make it not sexism to broadly brush all men with a demeaning funny little tweet.

    Also: there should be a Godwin's Law for rape. The conversation was about household stereotypes. That was a bit of a leap.

  • aviation Civil Aviation On The Move: Boeing's CEO Buys $4.1 Million Home In Seattle
  • sxan sxan 4 days ago 100%

    Naw, I'm just a non-Seattelite with a narrow definition of Capital Hill. My aunt and uncle own a house a couple of blocks down from Volunteer Park on 14th. The few times I've been there, all I've seen of Capitol Hill are those few blocks of million dollar homes. I'm vaguely aware that it's a larger area than just that (rarified) section, but that's how I think of it, and I still put that area in the "more expensive" category.

    Seattle for me is the fish market and that section of Capitol Hill. You know how it is visiting family for holidays: you see their neighborhood, and "the sights," and not much else.

  • sxan sxan 4 days ago 100%

    Right. Except that it was Zeus' mother, Rhea who, tired of her husband eating all their sons, gave Cronus the rock in swaddling clothes and hid infant Zeus away in a cave.

    But, basically, right.

  • thefarside The Far Side 15 September 2024
  • sxan sxan 4 days ago 100%


    But that's not a very friendly spider emoji. I sense an unfair bias.


  • greentext Greentext Anon needs to pay the rent
  • sxan sxan 4 days ago 100%

    Greater opportunity, yes; however, cash is still legal tender in the US and it used to be illegal to not accept it as payment (this may have changed). And, as the payer, make sure you get a receipt so they can't screw you and if the landlord doesn't pay taxes, you're not culpable - it's their responsibility, not your's.

    Cash is fine. The receipt is important, though, for a number of reasons. Not many people are going to go withdraw $1,100 just to pay rent, unless they're getting a discount for cash, which is a good indication there's some tax dodging going on.

    Even if you trade sex for rent, get a receipt saying you paid your rent.

  • greentext Greentext Anon needs to pay the rent
  • sxan sxan 4 days ago 100%

    Making it an excellent bargain.

    However: it doesn't sound as if she didn't accept only because she wanted to be faithful; it sounds as if she was upset by the experience. So, fuck anon. He can go see if the landlord will accept something from him, instead.

  • usa United States | News & Politics JD Vance ate my dog and Elon Musk ate my cat. Will Trump address this very real issue?
  • sxan sxan 4 days ago 66%

    He likes the creamy filling the most.

  • aviation Civil Aviation On The Move: Boeing's CEO Buys $4.1 Million Home In Seattle
  • sxan sxan 4 days ago 50%


    There are no 1 bed, 1 ba on Capital Hill, unless someone's renting you their in-law suite.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost i need an rv, and lab equipment, and a helper
  • sxan sxan 5 days ago 100%


    So, I was at my pharmacy today getting my prescription dr*gs, and afterward stopped by my dealer to pick up some fucking heroin.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Garlic showdown
  • sxan sxan 5 days ago 100%

    This guy is looking at the long view. If you read it to the end, he's starting his own garlic farm and is going to constantly undercut Jim's prices, so that Jim won't make any (or many) sales, until Jim goes out of business. He's doing this even if it means a loss for himself; his goal is to ruin Jim's business.

    Now, this is what's known in Birdman culture as "a Dick Move," but Jim seems a bit of a dick himself. However, while it might screw up the beginning of my season, if I were Jim I'd simply pivot to onions.

    It all comes down to how far OP's poster is willing to take it. He certainly seems petty enough to pursue all paths, at whatever cost, to prevent Jim from being able to still produce at that farmer's market; changing crops as Jim changes crops. If Jim's invested enough, he could rotate his crops between a half-dozen different root stocks and the odds Vengeance Boy would happen to match whatever he's selling that season would be slim and spoil his plan.

  • android Android `chown` on a sdcard directory impossible...
  • sxan sxan 5 days ago 100%

    You mean, they're mounting something that isn't an SD card to the /sdcard directory? Like something truly evil, such as mount -t btrfs -o subvol=@home / /sdcard? Or do you think there's not anything mounted there; it's just a directory in the root partition? None of that would make any sense.

