world World News Jeremy Corbyn re-elected as independent in Islington North after expulsion from Labour
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 2 months ago 57%

    I don't care. I watched an interview with him and his foreign policy takes were so horrid he would be laughed out of the room if he said something like this in my country. Guess some people in the UK don't really give a crap about Ukraine.

  • world World News Jeremy Corbyn re-elected as independent in Islington North after expulsion from Labour
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 3 months ago 29%

    I'm not from the UK but when I last watched something with Corbyn he was shilling for Russia, how is that not an absolute deal-breaker?

    Edit: I was completely right and got downvoted for it. He wanted to stop arms to Ukraine. He sucks and can go and die in a volcano. No left-wing politicians in Poland are like this when it comes to Russia, why are western lefties so brain-dead and conciliatory to this horrible regime? Telling Ukraine to roll over and give up its land. Fuck you tankie POS.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Site: "I don't feel so good...."
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 3 months ago 96%
  • technology Technology YouTube puts third-party clients on notice: Show ads or get blocked
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 5 months ago 100%

    I'll just use Firefox mobile with uBlock Origin then, literally anything is better than ads

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes When a windows app works flawlessly
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 5 months ago 100%

    Apparently the previous adaptation skipped and changed things.

  • 196 196 vorule
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 5 months ago 100%

    Too bad this site is too niche to have it's own vore_irl

  • 196 196 Gay rule
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 6 months ago 100%

    Why is a smaller version of the picture superimposed onto a larger, blurry version?

  • technology Technology Former CEO of Google has been quietly working on a military startup for “suicide” attack drones.
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 8 months ago 62%

    It's a weapon like any other. Maybe you're iffy on the name, but suicide drones are just another way to attack specific targets, like missiles but far more precise. What is evil about having a remotely controlled aircraft hit an enemy position as opposed to artillery, bombs or gunfire hitting enemy position?

  • games Games The Witcher author says he's never played the games that cemented his fame: "I have no time for this, and it's not entertainment for me"
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 10 months ago 93%

    That's a bit different, as in magnitudes more stupid (if true)

  • technology Technology Monero Project admits thieves stole 6-figure sum from a wallet in mystery breach
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 10 months ago 100%

    Ideally you would want laws to reflect morality. If drugs became legal, monero would no longer be useful for buying them, if that's what you're talking about.

  • technology Technology Monero Project admits thieves stole 6-figure sum from a wallet in mystery breach
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 10 months ago 50%

    You have no idea what that phrase means.

    The "immutable" I'm talking about here is not in the sense of "immutable OS", but rather immutable like punched cards. You literally needed to punch another set of cards if your program contained a bug. You need to create another smart contract to replace your buggy program. Paying gas fees for it.

  • technology Technology Monero Project admits thieves stole 6-figure sum from a wallet in mystery breach
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 66%

    umber of crypto services (including Monero) that offer a middleman type service to allow you to spend XMR and have a business get fiat.

    So you buy Monero with fiat, just to convert that Monero to fiat again, so the vendor can receive fiat? What for?

  • technology Technology Monero Project admits thieves stole 6-figure sum from a wallet in mystery breach
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 33%

    There are plenty of stable coins that are stable, such as USDC.

    For now. All the stable coins that failed were stable until they weren't. What incentive is there to actually providing that kinda service, if you won't make money with it?

    Ethereum exists to allow for programmatic transactions (ie: you pay a program to do something, and it'll get done)


    And remember what a resounding success Wolf Game was? As a hobbyst programmer I can tell you there isn't an idea dumber that putting code into something immutable, that you have to destroy, create anew, rename the new thing you made to the old one, while paying for each step of the process, just so that you can fix a bug is a terrible idea.

    It's pretty natural that what ended up being contained in those smart contracts was links to jpegs - it's much harder to mess that up than an actual interactive program.

    I have too many people hammering me with comments to respond to all your points. I spend like an hour writing responses to you goobers, unless I see something really stupid I'm not responding any further.

