technology Technology How to tell my actual internet speed usage?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 9 hours ago 100%

    This is what got me. There are 5 of us in our household and all of us have devices. 500/500 is what I went with even though I could have 1Gb/1Gb. Most of the time 500/500 is faster than the servers we’re on. I don’t do a ton of download images or anything and we’ve never had an issue streaming 4K/gaming all at once so on it we sit. I just don’t see the point of moving to 1Gb. I’ll probably have to be forced onto it in the future. My service has 2.5Gb in places and is looking to go 10Gb at some point. That’s just completely unnecessary currently and would be a waste of money for most.

  • evs Electric Vehicles Your electric car will fall apart before its battery pack does, study finds
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 9 hours ago 100%

    EV only vehicle manufacturers are not doing a great job on the servicing side of the business with months wait times. Robison is up to 6 mo right now. That’s unacceptable when your AC fails. This is where the large manufacturers have the upper hand, if they can ever get it together and make 1) vehicles that aren’t a 2nd mortgage and 2) cheaper to repair.

    A rear quarter panel on a Rivian R1S is $20K+ as the entire side of the vehicle has to come off to get to it. Rivian only sells the quarter panel with the entire side. You can’t just get the rear quarter panel. Absolutely insane engineering.

  • evs Electric Vehicles Ford's CEO and CFO took a drive in a Chinese EV. What they said next reveals a lot about the state of the US auto industry.
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 days ago 100%

    From the recent reviews I’ve seen in Australia (BYD has a large presence there) everyone comes away extremely impressed.

  • evs Electric Vehicles Ford's CEO and CFO took a drive in a Chinese EV. What they said next reveals a lot about the state of the US auto industry.
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 days ago 87%

    It’s funny how everyone forgets that all of our favorite high quality and hard to manufacture electronics are made by Chinese companies as well. The Chinese have perfected manufacturing from the lowest end garbage all the way to cutting edge. It’s impressive honestly.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Girls taking shits is hella weird
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 days ago 100%

    Great book.

  • historyillustrations Illustrations of history Contemporary map of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, with a 20th century mural depicting Tenochtitlan below
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 3 days ago 100%

    Fascinating and something I had no idea about. If you’re wondering why Mexico City no longer has a massive lake in the valley here is the explanation of Lake Texcoco disappearing to create much of Mexico City today. More on Tenochtitlan here.

  • technology Technology [rant] I want computers to become personal again
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 3 days ago 50%

    Agreed, we’re living in the a computer/phone is an appliance age. This is also why there is a movement that doesn’t like electric vehicles. They’re just too accessible and they don’t like that. Same mentality here. The only main difference is of course there is librehardware out there AND software. Just about the entirety of Linux ecosystem is this. If one wants to tinker and make them personal all one has to do is build a home lab. Plenty of maintenance on one of those and it’s probably not affecting one’s day to day life.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What business plan seemed so dumb to you but actually worked out?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 3 days ago 100%

    Appreciate the heads up. Will watch.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 3 days ago 100%

    Hey now, Apple Maps is more accurate, provides better directions where I am, has more up to date satellites imagery, and has been this way for years. I only use Google Maps to search because Yelp is god awful. I live in a rapidly expanding area and all of that matters.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What business plan seemed so dumb to you but actually worked out?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 3 days ago 100%

    Roblox. If you were there in the beginning then you know how empty it was. Now, that’s mostly what my son plays to what just make the most money/things? I don’t get it myself (I’m old, lol).

