asklemmy Asklemmy Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks! It's just wild to me that people don't have the curiosity to at least search up something they don't understand first. Also lol at me not seeing my whole mess of cellphone typos before posting, haha

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    (Kent Brockman voice) JUST TAKE A SCREENSHOT, PEOPLE!!

    Aside from reading comprehension, it seems as though people absolutely lack the ability to problem solve. Head scratching is as far as many will go. I can't count how many times I've found inefficient, tedious, or straight up broken systems or out of date info in my office and when I ask people if they've ever contacted IT about it or tried to figure it out they just say "Eh, nah, I just leave it and it works itself out." No. My guy, you're just doing it wrong/taking an extra 15 minutes to do everything you're doing because of the workarounds.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Lol instinctively I read your first sentence then skipped the rest, but my brain said "NO, that's what they want you to do!" So I made myself come back and read it. Good content

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Mm, I think what you're likely arguing about is super contentious, AND complex. I agree that picking the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil (because it is, it says so right in the phrase!). That isn't to say you're necessarily endorsing the second evil, or that youre evil for making the choice. The world is fucked up and complex and no one is perfectly good.

    But yeah I think conversations around voting, especially in the US, are really difficult to have because people are extremely opinionated and none of us REALLY know what would happen if we stopped voting altogether, which makes a lot of people anxiously compelled to do it(such as myself)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    I'm pretty decent with tech. I definitely know to turn things off and on again, check wifi connection, etc. I'm good with troubleshooting and such, but the IT person at my work who I interact with most treats me like I'm SO DUMB. But I try to remind myself that there are probably so many people who don't know where the power button is on any of their devices lol.

    An example: I get logged out of an account on my computer, so I go to reset my password. The password reset requires an account number that I don't have

    Message to IT: hey, I need to reset my password for this program, can you send me the account number for it?

    IT: on the main login page, beneath the password bar, there should be a link that says "forgot password?" Click that and you should be able to reset it

    Me: 😑 explains that if you click on that link it requires you to enter account number to reset it

    IT: oh

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    I wonder of more and more people using cellphones for social media has affected this? I use my cellphone primarily and....I definitely don't write my finest work, shall we say. The typos are aplenty too since I type furiously. I'm investing in a laptop for this very reason. I miss having more robust writing skills.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Most recently the complete lack of understanding of a wet bulb temperature comes to mind. In articles discussing this, people completely left out the "wet bulb" part, which they didn't understand, and went on to post comments about "65 DEGREES IS NOTHING, IT REGULARLY GETS OVER 90 WHERE I LIVE!!!". The audacity of some folks. It took me 5 seconds to Google wet bulb temperature to not look like a dumbass saying something like that with my whole chest lol

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Has anyone else noticed a sudden lack of reading comprehension skills?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Same here! I've been organizing g a union at my job, and my coworkers all value transparency and collectivism very highly, when when it comes to the actual work and effort of being falls short.

    I'd spent mo ths researching, writing down meeting minutes, making Q&A sheets....All to be asked the same questions OVER AND OVER AND OVER. It's even worse when people are skeptical of the subject at hand, too. Sheesh

  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    On food stamp applications, if you say that you live with other people but that you don't share resources, then they don't include the other people's income. I wouldn't be surprised if that has changed somehow though? Are you a minor?

  • autism Autism What are some of your quirks?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Ooooo this is kinda similar to something I used to do that I described here

    The bumpy yellow pad thingies are kind of unsettling now that I think about it

  • fediverse Fediverse Would there be interest and support in potentially building an art focused lemmy instance?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    I had experience with mastodon several years ago and so when I moved over here from Reddit I was excited to try and find an instance that resonated with me but alas, the only niche ones are like, furry instances, porn instances, and tech instances. Bummed that there haven't been more that have themes.

