news News ‘Fascists’: Jack White threatens to sue Trump campaign over use of music
  • platypode platypode 3 weeks ago 97%

    Per the article:

    On Instagram White wrote: “Don’t even think about using my music you fascists. Law suit coming from my lawyers about this (to add to your 5 thousand others.) Have a great day at work today Margo Martin.’

    It looks like “threatens a lawsuit” is being used here because “sues” would be inaccurate (since the suit has not been filed).

  • platypode platypode 3 weeks ago 100%

    Superior Stamina pretty much always feels good, Majestic Leap is just stupid fun, and Healing Rite is a go-to lane survivability pickup; apart from that it really varies by hero. The default guides definitely leave a lot to be desired--I usually pick a highly rated community guide, as they do a nice job collecting good choices for the hero while offering enough variety to tailor a build to the match.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What about clicking a checkbox means I'm human? How does Cloudflare determine I'm human from that?
  • platypode platypode 4 weeks ago 98%

    It tests whether your mouse movement looks human--we're really bad at things like moving in straight lines, so it's pretty evident from a mouse movement log whether you're a human or a simple bot. It also takes a bunch of auxiliary browser/environment data into account. It's not perfect, but it's complicated enough to defeat to provide fine protection against cheap spam.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes "Don't worry guys, the Vanguard(tm) will totally let us skip the whole 'bourgeois democracy' phase of things and definitely not devolve into a fascist state capitalist regime"
  • platypode platypode 2 months ago 98%

    At a super rough gloss:

    Pure Marxism encompasses two basic theories: Marx's critique of capitalist economics, which he argues are predicated on unjust material distributions which are employed by the owning class to steal value from the working class by controlling the means of production; and his proposed alternative, wherein the workers own the means of production and exist in a stateless, classless worker's paradise ("communism").

    Notably lacking in Marx's work is a compelling plan for how to move from capitalism to communism. Enter Leninism: to transition, the so-called "vanguard party" will seize control and establish a total dictatorship to wholly quash capitalism and bring the society into alignment towards communism; when this is achieved, the vanguard party is supposed to relinquish control and the worker's utopia may commence.

    This school of thought, deemed Marxism-Leninism, is the nominal philosophy underpinning many modern states that bill themselves as communist, including the USSR and the CCP. While on paper it provides a feasible path to the worker's utopia, critics argue that in practice the vanguard party fails to relinquish control, establish themselves as the new owning class, and operate a fundamentally capitalist regime under the trappings of communism.

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Should have downloaded more RAM
    asklemmy Asklemmy iPhone users, what's stopping you from switching to Android?
  • platypode platypode 2 months ago 92%
    • Cross-device integration/the Apple ecosystem. I use a Mac for my userland computing, and the ease with which it works together with my phone is a killer feature. Also in this category is integration with my family's Apple devices.
    • The software ecosystem. Apple's first party apps and services are really nice across the board, and once again the ecosystem integration is the single biggest reason I use an iPhone. (the user facing apps, at least--Xcode and everything related to it are hot trash).
    • Purely subjective, but Android is ugly to me. The hardware, the OS(es), and the apps just look bad to my eye. The iPhone looks and feels nice in a way that I haven't experienced in an Android product.
    • I don't trust Google and I can't be bothered to spend any time configuring my phone. I spend too much of my life installing shit and tinkering with config already; I want a phone that just works out of the box.
  • memes Memes lemmy test how ur client handles long posts
  • platypode platypode 3 months ago 100%

    Mlem handles it with no problems

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts The old primary argument against panpsychism has now become the primary argument for it
  • platypode platypode 3 months ago 85%

    People being convinced that something is conscious is a long, long way from a compelling argument that something is conscious. People naturally anthropomorphize, and a reasonably accurate human speech predictor is a prime example of something that can be very easily anthropomorphized. It is also unsurprising that LLMs have developed such conceptual nodes; these concepts are fundamental to the human experience, thus undergird most human speech, and it is therefore not only unsurprising but expected that a system built to detect statistical patterns in human speech would identify these foundational concepts.

    “So rocks are conscious” isn’t, at least in my opinion, the classic counter to panpsychism; it’s an attempt at reductio ad absurdum, but not a very good one, as the panpsychist can very easily fall back on the credible argument that consciousness comes in degrees, perhaps informed by systematic complexity, and so the consciousness of a rock is to the consciousness of a person as the mass of an atom is to the mass of a brain.

    The problem with panpsychism is, and has always been, that there’s absolutely no reason to think that it’s true. It’s a pleasingly neat solution to Chalmers’ “hard problem” of neuroscience, but ultimately just as baseless as positing the existence of an all-powerful God through whose grace we are granted consciousness; that is, it rests on a premise that, while sufficiently explanatory, is neither provable nor disprovable.

    We ultimately have absolutely no idea how consciousness arises from physical matter. It is possible that we cannot know, and that the mechanism is hidden in facets of reality that the human experience is not equipped to parse. It is also possible that, given sufficiently advanced neuroscience, we will be able to offer a compelling account of how human consciousness arises. Then—and only then—will we be in a position to credibly offer arguments about machine intelligence. Until then, it is simply a matter of faith. The believers will see a sufficiently advanced language model and convince themselves that there is no way such a thing is not conscious, and the disbelievers will repeat the same tired arguments resting on the notion that a lack of proof is tantamount to a disproof.