    If they're letting whatever automount tool (eg udevil) do its thing, this is practically impossible. And if they know enough to do it by hand, I think they'd have answered the direct question of "which filesystem" with a filesystem rather than a mount point. Don't you think? We still don't know what filesystem they're working with, since they haven't answered the question.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes If it works it works.
  • sxan sxan 5 days ago 100%

    I can see that, although TBH I almost never have to "admin" EndeavourOS. I just upgrade every once in a while.

    Most important to me is being able to find and install whatever software I want, and I have a string preference that it either be installed in my ~, or be managed by the package manager. I really dislike sideloading software globally. And Arch does this better than most. AUR is massive, and packages are trivial to write and install in the rare event something isn't in AUR.

  • scp SCP For the safety of us all don't tell them
  • sxan sxan 5 days ago 100%

    So easy to look up, and yet Marv still made everything better, somehow.

  • android Android `chown` on a sdcard directory impossible...
  • sxan sxan 5 days ago 100%

    It doesn't matter. FAT filesystems - which are usually the default on SD cards, simply do not support ownership or file permissions. Linux emulates these attributes at mount time, but they apply to the entire SD card. You can mount an SD card and tell Linux to act as if root owns everything on the card; you that you own everything on the card; and it will be so until you unmount it and remount it with a different ownership.

    These are filesystem level attributes, not device attributes. If you have a modern internal nvme drive and you format it with vfat, you will not be able to set permissions or ownership at the file level, but only at mount time, for the entire drive.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter What do you do for work?
  • sxan sxan 5 days ago 100%

    I have to completely avoid mirrors, myself. Walking down a city street on a sunny day is downright hazardous, lest I catch a glimpse of my reflection.

  • askandroid Ask Android How is Android's share menu such garbage?
  • sxan sxan 5 days ago 100%

    I was literally just removed about this very thing to my wife this morning. It's a hot mess, and proves someone(s) at Google are severely incompetent.

    Google used to be best of the best; now, it seems, they hire only script kiddies.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    What happens if Trump replaces Vance?

    I haven't seen this discussed since the debate, and I'm curious what people think would happen. (If you've seen this twice, I first posted it to a community that only allows links to news items, which rule I read only _after_ creating the post. I removed that post) The idea came from a post-debate discussion on NPR (National Public Radio), where one of the (professional) political commentators was asked if this was possible and they replied, briefly, that it would have to be done soon. 1. From the analyst's response, and what I can find online (e.g., [here]( it seems that it's _not_ too late for Trump to make this change. Vance would have to voluntarily step down, but I can't imagine him defying Trump if he was told to beat it. 2. It's clear Trump isn't as enamored of Vance as he initially was. 3. I think even hard-core conservatives would agree that Vance hasn't helped Trump's campaign, and (as the commentator pointed out) he's gone off-piste from Trump's talking points at times. 4. Trump's core is voting for Trump; the running mate is a side show, and it's questionable how much Vance appeals to Trump's base. I believe Trump knows all of this, or at least believes it himself. 5. Trump prides himself on firing people when he doesn't like the way things are going, and it would be in keeping character for him to make Vance a scapegoat for the polling reversal and his losing the debate. Therefore, I think this is not just a purely hypothetical question, but a very real possibility. Trump is chaos at the best of times, and this would be an unsurprising action. Regardless of advice he gets from his handlers, he'll do what he feels like. So my questions are: first, who's the most likely choice for a swap; and second, how do you think it'd impact the election?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Marijuana Enthusiasts! sxan 2 months ago 83%
    Reduce/alleviate nausea?

    I do not have CHS, a symptom of which is vomiting. I have never vomited from cannabis. I have always, however, gotten the spins, and almost invariably spend the high uncomfortably nauseous. It really doesn't matter how much I take; anything more than a microdose and I get nauseous. I've been this way forever, since the first time I tried it. I live in a state where recreational use is legal, and it really irks me that I can't partake. Does anyone have any advice about what I could do to get rid of the side effect of nausea? Why does this happen to me‽

    A Boring Dystopia sxan 2 months ago 97%
    Live Facial Recognition at Bedford River Festival leads to two arrests

    cross-posted from: > Bedfordshire Police have said just ten arrests were made over the Bedford River Festival this weekend (20/21 July) with Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology responsible...