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What business plan seemed so dumb to you but actually worked out?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 3 days ago 100%

    Makes sense to me. Open office designs SUCK. I share an office with 2 other people and I’m much, much more productive in my home office with 3 kids in the house because I can shut my door, be alone with my thoughts, and be productive.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What business plan seemed so dumb to you but actually worked out?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 3 days ago 100%

    Balance bikes were the OG bicycle so they have it backwards.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Alternatives to congress
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 3 days ago 100%

    In their own words they are working a blue collar job because they learn by doing. It would also help if the common trade tech schools weren’t crap at teaching (at least where I am). Most learn more as an apprentice in 1 month than they did in school and they’re getting paid for it instead.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy People who stuck around on Twitter; what's it like being force fed conservative social media?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 3 days ago 94%

    I recently had to login in to update to a new 2FA app and oh my was it a wasteland. No one I had followed was still on it. And I mean that after scrolling for 5 minutes. It was just terrible.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Alternatives to congress
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 3 days ago 83%

    I’m a branch manager in the trades and I see this daily. We’ve had to let go plenty because they wouldn’t take personal accountability for their actions and instead it was always someone else’s/thing’s fault. Maybe it’s just the current field I’m in. Who knows.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Alternatives to congress
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 4 days ago 63%

    Have you worked with people recently? A decent amount can’t learn anything and don’t take personal accountability. I guess that does sound like Congress.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the oldest (optional) element of your daily routine?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 4 days ago 100%

    It’s more for immediate family in the house. My wife loves to cook so she usually does, unless she’s going to be busy and then I’ll chip in. Sometimes we have the kids make dinner and we meal plan so they get to decide what to make.

    Conversation is a lot more organic than you’re thinking. We talk about our day or what we’ve recently learned. Could go into taboo subjects like religion and politics. The kids get some great critical thinking exercises. If someone has something going on then we try to eat around that (ex. like a sports function to be at). Most other people eat around the same time (5p-6p) so it’s fairly easy to ensure we eat together most nights.

    I guess the biggest take away is that we set this expectation since before we had kids, my wife and I tried to eat dinner together whenever possible, and the kids have grown up with that routine so they’re used to it.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the oldest (optional) element of your daily routine?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 5 days ago 100%

    Eating dinner with family daily. I was talking with some coworkers and apparently this isn’t something most people do anymore? I really enjoy this time with them and we’ve always had great conversations while I was growing up and now with my own family.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the oldest (optional) element of your daily routine?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 5 days ago 100%

    This is nice.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts When was the last time I changed the oil in my mower?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 5 days ago 75%

    lol, that got me.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 5 days ago 100%

    That’s a wrap folks. These 2 are the most likely answers.

  • news News Tyreek Hill learned he isn’t allowed to do what white people do
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 5 days ago 100%

    It also wouldn’t have made the news. We wouldn’t be talking about a white cop violating a white persons rights either.

  • technology Technology Neofetch is over, but many screenshot system info tools stand ready
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 6 days ago 100%

    Holy alts!

  • world World News Zimbabwe orders cull of 200 elephants amid food shortages from drought
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 6 days ago 94%

    I think I draw the line at killing anything that forms strong life long family bonds, this includes Elephants. We need to find another way to keep their numbers down.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 1 week ago 100%

    My older neighbor is like that. He was pouting off some BS he heard on Fox News and I called him on it, that it was lies. When I asked him what he didn’t like about Harris he couldn’t give me an answer. He’s not even going outside his sphere to see if what Fox is saying isn’t true. It’s pathetic and shameful.

  • news News A worker won $600,000 after Twitter said his goodbye messages showed he had resigned. The case holds valuable lessons for staff and employers.
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 1 week ago 100%

    True that. I have to tell employees regularly to not send any chat or email they don’t want read in court. That usually gets the point across.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 1 week ago 100%

    This is exactly why my RN wife won’t become a nurse practitioner or similar. She’s absolutely capable, just doesn’t want to deal with the malpractice insurance.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 1 week ago 100%

    Correct, your plumber has to do the same thing too to maintain their license.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What would be your advice for finding work or changing jobs today?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 100%

    As a hiring manager I look for a few things:

    1. Are you reliable?
    2. Can we teach you?
    3. Do you take personal responsibility when things go wrong?
    4. Are you a good fit for the team?
    5. Will you be able to connect with our customers?
    6. Are you going to bring drama?

