Old TV - Not new TV LillianVS 1 year ago 100%
The Murder Game - 2003 youtu.be

https://youtu.be/LCdypqCdydE Age wise I dunno if it holds up. the episodes are available on YouTube as at this point it's pretty much nearly lost media: https://youtu.be/nRTlgcCmu3U It's an acted out gameshow where people have to solve a murder. The premise is quite interesting, near the end of the episodes they have an elimination where they send 2 people to a place and the murder searches from them. Only 1 person makes it back. I thought I'd share this. I remember seeing this on the BBC when I was a kid

lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Help Xi Find His Hair!
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 100%

    This comment thread is on fire, there are interesting discussions going on but most of it is getting to be to vitriolic for my tastes.

    Locking this shit down. We're here for the memes... Not whatever the fuck is going on down here.

    For those here for the drama, scroll back up. There is no salvation here!

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Gatekeeping the Infuriating
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 0%

    Asfasdasaad.png image1.png image2.png asdfad.txt asdfasww.txt changename.psd

    New_text_document.txt New_text_documentsfs.txt

    This a scatter shot. Might have personally attacked everyone with this lol

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Is there someway to stop this?
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 0%

    Your argument of semantics is not constructive to this conversation. You absolutely know what I am talking about yet you continue

    Spam is spam. The definition fits whether you like it or not I am not discussing it further.

    We are arguing over the proper use of this site. When I say site what I mean is platform and you know that. You're just arguing about that again for the sake of it. Again, not constructive. Frankly it's obnoxious

    When promoted to me by the site admins it's always encouraged to subscribe to communities. Why is it there if you people aren't supposed to use it? Why should I be forced into seeing posts from a user whose only purpose is to spam content. If all they are doing is reposting the same content over and over . What good is it for me to block multiple communities because of a single user? You're bringing a tank to a knife fight. Then that restricts me from seeing posts from an entire community based on the actions of a single individual. Whereas blocking 1 person only stops me from seeing their posts. Oh well, who cares. If a user doesn't want to see someone's posts they can block them if they want too. They are well within their rights to do so.

    Why do I have to deal with the inconvenience of seeing the same post because someone doesn't have good etiquette when using the website?

    You missed some pretty key details about how constantly posting the same post hinders it getting proper engagement. I know this shit, I have browsed this place long enough to understand that pretty well.

    You are arguing a different purpose for communities. My idea of the purpose of communities is having them as individual spaces. I have no issues if someone makes a LemmyShitpost or a Mildly Infuriating on another instance. That doesn't bother me. The two communities can co-exist. It's especially useful if it's a case of two communities instances being defederated so allowing the posts to be seen by as many people as possible.

    People are actively telling you they do not like posts being spammed across multiple communities. That is lowering the quality of content here on Lemmy. Which makes Lemmy a worse platform than alternative places. Whilst well intended it isn't a viable strategy. Not for keeping people happy.

    It just clogs up the All feed with the same post making any other posts hidden. This is not a good thing. It reflects poorly on this platform.

    Imagine if today everyone decided I am going to post an article to every news community across all instances. That would get pretty chaotic pretty fast, but I guess that's not spam to you is it?

    Anyway. I am ending my discussion with you here. I have said what I needed to say. I made my points pretty clear where I stand on this.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Gatekeeping the Infuriating
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 0%

    this in the form of my file naming scheme. I know it fucks me over later. Yet I still do it

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost SuperMega are down! I repeat, SuperMega are down!
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 0%

    Don't meet your heroes

  • mildlyinfuriating
    Mildly Infuriating LillianVS 1 year ago 80%
    Gatekeeping the Infuriating

    It goes without saying, One thing that annoys me is whenever a topic comes up about someone finding something mildly infuriating and there is always that 1 person who has to decide it isn't because of x, y and z reasons Like I guarantee, if I were to do the same it'd be on every post with tiles that were out of order, upside down because it's one of the few things I look at and shrug because it's whatever... but I'm not about to do that. People are allowed to be infuriated by things that don't necessarily infuriate you. Any kind of Gatekeeping in general.... very infuriating. Anyway see this post as an open invitation to vent. Comment below. What infuriates you? and what thing that typically infuriates others, doesn't infuriate you.

    mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Whenever I hit 'show context' it takes me to the original post and not the actual context
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 0%

    This comment is mildly infuriating. It definitely fits the community

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Is there someway to stop this?
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 0%

    When you are sending out invites to friends you aren't sending 50 invitations to all 50 of your friends. You are sending 1 invitation to 1 friend.

    The problem is the amount of which it is being reposted, and the frequency of the reposts. It's literally not good for the website if you are just spamming the same content. I hate arguing semantics. If it's repeated reposts, the word is spam. Unless you have another word for it. It is called spam that's just how it is.

    Again, you haven't really addressed what I'm saying. It's low effort to repost the same post. It buries discussion when browsing All. If there are 10 posts of the same post; conversation is spread thin. I'm not against the reposting happening, I'm against the frequency in which a post is reposted.

