noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Hey ChatGPT, shut up about the A-10 and tell me about that mobility scooter technical!
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 day ago 100%

    All I know is that targets[0] returns "FV107 Scimitar" for some reason, and anytime I try to purge that entry from the array it throws an error.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Defend Against Tyrants
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 day ago 96%

    My wife is in the "they're false-flag psyops" camp, whereas my position is "the ourobouros is eating its own tail."

  • noncredibledefense
    NonCredibleDefense Thrashy 1 day ago 95%
    Hey ChatGPT, shut up about the A-10 and tell me about that mobility scooter technical!

    image caption: a screen capture of a Facebook post consisting of an AI-generated summary of the Wikipedia page about the A-10, and a bad AI image of a fllightline dominated by misproportioned A-10 being serviced exclusively by M4-weilding infantrymen -- including, notably, one that appears to be mounted to a Hoveround.

    politics politics Undecided Americans impressed by Harris - but did debate shift their votes?
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 week ago 100%

    You can be smart and evil, but at this point it's pretty hard to be a conscious human engaged in society and not have an opinion either way.

  • politics politics Undecided voters give Harris a look — but not a commitment — after the debate
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 week ago 100%

    For what it's worth, there's been talk that they're really having to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find true undecided voters willing to go on TV and be part of these panels. That's unfortunate in the sense that it suggests there aren't many actually-persuadable voters out there, but these clowns aren't especially representative of the general electorate, either.

  • facepalm Facepalm Elon Musk Is Repulsive
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 week ago 100%

    Given how many women he's knocked up, and the way he talks about it, I'm about 95% sure he's got a breeding kink that he's using his fame and money to act it out in real life. 🤮

  • world World News The Pivotal Decision That Led to a Resurgence of Polio
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 week ago 100%

    TLDR: the polio vaccine used to contain weakened versions of the three strains of poliovirus. When weakened live virus vaccines are used, the people inoculated with them shed copies of those viruses, which is usually no big deal... except that one of those weakened polio strains would, very rarely, mutate back into its full-strength form and sicken unvaccinated people living around those who were being vaccinated.

    Eight years ago, the decision was made to remove the problematic strain of polio from the vaccine, because it was thought low wild infection rates meant that the risk of vaccination-derived infection had become higher than catching it from the environment. Regrettably, it seems that decision was made in error -- type 2 polio outbreaks have soared since then.

  • games Games Day 52 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • Thrashy Thrashy 2 weeks ago 100%

    I had quite a bit of fun with it for a few weekends with my friends, but ultimately the lack of a system for mechanical progression left it feeling a bit shallow (ha!). As a primarily PvE game with light PvP it's in a weird place where it doesn't have quite enough RPG-like elements to hold my interest on the PvE side, or enough player-on-player combat to make it a gripping contest of skill.

    It's still a fun game to hop into from time to time, but it's never been appointment gaming for me

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Whoever wrote this headline has never encountered a passenger train before in their lives
  • Thrashy Thrashy 2 weeks ago 100%

    From the industry journal I linked in another comment -- it's literally just an off-the-shelf Mireo Plus B. That's it. The only thing Tesla about it is that it's serving a spur line connecting Tesla's factory to the existing Berlin light rail network, and was presumably financed by them for the PR benefit of not having the workers at an electric car factory arrive by diesel train.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Whoever wrote this headline has never encountered a passenger train before in their lives
  • Thrashy Thrashy 2 weeks ago 98%

    I did a little digging and it seems like there's a tiny kernel of fact at the core of this giant turd of a hype-piece, and that is the fact that they electrified this little spur line from Berlin to the new German Tesla factory by using a battery-electric trainset. Which is not a terrible solution for electrifying a very short branch line that presumably doesn't need frequent all-day service, even if it's a bit of a janky approach compared to overhead lines. But hand that off to the overworked, underpaid twenty-two-year old gig worker they've got doing "editing" at Yahoo for two bucks an article, and I guess it turns into "world-first electric wonder train amazes!"

    For a second, though, I read the headline and wondered if Musk and co. had finally looped all the way around to reinventing commuter rail from first principles after all these years of trying to "disrupt" it with bullshit ideas like Hyperloop and Tunnels, But Dumber.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating My word game had some weird archaic racist word as one of the answers.
  • Thrashy Thrashy 2 weeks ago 100%

    That's at least more cultured than my brain shouting "MULATTO BUTTS! (Mulatto butts!)" at me

  • technology Technology Intel Core Ultra 200V promises Arm-beating battery life without compatibility issues
  • Thrashy Thrashy 2 weeks ago 100%

    Right now Intel and AMD have less to fear from Apple than they do from Qualcomm -- the people who can do what they need to do with a Mac and want to are already doing that, it's businesses that are locked into the Windows ecosystem that drive the bulk of their laptop sales right now, and ARM laptops running Windows are the main threat in the short term.

