canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 33%

    Dude last election the conservatives won the popular vote. You’re saying a third of Canadians aren’t… Canadian? Get out of your parents basement or whatever echo chamber you’re living in and see that there’s a lot more grey than the black and white you’re spitting. This is why people don’t take hard lefties seriously because of your absolute dogshit zealot takes.

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 25%

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 25%

    The plan so far is to build 1 million homes in three years. They plan on attaining this by playing hardball with those who get in the way, municipalities and the NIMBYS who govern them are going to have federal funding withheld for getting in the way of new housing starts. There’s also going to be extra funds granted for jurisdictions that go beyond the “quota”. A lot of our housing issues are due to red tape and local government interference. To paraphrase, he’s said if those municipalities don’t want to play ball that’s fine, but their easy federal cash is going to be given to those that make it easy to build housing. As for inflation if I recall correctly he wants to limit new carbon taxes, I’d have to look up if he wants to reverse all or some of what is already in place.

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 33%

    I would love to support the NDP, I’m a union tradesman and they used to be my party. Jack Layton should have been PM in 2011, and it still hurts thinking of how quickly we lost him shortly thereafter. Jagmeet doesn’t do it for me, you’re right he comes off as a pretender trying to lower himself to be one of “us”.

    I’m optimistic on Poilievre playing hardball with the country for what I think matters most in this election which is inflation and housing. I don’t like everything he has to say, especially the crypto bullshit which thankfully he dropped, but maybe he and the conservatives are what we need to get things back on track.

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 25%

    Great addition to the conversation, your retort has made me see the error of my ways.

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 25%

    I’ve voted NDP more than I have conservative. I dislike many things about Poilievre, but I believe he’s got the best chance of reigning in inflation and housing issues. He’s proposing playing hardball and that plays with a lot of Canadians right now who are feeling the absolute shitshow of the last 8 years.

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 50%

    Or wait what about that one where he used Morneau as a fall guy for the scammy charity his family was deeply involved in.

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 60%

    Or do you mean the time he dismissed the attorney general for not playing ball on the SNC Lavalin affair.

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 25%

    And Trudeau and Freeland do?

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 50%

    Like calling an election in the middle of a pandemic because your numbers are falling fast?

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 9%

    Poilievre was adopted to parents of modest means who had to sell their house in the crash of the 80’s.

    Wonder if Trudeau had silver cutlery in the 80’s.

  • canada Canada Don Martin: Poilievre doesn't feel your pain, but he's sure good at communicating it
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 8%

    Wow what a shit article.

    Edit: tell me how you really feel Lemmy, he’s likely going to win the next election even if it’s a minority.

  • canada Canada More COVID cases are coming. Here's what you need to know
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah that’s actually a good point

  • canada Canada More COVID cases are coming. Here's what you need to know
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 66%

    "A lot of people haven't had a booster for about 12 months and have lost a fair degree of the immunity that might have protected them from getting infected."

    I thought the vaccines didn’t prevent any infections but were helpful in making the symptoms less severe?

  • memetemplates Meme Templates Made this meme template a while back. I heard people are looking for new meme opportunities. As far as I know it's still a Lemmy exclusive.
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    It’s too subtle of a difference in panels

  • news News For 30 years, a memorial to Nazi collaborators sat largely unnoticed just outside Philadelphia. Now it’s drawing outrage.
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 60%

    Nothing like a little casual eugenics haha, amiright? Haha

  • canada Canada 'Getting squeezed on both sides': Liberals a distant third among younger voters
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 75%

    Thank god somebody who finally has something to say other than hurr hurr small pp.

  • canada Canada Liberals believe time is on their side. Is it?
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    I know the program is different from province to province but the criteria to qualify in BC absolutely sucks. Two people working full time on minimum wage with or without a child don’t even qualify for a full credit. Literally only the lowest earners or those on disability or the like get all of it.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What temperature do you keep your thermostat at?
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    21C in the winter and 19C in the summer

  • asklemmy Asklemmy People who work or study at night, how does it feel like?
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    During the winter up north it’s bleak and cold for the trades, I’ll see the sun for an hour or so when I wake up. Personally I wake up every other hour during daytime sleeps, so I’m rarely well rested.

    But the pay bump is quite good, and there’s way less supervision micromanaging you.

  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    I remember when the internet started

  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    Anyone legitimately curious it’s saying welding fumes are harmful. The thing on the left is a welding stinger for stick welding.

  • britishcolumbia British Columbia City of Nanaimo ordered to pay more than $600k to ex-CFO in racial discrimination case | CBC News
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    Well that was a mind boggling read.