    If I post 5 of the same article to 5 different communities in quick succession, people are going to only click 1 of 5 articles. Person A might go to the first one, Person B might go to the third article. Both leave comments but again, because they are sent to multiple communities in quick succession the article hasn't got the same chance to see people discuss it Where as if it's posted later, someone can respond to it and an organic discussion can form because it's just the 1 article.

    I'm sorry, but to repost so quickly one after the other. It's self-sabotage. It doesn't make sense. It's not productive to the website.

    I'm not saying you can't have communities with the same content, but why the hell would I subscribe to 1 community if it has the same content as another. That to me defeats the point of a fediverse. You can have multiple communities, why do I want to go to another community that's exactly the same as another? What's the point with that?

    The problem with the fediverse is that subscribed communities isn't prioritised so most people just stick to all without subscribing to individual communities so they can see all the content they're interested in.

    Having multiple communities is great, You get to find the one that best suits your ideas of how a community should be run. If you don't like the mods you can decide to use a different one. If you want more community you can find more similarly themed communities to get more content you're interested in, but again I ask. What is the point of subscribing to Art Community 1 & 2 if Art Community 2 is just a duplicate of the first community. To me that is not the point of the fediverse.

    It's not organic to constantly spam reposts. Also I'm talking about the LITERAL definition of spam:

    "spam noun : unsolicited usually commercial messages (such as emails, text messages, or Internet postings) sent to a large number of recipients or posted in a large number of places"

    as defined by Merriam Webster

    Something on-topic can still be spam, if it's posted to a large number of places it's spam.

    Trust me, I've had a long time to get to grips with Lemmy, I got LemmyShitpost and MildlyInfuriating off the ground. It wouldn't be where it is if I hadn't posted how I did, but I learned a bit and when I say it doesn't work or help Lemmy to do what you're suggesting. I mean it.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Is there someway to stop this?
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 0%

    People are saying they don't like the spam, it's ultimately the choice of the user if they do not want to see repeated posts of the same item.

    I get posting to 2 communities of the same, but if you are filling multiple communities with the same post. You aren't really adding anything. With the fediverse people can subscribe to multiple communities with what you're suggesting, if everyone were to spam posts, which this is what it is. It's spamming the same post across multiple communities. What you're going to end up with is a bunch of redundant communities with a severe lack of orginal content. Which harms the community they are posting to more than it helps.

    Why should I subscribe to both News@lemmy.world and News@SmallLemmy if the small community is just reposted content from the first community. I get what you're trying to say, but this kind of thing harms the communities more than it helps

    They can do this if they want too, but I'm not going to bother subscribing to a community with duplicate posts. That's not the point of the fediverse.

    The beautiful thing about Lemmy is you can have multiple communities co-existing, producing their own unique content and be subscribed to all of them at once. Nothing against cross-posting but this doesn't feel at all an organic way of sharing content. It feels forced and hampers discussion.

    People who are scrolling through all can see these posts, and will need to pick between 3 of the same post if they want to discuss it, It will spread comments thin. It makes more sense to just post it to one, then maybe wait before posting it again to another community.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Is there someway to stop this?
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 0%

    Wtf are you talking about, repeatedly posting the same post across multiple communities in short succession would be called spam. What else are you calling it?

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Is there someway to stop this?
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 0%

    Click the elipses and block the user, you won't see their posts anymore. Because of how the fediverse is, some people post their content to multiple communities and it results in spam. Currently blocking is the only way to get rid of it.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating The way they put back these street tiles
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 66%

    I don't think a person was supposed to be there, but it looks like a road marking man has just been thanos snapped

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost those damn libs
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 80%

    The Patio smokes weed? That's pretty impressive

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Elon Musk wanting to remove dim theme from twitter
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 50%

    There's no benefit to that... I don't get it ._.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Being subscribed to similar communities on multiple instances and seeing duplicates
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 60%

    Daily Reminder, Discussion is okay. Name caling, vitriol and toxic behaviour is against our community rules. Nothing is worth an argument. Discuss away but leave the aggression at the door.

    It goes without saying, but any user included in the post should not be harassed. Those found to be following this person will be banned from the community.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating The Hi and Lo directions on my range’s knobs
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 66%

    This bot is fine, We allow this bot here as it can be helpful finding videos that might not be available on youtube.

  • antiquememesroadshow Antique Memes Roadshow Want to see how many remember
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 66%

    Between this and Is It A Good Idea to Microwave This? After school was great lol

  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting This tick’s spit can make you allergic to meat
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 80%

    This. Those who would purposely catch these to get a nation of vegetarians like some people have mentioned would be giving people Lyme disease and other nasties that come with being bitten by a tick. These aren't things to mess around with.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Eggman Takes Over the US Healthcare System
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 80%

    He could have charged $500 for HIV medication... No... Nevermind. That has been done

  • softwaregore Software Gore *Permanently Deleted*
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 100%

    Bleach when you get to the filler episodes:

  • antiquememesroadshow
    Antique Memes Roadshow LillianVS 1 year ago 80%
    Want to see how many remember

    I grew up on this man's epic fail toy reviews and I am scared it has been 13 years since they were last uploaded. I was 15.

    showerthoughts Showerthoughts c/YouShouldKnow should’ve been called c/LemmyTellUSomething
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 100%

    As an enjoyer of puns, I agree

  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 100%

    I am scared to ask but at the same time I have a need to substantiate claims... So regretfully. Source?