    Skills are waaaaay down on the list. I can take avg technical proficiency and make you a lot more successful than someone with a lot of proficiency but lacks other emotional skills.

  • emulation Emulation Why is RetroArch such absolute garbage?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 94%

    Retroarch is like the power users emulation front end. Regarding button mapping. Once you realize that there is Retroarch UI button mapping and separate mapping for the core you’re using it gets much easier to figure out. But, yeah, it’s not an easy to use front end for the newbie.

  • news News Teacher who lived in a car puts spotlight on teachers' low pay
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 66%

    Just wanted to chime in and say that you aren’t wrong despite comments to the contrary. People haven’t been taught budgeting, let alone sticking to one.

    I work with professionals that make 6 figures and even some of them can’t afford the place they’re renting, when I make less and own my own home. I finally got one to start a budget and it’s already started changing the way he thinks about planning for vacations and such. I’ve been thanked already about being positive about it and not making him feel like he’s stupid.

    The public school system flat out failed to teach this in this country. I’ve been saying this since I was in high school, where the only place a budget was taught was in the remedial math class of all places.

    I’m not surprised many people are pissed that they “can’t afford to live” in this day and age. Prices are higher than ever (welcome to accelerated inflation) and now it’s harder to start one. However, it is 100% possible for most people. Not all, but most.

    I’m not burning money going out to eat daily for lunch or even buying freaking coffee. People don’t realize how much they spend on little things every day/month/year. That’s how I got my peer to budget. Break things down to the ridiculous like daily coffee and extract it to the year level. That’s a SHIT LOAD of money we’re literally pissing down the toilet. Figure out how to make great coffee at home, and even with expensive beans, it’s cheaper by a mile.

    Now, that’s just 1 example. If you can’t live without your double frappe latte or whatever then look at reducing cost in other things you don’t need or can do cheaper yourself.

  • news News Boeing reaches early deal with 25% higher pay in hope to avert strike
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 66%

    That’s the current rate and does factor that. It used to be 2.5%.

  • news News Boeing reaches early deal with 25% higher pay in hope to avert strike
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 80%

    National rate is 3%. Almost double isn’t low.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Twitter getting worse, weird political shit. What's the best Mastodon server and Android app?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 100% is a small but quick server. Don’t use Android so I can’t speak to that.

    And I will say that I’ve got much better engagement on Mastodon than I ever did Twitter. The people overall are kinder and more thoughtful. It’s more likely that the disrupters just aren’t there yet. Almost everyone I had followed on Twitter is on Mastodon though. May not be the same for everyone.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy My wife has an iPhone. I have a Samsung S23. Why do videos she texts me look like super low res shit?? Can iPhones not text videos?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 94%

    That’s hilariously out of touch with reality and also not the issue he’s talking about.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do I stop a 'planned future' from blindly determining my life's path?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 100%

    I can relate to this. I’m in my 40s now with quite a bit of hindsight.

    When I was in my 20s I went to school in a creative field but with a science degree. I ended up getting through the program and earning my BS. However, I ultimately found that the field I was going into treated people poorly so I decided not to go forward with a career in it. Instead, I kept working in retail, where I had to get through school, and eventually worked my way up into management.

    I now run a branch in a completely different field and am doing very well, have learned a ton, and have helped many people. It’s fulfilling and been good to me and my family. When I was deciding where life would take me, this wasn’t planned, but it’s probably 100x better than where I would be if I had chosen to go forward with my original plan.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Ok so coffee is made from coffee beans. And beans are *also* made from beans. Why is nobody making, like, black bean coffee?
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 100%

    Thank you for adding this. Lots of fascinating info. TIL!

  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 100%

    Same experience. Seems fine now.

  • patientgamers Patient Gamers [Recommendation] Renowned Explorers: International Society
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 100%

    Looks really fun. I added it to my wishlist. Thanks for the rec!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy How do I buy a new television
  • QuarterSwede QuarterSwede 2 weeks ago 100%

    Oh interesting.

