greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 47 minutes ago 100%

    Yes, my point in saying "cured" is that it is a loaded statement but is logically consistent with the idea being trans is inflicted upon you by something external, and that would lead to conversion therapy which has been shown to not work.

    There does need to be more research. The current research supports what I've said, and future research could change that. However, at the very least some people are born trans, even if others somehow become trans in some critical early developmental milestone.

    As for the idea that the research is seeking evidence of transness being inherit at birth: that is not the case, there have been many attempts to study so called "sudden onset gender dysphoria" or the idea that someone could suddenly become trans, and those studies can't find any evidence for that (other than one that asked TERF parents if it seemed sudden to them, who of course said yes). Other studies have shown that people tend to have a concept of their internal gender from about as soon as they can talk, which is the earliest we could possibly test, indicating that if it is not prenatal then very early in life.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 55 minutes ago 100%

    Good to know, thank you for the info. That's really sad.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 57 minutes ago 100%

    That's really sad. It would also explain how she is relating her micropenis, via shame and self-hatred, to being trans.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 3 hours ago 100%

    That's a good point. I haven't browsed 4chan since way before they had any LGBT community/rep visible on it, I don't know what kind of convoluted views they have. Let me guess, some of them unironcally identify as "agp" don't they?

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 4 hours ago 100%

    No someone wouldn't, because a core tenet of that theory is the critical points part, there is a separate point that influenced genital development and a separate point that influenced mental gender development.

  • games Games Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc.
  • june june 12 hours ago 100%

    Since this was filed in Japan, it would have to be patents Nintendo own in Japan that are infringed and those don't necessarily perfectly match those in the US

  • games Games Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc.
  • june june 12 hours ago 100%

    They said patent violations, not copyright, so it is about some sort of mechanic or system and not the pals or any specific designs. I'm guessing the thrown ball capture system, since it seems no other developers have published anything using that specifically.

  • traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Trans Megathread for the week of September 16th to 23rd, 2024/Unjust Depths unofficial promotion
  • june june 12 hours ago 100%

    Haha, I'm glad I followed you from the other thread to see this

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 13 hours ago 100%

    Yes, exactly.

    The word "likely" is just me acknowledging the potential for this view of trans people as being born trans, which is based on research, could change as more research is done.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 13 hours ago 100%
  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 14 hours ago 75%

    Exactly. Coming to terms with being trans, when trans people have been seen as nothing but the butt of far too many jokes in damn near all exposure most of us had growing up, is a difficult process rife with cognitive dissonance and defense mechanisms. No one wants to be trans, they just want to be their gender and have to be trans to get that.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 14 hours ago 100%

    Yeah, that's what it sounds like to me. Cis people don't transition their gender even if it's "just for a year", but trans people do try really hard to not be trans especially just before coming out.

  • greentext Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 14 hours ago 66%

    We are born trans. The current theory is that it relates to hormonal fluctuations during critical points of fetal development, so the start is literally before you are born.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 14 hours ago 100%

    I'm sorry if I misunderstand, are you saying you were forced to present as a woman? If so, I'm sorry that happened to you but it does sound like it worked out for you.

    If that wasn't the case, to me it sounds like you were unconsciously aware of your gender but had conscious defense mechanisms that took time to work down.

    My experience isn't all that dissimilar, in that I admitted to myself and my therapist that I was "not cisgender", knowing perfectly well that that would definitionally mean I am transgender, but also denied that I was transgender. This was repression, "still cis though" to a higher level. It sounds like your experience was similar.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 14 hours ago 100%

    The judgement of whether or not someone is trans is if they say they are. I frankly don't understand what I said that makes you think I think it is acceptable for anyone to dictate someone's gender or whether or not they are really trans, but I absolutely don't believe that. I edited my original comment with a clarification.

    The story sounds inauthentic to the trans experience and I think they made it up. I don't think the OP isn't trans, I think their made up story doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

    The leading theory for what causes people to be trans (or gay for that matter) is hormonal fluctuations at critical points of fetal development. So we are born this way. People can be gender fluid as well, and they may have a different relationship with their gender(s) than I since I am not.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 14 hours ago 75%

    My basic point is this: If it's inflictable, it's curable.

