usa United States | News & Politics Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 2 hours ago 50%

    So you consider North Korea or Eritrea to be better then the US? Seriously?

    Can you proof China is not debt traping poor countries?

    It is very easy to call the US the worst country, when you ignore the bad other countries commit.

  • ukraine Ukraine Russian Ka-52 "Alligator" attack helicopter shot down in the first days of the Kursk operation.
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 13 hours ago 100%

    KA-52 cost 20million, but offers fairly little which could not be had for less using drones or artillery and fighter planes are not much more expensive, but are more capable.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Oil and Gas Sponsorship of Global Sports Hits $5.6 Billion, Report Finds.
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 13 hours ago 100%

    Only? The Saudis own Manchester City, Qatar owns PSG. The Saudis paid Ronaldo half a billion to play in the Saudi league and he is not the only one with an insane contract. Never mind Qatar building a bunch of stadia just to host the world cup and the Saudis paying FIFA to make them host in 2034 by making Spain, Portugal, Morroco, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay hosts of the 2030 world cup.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 14 hours ago 33%

    China is currently debt trapping most of Africa. They pretty much appointed the current dictator of Zimbawe for example.

    The way I look at good and bad is on a scale. Whenever a country makes the life for the average human better in terms of material well being, but also political freedom, that is a good thing. Whenever they make those things worse then it is bad.

    A huge reason the US is the country doing so many bad things, is that nearly nobody else can. Any large scale war between two countries in recent times had the US being the agressor or the US intervening massivly. Iraq was done after invading Kuwait and Russia despute having nukes and a resilient economy is not liking it either.

    So we have to look at what countries choose to do with the power they have and the US is not the worst in that metric.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 15 hours ago 33%

    Looking at the countries currently trying to replace the US none of them are better. Russia an Iran are pretty obvious. China is already working hard on enslaving the poorest countries in the world. For most of the rest the US Empire falling apart, just means local dictators continue their rule.

    Add to that the violence of the conflicts and I gurantee you very few will celebrate that collapse.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 1 day ago 50%

    Empires breaking up tends to be extremely violent. Just look at what happened during the collapse of the European empires.

    Also what replaces them is not necessarily better. Not all evil comes from the US. Other countries are perfectly able of horrible stuff as well.

  • ukraine Ukraine Meta has removed RT's accounts from Instagram and Facebook.
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 1 day ago 83%

    Protecting American jobs....

  • movies Movies ‘Beetlejuice 2’ Once Got Pitched to Stream on Max but ‘That Was Never Going to Work’ for Tim Burton; He Lowered the Budget to Under $100 Million to Get It in Theaters
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 1 day ago 83%

    Hollywood accounting is insane. Offically all movies loose money.

  • memes solarpunk memes Every time 🤦‍♀️
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 2 days ago 100%

    The highway runs alongside rhe Madeira river. Due to draught the river is no longer nacigable, hence the highway gets paved.

  • memes solarpunk memes Density saves nature
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 2 days ago 100%

    their property

    And that is exactly the point. In a housing cooperative the owner is the homeowners association of which all tenents are members. If done right that means cheap rents and decent upkeep, as soon as the debts are paid off.

  • memes solarpunk memes Density saves nature
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 2 days ago 100%

    Is a housing cooperative a landlord?

  • memes solarpunk memes Density saves nature
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 2 days ago 100%

    You are probably looking for a small medieval town. Adding aparment blocks together makes transport cheaper. Hence you can built a walkable neighbourhood with good public transport. You then have green space outside the settlement. However that can be reached quickly in smaller settlements.

  • memes solarpunk memes Density saves nature
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 2 days ago 42%

    Sound proof walls are a thing, as is owning a single apartment. It works pretty well.

    Also this idea of owning is just bs. Most of the money goes to a bank in form of a mortgage intrest. Once you paid that off, the children leave the house and you are stuck with a property designed for a larger family. Much better to move to a smaller space at that point, which is cheaper and easier to maintain. That is not even talking about the option of moving to a better job or something similar. Selling and buying a house can easily cost a years worth of rent.