    Privacy sxan 2 months ago 93%
    Live Facial Recognition at Bedford River Festival leads to two arrests

    cross-posted from: > Bedfordshire Police have said just ten arrests were made over the Bedford River Festival this weekend (20/21 July) with Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology responsible...

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    USpolitics sxan 2 months ago 33%
    Anonymous op-ed posting?

    Cross-posting here, as the content under discussion is political in nature, and I feel as if the question might be of similar concern to other posters. Most probably don't care; data miners harvesting information to sell to HR departments and hiring managers are a real thing, though, so I think answers are relevant. cross-posted from: > A friend of mine would like to post an op-ed style political essay about the current turmoil in the Democratic Party about Biden's fitness. They are concerned about it affecting their career, should it be linked back to them; the US is highly divided and they know some of their peers are Republicans, and they're not sure about the affiliations of people in their upward chain of command. My friend is concerned that posting an emotional opinion piece might -- if attributed to them and seen -- negatively affect their career. They want to stay anonynmous. > > I think getting something posted anonymously in Lemmy would be fairly easy; no-one is going to trying legally coercing an email out of a Lemmy instance over an op-ed. And getting a boost in Mastodon would be simple. I was hoping that there'd be something like WriteFreely where they could post, but anonymity appears to be not even a consideration by the main developers. > > And then there's the question of how to get links to the essay **out** of the Fediverse, where 90% of the people are. I don't have a Xitter account anymore, and have never had a Facebook account. > > What suggestions does Lemmy have? How, in today's world, does someone anonymously post content? > > Subscript: I do not mean political anonymity -- not in the way that protection from law enforcement is needed. My friend lives in the US where freedom of speech is still more-or-less ensured, and the content is not illegal, incidiary, inciting, or even unusual. However, they want anonymity sufficient to guard against data miners, correlators, and brokers. They need to get something off their chest, express an opinion, but not at a risk to their career.

    Ask Lemmy sxan 2 months ago 76%
    Anonymous op-ed posting?

    A friend of mine would like to post an op-ed style political essay about the current turmoil in the Democratic Party about Biden's fitness. They are concerned about it affecting their career, should it be linked back to them; the US is highly divided and they know some of their peers are Republicans, and they're not sure about the affiliations of people in their upward chain of command. My friend is concerned that posting an emotional opinion piece might -- if attributed to them and seen -- negatively affect their career. They want to stay anonynmous. I think getting something posted anonymously in Lemmy would be fairly easy; no-one is going to trying legally coercing an email out of a Lemmy instance over an op-ed. And getting a boost in Mastodon would be simple. I was hoping that there'd be something like WriteFreely where they could post, but anonymity appears to be not even a consideration by the main developers. And then there's the question of how to get links to the essay **out** of the Fediverse, where 90% of the people are. I don't have a Xitter account anymore, and have never had a Facebook account. What suggestions does Lemmy have? How, in today's world, does someone anonymously post content? Subscript: I do not mean political anonymity -- not in the way that protection from law enforcement is needed. My friend lives in the US where freedom of speech is still more-or-less ensured, and the content is not illegal, incidiary, inciting, or even unusual. However, they want anonymity sufficient to guard against data miners, correlators, and brokers. They need to get something off their chest, express an opinion, but not at a risk to their career.

    Linux sxan 3 months ago 81%
    [Vent] Please avoid BusyBox

    This is kind of a rant, but mostly a plea. There are times when BusyBox is the only tool you can use. You've got some embedded device with 32k RAM or something; I get it. It's the right tool. But please, _please_, In begging you: don't use it just because you're lazy. I find BusyBox used in places where it's not necessary. There's enough RAM, there's more than enough storage, and yet, it's got BusyBox. BusyBox tooling is absolutely _aenemic_. Simple things, _common_ things, like - oh, - capturing a regexp group from a simple match are practically impossible. But you can do this in bash; heck, it's built in! But BusyBox uses ash, which is barely a shell and certainly doesn't support regexp matching with group capture. Maybe awk? Well, gawk lets you, with `-oP`, but of course BusyBox doesn't use GNU awk, and so you can't get at the capture groups because it doesn't support perl REs. It'd be shocking if BusyBox provided any truly capable tools like ripgrep, in which this would be trivial. I haven't tried BB's `sed` yet, because sed's RE escaping is and has always been a bizarre nightmarish Frankenstein syntax, but I've got a dime riding on some restriction in BB's sed that prevents getting at capture groups there, too. BusyBox serves a purpose; it is intentionally barely functional; size constraining trumps all other considerations. It achieves this well. My issue isn't with BusyBox, it's with people using it _everywhere_ when they don't need to, making life hell for anyone who's trying to actually get any work done in it. So please. For the sanity of your users: don't reach for BusyBox just because it's easy, or because you're tickled that you're going to save a megabyte or two; please spare a thought for your users on which you are inflicting these constraints. Use it when you _have_ to, because otherwise it doesn't fit. Otherwise, chose a real shell, at _least_ bash, and include some tools capable of more than _less_ than the bare minimum.