  • cat cats This jerk was laid out like this on the floor so I went to go lay with him. He got up to lay in the exact same position on the bed
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 50%

    I mean he did copyright that pose, he wasn't having me imitate him at all without royalties! Lol

  • autism Autism What are some of your quirks?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Oh man this is kinda similar to a quirk I had as a kid. It's kinda hard to explain, but in my old neighborhood we had sidewalks like these. So if you look at the first five rows of squares starring from the bottom of the picture, you'll see that the color of the cement changes on the next row. Well the sidewalks I walked on, there would be like, 3 or 4 rows of blocks with a thicker kinda borderline between eachother. So when I would walk I would step one foot in front of the other in each block and count "one two three four, one two, one two three, one two three" etc, starting the count over every time I crossed the break or change in the cement.

  • autism Autism What are some of your quirks?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Hahaha, II love that you're kinda faking them out even if you're right or not lol. I used to work as a cashier, and I would always guess the weight of the vegetables/fruits before putting them on the scale/scanner thing because i love estimating that stuff too. I did it out loud once and got it almost exact and a couple customers jeard and wete impressed. So I tried a few times and the customers in line and I made a game of it and cheered or "awww"ed when I got it wrong. So fun.

    I also like trying to guess the amount of something i need for recipes. Like, a recipe calls for a cup of onions, I look at the whole onions in store and based on size I imagine what it would look like diced in a measuring cup, I usually get close and its so satisfying

  • cat cats This jerk was laid out like this on the floor so I went to go lay with him. He got up to lay in the exact same position on the bed
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 91%

    Definitely distraught over the whole ordeal. I don't know if I'll be able to recover

  • 196 196 *Permanently Deleted*
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    This is a rad photo but Daria wore an army jacket!!! Ahhhh

  • chat chat They only grow hay so they can own the land.
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Sounds like Oregon tbh

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What's the Best Non-Alcoholic Alternative to an Ice Cold Beer at the End of the Day?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    I was gonna say kombucha as well, the experience of drinking it is kinda similar?

  • food Food and Cooking What ingredients or dishes lived up to the hype for you?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Black vinegar and dark soy sauce. I started fiddling around preparing more chinese/asian foods and these Sauces just have SUCH depth and strong flavor, I love it

  • food Food and Cooking What ingredients or dishes lived up to the hype for you?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    It's like night and day....I don't even think the kraft stuff is parmesan at all really. Still bomb on pizza though

    Ever since I worked at a hippie grocery store and was taught about what GOOD fresh organic food looks like and tastes like, it's impossible for me to go back to things like that, or frozen bags of green giant veg, or pre sliced or shredded cheese and so on. I'll still eat frozen pizza and nuggies and fast food but as far as cooking for myself, never again

  • autism Autism What are some of your quirks?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    What is heel toe downshifting? Are you doing it on a manual vehicle?

  • autism Autism What are some of your quirks?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    That's so wild! How do you eat pasta, or steak? Or do you have pretty specific eating habits that don't include those foods? Lol

  • askchapo askchapo Some cultural questions for Hexbear
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    The Ron Paul genesis is real

  • autism Autism What are some of your quirks?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Dang taking the temperature to determine when to close/open the windows is a great idea. I don't have AC in my house and much prefer fresh air so I open windows at night and try to find the perfect time when I should close everything up. I think between 11am-12pm is the sweet spot, but then I worry if I close up too early I'll miss out on more sweet sweet cool air! Lol

  • autism Autism What are some of your quirks?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Welcome to the team 🤝

  • autism Autism What are some of your quirks?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Oh yeah, for whatever reason I find new/random objects to be more satisfying to fidget with than my actual fidgets. Lately fidgeting with paper clips has been my jam. What do you think your current faves are?

  • autism Autism What are some of your quirks?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Heck yeah measuring sibling! Hahaha I love that they're everywhere, easy access is important if you gotta measure RIGHT NOW!

    I used to have two but I lost the large one somehow! It still upsets me to this day and it's been months lol. I want to get a mini Keychain one just because.

    Temperature/humidity checking sounds kinda fun since it probably fluctuates a ton. Is there any particular tend you've noticed or that it fluctuates like, minute to minute or anything?

  • autism
    Autism ratboy 1 year ago 93%
    What are some of your quirks?