    Decomodified housing, like housing cooperatives solve a lot of the renting problems.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Trying to build viable third parties by voting for them in presidential elections is like trying to build a third door in your house by repeatedly walking into the wall where you want the door to be.
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 2 days ago 100%

    There are big money donors, which are not billionaires. The most common one are unions.

  • memes solarpunk memes Tom Lehrer - Pollution - not exactly a meme but very topical
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 3 days ago 100%

    He is still alive.

  • politics politics Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 3 days ago 100%

    This is what I am talking about, especially the second half of the article:

  • pleasantpolitics Pleasant Politics The Downside of Trump’s Popularity With Young Men Is That Young Men, Who Are Stupid, Might Forget to Vote
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 3 days ago 100%

    Kamala Harris leads Trump by a margin of only 54–42 among registered voters younger than 40.

    With that headline...

  • memes solarpunk memes Tom Lehrer - Pollution - not exactly a meme but very topical
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 4 days ago 100%

    Btw Tom Lehrer put all his songs in the creative commons.

  • infrapolitics Infrapolitics Pluralistic: Marshmallow Longtermism
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 4 days ago 100%

    Forced summer camp watching ads 24/7.

  • politics politics Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 4 days ago 100%

    The SPD initially prefered to work with further left forces. They worked together on the Reich Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Councils however the SPD wanted a parliamentary democracy and the USPD wanted a council republic, so when they realized the most of the councils were not in fact communist and actually supported the SPD, that caused uprisings against the interim SPD lead government, which the USPD left. The USPD was also unwilling to work with the SPD in the national assembly, which was the parliament they set up and they were sitting in. Intresstingly the Weimar constituion has a few points which could have been easily turned to accomadate workers councils. Hence the more centrist forces worked with them and the consitution was born.

    I really think the word you’re looking for here is “liberal”

    No it is democratic, which the KPD at this point was no longer. They were working on setting up a Stalinist dictatorship and no longer a council democracy.

    You’re making significant assumptions, such as any of the liberals actually being willing to work the with the Communists,

    I am looking at what we might want to learn from what happened back for the US election and other struggles against the far right. So pointing out that this was an option is imho extremely important. Obviously they did not do it, but that does not mean it is impossible to do it at least partly today, with different left wing groups considering different centrist groups not radical enough.

  • politics politics Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 5 days ago 50%

    Hitler and Thälmann lost to the center right Hindenburg who was backed by the social democrats. Hindenburg was already president since 1925, so he was seen as no direct threat to democracy. Then Germany had parliamentary elections in July 1932. Those had a Nazi + Communist majority, so they repeated the election in November as they did not have a majority to form a government as both the Communist and the Nazis were against democracy. That however although slightly better did not solve that problem. So Hindenburg used decrees to work with the Nazis so they could form a government.

    So if the Communists and social democrats would have worked together and elected a left president. That might have been somebody from the social democrats or indeed Thälmann, then a minority centrist or left wing or a majority centrist and communist government would have been possible. The Communists however never tried to work with the democratic forces. The Nazis actually did exactly that, which they were able to use to gain total power.

    Point should be obvious.

  • world World News Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 5 days ago 100%

    Not at all. The judges appointed by the opposition party, protect the laws made by the opposition party, when they were in government. This way the government can not just ignore those laws. So most countries have very long term limits for judges to deal with that. Hence a single government can not just stack the courts. Term limits are used, so no single government just happens to be able to appoint a lot more judges then usual. However even with the term limit being death, a court like the US supreme court has judges appointed by five different presidents for example.

  • politics politics Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 5 days ago 87%

    In the 2020 election Trump had 52.06% and Biden 46.48% in Texas. Obviously a lead for the Republicans, but it is moving getting closer and into swing state territory. This is with nobody spending a lot on Texas right now.