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating My office has automatic faucets in the bathroom and I've started sticking my hands under the faucet at home and wondering for a second where the water is.
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 66%

    I hate these automated taps. We're supposed to stick our hands under them and sing happy birthday twice for properly clean hands and well... They are never on long enough for it to clean them.

    Honestly hate automated taps, that and the ones that only work if you push to the top down so you have to clean 1 hand at a time.

    Unfortunately you can't trust people with normal twist taps because people suck... But dam do I miss the old cross handles. So easy to nudge it on with the back of your hand. Probably doesn't help I am a clean freak tbf

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost stop asking for a karma system
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 66%

    Daily reminder: Discussions are fine, bad opinions are fine

    What isn't fine is personal attacks, harmful or derogatory language and deliberate misinformation. Be respectful when discussing hot topics. If it devolves further then the post might be locked.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Some of them literally are...
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 75%

    It's topical, a lot of people are making the same joke right now because it's currently the relevant topic

    I haven't used twitter since 2020, I find the collapse pretty funny but most of my time thinking goes into learning coding, cats and what I am going to cook for dinner not what the fuck twitter is doing

    In about a week's time unless something else funny happens I don't honestly give a fuck what they are doing

  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 100%

    If you drive backwards through a red light, technically you are facing the right direction so it isn't against the law

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost That'll be my last word
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 97%

    Everyone else: 311223

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Table Flip Time 🙃
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 66%

    User error can still be mildly infuriating, I'm not removing this post. Thanks!

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost A proud mother
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 95%

    Wholesome ending - they got vaccinated so the mother fell out and doesn't see them as her kids anymore and the kids moved out with their much cooler and less antivax father and lived happily ever after.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost must be some new tik tok challenege or something
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 80%

    You are yet to find true luxury:

    ::: spoiler for those of culture


  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost once you pop, you cant stop
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 50%

    As a Brit it needs to be sweet potato chips! 😋 That or I accept some Southern fried curly fries

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating People Who Stay On Twitter Are Aiding Musk In His Antics
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 91%

    Some people still need it for local news and alerts, I have no issue with this the platforms like mastodon are not always good for this.

    Especially since there is no way to find local news based on location

    I hate twitter and have been staying away since 2020. (It was terrible for my MH) but even threads has it's issues. (Not talking about privacy. If you're using any large corporate product like apple/Microsoft/Google/Samsung you are being tracked anyway) more issues with the discoverability. You have no way of searching on threads it's missing a lot of really important features. You can with mastodon, but again. Local news is not trending.

    Then there is hive which is also hard to discover things on... And minds is a hornets nest I am not touching that.

    I am happy there are more competitors than ever for twitter but they still fall short of much needed features

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost I hope Warner Bros. marketing is paying attention...
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 100%

    I'm not removing comments replying to you just as I am not removing your comment.

    Provided it maintains a level of respect and decorum when conversing I have no qualms with anybody discussing and debating. Keep it civil, no personal attacks, no offensive language etc...

    That's how shit works around here.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating This SUV parking
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 100%

    So much of that in England. I get people don't want to block the road, but when you are sitting on the entire footpath so nobody can get passed. You're an asshole.

    I was so cross when a van didn't bother to park just a few metres away in a designated parking spot to go to the corner shop and just decided to sit and block the entire pavement at a point to close to a hedge that meant we were forced to go out into the road.

    Laziness. Just laziness.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Marketing at its best
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 100%

    eww it's a shoe cookie. Now that you've compared the two it doesn't look that appetising lol

  • world World News Scientists observe world's 1st repairing metal
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 33%

    I don't buy cheap shit, stop assuming man. I have never met someone with such a chip on their shoulder Get help

  • world World News Scientists observe world's 1st repairing metal
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 50%

    So based on a subset of people who are entitled you are tarring everybody in existence with the same brush. Affordability, cost of living and wages are a whole other fucking issue related to CEO greed. Which is out of the scope of the discussion. The fact you are so bitter about this means it's probably time to find a new job lmao

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost How to inflate your foldable phone
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 75%

    Meanwhile on deviant art...

