assholedesign AssholeDesign Paid for MS Excel out of the goodness of my heart so now I get this popup every 2 hours...
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 7 months ago 100%

    I use MSEdgeRedirect!

    I love it!

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation The older I get the more annoyed I am at teenagers
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 8 months ago 100%

    Thank you. I think you're right. It must be so nice to be able to have a family one can love.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes There is a third option
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 83%

    Some people in this thread make me wonder how centrists and status quo defenders manage to find their way into a leftist meme forum 😂

  • memes memes This is too loud
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    "Oh yeah, that's the shit! They're really loving me now!"

  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    I was in the same situation. I started to walk and longboard every day and track my calories without exception.

    Eventually, you can see changes and it becomes easier over time, but oh boy I never shame anyone for their body size, because it's hella hard, and if you're coping with other problems like depression or addiction, it's gotta feel damn near impossible.

  • agora The Agora [Discussion] A general approach toward companies embracing the Fediverse?
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%
  • leftymemes Lefty Memes There is a third option
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    Wrong on all accounts. It is the hierarchical system and the state that exacerbate bigotry.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes There is a third option
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 57%

    You are literally the person this post is about.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes There is a third option
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 71%

    False. Provide evidence before you make such a claim. This is a lie used to silence progressives, leftists, and post-leftists, because what we say makes you uncomfortable.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes There is a third option
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 50%

    But it's not the only alternative to authoritarianism

    Tell that to the people this post is about. Also, as you have mentioned, the current system allows this. The majority of people could support ICE, and it would still be inequitable and oppressive. The majority may oppose returning land to tribal control, but it is still colonization and genocide.

    Only ideologies like Anarchism preclude this, since they by definition oppose such hierarchies and don't rely on a glacially slow system that winks while people suffer.

    It doesn't matter what the majority want. Often, the majority want to harm other people. If you don't believe me, then you haven't heard from enough American liberals who will make batshit claims such as this being the best system in the world or that they "have no other choice" but to force oppression and genocide as long as it's sanctioned by the law.

    Clearly, this is not a good system. Never has been.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 93%

    My instance already blocks those, otherwise I'd add those as well

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 96%

    LemmyNSFW (nothing against it, but I'm not here for that)


    These are the only two

  • news News Applesauce pouches may have been contaminated on purpose, FDA foods chief says
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    Is there a way that someone can test for this at home? It seems troubling that children had to be poisoned before any action was taken.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes There is a third option
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 50%

    I'm very involved in my community. I sit on two city committees, I meet at least twice a year with my city council rep and email her in between, I vote in every election, I attend rallies and events like Pride and BLM whenever my schedule permits, I work for a charitable non-profit that helps people (don't want to get too specific because doxxing), and I've considered running for local office before deciding my schedule just doesn't allow it.

    I'm also fairly poor, but I still donate monthly to Lakota People's Law Project and Minnesota Freedom Fund.

    And even online, I try to discuss real problems and don't straight up lead with telling people to fuck off. I also don't make excuses for fascist institutions such as ICE with their border camps. I point out the troubling things Biden is doing because we need to find a way to stop these things by any means necessary.

    So I do agree with your advice, but it's not a zero sum game. I can do all these things and also be online. I feel like you're just saying this as a silencing tactic and deflection.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes There is a third option
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 18%

    There it is! Everyone get in here!

    This is EXACTLY what my post is about!

    We've got:

    1. Deflecting with "you'd rather have a dictator/Trump" -- that famous wild unfounded accusation

    2. Can only conceive of either tyranny of the majority or authoritarianism

    3. Hand-waving / downplaying human rights abuses

    B I N G O!

    I'm going to leave this here for you, because this user addresses this better than I can. (Not sure how to do proper links here, but you should still be able to read the comment.)

    As that user said, even following the principles of our current republic, this doesn't excuse something like anti-trans laws or border camps.

    And when it comes to leftist ideologies (this is a leftist community, after all, not a capitalist one), there are also other even more democratic and equitable options.

  • technology Technology 7 Months Inside an Online Scam Labor Camp
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 85%

    I left beehaw because I was being targeted by a user using gaslighting and lies.

    When I responded to this user (I will admit, too strongly), the mods removed my comments, but left his initial lies and gaslighting up, even though I had reported them (and even messaged one of the admins directly -- it was actually a beehaw admin's actions against my comments.) To be clear, I understood the removal of my comments, but I did not understand why the user's lies and rudeness against me still remained.

