nixos nixos NixOS vs. Gentoo for a desktop system
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 11 months ago 100%

    It doesn't make any difference. Gentoo and NixOS have the same concept. They are holistic systems not designed for multiple permanent changes. I've used Gentoo, it's as much fun as building everything from FreeBSD ports. But some users install the OS to get work done, not to constantly tinker with the system, so now I choose NixOS.

  • linuxhumor GNU+Linux Humor Who put / beside *
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 12 months ago 100%

    You can choose a lucky number chmod 777/

  • linux Linux How often do you hop distros?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 12 months ago 100%

    Home manager and flakes is something optional in today's NixOS. I don't see any obvious use for a single-user home system. Of course, many people go the flakes-setup route. NixOS has many customization options, up to and including docker installation.

  • linux Linux How often do you hop distros?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 12 months ago 100%

    Oh, it's very simple. Home-manager is something not yet finalized, optional and unofficial. Flakes was added in Nix 2.4, but you don't have to use it all. You don't want to add unnecessary complications. You can do without home-manager and flakes on a single-user machine. This is just one of the system configuration options. I have tried deploying the system with flakes/home-manager, done it with docker and even with nix-env. The performance gain is not noticeable.

  • linux Linux How often do you hop distros?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 12 months ago 100%

    This is the first time in 25 years of using Linux that I've changed distributions.

  • technology Technology PSA: Reddit is Forcing Users to Accept Personalized Ads
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 12 months ago 100%

    Have you heard anything about uBlock origin, Ghostery and similar programs?

  • memes Memes Reddit is dead. Long live the Fediverse.
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 12 months ago 80%

    You're exaggerating a little bit. Reddit is more alive than alive.

  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Fish can be bloated, too.

  • operating_systems Operating Systems What new OS* have you tried this year?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    ... and Linux is not Unix. BSD and Solaris are, in my opinion, much better than any Linux. The problem is that BSD suffers from hardware incompatibility, and there are very few application programs for the current Solaris.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Today i installed arch linux for the first time
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Hello buzzer. IRC ( Internet Relay Chat ) is an application layer protocol for real-time messaging. One of the oldest messengers.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Today i installed arch linux for the first time
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Tech conservative, because I use FreeBSD, Surf browser, IRC...

  • memes Memes Stop kitten around!
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Does anyone know where I can see porn that cats make?

  • genzedong GenZedong *Permanently Deleted*
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 28%

    Young people love confusing terms. So the words sound more mysterious. "Bolsheviks" began to be called after the II Congress of the RSDLP group, which received a majority in the elections to the Central Committee of the party. The Bolsheviks sought to create a party of professional revolutionaries, while the Mensheviks feared the criminalization of the party and tended to legitimate methods of struggle against autocracy (reformism).

    Anarchism (from ancient Greek. Anarchism (ἀναρχία, from ἀν- "without-" and ἀρχή "beginning; superiority; power") is a general name for a number of systems of views based on human freedom and denying the need for coercive government and human authority over man. Therefore, "anarchobolsheviks" is nonsense .

  • genzedong GenZedong *Permanently Deleted*
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    These are two of the five "Azov commanders". On the left is the "Kalina". In captivity they swept the yard and washed toilets.

  • genzedong GenZedong *Permanently Deleted*
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

  • reddit Reddit I logged in to Reddit today
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 50%

    I remember the "we are adults, not revolutionaries" entry in r/freebsd. After that, the subreddit administration decided to leave things as they were.

    I don't understand the point raised by R. Stallman about using only free software. Because for most of us the PC is a working tool, but in no way a religious toy.

  • reddit Reddit I logged in to Reddit today
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 27%

    Thank God I didn't give in to herd instinct and delete my Reddit account. I did that four times in a row, and I don't play those games anymore. I didn't sign up for a subject that is foreign to me, especially since in my opinion the alternative apps work worse than the official one, and the lack of video downloads doesn't bother me because I don't watch porn. My Reddit stays the way it was. The FreeBSD and Slackware communities and a couple or three others have sane members.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost The sad truth for all of us
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Is this one of the endless hints that there is no karma in Lemmy? Have you seen the little up and down arrows under every post and comment? One of my comments recently got forty-five down arrows and I'll see how many dislikes this comment gets.

  • android Android What phone is a power user's best bet in 2023?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    The lists of smartphones on the Postmarket OS and UBPorts websites can be used as a basis. Theoretically, you can use for experiments phones that come with alternative firmware directly from the factory. OnePlus, for example. You could buy a Pinephone and experiment with mobile Linux.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How will Lemmy handle illegal content?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 25%

    The creators of Lemmy keep telling us about the "federation" of the social network. A federation is something that has a federal center that exercises a governing function.

    Just because we all have not been informed of the existence of such a center does not mean that it does not exist.

  • zapytajszmer zapytajszmer Ludzie którzy przeszli z Reddita (/r/Polska) - jakie wrażenia macie z tej platformy?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    To dziwna aplikacja. W newsfeedzie ciągle pojawiają się rzeczy, których nie subskrybowałem. Ustawienia w aplikacji mobilnej nie są zapisywane. Utworzyłem jedno konto na serwerze, które mi na to pozwalało. Działa, ale wpisy na lemmy ml , beehav i innych nie są dostępne do komentowania. Taka "federacja".