  • world World News Scientists observe world's 1st repairing metal
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 62%

    Are you serious? Where did I mention buying things cheap? That's a funny looking straw man you built from nothing. Literal premium flagship phones like Apple/Samsung have planned obsolescence It isn't about buying a cheap product when a lot of busineses follow such shitty practices

    Why are you blaming the consumer for a problem businesses have created. Planned obsolescence, doesn't matter how many $$$$ you put into a product. It has a shelf life. Especially with more tech

  • world World News Scientists observe world's 1st repairing metal
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 80%

    Even if they could invent self-repairing appliances/phones they wouldn't do it... Because then they couldn't sell you new thing

  • news News Warcraft fans trick AI article bot with Glorbo hoax
  • LillianVS LillianVS 1 year ago 75%

    It's never been the same since version 20.20, I feel like they're running out of ideas at this point fr

  • asklemmy
    Ask Lemmy LillianVS 1 year ago 98%
    What perfectly normal thing can't you be around anymore due to something you experienced?

    Mine is a pretty tame example: I never minded the smell of garlic was fine around it... but I took a job for DHL and they had these large tubs of garlic for horses that had to go out to people. There were about 10 of them coming down the belt. Now I can't stand it. I'm just reminded of how strong that smell was I was actually gagging. The tubs were heavy, the handles were feedble. Some of the tubs were damaged so I got a bit on me. I stunk of it for the rest of the shift. It wasn't even a normal garlic smell it was just so powerful and nauseating.

    Ban-Hammered LillianVS 1 year ago 100%
    Banned on r/YoutubeDrama https://imgur.com/a/xobVK6T

    My contribution to your freshly made community as mod/owner of Lemmy Shitpost and Mildly Infuriating Communities. Hopefully I will not be a feature of this community... but who knows lol. This is the first ban I've ever received and it was for a pretty tame comment as far as comments go. I was not the only one. This guy was on a power trip fr Which matters little to me now, my old reddit account is gone and done after the apicalypse cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/126190 > People were rightly calling out the fact that the subreddit only had the 48 hour blackout. > They seemed really offended by SomeOrdinaryGamers insult of reddit mods... oh well? I discord mod, I don't exist purely on discord I have a life outside that being called out for being a discord mod is just funny banter. Get a thick skin lol > > but the reaction was truly magnificent and I want to share it > Completely missing the point and deliberately missing the point. Of which "Doing a 48 hour blackout and saying that gives an end time/date to the blackout meaning it really doesn't fucking matter to big-corpo reddit." > > Which is correct because u/spez proved that. Anyway Enjoy the meltdown: https://imgur.com/a/xobVK6T > > I managed to catch the user that was posting before they banned them from the subreddit. > Dude is very obviously terminally online... So embarassing. > > Anyway, I'm not going to do what that subreddit admin did. That was an utter abuse of power. > Also smile crappy_pirate. You're on lemmy! Welcome. > > Update I got banned 🤣 > > > ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/461d4dca-8e41-493d-b701-9015411ef7f4.png)

    Asexual LillianVS 1 year ago 91%
    2016 I found a name for my identity, I was 22

    It's now 2023, and I fully embr**ace** my identity! To those who are still finding themselves, no matter how young/old you are; people are more complex than words can define; asexuality is a spectrum so even if you don't find a label. That doesn't matter. Even if the answer isn't with you right now, you may find the answer come to you later. You know your sexuality better than anybody else. You are worthy of love! Much appreciation for all aces.

    UKCasual LillianVS 1 year ago 97%
    Found in my Photos Album from some time ago

    Insert possible Legoland family conflict scenarios

    Mildly Infuriating LillianVS 1 year ago 95%
    Blocked on one side of my nose

    Can't unblock it, no matter what I do. It is driving me nuts. Fucking allergies :(

    Lemmy Review LillianVS 1 year ago 91%
    [ALERT] Lemmy.World Compromised

    I am not a super code-literate person so bare with me on this... But. Still please becareful. There appears to be a vulnerability. Users are posting images like the following: https://imgur.com/a/RS4iAeI And inside hidden is JavaScript code that when executed can take cookie information and send it to a URL address. Among other things. At this time if you see an image please click the icon circled before clicking the link. **DO NOT CLICK THE IMAGE.** If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately. It is better a false report than a missed one.

    Lemmy Be Wholesome LillianVS 1 year ago 92%
    [ALERT] Lemmy.World Compromised

    I am not a super code-literate person so bare with me on this... But. Still please becareful. There appears to be a vulnerability. Users are posting images like the following: https://imgur.com/a/RS4iAeI And inside hidden is JavaScript code that when executed can take cookie information and send it to a URL address. Among other things. At this time if you see an image please click the icon circled before clicking the link. **DO NOT CLICK THE IMAGE.** If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately. It is better a false report than a missed one.

    Mildly Infuriating LillianVS 1 year ago 97%
    [ALERT] Lemmy.World Compromised - PLEASE READ FOR YOUR SAFETY

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1287053 > Be alert, > Please do not launch a new tab of Lemmy.World. > Having tabs already open with this site is fine but as soon as you do you will be bombarded with awful content with malicious intent to cause shock, disgust and distress. > > In the meantime use alternative instances, other instances are not affected by this compromise. > Do not open any links/posts from the user MichelleG. > > Thanks for reading, please stay safe out there Lemmy users! Update: Lemmy World is under attack again. Update: I am not a super code-literate person so bare with me on this... But. Still please becareful. There appears to be a vulnerability. Users are posting images like the following: https://imgur.com/a/RS4iAeI And inside hidden is JavaScript code that when executed can take cookie information and send it to a URL address. Among other things. At this time if you see an image please click the icon circled before clicking the link. If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately. It is better a false report than a missed one.