    Gaming sxan 3 months ago 88%
    Moar Borderlands

    I know it's tragically pedestrian; and I know there's supposed to be a 4 in 2025; and I _also_ know there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, and the gaming industry is going through some pretty radical changes... but all I really want is another Borderlands. There's not much they can do with it, not many places to go, and I'm sure everyone who's worked on the series over the years is _thoroughly_ sick of it. But, damn. Every one of the main games (at least; I haven't loved every in-between spin-off) has his a sweet spot of mindless fun, funniness, and replay-ability. I've played 3 so many times through, and spent so many hours just running around in every location, even I can't work up much enthusiasm to fire it up anymore. There's an occasional game that fills the same niche; Bullet Storm was pretty fun, but with low replay-ability. I just want a game where I can turn off the higher brain functions and run around killing stuff in interesting ways. Thanks for attending my Ted Talk.

    commandline sxan 3 months ago 100%
    [ANN] Rook v0.1.3, a secret service backed by a KeePass v2 DB

    Rook provides a secret service a-la secret-tool, keyring, or pass/gopass, except backed by a Keepass v2 kdbx file. The problem Rook solves is mainly in script automation, where you have aerc, offlineimap, isync, vdirsyncer, msmtp, restic, or any other cron jobs that need passwords and which are often configured to fetch these passwords from a secret service with a CLI tool. Unlike existing solutions, Rook is headless, and does not have a bespoke secrets database full of passwords that must be manually synchronized with Keepass; instead, it uses a Keepass db directly. Rook is in the AUR; binaries are available from the project page. From the changelog, since the last Lemmy release announcement (v0.0.9): ## [v0.1.3] Mon May 20 17:12:25 2024 -0500 ### Added - status command, a more lightweight way of testing if a DB is open. Using this instead of `info` in e.g. statusbar scripts greatly reduces CPU load. - case-insensitive search. ### Changed - removing some nil panics that could occur when DB is closed while a client call is being processed. ### Fixed - a hidden bug in the OTP pin code. - some errors being ignored (and therefore not logged) - TOTP attributes getting missed by otp generator check ### [v0.1.2] Fri Apr 26 15:13:55 2024 -0500 #### Added - one-time pin soft locking - installation instructions for distributions that have rook in a repository - more of the special autotype {} commands are supported (backspace, space, esc) #### Changed - getAttr adds a little delay before typing, allowing initiator tools (like rofi) to close windows before text is output - cleans up code per golint/gochk #### Fixed - an autotype bug in outputting literals ## [v0.1.1] Sun Mar 17 13:44:54 2024 -0500 ### Added - the original source rook.svg - ability to start the rook server passing in the password via stdin pipe. ### Changed - assets moved to directory - documentation referenced Keepass v4; there's no such thing, it's v2. - license, was missing (c) from original - stop trying to remove the version number from build assets - documentation to clarify when the master password exists as plain text, in response to questions from ## [v0.1.0] Fri Mar 15 14:03:25 2024 -0500 ### Added - nfpm file - logo ### Changed - clears out the password so it's not being held in plain text by the flags library. - some of the documentation, and fixes the duplicated v0.0.9 entry in the changelog. - CI build targets are more limited, but also include some distro packages - better README documentation ### Removed - the monitor attribute was taken out, as rook no longer busy-polls the DB

    Linux sxan 5 months ago 93%
    [Ann] v0.1.2 of rook, a keepass-backed secret service

