fuckcars Fuck Cars [discussion] Bus commuters of Lemmy, do you use bars or handles?
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 12 months ago 100%

    Sounds fun! Probably frustrating if that's your everyday commute, but my friends and I enjoy telling each other stories of our transit related disadventures (car drivers being idiots and bus drivers acting accordingly, the metro automated system being stupid, stuff of this kind), so we'd probably like that.

    You hate it while it's happening, but it makes for some pretty silly memories. And most importantly it helps break the monotony of your commute.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars [discussion] Bus commuters of Lemmy, do you use bars or handles?
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 12 months ago 100%

    Yeah when I do it it's usually on trams or buses, although I find it even harder (and therefore more challenging) on metro trains. Those things accelerate FAST lol.

    Way too easy on regular trains so not really that fun.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars [discussion] Bus commuters of Lemmy, do you use bars or handles?
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 12 months ago 100%

    Bars if I have to, but I feel like I look cooler if I don't hold onto anything, so I often try doing that and just balancing.

    (I know I don't, you don't have to remind me that)

  • europe Europe 🇲🇹 Happy Independence Day, Malta❗
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 12 months ago 100%

    Not like they have much surface to put solar panels over lol

  • worldnews World News Giorgia Meloni: I won’t allow Italy to become Europe’s refugee camp
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 66%

    your fascist fucking grandpa is literally Mussolini

    That's not Meloni, I think you might be confusing her with Alessandra Mussolini. Even then, I don't think it's fair to hold people accountable for the actions of their ancestors, even when said ancestors are dictators such as "literally Mussolini".

    and it's one of his old colonies

    If anything what made the country so destabilized, ultimately leading to Gaddafi's rise, was the "liberation" (read as neocolonialism) brought by the British. A similar fate happened to all the other former Italian colonies such as Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea.

    I'm all for the right of self determination of people and decolonization was a traumatic process for many African countries (think of French Algeria for one), but it's probably not a coincidence that all of those territories are now failed or war torn states. A smoother and more democratic process after WW2 might probably have helped the regions, but it's not fair to blame Italy for it's lack.

  • chat Chat Instance blocking should replace defederation
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Ahaha thanks but I can't take any merit for the Fediseer, that's @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com's baby. It also has a nice GUI that - despite not being the "best motherfucking website" - is pretty cool to look at.

  • chat Chat Instance blocking should replace defederation
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Totally agreed on that, it's actually a feature I'm working on adding to the UI fork I'm going to use for my instance.

    It uses the admin-defined Fediseers preferences of an instance and hides content from users according to them.

  • programming Programming *Permanently Deleted*
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Interesting idea. I'm currently working on a Lemmy-ui fork for my instance and including a feature of this kind in the frontend would be kinda nice.

    I'll bookmark this and come back if I ever get to it.

  • chat Chat Instance blocking should replace defederation
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Flip side: imagine being a new Lemmy user, maybe coming from the algorithmically curated experience of Reddit, and having to learn what instance blocking is, how to do it and who to block. It would be quite overwhelming.

    I'm all for user freedom but some users don't want freedom. They want something that works without having to spend 15 minutes configuring it.

  • meanwhileongrad MeanwhileOnGrad Lemmy Developer and Lemmygrad Admins get angry over being blocked. See comments for compilation.
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 85%

    Looks like they REALLY don't have half a clue of how the Fediseer works LMAO.

    An instance removing their endorsement simply means that the admin PERSONALLY doesn't appreciate your content. The opposite is also true: censures and hesitations mean that the admin either doesn't like you or thinks you are dangerous. That's it, end of story. Some people have their defed lists syncronized with Fediseer but a censure doesn't automatically mean defederation.

    And most importantly, from experience I can say no one ever looks at that "censure list" they mentioned. Rather, you look for an instance and weight the pros and cons by looking at the reasons behind their endorsements and censures.

    BTW the name of the censuring instances are very much public and available:



  • meanwhileongrad MeanwhileOnGrad Tankies on the Russo-Ukrainian War. "In a war of attrition, imperialists can keep drip feeding weapons to Ukraine and didn’t account that Russia would win the war of attrition"
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Surely by "drone striking the instance" they mean the server rather than the people on it. No harm in that...

  • history History In replacement of a deleted URL
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Friendly admin to the rescue, I can still see user and mod deleted content. Usually it's a curse, but I'm glad it can help for once.

    Is your link any one of these?

  • general General Discussion One of the absolute best features of lemmy is that everyone is simply allowed to post.
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    I'm sure you'll love this AutoMod bot for Lemmy I have built, then!

