gaming Gaming Valve bans Razer and Wooting’s new keyboard features in Counter-Strike 2
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 month ago 100%

    I give it less than a week before someone has code for this exact feature in QMK. It won't be as detectable as looking for "Is using Razer Keyboard".

  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 month ago 100%

    You must be new on the internet...

  • europe Europe Apple is working to make iPhone 16 battery removal easier to comply with EU regulations
  • jeansburger jeansburger 3 months ago 60%

    Why would it be risky? I'm genuinely curious if you have any resources (other than Apple's, because they're obviously biased) that show that a third party battery is dangerous.

    As far as I know, as long as the battery meets the dimensions, nominal volatage, chemistry/max charge rate/communication to the charging circuitry, discharge rate, it will function safely.

    A battery is a battery is a battery. There's no concievable reason I can think of that would require you use an Apple branded battery. If you have evidence to the contrary I'd love to see it. Knowing proper battery safety is important if you mess with them in any capacity (which I do), so something I may not be aware of is important to know.

  • google Google 110 new languages are coming to Google Translate
  • jeansburger jeansburger 3 months ago 100%

    I'm sure it's very accurate and totally doesn't hallucinate if you put niche slang or an idiom in there...

  • jeansburger jeansburger 3 months ago 97%

    I mean I have a greyhound who can countersurf, you just put baby gates around the kitchen and food. Keeping stuff out of snoot height/range removes most issues.

    Part of it is training them that it isn't an appropriate thing to do. It usually helps that if they behave (and we're eating something the pup can safely have) they get a bit of food as a treat.

    Training is a must and especially with a dog that big you need to make sure they know what is expected and appropriate. Doing that sets them up for success and makes it much easier to care for them overall.

  • news News Stellantis recalls nearly 1.2M vehicles to fix software glitch that disables rear camera
  • jeansburger jeansburger 3 months ago 100%

    That's correct, NHTSA required it federally on May 1st 2018. I may have mixed up some local laws or regulations that happened in 2015 (when I bought my last car they mentioned that all their cars were required to have backup cameras)

  • news News Stellantis recalls nearly 1.2M vehicles to fix software glitch that disables rear camera
  • jeansburger jeansburger 3 months ago 100%

    You're aware that by law most cars after like 2015 2018 have to have a backup camera in the US right?

    If it is broken they are literally breaking the law by not fixing it.

    Yes, you can have your mirrors and rearview but the camera removes your blindspots that those miss (you know things like a small child that is behind your vehicle). It's a critical safety feature that is broken and needs to be fixed.

    edit: NHTSA required it in 2018 not 2015, Canada probably has similar laws on the books too

  • helldivers2 Helldivers 2 Say the truth, Arrowhead!
  • jeansburger jeansburger 5 months ago 100%

    If you for some reason need to reset your password or do something else with the account.

    You still have control over it using those services and there's no chance of the free account getting reaped for inactivity and getting locked out. Sure creating a new Gmail account works, I just like having more control (and fewer passwords to deal with) using those services.

    It's also really nice to be able to use it to detect if a breach occurred because the email is unique to the service. Having the ability to make burner emails that are unique but owned by you and able to be toggled on and off helps me control what stuff hits my inbox. It also helps with privacy and preventing tracking as every site has its own unique address.

    Once I started using those services I never give out my real email anymore. I don't care if something asks for my email, I can just make a new unique email for everything and if you start spamming me it gets turned off until I need to deal with that service again. But having one inbox to check makes it simple to actually use those accounts since everything just goes into my true email.

    Just my 2¢

  • helldivers2 Helldivers 2 Say the truth, Arrowhead!
  • jeansburger jeansburger 5 months ago 75%

    Something like or simple login would let you create a unique email address that you can turn off and on as needed. No chance for spam, completely unique as to be able to remove the ability to track you elsewhere on the web.

  • news News US drug control agency will move to reclassify marijuana in a historic shift, AP sources say
  • jeansburger jeansburger 5 months ago 100%

    It is arbitrary. While what classification a substance is may have some grounding in research, it's mostly up to what interest group has either lobbied to get something under or whatever group law enforcement wants to be able to get easy charges for. Cannabis was Sched I because it made it easy for law enforcement to get big sentences for minorities and the counter culture participants of the day. Same thing with LSD and psilocybin.