    I mentioned tumblr because it was where the information I was sharing had initiated, and I encouraged people to take the discussion there, since a productive discussion was no longer possible here. I never said I was moving there myself.

    I then removed the rest of my comments and posts on beehaw.

    I was already on tumblr, so I didn't "move from" Beehaw to there. I was also already on this account, so nor did I move here -- I was already here all along, where I've had no similar problems.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes There is a third option
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 50%

    He was compelled by law to continue the wall

    ...because "he was just following the law" and "he was just following orders" famously excuse human rights abuses and other atrocities

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes There is a third option
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 57%

    Thank you! I've been rapidly losing faith in people lately. My dad taught social studies, and this is exactly the same things he would say. Seems we've lost sight of this somewhere along the way.

    Might I add that it is so important that we not treat any person, including the president, as if they are beyond reproach. I find this trend of deflecting any criticism of one president with wild unfounded accusations of supporting an even worse candidate to be extremely troubling and, quite frankly, anti-democratic. I wish I could persuade more people to support equity and oppose systemic oppression, but it's frustrating when the very people who proclaim to care refuse to engage in good faith.

  • technology Technology 7 Months Inside an Online Scam Labor Camp
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    I saw a BBC documentary about a similar situation. People are being exploited on both sides of the phone line.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes There is a third option
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 41%

    Oh, please. One of the first things Biden did was open more concentration camps. He's continued Trump's wall (guess it's Biden's wall now). Millions of people die due to lack of healthcare access, and all liberals have is Obamacare 2.0, a slap in the face.

    Sure, they're not as bad as Republicans, but that's a dismally low bar. They're still complicit in fascism and genocide. They're still defending capitalism.

    Want to talk about strawman? Let's talk about how every time someone mentions these things, Libs deflect with wild unfounded accusations of supporting Trump.

    American liberals are only marginally better than Republicans. And if you're in one of those camps, they're no better at all.

    Edit: I actually thought this was a different thread. I'll still leave it though because it's all accurate.

    This is the kind of shit I'm talking about. By this logic, the anti-trans anti-POC laws in my state are alright, according to liberals. I've heard the same thing from them about the border camps and wall - "Biden has no choice!" Bullshit.

  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 75%

    This doesn't seem correct. Any criticism of a Democrat immediately elicits defensiveness and wild accusations of supporting Trump. I'm starting to think they're incapable of actual empathy. Imagine defending something like ICE or Israel.

  • news News IDF conducts operation in Hamas-controlled hospital, apprehends 90 terrorists
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    Incorrect. I challenge you to scour my post and comment history for any mention of Hamas or anything that would justify you asking such a question. (I'll save you some time -- you won't find it.)

    Otherwise, we'll just assume you're deflecting.

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha Added a building to my mom's x-mas village
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 90%

  • leftymemes
    Lefty Memes LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 69%
    There is a third option

    People who tell me the anti-trans anti-POC laws in my state are good actually because the majority support them. People who treat people as pawns in an electoral campaign. So tired of people like that. Update: Examples found within the thread! I don't even need to link to examples of this happening. They're **right here!**

    196 196 Hi Lemmy 196 community!
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    The part about EXIF data is true, but they're very upfront about this, and they have a sticky post informing people about this and instructing them how to remove the EXIF data themselves. My take is that it's just a limitation of the site design, it's good that they inform people upfront, and removing EXIF data a useful thing for people to learn how to do regardless.

    As far as privacy is concerned, I'd say that yeah -- they're very pro-privacy. You can still connect with people, though. I've met some people on raddle who I've actually chatted with off site. So I wouldn't say it's anything more than the privacy culture here.

    The one thing that sometimes turns people away from raddle is that people on the site tend to have very well-read and carefully formed opinions, and they can sometimes come off as being aggressive and confrontative. But even the people who may come across like that at first are actually very empathetic, once you spend more time there and observe how they interact.

    I'll just say this: I've personally not seen anything on raddle that would turn me away from using the site, and I've been there off and on since leaving reddit in June.

  • news News IDF conducts operation in Hamas-controlled hospital, apprehends 90 terrorists
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    I have no doubt there are official confessions obtained via coercion including threats and possible torture.

