news News Houston-area teacher fired for attending drag show at downtown bar
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 83%

    Religion shouldn't be a free ticket to violate whatever laws they desire like they currently do though

  • politics politics Police called on boy with autism and mum using toilet in anti-trans incident
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Even with stalls you can peep through I've never had anyone creeping on me in the bathroom, except kids

    Kids are the real menace here, not trans people

  • technology Technology Tesla’s secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 90%

    If you have no life a PHEV is the best of both worlds. I went all of COVID without ever getting gas because I was able to just use the battery. And PHEVs have been increasing in range too. I got mine in 2019 and it only has 26 miles range, but the RAV4 prime gets 42 now. Maybe there is even something better, haven't really been paying attention cause I don't need a new car.

  • politics politics Police called on boy with autism and mum using toilet in anti-trans incident
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Renovate your business and put a bunch of single person bathrooms if you care so much about anyone who may or may not be trans being in your presence in the bathroom. Otherwise shut the fuck up and let people pee in peace

  • politics politics Abortions surge in Colorado amid 500% increase in patients from Texas
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    What is actually does is leave the choice of abortion up to birth between a pregnant person and their doctor, up until birth. I can't go into a doctor and demand whatever treatment I want because it's my body.

  • evs Electric Vehicles (x-post from c/Tesla) Tesla vastly overstates its vehicles' range, report states
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 85%

    They literally had a team of people dedicated to covering this up, therefore admitting the range was incorrect, and people still are questioning if it's true? Wow dude

  • worldnews World News UFO hearings: whistleblower David Grusch says ‘non-human biologics’ found at alleged crash sites – as it happened
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Republicans are foaming at the mouth to cut medicare and anything else that helps people while throwing trillions at the military. This is a great justification for their dumbass base that will believe any conspiracy they are instructed to

  • cat cats Why does my cat follow me when I walk my dog, screaming at me and not letting me touch her?
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 94%

    I wouldn't want a bell ringing in my ears all day either. Especially if I was a cat with more sensitive hearing

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation Why does this sub have the snoo feelers on its icon?
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 76%

    Create a new one then? Idk why we need low quality posts like this. This a very reddit style post

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Did anyone have any positive results with CBD products?
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    I used to take CBD every day for anxiety and I only found this out after a couple years so thanks for bringing it up. If your medication says to avoid grapefruit, then you probably should not take CBD

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Did anyone have any positive results with CBD products?
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Have you tried cgrp antagonists? I tried literally everything to the point where multiple neurologists said they couldn't help me. I was using THC for a long time for my migraines but I was still suffering. With cgrp antagonists I feel 100% normal and it works every time, even if it takes longer if I take it too late.

    It's worth trying a sample if you haven't, because it's a world of difference between being high with a migraine and just not having one anymore IMO

    Nurtec is approved for preventative now too

    CBD never did shit for migraines for me, only anxiety

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Is the blockchain an interesting innovation, aside from cryptocurrencies ?
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 90%

    Blockchain (simplified) is a giant excel spreadsheet that you can never edit, only add to. I struggle to think of any applications that is a benefit for, and even then append only databases would already do it better.

    One of the benefits is supposed to be decentralization, but people tout that as a benefit for things like house deeds, or identification, or whatever. Imagine how massive an append only excel file of every house with every owner change etc etc included in it would be. Then we once again only have the people who can afford to store that much data storing it, and we are back to where we are now.

    It doesn't really solve any problems, it just is a worse version of what already exists.

  • memes Memes X is just PayPal 2.0
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    I feel like palm pilots are super impressive for the time period they existed in. They were so futuristic! Basically the 1998 smartphone

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation Standing my ground on going back to the office
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    My last job tried to do this. They didn't even have enough desks for everyone. My entire team said "no thanks" and several people quit and they backtracked real fast. Now their stock is worth $2 when it used to be $40 a year ago lol

    Just look for other jobs if you are standing your ground. Sometimes it takes a few losing a few people for them to realize they fucked up

  • memes Memes X is just PayPal 2.0
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    I wouldn't even say that much. They bought out as a competitor and threw their garbage code in the trash