    Not just what are your autistic traits, but what are some of the silly things or compulsive things you do that you feel is unique/possibly related to your autism? I always keep a 12' measuring tape on me which is kind of a new thing in the past year. I fuckin love measuring things, and it makes me feel good to have JUST in case.

    diy Do-It-Yourself, Repairs and Fixes how would you opt to wall mount this?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    I'm thinking that will have to do. Would you suggest normal screws or should I play it safe and use wall anchors of some sort?

  • diy Do-It-Yourself, Repairs and Fixes how would you opt to wall mount this?
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Damn. I just reuploaded it hopefully that works!

  • diy
    how would you opt to wall mount this?

    I always end up in decision paralysis because I think of way too many possibilities. Is there a way I can avoid brackets? If I am able to drill into studs should I just use normal wood screws? I'll be using it as a tea/spice shelf.

    autism Autism Looking for tips on eating
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    I love kefir! Its a staple food for me since it's so easy and healthy. I'll make my protein shakes with it or have kefir and a banana for breakfast and it's relatively filling

  • foodporn FoodPorn Hummus, Feta cheese, Benedictine eggs, homemade bread among other delicious things.
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Oh my god, what is the juice? magnificent. I'm so hungry lol

  • autism Autism Looking for tips on eating
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    I've been trying to do that more with like, Hummus or other dips. So hard.not to reach for the Crackers and chips though lol.

  • autism Autism Looking for tips on eating
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Totally feel that. Especially if I cook for my partner too, I'll make a big batch of food that takes 1.5 hours and I expect there to be 4 meals for us there, buy he eats a lot more so it ends up being like, 2.5 meals and then it really feels like it was such an effort for that

  • autism Autism Looking for tips on eating
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    That's such a good idea! I do have a regular stove top kettle, I forget that I can do that. I remember seeing tiktoks of a woman making noodle jars where each one had different stuff thrown in for sauce, veg, and the dried noodles on top and you just add the boiling water and it was like a better version of instant noodles. I can manage that I think. Thanks for the idea!

  • autism Autism Looking for tips on eating
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Haha! I have not seen that but it looks amazing. I mentioned elsewhere that I really wanna meal prep and batch cook but predicting the amounts and such makes it kinda stressful. I think the actual cooking at that point would be fun, I just have to figure out other logistics and I'll be able to do it

  • adhd ADHD Looking for tips on eating
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Charcuterie for the win! I think adding olives and nuts are a good idea too I never think of that. But yeah that sounds totally doable and super appealing to me, I fucking love cheese and will eat a whole wheel if given the chance lol

  • adhd ADHD Looking for tips on eating
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Oh man that sounds amazing. I always forget that you can buy pre cooked rotisserie chickens, that right there sounds like a huge game changer for motivation to prep a hearty meal

  • adhd ADHD Looking for tips on eating
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    I get bored kind of easily depending on the food. Batch cooking and meal prepping are things I really want to do, though. Like having one or two Sundays a month where I just go crazy and drink beers and cook all day actually sounds fun...but then it's the prep part (figuring out freezable recipes, buying the right amount of ingredients, making sure I have the right kind and amount of tupperware).

    At this point though even cooking one meal feels off the table, it's wild. I'm hoping that the extreme aversion will just be a phase cuz I do love eating lol

  • autism Autism Looking for tips on eating
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Ooo, Cabbage to snack on sounds great. I saw a snack of cream cheese spread on red bell pepper too which is really good. You are definitely speaking my language lol. The mug cake idea sounds pretty easy to whip up too. It's so wild, like why does that seem less labor intensive than cooking a pack of Ramen noodles?!No reason, brain just days so lol.

  • autism Autism Looking for tips on eating
  • ratboy ratboy 1 year ago 100%

    Honestly I would bet that it is a burnout thing, but it's been a couple of years that the love of cooking has been decreasing....I guess it could still be burnout though 🫠🫠 since you're on keto, can you give me some other ideas of what you eat? It looks like charcuterie is the best option lol but yeah, sneaking veggies in is a must