  • hackernews Hacker News Apple is launching its own password manager app
  • platypode platypode 3 months ago 100%

    It does appear to be available for Windows, though there's no mention of Android.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Summer is the worst season of the year, isn't?
  • platypode platypode 3 months ago 100%

    Not a huge beach guy, but I live for the summer. 80F is the ideal temperature; anything up to 100 is great too, as long as I don't need to perform prolonged manual labor outside. Long sunny days make my lizard soul happy, and all of my best clothes are summer clothes.

  • games Games Team Fortress 2 reaches o overwhelmingly negative recent reviews
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    It's been steadily overrun by bots, and I guess the community hit a breaking point

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes Fudging rolls is the path to the dark side...
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 96%

    So that my players see me roll the dice. As long as they believe the illusion, the roll is real to them, and so their experience is meaningful and memorable; at the end of the day, that's what matters most to me as a DM.

  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 66%

    That's a remarkable number of words to dodge a very simple question lmao

  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 50%

    Just to be entirely clear--are you taking the position that given the choice between (a) the world where you don't vote and Trump wins and (b) the world where you vote Biden and Trump loses, you would take (a)?

  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 50%

    Because the stakes of this election are so very, very high. Trump genuinely and explicitly wants to create a fascist state; it's borderline incomprehensible that somebody would choose to sit out and let that happen just because they don't like Biden.

  • humor Humor Join the movement today
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    That's most definitely not "ceasing all road construction," and actually sounds like a feasible (ignoring realities of modern politics) plan that I would get behind.

  • humor Humor Join the movement today
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    OK so... demonstrate it? Explain how, with absolutely 0 maintenance for 20 years (or whatever you consider a reasonable time to bring every single road up to bicycle and pedestrian usability standards), the roads would be able to support the flow of commuters, emergency vehicles, and deliveries. You can appeal to your own authority all you want, but it's worth just about jack if you don't back it up.

  • humor Humor Join the movement today
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 83%

    Given that it takes a long time to bring a street up to standard (budgeting, design, contracting, and constructing), that would probably be 10-20 years at an optimistic estimate to get every street up. In that time, under your proposal, the roads would become undrivable, and therefore:

    • Emergency vehicles would be unable to operate. Thousands die.
    • Traffic increases exponentially as the usable roads become increasingly infrequent and commuters flock to the few good ones. The above problem is made worse; gas usage increases dramatically as more and more cars sit idle for hours a day.
    • Highway safety plummets. Thousands die in avoidable crashes.
    • Roads become impassible to trucks. Deliveries of food and goods grind to a halt. Starvation, food riots, economic collapse follow.

    I'm all for increasing walkability and bikability; I'm fortunate enough to live in a city that is both, and it's great. Proposals like this, however, do nothing but make it look like the movement is a bunch of "fuck cars" knee-jerkers who know nothing about infrastructure and can thus be safely disregarded.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Remove text on TPE phone case?
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    That looks fairly tightly bonded to me--you'd probably be better off trying to cover it than remove it. There's maybe a solvent, but without knowing which compounds are used for the lettering and the case, it's a shot in the dark--always worth trying isopropyl alcohol for this sort of thing imo, but it also might damage the case.

    Unrelated, but the random blue "AI" slapped haphazardly on top is a beautiful piece of accidental comedy given That Company's rollout of AI

  • mlb Major League Baseball Commissioner: Automated ball-strike system a possibility, but unlikely to take place by '25
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    The "but framing is an art" argument has never made sense to me. The job of calling balls and strikes is already too hard for even an excellent umpire to do perfectly; the notion that we should reward players for trying to make it harder is lunacy. Every rules change forces players to adapt, and benefits some while hurting others.

  • insanepeoplefacebook InsanePeopleFacebook Thar is so much evidunce
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 0%

    Don't forget that Cleveland team! Not as bad as Washington, but disgraceful that it lasted so long.

  • memes Memes Dunes vs Star Wars
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    They're definitely better entertainment pound-for-pound. I'd contend that the book gives you a lot more to think about, so it really depends what you're after. I like them both a lot--I think they complement each other very nicely.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is the Legal copyright on a Lemmy Post?
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 96%

    does adding the copyright/license information do anything?

    Not a lawyer, but I'd be sore amazed if "your honor, he copy/pasted my Lemmy comment" flies in court, regardless of your copyright status. The same goes for those AI use notices--they're a nice feel-good statement, but the scrapers won't care, and good luck (a) proving they scraped your comment, (b) proving they made money on it, and (c) getting a single red dime for your troubles.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming steam-presence: A script that takes the game you're playing on steam and displays it on discord
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    It's not a matter of what people can use, but what people do use. Like it or not, Discord is the de facto standard, and it's a lot easier to install workarounds that make Discord usable on Linux than it is to convince all your friends to switch platforms.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming steam-presence: A script that takes the game you're playing on steam and displays it on discord
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 66%

    For many people, socialization is a core part of gaming, and Discord is far and away the most common platform for that socialization.