    All the DEA scheduling is just pick and choose your charge for whatever ideological ax they want to grind. Hence why things don't line up with reality

  • databreaches Data Breaches UnitedHealth says Change hackers stole health data on 'substantial proportion of people in America'
  • jeansburger jeansburger 5 months ago 100%

    Holding companies accountable for their maleficence? That's one step too far, think of the poor shareholders!

  • rust Rust Rust Mastery book bundle from Humble Bundle
  • jeansburger jeansburger 5 months ago 100%

    Unfortunately I wouldn't buy these given that it's from Packt Publishing. I've bought quite a few of their books over the years and more often than not they're either full of glaring writing errors that would have been caught if the book was looked at by an editor at all, the code examples have errors that require deep knowledge of said book topic to correct making it hard to progress, or the book doesn't seem to follow a linear learning path making understanding what the author is trying to convey much harder.

    Don't get me wrong there are some good books from Packt, but they're much rarer than say a book from O'Reilly or Manning. They seem to just churn out content and not have a rigorous editing process meaning that it's mostly up to the author's writing ability to create something useful.

    I used to grab their free ebook of the day when they used to have that and more often than not I would delete or never finish the books because they were just so low quality.

  • aww aww Le moo
  • jeansburger jeansburger 5 months ago 100%

    Love me some house cows!

  • politics Politics Missouri GOP Candidate for Governor Was Only ‘Honorary’ KKK Member
  • jeansburger jeansburger 7 months ago 100%

    They said that it does not represent their values


  • proxmox Proxmox Recommendations on Platform for First Proxmox Server Build
  • jeansburger jeansburger 8 months ago 100%

    Do you have space for a 1000mm server rack and can just buy some 13th or 12th gen Dell servers?

    You literally can't go wrong with what every enterprise has used and subsequently decommissioned. You're likely not going to hit the bottleneck that an enterprise would. The servers are relatively cheap and reliable.

    Just look on ebay, it's cheaper to buy without hard drives because you're just going to get better (and larger ones) anyway.

    The 12th gen servers are dirt cheap and if you want something more "modern" the 13th gen will do fine they're just more expensive. You get a ton of cores and RAM available for whatever needs doing and management is pretty easy.

    If you need storage R730xd has plenty of drive capacity and good raid performance. If you need GPUs for you can get the upgrade kit for the R730 and slap an old NVIDIA card(s) in there to hook up to plex. If you just need raw compute in a small package R630 is probably the ticket.

    I'd recommend either getting a dedicated machine for your router or a server with more than 2 ports. Just because putting it in a hypervisor gets tricky when you need physical ports for lan segmentation. Depending on what you need you may need to find a 1u that has 4 ports. A switch that can do VLANs allows you to have a "router on a stick" but you really should break out your WAN from your LAN.

    All of these run Proxmox perfectly well and are well supported. You can setup a cluster with a few machines and be able to easily create a Celph array or do HA if needed or you want to play around with it. They also have the ability to have 10Gig ethernet if you really need it/want it.

    I have four dell 11th gen machines that all run Proxmox and it's solid, easily able to use all of the storage I have across the machines. I run Plex and multiple services off of VMs and containers.

  • nyt_gift_articles New York Times gift articles Russian Figure Skater Is Handed Four-Year Ban in Olympic Doping Case
  • jeansburger jeansburger 8 months ago 100%

    I'd be more shocked if they weren't on PEDs, because it's Russia and the Olympics...

  • privacy Privacy Ah yes, smart lights need Tor.
  • jeansburger jeansburger 8 months ago 33%

    You're aware that you can send whatever traffic you want over any port right? Using 123/udp for NTP is just convention. A light bulb that is updating its time over Tor is suspect. TP-Link would have their own infrastructure or use public pools to update the device's time.

  • privacy Privacy Ah yes, smart lights need Tor.
  • jeansburger jeansburger 8 months ago 22%

    It's been hacked, the light bulb is likely part of some botnet or under an attacker's control directly. Which is why it's sending that much data continuously. IoT/smart devices don't send a lot of data in this sort of volume as most of the time they're idle and maybe send a heartbeat or status update every once in a while to prove they're alive.

    This is what is called an indicator of compromise or IoC, it's some behavior or pattern that can be used to determine what is happening or who is the one doing the attacking.

    Likely OP would need to do some analysis to be able to get attribution unless it's a very well known botnet actor in which case attribution is fairly straightforward.

  • privacy Privacy Ah yes, smart lights need Tor.
  • jeansburger jeansburger 8 months ago 79%

    It's definitely been popped. Rip.