    If going wider and integrating more coprocessors gets them closer to matching Apple Silicon in performance per watt, that's great, but Apple snatching up their traditional PC market sector is a fairly distant threat in comparison.

  • sneerclub SneerClub Bostrom's advice for the ethical treatment of LLMs: remind them to be happy
  • Thrashy Thrashy 2 weeks ago 100%

    In his defense, telling AI to smile more in order to make sure it isn't unhappy is probably better than what I assume would have been his other suggestion, telling it that it's black to prevent it from gaining sentience.

    ( /s, of course, but holy shit how was that not a career-ender for him)

  • politics politics 'Don't listen to Trump': Florida conservatives turn on ex-president over new comments
  • Thrashy Thrashy 3 weeks ago 100%

    Do you think he capitalized "LAW & ORDER" like that because it's how it looks in the TV show title sequence?

  • science_memes Science Memes Elf on a Shelf
  • Thrashy Thrashy 3 weeks ago 100%

    Rotovap on a flytrap.

  • politics politics Harris cuts Trump’s lead in Sun Belt states: Fox News poll
  • Thrashy Thrashy 3 weeks ago 100%

    Doubt it. "RuPaul" and "Lachluster"are too clever to have emerged from the dishwater-soaked, infected sponge sitting on top of his spinal column where a real human would have a brain.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Pick your seat, Lemmy
  • Thrashy Thrashy 3 weeks ago 100%


    Lindsey Graham is a piece of shit, but he's an entertaining piece of shit. Not to mention, he's like the yappy little Chihuahua that barks bloody murder at whoever the bigger dog he's hiding behind doesn't like -- I'm pretty sure I could get him on side to shit-talk Thomas to his face for at least the last half of the flight.

  • news News Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports. Will they hold up in court?
  • Thrashy Thrashy 3 weeks ago 100%

    The rules of evidence place a lot (honestly an unreasonable amount) of weight on the value of eyewitness evidence, and contemporaneous reports made from the same. The question for the courts will be, does an AI summary of a video recording have the same value as a human-written report from memory?

    I agree that this is good use of AI, but would suggest that th courts should require an AI report to basically have the body cam recording stapled to it, ideally with timestamped references in the report. AI transcriptions are decent, but not perfect, and in cases where there could be confusion the way the courts treat these reports should allow for both parties to review and offer their own interpretations.

  • world World News Why Mpox Vaccines Aren’t Flowing to Africans in Desperate Need
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 100%

    Somewhere a philosophy undergrad just sat bolt upright and shouted, "A TROLLEY PROBLEM! I must go, the world needs me!"

  • news News Oklahoma revokes license of teacher who gave class QR code to Brooklyn library in book-ban protest
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 100%

    neighboring Nebraska

    Kansas: "Am I a joke to you?"

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Great Civics Again
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 100%

    Lies! The only way to participate in political discourse is to demand rigid adherence to every point of dogma promoted by my idealized conceptual political system of choice -- only by maximizing ideological purity can we achieve a world worth living in!

  • games Games Avowed Runs at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S, Obsidian Confirms
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 100%

    Quite sure -- and given that one game I've been playing lately (and the exception to the lack of shooters in my portfolio) is Selaco, so I ought to have noticed by now.

    There's a very slight difference in smoothness when I'm rapidly waving a mouse cursor waving around on one screen versus the other, but it's hardly the night-and-day difference that going from 30fsp to 60fps was back in Ye Olden Days, and watching a small, fast-moving, high-contrast object doesn't make up the bulk of gameplay in anything I play these days.

  • games Games Avowed Runs at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S, Obsidian Confirms
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 100%

    The old one and the new one are literally side by side on my desktop, don't know what to tell you...

  • games Games Avowed Runs at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S, Obsidian Confirms
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 88%

    At launch the 360 was on par graphically with contemporary high-end GPUs, you're right. By even the midpoint of its seven year lifespan, though, it was getting outclassed by midrange PC hardware. You've got to factor in the insanely long refresh cycles of consoles starting with the six and seventh generations of consoles when you talk about processing power. Sony and Microsoft have tried to fix this with mid-cycle refresh consoles, but I think this has honestly hurt more than helped since it breaks the basic promise of console gaming -- that you buy the hardware and you're promised a consistent experience with it for the whole lifecycle. Making multiple performance targets for developers to aim for complicates development and takes away from the consumer appeal

  • games Games Avowed Runs at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S, Obsidian Confirms
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 83%

    Eh... Consoles used to be horribly crippled compared to a dedicated gaming PC of similar era, but people were more lenient about it because TVs were low-res and the hardware was vastly cheaper. Do you remember Perfect Dark multiplayer on N64, for instance? I do, and it was a slideshow -- didn't stop the game from being lauded as the apex of console shooters at the time. I remember Xbox 360 flagship titles upscaling from sub-720p resolutions in order to maintain a consistent 30fps.

