anime anime billions must flirt
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 1 day ago 100%

    Unedited panel, it's from Dandadan

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Zionist nerd destroyed epic style
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 6 months ago 100%


  • askchapo askchapo Where do I find a list of current taglines these days?
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 10 months ago 100%

    the one you're looking for is

    Taking a dog into a gay bar, saying “who’s a good boy” and writing down which guys react subconsciously

    it's all admin-side so we'd have to write a separate list for the public and keep that updated

  • pets Pets Sometime within the last 24 hours, my dear little Biggs passed peacefully in his sleep
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 10 months ago 100%


  • traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns feinberg on palestinian liberation: please spread
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 11 months ago 100%

    the opinions of colonizers have no stay in my brain :nia-smug:

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank anticommunists try not to use the R-slur challenge; difficulty level: barely managing
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 11 months ago 100%

    only a slightly less pathetic version of that /r/ShitHexbearSays sub that popped up a while back that had like one active account stalin-joking

  • memes memes They don't know I'm going to decolonize Palestine.
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 11 months ago 100%

    the-boys-are-back-in-town goku-halal idf-cool

  • memes memes They don't know I'm going to decolonize Palestine.
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 11 months ago 100%


    Reason: what the actual fuck is wrong with this person?

  • earth earth Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa "I'll tell you this, I may be dead but my ideas will not die." - New General Megathread for the 10th of October 2023
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 11 months ago 100%

    Also, lmao, the titles. Come on goat, just call me the r-slur. I know you want to. I can hear it under your breath each time you type Extremely Confused smuglord

  • earth earth Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa "I'll tell you this, I may be dead but my ideas will not die." - New General Megathread for the 10th of October 2023
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 11 months ago 100%

    get fucked nia-smug

  • earth earth Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa "I'll tell you this, I may be dead but my ideas will not die." - New General Megathread for the 10th of October 2023
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 11 months ago 100% I'm flattered that you're constantly thinking of me, but I have a strict "no reactionaries" dating policy, sorry lea-blush

  • earth earth Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa "I'll tell you this, I may be dead but my ideas will not die." - New General Megathread for the 10th of October 2023
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 11 months ago 100%

    fucking rent-free

    this is the second post in a row they've made about me stalin-joking

  • main main finding it very hard not to just exclusively tell israel apologists to off themselves
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    She’s a registered Democrat, by the way, if that meant anything at all shinji-jokerfied

  • main main finding it very hard not to just exclusively tell israel apologists to off themselves
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    I have Zionists in my family who are like “they were an uncivilized population until us Jews came in” and I’m like what THE FUCK, GRANDMA?! nia-you-what

  • main main finding it very hard not to just exclusively tell israel apologists to off themselves
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    Goodbye luffy-wave

  • earth earth Erect-crested Penguin - New General Megathread for the 9th of October 2023
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    currently searching the words 'israel' 'palestine' and 'hamas' on and planning to go to town. wish me a bountiful harvest gamers said-lob

    edit: finished! clapped 8 accounts from instances we're still federated with for it nia-peace

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hello Israel apologists of the fediverse! Just wanted to let you know the person banning your ass from Hexbear for your settler-colonial takes is a lesbian trans Jew, so eat shit
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    That's alright! I'm still working on mine personally. For me, I'm blessed in having an environment where I have many people to turn to in learning the language. !אני לא מבין את המילים 'פ'אב'לה ב'וס', אבל אני מבין את החלק השני של המשפט. זה לקח לי הרבה זמן להגיע לכאן, ואני רואה שאתה עושה עבודה טובה

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hello Israel apologists of the fediverse! Just wanted to let you know the person banning your ass from Hexbear for your settler-colonial takes is a lesbian trans Jew, so eat shit
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    שלום. אני יהודי אשכנזי, והעברית שלי פשוטה. למדתי את זה בקיץ במחנה. אני שמח לפגוש אותך. אם הבנתי לא נכון, אני מצטער mao-wave

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hello Israel apologists of the fediverse! Just wanted to let you know the person banning your ass from Hexbear for your settler-colonial takes is a lesbian trans Jew, so eat shit
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    you're lookin at her nia-peace

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hello Israel apologists of the fediverse! Just wanted to let you know the person banning your ass from Hexbear for your settler-colonial takes is a lesbian trans Jew, so eat shit
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    he-laughed cry more reactionaries