    Lemmy Shitpost LillianVS 1 year ago 95%
    [ALERT] Lemmy.World compromised again

    Be alert, Please do not launch a new tab of Lemmy.World. Having tabs already open with this site is fine but as soon as you do you will be bombarded with awful content with malicious intent to cause shock, disgust and distress. In the meantime use alternative instances, other instances are not affected by this compromise. Do not open any links/posts from the user MichelleG. Thanks for reading, please stay safe out there Lemmy users! ~~Update: Lemmy.World crisis seems to have averted for this moment in time. Megathread available [ here for discussions](https://lemmy.world/post/1287054?scrollToComments=true)~~ Lemmy.World is under attack again. Please standby. Do not use the website. Lemmy apps are fine.

    Lemmy Shitpost LillianVS 1 year ago 82%
    The true MVP
    Memes LillianVS 1 year ago 85%
    The true MVP
    Lemmy Shitpost LillianVS 1 year ago 88%
    This fr
    Lemmy Review LillianVS 1 year ago 100%
    *Photoshop Product Into Happy Family Picnic*

    There are a lot of these, I need more!

    Work Reform LillianVS 1 year ago 97%
    "People don't want to work anymore" - A tale as old as time

    Or... Here's a thought. Kids DO want to work, they just want their time valued; to be respected and have a liveable wage.

    Lemmy Review LillianVS 1 year ago 100%
    Pay $19,999 for a golf simulator, Then an additional $4,000 just to get off a "trial package"

    OP: [Source](https://lemmy.world/post/1004309) Wtf? You will own nothing, and you will like it. I really want to know what their excuse is for the "free trial".

    Asexual LillianVS 1 year ago 100%
    Welcome all new users and Reddit refugees! [PARTNERED POST]

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/853004 > Hello there, and welcome to the Fediverse! Let's get you started. > > This post was created together with many users, intended to help you have an easy start! It has a simple language, and it includes many useful links. > > For your first day here > - > > Hello, newbie user! Lemmy is just like Reddit, but better. Ha-ha. Seriously. But let's not overwhelm you for now. > > [This very neat starting guide](https://lemmy.world/post/37906) was written by our beloved admin, [@ruud](https://lemmy.world/u/ruud). To avoid confusion, start reading it from the **Quick start guide** section. > > [If you're new to Lemmy, this post will also help you perfectly.](https://github.com/amirzaidi/lemmy) > > kbin users can check out [this amazing starting guide](https://imgur.com/a/0hGL2Lb) instead. [This is also a nice guide.](https://kbin.social/m/quickstart/t/49189) > > **Finding Communities on Lemmy/kBin** > > If you finished reading your starting guide, it's time to go find your new favorite communities! Check out these dedicated services: `number` [1](https://browse.feddit.de/), [2](https://lemmyverse.net/), [3](https://sub.rehab/), and [4](https://www.quippd.com/writing/2023/06/15/unofficial-subreddit-migration-list-lemmy-kbin-etc.html#1-million-subscribers), and [5](https://redditmigration.com/)! Go have some fun! :D > > For your second day here > - > > Hello again! You're less of a newbie now, and you found some amazing communities! We can start talking about the Fediverse. I hope you didn't forget to [read the rules for lemmy.world!](https://mastodon.world/about) > > [kBin.social's rules are in this link.](https://kbin.social/terms) > > **The Fediverse** > > You must've realised that we addressed Lemmy and kBin users differently. And what is this Fediverse people keep talking about, anyways? > > Lemmy and kBin are two different platforms, and they can perfectly interact with each other! This means that they are a part of the federation. And they are only two members of the vast Fediverse. > > [What is the Fediverse?](https://framatube.org/w/9dRFC6Ya11NCVeYKn8ZhiD) video by [Framasoft](https://framatube.org/a/framasoft/video-channels) to get a good understanding with visuals! > > As a great lemming once said: **Fediverse is basically like a group chat, but for websites.** This means that federated websites all agree to share their content with each other, constantly, at the same time. > > [Follow this link to view a list of all Lemmy instances.](https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances/blob/main/README.md#all-lemmy-instances) > > [Follow this link to open the Fediverse Observer.](https://kbin.fediverse.observer/list) It is set to show kBin, but you can navigate your way through the site to show **any** Fediverse platform you'd like. > > For your third day here > - > > That's it! What else do you want? Go have some fun and keep learning along the way! ;)

    Youtube Drama LillianVS 1 year ago 100%
    Welcome all new users and Reddit refugees! [PARTNERED POST]