  • politics politics Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 5 days ago 62%

    That was going back much further. The Communists had tried to overthrow the Weimar Republic in the Hamburg Uprising a decade earlier. So the social democrats, who were a key supporter and really the creators of the Republic, saw them as an enemy. Thälmann was especially outspoken against the social democrats. Hence they saw supporting Thälmann as supporting an enemy of the Weimar Republic.

    However Jill Stein and co policies are mostly about as radical as the German social democrats back then. All of it could be done by reforming the US political system. At least near term.Also the German communists were much better organized then the US left. They were sitting in most parliaments of German states and cities. The US Green Party has no officeholders on a federal or even state level right now. Of the 8 state level officeholders they did have only 3 have run on a Green Party ticket, the rest was elected Democrat and switched to the Greens. That has to be changed first, before running for president. Seriously if you can not take state seats, then you can not win the presidency.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Climate protesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 5 days ago 97%

    Shutting down oil refineries seems like a very effective form of protest to me.

  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 5 days ago 100%

    Exactly you can use the railing to hang on the outside. Greater speed and much more fun.

  • memes solarpunk memes Robert Crumbs Visions of the Future
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 5 days ago 100%

    Work from home, walk, use transit, a wheelchair or the lots of other options of green transport. There are a lot of different solutions for that and just because North America can not built a somewhat working public transport system, does not mean it is impossible. Seriously if cities lack decent government run public transport they usually have share taxis for the service.

    So please do not pretend it is impossible. It is just that North America is in the situation of most everybody being able to afford a car and government run public transport being horrible.

    Also just because it is not on a picture does not mean it does not exist. Most people can ride a bicycle and especially e-bikes.

  • memes solarpunk memes Robert Crumbs Visions of the Future
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 5 days ago 100%
  • politics politics A longtime GOP operative helped the Green Party’s Jill Stein get on the N.H. ballot. Democrats smell mischief.
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 6 days ago 100%

    Just as a bit of context:

    • Willy Wimmer is a German former Bundestag member, who is massivly into conspiracy theories and at this point far right
    • Michael Flynn was one of the contacts between Trump and the Russian government. He plead guilty to that
    • Cyril Svoboda was one of the guys who gave Voices of Europe an interview in which he supported Russias position on Ukraine. Voices of Europes interviews were paid and used as a way to finance the far right in Europe using Russian money. It is currently under EU sanctions. His former party has distanced themself from him, due to his ties to Russia.
    • Emir Kusturica is a Serbia film director, who makes propaganda films and has far right pro Russian positions. His wife is well his wife.

    The rest are obviously all Russian politcal figures and well Jill Stein. The photo was also taken at a Russia Today celebration. Just saying.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 6 days ago 57%


  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Underestimation of personal carbon footprint inequality in four diverse countries
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 6 days ago 100%

    This is really the part, that shows how insanely bad the rich are for the planet:

    country bottom 50% top 10% top 1% country average
    Denmark 6.0 tCO2-eq. 29.7 tCO2-eq. 93.1 tCO2-eq. 10.9 tCO2-eq.
    India 1.0 tCO2-eq. 8.8 tCO2-eq. 32.4 tCO2-eq. 2.2 tCO2-eq.
    Nigeria 0.9 tCO2-eq. 4.4 tCO2-eq. 9.2 tCO2-eq. 1.6 tCO2-eq.
    USA 9.7 tCO2-eq. 74.7 tCO2-eq. 269.3 tCO2-eq. 21.1 tCO2-eq.
  • world World News Europe saved its predators from the brink of extinction. So why is it killing thousands of bears, wolves and lynx?
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 7 days ago 100%

    Because in Europe you are pretty much always on or near somebodies property.

  • world World News At Least Two Saudi Officials May Have Deliberately Assisted 9/11 Hijackers, New Evidence Suggests
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 7 days ago 0%

    The Bin Laden group is currently working on building the tallest building in the world in Saudi Arabia right now.

