asklemmy Ask Lemmy How do I flush this?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah there should be a liner bag in there to make flushing and cleaning easier.

  • rugby Rugby Union The Rugby Championship - Round 1
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 month ago 100%

    LFG Pumas!!

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Can you "change" the environment in your "local" area?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 month ago 75%

    It really depends on how big your area is and what you mean by changing the climate. You can make your backyard way more pleasant by increasing the plant cover, which will drop temperatures in the summer and provide homes for bugs and animals if you do it right. Fifty acres might be enough for you to notice just a general cooler climate if you replaced mowed grass or farm with a dense forest. It would also help slow evaporation from the soil. But you're not gonna noticably change the amount of rain until you get into land areas comparable to a US state or maybe large city, unless you have very particular geography.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy what's your favorite thing to put ketchup on that isn't fries?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 month ago 40%

    Mustard. Mustard. Mustard.

    Ketchup and fries isn't even that good. Mustard and fries is where it's at.

  • rugby Rugby Union MLR Semi-finals Highlights
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 2 months ago 100%

    Oooo I would love Jackals v Hounds so the shield can come to Chicago ;P

  • rugby
    Rugby Union SportsRulesOpinions 2 months ago 100%
    MLR Semi-finals Highlights

    EASTERN New England vs DC NOLA vs Chicago WESTERN Houston vs Dallas Seattle vs San Diego

    rugby Rugby Union Mid-year Internationals: week 4
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 2 months ago 100%

    That end-to-end Georgia try was something special.

  • videos Videos GATECRASHER: An All-Women's Parkour Action Film
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 3 months ago 100%

    Feels kinda like an old skate video. It felt weird at first but I got into it by the end.

  • memes solarpunk memes no really how do we fix this?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 3 months ago 90%

    Use Ecosia.

  • world World News ICC to seek arrest warrants for Israeli, Hamas leaders
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 4 months ago 100%

    Thanks for proving fixed links to the both of you!

  • ukraine Ukraine FPV drone just wants love.
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 4 months ago 100%

    The foot soldiers generally don't want to be there. Russia has to use blocking troops to keep them on the front line. You retreat, you get shot by your own guys.

  • ukraine Ukraine FPV drone just wants love.
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 4 months ago 100%

    I know everyone has particular things they think are the worst part of war, but stating at a giant flying robot bomb and knowing you have no way to escape or even effectively surrender sounds like hell. Like, how do you tell the operator you want to be taken captive?

  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 5 months ago 82%

    Gonna have to change the voting and/or representation system if you want to change the voting strategy. I suggest Approval Voting. It's dead simple and very effective. Vote for everyone you like, and nobody you don't.

  • android Android What keyboard are you using and what is your WPM?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 7 months ago 100%

    Lol, I'm just plain amazed at how fast some people can type. I am touch typing, but I guess I just got slow fingers!

  • android Android What keyboard are you using and what is your WPM?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 7 months ago 100%

    That said, I got 34 wpm and 95% accuracy, which is in line with me using a qwerty or Dvorak physical keyboard. I ain't no Speedy Gonzalez.

  • android Android What keyboard are you using and what is your WPM?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 7 months ago 100%

    I just tried it with my swipe keyboard and the website didn't like it at all. It was double entering words randomly when I would otherwise type fine.

  • reddit Reddit Reddit will offer shares in its IPO at issue price to 75,000 of its most active users
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 7 months ago 100%

    I really can't see anything other than the stock price tanking immediately at the IPO. These people are getting in on the top floor.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do protests actually do anything?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 7 months ago 100%

    You need to use your protests as recruiting grounds for more direct pressure on your government. You should establish or join a lobbying organization and recruit volunteers. You will have these people write letters to the editor, solicit for donations, call and write to your representatives, and schedule in-person meetings with government officials.