  • 196 196 Hi Lemmy 196 community!
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    I like the 196 on raddle, but I keep forgetting to use raddle

  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 40%

    While you talk about from a distance in terms of political theory, we have people suffering under Biden's leadership. It's people like you who enable these atrocities. It's all a sick game to you...

  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    I'm referring to people who shield the current president from criticism of his genocidal practices by arguing that if we talk about these deeply disturbing things he's supporting and doing, it will somehow hurt his chances in the next election. Literally no consideration or empathy for the people being harmed by his actions -- just "well, he needs to win the next election." Extremely deranged.

    If the people are saying do X, the leader should do X despite his personal preference

    No. If the people are calling for genocidal or colonial practices, then no. You are using the same logic people would use to defend the anti-trans and anti-POC laws my own state has passed. The majority here may support them, but this does not mean they are immune to criticism, nor should they be. It's really anti-human and anti-progress to think otherwise.

    Edit: I want people to really read this user's comments to me right here. This right here is the brainrot that privileged liberals bring to the table. Absolutely appalling behavior by this person.

    Also, imagine thinking the only choices are tyranny of the majority or authoritarianism. Brain. Rot.

  • 196
    196 LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%
    Mood rule

  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 80%

    It's all a sick game to them. It's always about the polls and the next election. Sometimes I feel like they're incapable of any actual genuine empathy.

  • news News IDF conducts operation in Hamas-controlled hospital, apprehends 90 terrorists
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 80%

    Lol gotta love these deflections and whataboutisms. I always wonder if you lot are deliberately deflecting, or if you're just incapable of engaging in any meaningful way.

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation The older I get the more annoyed I am at teenagers
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    This was a good read, thanks. I've known so many people who have separated from their parents, and every single one of them has a good reason. I've often wondered how the parents tell it from their side. I'm sure every single one of them was "loving" and "nurturing" by their own account, even the dad who couldn't accept that his son was gay, or the parents who perpetually and deliberately misgendered their daughter. I've known so many such cases, and sadly some have ended in tragedy.

    Me, I've had good parents, but I have a brother who's an abusive asshole who I want nothing to do with, and occassionally I get the "he's your brother, you've got to love him" schtick from third parties. No. I really don't.

    No one is obligated to stay connected with family who are hurtful, especially when it's the parents who were the ones who chose to bring you into this world. It's massively unfair for people to expect that we just tolerate, even love, abusive family.

  • news News IDF conducts operation in Hamas-controlled hospital, apprehends 90 terrorists
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 62%

    It's true that I don't trust the IDF here, just as I wouldn't trust the SS in WWII. If you think that's farfetched, then I will hope you come to your senses.

  • news News IDF conducts operation in Hamas-controlled hospital, apprehends 90 terrorists
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 55%

    This is also true. Any way you cut it, the IDF are the villains in this story.

  • internetfuneral internet funeral not a good look
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 90%

    The worst thing people on acid have thrown at me is laughter.

    Stop fucking laughing at me, Brian.

  • news News IDF conducts operation in Hamas-controlled hospital, apprehends 90 terrorists
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 60%

    They can also force confessions of terrorism! Pretty bold headline that's parroting IDF propaganda, if you ask me. Wouldn't say this article belongs in a news community.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's something you're oddly obsessed about? (SFW)
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    In the winter, tinkering with my magic decks, or becoming obsessed with a video game if one grabs me.

    In the summer, riding my longboard long distances.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming PC gaming's biggest disappointments of 2023
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 80%

    it "[fell] far short of the greatness" of Fallout 4 and Skyrim

    Hilarious to read this, considering how much trash talk I heard about FO4 soon after its release.

    People also spent years talking about how bad ESO is, and when I finally played it ... it's great, just like FO4.

    I'll be interested to see how/if opinions change about Starfield over time. I'll still wait to play it because I'm a patient gamer, but I've come to distrust anyone's takes about Bethesda games.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating This toilet paper at my work
  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 100%

    Someone else explained this too. It's still mildly infuriating when you have to use it. Can't even pull it out without it breaking before there's enough tissue for the job because of how the dispenser is designed.

  • LinkOpensChest_wav LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 75%

    Here's another thing you do that really pushes people away: No one said a damn thing about voting Trump, or DeSantis, or anyone else.

    In fact, I don't think I even mentioned voting at all.