  • technews Tech News Call of Duty didn’t top the yearly sales charts for one of the first times since 2009 | Engadget
  • jeansburger jeansburger 8 months ago 100%

    They have beaten this dead horse enough. There's only so many ways you can make "Something Era shooter" without it literally being the same game with different skins.

    The amount of money that comes out with each swing is drying up. Maybe they shouldn't have tried to extract every last dollar out of their players and their IP and let it end on a high note.

  • 196 196 industrule revolution
  • jeansburger jeansburger 8 months ago 100%

    You'd think, but then again they probably ripped some open source repo off Github that had more features than necessary. Then proceeded to not turn any of those off, hack in their own features that aren't very optimized because the board has like 4 gigs of storage and who cares. Finally bake in some firmware blobs for other components that probably allow them to figure out what sports you play or what pets you have so they can sell that info so other companies can show you ads.

    Add all that together and you probably have a firmware image that's like a gig.

    Due to the hacked in features, they probably need to release patches frequently or add new "features" nobody asked for. It probably also has a phone-home "feature" so it can automatically update itself because you obviously need the "Defunkifier" setting on your washer right now.

    It wouldn't supprise me if it the amount of network traffic from something like a "smart" washer was a few gigs a day because it's constantly looking for new updates or sending whatever other telemetry data it's collected to the mothership.

  • technology Technology TikTok requires users to “forever waive” rights to sue over past harms
  • jeansburger jeansburger 9 months ago 100%

    IANAL; However Usually the contracts have a severability clause, meaning even if some parts of that contract are null and void the rest of it stands minus the parts that are illegal. Does that mean those clauses are also null and void depending on locality? Again IANAL, but I believe it's pretty settled contract law at least in the US.

  • homeassistant homeassistant Compatible M.2 SSD
  • jeansburger jeansburger 10 months ago 100%

    Yes that drive should work, as long as it's not a SATA M.2 SSD it should be compatible with the Yellow.

  • privacy Privacy Is there any point in using MFA if you use a password manager to auto generate all your passwords for each account you have?
  • jeansburger jeansburger 11 months ago 100%

    Yes there is! Great you have a strong, randomly generated password. There's no collateral damage (you're having your password manager generate the passwords right?) So your other accounts are safe, you only have to rotate one password.

    Well what happens for instance if someone really wanted access to your account? Say it's a bank, a social media account, or maybe it's just a game account for an MMO that's super high value, you have a long and strong password, but let's say the service's security wasn't quite up to snuff or you got phished and gave your password by accident (these things happen, it's not your fault).

    This is where 2FA comes in, if someone manages to break your password the attacker needs your phone, your security key, your fingerprint, etc... To prove to the service they're you. By having 2FA on the account you're increasing your defense in depth for your account. If you didn't have it your account is as good as gone as soon as an attacker cracks or gets your password.

    It acts as a second lock that needs to be picked in order to take over your account.

    I personally add 2FA to all of my accounts I can, the highest security ones get added to my hardware token. The ones I don't need as high security go into my password manager (which has 2FA enabled but only available via my hardware key).

    Additionally as often as possible I try to use a unique email address for each service (simplelogin,, or similar, + based email addresses are easily bypassed) they all forward to my email but now you have to guess my email for the service (my own private domains, so not shared with anyone else) and what mailbox it ends up in. As a bonus you can disable emails that are sending spam or see who got breached based on the email.

    Again defense in depth, a long secure password is great but that's only relying on a single lock. By having 2FA you're doubling your security so to speak by requiring that extra key in order to access your accounts.

  • thepoliceproblem THE POLICE PROBLEM Use a free streaming site to listen to your local PD's radio comms. [US]
  • jeansburger jeansburger 12 months ago 90%

    I will note that some departments are moving towards encrypted real time communications and then time delayed text transcripts. This is under the guise of "officer safety" but really they hate the fact that civilians were actively monitoring them and calling out possible issues in real time on the bird site and other social media.

  • coffee Coffee Coffee grind size chart generator
  • jeansburger jeansburger 12 months ago 87%

    This is a really good site I wish the dev would for something like the Niche Zero show past the full official range of the grinder. Step-less grinders have more wiggle room in some cases where you can get those courser grind sizes

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What hobbies did you pick up during the pandemic and have you been able to keep them up?
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 90%

    I learned how to design and build mechanical keyboards. My buddy and I are still at it and are working on our second keyboard that we hope to release publicly.

    I'm still using our first prototype as my daily driver for the past 2 years.