  • adhd
    ADHD ratboy 1 year ago 88%
    Looking for tips on eating

    cross-posted from: > I used to love to cook, and as time passes more and more I have become SUPER adverse to it and I have no idea why. Even the idea of say, making oatmeal on the stove or a pack of instant Ramen is too much for me. I do plan on trying to make myself do it and try to form a habit of it but for now I've only been buying pre made/take out food and it's super expensive. How do yall hack this so that you buy groceries you'll actually eat?? > > Some info: > > I don't have a microwave > > I'm not super food restrictive > > I'm a brat and only like fresh veggies (not precut or frozen), usually organic > > I try to avoid preservatives but I do like chicken nuggies/tots/frozen pizzas, but I really want to try and stick to a healthier veg filled diet > > An example of something that isn't overwhelming for me to make are protein shakes: put powder, kefir, water, PB&J in a jar, shake it, drink it. > > Any advice is super appreciated 🙏

    Autism ratboy 1 year ago 95%
    Looking for tips on eating

    I used to love to cook, and as time passes more and more I have become SUPER adverse to it and I have no idea why. Even the idea of say, making oatmeal on the stove or a pack of instant Ramen is too much for me. I do plan on trying to make myself do it and try to form a habit of it but for now I've only been buying pre made/take out food and it's super expensive. How do yall hack this so that you buy groceries you'll actually eat?? Some info: I don't have a microwave I'm not super food restrictive I'm a brat and only like fresh veggies (not precut or frozen), usually organic I try to avoid preservatives but I do like chicken nuggies/tots/frozen pizzas, but I really want to try and stick to a healthier veg filled diet An example of something that isn't overwhelming for me to make are protein shakes: put powder, kefir, water, PB&J in a jar, shake it, drink it. Any advice is super appreciated 🙏

    Bicycles ratboy 1 year ago 96%
    Today's ride! I am the definition of bonk.

    ![]( started trying to get better at climbing a couple of weeks ago and I'm dead. After mile 15 I was done but had no option but to keep going. 6 miles towards the finish I had to stop 4 times, but I made it! Add me on ridewithgps: ratboy

    First bike camping trip (San Juan Islands, Washington US)

    cross-posted from: > The San Juan Islands are beautiful! Beach access at both, the islands break up the waves so they just gently lap at the shore. Lots of hills. It was challenging for a first timer who hates climbing but I'm ready to go suffer again 🦵🦵 > > ![First ferry ride]( > ![First hiker biker campsite, San Juan County Park, Friday Harbor]( > ![]( > ![]( > ![Second hiker/biker site Odlin County Park, Lopez Island ]( > ![]( > ![Palindaba Lavender Farm]( > ![](

    Bicycles ratboy 1 year ago 100%
    First bike camping trip (San Juan Islands, Washington US)

    The San Juan Islands are beautiful! Beach access at both, the islands break up the waves so they just gently lap at the shore. Lots of hills. It was challenging for a first timer who hates climbing but I'm ready to go suffer again 🦵🦵 ![First ferry ride]( ![First hiker biker campsite, San Juan County Park, Friday Harbor]( ![]( ![]( ![Second hiker/biker site Odlin County Park, Lopez Island ]( ![]( ![Palindaba Lavender Farm]( ![](

    Bicycles ratboy 1 year ago 94%
    I decided to challenge myself by riding 1,000 miles by the end of the year!

    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > ![]( > > > > > > First, if anyone uses ridewithgps, let me follow you! > > > > > > Today's ride and my progress this year. I've been riding pretty seriously for about 2015. At one point I was working for a bike powered composting service, where I hitched a trailer to my bike and picked up food scraps from peoples homes to bring them to a site to get composted. I'd end up with 200+ lbs on my bike, at 14-20 miles, on my 26+ lb Surly! > > > > > > Alas, for the past 5 years or so I've become more of a fair weather rider since I moved and it's my rainier where I'm at. Couple with bouts of pretty intense depression and gaining 35 lbs, and I end up back at point A after I build up some muscle and a bit of endurance year after year. I also hate hills lol. > > > > > > I went on my first bike camping trip a couple of weeks ago, and it was magical. I had no choice but to climb and climb and climb again; the Elevation wasn't that wild but it was just challenging enough. Since then my love of riding has been renewed and I'm going to give myself the lofty goal of 1,000 miles by January. That will pan out to 914.8 miles after today, so close to 200 miles per month. We will see how that goes! I _did_ ride some before I started tracking but I'm going to challenge myself and not count those miles...but now I gotta start recording every ride!