    Rook is a lightweight, stand-alone, headless secret service tool backed by a Keepass v2 database. It provides client and server modes in a single executable, built from a reasonably small (auditable) code base with a small and shallow dependency tree - it should not be challenging to verify that it is not doing anything sketchy with your secrets. Reasonable auditability, the desire to use KeePass files, and to do so through a headless tool that doesn't spawn off the better part of a DE through otherwise unused services, were the main motivations for Rook. You might be interested in Rook if one or more of these are true: - you use KeePass v2-compatible tools to store secrets already - you are not running a DE like KDE or Gnome (although Rook may still be interesting because of secret consolidation) - you prefer to minimize background GUI applications (KeePassXC is *excellent* and provides a secret service, but doesn't run headless) - you run background applications such as vdirsyncer, mbsync (isync), offlineimap, or restic, or applications such as aerc that can be configured to fetch credentials from a secret service rather than hard-coded in a config file. Pre-built binaries for limited OS/archs are built by the CI, and Rook if available in AUR. There's an nfpm config in the repos that will build RPMs and Debs, among others. I consider Rook to be essentially free of any major bugs and fit-for-purpose, although I welcome hearing otherwise. Utility scripts in zsh and bash are available for providing autotyping and entry/attribute selection using xdotool, rofi, xprop, and so on; these are YMMV-quality. Changes from v0.1.1 are: ### Added - one-time pin soft locking - installation instructions for distributions that have rook in a repository - more of the special autotype {} commands are supported (backspace, space, esc) ### Changed - getAttr adds a little delay before typing, allowing initiator tools (like rofi) to close windows before text is output - cleans up code per golint/gochk ### Fixed - an autotype bug in outputting literals

    Coffee sxan 6 months ago 100%
    [Solved] Elektra Micro Casa Leva portafilter(s)

    ## Update On a whim, I tried searching YouTube instead of search engines and found a short video which led me to [this shop]( in Etsy. It looks quite promising, so I'm going to update the title as "solved." ## Original post I've had an Elektra Micro Casa Leva for a number of years, and a while ago I bought a naked portafilter for it. It was (and still is, on the product site) as "for the Micro Casa." It is, without a doubt, one of the poorest quality things I've ever bought. The wood appears painted, not stained; it's been resistant to oiling, and lately the paint has been flaking off leaving what I assume is cheap pine. The wood itself has been cracking and splitting. The portafilter itself is painted to look like brass; I can tell this because _that_ paint has started chipping and peeling. It looks as if it's some type of steel underneath -- I'd suspect aluminum, except for the weight and I assume the maker would be concerned about having one literally melt on a user. In any case, it's horrible. The handle is not screwed in, or else it's screwed & glued; if the metal weren't so obviously crap, I'd consider routing out the handle and replacing it myself; as is, it's so poorly made it hardly seems worth the effort. Regardless, I've been using it for a few years and it hasn't outright broken yet, but with all the paint chipping and peeling, it's looking really rough, and you don't own a Micro Casa Leva for the convenience. The Elektra takes a non-standard 49mm portafilter, which can make finding parts challenging. Is there a company that makes decent portafilters that fit the Leva? It's possible I simply haven't delved the depths of the web deeply enough. Or, is there a craftsman in the community who does this sort of work -- making nice handles, sourcing appropriate baskets, etc? Failing all of that, is there a place I can buy a naked portafilter of good quality for the Leva, and is there anyone making good handles for portafilters? I'm no craftsman, but I can manage sanding wood to fit a hole, and I can mix epoxy. What I'd really like to end up with is a brass portafilter with a beautiful wood handle with a nice grain and stain. I'd settle for a naked portafilter for the Leva that _isn't_ a cheap piece of garbage.

    Golang sxan 6 months ago 100%
    Rook, a secret service backed by Keepass 4.x kdbx