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/853004 > Hello there, and welcome to the Fediverse! Let's get you started. > > This post was created together with many users, intended to help you have an easy start! It has a simple language, and it includes many useful links. > > For your first day here > - > > Hello, newbie user! Lemmy is just like Reddit, but better. Ha-ha. Seriously. But let's not overwhelm you for now. > > [This very neat starting guide](https://lemmy.world/post/37906) was written by our beloved admin, [@ruud](https://lemmy.world/u/ruud). To avoid confusion, start reading it from the **Quick start guide** section. > > [If you're new to Lemmy, this post will also help you perfectly.](https://github.com/amirzaidi/lemmy) > > kbin users can check out [this amazing starting guide](https://imgur.com/a/0hGL2Lb) instead. [This is also a nice guide.](https://kbin.social/m/quickstart/t/49189) > > **Finding Communities on Lemmy/kBin** > > If you finished reading your starting guide, it's time to go find your new favorite communities! Check out these dedicated services: `number` [1](https://browse.feddit.de/), [2](https://lemmyverse.net/), [3](https://sub.rehab/), and [4](https://www.quippd.com/writing/2023/06/15/unofficial-subreddit-migration-list-lemmy-kbin-etc.html#1-million-subscribers), and [5](https://redditmigration.com/)! Go have some fun! :D > > For your second day here > - > > Hello again! You're less of a newbie now, and you found some amazing communities! We can start talking about the Fediverse. I hope you didn't forget to [read the rules for lemmy.world!](https://mastodon.world/about) > > [kBin.social's rules are in this link.](https://kbin.social/terms) > > **The Fediverse** > > You must've realised that we addressed Lemmy and kBin users differently. And what is this Fediverse people keep talking about, anyways? > > Lemmy and kBin are two different platforms, and they can perfectly interact with each other! This means that they are a part of the federation. And they are only two members of the vast Fediverse. > > [What is the Fediverse?](https://framatube.org/w/9dRFC6Ya11NCVeYKn8ZhiD) video by [Framasoft](https://framatube.org/a/framasoft/video-channels) to get a good understanding with visuals! > > As a great lemming once said: **Fediverse is basically like a group chat, but for websites.** This means that federated websites all agree to share their content with each other, constantly, at the same time. > > [Follow this link to view a list of all Lemmy instances.](https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances/blob/main/README.md#all-lemmy-instances) > > [Follow this link to open the Fediverse Observer.](https://kbin.fediverse.observer/list) It is set to show kBin, but you can navigate your way through the site to show **any** Fediverse platform you'd like. > > For your third day here > - > > That's it! What else do you want? Go have some fun and keep learning along the way! ;)

    Lemmy Review LillianVS 1 year ago 100%
    Welcome all new users and Reddit refugees! [PARTNERED POST]

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/853004 > Hello there, and welcome to the Fediverse! Let's get you started. > > This post was created together with many users, intended to help you have an easy start! It has a simple language, and it includes many useful links. > > For your first day here > - > > Hello, newbie user! Lemmy is just like Reddit, but better. Ha-ha. Seriously. But let's not overwhelm you for now. > > [This very neat starting guide](https://lemmy.world/post/37906) was written by our beloved admin, [@ruud](https://lemmy.world/u/ruud). To avoid confusion, start reading it from the **Quick start guide** section. > > [If you're new to Lemmy, this post will also help you perfectly.](https://github.com/amirzaidi/lemmy) > > kbin users can check out [this amazing starting guide](https://imgur.com/a/0hGL2Lb) instead. [This is also a nice guide.](https://kbin.social/m/quickstart/t/49189) > > **Finding Communities on Lemmy/kBin** > > If you finished reading your starting guide, it's time to go find your new favorite communities! Check out these dedicated services: `number` [1](https://browse.feddit.de/), [2](https://lemmyverse.net/), [3](https://sub.rehab/), and [4](https://www.quippd.com/writing/2023/06/15/unofficial-subreddit-migration-list-lemmy-kbin-etc.html#1-million-subscribers), and [5](https://redditmigration.com/)! Go have some fun! :D > > For your second day here > - > > Hello again! You're less of a newbie now, and you found some amazing communities! We can start talking about the Fediverse. I hope you didn't forget to [read the rules for lemmy.world!](https://mastodon.world/about) > > [kBin.social's rules are in this link.](https://kbin.social/terms) > > **The Fediverse** > > You must've realised that we addressed Lemmy and kBin users differently. And what is this Fediverse people keep talking about, anyways? > > Lemmy and kBin are two different platforms, and they can perfectly interact with each other! This means that they are a part of the federation. And they are only two members of the vast Fediverse. > > [What is the Fediverse?](https://framatube.org/w/9dRFC6Ya11NCVeYKn8ZhiD) video by [Framasoft](https://framatube.org/a/framasoft/video-channels) to get a good understanding with visuals! > > As a great lemming once said: **Fediverse is basically like a group chat, but for websites.** This means that federated websites all agree to share their content with each other, constantly, at the same time. > > [Follow this link to view a list of all Lemmy instances.](https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances/blob/main/README.md#all-lemmy-instances) > > [Follow this link to open the Fediverse Observer.](https://kbin.fediverse.observer/list) It is set to show kBin, but you can navigate your way through the site to show **any** Fediverse platform you'd like. > > For your third day here > - > > That's it! What else do you want? Go have some fun and keep learning along the way! ;)