  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 25%

    Give it some time

    I heard that story somewhere. It took Reddit fifteen years to become comfortable using it. Are you ready to wait?

  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    You'd be surprised. If you update on impulse, there is a great risk that pacman will break your system. There are clever people who don't update Arch for half a year and then start upgrading it overnight. This is even worse, because the risk of your system dying from an accident increases many times over. Good thing I don't use Arch btw for work. Although no, Arch+dwm is on my old netbook, but I can't find it for a long time.

  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 10%

    What a vucking great social network this Lemmy is.

    I clicked "subscribe" to your community or whatever the vuck it's called and for two weeks I've been looking at "Pending". Is this such a vucking fediverse achievement that I don't understand?

    Now for the topic at hand. If you have to choose between Arch and Manjaro, you have to choose Arch. 100% none of you will need to thoroughly partition your hard drive, because none of you will bother moving /home to another partition on the drive. And the main difficulty will be setting up the wifi, solved by reading the man pages. Unfortunately they are without pictures, so you will have to work hard.

    Manjaro has compromised itself so many times that I don't understand people who use it.

    Although no, I do understand you, my little friends. Manjaro has a graphic installer.

  • memes Memes Welcome onboard!
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 75%

    What do you mean, "I have no karma here"?

    The wonderful downward arrows that you so love to click, what is that?

  • lemmy Lemmy Do your part, try not to lurk!
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 66%

    Lemmy sprawls thanks to his dislike of Reddit's new rules. This is both a virtue and a problem at the same time. Reading 1,000 "Reddit is about to fall apart" posts or copies of old Reddit posts is quite tedious. Oh yeah, there's also the defederation announcements, it's even more tedious to read that nonsense. Guys, you have not had time to consolidate, and already arranging a rant.

  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Xiaomi Mi10 Lite with stock firmware. Xiaomi QIN22F as a second phone. I've tried some third-party Android variations, but none of them, including LineageOS, I liked to use. Or rather I liked LineageOS when it was still CyanogwenMod, and then, as usual, everything went wrong.

  • memes Memes Insult level
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Bitte einen Viertelpfund-Cheeseburger, eine Brezel, ein Würstchen und einen Krug Bier!😆

  • memes Memes Title required
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    I know such a man personally. He didn't poop for two months straight, and then he had five feet of intestine cut out.

  • technology Technology EU: Smartphones Must Have User-Replaceable Batteries by 2027
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    A removable battery in the perfect surveillance device? There's no such thing.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What OS do you use on your pc and why?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    I'm sorry, I'm a bit of a fogey and I may forget whether I wrote here or not). I use Slackware btw. I've been using it since it was born. That is, for about 25 years.

    Someone said "if you know Slackware, you know Linux". I know Slackware and that's why I'm comfortable using any distribution. If Arch would let its updates mature a bit, I would use Arch. I have a small netbook with Arch+Enlightenment. Every time I turn it on, I feel like a Windows user because the OS immediately starts updating.

    My home servers are running FreeBSD. I have no margin for error if my wife is missing photos and videos she took on vacation last year. My work machine runs Debian. I work in a very conservative field and can't risk my career on system failures.

  • linux Linux What distro(s) do you use?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Please, do you want to have a little holywar of 100500 pages on this topic? Please don't, as there are so many pro et contra arguments and they have all been discussed.

  • linux Linux Linus Torvalds -- Creator of Linux -- defends gun regulation, woke communists, womens rights AND trans rights. Linux is political!
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Linus is a jack-of-all-trades. His wife is a frequent karate champion. If he doesn't listen to her, she'll beat him up.

  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Correct me if I am wrong.

    A "federation" is a form of state structure in which parts of a state are state entities with legally defined political autonomy within a federation.

    Federation, in contrast to confederation, provides for a certain coordinating administration. That is, you still have no freedom here, and you don't even know who pays the electric bill in your new entity.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Are there any Reddit refugees spending more time on Lemmy than Reddit?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    all pathological downvoters will stay there

    The pathological downvoters ran from Reddit first. They missed fresh blood.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Are there any Reddit refugees spending more time on Lemmy than Reddit?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    When Reddit collapses for good, it will be the end of Lemmy. There will be nothing to talk about, no subject to talk about.

  • operating_systems Operating Systems Is anyone here daily driving an obscure OS like HaikuOS, ReactOS, MorphOS, etc?
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    TempleOS is cool. You don't need the Internet, it establishes a direct connection to the Seventh Heaven in the process.

  • anarchychess AnarchyChess White to play and mate in 1
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%

    Google en passant

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Reddit: Don't like us anymore? Pay us $50/year!
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 20%
  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Reddit: Don't like us anymore? Pay us $50/year!
  • cfx_4188 cfx_4188 1 year ago 20%
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support cfx_4188 1 year ago 54%
    Lemmy support? Pending? WTF?
    Nature and Gardening cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%


    cats cfx_4188 1 year ago 100%
    Jack marks the territory.