  • world World News Europe’s far-right parties are anti-worker – the evidence clearly proves it | Cas Mudde and Gabriela Greilinger
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 7 days ago 100%

    This is key. The narrative: "The right wing takes away your workers rights and blaims migrants on it" actually works to convince other people, since it is in fact true.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk Map of 2000+ lemmy communities -- is pretty diverse
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 7 days ago 100%

    Lemmygrad and Heybear both defederated from other lemmy instances. It is deliberatly its own little network. Both used to be reddit communites, with a long list of enemies for being tankies, so they like the isolation. Other then that I bet has a lot of the same userbase.

  • ukraine Ukraine Sweden takes step toward supplying Ukraine with Gripen fighter jets
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 7 days ago 100%

    The Brazilian Gripens were $86million per plane. Sweden just gave Ukraine a $400million military aid package. They are also an EU member and that allows them to use EU military funds for EU made weapons. So you probably could get 10planes or so going to Ukraine.

    Obviously weapons matter as well, but those are not Swedish made, but German and American. No reason the US can not finance some Sidewinders for Ukraine for example.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Could CEOs of big corps get long jail terms for environmental destruction? 👀
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 7 days ago 100%

    You can make it wild as well, with a moss graffiti:

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter JD Vance's racism made Trump even more crazy looking
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 7 days ago 100%

    There are a lot of people, who do not care about politics at all and maybe just go and vote in the next election. Please do not underestimate how little the average voter cares.

  • memes solarpunk memes Miss me with that doomer shit
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 1 week ago 100%

    We failed to prevent climate change, but it can get a lot worse. It is a bit like claiming we should stop build houses, because we have not prevented homelessness.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Will Harris go after Big Oil? The candidate has kept her climate policy vague so far, but her record as a prosecutor gives climate activists hope.
  • MrMakabar MrMakabar 1 week ago 100%

    Not just Russia and Saudi, but also Iran and Venezuela.

    Oh and hurting those producers helps the US economy as it is an oil and gas exporter.

    At the same time lowering the US oil and gas consumption can solve that problem too.

  • memes
    solarpunk memes MrMakabar 1 week ago 99%
    Eat the Rich
    Ukraine MrMakabar 2 weeks ago 98%
    Russian wealth fund down to $53.236 billion

    To be clear it is not hold in $, but in RMB, gold and rubel. Before the war in held $174billion, so a massive decrease.

    Ukraine MrMakabar 3 weeks ago 98%
    Explosions and a fire occurred at the Ryazan GRES power plant in Russia.

    Looks like something blew up in a 420MW block.

    Fuck Cars MrMakabar 4 weeks ago 96%
    Spotted in #ottawa

    We asked everyone outside a car to be safe so that drivers can be dangerous

    Ukraine MrMakabar 4 weeks ago 96%
    Mongolia Excludes Russian-Chinese Power of Siberia 2 Pipeline from 2028 National Development Plan

    Gas sales are not going to moved from the EU to China after all.

    Degrowth MrMakabar 1 month ago 97%
    Tax The Rich

    geteilt von: > Tax The Rich > > European Citizens' Initiative > We want a European wealth tax to finance the social and climate transition and help countries hit by climate change.

    Ukraine MrMakabar 1 month ago 99%
    Third bridge over the Seym is destroyed

    This is good news. Ukraine will likely push north and take all the land south of the Seym. This gives a pretty good defensive line and shortens the border, while moving the potential fighting into Russia.

    aesthetic MrMakabar 1 month ago 83%
    Herakut: "It all started..." in Aschaffenburg Germany

    geteilt von: > Found here: > > Artist is [Jasmin Siddiqui]( from the artist duo [Herakut](

    art MrMakabar 1 month ago 91%
    Herakut: "It all started..." in Aschaffenburg Germany

    Found here: Artist is [Jasmin Siddiqui]( from the artist duo [Herakut](