    So a quick round: 3&6 social engineering is far more common than simply hacking your account. So no, it's the opposite. Also, 6- completely false, why do you think they avoid using bank accounts?

    5- I gave you an example where someone would know your identity - if you're using it in a non-anonymous context, like getting paid. It could also be the case when buying something, with your name/delivery address. Unless you go off chain, there is no point of setting up new accounts, as transactions can be traced and connected to the intermediate accounts.

    4- Financial policy is decided by elected representatives. Corruption is an issue, but in crypto it's built-in.

  • technology Technology Monero Project admits thieves stole 6-figure sum from a wallet in mystery breach
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 71%

    Theatge amount of energy you mention is really only relevant to proof of work. You've mentioned proof of stake etc - so you should know that. The energy requirements for "proof" techniques such as PoS is negligible

    It can't compete with payment processors. Proof of stake is also basically just oligarchy, while proof of storage is a waste of hardware. All of them center their validation process on big money investors, who either have a lot of hardware or a lot of money to stake.

    Although, I don't know of anyone that gets their salary into their crypto wallet.

    So it would be useless for things normal money is useful for? Where's the revolution in banking that I heard about? Banking the unbanked?

    Regarding on chain transaction transparency, there are some chains that are like this (bitcoin), and there are some chains that are not (monero).

    Here you provided users privacy at the cost of making criminals completely untraceable. Bravo.

    How about a bank account, where people who know you won't know your transaction history but police can catch people participating in organized crime?

    I don't think crpyto will solve all of.humans problems, but I might just help with some

    Which ones? I have not heard of one use case, only excuses from you guys.

  • technology Technology Monero Project admits thieves stole 6-figure sum from a wallet in mystery breach
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 33%

    My point is there isn't any other usage to it. People won't use Monero for buying their groceries or online shopping, but its nature lends itself to being used to commit crimes. Cash at the very least has serial numbers - you could possibly track that.

    The reasons why it isn't suitable to be used as a currency are exactly what I listed, and you failed to interrogate: volatility, lack of consumer protections, anonymity for wrongdoers, extremely high transaction fees and energy usage, consensus protocols favoring big money and the inability to perform even a basic rollback without splitting the entire economy of your chain in twain.

    With e-commerce, you could have someone send you some coins and then not deliver the product. What are they gonna do, get a non-existent chargeback?

  • world World News Ukrainian PoWs being sent to fight their own army, Russian news claims
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 22%

    So we're supposed to just wait until he's emergency-killing those civilians to avoid discovery/steal from them while on the ground, like the Russian bloke did? Or bombing cities, killing hudreds or thousands?

  • world World News Ukrainian PoWs being sent to fight their own army, Russian news claims
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 30%

    But the pilot is already a soldier

  • technology Technology Monero Project admits thieves stole 6-figure sum from a wallet in mystery breach
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 46%

    In the first sentence reiterated insults

    Nope. Just pointing out how the feature Monero boasts about (transaction obfuscation) made it a great pick for the conversion target for the ransom bitcoins obtained from the WannaCry cyber attack.

    Edit: Are you refering to my first or second comment? In my inbox I assumed the second, since you said "reiterated", but now I see you responded to my first one. Also, all the insults here are warranted. The future cryptobros want for finance is a dystopian one.

  • technology Technology Monero Project admits thieves stole 6-figure sum from a wallet in mystery breach
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 33%

    Ah yes, Monero, from the WannaCry incident, the premier currency for criminals. Also I've made a detailed list of points and most of them (except 1, which is about stablecoins and 5, which only half-applies) apply to Monero. It's still proof of work, so it wastes energy, it still destroys consumer protections, is perfect for scams and makes it even harder for authorities to pursue criminals. And it is still a bigger fool scam, despite being useful for criminals.