    Lemmy Be Wholesome LillianVS 1 year ago 96%
    Welcome all new users and Reddit refugees! [PARTNERED POST]

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/853004 > Hello there, and welcome to the Fediverse! Let's get you started. > > This post was created together with many users, intended to help you have an easy start! It has a simple language, and it includes many useful links. > > For your first day here > - > > Hello, newbie user! Lemmy is just like Reddit, but better. Ha-ha. Seriously. But let's not overwhelm you for now. > > [This very neat starting guide](https://lemmy.world/post/37906) was written by our beloved admin, [@ruud](https://lemmy.world/u/ruud). To avoid confusion, start reading it from the **Quick start guide** section. > > [If you're new to Lemmy, this post will also help you perfectly.](https://github.com/amirzaidi/lemmy) > > kbin users can check out [this amazing starting guide](https://imgur.com/a/0hGL2Lb) instead. [This is also a nice guide.](https://kbin.social/m/quickstart/t/49189) > > **Finding Communities on Lemmy/kBin** > > If you finished reading your starting guide, it's time to go find your new favorite communities! Check out these dedicated services: `number` [1](https://browse.feddit.de/), [2](https://lemmyverse.net/), [3](https://sub.rehab/), and [4](https://www.quippd.com/writing/2023/06/15/unofficial-subreddit-migration-list-lemmy-kbin-etc.html#1-million-subscribers), and [5](https://redditmigration.com/)! Go have some fun! :D > > For your second day here > - > > Hello again! You're less of a newbie now, and you found some amazing communities! We can start talking about the Fediverse. I hope you didn't forget to [read the rules for lemmy.world!](https://mastodon.world/about) > > [kBin.social's rules are in this link.](https://kbin.social/terms) > > **The Fediverse** > > You must've realised that we addressed Lemmy and kBin users differently. And what is this Fediverse people keep talking about, anyways? > > Lemmy and kBin are two different platforms, and they can perfectly interact with each other! This means that they are a part of the federation. And they are only two members of the vast Fediverse. > > [What is the Fediverse?](https://framatube.org/w/9dRFC6Ya11NCVeYKn8ZhiD) video by [Framasoft](https://framatube.org/a/framasoft/video-channels) to get a good understanding with visuals! > > As a great lemming once said: **Fediverse is basically like a group chat, but for websites.** This means that federated websites all agree to share their content with each other, constantly, at the same time. > > [Follow this link to view a list of all Lemmy instances.](https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances/blob/main/README.md#all-lemmy-instances) > > [Follow this link to open the Fediverse Observer.](https://kbin.fediverse.observer/list) It is set to show kBin, but you can navigate your way through the site to show **any** Fediverse platform you'd like. > > For your third day here > - > > That's it! What else do you want? Go have some fun and keep learning along the way! ;)

    Mildly Infuriating LillianVS 1 year ago 98%
    Welcome all new users and Reddit refugees! [PARTNERED POST]

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/853004 > Hello there, and welcome to the Fediverse! Let's get you started. > > This post was created together with many users, intended to help you have an easy start! It has a simple language, and it includes many useful links. > > For your first day here > - > > Hello, newbie user! Lemmy is just like Reddit, but better. Ha-ha. Seriously. But let's not overwhelm you for now. > > [This very neat starting guide](https://lemmy.world/post/37906) was written by our beloved admin, [@ruud](https://lemmy.world/u/ruud). To avoid confusion, start reading it from the **Quick start guide** section. > > [If you're new to Lemmy, this post will also help you perfectly.](https://github.com/amirzaidi/lemmy) > > kbin users can check out [this amazing starting guide](https://imgur.com/a/0hGL2Lb) instead. [This is also a nice guide.](https://kbin.social/m/quickstart/t/49189) > > **Finding Communities on Lemmy/kBin** > > If you finished reading your starting guide, it's time to go find your new favorite communities! Check out these dedicated services: `number` [1](https://browse.feddit.de/), [2](https://lemmyverse.net/), [3](https://sub.rehab/), and [4](https://www.quippd.com/writing/2023/06/15/unofficial-subreddit-migration-list-lemmy-kbin-etc.html#1-million-subscribers), and [5](https://redditmigration.com/)! Go have some fun! :D > > For your second day here > - > > Hello again! You're less of a newbie now, and you found some amazing communities! We can start talking about the Fediverse. I hope you didn't forget to [read the rules for lemmy.world!](https://mastodon.world/about) > > [kBin.social's rules are in this link.](https://kbin.social/terms) > > **The Fediverse** > > You must've realised that we addressed Lemmy and kBin users differently. And what is this Fediverse people keep talking about, anyways? > > Lemmy and kBin are two different platforms, and they can perfectly interact with each other! This means that they are a part of the federation. And they are only two members of the vast Fediverse. > > [What is the Fediverse?](https://framatube.org/w/9dRFC6Ya11NCVeYKn8ZhiD) video by [Framasoft](https://framatube.org/a/framasoft/video-channels) to get a good understanding with visuals! > > As a great lemming once said: **Fediverse is basically like a group chat, but for websites.** This means that federated websites all agree to share their content with each other, constantly, at the same time. > > [Follow this link to view a list of all Lemmy instances.](https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances/blob/main/README.md#all-lemmy-instances) > > [Follow this link to open the Fediverse Observer.](https://kbin.fediverse.observer/list) It is set to show kBin, but you can navigate your way through the site to show **any** Fediverse platform you'd like. > > For your third day here > - > > That's it! What else do you want? Go have some fun and keep learning along the way! ;)