    The console model has always been cheap hardware masked by lenient output resolutions and a less discerning player base. Only in the era of 4K televisions and ubiquitous crossplay with PC has that become a problem.

  • games Games Avowed Runs at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S, Obsidian Confirms
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 87%

    Might just be my middle-aged eyes, but I recently went from a 75Hz monitor to a 160Hz one and I'll be damned if I can see the difference in motion. Granted that don't play much in the way of twitch-style shooters anymore, but for me the threshold of visual smoothness is closer to 60Hz than whatever bonkers 240Hz+ refresh rates that current OLEDs are pushing.

    I'll agree that 30fps is pretty marginal for any sort of action gameplay, though historically console players have been more forgiving of mediocre performance in service of more eye candy.

  • politics politics Kamala Harris caps convention with call to end Gaza war, fight tyranny
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 100%

    It was a pretty milquetoast acknowledgement of Israeli war crimes, without even mentioning them by name as the perpetrators. I would have hoped for at least something along the lines of:

    The children of Gaza deserve better than to be trapped between a terrorist regime and an Israeli military, that, by their actions, shows that they do not value Palestinian lives as worthy of protection.

    But I guess even that would have been too spicy for the pro-Israel lobby within the Democratic party. That said, I'll take any public acknowledgement and push for a ceasefire over the current status quo. Much as I wish it were possible, I don't think we're ever gonna get a major figure in any political party to come out and say, for example "Israel is an deeply unjust nation that must reckon with the status of Palestinians if it wishes to become a true, legitimate democratic state."

  • politicalmemes Political Memes It's said an election is like picking a neighborhood to live in for 4-8 years
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 95%

    If Kamala and Walz are my neighbors, we're gonna bully the shit out of Walz about spice levels at the next neighborhood cookout and have a grand old time.

    Conversely, I'd probably go bankrupt from bullshit lawsuits over the maintenance of my lawn if I was stuck between the other two.

  • sneerclub SneerClub The worst person you know: "We bought an island"
  • Thrashy Thrashy 4 weeks ago 100%

    I've looked into it, but in the sense of "tiny island in the middle of a freshwater lake where I can become the local cryptid living in a spooky shack." Does that still count?

  • politics politics Trump Begs For Money
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 100%

    Deepfake exploitable, if nothing else

  • dataisbeautiful Data is Beautiful Binge alcohol use in the past month among persons aged 18-25 years in the U.S. from 2002 to 2022, by gender
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 60%

    This seems an... overly-vitriolic response.

    Also you're wrong. :P

    Look at it this way: in the context of the data being shown here, the relevant reference points are 0% and (arguably) 100%, or at least a point somewhere equidistant from the top of the line as the ~30% low point of the line is to zero. Casually glancing at the chart, a viewer who doesn't take time to look at the scale and the labeled points would take away:

    A large majority of college-age men used to binge drink, and now almost none do!

    Instead of what the data is actually showing, which is

    Half of college-age men used to binge drink and now only three in ten do, while about a third of college-age women have consistently binged.

    I don't think the chart designers are being intentionally misleading, but cutting out half of the 0%-100% range means that the graphics are telling a different story than the labels are, and outside the context of a scientific paper not everybody is going to take the time to scrutinize the labels. Omitting the high and low ends of the range also exaggerates the difference between the two lines, since the graph coincidentally cuts off just below the relatively flat line for female binge drinking right after the line for male binge drinking crosses it on the right.

    Besides which, for the purposes of the story showing at least the range from 0%-60% wouldn't obscure the overall trend -- there's not a lot of noise in the data, and barring the odd spike in female binge-drinking between '14-'15 -- that critically, doesn't appear to be the subject the of article this comes from -- there aren't any smaller-scale trends or oddities in the data that demand scrutiny. Squashing the Y-axis a bit to tell a truer story about the absolute values of the data wouldn't obscure the message of the graph in any meaningful way.

  • news News Elon Musk’s rightward turn includes a fringe fascination: Civil war
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 87%

    I've found myself taking a paradoxically accelerationist stance about it, for this exact reason. At the moment, those on the right agitating for violence are a minority, and those that are actually prepared to act consist primarily of a few thousand militia LARPers and an even smaller number of actually-capable fighters. These groups are gradually accruing malcontents while the right wing's filter bubble casts their ideas as acceptable, but the sooner those chuds decide to go loud, the more lopsided and emphatic the beatdown will be -- provided that the armed forces are under the command of non-authoritarian President. Afterwards the public condemnation of insurrectionists will effectively choke off recruiting. Conflict feels almost inevitable at this point and giving the violent authoritarian fringe more time to plan and recruit only makes that conflict deadlier.

