theonion The Onion Trump Brags His Brain Worms Are Still Alive and Very Strong
  • charlytune charlytune 4 months ago 100%

    "said an enraged Kennedy Jr."

  • charlytune charlytune 4 months ago 100%

    In rust we trust!

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How do people actually dumpster dive to get free food? Are there any other cheap/free ways like this to get food?
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    Probably even better for OP if they have no money is the Olio app, where people give away free food (and non-food). It depends on activity in your local area, but in many areas there are people who regularly collect food from supermarkets at the end of the day to give away. I've given away portions of meals before when I've cooked too much to freeze it all.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What animals do you dislike for unusual reasons and why?
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    I will be forever scarred by not one but two duck gang rapes I witnessed. The second one involved them raping another male duck to death, presumably because all the females were hiding as far away as they could. Absolute bastards.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What was your best decision in life?
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    I realised a relationship was doomed when I had a pregnancy scare. I was overjoyed when I got my period, and he told me he was sad. The man already had 3 kids by 3 different women, none of whom he saw, and I was like wtf how does he think I'd have a kid with him?? We broke up not long after. And every time I see him around town I thank my lucky stars I didn't get stuck with him, as well as embarrassment I was with him in the first place.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy How do you listen to / discover music?
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    Mostly through friends, Bandcamp, sometimes BBC Radio 6. And catching random bands at festivals and liking them.

  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    What does the 'B' in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stand for?

    Benoit B. Mandelbrot

  • world World News Spain approves plan to compensate victims of Catholic Church sex abuse. Church will be asked to pay
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    The church is a guilty institution, it provided abusers with authority and power over their victims, and actively covered up crimes and enabled abusers to continue committing crimes. While demanding money and devotion from it's millions of followers, many of whom were the victims. Abusers should be punished for their crimes, but we're talking historic abuse, most perpetrators are probably dead. The church should most definitely pay reparations.

  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    Jolene slowed down to 33rpm made me really appreciate the song anew

  • map_enthusiasts Map Enthusiasts A map of North America using countries with comparable climates
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    And let's not even get into the labelling of the UK and Ireland as one country... We still haven't sorted out the mess from last time.

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Lemmyvision - The Results Are In!!
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    Well yeah obvs. I meant in the present and future. I was still a kid when we won last, and I'm old af now.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What destinations are experiencing "undertourism"?
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    It's not just tourists that need to worry about that stuff. I have friends with Somali heritage and they don't want to go there either, even with having family there.

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Lemmyvision - The Results Are In!!
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    This is genuinely the closest we will ever get to a Eurovision win, ever.

  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    Yeah but you try saying 'ununderstandable' after a couple of drinks

  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    How about carpet beetles and clothes moths?

  • whatcouldgowrong What Could Go Wrong Guy who tortured a wolf and paraded it's body around is now receiving death threats
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    Thank you for writing this out.

  • whatcouldgowrong What Could Go Wrong Guy who tortured a wolf and paraded it's body around is now receiving death threats
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 91%

    Nah I'm not a fan of advocating for rape as punishment. It's pretty, erm, rapey.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do you Lemmings like your tea?
  • charlytune charlytune 5 months ago 100%

    I am a huge tea drinker and also like the Tiger tea like that, just with oat milk not cow juice.

  • askuk Ask UK Brits, what are your favorite places across the country?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    My favourite place close to me is Hilbre Island, just off the coast of Wirral (Merseyside). When the tides are low you can walk out there, at high tide it's cut off. It's so close to Liverpool, and yet a world away. When I start walking from the beach towards it I feel like I'm leaving the world behind me and walking out into the wild. On a sunny day it's absolutely beautiful. It's a nature reserve and an SSSI, with loads of wild birds, butterflies etc, and there are small caves to explore at the beach level. It's one of my favourite places in the world.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do we package food products sustainably in coming decades?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    Ok, but we're getting dragged into a tangential debate about farming when really my point was that we need to look at waste through the whole supply chain, from farming ingredients to getting put on the shelves. I'm sure we could pick apart the contribution of any one part of that chain and debate how significant it is. Together, at all points in the chain, there is plastic waste that the consumer doesn't see.