    Learned a lot about PCB manufacturing and embedded systems design.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting Clean finish while ironing
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 75%

    It's because your nozzle is ever so slightly too low when you're printing. I'd adjust your Z offset by one click upwards.

    Reprint the cube, and see if that resolved it. If not adjust upwards by another click.

    If after a handful of times you can't get a decent ironing pass, I'd take a look at your extrusion multiplier. Drop it down by 0.01 and recalibrate and retry doing the above ironing calibration sequence again.

  • privacy Privacy $5 billion Google lawsuit over ‘incognito mode’ tracking moves a step closer to trial
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 71%

    To be fair most of the class action lawsuits these days are "dumb." It's important to still fight these or else nothing will change. It's a check valve on businesses and the government to prevent them from being completely unaccountable and harming entire populations of people.

    They named the feature incorrectly, then they only updated the language and explained it properly after people got in trouble or hurt because they thought it meant something different. That to me sounds like malice or at least negligence to me.

    Yes the suit sounds dumb initially. However if you think about how the average person might have been misled this does sound like Google needs to be held accountable.

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Was going through some old files and stumbled on this gem from last year
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 100%


  • cybersecurity Cybersecurity Humble "Cybersecurity Zero to Hero" Bundle
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 100%

    Packt publishing is some of the worse material I've ever had the misfortune to have to use. The books don't make sense, they just seem to churn out material that isn't even edited properly or examples aren't even vetted to work properly without having to know what errors to fix. Getting a good book from them is a rarity not the norm unlike someone like O'Reilly. Save your money and don't buy anything from them.

  • coffee Coffee What's your favorite way to brew iced coffee in a Chemex?
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 100%

    I usually do the 4:6 method when brewing pour over. Yeah it's older but I feel I get a more consistent cup even when I'm half asleep making it. Allowing most of the water to drain between pours seems to help with that. I've also done some wet WDT if the brew seems to stall to help make sure I meet my target brew time.

  • coffee Coffee What's your favorite way to brew iced coffee in a Chemex?
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 100%

    Japanese iced coffee!

    • Take half your total pour over water weight and put that amount of ice in the bottom of the Chemex.
    • Grind the usual amount of coffee for your Chemex brew.
    • Brew with whatever method you usually do but half the water weight for each pour (so you end up with the same amount of water as usual when you add the ice)

    Instantly cold but full strength because the ice doesn't water it down when it melts!

  • coffee Coffee Bean or brewing recommendations?
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 100%

    I've been really digging Corvus Coffee specifically their Dead Reckoning espresso blend.

    It's been really good for lattes in the morning and making japanese iced coffee in the afternoon (sub half your water by weight in ice in your brewer carafe, and just brew onto the ice with the remaining half of the water halving the pour weights).

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Greyhounds jeansburger 1 year ago 100%
    Archer's Post 4th Celebration Roach

    Archer had a long day celebrating the 4th. It's really rough on you when you get to spend all day getting pets and bits of hamburgers.

    196 196 Nazi lives don't matter (rule)
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 100%

    Out. In, you'll smash your thumb into oblivion.

  • general General Discussion What is your current passion?
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 100%

    Designing and building mechanical keyboards. Over the pandemic I asked the dumb question to my group of friends who are engineers "Hey how do keyboards work? You think I can build one from scratch?" One of my friends is a electrical engineer and I'm a computer engineer so basically we had both skillsets needed to build and design everything from scratch. The only "out of the box" thing we used was the firmware but that was based on an open source firmware (QMK) but we had to contribute to the project to get our keyboards to work. The PCB was custom, the case was custom and 3d printed on my own 3d printer.

    I've been using the keyboard we built for over two years and it's worked flawlessly (unless I'm messing with the firmware). There's things I would have done differently but that's what this current rendition is but now kinda off the walls because why not.

  • world World News Two of the biggest Reddit communities reopened in the funniest way possible
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 100%

    Are you really going to interact with the ads though? If you're going there to cause discord you're not going to see an ad and go "Oh! Cool I've been meaning to try thing that's as close to a scam as legally allowed" or it literally is just an outright grift. Plus because of that the percentage of interactions on the ads is going to drop hard, meaning now Reddit is a worse place to stick your ads because there's not a lot of engagement with them.

  • anarchychess AnarchyChess The pawns have revolted and formed an anarchist commune. What should I do in this position? (I'm white)
  • jeansburger jeansburger 1 year ago 100%

    That means nothing to me