    I for one knew my gender from about as young as I could talk (Edit: I repressed this for many years due to massive social pressures). I remember my assigned gender being inflicted upon me at a young age, when I did not immediately conform. If you asked me pre-transition but after I realized I was trans whether or not I would press a button and become cis in my assigned gender, I would say that that feels like losing a significant part of myself. If you were to ask me, if I could have pressed a button and become a cis in my actual, realized gender, I would have said yes and that it wouldn't have been a major loss of self at all. This is true pretty much my whole life. But I lacked the self awareness to realize this about my self, and that has changed, not my actual gender. We are quite literally gaslit our entire lives in regards to our assigned gender. Usually, before one comes out, one tries to embrace their assigned gender only to find that they do not feel comfortable (i.e. dysphoria).

    I don't reject people having fluidity in their gender or sexuality. The way I view it, there is a multidimensional spectrum and people tend to inhabit different areas of it. If they did actually change sexuality or gender, and not just discover it, due to fluidity, then they might inhabit an area that includes something close to or exactly their assigned gender as well as their realized gender.

    The leading theory for what makes people trans, and gay for that matter, is hormonal fluctuations during critical moments in fetal development. In other words, we are born this way.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 15 hours ago 100%

    What do you think happened that made your internal gender change? To me, and to most trans people in my experience, it was a discovery of an already present internal gender and not a change.

    It is also true that people who are more introspective, such as people who experienced trauma, are more likely to come out as trans - perhaps this is true for you.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 16 hours ago 66%

    You might say such a person is "not really" trans

    Excuse you, I would never tell someone they are not really trans. If they say they were made trans by life circumstances, I would tell them that that is likely not true, but I would never dictate someone's gender.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 17 hours ago 20%
  • greentext Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 17 hours ago 81%

    You should use she/her pronouns given we know they were AMAB and are trans. At the very least they/them. He/him is almost certainly wrong.

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 17 hours ago 60%
  • greentext Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 17 hours ago 76%

    a big reason that drove me was that I have a micropenis

    Fake. There are no "reasons to drive someone" other than their internal gender, this sounds like something a cis person who thinks being trans is a choice would say.

    Edit: I'm not speculation on OOPs gender

  • greentext > Greentext Supportive dad
  • june june 18 hours ago 74%

    A big reason that drove me was that I have a micropenis.

    Fake. There are no "reasons to drive someone" other than their internal gender, this sounds like something a cis person someone who thinks being trans is a choice would say.

    Edit: For clarity, I'm not speculating on whether or not the OP in the post is trans or cis, I'm saying it doesn't sound like a real story because it sounds inauthentic to the trans experience. A trans person could easily think this up, like anyone can make up a story that is close to their experiences, but since it isn't real it doesn't really pass scrutiny.

  • technology Technology Mozilla is shutting down their Mastodon instance.
  • june june 2 days ago 87%

    The majority of those are nothing burgers. They shut down their dedicated password app when they integrated its features into the browser, they shut down their encrypted file sharing tool when they realized it was being used for very nefarious uses, they shut down Positron and it's affiliated projects because nobody started using it over Electron... and a lot of the rest are extremely niche (like viewing websites in 3d, cool but not all that useful).

  • asklemmy Asklemmy The last time you were wearing a hat, what type was it?
  • june june 2 days ago 100%

    Baseball cap! Wearing it now actually. It has a mesh back and a gray front with my state's shape on it patterned with a rainbow 🌈

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Lawless society
  • june june 4 days ago 100%


  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Lawless society
  • june june 5 days ago 100%

    Direct democracy doesn't only not contradict with anarchism, it is a core tenet of anarchism. After all, how do we get rid of unjustified hierarchy without creating a hierarchy free from rulership?

  • memes memes They're a menace!
  • june june 5 days ago 80%

    Good thing this isn't about a marginalized race and isn't a negative stereotype, so it is hardly racist.

  • 196 196 Ragrets rule
  • june june 5 days ago 100%

    This is frankly a really classist remark. No need to bring up her socioeconomic class when there's a perfectly valid reason to dunk on her already (being a Trump supporter and not knowing when the election is).

  • 196 196 Snack rule
  • june june 7 days ago 100%

    No, "Springfield" is a very common town name (especially one founded not on a body of water or river but in a field with springs), which is why The Simpsons selected it. May as well have been "Anytown, USA".