    “a trading card site and two unlicensed online banks went broke so you’re stupid for buying Cisco stock” right after the dot com crash.

    Ftx was one of the largest exchanges for the whole of the crypto market. This is like Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and Deutsche Bank all going bankrupt and their execs sentenced to prison at the same time.

    (There are no major licensed crypto banks btw)

    Addendum: Cisco is a company that offers products and services. Crypto is used by criminals and speculators.

  • world World News Ukrainian PoWs being sent to fight their own army, Russian news claims
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 15%

    But if they land somewhere the opposing troops can't reach them, you can know in advance they won't surrender.

    Edit: it shouldn't be a controversial notion that you won't surrender in friendly territory.

  • technology Technology Monero Project admits thieves stole 6-figure sum from a wallet in mystery breach
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 50%

    You have to be quite stupid to support crypto in 2023, after Luna, Ftx, NFTs, all the rugpulls and explicit pump and dumps, you morons just keep coming back for more. That last paragraph is pure comedy gold - you're so close to self-awareness it's hilarious.

    • All stablecoins are not stable and a scam, algorithmic ones can't work, since they mimic death spiral financing, and the other ones just gamble their clients money
    • Every non-stable coin is just a bigger fool scam, since there is no use case for crypto, so no way to derive a non-speculative value (beyond selling illegal drugs, 419 scams, and couple of enthusiasts trading it personally as donations and the like)
    • Crypto destroys customer protections, to do a rollback a few bad transactions you have to convince the entire chain to back you and force a fork, creating an alternative, competing version of the economy
    • All consensus mechanisms are geared to allow the wealthy to control the crypto economy, whether it's proof of stake, work or storage, since you can buy all those things with money. They also waste inordinate amounts of energy which translates to an exorbitant transaction cost compared to payment processors like Visa or MasterCard
    • Crypto gives great privacy protections to anonymous criminals and scammers and destroys privacy for anyone using the system as a honest user. If you used your crypto wallet as a bank account, anyone with whom you interacted on the blockchain in a non-anonymous capacity (like, idk, your boss at work, sending you your salary) knows your wallet address, and can figure out where your money is going. You can't hide your dildo purchases or campaign contributions from your employer, no matter how many intermediate accounts you create, there will always be a trace. How fun
    • Crypto aims to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, when most attacks nowadays are done through social engineering, which crypto makes trivial, due to it's write-only nature. 419 "Nigerian prince" scammers love crypto - because just like their other favorites money transfer through Western Union or MoneyGram and gift cards it's an irreversible payment method. If you pay with your bank account or PayPal, you can dispute transactions or get a chargeback, aside from forking the whole chain there ain't no way you're doing that with crypto. This also makes it perfect for retail scams.
  • world World News Ukrainian PoWs being sent to fight their own army, Russian news claims
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 25%

    I actually disagree with this one. Pilots will kill more people through bombing unless killed if allowed to return to their planes later. Unless you can be sure of their capture there's no reason to let them live, from a humanitarian perspective. There was even this case where a pilot from a Russian aircraft killed a civilian on the ground. This rule just never made sense to me - you don't have that with the crew leaving a tank, do you?

  • technology Technology Firefox will support at least 200 new extensions on Android this December
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 84%

    People are becoming more conscious of stuff plenty of us have been aware for quite some time already. The idea that a browser made by a corporation who harvests your data for the purpose of advertising doesn't give a shit about privacy and will try to block adblockers is not something some people weren't expecting - but normies are getting this shoved in their face with YouTube giving them the anti-adblock notification.

    Firefox (and it's clones) is basically the only other choice - all the other (major) browsers (that aren't Safari) are based on Chromium, which is developed by Google.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Sure buddy just take as many spots as you need
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 93%

    I blame all three + the driver again for buying this stupid fucking truck they probably don't even need and won't benefit them 99% time. But hey, it excels at killing children in driveways, so that's something.