    Confinity already had payments between palm pilots back in fucking 1998, before even existed

  • usa United States | News & Politics News: Republicans target abortion pill access as government shutdown threat looms
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    I ordered some abortion pills last time this was threatened just in case. $150 but worth it over getting pregnant and being forced to carry it

  • workreform Work Reform “We’ve Changed the Game”: Teamsters Win Historic UPS Contract
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 98%

    Highest paid in the country cause they have a union. And they have an extra vacation day now. But "unions don't work"

  • badrealestate Terrible Estate Agent Photos "1 bed 1 bath" is a generous description for a garage
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    The rate of increase is mind blowing. I used to rent a 1br luxury apartment for $1100 back in 2016.

  • politics politics Outrage as DeSantis Staffer 'Retweets' Nazi Symbol Video: 'Disgusting'
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 98%

    Republicans are also corporate lobbyists in addition to being nazis

  • politics politics Outrage as DeSantis Staffer 'Retweets' Nazi Symbol Video: 'Disgusting'
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    If this video wasn't created to highlight that Desantis is a fascist then we should definitely start doing that and getting him to unironically support them lmao

  • memes Memes So come on down!
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    I can't wait for the FNAF movie even though I have never played the games. Animatronics are creepy as hell and there needs to be a plethora of animatronic horror movies

  • politics politics Go Woke, Go Broke? Barbie’s Opening Weekend Sales Smash Expectations
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    That's ok, they don't know what woke means either

  • baking Bread and pastry and other delicious things Why do I suck at making peanut butter cups so much?
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    You put chocolate in the peanut mixture? Interesting. That would definitely make it set firmer

  • sewing Sewing Vest update. Just working on adding the finishing touches
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    I ended up using interfacing everywhere to make it look more vest-y. The top torso pieces are lightweight interfacing and everything else is medium weight

    I had to undo and redo things a lot and the struggle was real but I think it's passable

  • baking
    Why do I suck at making peanut butter cups so much?

    My peanut butter mixture always gets too melty and then leaks everywhere and I need to use way too much chocolate to cover it to the ratio is all messed up. What am I doing wrong?

    chat Chat Is the destruction of Twitter and Reddit a conspiracy or am I just paranoid?
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Spez said in an interview he admires Musk. If you haven't noticed yet, the corporate world is just 1 giant game of follow the leader.

    "Oh X laid 13% of their staff off? I'm gonna do that too even though I don't really need to"

    "Oh Twitter charged ridiculous amounts for their API and didn't crumble? Me too"

    Remember when Google was doing those dumbass interviews where you have to figure out how many manhole covers in NYC or whatever? Every tech company and their mom was OBSESSED with those types of questions even long after Google figured out how useless they were.

    Remember when you paid outright for things and everything wasn't a subscription model?

    Thankfully Twitter is actively dying now, but if they somehow manage to turn it around we are all fucked. If they show people will stay around while you strongarm them into paying AND having limits to save server costs that is going to be adopted by basically everyone.

  • worldnews World News Twitter to ditch bird logo, Musk says
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Don't besmirch Ronald like that

  • worldnews World News Twitter to ditch bird logo, Musk says
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    X is closer to a swastika than a bird so it fits

    The next update to the logo will be adding 4 more lines...

  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Oh man I forgot this movie existed thanks for bringing it up

  • music Music Jason Aldean's 'Small Town' is part of a long legacy with a very dark side
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    There's a lot of non racist country music though? Maren Morris wrote a pro BLM song while all the protests were happening...

  • til Today I Learned TIL the DMC DeLorean, among many strange production choices, was made of stainless steel
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    If you saw it before 2020 then yes it was the real one. They replaced it with a replica when they reopened post COVID

    Universal actually treats a lot of their props and cars like shit, but I didn't know that when I was visiting lol. They are the ones that destroyed the fiberglass car

  • til Today I Learned TIL the DMC DeLorean, among many strange production choices, was made of stainless steel
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    My boyfriend is obsessed with back to the future and we have seen 4/7 screen used deloreans.