    I decided to challenge myself by riding 1,000 miles by the end of the year!

    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > ![]( > > > > First, if anyone uses ridewithgps, let me follow you! > > > > Today's ride and my progress this year. I've been riding pretty seriously for about 2015. At one point I was working for a bike powered composting service, where I hitched a trailer to my bike and picked up food scraps from peoples homes to bring them to a site to get composted. I'd end up with 200+ lbs on my bike, at 14-20 miles, on my 26+ lb Surly! > > > > Alas, for the past 5 years or so I've become more of a fair weather rider since I moved and it's my rainier where I'm at. Couple with bouts of pretty intense depression and gaining 35 lbs, and I end up back at point A after I build up some muscle and a bit of endurance year after year. I also hate hills lol. > > > > I went on my first bike camping trip a couple of weeks ago, and it was magical. I had no choice but to climb and climb and climb again; the Elevation wasn't that wild but it was just challenging enough. Since then my love of riding has been renewed and I'm going to give myself the lofty goal of 1,000 miles by January. That will pan out to 914.8 miles after today, so close to 200 miles per month. We will see how that goes! I _did_ ride some before I started tracking but I'm going to challenge myself and not count those miles...but now I gotta start recording every ride!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Bikes and commuting etc ratboy 1 year ago 100%
    I decided to challenge myself by riding 1,000 miles by the end of the year!

    cross-posted from: > ![]( > > First, if anyone uses ridewithgps, let me follow you! > > Today's ride and my progress this year. I've been riding pretty seriously for about 2015. At one point I was working for a bike powered composting service, where I hitched a trailer to my bike and picked up food scraps from peoples homes to bring them to a site to get composted. I'd end up with 200+ lbs on my bike, at 14-20 miles, on my 26+ lb Surly! > > Alas, for the past 5 years or so I've become more of a fair weather rider since I moved and it's my rainier where I'm at. Couple with bouts of pretty intense depression and gaining 35 lbs, and I end up back at point A after I build up some muscle and a bit of endurance year after year. I also hate hills lol. > > I went on my first bike camping trip a couple of weeks ago, and it was magical. I had no choice but to climb and climb and climb again; the Elevation wasn't that wild but it was just challenging enough. Since then my love of riding has been renewed and I'm going to give myself the lofty goal of 1,000 miles by January. That will pan out to 914.8 miles after today, so close to 200 miles per month. We will see how that goes! I _did_ ride some before I started tracking but I'm going to challenge myself and not count those miles...but now I gotta start recording every ride!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Bikes and commuting etc ratboy 1 year ago 100%
    I decided to challenge myself by riding 1,000 miles by the end of the year!

    ![]( First, if anyone uses ridewithgps, let me follow you! Today's ride and my progress this year. I've been riding pretty seriously for about 2015. At one point I was working for a bike powered composting service, where I hitched a trailer to my bike and picked up food scraps from peoples homes to bring them to a site to get composted. I'd end up with 200+ lbs on my bike, at 14-20 miles, on my 26+ lb Surly! Alas, for the past 5 years or so I've become more of a fair weather rider since I moved and it's my rainier where I'm at. Couple with bouts of pretty intense depression and gaining 35 lbs, and I end up back at point A after I build up some muscle and a bit of endurance year after year. I also hate hills lol. I went on my first bike camping trip a couple of weeks ago, and it was magical. I had no choice but to climb and climb and climb again; the Elevation wasn't that wild but it was just challenging enough. Since then my love of riding has been renewed and I'm going to give myself the lofty goal of 1,000 miles by January. That will pan out to 914.8 miles after today, so close to 200 miles per month. We will see how that goes! I _did_ ride some before I started tracking but I'm going to challenge myself and not count those miles...but now I gotta start recording every ride!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Metal ratboy 1 year ago 85%
    Weedeater - Gimme Back My Bullets (Lynyrd Skyrnyrd cover)
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    stonermetal ratboy 1 year ago 100%
    Weedeater - Gimme Back My Bullets (Lynyrd Skyrnyrd cover)