  • dataisbeautiful Data is Beautiful Binge alcohol use in the past month among persons aged 18-25 years in the U.S. from 2002 to 2022, by gender
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 86%

    It's only showing the range from 60% to 30%, which makes the 20% drop in male binge drinking rates look more like an ~80% drop to near-zero unless you pay close attention to the scale.

  • nytimes New York Times A Sharp Downturn in the Art Market
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 100%

    Key line right here, sneakily hidden below the fold:

    Collectors who view artworks as financial assets have flinched at the rising costs of doing business and the diminished ability to get favorable loans to buy paintings they hope will appreciate in value.

    Like everything else in the world, ghouls financialized the art market and have been buying art on fucking margin as though an object of creative expression can be treated like soybean futures. In truth the art market has been the subject of an absurd speculative bubble. The fallout of the bubble popping is going to be hilarious for the wealthy assholes who've been inflating it for years, but it is gonna suck for artists too, and I do feel badly for them.

  • news News JD Vance Cites ‘Gangs Of New York’ Movie While Claiming ‘Ethnic Enclaves’ Lead to Higher Crime Rates
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 100%

    Rather, I'd say there are many immigrant groups with culturally conservative values (think Hispanic Catholics, BJP-aligned Indian immigrants, conservative Muslims, etc.) as well as certain more religious and patriarchal Black communities, that have a lot in common with the Republicans on social issues, and might be willing to overlook their racism if they find the Democrats' stance on those issues unacceptable. Think also of expat communities that came to America on the heels of Communist revolutions in their home countries and have a reflexive hatred of even vaguely left-ish politics.

    In a sick way, we're lucky that the GOP's embrace of racial hatred pushes as many people away as it does, because if they'd let that go they'd have a much broader base amongst minorities.

  • politics politics Trump brands Kamala Harris’s lower grocery prices policy ‘communist’
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 100%

    Only by giving massive amounts of no-strings-attached government money to Smithfield and ConAgra while lightly scolding them about shrinkflation can we address high grocery costs!

  • world World News Chinese woman loses final appeal in her fight to freeze her eggs
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 75%

    Alas, I was so looking forward to hearing them parrot the talking points of acclaimed Leninist... (checks notes) ... JD Vance.

  • aiop AMUSING, INTERESTING, OUTRAGEOUS, or PROFOUND Vance says "suburban women" don't care about abortion because they care about "normal things"
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 100%

    They're sure leaning hard on (white-coded) suburbia, aren't they? Gotta make Josh and Keighleaigh afraid that the libs are coming for their 3000sf builder-grade single-family house on half an acre that's an hour's drive from any sort of center of employment or cultural attraction.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Climate activists are actually conservative, as their goal is to prevent a radical change to the climate that human civilization depends on.
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 100%

    Conservatism is about preserving a historical social order, rather than existing conditions generally. Acknowledging an environmental change and altering the structure of the economy to prevent it threatens the social order that allows oil companies, chemical companies, and auto manufacturers to be some of the wealthiest and politically powerful entities in the world.

    Further, in the short term, ignoring climate change preserves the status quo for the wealthy and powerful. In the long term, though, it only really becomes an existential threat to those who are not positioned to profit from it -- look at Nestle attempting to take control of water supplies for an early example of what this might look like. Cataclysm is a life-and-death issue for the masses. For the powerful, it's an opportunity.

  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 100%

    Semi-credibly, I'm watching to see if the offensive pivots east to cut off attackers north of Kharkiv, but it seems like they went over the border along ways away from that area if that was their goal.

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense KURSK IS ON FIRE 🔥
  • Thrashy Thrashy 1 month ago 100%

    New Ukrainian strat just dropped: attack everything with a vague phonetic similarity to Will Griggs:

    • Kerch Bridge
    • Kursk (is)
    • (Saint Peters)Burg (is)
    • Il'pryskoye? Sure, why not open a front in Kamchatka
  • noncredibledefense
    NonCredibleDefense Thrashy 3 months ago 96%
    Argentina wants to donate Super Etendards and Exocet missiles to Ukraine.

    EDIT: Realized they're both technically French missiles and that made it even funnier

    I wonder who the fans like better?

    For serious, though, I pointed out after Austin last year that cutting across the entire track at the first turn of the first lap is awful racecraft from Sainz, and got shouted down by Russell-haters.
