collapse collapse of the old society Scientists discover over 3,000 chemicals enter our bodies from food packaging or kitchen utensils
  • Midnight Midnight 6 hours ago 100%
  • collapse
    Girls may start puberty early due to chemical exposure

    > There has been an alarming trend toward early puberty in girls, suggesting the influence of chemicals in our environment. Early puberty is associated with an increased risk of psychosocial problems, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and breast cancer.

    houseplants Houseplants Sad plant giving up on life - a call for help
  • Midnight Midnight 1 week ago 100%

    Mine was brought back from about this state when a friend gave it to me, so recovery is possible.

    Mine thrives with indoor lighting and a little natural light, so don't fret as long as its not full sun or in a closet it should be fine.

    Warmth can just be "not really cold" for people. Anything above 15C is probably passable. So long as its in your house it shouldn't perish, it might just slow its growth if you don't have a heater on high.

    Humidity might be an issue and over or under watering. If you live someplace where the air is very dry it could be challenging as you'd have to dote on it to keep it in the sweet spot water wise.

  • homebrewing Homebrewing - Beer, Mead, Wine, Cider Is it safe to consume mead that is still fermenting?
  • Midnight Midnight 2 weeks ago 100%

    Autobrewery syndrome is rare and probably has more to do with your diet and antibiotic use than consuming a few actively fermenting drinks.

    Some drinks like pulque are traditionally drunk that way and that's why they can't be shipped long distances. So if its been done by other cultures for thousands if years, I'm not a doctor, but I'm gonna wager its fairly safe.

  • collapse collapse of the old society Did your car witness a crime? Police may be coming for your Tesla
  • Midnight Midnight 2 weeks ago 100%

    Just use Firefox's reader view and refresh and 95% of paywalls or adblocker blocks disappear.

  • pleasantpolitics Pleasant Politics Radical? Far left? Kamala Harris’s policies are just common sense to most Americans | Bernie Sanders
  • Midnight Midnight 3 weeks ago 81%

    Fascism isn't an opinion. We have definitions for systems of government and there are countless scholarly articles about what constitutes fascism. Things can be horrible and not be fascist, most governments are.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars Utah wants your public land — for more roads
  • Midnight Midnight 3 weeks ago 100%

    The Federal Government actually owns most of the west. Its the reason why there's more land for public recreation and national parks in that region of the country.

    You can typically hike, camp, or explore BLM land, which is the majority of it, as much as you want so long as you don't start any fires or litter.

  • Midnight Midnight 4 weeks ago 100%

    It was only a gallon. The disappointment is mostly that I won't have a really weird drink this year.

    I've heard cider can be made with unripe apples. Might be worth a shot.

  • Midnight Midnight 4 weeks ago 100%

    I've got my continuous brew of kombucha going for my daily consumption.

    On the more interesting side, I've got some spruce tip mead going which I'm hoping turns out well. There was a little bit of a scare where I was concerned it could be infected, but it seems fine.

    Sadly, I was doing an experiment with sea lovage spiced mead which succumbed to mold and needed to be dumped. Something to retry next year.

    This year's berry harvest is basically FUBAR. Global warming did a number on it so now there's near zero salmonberries and the ones which did appear are partially desiccated or only half ripe. So no salmonberry wine this year, probably even not enough for jam :(

    Blueberries are way too early, but they're tasting fine at least. I'll probably try a blueberry wine or mead. Encountered a few hiccups last year because of their acidity, but I'm better equipped this year so hopefully that turns out well and I can bottle some stuff for the winter.

  • collapse collapse of the old society An AI Bot Is (Sort of) Running for Mayor in Wyoming
  • Midnight Midnight 4 weeks ago 100%

    He has fortunately lost. Though I'm sure this same idea will be floated in the future by some AIs-are-gods type.

  • collapse collapse of the old society Why You Will Never Retire
  • Midnight Midnight 4 weeks ago 100%

    The Raccoon for Lemmy app has some weird bugs, one of them is marking draft posts NSFW without telling you. The post should be fixed now.

  • collapse collapse of the old society The Far Right Is Becoming Obsessed With Race and IQ
  • Midnight Midnight 4 weeks ago 100%
  • collapse collapse of the old society The Parable of the Vulture
  • Midnight Midnight 1 month ago 100%

    They went for a catchy headline which doesn't quite fit, but I'm a sucker for musing on ecology.

  • tidalpunk Ocean Conservation & Tidalpunk Outbreak of neurotoxin killing unprecedented number of sea lions along California coast
  • Midnight Midnight 1 month ago 100%

    Marine mammals are stuck between a rock and a hard place currently. Theres highly pathenogenic avian influenza killing those that predate on seas birds and toxic algal blooms killing those that eat fish or bivalves.

  • collapse collapse of the old society Autism study finds link with plastic exposure during pregnancy
  • Midnight Midnight 1 month ago 100%

    I don't think this is about making autistic people go away or find a "cure". Even if we eliminated all BPA magically, people are still going to be born with autism.

    As the study explains, its probably only one element of how autism develops, but understanding how environmental toxins effect human development is important.

  • collapse collapse of the old society Autism study finds link with plastic exposure during pregnancy
  • Midnight Midnight 1 month ago 100%

    That's not typically possible. The study shows how BPA acts like human hormones. It might be impossible to target it without also effecting the normal hormones or receptors.

  • Midnight Midnight 1 month ago 100%

    Bastards will swoop you if you're not careful.

  • theonion The Onion Man Wearing Steampunk Goggles At City Council Meeting Demands Designated Segway Lanes
  • Midnight Midnight 1 month ago 100%

    Ngl I kinda want zeplin public transit.