    cross-posted from: > Rook, a secret service backed by Keepass 4.x kdbx > > Howdy Lemmy, > > I'm announcing Rook v0.0.9, software that provides a secret service a-la secret-tool, keyring, or pass/gopass, except backed by a Keepass 4.x kdbx file. > > The problem Rook solves is mainly in script automation, where you have aerc, offlineimap, isync, vdirsyncer, msmtp, restic, or any other cron jobs that need passwords and which are often configured to fetch these passwords from a secret service with a CLI tool. Unlike existing solutions, Rook is headless and does not have a bespoke secrets database, full of passwords that must be manually synchronized with Keepass; instead, it uses a Keepass db directly. > > While the readme goes into more detail, I will say the motivation for Rook evolved from a desire to use a Keepass db in a GUI-less environment and finding no existing solutions. KeepassXC provides a secret service, but is not headless; it also provides a CLI tool, but this requires the db credentials on every call. kpmenu exists, but is designed specifically to require human interaction and is unsuitable for cron environment scripting. Every other solution maintains its own DB back end, incompatible with Keepass. > > Rook also benefits from minimal external dependencies, and at 1kloc is auditable by developers - I believe even by ones who do not know Go (the language of implementation). Being able to verify for yourself that there's no malicious code is a critical trait for a tool with which you're trusting secrets. > > Rook is fit for purpose, and signed binaries are provided as well as build-from-source instructions (for auditors). > > The project contains work in progress: credentials are limited to simple password-locked kdbx, and so doesn't yet support key files. Bash scripts that provide autotyping and attribute/secret selection via rofi, fzf, and xdotool are provided, for GUI environments; these have known bugs. Rook has not been tested on BSD, Darwin, or any other system than Linux, but may well work; the main sticking point is the use of a local file socket for client/server communication, so POSIX systems should be fine, but still, YMMV. > > As a final caveat: up until v0.0.9 I've been compressing with brotli, which is very nice yet somewhat obscure. With the next release, everything will be gzipped. Also included in the next release will be packages for various distributions.

    commandline sxan 6 months ago 100%
    Rook, a secret service backed by Keepass 4.x kdbx

    Howdy Lemmy, I'm announcing Rook v0.0.9, software that provides a secret service a-la secret-tool, keyring, or pass/gopass, except backed by a Keepass 4.x kdbx file. The problem Rook solves is mainly in script automation, where you have aerc, offlineimap, isync, vdirsyncer, msmtp, restic, or any other cron jobs that need passwords and which are often configured to fetch these passwords from a secret service with a CLI tool. Unlike existing solutions, Rook is headless and does not have a bespoke secrets database, full of passwords that must be manually synchronized with Keepass; instead, it uses a Keepass db directly. While the readme goes into more detail, I will say the motivation for Rook evolved from a desire to use a Keepass db in a GUI-less environment and finding no existing solutions. KeepassXC provides a secret service, but is not headless; it also provides a CLI tool, but this requires the db credentials on every call. kpmenu exists, but is designed specifically to require human interaction and is unsuitable for cron environment scripting. Every other solution maintains its own DB back end, incompatible with Keepass. Rook also benefits from minimal external dependencies, and at 1kloc is auditable by developers - I believe even by ones who do not know Go (the language of implementation). Being able to verify for yourself that there's no malicious code is a critical trait for a tool with which you're trusting secrets. Rook is fit for purpose, and signed binaries are provided as well as build-from-source instructions (for auditors). The project contains work in progress: credentials are limited to simple password-locked kdbx, and so doesn't yet support key files. Bash scripts that provide autotyping and attribute/secret selection via rofi, fzf, and xdotool are provided, for GUI environments; these have known bugs. Rook has not been tested on BSD, Darwin, or any other system than Linux, but may well work; the main sticking point is the use of a local file socket for client/server communication, so POSIX systems should be fine, but still, YMMV. As a final caveat: up until v0.0.9 I've been compressing with brotli, which is very nice yet somewhat obscure. With the next release, everything will be gzipped. Also included in the next release will be packages for various distributions.