    Seriously though, I tried to stay as true to my morals as possible writing this and that includes not judging people for the communities they choose to interact with. So there's no shadow bans nor any "you've been banned from X for having written in Y once" crap. Just removal of no no words (set by mods) and some other extra features.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Are metric measurements like decameters and hectometers ever used?
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    In Italy we use hectograms ("ettogrammi", "etti" for short) in day to day life when buying groceries. You don't ask for 200 grams of ham, you just ask for 2 etti.

  • caffeitalia Caffè Italia Perché le persone non si sono allontanate in massa da Reddit?
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%


    Gli utenti sono pigri e le abitudini difficili da spezzare, ma le proteste fallite dimostrano ai Musk e Spez di turno che possono continuare a fare tutte le modifiche che credono, continuando a peggiorare l'esperienza. Se davvero Reddit non ha perso grandi quantità di utenti, Spez continuerà a fare modifiche del cazzo e privare gli utenti di libertà, finché la gente non comincerà ad aprire gli occhi.

    Io credo andrà così. Mi basta che Lemmy sia pronto ad accoglierli quando i più capiranno.

  • caffeitalia Caffè Italia Perché le persone non si sono allontanate in massa da Reddit?
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Beh quello dipende dall'istanza. Ad esempio, lemmy.world ha attivato 40 000 frontend diversi e li sì, bisogna scegliere, ma altre istanze (mi viene in mente https://dubvee.org/, anche se è piccolina) hanno impostato una UI alternativa come default e l'esperienza risultante è abbastanza simile a new Reddit.

    Secondo me l'utenza non è migrata in massa perché Reddit non è (ancora) diventato invivibile e Lemmy non era ancora pronto a raccogliere gli utenti smarriti. Ma trovo verosimile che si possano verificare altre ondate e quando ciò accadrà spero che Lemmy sia pronto.

  • europe Europe Enlargement seen as EU's best reply to Russian aggression
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Maybe I do. But I've already seen polls that appeared to be favouring (albeit marginally) the UK rejoining the EU. And this is only after a handful of years.

    Please don't take it as an offense, that's not how I mean it, but I think Brexit showed that the UK needed the EU more than the EU needed the UK, so I expect those numbers to grow even further as the people realize it.

  • europe Europe Enlargement seen as EU's best reply to Russian aggression
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    True for Serbia and Belarus, but Russia is so big - both in terms of surface as well as population - that it wouldn't really work with the way the union is currently structured. I'm not even sure if it's possible to restructure the union in a way that allows Russia joining without them becoming an hegemonic power within the union itself.

  • europe Europe Enlargement seen as EU's best reply to Russian aggression
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Short answer: the Norwegians don't want to. Why? I think it has to do with both their very high GDP per capita (which IIRC would make them pay large membership fees) and more importantly, the fact that they'd have to follow the EU's common fisheries policy.

    With the current arrangement they have to follow most of the EU's laws but not the fishing ones.

  • europe Europe Enlargement seen as EU's best reply to Russian aggression
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Soon we’ll be running out of European countries

    Morocco be like: 👀


    In 1987, Morocco applied to join the European Communities (the precursor to the European Union). The application was rejected on the grounds that Morocco was not considered to be a "European country" and hence could not join.

  • europe Europe Enlargement seen as EU's best reply to Russian aggression
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%
    • Ukraine: would be nice but it'd break the current farming subsidies program
    • United Kingdom: just a matter of time
    • Norway (and might I add Iceland and Switzerland): I'd love nothing more than this but we both know they won't for different political reasons. Never gonna happen under the current treaties.
    • Serbia, Belarus, Russia: fuck no
    • everyone else: as soon as they respect the Copenhagen criteria, sure
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Are you good, mate? Is it just my instance or this comment got posted four times within the span of 30 seconds?

  • gaming Gaming ‘Starfield’ Announces Nvidia DLSS Support, Food-Eating Button, Future City Maps
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Oof. Yeah maybe. I did play Skyrim on release, on a bloody PS3 no less. Pure pain.

    Hopefully it doesn't take them that long.

  • gaming Gaming ‘Starfield’ Announces Nvidia DLSS Support, Food-Eating Button, Future City Maps
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    It might be, although I've read of some freezes happening even on the fastest SSD in the world so... idk, I think they might have fucked up somewhere. I also suspect there might be some memory leaks, although this comes solely from my experience, I have no data to show.