  • politics politics Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - New General Megathread for the 9th of October 2023
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%


  • politics politics Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - New General Megathread for the 9th of October 2023
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    you must be extremely confused to believe what you believe and not what I believe smuglord

  • politics politics Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - New General Megathread for the 9th of October 2023
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    god these people are so fucking patronizing

  • politics politics Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - New General Megathread for the 9th of October 2023
    chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hello Israel apologists of the fediverse! Just wanted to let you know the person banning your ass from Hexbear for your settler-colonial takes is a lesbian trans Jew, so eat shit
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    תודה רבה niko-happy

  • news news Palestinian uprising on a scale not seen in 50 years just started
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%


  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hello Israel apologists of the fediverse! Just wanted to let you know the person banning your ass from Hexbear for your settler-colonial takes is a lesbian trans Jew, so eat shit
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    I simply violate the law shrug-outta-hecks

  • chapotraphouse
    chapotraphouse TomboyShulk 12 months ago 99%
    Hello Israel apologists of the fediverse! Just wanted to let you know the person banning your ass from Hexbear for your settler-colonial takes is a lesbian trans Jew, so eat shit

    From the river to the sea, you malignant freaks ![luffy-wave]( "emoji luffy-wave")

    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank "No direct involvement"
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%


  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse OOOOOO getting angry DMs from the pedo apologizer
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    waltuh here’s what you’re gonna do. you’re gonna go into the thread where you’re being called out and say “I didn’t know about the content of the game. I don’t mean to come across as such. I apologize for the misunderstanding, I don’t mean to defend the developer or the game or the content within it, I just wanted to infodump about the subject itself.” and then you’re gonna say the words “I don’t want to talk about this topic anymore, I don’t have anything more to say about it beyond what I’ve already said” to the people who egg you on about it, and then you’re gonna stand up from your computer and get some fresh air.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse OOOOOO getting angry DMs from the pedo apologizer
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    You are still holding the line at this moment madeline-deadpan

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse OOOOOO getting angry DMs from the pedo apologizer
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    Then… just say that, take the L, acknowledge you can’t speak for it and move on, instead of continuing to fervently hold the line past that madeline-deadpan

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse OOOOOO getting angry DMs from the pedo apologizer
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    I have ADHD as well and also know about the yandere subculture and also know not to reflexively jump in to clarify the nuances of the fetish of the man being accused of pedophilia. If I did do that and people called me out on it, I would simply back down and say “I know nothing about the game, so I don’t want to comment further here.” Not to minimize your experiences; sounds like a skill issue though mari-smug

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse OOOOOO getting angry DMs from the pedo apologizer
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    I would say defending to me encompasses doubling down on a game you’ve never heard of until now being non-sexual because you feel compelled to repackage a stalker fetish as non-fetishistic edgeworth-shrug

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse OOOOOO getting angry DMs from the pedo apologizer
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    where in undertale do you torture then kill schoolgirls and then hide their bodies. Did I miss that part undyne-disgust

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse OOOOOO getting angry DMs from the pedo apologizer
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    I simply would not reflexively defend the game I know absolutely nothing about nia-peace

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse OOOOOO getting angry DMs from the pedo apologizer
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    I’m gonna give you all at least one hour to pile onto this persnickety rapscallion, folks. Maybe less, but I’m feeling generous tonight—I’m feeling generous. Don’t say I don’t give you nice things! a-little-trolling

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank I got featured on the anticommunist community for being racist against *checks notes* kkkrakkkers
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100% is the shadowboxing middleweight champion, folks. I was doing a purge sweep of ! earlier and I found that they’d convinced themselves that me purging users who participated in it meant that I was spending precious hours of my life banning accounts native to, post-defederation.