    Who's president right now? Let's talk about him. We need to be able to demand he cease his genocidal actions without having people like you constantly deflecting criticism with this pointless whataboutism. It's as pointless as it is exhausting.

  • mildlyinfuriating
    Mildly Infuriating LinkOpensChest_wav 9 months ago 96%
    This toilet paper at my work

    Capitalism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human anus

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Anarchist Memes LinkOpensChest_wav 10 months ago 70%
    Privacy Guides LinkOpensChest_wav 11 months ago 100%
    What's an easy way to remove metadata from a .mp4 file? [Windows 10]

    When I try using the normal way in Windows 10, it throws an error. I have some videos I uploaded to a YouTube channel a long time ago, and I'd like to share them, but first I need to remove the metadata. The normal way I do this for images is to right click and select "Remove Properties and Personal Information," but when I try to do this with an mp4, it doesn't succeed. I've checked the security settings to make sure I have full control over this file, which I do, but it seems impossible to remove this metadata. I've tried saving-as using VLC and even tried within different folders, but nothing works. Surely there must be a tool to remove metadata from a mp4 just as there is with an image, but none of my searches have been helpful. I'd much appreciate it if anyone can help!

    Lemmy Shitpost LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 97%
    Privacy Guides LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    My ISP has taken total control of my network

    This is very troubling, and I'm not even sure where to start. I recently received an email message from my ISP which alerted me to an incoming update. I didn't worry too much since this is obviously not the first update they've ever pushed through. However, after this update, I noticed that my guest connections and some other things had changed / disappeared. I logged on to my router, and I immediately noticed my custom password had been reset to the default. No problem, I entered it. At this point, I saw that all of my options were greyed out. I could change the password, which I did, but nothing else. I immediately called my ISP. I was told that I would have to use their app now, so as much as I dislike using proprietary phone apps, I conceded and installed the app through the Play store. However, the agent was not entirely honest with me. I still can't bifurcate my 2.4g and 5g connections, nor can I add or remove any guest connections. I immediately enabled "privacy mode" via the app, which purportedly prevents information from being collected by something called "HomePass," and I "Delete[d] Guard events" whatever the hell that means, but this seems really troubling. I can no longer access my modem/router settings via the normal interface, but have to use an Android app? There is only one other ISP in my area. They have much worse/slower service, but should I switch, or is this just the "new normal"? Does what I'm describing even make sense? I'm not a tech expert, but I feel like I've self-taught myself how to navigate these settings, and learned from others in online forums, but now ... *an Android app?* I'd appreciate any advice. I'd even be willing to purchase my own modem/router instead of using the one from my ISP, if that fixes this mess. Edit: So I need my own router, at least. I did some research, and these are the ones I can get locally that are within my budget: - TP-Link Archer AC1900 Dual-Band Mu-Mimo Wi-Fi Router with Gigabit Port - Linksys AC1200 Dual Band WiFi 5 Router - TP-Link Archer AX1500 WiFi 6 Dual-Band Wireless Router | up to 1.5 Gbps Speeds - TP-Link Archer C54 | AC1200 MU-MIMO Dual-Band WiFi Router - NETGEAR - Nighthawk AC1900 WiFi Router, 1.9Gbps (R6900) **I’VE BEEN WARNED AGAINST NETGEAR THOUGH IN OTHER FORUMS** - TP-Link | AX1800 4 Stream Dual-Band WiFi 6 Wireless Router | up to 1.8 Gbps Speeds - TP-Link Archer AX3000 | 4 Stream Dual-Band WiFi 6 Wireless Router | up to 3 Gbps Speeds - Linksys E7350 AX1800 Wi-Fi 6 Wireless Router Am I right in thinking the TP-Link AX3000 is best? Edit 2: At first, I bought the Netgear AC1900, which seemed like a great deal. Turns out it was unusable without creating a netgear account, so I returned it in exchange for the TP-Link Archer AX1500, and it appears to be working! I got everything set up pretty close to the way it was before, except even better. Once I save money, I'll also invest in a different modem and return this one to my ISP. This was a big wake-up call for me in terms of privacy. I never listened to people saying not to use your ISP's equipment because I always trusted my ISP (it's not one of the big name ones). **Never** trust a company. Lesson learned. I appreciate all the responses I got! This community is great!

    scams LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    I think my co-worker is in a pig butchering scam