    Tom's Hardware article on the freezes

  • gaming Gaming ‘Starfield’ Announces Nvidia DLSS Support, Food-Eating Button, Future City Maps
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, all very cool, but when are they going to fix the actual issues? Like, I don't know, the constant freezes?

    I'm loving this game so far, I'm playing it every night, but it feels like a constant test of my patience.

  • fediverse Fediverse ActivityPub 1.0.0 released for WordPress
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Oh thanks for that. Looking at the plugin's wordpress page I ended up on a wordpress SVN page and thought I had to browse that. My allergy is already much better, I might have a look after all.

  • fediverse Fediverse Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    You are right. I don't mind the upvotes being public, I do mind the deletion thing (although it's an inherent flaw of federation, hard to get around it) but both are points against it having good privacy.

    I guess what I meant is that the platform makes no attempt at linking your online persona to anything else. It doesn't even collect IP adresses and has very poor logging - btw this is actually a liability with the ongoing CSAM issue.

  • fediverse Fediverse ActivityPub 1.0.0 released for WordPress
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Looking at the Mastodon and Lemmy documentations, yes it should work.

    • Lemmy accepts posts with the: Page, Article, Note, Video and Event activities.
    • Mastodon accepts toots with the Page, Article, Note, Video, Event, Image, Audio and Question activities.

    As you can see there's a large overlap between the two, so I say it's likely that it will work. I could bring this even further by having a look at the plugin's code but unfortunately I'm alergic to both PHP and SVN and wordpress uses both.

  • fediverse Fediverse Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Sounds more like a simple filter to your feed. I'm not familiar with the backend side of Lemmy but I would guess it shouldn't be too hard to implement.

    Just save an array of instance domains a user doesn't want to see in their preferences and filter them out of the post list that gets served to them.

  • fediverse Fediverse Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 80%

    That got me very confused as I never had that happening on my Reddit feed. I had to go back to Reddit to notice that I actually had that setting disabled.

    Anyway, I don't think something like that would really work on Lemmy. Reddit has his algorithm that devours your privacy, chews on your data and spits out results that may or may not interests you. Lemmy is much more simple than that. IIRC it's "algorithm" is little more than a logarithmic curve and the (very based) devs are committed to user privacy, so your data will never get analyzed, not even to sugar coat your feed. For me it's a feature, though I get that not everyone might feel that way.

  • technology Technology The War Thunder forum has once again been used to share restricted plane documentation - this time about the F-117 Nighthawk
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 93%

    No, usually I remember that Georgia is a state in the USA because of comments like this

  • fediverse Fediverse Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    I built a tool for that


  • fediverse Fediverse Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%


    Built by yours truly

  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Silly monke cannot comprehend that we've moved past the need for swinging

  • fediverse Fediverse Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    I only know about because somebody happens to tell me

    I agree on that point, I have built a site to check for that https://defed.xyz but you still have to query each instance manually. It's just the way Lemmy works, some research is required when creating your account. I could write you a whole spielt on what criteria you should look at but the short answer is that if you want something big that "just works" lemm.ee might be the place for you.

  • fediverse Fediverse Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    lemmy.world has been defederated and has defederated some pretty large instances. On the othe hand lemm.ee is probably the instance with one of the most open fed lists

  • fediverse Fediverse Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 96%

    If you have a decent list from Reddit you can use https://sub.rehab to map Reddit to Lemmy / Kbin

    If you just want to look for communities you can use https://browse.feddit.de

    Takes some time to get everything set up but I honestly prefer having only stuff that interests me in my feed + no porn randomly popping up

  • fediverse Fediverse Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 92%

    I don't really get all the "'all' is bad" discussion. Isn't that what the "subscribed" feed is for? Just sub to the communities that interest you and browse from there. Just like it was back on Reddit.

  • autism Autism [Helpful Resource] A Field Guide to Earthlings: An Autistic/Asperger View of Neurotypical Behavior
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Well now looking at it from my desktop it's no longer a 404. It's an SSL certificate first and a broken XML right after. Whatever that book is, the tech gods don't want me to view it.

  • fediverse Fediverse Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Nerd02 Nerd02 1 year ago 100%

    Actually I have built an AutoMod myself, just a few days ago.

    The configuration is a bit clunky, unfortunately, mostly because of lack of UI support. I plan on making some changes to my instance's UI to make this a bit more feasible, and of course those will be open sourced just like the bot, but it will take me time.