    (And btw Canada isn't in the top 20 of global producers, according to the IMF / CIA World Factbook as at 2018; the EU is number 3

    Edited to add: this 2022 UN report states that plastics are used extensively in agriculture and goes into how they are used and how they enter soil and water supplies:

    And this is another UN report on the issue, stating that Asia is the largest user of plastics in agriculture. When China and India are two of the largest agricultural producers, that's an issue

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do we package food products sustainably in coming decades?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    So according to this link

    "Plastic packaging waste from agriculture represents approximately 1.5% of the overall volume of plastic packaging in the waste stream in England. The types of plastic wastes arising can vary and be both bulky and dirty often making the management of these wastes difficult. Around 135,500 tonnes of agricultural plastic waste is produced each year in the UK with;

    Approximately 32,000 tonnes being produced from plastic packaging waste; and
    Approximately 103,500 tonnes being produced from Non-Packaging Plastics (including contamination)."

    That's just England. The data is old (2003 I think), and yes 1.5% is not huge, granted, but that's of total plastic waste, not just from the food chain. A lot of our produce comes from Asia and North Africa where generally there just aren't the same facilities for recycling, and environmental issues are not as prioritised. It's great that there's very little plastic waste in your farming methods, but it's not the same around the world.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do we package food products sustainably in coming decades?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    Which country are you in? Where I live my food comes from all around the world. Recycling is mostly a Western thing. It doesn't exist in many of the countries that supply our food. I was just going by the amount of crap I've seen in many agricultural areas. Plastic sacks, containers etc.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do we package food products sustainably in coming decades?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    But I bet those paper packages of paper straws were bundled into cartons that were wrapped in plastic, and then those were wrapped with other bundles in more plastic. And even if they're using cardboard boxes as part of that packaging who knows what percentage of that is recycled, or made from recycled waste. Anyone that's worked in retail knows the incredible amounts of packaging that get binned every day that's invisible to consumers.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do we package food products sustainably in coming decades?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    The problem that strikes me reading through this thread, and similar conversations about packaging, is that we can do all we want to reduce packaging and plastics at the consumer end, but there's a huuuuge amount of packaging all the way through the supply chain. From farming supplies, to ingredient packaging, and the packaging used to transport food products to stores. By focussing solely on the consumer end we're not addressing the whole issue. It's like the obsession with bamboo toothbrushes and paper / metal straws. They're consumerist solutions to a problem caused by consumerism.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's a reputable charity for donations to citizens of Gaza?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    Yeah I think it was the Wikipedia page that I read when I looked up who they are. They're also fixing search engine results because there's no reason why I in the UK should be getting so many results for an Israeli organisation when I'm looking for information on organisations in a different country. Well I mean there is a reason but it's not a good one.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the most beautiful song you've ever heard?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    I couldn't pick just one, but these come to mind right now:

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps

    Loads of songs by Anohni / Antony and the Johnsons but particularly this one Hope There's Someone

  • world World News Russian network that 'paid European politicians' busted, authorities claim
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    It's hardly secret either, in the UK at least. It's just that most of the public have no idea. We're all turning a blind eye to politicians and lobbyists who are funded by Russian, American, Chinese, Israeli etc interests.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's your juicy work drama that you just want to tell us about?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    If you know someone you are the line manager for is drinking heavily don't you have a duty of care towards them? It's a health and safety issue if nothing else

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Why do they say "there's no true Left in the US"?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 80%

    Were they genuinely Marxist? Or did people just call them Marxist because they had more liberal policies than the norm for the area? Liberalism ≠ socialism, and socialism ≠ Marxism.

