196 196 Sheep rule
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 9 hours ago 100%

    I'm a ceep

    I'm a shitten

    What the hell am I doing here?

    I don't belong here

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 10 hours ago 100%

    Hate to break it to you, but nostalgia will probably make them cool. Nostalgia is the rosiest of tints.

  • memes memes Heartwrenching
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 13 hours ago 100%

    It's 10 PM. Do you know where your ten millimeter wrenches are?

  • 196 196 notifications rule
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 14 hours ago 93%

    Duolingo is the only exception.

    ... . -. -.. / .... . .-.. .--.

  • memes Memes Burnt to a crisp
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 14 hours ago 100%

    Got it. Full of holes. Uhh...what caliber, sir?

  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 1 day ago 87%

    You think that's bad? My mother-in-law takes it congratulations, then drowns it in A1. She also thinks Pepsi is appropriate hydration. I don't think I've ever seen her drink just a glass of water. If there's even the slightest hint of spiciness in anything, it's completely inedible.

    Don't get me wrong. I love her to death, but she has questionable taste.

    As for me, I'm a medium rare type, but I'm known to order mine rare from time to time when she's out eating with us. Just to bring some balance to the table.

  • greentext Greentext Anon needs to pay the rent
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 days ago 100%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favourite animal?
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 5 days ago 100%

    Cheetahs have always been my favorite. It's not that they're the fastest land animal that fascinates me, but how. Dogs are so funny to watch run because they're so goofy, but even the fastest dogs get going maybe 40 miles an hour. They spend a lot of time off the ground in their stride. And if you're not in contact with the ground, you're slowing down. Cheetahs keep their strides very low to the ground and spend little time in the air. Additionally, their long, muscular, flexible spine allows them to treat it kind of like a leaf spring. And the long tails are gorgeous.

    And if that wasn't enough, they meow and purr, too.

  • 196 196 Uhm acthsually its 2001-09-11 not 9/11 🤓
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 5 days ago 95%

    I think today marks the anniversary of a coup led by Augusto Pinochet to overthrow the democratically elected Chilean government led by Salvador Allende, who was the first Marxist to be elected president in a Latin American democracy. The CIA investigated itself using declassified documents and determined no wrongdoing. Just that it "appeared to condone" the coup, but found "no evidence" of any participation, which means the United States definitely participated to some extent in the rise to power of a ruthless autocrat who disappeared or executed thousands of people and interred and tortured tens of thousands more over nearly two decades.

    Or something like that.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes He couldn't stop himself even though he knew what was coming
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 5 days ago 100%

    Not to mention the transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison.

  • 196 196 Analog Rule
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 7 days ago 100%

    iirc, PlayStations in Japan flip the functions of X and Circle around. Circle is generally an "accept" button while X is generally a "back/cancel" button. Now I heard this many years ago so it may not be true anymore.

    I think it makes sense when you consider where A and B are on the SNES controller. And it also makes sense for them to have moved back to the right face button (in the US) when you consider the Xbox 360 released a year prior to the PS3 and was kind of a runaway success.

  • memes memes Lemmy in a nutshell
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 1 week ago 97%

    Imagine dual booting Windows lol

  • science_memes Science Memes biodegradable
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 1 week ago 96%

    I, for one, am ready for the sun to consume us all.

  • andfinally And Finally... Moron caught speeding
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 1 week ago 100%

    I think what's meant by "a clear history" is "an obvious history," and not "a flawless history;" ergo, the harsher penalty.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What game, book, TV show, and/or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again?
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 1 week ago 100%

    Undertale made me ugly cry, thanks Toby.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What game, book, TV show, and/or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again?
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 100%

    Hell yeah animation is ok, and Gavity Falls is a solid 10/10 choice.

    Between my brother, a mutual friend, and myself, we have over 1,800 collective hours in Borderlands 2. That was probably my favorite game for about 5 years. It's fun enough on your own, but the game gets a million times between with co-op.