    Standing on the street and yelling by itself is not enough, you need to become a part of the establishment to affect change, but you can grow your organization by finding people who have proven to be motivated. A protest is a great place for that sort of thing.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes You can't attack civilian transport, that's terrorism!
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 7 months ago 100%

    Well shit, I wager the vast majority of people didn't know most of that (including myself). I still think the situations aren't a 1:1 comparison, but the Houthi logic is at least more reasonable.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes You can't attack civilian transport, that's terrorism!
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 7 months ago 94%

    If the infrastructure is key to the war effort, fair game. But like, the nether the Houthis nor the British are directly involved in the Israeli invasion of Palestine. Whereas I'm pretty sure Ukraine–having been invaded by Russia on false pretenses–has limited their targets to inside Ukraine and Russia.

    Also, like, terrorism has a definition. The purpose behind Ukrainian attacks are direct military goals, while the Houthis are trying to generate pressure on the international community to drop support for Israel. The Houthis are using bottom-tier logic, but it is fundamentally different from what Ukraine is doing both in terms of actions and reasoning.

  • forgottenweapons Forgotten Weapons Best pistol caliber levergun? | InRangeTV
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 9 months ago 100%

    I would love to get a 73, but the budget says I should really get a 92. Why can't I have unlimited funds?

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions *Permanently Deleted*
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 12 months ago 98%

    The Israel and Palestine situation is way too complicated to be left to "I support Israel." Support in what way? Their existence? Their military campaigns? Their government? Their settlements? Everything they've ever done ever?

    Do you then oppose everything done by people from Palestine? Do you then oppose the existence of Palestine?

    In my opinion it's not okay to leave your opinion as that simple. If that's all you've got your opinion is bad because it's simplistic, not because it supports a particular side.

  • ireland Éire / Ireland People who 'snort a line' of cocaine are funding criminal gangs, says Harris
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 12 months ago 100%

    ......... so long as cocaine is a crime that will always be true.

  • hackernews Hacker News A journey into the shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma controversy
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 12 months ago 100%

    Doctors really don't like not knowing things, so when they have a well-accepted explanation they don't let go of it very easily.

  • thesimpsons The Simpsons Guess the Episode [Medium]
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 12 months ago 100%

    I haven't watched a lot of Simpsons, but the banner might read Happy Birthday Martin, so, uh, the episode where it's Martin's birthday? But the kids on stretchers reminds me of the one where everyone is having visions thanks to a gas leak?

  • headphones Headphones Purchase Advice
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%


    The Sony meet all your criteria. The Bose are expensive but you can get them on sale for $200 occasionally, and they have an optional AUX wire so you can still listen if the battery dies.

  • ohio Ohio Ohio Supreme Court allows ‘unborn child’ language to stay in abortion ballot measure
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 85%

    Oh fucking hell

  • archaeology Archaeology Half-million-year-old wooden structure unearthed in Zambia
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%

    If this pans out it'll be insane.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Defederated from Update: Refederated!
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%

    They somehow managed to force me to add my email. I don't remember how.

  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 80%

    What's up with that hallway though? Mega wide.

  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style The blood tests came back positive; You have _____.
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%


  • rugby Rugby Union Gatland not in favour of World Cup water breaks
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%

    There's plenty of opportunity to get water during the normal course of a game, there's no need for water breaks. The MLR introduced them in order to show commercials and for no other reason.

  • rugby Rugby Union Opening Sunday of the Rugby World Cup: Matches thread
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%

    Well shit.


    I blame God. God clearly interfered and caused that knock-on so that I, specifically wouldn't get the trifecta over my grandmother.

  • rugby Rugby Union Wallabies WOW against Georgia | Australia v Georgia | Rugby World Cup 2023 Match Highlights
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah I mean, that's a 14 point swing on one bad decision. It's pretty hard to make up for that if you need every point you can get.