    Lemmy Shitpost LillianVS 1 year ago 93%
    Welcome all new users and Reddit refugees! [PARTNERED POST]

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/853004 > Hello there, and welcome to the Fediverse! Let's get you started. > > This post was created together with many users, intended to help you have an easy start! It has a simple language, and it includes many useful links. > > For your first day here > - > > Hello, newbie user! Lemmy is just like Reddit, but better. Ha-ha. Seriously. But let's not overwhelm you for now. > > [This very neat starting guide](https://lemmy.world/post/37906) was written by our beloved admin, [@ruud](https://lemmy.world/u/ruud). To avoid confusion, start reading it from the **Quick start guide** section. > > [If you're new to Lemmy, this post will also help you perfectly.](https://github.com/amirzaidi/lemmy) > > kbin users can check out [this amazing starting guide](https://imgur.com/a/0hGL2Lb) instead. [This is also a nice guide.](https://kbin.social/m/quickstart/t/49189) > > **Finding Communities on Lemmy/kBin** > > If you finished reading your starting guide, it's time to go find your new favorite communities! Check out these dedicated services: `number` [1](https://browse.feddit.de/), [2](https://lemmyverse.net/), [3](https://sub.rehab/), and [4](https://www.quippd.com/writing/2023/06/15/unofficial-subreddit-migration-list-lemmy-kbin-etc.html#1-million-subscribers), and [5](https://redditmigration.com/)! Go have some fun! :D > > For your second day here > - > > Hello again! You're less of a newbie now, and you found some amazing communities! We can start talking about the Fediverse. I hope you didn't forget to [read the rules for lemmy.world!](https://mastodon.world/about) > > [kBin.social's rules are in this link.](https://kbin.social/terms) > > **The Fediverse** > > You must've realised that we addressed Lemmy and kBin users differently. And what is this Fediverse people keep talking about, anyways? > > Lemmy and kBin are two different platforms, and they can perfectly interact with each other! This means that they are a part of the federation. And they are only two members of the vast Fediverse. > > [What is the Fediverse?](https://framatube.org/w/9dRFC6Ya11NCVeYKn8ZhiD) video by [Framasoft](https://framatube.org/a/framasoft/video-channels) to get a good understanding with visuals! > > As a great lemming once said: **Fediverse is basically like a group chat, but for websites.** This means that federated websites all agree to share their content with each other, constantly, at the same time. > > [Follow this link to view a list of all Lemmy instances.](https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances/blob/main/README.md#all-lemmy-instances) > > [Follow this link to open the Fediverse Observer.](https://kbin.fediverse.observer/list) It is set to show kBin, but you can navigate your way through the site to show **any** Fediverse platform you'd like. > > For your third day here > - > > That's it! What else do you want? Go have some fun and keep learning along the way! ;)

    Showerthoughts LillianVS 1 year ago 100%
    If the classic TV show sci-fi trope of eating pills for food had became a reality, would humans overtime no longer be able to chew?

    evolutionary wise, very far into the future would we develop different mouths and very few teeth? Pills as food wouldn't ever catch on, people like too much about food to just settle on eating pills for the rest of their lives. Even though there is a niche who enjoy huel.

    Mildly Infuriating LillianVS 1 year ago 90%
    The only 2 phones I own are not options for Trade-in for a new pixel.

    ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/11c514bd-bf4e-473a-852d-02c75c44462b.png) Fuck me in particular I guess? My currently owned phones are... LG G6 and Pixel 5a 5g The trade in is off the table then...

    Lemmy Be Wholesome LillianVS 1 year ago 98%
    Big Pupper
    Lemmy Shitpost LillianVS 1 year ago 91%
    My face itches!
    Mildly Infuriating LillianVS 1 year ago 95%
    Cities Skyline Update Broke My Mods - Won't tell me which mod is broken, just directs to a list on an excel and I have to manually check the excel to see which mod is broken.

    I have hundreds of mods, and bus skins which now do not work... I wish it didn't update :| I don't want an update, I just want to play the version it was already on. Booooooo! That is not mentioning the already infuriating amount of DLC they have released for this game. ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/a0c75bbe-7174-45ce-a502-bfc4e7ce6f6a.png) There are 62 DLCs for this game. Buying the full bundle is £221.18 for me.