    I thought the Pre-Sequel was pretty good. The low grav mechanic was a fun addition, and the moon being populated by Aussies was a nice touch. Borderlands 3 was kinda meh. We all had high hopes for it. It's a pretty good game, but its greatest weakness is that Borderlands 2 exists.

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 99%
    What game, book, TV show, and/or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again?

    This thread has convinced me to play Outer Wilds. My picks are: - Game: Portal 2. - Book: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. - TV show: Bojack Horseman. - Movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

    196 196 Ranch Rule
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 100%

    Maybe the real Hidden Valley was the subdermal implants we made along the way.

  • greentext Greentext Anon wants to go to Nuuk
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 85%

    This is called an eggcorn.

  • greentext Greentext Anon wants to go to Nuuk
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 100%
  • 196 196 Theruleac 25
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 100%

    Help! My flesh has fallen off, and I can't pick it up!

  • memes memes How it works
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 80%

    Not how my experience went. You read the books, you got the points, and (assuming you were doing well in every other aspect of the class), you got an A. But if you struggled with reading (as I did in school), you got poor grades despite the fact that your grammar, writing, and spelling were otherwise excellent. Very rarely did I get a teacher who rewarded reading; most of them punished my failure to read.

  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 100%

    The day my parents signed up for Facebook was the day my account died. I'm sure many other millennials have similar experiences lol

  • 196 196 AI Rule
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 98%

    Quit squaking, flesh wad. Nobody's forcing you to buy anything.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Doctors, what was some of your worst patients?
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 100%

    My first job out of college was in a hospital. When you see doctors outside of their own setting, you quickly realize that >90% of them are pretty stupid at literally everything else. I was an accountant processing travel reimbursements for business-related professional expenses (mostly vacations disguised as conferences and workshops for CMEs) and many of them just could NOT understand why they weren't allowed to claim alcohol on their travel reimbursements. Literally, the IRS will not allow it. And even if it did, state law forbids it, too. Sometimes, I got angry emails because they couldn't claim miles for taking a detour to visit a relative before going to their destination after I adjusted it as if they drove directly from work to the airport. Shit like that. I was good friends with the IT guy there and he had many similar gripes. Most of his job was arriving on-site to plug machines in because they swore up and down on the phone that the machine was plugged in.

    I'm convinced the majority of doctors are just average intelligence people who spent a decade practicing and mastering a skill. That's it. Anyone can be a doctor if they can be allowed into med school and sink the time and effort into becoming one.

  • 196 196 height rule
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 2 weeks ago 98%

    Amongst my siblings, none of us is shorter than 5'10. My sister is dating a man who is 5'6. They're so cute together, but I felt so bad when I first met the guy because I wasn't expecting him to be that short. So I opened the door and looked right over the poor fella.

  • 196 196 Ribbit rule
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 100%

    Hahaha I wish I had friends who loved me this much.

  • memes Memes I hate these icons
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 100%

    I use Flat Circle. It's not free, though.

  • memes Memes I hate these icons
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 100%

    My wife really really really wanted a MacBook in 2020 and the major plus of having it is that I got to steal all the fonts. Mostly, I just wanted Helvetica lol

  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 100%

    Was this made by my wife? Are you her? She really has to know all the minutiae of the flow before deciding whether it's worth going with.

    Not a dig at her, btw. It can be frustrating to deal with in the moment (I'm more go with the flow than she is), but when we get there and everything goes smoothly, I genuinely appreciate her already having it figured out.

  • memes Memes I hate excel so much
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 100%
  • science_memes Science Memes That's a big burger
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 99%

    For those who don't know, Martian solar eclipses suck compared to ours. The near equal relative size of the sun and moon to Earth is why we get such awesome eclipses.

    Perks of having a planet-sized object slam into your planet during its Hadean Eon.

  • science_memes Science Memes My time has come
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 100%

    Male honey bees:

  • memes memes He's such a prankster
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 96%

    Steering wheel subscription expired. An Audi Motor Vehicle Directioning Systems Reacquisition Technician has been deployed to your location for servicing.