    Peterson museum in LA has a restored one on display, they also have a gold delorean and a few of the new concept designs.

    We got to see the one in Universal Orlando that was just chilling out in the middle of the sidewalk for a long time, but that one has disappeared since COVID. We didn't even know this was a screen used one, we figured it was a replica cause people were walking up and touching it and stuff. Wild. Probably why it's gone now, too many people fucked with it and it has to be restored. It sat out in the Florida humid ass weather for years though and no rust.

    Unfortunately 2 are in Japan in private collections, but I don't think anyone knows who owns them. 2 we saw were in a private collection, but the owners gave us a tour and we even got to sit in one of them (the other is the one they destroyed with the train). And the fiberglass one from 2 was destroyed so we will never see it :(

  • math math An open letter regarding MathFest in Florida
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Florida had a bunch of queer people already and pulled this shit. No one needs to be giving any tourism dollars to somewhere if will be used to attack them

  • math math An open letter regarding MathFest in Florida
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    I'm surprised anyone is still having conferences in Florida... Yikes

  • politics Politics Right wing commentator, Ben Shapiro pictured at the Barbie movie wearing all black, frowning and holding a stack of angry notes he took during the movie.
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Well Barbie is an accomplished woman with a bajillion jobs so it's not surprising the movie is "woke". Barbie was "woke" for her time.

    I bet they make a fuck ton of money off this movie, once again disproving "go woke go broke"

    Woke is here to stay, it's called human rights

  • reddit Reddit Help needed ! We're writing here at (850, 230)
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 66%

    There's a lot of shitty people who are still on reddit that I don't want coming here. Reddit will die on it's own regardless of what pictures are put on /r/place

  • skincareaddiction SkincareAddiction What are y'all using for physical exfoliation?
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 0%

    I use hyaluronic acid and Cetaphil moisturizing cream over the normal moisturizer now, Cetaphil is one of the new brands that doesn't break me out. CeraVe is a huge no for me dawg, cysts everywhere. Let me know if you have any other recommendations that are more moisturizing that I could try.

  • world World News Vegan diet massively cuts environmental damage, study shows
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 94%

    Perfect is the enemy of good. Trust me, I am very irritated by the complete lack of giving a fuck shown by billionaires and large companies.

    But I also know that when it comes down to it the only thing they actually care about is money. And I am one of the people that provides them with that money by choosing to buy their products. Sure, it will take a significant amount of us to make a noticable impact but vegan alternatives have been becoming much more popular and prevalent because there is increasing demand. It's happening. The dairy industry obviously feels threatened with their stupid wood milk campaign and desperate attempts to ban anyone else from using the word milk.

    That is something I actually have control over. I can vote accordingly to try to stop rich assholes from destroying the earth, but I don't control it alone. At least when the earth dies I can say I tried.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. An inconvenient truth: you can’t sell the green revolution to people who can’t afford it | Gaby Hinsliff
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Eating less meat is a great way to reduce your grocery costs in my experience. If we were buying meat as much as we used to our grocery bill would be even more insane.

  • worldpolitics worldpolitics: It's shitposting all the way down! print and carry with you at all times
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    Shirt pocket


  • news News [The Conversation] - Blame capitalism? Why hundreds of decades-old yet vital drugs are nearly impossible to find
  • pizza_rolls pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%

    I think California is moving this way. They started producing their own insulin and suddenly everyone is reducing the price of their insulin to $30 a dose or whatever CA was charging. Let's do it with more

  • food
    Food and Cooking pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%
    Impossible nuggets are pretty wild

    I had them air fried before, and if you *really* inspect them and think about it you can tell they aren't chicken (from the texture but the taste is identical IMO). But I had them fried in a deep fryer this weekend and they were indistinguishable from real chicken nuggets. I am flexitarian so it's not like I haven't eaten a chicken nugget in years, they are legit. Definitely recommend trying them if you are trying to cut your meat consumption or even if you are just curious. They make animal shaped and spicy versions too

    SkincareAddiction pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%
    What are y'all using for physical exfoliation?