  • lemmy
    Lemmy Nerd02 1 year ago 96%
    Introducing yet another AutoMod for Lemmy github.com

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.basedcount.com/post/225787 > I have built an AutoMod bot for my instance, [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com). The bot covers the following features: > > - **Automated removal** > - of **posts**, based on their _title_, _content_ or _link_ > - of **comments**, based on their _content_ > - configurable with either regular expressions or substrings > - **User whitelisting** and **exceptions for moderators** to selectively lift some or all of the aforementioned rules for certain users. > - Mention based **pinning** and **locking** of a post, through commands exclusively available to the mod team > - Discord notifications for new **registration applications** through a webhook. [only for admins] > > Naturally, the bot is completely [open source](https://github.com/ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator). I have also written a rather comprehensive (albeit long-winded) [documentation](https://github.com/ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator/wiki) and some [examples](https://github.com/ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator-examples). > > This project is mainly targeted towards admins of small instances, however anyone can spin up their own AutoMod instance for their favourite community (provided they are a moderator there). > The automoderator is also available as a Docker image, for ease of installation. > > Feel free to suggest any additional features that you might want to see added to this bot.

    Fediverse Nerd02 1 year ago 97%
    Introducing yet another AutoMod for Lemmy github.com

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.basedcount.com/post/225787 > I have built an AutoMod bot for my instance, [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com). The bot covers the following features: > > - **Automated removal** > - of **posts**, based on their _title_, _content_ or _link_ > - of **comments**, based on their _content_ > - configurable with either regular expressions or substrings > - **User whitelisting** and **exceptions for moderators** to selectively lift some or all of the aforementioned rules for certain users. > - Mention based **pinning** and **locking** of a post, through commands exclusively available to the mod team > - Discord notifications for new **registration applications** through a webhook. [only for admins] > > Naturally, the bot is completely [open source](https://github.com/ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator). I have also written a rather comprehensive (albeit long-winded) [documentation](https://github.com/ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator/wiki) and some [examples](https://github.com/ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator-examples). > > This project is mainly targeted towards admins of small instances, however anyone can spin up their own AutoMod instance for their favourite community (provided they are a moderator there). > The automoderator is also available as a Docker image, for ease of installation. > > Feel free to suggest any additional features that you might want to see added to this bot.

    Fediverse Nerd02 1 year ago 98%
    Introducing yet another AutoMod for Lemmy github.com

    I have built an AutoMod bot for my instance, [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com). The bot covers the following features: - **Automated removal** - of **posts**, based on their _title_, _content_ or _link_ - of **comments**, based on their _content_ - configurable with either regular expressions or substrings - **User whitelisting** and **exceptions for moderators** to selectively lift some or all of the aforementioned rules for certain users. - Mention based **pinning** and **locking** of a post, through commands exclusively available to the mod team - Discord notifications for new **registration applications** through a webhook. [only for admins] Naturally, the bot is completely [open source](https://github.com/ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator). I have also written a rather comprehensive (albeit long-winded) [documentation](https://github.com/ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator/wiki) and some [examples](https://github.com/ornato-t/lemmy-automoderator-examples). This project is mainly targeted towards admins of small instances, however anyone can spin up their own AutoMod instance for their favourite community (provided they are a moderator there). The automoderator is also available as a Docker image, for ease of installation. Feel free to suggest any additional features that you might want to see added to this bot.

    Fediverse Nerd02 1 year ago 97%
    [Back online] Has anyone defederated your instance? Introducing Defederation Investigator defed.xyz

    EDIT 3: All good now, the DNS has done its thing and [defed.xyz](https://defed.xyz) is fully operational! Once again, thank you all for having checked out my tool, it means a lot to me. ::: spoiler Deploy problems, read more EDIT 2: I've managed to fix it as well as add some optimization measures. Now it shouldn't ramp up bandwith nearly as fast. The DNS records are still propagating for https://defed.xyz so that might not work, in the meantime you can use the free Netlify domain of https://sunny-quokka-c7bc18.netlify.app EDIT 1: You guys played too much with my site and ended up consuming this entire month's 100GB limit of free quota, so the site is currently blocked. This is probably my most succesful project ever, thank you all for checking it out. It will take me some time to find another suitable host and move the project there. ::: ORIGINAL POST: I couldn't find any tools to check this, so I built one myself. This is a little site I built: the Defederation Investigator [defed.xyz](https://defed.xyz/). With it, you can get a comprehensive view of which instances have blocked yours, as well as which ones you are federated with. The tool is open source and available on [GitHub](https://github.com/ornato-t/lemmy-defed-investigator). Hopefully someone will find it useful, enjoy.