    Mechanical Keyboards sxan 7 months ago 100%
    Help with QMK issue

    I _assume_ this is QMK, because changing the settings clears or introduces the issue. I'm using Vial for the programming/configuration. I have a key configured tap-dance, like many others: - on tap, and ctrl on hold. The issue is that most of the time when I type something like `-p`, I get only the `-`. Then, the next time I type `p`, I get 2 of them. So something like this will happen: I type `foo -p bar baz`, but don't notice the `p` is missing until after `baz`, cursor left and type `p` again, and end up with `-pp` Most of my keys are tap-dance of some pattern: <char> on tap, layer shift in hold, <char> on tap-hold. I've noticed this buffered character after `-` on other characters; it isn't just `p`. Changing the timeout does affect the frequency, but doesn't entirely eliminate it. I haven't noticed it on any other combo, although they're all of the same pattern; it seems to be only happening with the -/ctrl tap-dance. Removing the multitap on `-` eliminates the issue. This is my first QMK. I'd been using an Ergodox for years, and `kmonad` on my laptop for a year or so, although I recently switched to `kanata` (fantastic piece of software, incidentally), so I'm more or less familiar with the world of layers, multi-tap/tap-dance, combos, and so on. This one has me stumped, though. I've checked and there's no combo defined that involves dash. I've never created a QMK macro, but it occurs to me that I didn't check if there are any defined. Does anyone have a suggestion of how I can debug this? Could there be some bug, some bit that I accidentally set, that's causing this? Is there some QMK feature that does exactly this thing, and I've somehow enabled it? I've power cycled the keyboard, although I haven't yet tried a hard or factory reset. Any ideas would be appreciated! **Edit** corrected "multi-tap" to "tap-dance", as QMK calls it the one thing and not t'other

    ErgoMechKeyboards sxan 7 months ago 100%
    Is there a QMK Lemmy community?

    I've been looking around for one; search (in my Lemmy client) doesn't find one, and while there seems to be at least one in Reddit, the only communities listed on are Reddit and Discord. Is there a good place to ask questions in the Fediverse?

    ErgoMechKeyboards sxan 7 months ago 92%
    What's the term for the distance between keys called?

    I have been using a piantor built for me by, and am enjoying the more agressive stagger than my previous Ergodox. However, my typing experience is being spoiled by how _tight_ the key spacing is. I have large hands, and can span an octave on a full-size piano; the Piantor is downright _cramped_. In looking for a possible replacement (the Kyria was my primary option, but I guess has entirely given up on selling pre-builts, and I don't solder), what should I be looking at for specs to get some wider spacing on the keys? Is it simply "key spacing?" Most commercial keyboards are fine; my prior was an Ergodox and the spacing was fine. The Piantor supplies that - it might even be a touch too much, but it's still better than the tepid stagger on the Ergos.

    Linguistics sxan 8 months ago 100%
    Question: Terms for language anachronisms

    What are the terms for language anachronisms? I had a conversation about a year ago with someone about anachronisms in language. We both felt that there were terms for these things, but could neither recall nor find (via web search) satisfying answers. This came up again recently in a different discussion in a Lemmy community, and it's driving me a little nuts. Help me Linguistics-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope. So we have the term "skeumorphism," which refers to oramental anachronism. I may be using "anachronism" incorrectly, but it's the hammer I have. Skeumorphisms, in computers, refer to the graphical representations of things, but not the underlying concepts. There are similar linguistic anachronisms that I feel also have specific labels: - "disks" which are still in use, but are largely being replaced by solid-state, rectangular SSDs; but most people still call all persistent storage devices "disks." - "film" to refer to movies, regardless of the media (increasingly digital and having nothing to do with film). - "rice" to refer to the process of fancifying something, like computer desktops - "desktops" to refer to computer GUI window managing interfaces - "files" and "folders" in computers Are these all the same category of things? Is there a term for them?

    Software Gore sxan 8 months ago 83%
    Cancel install, or... ?

    A recent update to Droid-ify has improved the user experience in a confusing way. This is the new package installation modal confirmation dialog.

    Superbowl sxan 10 months ago 100%
    Why are owl hoots low-pitched?

    There was an owl hooting outside our house earlier, and it occurred to me that every other bird has a high-pitched call. Ravens have a croak that could be considered low, but their loud call is a caw that's higher. I can't think of another bird with a call nearly as low as owls'. Search engines are no help, mostly duplicates answering _why_ they hoot. Why are owls' calls so much lower than other birds?

    Ask Lemmy sxan 10 months ago 100%
    How accurate is current eye-tracking tecknology?

    Can commodity products detect which pixel you're looking at on a screen? For a number of years, I've wanted a system that eliminates mouse pointer devices. In my imaginary system, there are hotkeys bound to left &amp; right mouse clicks, and what gets clicked is whatever you're looking at. When I've looked at this before, the tech field tends to suffer in granularity and/or physical limitations, like needing to limit gross head movements. Most products talk about what they *can* do, but avoid talking about their limitations. It can be hard to find out what devices are capable of - accuracy, working with corrective eyewear, speed, head movement, software (OS) support, etc. Many products are geared at research, leading me to believe the tech isn't there yet. Anyone have, or used a device that would be able to replace a mouse?