    Anyways, the hoax of Haitian immigrants eating cats was supposedly happening in Springfield, Ohio. It's baseless but that is what Trump fell for, not a Simpsons sketch or anything like that.

  • news News 2 transgender New Hampshire girls can play on girls sports teams during lawsuit, a judge rules
  • june june 7 days ago 100%

    Consider also that receiving HRT requires you to convince your doctor you are trans, and Informed Consent comes into play. They would likely be informed of all of the side effects.

    I would say that the 10% of cis men who wouldn't experience dysphoria in your hypothetical weren't cis in the first place. In fact, anyone who transitions to "own the libs" is probably just trans and scared.

  • news News 2 transgender New Hampshire girls can play on girls sports teams during lawsuit, a judge rules
  • june june 7 days ago 100%

    If it's to prove a point then they won't pass the regulatory body, like when Ben Shapiro tried to get a bunch of mediocre male basketball players to pretend to transition to try to get them into a women's basketball tourney. It didn't work, because they were obviously not trans. It isn't even difficult to tell, because they obviously don't have the relationship with their gender trans people have. It would be hard to fake. And none of them were on hormones anyways so they wouldn't have qualified in the first place.

    Estrogen supplementation on a male mind will cause gender dysphoria, so I don't think they would be able to keep it up for very long. But say one does, why would they knowingly make themselves infertile with no benefit? I know I had to weigh fertility and HRT and only went with HRT because of the mental health benefits that come with it. A cis man pretending gets no benefit, but does get:

    • Infertility
    • Significant muscle mass loss (remember we are talking about male athletes, muscles are kinda their whole thing)
    • Gender dysphoria, as they are now taking the wrong hormones
  • politics politics J.D. Vance Can’t Explain Why Trump Threw Him Under the Bus in Debate
  • june june 1 week ago 100%

    Funny, did you catch the part where he projected that on Harris? He accused her of claiming to have never met Biden 😂

  • news News 2 transgender New Hampshire girls can play on girls sports teams during lawsuit, a judge rules
  • june june 1 week ago 92%

    That is true.

    Did I miss the sarcasm or do you really think ANYONE would/could transition just for supposed gains in sports, let alone EVERYONE? They would have to take hormones that make them permanently infertile for over a year and proceed with a social transition all to convince a regulatory body that they are trans (and all of this would be incredibly difficult on their non-trans minds), and they would lose an incredible amount of muscle mass which typically athletes... Wouldn't want

  • news News 2 transgender New Hampshire girls can play on girls sports teams during lawsuit, a judge rules
  • june june 1 week ago 100%

    Con: Literally every single professional athlete will become trans so they can win at sports.

    Please tell me I'm missing the sarcasm here 🙄🤦‍♀️

    What experts do you think are lying about trans people?

  • android Android The Pixel 9 Pro Fold perfectly highlights the big foldable problem – nothing is 'right' yet
  • june june 2 weeks ago 100%

    ...feeling very justified in my decision to pay $700 for the name brand automated litter machine

  • june june 2 weeks ago 100%

    They're staring at the camera because they have eyes on the sides of their head, so this is what it looks like

  • technology Technology Canva says its AI features are worth the 300 percent price increase
  • june june 2 weeks ago 100%

    Having tried their AI tools... They are useless.

  • brainworms BrainWorms In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention
  • june june 2 weeks ago 100%

    If you click through to the cross post, they have the article text and an archive link available:

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions If you have sex with a clone of yourself, is it incest?
  • june june 2 weeks ago 100%

    All it would take is supplementing hormones at several points in development so that it develops its gonads and mind the other way.

  • voyagerapp
    Voyager june 4 weeks ago 95%
    Feature Request: Material You theme support

    Even just an option to set the primary app theme color based on Material You would be nice, but the option to use surface colors from Material You would be nice as well. Not asking for any changes to the design or layout (Android mode is perfect) just specifically the Material You colors

    Voyager june 4 weeks ago 83%
    Feature Request: Display names

    Display names (e.g. my display name "Juniper (she/her) 🫐") don't seem to be supported, leaving just usernames. It would be nice if display names were supported. Also, profile pictures would be nice, but I recognize that has been requested separately already.