  • world World News California Has Spent Over $4M In Taxpayer Dollars On Gender Surgeries For Prisoners: Report
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 100%

    California has like 40M people. That's ten cents per person, spread over 6 years. It's literally nothing. A road costs more to bankroll (I tried looking up a specific figure but they're all over the place).

  • technology Technology Could Cruise be the Theranos of AI? And is there a dark secret at the core of the entire driverless car industry?
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 33%

    Traffic jams and cost. You can't be this stupid, can you? I literally pointed out buses take up less space and use less energy. Why ask your question as if I hadn't pointed out the negatives of your solution compared to buses (or other public transit vehicles).

    Also, it's not quiter or cleaner, since more cars = more noise compared to one bus (you can't consider the vehicle without considering it's capacity), and you generate a lot more pollution (rubber tires produce a lot of particles, and you have more vehicles and more tires with taxis). So stop lying.

    The reason people in cities with proper transportation don't worry that much about getting a bus directly to their destination is that the network is comprehensive enough to cover all manner of trips, from any one point in the city to another. Same with frequency, if it's arriving in less than 5-10 minutes it doesn't matter when exactly it arrives.

  • technology Technology Could Cruise be the Theranos of AI? And is there a dark secret at the core of the entire driverless car industry?
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 88%

    And I don't expect most rides to be single occupancy. People will opt for shared rides if they are substantially cheaper,

    Bus. That's called a bus. It can also fit more than five people and doesn't use as much energy to transport each person. You just reinvented a shittier bus

  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 100%

    This but unironically. I want to be able to shape shift at will

  • world World News Poland prepares to vote in a high-stakes national election with foreign ties and democracy at stake
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 100%

    Exit polls say the opposition has the majority, in short PiS is gone

  • world World News Poland prepares to vote in a high-stakes national election with foreign ties and democracy at stake
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 100%

    Well, I've lived through it. We had tried before, and I've already voted today. Cut us some slack, PiS polls at around 35%, but due to political fragmentation and the D'Hont system favoring big parties they've managed to win two elections. They do not represent the average Pole, definitely not in this day and age.

  • world World News Poland prepares to vote in a high-stakes national election with foreign ties and democracy at stake
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 100%

    Then why mention the time period in your original comment?

  • world World News Poland prepares to vote in a high-stakes national election with foreign ties and democracy at stake
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 66%

    You say a decade but that's just two election cycles, in the grand scale of things it's not that long

  • world World News The Kremlin's propaganda machine will likely use the conflict in Israel to undermine the West's support for Ukraine: ISW
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 100%

    It doesn't need to spread it from nothing, but expand and utilize? Absolutely possible

  • world World News The Kremlin's propaganda machine will likely use the conflict in Israel to undermine the West's support for Ukraine: ISW
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 11 months ago 100%

    The US is more to the right on average than Cornel West. He won't win. Even if that wasn't the case, people would still mostly vote for the Democratic candidate (in this case Joe Biden), because the Democratic Party is more established and expected to get more votes based on past elections. People are aware of the system used for voting in their country and vote accordingly. Children can understand this, so why are you this obtuse?

  • 196 196 WITCHCRAFT!
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 12 months ago 100%

    It doesn't get destroyed, it just splits into smaller things. Decay chains contain a number of reactions, which involve emission of a particular "particle": alpha particle (helium nucleus), beta- particle (electron), beta+ particle (positron) or gamma particle (photon), accompanied by stuff like neutrinos and antineutrinos. Thus a radioactive sample "loses" mass and energy. You can also have nuclear fission, where a heavy nucleus splits into smaller nuclei.

    This isn't the full scope of nuclear reactions (there's stuff like electron capture, proton/neutron emission, etc.), but it should explain the problem at hand.

    Edit: obviously half-life doesn't mean after that time sample shrinks in half, it means half of the original isotope remains while half has decayed. There would be lead and unstable decay products in the sample still. Radioactive isotopes don't decay to nothing, they decay to stable isotopes.