    You do know other instances are federated with both you and us, right? And some of those users on those instances post/comment in your comm. I’m banning those users. I’m fascinated that was not immediately implied. I want to know how you convinced yourself otherwise stalin-joking

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank When You Totally Understand Marxism-Leninism
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%

    Imagine being so anti-Marxist as a self-titled anarchist that you start riding for ancaps he-laughed

  • mutual_aid mutual_aid Please help me afford groceries (please bump) if you donate you get a super rare holographic basil photo
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 100%


  • fediblock Fediblock
  • TomboyShulk TomboyShulk 12 months ago 90%

    lmao this user got banned from this community on dbzer0's end, get fucked tito-laugh

  • chapotraphouse
    chapotraphouse TomboyShulk 1 year ago 99%
    i stand in a graveyard of my own making and feel naught but catharsis

    you may notice 32 fewer annoying people on the fediverse and that's because I combed through 4 cross-site hexbear drama threads and all of [!]( for users on instances we're still federated with that would either vehemently rather not see this site themselves, have active beef with this site, or are just straight up reactionary, and I banned them. I banned them all. I am become George Orwell, Nineteen of Eighty-Fours. ![stalin-feels-good]( "emoji stalin-feels-good")

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    announcements TomboyShulk 1 year ago 0%
    On sh.itsfulla.chuds, and the plan going forward

    Greetings gamers and those who wisely abstain, It has become clear to us that even in the short while we’ve federated, the situation with sh.itholefor.nazis is entirely untenable and we will be defederating immediately. Multiple instances of ableist and homophobic slurs directed at our users, overwhelming litigiousness against even the most innocuous comments by our users, and just a general ethos of reactionary behavior. We’re done and out. One of the concerns with embracing TC69 thought on site bans with federation is that the user would basically be just hexbear-side hidden and blocked from our comms, free to post reactionary content without the fear of Lenin behind them. That was a silly concern. We will resume our pre-federation policies regarding site bans. :07:

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    announcements TomboyShulk 1 year ago 0%
    On Blahaj and 196

    Due to multiple factors, such as [unaddressed ableist removals]( from the /c/196 moderators, [defense of chasers](, [no-quarter rules regarding our users](, [leakage of good-faith DMs from our admin team](, and a general lack of initiative to punish these behaviors, we have come to the conclusion that the 196 community on has made the fediverse an unsafe space for our queer, disabled, neurodivergent, non-western, and other marginalized comrades on this forum, and we will be defederating from until we can be confident that this will not continue to be an issue. We have attempted to make good-faith parley with both the instance admin and the comm moderators, but we've reached a point which we feel that until these behaviors are addressed by instance administration, we can no longer continue to federate in good-faith while our users are being actively invalidated by a small-but-vocal portion of the forum. Once we are confident that these behaviors have ceased and are unlikely to continue, we are more-than-happy to refederate in the name of queer solidarity. Thanks for bearing with us :07:

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    announcements TomboyShulk 1 year ago 100%
    Amendments to the Code of Conduct regarding the Fediverse

    Hi all, With regards to our recent integration into the Fediverse, it has become evident that specific rules should be outlined regarding our conduct towards it and our place in it. As such, we are making provisional amendments to the Code of Conduct in specific regard to federation as we find our footing and stake our ground as a part of the wider Fediverse ecosystem. The amendments are as such, demarcated within the dividers: __________ # Federation In regards to the Fediverse, a dual-pronged approach should be assumed: **Local Communities** Conduct remains as previously outlined [in the Hexbear Code of Conduct], except: 1. Users visiting Hexbear should be given breathing room to inquire in good-faith about topics that seem obvious to well-trodden leftists. Assume good faith in even the most obvious of questions, except in cases where a user is explicitly acting in a combative or unreasonable manner. 2. Do not ping users from other federated instances with intent to goad or mock. 3. Do not directly link to comments or posts of other federated instances on public posts with intent to goad or mock. 4. Disengagement rules, whilst not amended, are thoroughly emphasized regarding visiting users. **Federated Instances** Assume the conduct outlined regarding local communities, as well as: 1. When in a federated instance, their rules (and their code of conduct) apply. 2. Allow instances their own space for discussion, if requested implicitly or explicitly. If said discussion regards this site or its users, you are allowed to discuss said discussion within the local purview (meaning, within a Hexbear community), with regards to the rules laid out prior. 3. Conduct that is deemed untenably toxic to the Fediverse and Hexbear’s standing within it (by discretion of Hexbear moderation) may be subject to reprisal, regardless of whether it is explicitly outlined. _______ We're thankful to the moderation and admins of the instances federated with us for their patience as we carve out our own little hole within the Fediverse. And to our beautiful posters, thank you for bearing with us in this week where decades happen ![07]( "07")