    Linux sxan 12 months ago 100%
    Non-intrusive PGP pinentry

    I got tired of pinentry popping up and interrupting whatever I was doing; I didn't find a solution elsewhere, so I wrote a little bash script to address this. This is designed for (poly|i3|way|...)bar users. The blog entry (no ads, no tracking) linked has the script verbatim, plus some rambling about the why and wherefore. It's 22 lines of does-stuff; the rest is whitespace, comments, and instructions -- including a little blob example of using it with polybar. A known issue is that it does occasionally pop up pinentry twice in a row when unlocking. I'm not surprised, and it has happened to me only once since I've been using it -- not enough for me to need to bother trying to address it. But I wanted to call it out. It's not rocket science, but it took a bit of time to make sure it functioned correctly (enough), and hopefully it'll help someone else.

    homeassistant sxan 1 year ago 100%
    Wall control panels

    On Amzn, there are nicely framed, wall-mounted control panels for proprietary home automation systems. What are people using for HA? I'm leaning toward trying to wall mount tablets, but I'd need 3, and cost starts to factor in. Mounts are a problem; I want it to look as built in as possible, but most mounts aren't picture-frame style. The ones that I've found that are, are designed for specific tablets, and not the low end cheap ones. I don't have a 3D printer, so I'm limited to mounts I can buy. I like some projects here I've seen using eInk - that's the ideal solution! Is there a source for pre-fab Android eInk wall mounted control panels, or are what I've seen bespoke projects? I'm not opposed to gross wiring, and am not afraid of cutting holes in dry-wall... it's really the mounting that I'm stuck at. Android 7-10" tablets sufficient to run the UI would probably work, and I can probably even figure out wiring the charger, if I could just get some nice picture-frame style mounts. What are your solutions that you think is pretty neat? Or products that I may have missed?

    Ambient Music & Creators sxan 1 year ago 100%
    Request: Deep Breakfast

    The sidebar says "for creators." I didn't find a more appropriate community, so I apologize if this is not the right forum. Does anyone have suggestions for relaxed, yet upbeat, ambient a-la Deep Breakfast? Most of the content I bring into the house gets a complaint about "putting her to sleep," or the other extreme, being too ... I don't know ... abstract? Disconcordant? Clashy? She likes Deep Breakfast, and No Blue Thing to a lesser degree. Most Mannheim Steamroller gets approval, although I'd barely put that in the Ambient category. So I'm looking for more music like Deep Breakfast -- low key, positive, but not "meditation music." I appreciate any suggestions! Thank you.

    Reddit Migration sxan 1 year ago 100%
    Is there a pinned list of moderated communities?

    I don't really trust any of the Lemmy apps I use on my phone, although I still vastly prefer them to web apps. Is there a pinned post where users can comment about Reddit communities that have migrated to the Fediverse? If not, should there be one and is this the appropriate community to host it? As a refuge myself, I'm keeping an eye out for subs I used to enjoy which have moved.

    Asklemmy sxan 2 years ago 92%
    Do Lemmy admins have to federate communities?

    Suuuuper new to Lemmy, so apologies in advamce if this is a particularly stupid question. DDG has been no help. I'm a member of I'd like to subscribe, and post to, a community (sub?) on another server. I know the other server is federated with, because I can see other subs, and I know the sub on the foreign server (in this case,, which I found with DDG. So why can't I find the sub in Jerboa? I've searched by name, by name including server, by every combination of reference I can think of. !, #, @. It's a technical sub, and I can't imagine it's been intentionally blocked. So I'm thinking that maybe Lemmy is whitelist-based? Do admins have to explicitly include subs from other instances? Or is there some magic that I've somehow missed about how to get to a federated sub that maybe nobody has yet accessed on the instance I've joined? I found an old (1y) discussion about how to make Lemmy more accessible to new users. Someone offhand referenced this topic (accessing federated subs) needing more clarity, but with no explanation. A pointer to a how-to would be handy; maybe answers will help some future user when they find this post through whichever fad search engine privacy wonks are using in a couple of years.