    I have been on tretinoin for a while, and now that I have increased the % at the recommendation of my derm I am flakey as hell. I am looking for a GENTLE physical exfoliant, preferably something that isn't a face wash type thing since my skin hates everything and breaks out even if the water changes 😒

    Antiwork/Work Reform pizza_rolls 1 year ago 95%
    How bad of an idea is this proposal to my manager?

    I was promoted, but told I will be paid 17% less than the average for my new position. Instead they gave me a bunch of stock options, which I don't care about. They said this was because of the current economic market and didn't have the budget for it. I am pissed. I am supposed to sit in meetings and lead projects with all these other dudes (I am a woman) and be paid less for it. On top of that my company is rubbing salt in the wound by making us all sigh a diversity and inclusion pledge. I am all for diversity and inclusion, but maybe ... ACTUALLY DO IT instead of just pledging it. I immediately sent out my resume and applied to several jobs because fuck this. But the more I think about it the more I think about how cushy this job is and how chill my manager and team is. I get unlimited PTO that is actually unlimited, we almost never get called when on call, I get to work on whatever I want and work whatever hours I feel like, plus it's fully remote. My team has good rapport and I like working with them. So here's what I'm thinking, if I work for 83% of the pay I work 83% of the hours. So I am thinking of bringing this up with my manager and requesting that I am given 1 day off a week since that would be 80% of my current schedule. I value time off and getting to work on what I want over money, even if they are being sexist trash. I will accept their sexism at the rate of 3 day weekends every week lmao. I don't want to fuck up things before I find another position though, so I'm not sure when to bring this up or if it's even worth trying.

    cats pizza_rolls 1 year ago 83%
    Anyone else deal with slightly elevated liver levels?

    I have been working with my vet on this for over 6 months now. This was my cats first blood test during his physical (new vet) and he had slightly elevated liver levels (\~180 ALT). Since then we have done and bile acids test, tried prescription food, had him on liver supplements (denamarin) forever and his levels have fluctuated slightly (never back to the normal category) but we are back to where we started after all this work. His bile acids test was normal. Next step is ultrasound. He has never been acting sick, eating normally, etc. The only reason I found out was the blood test at a checkup . I am just worried every test will come back normal? Do I need to see a specialist? Does anyone have a cat that has been through this and you found out the secret to figuring this out? Any ideas are welcome because we are both ready to be done with this 😩

    cats pizza_rolls 1 year ago 100%
    What I feed my cat that is allergic to poultry

    Last year my cat started developing a bunch of itchy scabs all over his body. It was recommended to start him on a completely different protein he's never had (I picked rabbit) and after forever via trial and error I figured out the culprit is poultry. If you didn't know, chicken and turkey is in like everything ever. Even if the flavor says "beef" or "tuna" or whatever there's like a 95% chance it also contains chicken or turkey. It's also really hard to figure out exactly what is a good pet food, because a lot of them contain things that cat's don't need or are harmful for them because they are obligate carnivores. I also didn't find many helpful resources despite chicken being one of the most common allergens for cats. I wasted *so many hours* finding cat food he could eat. Finally I have compiled a list of foods I can feed him that aren't trash, with 0 poultry: * Vital Essentials freeze dried patties - pork and rabbit * Stella and Chewy freeze dried morsels - rabbit * Rawz - beef and rabbit * Fromm - beef and venison * I and love and you - beef and rabbit * Ziwi Peak air dried - venison and lamb And since I have invested a ridiculous amount of my life reading about cat food at this point, if your cat isn't allergic to poultry I recommend Nulo Freestyle or Tiki cat. Rawz is also reasonably priced when you don't have to buy the weird flavors.

    Annoyed with my muffin pan

    My muffin pan is rusty as hell (my own fault) and I failed to remove the rust even with scrub daddy and barkeepers friend. Usually I am cooking with liners, but I also make candy in them (ie marshmallows) and don't feel like putting anything sticky in a pan that dirty. Do you have a muffin pan you really like? Preferably one that's easy to clean. What about silicone? I heard it doesn't bake easily but I wonder if it matters for something small like cupcakes

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Cats pizza_rolls 1 year ago 0%
    My cat blessing you with a blep from above 🙏