  • canada Canada Poilievre's Conservative Party embracing language of mainstream conspiracy theories
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 93%

    Whether he holds those views himself or not is hard to nail down. My best guess is that he’s likely pandering for votes. Playing it smart by keeping the door open but being noncommittal.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What's the Best Non-Alcoholic Alternative to an Ice Cold Beer at the End of the Day?
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 91%

    Technically yes but it’s around .5% or less which is the same as most non alcoholic beers

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What's the Best Non-Alcoholic Alternative to an Ice Cold Beer at the End of the Day?
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 97%

    Try a good quality kombucha. Ice cold and carbonated they have a very similar bite/finish to a lot of beers. Most have sweet notes but are low sugar.

  • canada Canada There Is No Housing Crisis | The Walrus
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    I gave up because the author is a windbag, tldr for me?

  • canada Canada Telus slashing 6,000 jobs amid drop in 2nd quarter profits
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 83%

    Fuck Telus. I switched to Shaw as one does when their promo is up and those shitstains have called me a few times a week since I switched to try and offer me deals to come back. Every time I say no, please remove me from your list and every fucking time they call back.

    I usually switch between to get the cheapest deals without any hassle but if they keep this shit up I might put some effort into staying with Shaw if they’ll be reasonable on the price.

  • canada Canada Canada has zero pro-choice Conservative MPs, watchdog says
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 50%

    Sir, you’re not allowed to have centrist or non left views on Lemmy.

  • askmeanything Ask Me Anything AMA! Ph.D. in geophysical fluid mechanics and stratified flows
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    Ahhhhh that would make sense, thanks for the answer!

  • askmeanything Ask Me Anything AMA! Ph.D. in geophysical fluid mechanics and stratified flows
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    Not sure if this is in your realm or not, but I’m working on a diversion tunnel for a dam and we’re installing orifice pieces of varying internal diameter to slow the flow rate of the water. The orifices are being installed in order from smallest diameter to largest which seems counterintuitive to me. I would think you would go in descending diameter size to slowly restrict the flow in steps. Could you shed any light on why this would be engineered this way?

  • canada Canada How to measure things like a Canadian?
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    I find everyone uses time for long distances. I know it’s a 13 hour drive to Edmonton but damned if I know how many kilometres it is.

  • canada Canada 'I hope the Canadians are watching': U.S. senator tees off on Canada's military spending
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 33%

    We made a commitment to our allies to spend a minimum amount and we don’t. There shouldn’t even be a discussion on this, our military is a joke.

  • memes Memes Guys I think he's serious
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%
  • drama Drama Self-improvement YouTuber's fan base posts selfies - it's (not) even worse than you imagine
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I think mewing is doing a chomping exercise on a piece of rubber to increase your jaw muscles

  • apple_enthusiast Apple iOS users of Apple Maps or Google Maps: Why do you prefer one over the other?
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    My wife uses it and it still gives us issues

  • apple_enthusiast Apple iOS users of Apple Maps or Google Maps: Why do you prefer one over the other?
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 83%

    Google maps 100%. I live in Canada and if I search “sushi” in Apple maps it brings up restaurants in fucking California. Also it’s directions suck here. Google maps works as you’d expect it to.

  • vancouver Vancouver B.C. transportation minister vows to raise fines, recover repair costs after overpass strike
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    I don’t drive truck. I feel like knowing the height of your truck/load would be an important part of your job no?

  • moviesandtv Movies and TV Shows Netflix Charts for July 10-16: ‘The Lincoln Lawyer’ Ousts ‘The Witcher’ As No. 1 On Netflix 10 TV List; ‘The Out-Laws’ Remains Most-Viewed Title
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    I’ve read all the Witcher books, tried watching that dogshit show Hissrich made and couldn’t stomach it.

    I read The Foundation series by Asimov and then watched Apple TV’s interpretation and really enjoyed the creative direction they took with it.

    Netflix is a joke. An overpriced joke.

  • AskKbin Moving to: m/AskMbin! How long does a shadowban on Reddit last?
  • i_r_weldr i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%

    Shadowbans are permanent. And that’s how a shadowban works, you don’t know you’re banned and can log in but you don’t exist to everyone else.

  • memmy
    Unable to view more than thumbnail images in larger albums

    If I click on a post that has an album with several images i can only see the posts that showed up in the initial thumbnail. It shows me on the thumbnail (7 images) but theres no way through to them.

    Québec i_r_weldr 1 year ago 100%
    J’vené, j’acheté votre ketchup, mon accent: encore terrible.

    C’est tousjour un plaisir. Avec l’amour de BC.

    That update for the swipes

    Smooth as fuck, you guys are absolutely killing it