  • retrogaming
    RetroGaming QuarterSwede 2 months ago 94%
    AYANEO's Pocket EVO Is The World's First Android Handheld With A 7-inch 120Hz OLED Screen

    AYANEO is making another Android-based gaming handheld – but this one has a trick up its sleeve. The Pocket EVO is the world's first Android handheld with a 7-inch 120Hz OLED screen, according to the manufacturer. That high refresh rate should mean smoother gameplay, assuming there are enough titles to support it. Based on the design of the AYANEO 2S, the Pocket EVO boasts a Qualcomm Snapdragon G3x Gen 2 chipset, which will ensure it has plenty of grunt for AAA mobile gaming and emulation.

    SBC Gaming QuarterSwede 2 months ago 100%
    AYANEO's Pocket EVO Is The World's First Android Handheld With A 7-inch 120Hz OLED Screen

    AYANEO is making another Android-based gaming handheld – but this one has a trick up its sleeve. The Pocket EVO is the world's first Android handheld with a 7-inch 120Hz OLED screen, according to the manufacturer. That high refresh rate should mean smoother gameplay, assuming there are enough titles to support it. Based on the design of the AYANEO 2S, the Pocket EVO boasts a Qualcomm Snapdragon G3x Gen 2 chipset, which will ensure it has plenty of grunt for AAA mobile gaming and emulation.

    Ask Lemmy QuarterSwede 6 months ago 93%
    Anyone miss Skymall, Sharper Image, etc ?

    I miss getting on a plane and reading Skymall to see what batshit crazy stuff they had to sell. Anyone else?

    3DPrinting QuarterSwede 6 months ago 97%
    [ISSUE] Layer is closer at one end than other

    My prints come out very well but I’m noticing on larger prints that one corner of my bed prints tighter than the opposite. What’s causing this? Printing on an Ender 3 Pro with upgraded metal extruder, beefier bed springs and metal levelers, and upgraded hot end. Not direct drive yet and no auto bed leveling.

    Ask Lemmy QuarterSwede 7 months ago 77%
    Unaffiliated Voter in CO - Who to vote for in Primaries?

    In Colorado this year (2024), unaffiliated voters were mailed out their ballots for both the Democratic and Republican Presidential Primaries and get the chance to vote in one or the other (NOT both). I’m fairly centrist. I lean left on progressive ideals and right on economic (yeah, it’s fun /s). The question is, who’s should I put my vote in for? Is it better to vote for Biden or another candidate in the Democratic, or another candidate that isn’t Trump in the Republican. Again, we can only vote in one of the primaries or our vote won’t count if we vote in both. It’s one or the other. What is best?

    Jump button blocks last comment

    Problem: when placed on the bottom, the jump button blocks the last comment in a thread. Solution: Need to be able to scroll past the top of the jump button on the last comment

    Bug: Editing a comment doesn’t stick

    When editing a comment and posting the edit, if you then want to re-edit the comment you get the original comment, not the edited version. This only happens when using the 3 dot menu on the right of the comment. If you tap and hold and use that edit, it shows the most recent. Supremely annoying.

    When changing swipe options in Gestures colors don’t change

    When changing what gestures do in Settings > Gestures the color doesn’t change with the gesture you choose. Ex. Reply to Long swipe and bookmark to short swipe. The gestures change but reply now has a green background and bookmark is blue.

    [Feature Request] Adjust Text Size

    It looks like this is probably in the works since the Use System Text Size option doesn’t do anything currently but just in case it isn’t I’d like the option to increase text size from the system default.

    RetroGaming QuarterSwede 1 year ago 97%
    PC Gems From My Youth

    Was visiting my parents for their 50th anniversary and stumbled upon this gem from my youth. More below. ![]( ![]( ![](

    tl;dr bot discussion QuarterSwede 1 year ago 50%
    Post and Pre Text Not Relevant

    Bot has unnecessary pretext and post text.