  • politics politics At the center of the right-wing revival? Hating immigrants
  • Midnight Midnight 1 month ago 100%

    neither party when elected do anything meaningful to secure the border or deport illegals.

    It might shock you to learn the best way to prevent immigration is to make the countries experiencing outflows more stable and liveable, but I'm gonna take a wild guess you don't like foreign aid.

    maintain demographics

    There sure was a lot of hand wringing before you wrote down what your actual problem with immigration was.

    Pray tell what is the ideal demographic make up if the United States?

    monero icon

    Imagine branding yourself with the image of a way to circumvent state authority only to lick the boot at the first opportunity.

  • collapse collapse of the old society What happens when everyone decides they need a gun?
  • Midnight Midnight 1 month ago 100%

    This thread is getting heated. Please remember to be respectful to other users.

  • birding Bird-Watching and Ornithology Bald Eagle on Dead Whale
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    It is a juvenile bald eagle. They get their iconic colors as they mature.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Who will pay for the cost of overheated humans in the age of climate change?
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    Sadly, this is probably true.

  • outdoor The great outdoors Alta Lakes, CO, USA
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    They are pretty, but the whole region has changed a lot in recent years as Telluride has exploded in popularity.

  • collapse collapse of the old society US warns a famine in Sudan is on pace to be the deadliest in decades as the world looks elsewhere
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    Assassination to prevent cease fire talks seems like a common tactic recently.

  • collapse collapse of the old society More Evidence Links Ultraprocessed Foods to Dementia
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%
  • usa United States | News & Politics Every election is “the most important election in history and in our lifetime”
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 83%

    Every year is the hottest on record too. The stakes in elections never go down and the problems only pile on.

  • theonion The Onion Kamala Harris Turns Down Democratic Nomination To Work On Alaskan Fishing Vessel
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    Deadliest catch story lines are drying up. Gotta have Harris call in an airstrike on an illegal Chinese trawler.

  • collapse collapse of the old society The Spread of Inequality
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    In variable environments, stratified societies spread more and are also better able to survive resource shortages by sequestering mortality in the lower classes

    Something something "essential workers".

  • collapse collapse of the old society Alabama birthing units are closing to save money and get funding. Some say babies are at risk
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    That is correct. Theres some backwards incentives and basically none for providing OBGYN care.

  • coolguides Cool Guides A cool guide some special panics
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    I was going to say the same. Funny it gets written off today as a hoax when tons of people had to fix slews of bugs. It could've been bad, but fortunately the worst I heard about was some people getting stuck in some elevators.

  • collapse collapse of the old society The Enshittification of Everything
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    Agreed, this is a maximalist take on the idea, but the technofeudalism or neofeudalism is a parallel but district criticism of the same behavior. Feudalism seems to imply that its stable though and enshittification implicitly says that its not.

  • insanepeoplefacebook InsanePeopleFacebook Sovcit is definitely missing something.
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    Bold assumption that this child isn't being home"schooled".

  • collapse collapse of the old society A Ban on Elephant Hunting Has Collapsed. Or Maybe It Never Existed.
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%
  • collapse collapse of the old society The rise of Brazil’s neo-Pentecostal narco-militia
  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    the alliance between religious groups and crime syndicates is something we will probably see more of in the future.

    The model seems very exportable and that's the most concerning part. Both groups prey on the vulnerable and the ability to launder money through religious organizations seems like a combination that won't be overlooked for long.

    Its a good reminder that one must actively shape the future lest some meth fueled fanatics do it themselves.

  • Midnight Midnight 2 months ago 100%

    Thats obviously from mastodon, not twitter.

  • collapse collapse of the old society She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail.
  • Midnight Midnight 3 months ago 100%

    The investigation, published in a multi-part series in 2022, revealed for the first time how former Gov. Phil Bryant used his office to steer the spending of millions of federal welfare dollars — money intended to help the state’s poorest residents — to benefit his family and friends, including NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre

    The journalist who reports on corruption will be in jail and not those who actually did it.

  • pleasantpolitics Pleasant Politics Bombshell Poll on Swing States Spells Disaster for Biden In Every Way
  • Midnight Midnight 3 months ago 100%

    Still going to vote for whoever is the dem candidate, but the post debate polling is indicating that they would be wise to pick literally anyone else.

  • news News Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome
  • Midnight Midnight 3 months ago 77%

    How about we get someone who can win in a swing state so we can avoid Trump? Because right now from the polling it looks like Biden can't.

  • politics politics Bombshell Poll on Swing States Spells Disaster for Biden In Every Way
  • Midnight Midnight 3 months ago 73%

    I'd vote for a literal corpse with a (D), but there's voters who are somehow undecided or ambivalent about fascism. The fact remains that the polling shows this hurts Biden in required swing states which is extremely concerning.

  • news News Post-Debate Poll Shows 72% of Voters Say Biden Doesn’t Have Cognitive Health to Keep Serving as President
  • Midnight Midnight 3 months ago 88%

    Saying that Biden needs to be replaced is not the same as saying don't vote for whoever is the Democratic candidate. I've been screaming into the void telling people to vote on Lemmy and even I think he needs to be switched out. The post debate polling is that damning.

    If the dems shove it down our throats I'm still voting for him, but there's still a narrow window to get a better candidate and we should take it.

  • collapse collapse of the old society South Carolina implements one of US’s most restrictive public school book bans
  • Midnight Midnight 3 months ago 100%

    If a highschool student cannot be instructed on Shakespeare without it being a crime, the law is too far gone to be reasonable in anyway. The same goes for Brave New World and A Handmaid's Tale. There are graphic depictions of sex in many major works of literature and we need to quit pretending teenagers don't know what sex is or that reading about it will indelibly harm them.