  • rugby Rugby Union Opening Sunday of the Rugby World Cup: Matches thread
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%

    My grandmother and I are betting on today's games. I let her pick which teams are hers since it would be unfair if I picked. She's picked Chile, Scotland, and Wales. I like my chances for at least 2 out of 3, but I have my fingers crossed for a sweep. She correctly picked France for the opener and we didn't bet on yesterday's games.

  • rugby
    Rugby Union SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%
    Wallabies WOW against Georgia | Australia v Georgia | Rugby World Cup 2023 Match Highlights

    Gotta love that failure to pass by the Georgian breakaway, only to pass in contact to an Australian....

    rugby Rugby Union Community Rugby World Cup Prediction Bracket
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%

    I'm late, but I'm here! I have no idea who's who but that's okay.

  • android Android What's the actual advantage of eSIM over a physical SIM?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 45%

    If you consider not being able to switch phones at your own leisure an advantage, well.... eSIM has that going for it.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 83%

    Entirely ignoring who is at burning man or why, I honestly think there needs to be a line somewhere for sympathy. If you truck yourself out into the desert and things go tits up, well, shit happens. That's the risk you took.

    I say this as a person who used to ride motorcycles, rock climb, and go backpacking. If shit ever went down I wouldn't have expected any sympathy. I put myself in those risky situations, and there's just plain gotta be a line for personal responsibility.

    With all that being said, when such a massive group of people continuely take the same risk over and over, it's kinda funny when they finally get bit. It's the same reason COVID denires getting COVID is funny.

  • firefox Firefox Does anyone here not opt out of the telemetry data that Firefox collects by default?
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%

    Honestly, I have no idea what mine is set to, and the average user won't either. Just messing with the settings is borderline power user stuff these days, when you factor in the general public. I did something with my settings the day I installed and I haven't looked back.

    That being said, a lemmy sub for Firefox ain't exactly a representative sample of the general population.

  • hkns HackerNews (RSS) Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Gloria Steinem Fought for Your Right to Get a Beer
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 66%

    There's still gender discrimination in bars, what with lady's nights offering discounts to women but not men, but everyone would hate the person who tried to push that lawsuit through the courts. I know at least one person already has tried, and their case got thrown out.

    Edit: I should say, obviously that's not on the scale that it used to be, and it's in the opposite direction, but you know, unnecessary gender discrimination is bad.

  • memes Memes A good day in court
  • SportsRulesOpinions SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 100%

    What's the context here?

  • politics
    politics SportsRulesOpinions 1 year ago 66%
    LAST DAY TO DONATE: Help Missouri Switch to Approval Voting (AKA Freedom Voting))

    I got this post from over on Beehaw and thought the people over here might be interested given that Beehaw is de-federated from Lemmy World. I've edited it slightly from the original post. I've stuck with first person. I'm collecting donations to fund a referendum campaign to switch Missouri to Freedom Voting (AKA Approval Voting). This is being organized by [Missouri Agrees]( and the donations are being facilitated by the Action Network and Show Me Integrity. [Link to donate here.]( We're aiming for $1.2 million BY THE END OF TODAY, Saturday July 1st, and this is an all-or-nothing affair. If we meet our funding goal, the signature campaign for the referendum goes ahead. If we don't, everyone gets their money back. Donations through any of the campaigns in the link provided above get tripled, up to that campaign's limit. If you're unfamiliar with freedom voting, here it is: 1) Vote for everyone you like. 2) Most votes wins. 3) That's it. It's called Freedom Voting because it gives you the freedom to vote for everyone you like, instead of having to choose only one. You can no longer waste your vote on a minor candidate, because voting for them doesn't stop you from voting for anyone else. It's also called Approval Voting because the fundamental question is "do you approve of this candidate or not?" It fixes loads of problems with our current system. No more [spoilers](, fewer [invalid ballots](, [happier voters](, representative results both [in theory]( and [real life](, and it's always [safe to vote for your favorite](, no matter what. Simply put, [people love it]( I'm here to answer questions, let's make this referendum happen!!