    Please pay $27.99 to restore your membership for 30 days, plus a $12.49 reconnection fee, a $7.68 servicing fee, a $13.37 anti-hack fee, and a $9.99 fee fee. Steering wheels ship from our Nunavut warehouse and may take 2-8 weeks for delivery.

    Thank you for choosing Audi.

  • cat
    cats spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 99%
    He strench
    memes memes Every desktop OS and its users
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 80%

    Idk about you, but I feel a great sense of freedom using Linux.

    In terms of "many versions," my advice: Mint if you loved the Windows UI, Ubuntu if you want regular updates, Debian if you want rock solid reliability. That's it. That's all you need to know if you're new to Linux. Skip everything else until you're comfy, or if you like it, stay a while. There is nothing wrong with either of the three. You'll learn to hate Snap on Ubuntu, and once you do, just install Debian.

  • adhd ADHD memes It's not that I don't want to listen...
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 100%

    My school is in a nicer town tucked away in the armpit of Southwest Oklahoma. The library was actually quite well stocked and had lots of books in the system. We even had two copies of all the Harry Potter books. Side note: One year, I heard the movies were pretty faithful to the source material so I watched a few of them and did really well one year because of it. We had a copy of Tolstoy's War and Peace, which was worth a whopping 118 points and I'm sure was never touched. I'm sure it's still in there. There were a whole two shelves stacked full of Louis L'Amour, and I had a western kick in the 10th grade so that was convenient. I liked Bendigo Shafter and Comstock Lode. The Walking Drum is also a good book.

    My suggestion would be that instead of tying AR points to kids' grades, create a rewards system to incentivize reading. I can't speed read, and the pressure of being on a time crunch for something that negatively impacts my grade if I can't finish on time was always disheartening and took away from any joy I could have derived from books. Most of the kids in my class could finish one or two books in a school week. My wife will tear through one in a day or two. A similar book is a 10-14 day minimum investment for me. I've learned to accept that about myself in adulthood, but man, it really made me feel terrible in school because English, language, writing, spelling, and related subjects were always some of my favorites. Always being behind my peers because of my reading soured the experience for a long time.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion UP Man Fined For Driving Car Without Helmet By Noida Police
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 100%

    What's UP man?

  • adhd ADHD memes It's not that I don't want to listen...
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 100%

    I don't know if this is an ADHD thing or just not liking being told what to do (perhaps some of Column A, little of Column B), but god did I hate reading when I was made to in school. I'll spend hours reading Wikipedia articles on some niche shit. I've spent plenty of time reading books I liked on my own time. But meeting my Accelerated Reader points goals was always a slog, and I've grown to really resent the system.

  • pics pics [OC] Spotted on a road which is funded by my taxes
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 3 weeks ago 85%

    Imagine telling this guy what that little third 9 in the price of his fuel means. Think he might switch to electric?

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Donald Trump is officially more popular in Alberta than he is in the United States
  • spicytuna62 spicytuna62 4 weeks ago 83%

    But at least y'all don't have mice.

    Edit: aw, rats.

  • lemmyshitpost
    Lemmy Shitpost spicytuna62 1 month ago 89%
    Any love for the Honda Odyssey?

    Solid van all around, and it has [VTEC.](https://youtu.be/5PjFB8-XLrc)

    Lemmy Shitpost spicytuna62 1 month ago 96%
    Scratch that. Let's do an airstrike instead.

    Post-wipe is when I'm at my lowest.

    Dogs spicytuna62 1 month ago 99%
    He got stick. https://i.imgur.com/e3nmppZ.jpeg

    Now he has to learn the art of carrying stick.

    Dogs spicytuna62 2 months ago 95%
    Full body sprints are my favorite.

    It means we'll get some damn peace at home lol ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/cb1b6670-c84a-415e-bda9-77982e9e7ba3.png) And it's a fact that dogs alternate between graceful and goofy when they run.