  • technology Technology X Social Media is suing X, a social media company
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 12 months ago 84%

    So is apple. Just because it's generic doesn't mean it's not protected by trademark law. Trademarks are also first come first serve, exclusive to a given industry (so you could call your company Apple or X, but it better be not in a business where it's already trademarked). They're also use it or lose it, and you basically have to sue others using it if you want to keep it.

    Obviously the logo isn't just the character X, it's a character X in particular font. If they used the same one they would be violating their trademark.

  • 196 196 I actually despise this genre rule
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 12 months ago 100%

    It is a wish fulfillment fantasy most of the time, that's why I really appreciate series which go out of their way to deconstruct that aspect of the genre, like Re:Zero or Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari. Especially Re:Zero, which shows what would actually happen if you put a shut-in NEET loser otaku into a fantasy world.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Animemes kartonrealista 12 months ago 95%
    LN authors be like
    196 196 I actually despise this genre rule
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 12 months ago 100%

    This is a way for shitty writers to justify infodumping in their story. If your main character doesn't know shit about the world he just got put into, you can justify every other character dumping a huge load of setting and world building down his ear canal. Instead of, like, trying to mix that info naturally into the story, which also avoids the "as you know, John..." trope (where character A explains something to character B that they already should know), but requires effort and skill on the part of the author.

  • worldnews World News London Cop Who Shot Dead Unarmed Black Man Charged With Murder
  • kartonrealista kartonrealista 1 year ago 51%

    Ha ha very funny. Except this is grammatically correct and not ambiguous. It would work with your joke interpretation if it said "who shot dead, unarmed, black man"

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Animemes kartonrealista 1 year ago 77%
    Hmmm... 🤔
    Fuck Cars kartonrealista 1 year ago 94%
    Epiphany - most people are not qualified to operate a car

    Two days ago I was cycling along a rural road; slightly before an intersection (a road to the left, like this: -|) a guy behind me started to pass me on the left lane and a woman on the intersecting road tried turning right. After he passed me, in what seemed like a few seconds I realized that they would surely crash - the woman wasn't looking in front of her (looking to the left to see if she can enter), and the guy wouldn't be able to go to the right lane in time. And so they did. A frontal crash, but no major injuries as far as I could see (they both walked out of their cars). What's interesting about this is that both are at fault: the woman should not just check her left, but also look where she's driving. The guy shouldn't have tried to pass me before an intersection - that's illegal. But both made those simple mistakes and it resulted in major damage to their vehicles and endangered their lives. But as tempting as it would be to call them bad drivers and move on, this made me think a bit about safety and cars. Is it really a good idea for so many people to be driving, from a basic safety standpoint? We require people to have a certain skillset to operate heavy machinery and exhaustive training in every other instance except for cars - where standards are so low even your average Joe Blow can pass the test. And this is in Europe, btw. Cars are just fundamentally unsafe for a general user. The deaths from car crashes are treated as an inevitable reality, when in other modes of transportation things were done to make them safer **and it worked**, similar things happened in many industries with industrial machinery. Only with cars do we accept this lack of safety and shitty outcomes. The problem is we give a heavy, fast piece of machinery to people who are a wide cross-section of society and may be unqualified, or at times tired or distracted, and make mistakes. This can happen even to professionals, but if there were far less cars on the roads, the potential consequences of those mistakes would be far less severe. It takes small moments of distraction for a tragedy to happen, and it would be difficult to expect from people as a group to never make mistakes - but this isn't accounted for when crafting traffic laws. Those don't seem to effectively stop people from making mistakes, they just infrequently penalize them.

    196 kartonrealista 1 year ago 100%
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Animemes kartonrealista 1 year ago 98%
    196 kartonrealista 1 year ago 100%
    Forgery rule
    Fuck Cars kartonrealista 1 year ago 100%
    Rulectric Car
    196 kartonrealista 1 year ago 85%