  • games Games I'm finally getting the hang of Sekiro
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    Fair enough--there is one specific boss that comes to mind where a specific prosthetic is supremely useful, as well as some mini bosses. All the "enemy with sword" bosses like Genichiro are pretty straight up, though.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy In what subtle (or significant) ways has your hometown changed since your childhood?
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    Gentrification and weed. When I was growing up, there were large swathes of town where you just didn't go after dark. Now they're all brand new office and lab space punctuated with dispensaries every couple of blocks.

  • games Games I'm finally getting the hang of Sekiro
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    Juzou the Drunkard is a brutal fight! I rushed Hirata Estate my first playthrough and got stuck there for a long time.

    IMO spirit emblems are cool but ultimately a waste of time--they're a lot of fun to play with in the open areas, but for ~a boss~ most bosses, it's faster to just learn the fight than spend time farming tokens to try to grind it out with prosthetics.

    You may know this already, but a slightly hidden mechanic is that the parry window is a while .5 seconds if you hold the parry button down--if you just tap it you only get a couple frames, but if you hold it, you will find the window far more forgiving.

  • patientgamers Patient Gamers Patient gamers, what are your favourite city builders?
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    Timberborn! It's a city builder about beavers, the primary conceit is that there are periodic droughts that can and will kill all your beavers if you haven't saved enough water.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Responsive Design Go Brrrr
  • platypode platypode 4 months ago 100%

    Eh, depends on the language and the context. I still use 80 for C, but I've found 120 to be a much more reasonable number for Java.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Advice on finding a partner?
  • platypode platypode 5 months ago 98%

    I had absolutely no luck trying. I went on dates, swiped apps, talked to every girl I thought was cute, and none of it went anywhere beyond some weird halfhearted relationships. About two weeks after I gave up altogether, I met a girl on my way to the water fountain and we just clicked. Six years down the line and we couldn't be happier.

    I guess my best advice is just don't sweat it. Be yourself, do what makes you happy, put yourself in situations where you'll meet new people, and sooner or later somebody will come along.

  • greentext Greentext Anon has nerdy hobbies
  • platypode platypode 5 months ago 100%

    It is in fact required

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts A universal basic income to the ultra wealthy would be perceived by them as being given a couple pennies every month
  • platypode platypode 5 months ago 100%

    I guess so lmao

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts A universal basic income to the ultra wealthy would be perceived by them as being given a couple pennies every month
  • platypode platypode 5 months ago 88%

    Where tf do you live that a banana is $10?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's the best advice you've ever received?
  • platypode platypode 5 months ago 100%

    Quality follows where consistency leads

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes She's A Keeper
  • platypode platypode 5 months ago 100%

    Ok but O&S is a miserable fight

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Did the year zero never exist ?
  • platypode platypode 5 months ago 100%

    It depends which calendar you use! Every calendar picks a basically arbitrary system to uniquely identify each year, and in some of them "year 0" doesn't refer to any year.

    The Gregorian, for example, goes directly from 1 BC to 1 AD, since 1 BC is "the first year before Christ" and 1 AD is "the first in the years of our lord." This doesn't make much mathematical sense, but it's not like there was a year that didn't happen--they just called one year 1 BC, and the next year 1 AD.

    ISO 8601 is based on the Gregorian calendar, but it includes a year 0. 1 BC is the same year as +0000; thus 2 BC is -0001, and all earlier years are likewise offset by 1 between the two calendars.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your favorite Bob Dylan song?
  • platypode platypode 5 months ago 100%

    Blind Willie McTell

  • baseball Baseball [Highlight] Mike Trout continues his torrid start to the season with his 6th homerun
  • platypode platypode 5 months ago 100%

    American and I've never heard it used this way. Seems like a standard case of thesaurus abuse--it's technically a synonym for "hot," but the connotations are wholly unsuitable for this use.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the stupidest school rule you've ever had to deal with?
  • platypode platypode 6 months ago 100%

    I got suspended once because someone "punched" me as a joke. By the letter of the regulation it counted as a fist fight even though (a) we weren't fighting and (b) I didn't do the punching. Good times.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Images but with text first

    Text ![]( And more text

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Tall iamge
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Wide markdown table

    | Here goes a very long table | It has many columns | And they are very long | Weeooewwefwoeiweo | oh yeah | I need more columns | and more | and more | | -------------| ----------- | ------------ | ------------ | -----------| ------------ | -----------| -----------| | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Mlem for Lemmy platypode 1 year ago 98%
    Markdown Testing Post

    **THIS IS A TEST POST** *Do not upvote this post* [or do, idc]( # Header goes here ~~ooh strikethrough~~ > and of course a quote- - i - like - lists `def recursionIsFun() { recursionIsFun() }` Subscript~1~ Superscript^2^ ::: spoiler spoiler made you click :::

    Braindead Memes platypode 1 year ago 100%
    Nosy ass