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation What did you get up to during the COVID quarantine?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    I got up to Covid, and then Long Covid. I could do very little, except sleep, lie in bed listening to audio books, and doing jigsaws. It was basically that for about a year. Yay. I'm nostalgic for the time off work, and learning about how to recover, and manage my health. I eventually got to a place where I was eating super healthy, doing loads of yoga and light weight training, and my body was getting really strong and feeling good, even though I couldn't do much with it because of the fatigue. I wish I had the time now to be as healthy as I'd like to be, but I'm back full time working, as well as caring for my mum. I'd like to get that back, being able to focus on my health.

  • ukcasual UKCasual Is sexual harrasment really this common on the tube they need so many ads about it?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 92%

    I first got harassed on public transport when I was 11. For years getting on public transport involved being hyper vigilant and trying to hide. And it's fucking exhausting. I shouldn't have to be relieved that I'm too old to harass, and really it's no relief because it just means they're harassing someone else.

  • ukcasual UKCasual Is sexual harrasment really this common on the tube they need so many ads about it?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    I have been harassed and abused by white men waaayyy more than I have by black or brown men. And that's even with living in very diverse places.

    Immigration is not the problem. Men are. But I guess you're going to get triggered by that kind of broad generalisation huh?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Why do they still dye the rivers green for St. Patricks Day? It's not a good look for downtown Chicago.
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    It's a drinking city. People go out for a family meal, get pissed up, things get raucous, fights happen. It's not everyone, but if you work in bars it's one of the nights you dread, especially in the rougher places where the fights kick off. I worked in one of the roughest city centre bars many years back and the fights between women were way worse than the ones between men. Absolutely vicious.. And I say that as a woman btw.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Why do they still dye the rivers green for St. Patricks Day? It's not a good look for downtown Chicago.
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    In Liverpool, which prides itself on its Liverpool roots, Paddy's Day is one of the days to avoid town and most of the pubs for me. Absolute carnage. The other ones to avoid are Grand National weekend, particularly Ladies Day, and Mother's Day.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy If a person from 1700 asked you your job, would they understand your answer, and if not, how would you explain it to them?
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    Yes. I'd just say "you know how the Courts have the power to do X, and decide Y? Well the government decided to devolve those powers to an independent office, so that people didn't have to pay for lawyers and deal with complicated legal processes. I work in that office making the Y decisions."

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • charlytune charlytune 6 months ago 100%

    Wool ball filled cushion pads. They're really plump, and just the right level of firmness, so much nicer than synthetic or feather. Each pay day I'm ordering a couple, and gradually my sofa is turning into a cosy nest.

  • science science Leaky Blood Vessels: Underlying Cause of Long COVID “Brain Fog” Discovered
  • charlytune charlytune 7 months ago 100%

    Oh wow, TIL. Yeah I am not a fan of them. Urgh.

  • science science Leaky Blood Vessels: Underlying Cause of Long COVID “Brain Fog” Discovered
  • charlytune charlytune 7 months ago 60%

    Sexist, much?

  • science science Leaky Blood Vessels: Underlying Cause of Long COVID “Brain Fog” Discovered
  • charlytune charlytune 7 months ago 75%

    Oh no, someone who writes about gardening!! In a magazine for the elderly!!Look, it was just the first article I could find while I was in the middle of baking, that wasn't an American health and wellbeing website. I'm not American so I don't know those websites and I don't know what they all are. I just wanted to help the person I was replying to. The article links to the charity that has done loads of research into it. Yes I could have found a better link and fucking hell I wish I hadn't bothered even commenting now.

  • menopause
    Menopause charlytune 1 year ago 92%
    My social battery is so depleted! (Rant)

    I just spent a little over 24hrs with 3 really good friends for my bestie's 50th birthday. We had a lovely time, but I spent a lot of it wanting them to all to shut up / fuck off. I feel horrible. I have to go to work today and the thought of having to be around people again makes me want to cry. I just want to lie on the sofa and be angry on my own.

    Houseplants charlytune 1 year ago 100%
    This year I found out why this is called the Lipstick Plant!

    My friend said "that plant's feeling horny!" I didn't know this flowered, and liked it for it's foliage, then where these appeared I remembered it's name and did a 'doh!'