    She went through a really rough divorce in 2019 with an abusive husband, and not too long after that she was dating online and met this man about her age who was allegedly deployed to Afghanistan with the US military (which is odd to begin with since they're in their 50s). She started chatting with him a lot and talking about him all the time. He has the same name as my husband, so she used to tell me a lot about it because I tend to be a good listener, and she thought it was a funny coincidence. He would occasionally send her flowers or pizza to our workplace (still does sometimes), and right off the bat it was clear that he was lovebombing, so my only advice was to take it slow. (I tend not to give strong advice, opting for listening instead, but I felt a bit concerned.) She claims she has never sent him money, but even though she earns more than I do, she has had constant financial struggles. I know that's a fairly normal thing for people to have now, but in the context of everything else I think it might be significant. So obviously once Biden became president, the troops were gradually removed from Afghanistan. I felt like this was the moment of truth, but no. He then claimed that he was in possession of gold bars (yes, really) that he could not easily transport to the US, so he had to sort this out first. Since 2020 and up until recently, he's allegedly been in a country in Africa (I think she said Ghana). She video chats with him, but there's always some reason his camera is not working. I saw her chatting with him at lunch one day. He was pretending the app was glitching out. She claims she's seen him briefly on camera, but that the quality was very poor. Otherwise, it's been entirely one-sided. She's very ignorant about technology, so I feel like she's easy to fool. (I've tried to strategically mention sometimes how I video chat while gaming with my discord buddies from all over the world without issue, but I don't think my message connects.) A couple other possible red flags: He looks like a picture that would come up if you googled "handsome middle-aged man." She's got a picture of "him" with his shirt off, and he's super ripped and ... I mean, insanely attractive people exist, but... I've snuck into her office and taken a picture of this guy (she has it printed and hanging by her workspace), and I've done a reverse image search on tineye, bing, and yandex, but nothing comes up. The picture seems like an instagram influencer type person (think Andrew Tate, only much better looking). Another thing: The guy is allegedly from the US, he has a Hispanic name, but I've overheard him on a voice call with her, and he has a strong accent that is definitely not Spanish. He's promised her that he's coming *so many times* that I've lost count. Supposedly, he's in the US now, and he was supposed to travel here recently, but nope ... some excuse, there's always an excuse. And even though he's supposedly back home, *he still "can't" video chat with her.* Moreover, she doesn't know his address, like what? He tells you he loves you, and then this? I know it's not my problem, but this breaks my heart. If she wants a relationship, there are so many other people out there, nice people, *real* people. Maybe I'm too nice and I should just blatantly tell her this is a scam. I've tried to drop so many hints, but clearly subtlety doesn't work. I really don't know what else that I can do to make her see reality.

    Firefox LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    Content deleted by creator due to tolerating brigades from hexbear

    Content deleted by creator due to tolerating brigades from hexbear

    Longboarding LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    My possum board is my favorite cruiser I own

    I know this isn't much, but I just discovered this community and wanted to post a thing

    Privacy Guides LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    Why does Play Store prompt me to update Bitwarden?

    I installed Bitwarden from F-Droid, but I happened to notice yesterday that Bitwarden was in my list of apps with updates available from Play Store, even though I installed it via F-Droid. Why would that be? I know this is a better question for the Bitwarden forums, but I don't have enough street cred there to make a post.

    South Dakota LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    Content deleted by creator due to tolerating brigades from hexbear

    Content deleted by creator due to tolerating brigades from hexbear

    196 LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 97%
    196 LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    Chat LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    Does anyone use imgchest?

    I came across it when I was looking for an alternative to imgur back when imgur wasn't playing nice with uBlock Origin on mobile for a while. I know [imgbb]( is more privacy oriented, but in my experience [imgchest]( is easier to navigate, especially on mobile. I'm not promoting the site, just curious if anyone else has tried it since I rarely see images linked from there, and if not what's your favorite alternative to imgur? I've been thinking about this because I'm trying to avoid uploading images directly to the server here.

    196 LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    196 LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    196 LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    196 LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%
    196 LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%

    Side note: I don't like calling cops pigs because it's an insult to the pig

    196 LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 100%

    fuck reddit

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Reddit LinkOpensChest_wav 1 year ago 98%
    Content deleted by creator due to tolerating brigades from hexbear

    Content deleted by creator due to tolerating brigades from hexbear

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Content deleted by creator due to tolerating brigades from hexbear