    Memes spicytuna62 2 months ago 99%
    Common ground
    Memes spicytuna62 2 months ago 98%
    Stay alert.
    Cars - For Car Enthusiasts spicytuna62 2 months ago 100%
    I've been visited by the Prelude Curse

    ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/4a93d8b5-f9ef-47cd-92c2-3b009903ce75.jpeg) The left door handle has been cracked ever since I got the car so this was coming sooner or later. A year of daily use ain't bad. Still, it came as a shock when, last Wednesday, I grabbed the handle, and the door didn't come open. I'm a big dude (tall *and* fat), and there wasn't room on the other wall to climb in through the passenger side. Somehow, I passed the acrobatics check it took to climb through the trunk and into the front seat. And I didn't hurt my back at 32 years old. Truly a feat to behold. I've already bought a handle, but it won't be in til Thursday. I could run around with it like this for a week, but I'm not gonna. Which means I'll be driving my wife's cargo ship for a few days.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearFO
    Forbidden Snacks spicytuna62 2 months ago 92%
    Forbidden watermelon
    cats spicytuna62 2 months ago 99%
    At last, my orange boy achieved inner peace.

    For a few minutes anyway. Then it was back to his regularly scheduled chaos.

    Dad Jokes spicytuna62 2 months ago 96%
    What do you call a mean Canadian?

    An eh-hole.

    cats spicytuna62 2 months ago 98%
    She looks very dragon-like
    Memes spicytuna62 3 months ago 96%
    Napoleon Dynamite is 20 years old now.

    Hello, fellow aging millennials.

    aww spicytuna62 3 months ago 96%
    The local dog park has kiddie pools by the water spigots.

    It was like 102 degrees (~39°C) yesterday evening (and about as humid as Vietnam), but he was ***SOOOOOO BORED.*** So I got him out of the house. He made it eleven feet into the park, pooped, and immediately went to the pool afterwards to wait for me to fill it.

    Lemmy Shitpost spicytuna62 3 months ago 95%
    hi wat doin?
    CD Collectors spicytuna62 3 months ago 100%
    Here are my most recent additions.

    In case you can't tell, I like indie rock.

    Lemmy Shitpost spicytuna62 3 months ago 99%
    Never know til you go.

    ~Disclaimer: Don't actually do this.~

    cats spicytuna62 3 months ago 99%
    He's a sweetheart.
    cats spicytuna62 3 months ago 99%
    I wonder what goes on in that head. Radio static? Dial-up sounds? A loading bar stuck at 31%? https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/c058cb02-8da3-4751-a8ba-c35cc810ddfe.jpeg

    Well no matter what it is, all he knows is that he loves you, and he's gotta make sure you know.

    cats spicytuna62 3 months ago 98%
    I caught Thorin evicting the piggy.

    How rude.

    Memes spicytuna62 4 months ago 98%
    He does that a lot.
    aww spicytuna62 4 months ago 97%
    Here's my dude. I have no idea what he is.

    Meet Sherlock. He's about 1½ years old and weighs 70 pounds. This guy spent two hours bouncing all over the four-acre dog park, and *still* wanted to play once we got home. We get asked all the time what he is. My wife sent off a DNA kit so maybe we'll have an idea in a couple weeks. I'm pretty sure those ears pick up shortwave radio. We adopted him in August. Here he is the day we took him home. ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/48ac93e5-389d-40a9-bdd5-f357d7d3aee0.jpeg) He's really intelligent. He knows a lot of commands. Most of them he does right away, but he's not always so eager to please. You just have to show him that no matter how stubborn he is, you're even more stubborn. He gets there soon enough.

    Memes spicytuna62 4 months ago 86%
    Thanks, Herr Doktor.
    Lemmy Shitpost spicytuna62 4 months ago 96%
    Y'all want a shitpost?


    Cars - For Car Enthusiasts spicytuna62 4 months ago 95%
    I have a Honda Prelude in my Honda Prelude.

    There's an Xzibit joke in there somewhere.
